Newspaper Page Text
Opportunity Is Knocking At Your Door Via The Herald Classified Ads CONVICT DIES IN ESCAPE TRY Two Others Quickly Are II Rounded Up By Guards ANGLETON. Aug. 13. An at tempt to escape the Retrieve State prison farm cost Tom Larry, 24, I Harrison county convict, his life I Monday. \ Larry, who led s break of two I others besides himself, was shot to J death by Dog Sergeant Jack Mar ■ shall. The other men, Richard Roach, I serving 30 years , from Harrison I county for robbery with firearms. ■ and Johnny Mauldmg, in for two ■ years from Jefferson and Bexar V counties for theft, were quickly I rounded up by Capt. Ike Kelly, I (arm manager. Marshall, who had tracked down I the men after they managed to elude Guard G. M. Poole in the break from e squad of 24 men. fired f on Larry when the convict re fused to halt as he dodged about the Brazos river bottoms. One shot from the officer’s pistol killed the felon. Marshal] was exonerated after an Inquest by an Angleton justice of the peace. REYNOSA ROAD HOPES SOAR Saltillo - Monterrey Paving Boosts Chances For New Border Highway (Special to 1b* Herald) lie ALLEN, Aug. 13—Completion of the Saltillo-Monterrey highway project by the state government of Nuevo Leon, Mexico, has resulted in establishment of the Monterrey fteynosa highway as the chief high ajf project for that state, accord - to Paul T. Vickers, manager of the McAllen Chamber of Com merce. Vickers conferred with Nuevo Leon and Monterrey officials Sat urday and Sunday during a good will trip arranged by the McAllen Chamber of Commerce. Completion of the highway from Monterrey to Cadereyta, a distanoe of about 30 miles, all In Nuevo Leon, is scheduled for September 1. Vickers was informed. thus bringing a new paved highway from Mon terrey to a point within 60 miles of McAllen and Reynosa and the up per Rio Grande Valley. Meanwhile, efforts an being con tinued whereby Tamaullpas. bor dering Texas in this section, will begin the paving of the 60-mile stret.h from Cadereyta to Reynoea. opposite McAllen, in order to pro vide a new paved highway directly linking the Valley and Monterrey, Industrial capital of Northern Mex ico. McAllen and Reynosa good roads enthusiasts have been urging this highway program for several pears, the McAllen-Reynosa Inter national Highway Committee, com posed of McAllen and Reynosa business men. now being the moat active organization Interested in the project. DICTATOR LONG (Continued from Pag* One) capital's Interest. One was a state ’ xnent by Senator Capper (R-Kas) that any of a number of republi can presidential possibilities could oefeat Mr. Roosevelt next year. Another was word ©omir.g from administration circles indicating that Mr. Roosevelt may have some thing to say on constitutional questions and other matters In his forthcoming trip to the west I coast. , As for Senator Lone, politicians Avy long been speculating about nrhat he would do next year. He has been the administration’s tierces: critic in the senate since shortly after the inauguration of President Roo-eveit, after working herd for Mr. Roosevelt’s nomina tion at the convention. Administration leaders have said patronage was back of the break. Long's friends have replied that the Louisiana senator broke with the president over economy legis lation and patronage was denied him because ha refused to "go along.” There have been reporu that the president was concerned over the damage that Long might t) in the 1936 campaign es an inde pendent candidate. Critics of the admin 1st ration have contended U at recent mows of the president —particularly his tax program— a ere designed to break up Long's strength. Pome democrats feel that Long’s erndidacy might not prove dan gerous. They contend that if Sen ator LaPoUette fPro-Wls), Sen ator Norris (R-Neb> and other liberals support the president In 1936, Long would not draw many of the liberal votes away from the democratic cause. While LaPoUette and Norris have not disclosed their political plans for next year, they have