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SLAYING CASE TRIAL IS SET Olmito Poundmuter And Another Charged In Shooting Trials of Eluterlo Lerma, 43, Ol mito pound master and Eplmenio Garcia, 45. Olmito farmer, charged by Indictment* with murder and conspiracy to murder, have been set far Oct. 3 in criminal district court here. The defendant* are charged with the murder of Emilio de Lecn Aug. 16 about three miles weal of Browns ville and with conspiring to murder Luis Landeros. De Leon was killed and Landeros wa* critically wounded after being fired upon by a party of officers. De Leon and Landerc* are alleged to have had 43 pints of smuggled li quor in their possession at the time of the shooting. The state will attempt to prove that Lerma, who holds a deputy sheriff’s commission, and Garda ar ranged for the delivery of liquor and then informed officers on this side of the time and place of crossing. Officers In the party which fired on De Leon and Landeros were Roy Collins and Earl Weathers, custom* patrolmen and Bob Smith, deputy sheriff. The theory of the murder indict ment against the two defendants has not been fully explained T he Voice — of — The Valley Hie Brownsville Herald welcome* communication* on matter* of pub lic interest, reserving the customary right to reject such communication* a* are llbelou* or unavailable All communication* must be signed, and the name of the writer will be with held an request. Please be brief, be courteous! To the Herald: We like your paper, read ft every day. Whet I wish to do Is to really thank you for printing the letter from Mr. Robertson on taxes, t hope you and all the Valley papers will do your part in helping us get our tax problems solved, especially on real estate. We all know this must be done or no one will want to own real •state. I also want to thank you tor giv ing Mr. Robertson the front page, flo many letters of this kind are put into the "Forum” column that does not get the attention or carry the weight they deserve. We like Brownsville, we like the Valley. We have always felt that most all the newspapers of the Val ley are always ready and glad to assist In *11 good causes. J. J. Willingham Harlingen, flept 18, 1188. Tb the Herald: Allow me to congratulate you er printing Mr. 8am A. Robertson's tter an the front page of yester day’s Herald, m doing so. you h v done a great favor to every citizen in the entire Valley. Mr. Robertson eertatnlv hit the nail on the head and his arguments are sound and practical. The writer has been talking thl, aame matter over with several Brownsville citizens In view of or ganizing a taxpayers league to bring the politicians tq time and make them appoint men an equalization boards that win assess real estate at its true value. Why should the taxpayers pay 100 per cent on bonds that are selling on market at from 10 per cent » go per cent. I am of the opinion that there has never been a legal nd election in the county and most of them were put aver by faurflushers. schemers and promoters, and now the taxpayers are left holding the bae This summer I have been cited to appear before four equalisation boards and lost three full days from my business, trying to get my prop* erty assessed at its true value, but all I could do was to protest and prepare for a fight In the courts with them. Buildings are assessed year after year at the same v»1-*,| and any sound minded person knows that there Is deterioration on any building from the wear and tear and from termite* and many other ways. There is not a single building that was not damaged by the hurricane of 1933. Even though the building does not show it. the: strain from the force of high winds far 24 hours will damage the strong* est building In our county. Still we have had no credit on our taxes, exoeot whecr the damage was Vlsib!e. Our greatest asset tn this Valley la real estate and unless something Is done real soon to relieve the tax burden, we will be unable to sell properties, so let's get to It and make the politicians eat out of our hands. Robert Runyon. 