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STATEMENT IN SLAYING CASE DENIAL MADE Witness Tells How He Let Auto Run Over Embankment With Body In It COLEMAN, Sept. 20. (JPJ-The de fense rested in Louis Reis’ murder trial Friday after a number of Tal pa witnesses testified Fred Brcwn, Coleman county rancher in whose killing Reis allegedly was involved, was of “dangerous and violent char acter.-' Sheriff Mills and Deputy George Rooery were called as rebuttal wit nesses for the state to testily con cerning a Statement Reis had made to District Attorney A. O Newman Ihursoay Reis repudiated most oi the statement. Sheriii Mina and the deputy said they did not hear District Attor ney Newman promise to *et the “de fendant go home" u he wouul mane the statement. W. C. Katchft, ban Angeio paice chief, testified he was In the office of Newman wnen Reis made the statement and that New man made no promises. He said Newman informed the deiendant any statement made might be used •gainst him in trial of the case. Reis testified that money found by officers in his father's garage was given to him by Brown at Val era the Tuesday be.ore the killing. He said he threw a pair of gloves and an iron pipe into Home Creek because he had “no further use for them.'' He could not swear the pipe was the one with which Brown was killed. The gloves were worn, he said, to keep from being fingerprint, ed. He testified he drove the Brown car with the body of Brown to Black well Hill, put it in gear, stepped from the car and let it run over an em bankment Afterward, he said, he and Wood went from Blackwell Hill to his home near T&lpa and he changed clothes, throwing a pair of trouters Ina well on his father's farm the next morn ing. The killing occurred May 3. Reis denied most of a statement made to District Attorney A. O. Newman May 5. saving “it was just part of his story” ‘BECKY SHARP’ AT CAPITOL Miriam Hopkins in the technicolor production “Becky Sharp” with a great all-star supporting cast, showing Friday and Saturday at the Capitol, Brownsville. Also on the program the Dionne Quintuplets in 'Going on Two Years". Movie Sidelights QUEEN In “The Dawn Rider," showing Friday and Saturday at the Queen Theatre. John Wayne adds another smash hit to his already long list by his hard-riding, two-listed lights against odds and his daring feats. John Wayne returns to his home town after a long absence, only to find that his father has been lulled a few minutes before by bandits. Wayne rides in pursuit oi the killers, but is shot from his horse in the en suing gun battle. The robbers escape and John crawls back to his pal Ben’s cabin, where he is nursed back to health by Ben’s sweetheart, Alice Gordon. John decides to take the law into his own hands to avenge the death of his father. From this gripping situation the plot of "The Dawn Rider” plunges John Wayne into a series of danger ous crises. The thrilling climax has seldom been equaled in western pic tures. CAPITOL It was to the inner circles of Lon dons high society that Thackeray’s ambitions and intriguing heroine aspired. Therefore it is with the Mayfair elite that "Becky Sharp.” showing Friday and Saturday at the LET’S GO! L To the Giant Show! !l| A $6.60 musical comedy on Y the screen! Stars of ra dio, screen, stage! Song hits galore! Girls! Howls! 1 Thrills! Romance! Spec l tacle! . at**1 *°SoAo*tl1 \\\ — EXTRA — POPEYE The Sailor NEWS Vww—— i ■■■'— ■ MIDNITE PREVIEW SATURDAY SUNDAY f I MONDAY Today and Saturday Aft Dazzling Aft a Hollywood Premiere! i With a screen full of stars . . . and a story that's loaded with lilting lyric . . . romance and rhythm. nu u«Y ROBERT TRTLOR ► ELEANOR POWELL UNA NERRET XOTB: Continuous showing (Friday-Saturday-Sunday and Mon day from 1:9© to 11:00 P. M.I—ADMISSION PRICES: Matinee (1:©0—6:00 P. M.) except Sunday; Children—10c: Adults—25c; Sunday (Matinee and Evening Children—10c; Adults, Balcony— tSc Main Floor—35c. * ,U5«ky" j»SUa™owd'1*Wrth. the Mg? ‘JjcSS&J Crawley, her husbancL Sir Cedric Hardwlcke is Th®ck€rsy's faxrou^ menace, the Marquis of Steyne. Nigel Bruce is Joseph Sediey. Frances Dec is his lovable sister. Amelia. Alison Skipworth is Miss Crawley. Yesterday they were eleven. To morrow?’ 