been on the whole supporting the -New Deal” program in congress. Valley Gets Much Fishing Publicity Displays of mounted fish and photographs which the Brownsville Chamber of Commerce sent to j Kraniff Airways are attracting much attention, according to a let-! ter from W. F. Salathe, publicity Olrector of Branlff. The displays ere at the Chicago and Kansas City offices of the air Else. Included in the displays, which mere sent by the chamber with the Sof George Blanchard and J. H. ell, are tarpon, king mackerel, rtdflsh, and a large collection of photographs. A photograph of the Kansas Cit” d'splay has been sent here by 1 Salstlie. Prior to the World War, chlo- • 1 Vine gaa was the only lethal gas used , Is the United States. J Once Bitter Enemy Of ***** *.**** [Southland Spends His ***** ** *** Last Days at Santone SAN ANTONIO. Aug. 13. (A*)—' Major General John Lincoln Clem. 73 years ago the short-legged, lit tle drummer boy who beat the long roll at Shiloh and Chickamauga. quietly spent his eighty fourth birth day among the people of the south Tuesday. “Little Johnny." revered here of Union forces, timidly reminisced as he sat In his big colonial home deep In a southland he once opposed with drum and musket. There he will pass his remaining years. The tranquil little mar., dressed neatly in white linen which matched his only slightly thinning hair, shyly answered questions. “Why do they call ycu the drum-! mer boy of Chickimauga, general?" “I beat the long roll at Chicka he chuckled. *T was 13.” “Were you frightened?” “I think I was; I dodged plenty of bullets." Mrs. Clem Interposed to tell about a wound he received at Chicks mtuga and of his first promotion Protecting!?. General Clem passed a hand to his right ear where a heavy LAND PLOW.UP NETS $667,840 $150,595 Already Paid Out Rest to Be Received At Intervals (Special to The Herald) EDINBURO. Aug. 13 — Fanners In four Lower Rio Grande Valley counties will receive a total of $667, &40.02 for their participation in the federal government’s cotton and com-hog reduction programs, ac cording to figures received here from Washington Monday. Of the expected total, $150.595 41 was received and distributed during the first four months of 1935, ac cording to the totals listed, and the remainder will be. paid at intervals during the year. Cotton payments accounted for $125,007.67 of the total, while com-hog payments amounted to $25,588.74. Hidalgo county leads the Valley area in the amount expected, amount received and in payments to cotton and com-hog participants In the program A total of $311. 416.07 will be paid Hidalgo fanners, of which $72 932.49 has already been paid. The latter figure is divided as follows: cotton, $55963.11; and com-hog. $17970.38. Figures for the other three coun ties are as follows: Cameron county—Total to be re ceived. $154972.62; four months’ total received, $43,478.39; cotton, $37.17097; com-hog. $6,307.42. Starr county—Total to be receiv ed. 6123 648 77; four months’ total received. $14,519 24; cotton. $14, 319.24. Willacy county—Total to be re calved. $7790256; four months’ total received, $19,665 29; cotton, $17, 95495; com-hog, $1,71094. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT In the District Court of the United States for the Southern Dis trict of Texas, Brownsville Division. In the matter of R. E. Ewing, Bankrupt. No. 568, In Bankruptcy. To the Creditors of Said Bankrupt: Notice is hereby given that on the 12th day of August, 1935, the said Robert Erastus Ewing. Contractor, ol Harlingen. Cameron County, Texas, was duly adjudged a bank rupt, and the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the office of Ira Webster, Referee in Bank ruptcy, in the Stegman Building, Brownsville, Texas, on the 26th day oi August. 