112 St. Charles St, Sept 19, 1933. * * * Editor’s Note: From time to tune The Herald has printed letters which comment In a vein similar to that of Mr. Runyon on our tax problems, m Justice to those whose duty it is to levy snd try to collect taxes for the various political sub divisions it should be pointed out that money is needed to run these subdivisions, and that under our present state laws the only method of securing such money is bv tax ation uoon real and persona] prop erty. It seems to the editor that Mr. Run von and many others are mis-directing their complaints, that their criticism should be leveled at the state-wide system, lather than at the heads of local political sub divisions who have no other course open than to follow that system until it is changed. The chance must come from the state. Local political subdivisions are helpless in Vie matter.) Injured In Accident **'*'• H— BAN JUAN. Sept. 19—Mr. and Mrs a. I* Powell of Ban Juan are reooverinc in the McAllen hospital from injuries received in *n suto mobile accident here Wednesday noon. ONLY AMERICAN ‘PRINCESS’ AT FAIR Laura Lawton 'Mist. Laura Lawson, a beautiful blonde, is expected to be the only American “princess’* attending the Fourth Regional Fair in Chihua hua City, Mexico, Sept. 28-Oct. 18- The daughter of L. M Lawson, American member of the international boundary commission, she waa chosen by members of the Pan-American Round Table and women’s department of the El Paso, Tex., Chamber of Commerce. She speaks Spanish as well as she does English*. Pluto9 to Be Picked By ***** * * * * * Mickey Mouse Club At ***** ***** Jitney Jungle Dog Show Everything is set tor the big Dog Show, sponsored jointly by the Brownsville Jitney Jungle stores and the Mickey Mouse club of the Cap itol Theatre, which will be held at 9:80 a. m. Saturday at the down town Jitney Jungle store. Judges have been named by Mayor R. B. Rentfro as follows: John C. Fanning, Holland Wood and George White. The work of the judges .111 RIGGS BEGINS ACTIVE DUTIES New Commanding Officer Pleased By Transfer To Brownsville Colonel Kerr T. Riggs, cavalry, new commanding officer at Fort Brown, assumed active charge of the post Thursday. Colonel Riggs, who has been on leave in the mountains of Virginia for the past two mcnths, comes to Brownsville from the Army War College in Washington where he has been on duty as a faculty mem ber for the past four years. Pnor to that assignment he was chief of staff of the First Cavalry Divis ion. at Fort Bliss. During the World War. Colonel Riggs held the ranking of colonel with the Second Corps, which was the American force detailed to serve with the British .Army In France and for a time was on duty at Gen eral Headquarters. Colonel Riggs, in commenting on his assignment here, declared an as. slgnment to Fort Brown as “per fectly ideal.” and declared his pref erence for this section of the coun try. The new commanding officer came by automobile from Virginia. Ac companying him were Mrs Riggs and thelT daughter, Anne. 13. Solon* Promise To Inspect Fort A promise from Chairman Mc Swain. of the house military affairs committee, that the ccng^es* tonal committee passing on allotment of funds to various army posts over the nation will visit Brownsville has been given to Representative Milton West, according to a tele gram received Wednesday from the Brownsville congressman by G. C. Richardson, secretary of the cham ber of commerce West advised that McSwain said the committee would leave Wash ington about October 1. proceed to California, and return by way of Ttejcas. The Brownsville rxwt needs *239. 000 at least, with which to build new •tructures. repair quarters, and con. struct roads, it was estimated some time ago. Farm Youth Denies Burvin* His Parents WOODWARD. Okla.. Sept. 19 —OP) —Russell Boley. 19-year old farm boy accused of killing and burning hi* uarents. repudiated • purported confession Thursday and laid a testimonial four / turn for. a strangers” robbery motive Taking the witness chair m his own defense against a charge of murdering his father. Boley was calm, firm and outspoken in sum marily denying knowledge of how hi* father and mother met death laat February 5. First Di^t Flies In Canal Across Florida .OCALA. Fla. Sept 19—0P>—First dirt flew on the construction of the cross-Florida ship canal near here Thursday when a blast of dynamite was set off as President Roosevelt at Hyde Park. N. Y.. pushed a telegraph key. be no sinecure, me they will have to determine the dog with the long est tail, the biggest ears, the trickiest dog. the largest dog, the smallest dog and the dog irom the point .archest away. A feature of National Dog Week, which extends through September 28. the show is the first to be held in the Valley, and local kids are warned to be getting their pooches in shape for the competition. No entry fee at all will be tan posed, and following the show there will be a banquet at which all dt's entered in the show will be guests of honor. A dozen or so prizes are offered by Jitney Jungle, including a grand prize to the first person submitting the correct names of each dog represented on the label of a Paid Dog Pood can. Entry lists in this contest are to be brought to the Mickey Mouse club where the win* ner will be decided. Other prizes include: 1st prize, trickiest dog; 2nd prize, largest dog; 3rd prize, smallest dog with 14 prizes to the dogs with ths long est tails and to the dogs with the shortest tails. In addition there will be 8 prizes of 6 cans each of Paid Dog food. Members of the Mickey Mouse club will attend t e Dog Show in a body' to determine the entry that most resembles "Pluto." the win ning dog to receive a prize from the club m addition, the most Pluto -like dog will be Initiated into the club az its mascot, to serve along with Mickey Mouse, one of Manuel King's lions. As soon as the winner has been decided by the dub. the members will march back to the Capitol Theatre, headed by Pluto leading the parade, for the Initiation cere monies and the regular club meet ing. The regular 5c admission charge will be imposed. Bound to Grand Jury A. H Barney. 