8X8 bUt eiitl Wh8t U t0~ m Th^ is the question which ever gomstefoie^soldlersof^TI^I^ of the* desert featuring Victor Mc Laglen, Boris Karloff. Reginald Denny. Wallace Ford and others of a powerful cast, fire picture is showr ingWd^atthe DlttmdnththdaS oasis in which they are miking their last heroic stand. To move beyond the fringe of sheltering palms is to -.— 11 |,SAW B1N I TO TODAY JX., I *An EPIC NOVEL.. I I kAh EPIC PICTURE/ I CLHRK GABLE JACK 10 NOONS CALL OF, I THE WILD HI with ton ITT A YOUNG JACK OAKIt A HatMJOWIN Karttanna DaMlUA MICKEY MOUSE In TECHNICOLOR VARIETY — NEWS Ruo THEATRE LA FER1A Independent Home Owned Theatre — FRIDAY — “Living on Volvof” Kay Francis . The Big Night —* SATURDAY — GARY COOPER “The Virginian” — SUNDAY — I Premier Valley Showing ■CALL OF THE WILD’ Jack Oakie, Loretta Young and Clark Gable strike “pay dirt" in 20th Century's “Call of the Wild’’ showing Friday and Saturday at the Rlvoli Theatre, San Benito. - - - - ------- -- -- --- RIVER RIVALS WIN FILM LAUGHS What happens when one great American humorist meets another great American humorist? In Fox Film's ' Steamboat Round the Bend 1 this situation is bringing gales of laughter as Will Rogers and Irvin Cobb match wits and wiles as rival steamboat captains on the old romantic Mississippi. Showing Sunday and Monday at the Capitol. Brownsville. meet destruction, swift and terrible. Heat, hunger and uncertainty tor ture them as they await their doom. Some face the end with laughing gal lantry. speaking of part loves and gay adventures Others grow sullen and restive, while the reason of one totters to leave him a patheUc. but noble, madman. And always the cir cle of saber marked sand mounds within the oasis grows. RIVOLI, SAN BENITO Americas last frontier is gone— but not forgotten. A vital, moving record of its two-fisted heroics, its wild turmoil, is preserved for post erity in celluloid. The Klondike— Skagway—Dawoon—the last geogra. : phical landmarks of a vanishing .»rentier live again on the screen in 30th Century’s ‘Call of the Wild," which began a two day engagement at the Rivoli Theatre in San Benito. Friday with Clarke Gable. Loretta Young and Jack Oakie in the lead ing roles. Gable is seen as a swashbuckling prospector who meets a young San Francisco society beauty, played by Loretta Young, cn the trail. Jack Oakie supplies the comedy 1 relief as Gable’s wise-cracking buddy, while also prominently cast are Frank Conrov, Reginald Owen. Katherine deMille. Sidney Toler and "Buck, the new dog star. ARCADIA. HARLINGEN The headline stars of stage, screen and radio are presented theatre goers' In the new romantic musical, j “Broadway Melody of 1936, showing ! Friday and Saturday at the Ar cadia theatre in Harlingen. Headed by Jack Benny, number one hero of the air waves, the cast of noted entertainers includes: Eleanor Powell, the "world’s great est feminine tap dancer;” Robert Taylor, Hollywood's most rapidly rising luminary; popular Una Mer kel; June Knight, stage and screen favorite; Nick Long. Jr„ world-fa mous acrobatic dancer; Vilma and Buddy Ebsen, Broadway stage fa vorites; Robert Wildhack, the "snore specialist,” who created a sensation on the stage and repeated his success on radio; Prances Langford, radio's songbird, and Harry Stcckwell, New York singer famous on both stage and an the air. Food Handlers Must Have Blood Tested (Special to Tha Herald) HERL1NGEN. Sept. 20. — Food handlers here must undergo blood tests as a result of an amendment to the city health ordinance passed this week. The amendment was recommended by the medical society. The quarterly report of the cham ber of commerce presented by Mgr. A. L. Brooks was approved. Stanley Bliss, architect, suggest ed that a bronze plaque with names of the present commissioners replace the old plaque on the auditorium which is being rebuilt, but no action | was taken on this suggestion. Troop School Reopen* (Special to The Herald) SAN BENITO, Sept. 20.-V.he Re serve officers troop school will re open Wednesday night at the cham ber of commerce, according to Maj. Harry M. Carroll, instructor. The troop school has been recessed for two months. KIDS . . Help Find “Pluto” at the PARD DOG SHOW . . Front Jitney Junrle Saturday 'lorn* 9*3t • • • • Do* Collar For -Pluto” Then march with “PLUTO” to the Mickey Moose Clnba Meeting . . . 