1935, at Eleven (11) A. M. at which time and place the i creditors of the said R. E. Ewing, I bankrupt, may appear, prove their * claims, elect a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such ether business as may properly come be fore such meeting. Dated August 12, 1935. Ira Webster, Referee in Bankruptcy. _(8-13— It—4999) CONSTABLE’S SALE , THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF CAMERON Notice Is Hereby Given that by vir tue of e certain Order of Sale, issued out of the Honorable 103rd Judicial District Court, of Cameron County, Texas, on the 12th day of August. A.’ D.. 1033, by J. J. Bishop. Clerk of said Court, for the sura of 01.134 M. wl*h interest thereon from the 12th day of July 1933. at the rate of ten per cent per i annum, and costs of suit, in favor of. j The Arrow Realty and Investment Company, under a Judgment in a cer- < tain cause numbered. 13734. in said court, and styled The Arrow Realty and Investment Company v». Howard E. Bell, and wife, Percis R. Bell, end the Jemet-Dicktnson Perm Mortgage Com-1 peny. a Missouri Corporation, placed In my hands for sendee. X. R. D. Loeano. as Constable of Precinct No. 2. Cam- | eron County, Texas did on the 12th (lay of August, A. D. 1935. levy on a certain: real estate, situated in Camaron Coun ty. Texas, described as follows to-wit; The South half of Block No. 37 of the Arroyo Oardens Unit No. 1, con- j taming 6 00 acres of land, more or leas, as said property appears upon map en titled “Amended Map of the Arroyo Gardens Unit No. 1” which map is now of reoord to Volume t, at page Tf of the Map Records of Cameron County. I Texas; and levied upon as the prop erty of Howard E Bell snd wife. Percis R. Ball, and the Jemee-Dicktnson Farm Mortgage Company, a Missouri corpora tion. and that on the first Tuesday of September. 1933 the seme being the 3rd day of said month, at the Court House doer, of Camercn County. Texas. In the City of Brownsville. Texas, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m . by vir tue of aa'.d levy and said Order of Sale. I will sail the above described real es tate. at public vendue for cash to the highest bidder, es the property of the ■aid Howard E. Bell and wife. Percis R. Bell and the James-Dickln-on Farm Mortgage Company, a Missouri corpora tlon; And in compliance with law. X give thla notice by publication in tha Eng lish language once a weak, for three consecutive weeks, immediately nreced •ng said day of sale, in Tha Bvowne vllle Herald, a newspaper published In Oemeron Countv. Texas. Witness m▼ h-ng this 12th day of Au~r—. A. v* t^S. H. D. LOZANO. Constable. Precinct Ho. 2 Cameron Oountv, Texas. t-13-20-27-3t-498g. scar disclosed the course of a ran dom bullet. He admitted he had been promoted to a sergeant on the field And why? “They say I shot a man." the gen eral answered. The story which he did net tell, but which Is recounted in history is that he killed him an enemy officer charging on him with a drawn saber; shot him frem his horse after re fusing to surrender. Three bullets whistled through his cap and for his bravery General William 8. Rose era ns, commander cf the army of the Cumberland, raised him to the rank of Sergeant. At the age of nine, “little Johnny" admitted, he ran away from home and enlisted in the army, but got un til he had been rejected once because of his age. The 22nd Michigan regi ment, stirred by his enthusiasm, fi nally took him along as their “mas cot." Before long he was beating “the long roll" In engagements with the Confederates. The drum soon gave way to a musket, conveniently short ened to accommodate his stature. After the war, back tc school, ap pointment to a second lieutenancy by President Grant; more promo tions; chief quartermaster of the Philippine Division- finally in 1915, retirement as brigadier general, with subsequent elevation to major gen eral. Tuesday General Clem's thoughts have strayed far from wir. There la no resentment toward the south. “Would you favor a reunion of Union and Confederate veterans?" he was asked. “I have long advocated It.” was the prompt reply. For the last four years he has liv ed In the big colonial home—“at peace with all the world.” LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE OF HEARING ON BUDGET Nouce is hereoy given Out the com missioners' Court of Cameron County, Texas, at a special meeting held at tne courthouse on July 25. 