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Newspaper Page Text
The Thrifty Buyer and Seller Read and Use The Herald Want Ads Regularly Mi** Lucille Sheppard Youngest daughter of Senator and Mrs. Morris Sheppard of Texas, Miss Lucille Sheppard is pictured in action during an archery tour nament at a girls’ camp near Kerrville, Tex., where she was high point winner and received an all-star rating with the bow and ar row. MU* Sheppard will spend the winter in Washington, where she will be graduated from high school next spring. Kice tor INewIywed Perrys It Isn't often that Fred Perry, world's No. 1 tennis amateur, can't five as food as is s*eit, but, not having a pocket full of rice, be couldn't return bis friends’ volley of rice as be and bis glamorous Him star bride, Helen Vinson, left New York on tbeir honeymoon. Be • ducking, but the shower doesn't seem to go against Jdrs. Parry’s t grain. JOE LOUIS MISSES WITH A LEFT | » Jo* Louis Larry Johnson tparmate Larry Johnson was lucky when he ducked the swishing left uppercut that Joe Louis threw his way tn a training bout at Pompton Lakes. N J.. where the Detroit Brown Bomber ha.« been training u* moot Mas Baer. Sept 24. in New York. Notice tho muscles in Joe's left arm. i announcements SHELLED PECANS, new crop. We pounds. Broadway Confection' cry* 1140 Washington. NM23 M. L. DOUGLAS (Sweet Brier Dairy) Pasteurized Milk Phone 732 — Dally Delivery Dependable Merchandise MORRIS LUMBER COMPANY 6 Personal STOMACH ULCER, Gas Pains, In digestion victims, why suffer? Por quick relief get a free sample of UDGA, a doctor’s prescription at McKay’s Pharmacy. N-W Roper’s New Aid , i ... ■ .—.. -. • Ernest 0. Draper of Easton, aid., la the new assistant secretary o' commerce. He's shown signing documents that signalized bis ac ceptance of tbe post as aid tc Secretary Daniel Roper. Knox on Stump Col. Frank Knox. Chicago publisher, speaking at Wellesley, Mass., in what is regarded as one of opening guns in his campaign for Republi can nomination for Presidency. | Aoah Numskuu. I DEAR. NOAH* I* IT SAFE FORA owe MAN -TO •jump at conclusions? A.M. CARbthori, CHATTANOOSA , TVAIM • --K- ■ --- —---A,- -.i DEAR NOAH* IP A chimney sweep P»i-C DOWN THE CHIMNSY WOULD HE CATCH -me Ptu T MISS ZCLMA CULP. Mishawaka ,1X0- _ PUT ON YOUR NUMSKULL CAP AND THINK. OUT a MEW NUMB NOTIONS *0* NOAM — [announcements ft Trawl Opportunities McALLEN, REYNOSA BUS DAILY SCHEDULE Leave* Leave* McAllen Reynoea |:S0 a. m 7:30 a m 10 00 a. m. 9:00 a m. 12:00 pm. 11:00 a m. :00 p m. 1:00 p tn. 1:00 p m. 1:00 p m. 4:00 p m. 3:00 p tn. 8:00 p 8L 7:00 p OB. Special bus from Reynosa flat* unlay and Sunday 10:30 p m. UNION BUSLINES Short routs from Harlingen to Santone • Abilene - Big Springe - Amarillo - Dalles - Kansas City - St. Louis - Chicago • Memphis. Madison Hotel Arcade, p. O. Box ISA Phone 408. Harlingen. 9 Cafes and Hotel* WHITE KITCHEN Th® Largest, Cleanest and Coolest Restaurant in the Valley. AUTOMOTIVE 10 Autos For Sale SEE OUR USED CARS At Lot Across from Herald Bldg. Brownsville Motor Co. CHYSLER - PLYMOUTH PHONE 427 CHEVROLET USED CAR LOT Acroi* from Postoffice 1930 TUDOR 1QX) NASH SPORT P.OADSTER ini') CHEVROLET VJOL SPORT COUPE lOTT CHEVROLET jvi TON TRUCK Seaman Chevrolet Co. PHONE 410 USED CAR SPECIALS 1932 Plymouth Coupe 1932 Chevrolet Coach. 1932 Chevrolet Coupe 1931 Studebaker Sedan. 1932 Chevrolet 6-pa&senger Coupe 1933 Ford Sedan' 1931 Ford Sedan 1930 Ford Tudor PATTESON MOTOR CO. nt EUntwth — Phon. SO . ... USED CARS 1832 Ford cedar, perfect ap pearance and -cuditlon 1832 Chrysler sedan. 1833 Buick Coupe, slightly used, (repoBsesecd *. 