10:30 Special Show and Initiation . , • of Plato Admission. Se IX ACTION John Wayne in “The Dawn Rid er”. the feature picture Friday and Saturday at the Queen Thea tre. Brownsville. Also the new serial “The Miracle Rider star ring Tom Mix. _ Dr. Kaplan Leaves For Army Service Dr H. J. Kaplan, who has be n practicing medicine in Brownsville I or the past several months, has been commissicned in the medical corps of the United States army. Dr. Kaplan has left for Fort Sim Houston to report for duty. He was a lieutenant in the reserve. Mrs Kaplan and their young son expect I to join him at Fort Sam Houston later. The Boy Scouts won’t have their jamboree in Washington, but they'll be sure of having their health at home. MIDNITE SHOW Saturday Nite 11:30 KAY FRANCIS ‘THE GOOSE AND THE GANDER’ with George Brent Claire Dodd Ralph Forbea Attend the Midnlte Shows Blttmam — TONIGHT — “The Lott Patrol” With Victor McLaflen Boris Karloff Hearts that Bum for Women on the Burninf Sands of Hell Columbia Comedy Admission.We [ devours doughnuts by dozen I Sid Silvers takes the edge off his appetite by devouring a couple of dozen doughnuts while Jack Benny and Una Merkel watch with dis dain in this scene from Metro-Ooldwyn-Mayer's musical. Broadway Melody of 1936", showing Sunday and Monday with special midnlte preview Saturday at the Rivoli Theatre, San Benito. County Treasurer Returns From Trip Mrs. Muy Moses, Cameron coun ty treasurer, has returned from a vacation of three weeks, in which she Included a trip to the famous cav erns at Calsbad, New Mexico. The trip was made by automobile, and Mrs. Moses was accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. J. E- Terrell of San Antonia “The more I saw of ether parts of the country, the more I appreciated our Valley," Mrs. Moses said. ‘There is no comparable development any where. and I believe it is much more pleasant in summer climate." TODAY and SATURDAY am 1 ik Ajflf !;§? k i I I * # * I t^L 15 Weeks of Thrills . . Starts With a 1 Reel Featare And . .. John Wayne in “THE DAWN RTDER” And the last Chapter “Mystery Mour.iain” And Cartoon Ford Agency Opened By La Feria Men « Social to The HemHl LA run A. Sept. 20—A number of the 1935 model Ford V-8 cars are now on display In the show room of the new Ford sub-agency located m the building formerly occupied by the Knight-Whippet company. The new concern Is under the management of Walter Orot zinger. assisted by Bob Anderson An automobile repair and paint shop will be operated In connection with the agency by Grotzinger and Anderson, .who are both experienced mechanics. Adult Education JClatae* to Begin pedal to Tbs Herald! GEN, Sept. 20. — Various classes in adult education will begin Friday n’ght when everyone over 1® years of age may enroll for Spanish and other counts. . Various subjects will be taugh* according to the demand. Spanish classes will be held at the high . school and general education classes I at Alamo (West Ward! school. ■ The only expense to students will be writing mate rial____ CMtlO BOWM TNI , aivia with wm * aooitl IN A •WflMK CliatINt Of MAMA. MMMON. PATHOS. TIM0I* k aOMANCI AN0 f HKIAMIAI A0 r VENTURI IN OM| Of TMf MOOISt CNTt*IMMMl« *X TII0MPNS TNS \ scan n has \ ivta AoacvtM Sunday and Monday hjagdi TODAY and Saturday ....-r:rrss=ss=r *■ r NOW1 A Miracle of Beautyl The first full length picture in jQvtiuf COLOR Th# omoz>”9 l»o»y Of th* ca'»l'«« chomtr who ro*o from fho mud of o bonl#fi«Id -'BECKY SHARP' FIANCES DEE CEDMC MAKDW1CSE / ALISON SBIFWOKTH KtUI SOME - ‘ EXTRA A Complete 2 Reel Fes tare IlThe DIONNE QUINTUPLETS in ♦‘GOING ON TWO YEARS” j Theatre, Brownsville FRIDAY and Saturday Sept. 20 Sk 21 Starts 15 Weeks of Thrills , TOM Tn His First Great Thrill Serial Me MIRACLE RIDER’ WITH The Wonder Hone fe* Whom Too All Know £ , Plus the Big Action Western Feature JOHN WAYNE in “THE DAWN RIDER” see _ ^ ——s> The Last Chanter of “Mystery Mountain" — And — The first Two Chapters (5 Reels of “MIRACLE RIDER" Here's how you may see all 16 Episodes of this big serial by getting your friends and neighbors, who are not at this time subscribers to The Herald, to glee you their subscription. For every two new subscriptions you turn in you receive one adult ticket, good for one showing at the Queen Theatre. A new subscriber is one that has not been on the books of The Herald for SO days. Turn in as many new subscribers that you ran. For every two new subscribers you will receive one ticket. Please have carrier start The Herald at address below: NAME. ADDRESS . Turned In By. ®lje Snramsinllr Herald