1935 has set August 16. 1930. at 10 ocioca e. m„ in the County Court Room et Brownsville, Texas, as the time and place lor a bear ing upon me adoption of a County Bud get for the calendar year beginning January I, 1936, all as prov.ded by Arucle 639e-U R. C. 8.. at which time any tax payer of Cameron County shall have the right to be present and par ticipate In said bearing, and all tax payers so interested ere especially invit ed to attend. OSCAR C. DANCY. County Judge Cameron County. Texas. 7-31-6-13-3t-4ee6. CONSTABLE'S SALE THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF CAMERON Nouce Is Hereoy Given that by vir tue of a carta.n Order of Sale, issued out of the Honorable 103rd Judicial District Court of Cameron County. Texas, cn the 13th day of August. A. D. 1935, by J. J. Bishop. Clerk of said Court, for the sum of M95.75, with Interest there on. from the 3rd day of July 1935, et the rate of ten per cent per annum, and costs of suit. In favor of The Arrow Realty and Investment Company, under a judgment in a certain cause number ed. 13<35 in said court, and styled The Arrow Realty and Investment Company, vs. The Cuates Development Company and Harry Oppenheimer. end wife, Fan nie Oppenheimer, placed in my hands for service. I. H. D. Lozano, as Con stable of Precinct No. 2. Cameron County, Texas did on the 12th day of August. A. D. 1933. levy on e certain real estate, situated In Cameron Coun ty. Texaa. described as follows, to-wit: The South five (3) acres of the nortb ten (10) acres of Block No. 14, In Share No. 13 of the Esplritu Santo Grant of land in said Cameron County. Texas, as said property appears upon map en titled ‘'Amended Map of the Arroyo Gardens Unit No. I," which map Is now of record in Volume 8. at the page 79 of the map Records of Cameron County, Texas, and levied upon as the property of The Cuates Development Company and Harry Oppenheimer and wife, tannic Oppenheimer. end that on the first Tuesday of September. 1935, the same being the 3rd day of said month, at the Court House door, of C&mcron County, Texas, in the city of Browns ville. Texes, between the hours of 10 e. m.. and 4 p. m., by virtue of said levy and said Order of Sale. I will sell the above described real estate at public vendue for cash to the highest bidder, as the property of the said Cuates De velopment Company and Harry Oppea heimer and wife, Fannie Oppenheimer; And in compliance with law, I give this notice by publication In the Eng lish language once a week for three consecutive weeks, immediately preced ing said day of sale, in The Brownsville Herald, a newspaper published In Cam eron County. Texas. Witness my hand this 12th day of August, A. D. 1935. B J). LOZANO. Constable. Precinct No. 3. Cameron County. Texas. g-13-20-21-31-4995. SHERIFF'S SALE THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF CAMERON Notice X* Hereby Given that by virtue of a certain Order of Sale issued out of the Honorable 103rd Judicial District Court of Cameron County ou the 12 day of August 1935. by J. J. Bishop, Clerk of said Court, for the sum of Five Thous and Nine Hundred Fifty and 96-100 Dollars, with interest and costs or suit, under a Judgment, in favor of R. E Barron in a certain cause in said Court. No. 13810 and styled: R. E Bar ron vs Valley Properties Co., at al.. placed In my hands for service, I. J. A. Goolsby, as Sheriff of Caiuaron Coun ty. Texas, did on the 12th day of August. 1935. Levy on certain Real Estate, sit uated in Cameron County. Texas, de scribed as lollowa to-wit: Lot No. 52 of the Parker Subdivision of La Ferla Grant in Cameron County. Texas, and levied upon as the property of Valley Prop erties. Inc., and L- S. McCafc and that on the First Tuesday In September. 