1831 Chevrolet Sedan 1834 General Electric Car Radio, bargain. Wells Motor Co. J th & Washington Phone 68 “Priced To Sell” USED 14 ft. Electric Refrigerator 15 ft. Electric Refrigerator 18 ft. Electric Refrigerator One Gao Range Three Used Ice Boxes TOM STEVENSON CO. 1333 Levee Phone 323 BUS. SERVICES 28 BoildervContracten BEN V. PROCTER Consulting Engineer and Architect Preliminary Investigations. Detail nans and Construction Supervision Examinations and Reports 815 Uth 8t Phons 151 BROWNSVILLE 28 Moving Trucks—Storage MASON TRANSFER CO. Contractors for Missouri Pacific Pick up and Delivery Service Hauling of All Kinds 8th & FRONTON - PHONE 188 Packing erf All FtnAf BUS SERVICES AUSTIN TRANSFER CO. MS 10th St Moving and crating. Phooa «L U-66 30 Fix It REFRIGERATOR Servlee Nlckle, •liver and gold plating. DeKorte, Phone 1025. ©4§ 32 Printing—Office Sup. PRINTING Of AJ1 Kindi PHONE 927 RECIO BROS. T22 12th fit. HERALD CLASSIFIED ads do big jobs tor little money Phone lfj . and place your offer before thousands of Valley bargain hunt era 34 Insurance _____ I ! EMPLOYMENT 35 Help Wanted—Male WANTED — High school student* with light cor for Sunday R. F. D. delivery work. A few hour* work, good pay. on Sunday morning for routes in Hidalgo and Willacy counties Must be honest. Write Circulation Dept. Brownsville Herald 0-91 WANTED—School hoy for work In Mailing Department In after noons. 13 to 18 years of age. Circulation Dept. Brownsville Herald. _0-91 37 Salesmen— Agents WANTED By large responsible corporation, man between ages of 28 and 38. Must have sales ability and knowl edge of bookkeeping. Credit and collection experience also desired. In application give past experi ence and connections All replies held in strict confidence. Box 0-89. Herald. EMPLOYMENT 37 S»l«n»«n—Agents THE LARGEST Lithographing - Priming and County stationery Supply House in Texas desires the services of an experienced trav eling salesman for South Texas One who has traveled this terri tory preferred. Give complete de is Us in first letter. Apply Box 0-86. Herald. 0-88 39 Situations Wanted POSITION WANTED by single man. 23. Two years college. Wines* college diploma • stenographic, clerical or other work. Box 0-85 Herald._ 0-83 • FINANCIAL 44 Wanted To Borrow WANTED CAPITAL About 13.000.00 for expansion pur poses. for well established paint, sporting goods and hardware busi ness In the Valley. Acceptable party, with the money, assured posi tion with ths company and mod erate salary to begin with, or will consider partner Bo* 0-76. Browns ville Herald. LIVESTOCK 49 Horaea-Cattle FOR RALE CHEAP—Twenty good mules. Apply C. Barreda, Browra vllle.0-48 MERCHANDISE FOR SALE—Factory - made Dixie boat, fine shape, with trailer, bar gain at 880. Phone 1088. 0-81 S2 Household Gw»da FOR SALE CHEAP—Two Iren beds, one set of springs and cabinet style Victrola. Phone 812 4. 0-70 54 For Sole, Miscellaneous VALSPAR FRONTIER LUMBER CO. 18.000 Satisfied /L »0*D«D ^ Customers l MRMImX J 8-year Vli«jui*tion -< BONDED ^-^ J Guarantee Bruce Termini* A CALL FOB FBEE 1 INSPECTION I Morris Lbr Co Brownsville It 1 A W Neck ic Bony Brownsville South Texas Lbr. Co . Harlmgenw Taylor Lbr. Co. Harlingen Spencer-Sauer Lbr Co.. Harlingen South Texas Lbr. Co.. San Benito Scott Lbr. Co., Ravmondvllle Hardin Lbr. Co.. Raymondvill# J. V. Wood & Bro. Santo Roso SIDE GLANCES - - - George Clark _____ "Now listen, Boggs, there’s no use trying to f.gure wbat Napoleon or .somebody would do about this shipment of tomato juice " MERCHANDISE 54 For Sale, Miacallaneou* EASY FINANCING for Remodeling And New Construction Eagle Pass Lumber Company 111? Monro* — Phoo* 90? IF YOU H AST lo cay **IL rani or exnnang* Jum phoo* The BroamirUl* Herald Cieeetfled Ad Department An experienced ad tafcar will gladly amiat you. 60 Saeda-Planta-Flowera ROSES. Beautiful Roen—Many r» rleties and colon. Only 35c doz en. Corner Ringgold and 18th fit M-123 STRAWBERRY Plant*. Yoantbrr* rle». grapevine*. pecan treea Write for catalog. Texaa Berry Garden*. Route 1, Houaton 0-55 FLOWERS for all oreaetona~'~*> telegraph flower* anywhere. Lo* Ebanoa Greenhouse Company, j Phone 1588. K-55 RENTALS 1 _______________ 63 Apartments FURNISHED Apartment, water and gas paid. Fitch Apartments i Phone 17. N-53 DAVIS COURTS—5-room apart merit, all modem conveniences. Phone 136SJ. 2nd and St. Charles 0-43 SWEENY IPARTMENTS — Cool, modem electric refrigeration, ga rage First end Adame. 