1935. the same being the 3rd day of said mouth, at the Court House door of Cam eron County. In the City of Brownsville. Texas, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m by virtue of said levy and said Order of Sale. I will sell said above described Real Estate at public vendua. for ca«h to the highest bidder, as the property of said Valley Properties. Inc.. and L. 8. McCafe. And In compliance with law. I give this notice by publication. In the Eng lish language, ones a week for three consecutive weeks immediately preced ing said day of sale. In the Browns ville Herald, a newspaper published in Cameron County. Witness my hand this 12th day of August. 1S35. J. A. OOJLSBY. Sheriff. Cameron County. Texas. By Gustavo Vera. Deputy. 8-13-20-27-3t-4888. CITATIOjTbY PUBLICATION THE STATE OP TEXAS To the Sheriff or Anv Constable of Cameron County—GREETING: You Are Herrbv Commanded to sum mon Charles W Harden by making pub. llcatIon of this Citation once in each week for four consecutive weeks prev ious to the return day hereof In apma newspaper published la your County, if ANNOUNCEMENTS WALSH Sheet Metal Works now located at 405 13th Street. M-110 WALL PAPER MORRIS LUMBER COMPANY CIGARETTE DEALERS—Books for keeping records of retail Cigarette &alee according to law for sale at Bishop's Print Shop. N-8 6 Personal STOMACH ULCER, Gas Pains. In dlgestion victims, why suffer? For quick relief get a free sample c? Udga, doctor’s prescription at McKay’s Pharmacy. M-65 7 Professional DR. C. RANZELL CHIROPRACTIC Antinic Rays Baths Foot Correction * No. • Cromack Bldg. 8 Travel Opportunities UNION BUS LINES Past Doodad Buses Leaving Har lingen 6:80 a m and 8pm dahy Arrives San Antomo 1.16 p. m and 10:15 p. m. San Antomo 33*0 Dallas 18.80—Aouene 88*5— Austin LUO—Chicago 131.40 - St Louis 817*0. Madison Hotel, phone 405. Harlingen, Miller hotel, Browns ville; Edinburg Hotel, phone 222, Edinburg; McAllen, phone 32; San Benito, phone 234; Raymondville, phore 8. PORT ISABEL EXPRESS Operating under Railroad Com mission of Texas Certificate Number 2394. Two round trips dally to San Benito, Brownsville, Loe Fres nos and Port Isabel. Counce's with all truck lines serving the Valley locally and' from up state. Faet service to all points serv ed directly and by connectin lines. San Benito Brownsville Port Isabel 130 1030 2 McALLEN, REYNOSA BUS DAILY SCHEDULE Leaves Leaves McAllen Reynosa 8:30 a. m. 7:30 a m. 10 00 a m. 9:00 a m. 12.00 pm. ll.oo a m. :00 p m. 1:00 p m. 8:00 p m. 5:00 p no. 4:00 p m. 8:00 p m. 8:00 p m. 7 00 p m. Special bus from Reynosa Sat urday and Sunday 10 30 p m. Try The Herald Classified Ads Ta Get sutiti Classified rates. 20 words or leas, one laceration .. 40c Over SO words, one insertion per word . 8c Subsequent insertions run consecutive ly. per word .Hkc Minimum. 10 woraa. By month, per word . 30c i To insure publication on the same day Classified ads must be m the office by 10 a. m on week days, and by noon on Saturday for Sunday’s paper Legal notices Is per word each truer tloa Phone number I and ask for tbe Classi fied Department An aapetfeneed ad writer will give helpful suggestions If wanted, and tell you what the ad will cost. Then later in the day a boy will sail on you with tbe bill and you may pay him. Check your ad when it first appears as The Herald Is not responsible for more than one incorrect Insertion. Note: All Classified advertising is on a strictly cash basis .» EGAL ADVERTIS1- WENT there be a newspaper published therein, but If not. then In the nearest county where a newspaper is published; to ap . pear at the next regular term of the 103rd Distrlot Court of Cameron County, Texas, to be held at tha Court House thereof, m Brownsville, on the 3rd Monday in September A. D. 1933. seme being the 16th day of September, 1933, then and there to answer a petition, filed in said Court on the lltb day of July A. D. 1933. in a suit numbered on the docket of said Court. No. 13619. wherein Jack Todd la Plaintiff and Charles w Hardin Is defendant and the cause of action being alleged as fol lows: Suit to foreclose e chattel mort gage on the certain boat celled "The Flower of Prance." Reg. No. P-393. said chattel mortgage having been given to