0-13 DEL FRANCIS Apartments—Newly decorated; exceptionally well fur nished; unusually cool; $40.00 month- Apply on premises or Todd and Underwood phone 183. _ I OR RENT—Two email, one large furnished apartment; ollls paid Two cottage* 1817 Madison. 0-4 NEL-ROT Apartment* newly dec* ◦ratal $30 00 and uu. All Mils _pald_*_J-86 THREE ROOM nieely furnished duplex with garage; bills paid. 223 E St. Charles. 0-8T TO COUPLE—Famished two-room apartment Small cash rental, woman helplnf with house work hour dally for part rent. Southern Hotel. 6th end Madison 0-80 PLACii TOUR Classified ads before 10 a m work days and noon Saturday for proper classification RENTALS 83 Apartment* FAN CARLOS Apartments" fed rooms and apartment* Private o. correcting bath J F Dixon. Mgr . Phcme 1509 M-01 FOR RBHT—CaanfprteMe f am lab* ed apartment; ultUltlee paid. Southern Hotel. 0th and Madison. 0-00 VERT COOL three ream apart* mem. ISA* West St Charles. _OS THREE and fear-roam apartment Phone 570. 443 S. I Levee 0-70 65 House* FTTl" ROOM fumiabad horn* Media Luna Addition Phone 117 W after ft p. m. O-TS THREE-ROOM home with bath, hot water heater. 21T 10th Street. Jlxae Bank and Trust Co. 0*11 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Modem l-room house partially furnished on Brownsvtlie-Saa Benito Highway about IJ mllas out Modem 2-story 6-room unfur nished house on Brownsville - Sen Benito Hlgbwsv about 4 mllas out Available soon: 3 nicely fur nished apartments In Alonso Apartment building at comer of 6th A Levee Streets Large 6-room unfurnished house with 3 sleeping porches and front aid beck porches on Wait At. Charles Street. 8. C. Graham & Company Arcade Bldg. — Phone 111 BiwuftvfQe Texas 70 Hoveoe For Solo FOR SALE—-Good rive room boom and lot; one block from pood school and three blocks front business section. Box 0-71 Her ald 76 Wonted to Boy WOULD BUT BOMB, reasonable^ What have rou? Bos Ml. Browns ville. 0-11 76 Wontod to Boy WANTED TO BUY—Two or three room house suitable for moving. M2 8. V. Jefferson O-St NEW OPPOLTCNTIES are offered dally on The Herald Classified page The bargeln wise reed and use th page regularly. > HORIZONTAL 1. 6 Southern child from a popular novel. 8 She ia a char acter la the book “Uncle -Cabin." 12 Tubular aheath. 13 Garden tooL 14 Weat Point atudent 15 Afterward. lOGuntock ratchet 18 Sympathy 19 Bone. 20 Dog 22 Northaaat 23 Senior. 24 Slovak 25 To become bankrupt. 27 Sun god 29 Plaything. 30 Prophet 32 Cavity. 34 Waa In debt 36 To jeer. 38 Half 40 Soft mate. 41 Arid wilder* esse* 43 Bronsa. 44 Carps*. 45 Credit 45 Exist* 45 Like 49 Nimbus. 51 Lave). 54 Marble. 56 Sesame 57 Drops suddenly. 69 Rims 51 Her littl# playmate 52 She was taken away by -. VERTICAL 1 Quantity. S Blood of tba cod*. 3 Thraa. 4 Fin and (n. 5 Musical not*. C Pertaining to tha oast 7 On# that verifies. S Spigot, t Norte deity. 10 Rhythm. 11 Eye tumor. 13 Sba went to - (pl >. 16 Mineral spring 17 Ocean. 30 Sneaky. 31 Part of the month. 33 Harriet Beecher — wrote the book. 34 Turf. 36 Cover. 7S Wrong. 39 To scatter. 31 Sheltered place 33 Afternoem meal S3 Aa ablution 36 Southeast 37 Rich! 39 film. 41 Sleepy. 42 Paaaed through a sieve. 46 AppLauda. 47 To slip. 60 On top ol 62 Seaweed. 63 A st er a. 66 Tree. 68 Behold. 60 And. MICKEY MOUSE . By W*Jt Disney IF TMATfc SguiNCH IN THAT ) plane, he can be at J | CL ARABELLAS UONt£^ r ' BEFORE OOR rK^jfg " CARE A - y f AND* f( THAT DOG60NC A HORTOASB IS } “TOSPT ?--— I - KNOW JUST HOW Wi CAN j ON TIM* — %U5S8'N t THEM TWO RCSTb HAVE, IN AHEAP O' V«SSIR?^ TV46N G T ftOlN'! T«f I KNOW -Trt» and don't pwt fch\ HOUSE NO ATTENTION \vveu_?/ l""..-.......