secure a balance of 9600 00 due on pur chase price thereof, due and payable In taro installments of 9300 00 aach. said installments being now past due. and plaintiff electing to declare eald In debtedness due and payable; Herein Pall Not. But have you before eald Court, on eald flrat day of tha next term thereof, this Writ, with your re turn th-reon. showing how you have executed the same. Witness Mv Hsnd and Official Beal at mv office in Brownsville. Texas, this 39th dev of July A. D. 1933. (SEALI J. J. BISHOP Clerk Dletnet Court. Cameron County. Texaa By J. R. 8nn»b*rr»* Depu'v. T-30-6-13-30-4t-4698 AUTOMOTIVE 10 Autos For Sals SEE OUR USED CARS At Lot Across from Herald Bldg. Brownsville Motor Co. CHYSLER — PLYMOUTH PHONE 427 1934Chevrolet master coach; 4 new tires. Finish and mechanical condition OK. This was our family car. Trade, terms, Q. h. Bingley, Los Fresnos. USED CAR SPECIALS 1932 Chevrolet Coach. 1983 Ford Victoria. 1932 Chevrolet Coupe 1934 ChevTolet Coupe. 1931 Ford Sedan 1933 Ford pick-up, new motor. 1931 Ford Tudor. 1933 Ford Tudor 1934 Pontiac Sedan. 1931 gtudebaker Sedan. PATTESON MOTOR CO. 927 Elizabeth — Phone 888 CHEVROLET USED CAR LOT Across from Postoffice 1Q39 CHEVROLET truck 1930 HKl 103 3 CHEVROLET lyoo COACH Two 1930 Ford Sport Roadster! Seaman Chevrolet Co. PHONE 410 READY CASH can easily be bad for old furniture and miscellaneous articles you no longer need Just place your offer in The Herald Classified section. MANSUR MOTORS Dodge — Plymouth Sales and Service 904 Washington Phone 141 14 Auto Repairs and Paint WRECKS Rebuilt and major overhauling. Including front end alignment, brakes and duco. on time pay ments. We have reduced our prices. No finance charge. We guarantee all repairs against defective workmanship and materials. Call us collect. We will come after your car. Bingley Motor Co. CHEVROLET DEALERS LOS FRESNOS PLACE YOUR Classified ads befere 10 a m. week days and noon Saturday for proper classification. BUSI. CHANCES 17 BuibtM for Sale FOR SALS: Meat Market, fully equipped. Good location. Cheap rent, write owner Box 1183, Har lingen, Texas. BUS SERVICES 25 Buildera-Contractors BEN V. PROCTER Consulting Engineer and Architect Preliminary Investigations, Detail Plans and Construction Supervision Examinations and Reports 615 11th St. Phone 151 BROWNSVILLE NEW OFPORTUNTIES are offered dally on The Herald Classified page. The bargain wise read and use th . page regularly. 28 Moving Trucks—Storage AUSTIN TRANSFER CO, M3 10th St Moving and crating. Phone 421. U-M MASON TRANSFER CO. Contractors for Missouri Pacific Pick up and Delivery 8ervlce Hauling of All Kinds 8th * FRONTON - PHONE 139 Picking of All Kinds 34 Insurance J. S. FORD & SONS Insurance of every kind Phone 1129 1*4 State National Bank Bldg. MERCHANDISE 52 Household Goods FURNITURE BARGAINS Iron cots with pad $4.00. Iron beds with springs. $5.50. Wicker aettee, $0.00. Remington typewriter, $10.00. Shot gun. $3.50. Steamer trunk 95.00. Violins and guitara very cheap Hargis Furniture Co. Next door to Dlttmann Theater PHONE 180 IP YOU WANT to buy. sell. rent or exchange just phone The Brownsville Herald Classified Ad Department. An experienced ad taker will gladly assist you* SIDE GLANCES ... George Clark 4Tm accepting this invitation because they owe us a dinner After tonight I never want to see them again ” MERCHANDISE 54 For Sale* Miscellaneous FOR SALE—Cora Col- barrels; cap acity 50 gallons. Price SI SO Brownsville Coca Cola Bottling Co. N41 VALSPAR FRONTIER LUMBER CO. We Specialize in REBLOCKING Knitted Woolen and Boucle Dresses ****£bsH Amo Dry Cleaning GoJnc PHONE 1 THE CHEAPEST easiest way to rent, buy or sell Is through the Classified columns of The Herald 57 Lbr. and Bldg. Materia! MORE BARGAINS Gum. Magnolia. Bay and oak 1 inch rough or dressed S30.00 to $50.00 per M.; B Sc B siding $25.00; 2x4. 2x6 and 1x12 $23.00; 1 and 2-inch Wild Cherry and Genuine Red Cedar, rough or dressed. Split hickory and Red wood. J. W. Richards, Inc., Combes. 60 Seeds-PlanU-Flowart ROSES. Beautiful Roeee-.Many va rieties and colors. Only 25c doz en. Corner Ringgold and 18th St. M-123 PLANT ZINNIAS now for PaU blooms. All colon and sixes in stock. Groves and Co. N-23 FLOWERS for all occasions. We telegraph flowers anywhere. Los Ebanos Greenhouse Company. Phone 1588.K-55 HERALD CLASSIFIED ada do big jobs tor utile mouey. Pnont 16. and place your offer before thousands of Valley bargain bunt era -^unLrur^nu-rtf ^ ^ ■ ■ ■— RENTALS 1 63 Apartments NEL-ROY Apartments, newly dec orated. $20-00 and no. All bills paid. t-as FURNISHED .Apartment, wrater and gas paid. Fitch Apartments. Phone 17. N-52 SAI* CARLOS Apartment!: Bed rooms and apartments. Private or connecting bath. J. F. Dixon, Mgr., Phone 1589 M-61 DEL FRANCIS Apartments—Newly decorated; exceptionally well fur nished; unusually cool; $40 00 month. Apply on premises or Todd and Underwood, phone 183. N-53 64 Rooms DELIGHTFULLY COOL bedroom: modern American home; garage; one or two gentlemen. Phone 415 W.N-50 69 Wanted To Rent WANTED TO RENT—By Sept. 1st, three or* four room unfurnished duplex, apartment or small house, w*.l located; permanent and res ponsible family of two adults. Phone 812 J. _N-35 REAL ESTATE MONEY TALKS $2,800.00 buys ultra-modern 5-room stuoco house In excellent condition, hardwood floors, screened In front and back porches, double garage and on corner lot: 1300.00 cash: balance $35.42 per month including Interest. Original loan. $3,200.00 and formerly sold for $5,500.00. $6,000 00 buys well located ultra modern 6-room brick veneer and hollow tile home, textone finished Inside, hardwood floors, front and back porches, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, breakfast nook, nice servant quar ters with tile shower bath, double garage with concrete floor and driveway: $2,250.00 cash; balance over a period of 15 years at 5% In terest. This Is one of the most livable homes In Brownsville. S. C. Graham & Company Arcade Bldg. — Phone 178 Brownsville Texas Pre-Port Bargains 8-room two atory modern house in £ood repair, near High School on evee St. $4,250.00, term*. Five room house with furniture. Textone finished; garage; well loc ated on paved street. $2,500.00. 10% down, balance monthly. MONSEES & QUILTER Merchants Ban* Bldg. Phone 151 70 Houaea For Sal* i , __ GOOD FiVE-KOOM home and lot, $4,500. Write Box M-8J Herald. •\*-83 - Legendary Hero HORIZONTAL 1 Richard Wag ner’s hero who married Valkyrie. I He is hero in two - —a. 14 Land right. 15 Land measures 17 Dry. 18 To wander. 19 To Intone, to Ndl tamed, tl Ou the lee. 21 Aurora. 23 Auction. • 24 To sin. •! 25 Tree. . 27 Like. 28 Bosomed 32 Skillet. 33 Demtgoddess of fate. 34 Collar 38 Fashionable. 38 To rent. 39 Tribunal. 40 Part of a church. Answer to Previous Puule IgL^ialWcM 1) IBirL'ir™ |R ARJ-Hp os^ilong ojoaff fi P O N p BURNEY aTO g[g|reIS STONE |||g|gg|] Skip MBiaralMg 44 iniquity. 45 L«t bon*. 48 8*cur**. 49 Brilliant show 51 Door fastening 52 English coins. 53 To drench. 54 Herb. (5 These music dramas are called “Ring of the-.* *> 56 He is also hero or many u<»r man -e. VERTICAL l Rail (bird). S Heathen god. S Edge of a roof 4 Merriment. 5Tho»e who race. I Blood of tho cods. 7 Epoch*. 8 Lair. 10 Cats' fett. 11 Assam silk* worm. 12 Rivulet. 15 Added number.' 16 Slab of stone. * 24 Artist's frame. 25 Sea eagle. 26 Geld house. 29 Curse. 29 Turf. 30 Three. 31 Being. 33 Kettle. 35 Badger. 36 Fireplace shelf 37 Tooted. 39 Prejudice. 40 Prize contest. 41* Fairy. 42 To pierce with a knife 43 Essential being. |f 44 Moth larva. * 45 Scoria. 46 Cavity 47 Portrait statue 50 To peruse. MICKEY MOUSE . By Walt Dwney J r 1 “■“"“■""Imm—mm m man ill V I IM mi. ' . .— - ■ ■ — ■■ — . , , ..,■—■1-11 - . , . . ■ . ■ — . , "1. i - 11 - 1 111 » ^ 7*5 ) wot THUH V AINT AOOIN AUV) ! iT Ain't vjh scankety-blank SAFE F00k‘ |F wE "TURN BACK WITH NO Wf?E DONE wathr! I'm not lsavin' MV BON 16 IN “THIS RA-n. V HOtl! __ ^ I SURE WISH Me.Tfco! I'M SO DRV I coulonV (SRAM PA HAD EVEN LICK A BURiED HIS POSTAGE GOLD SOME P.Acf v STAMP'/> NeARE ^ MPy OC