58. Brownsville, was bound to the federal grand Jury in $2,500 bond here Wednesday when arraigned before U. S Commission er Carles Q. Watson on a charge of facilitating in the transportation of smuggled alcohol seised recently in Corpus Christi. Barney entered a plea of not guilty and arms expected to make bond Thursday. Pern’ Pelletier, also of Browns ville, recently arms bound over in $5,000 bond on charges growing out of the same seizure, and five men have been placed under arrest in the same case at Corpus Christi. accord ing to information received here W. C Greer, customs patrolman stationed at Corpus Christi. came here to testify to the seizure which grew out of information developed by Brownsville patrolmen The government will attempt to prove that the 70 gallons of alcohol were smuggled into the United States near here and avert transported from here to Corpus Christi by a truck line. CITY BRIEFS ■-■ Dr. Olmsted, optometrist, now located In Arcade building. Adv. 35th Anniversary Specials, wear* ever aluminum. See our windows. Brownsville Hardware.—Adv. Enjoy a real dinner with Chicken Fitch now managing the ltew Deal Cafe. Adv. City Ordinance requires covered garbage cans. Buy them at Garza Hardware—Adv. Flowers for ag oncaslona. Los Ebanos Greenhouse Company. Phone 1588.—Adv. Dr. A. C. Render. Dentist, 800 Washington St., Phone Residence ard office 388.—Adv. Yellow Cab—Phone 1018.—Adv. Special showing, Thursday and Friday only, of genuine Oriental, ruga. Oriental Rug and Gilt Shop. 1344 Elizabeth-Adv. * ANDERSON TO DRILL AM R Rio Hondo Well Tort Is Encouraging, Driller Announces (Swc**! to The Hermld > RIO HONDO, Sept 19 —The le^al tangle that has delayed leasing of U* WO Bog^gnttt. jmJ«« been Ironed out, and leases have been signed over to Joseph F. Ander son, prominent driller, Anderson 1 announced here Wednesday ntght Anderaon said that the new Rio Hondo well location will not be determined until drilling is com pleted on the Browne Tract Na 1, located about two and a half miles from Rio Honda Anderson said that the Browne Tract test, now down to 4,373 feet, shows every Indication of being a good producer. He says that drill ing already has revealed four hor iaone. and that the well can be plugged back to any one of the: four to attempt production even If a better sand la dot encountered before drilling reaches 5.000 feet. The well now la drilling In bard rock and limestone, and a re : Schlumberger test, Anderson said, was extremely encouraging. Con siderable gas pressure has built up it was announced. Classes For Adults To Open Here Friday Enrollment In the Adult educa tion classes, provided by federal funds, will open Friday. Enrollment will be as follows: At Junior Col lege. 6 to 8 p. m.. Mrs. Esther Sada. and Mrs. R. B Hockadaj. SpanUh; Mrs. Lillian Smith and Mrs. Blanca Jo Hanson, elementary grades in English... Fourth Ward School. 6 p. m- Mrs. Aik* D. Claener. needlecraft* and elementary grades in English. Sunday School room. Presbyter ian church: 10 a. m.. Mrs. Ida Laura Masele. needlecnft. Neellecraft and elementary English. East Browns ville school, | p. m. Mrs. Mary McAleese, elementary subjects, at her home. 1430 air field St., 1:30 and 6:30 p. m. Mrs. Lena 8. Hale, notation, music appreciation, harmony, choral sing tag. 943 W. St. Francis St.. 3 p m.. ! Monday. tg Mrs. Ida Bell Laney will tearh elementary subject* in English a-d civics. She can be consulted at steu apartments. Na 10. Friday. • rn* Tandy Returned To Home From Hospital Ckve Tsndy. prcfnlnenl Led Fresnos anti Brownsville :armer whe loet sn eye in a .‘hooting tor Vat while hunting last week, ret q|a Wednesday night trom Sin Amtw». where he wis taken for treatment* He was recovering rapMIr at hid ! home here Thursday._p HUMMING ALONG 0 Business is humming in Jitney Jungle Stores. Last week's sales were the greatest since Christmas Holiday buy ing — something quite exceptional. New lines, greater variety, lower grocery prices, trimmed down meat prices, courteous, helping service — all these have sent our business up and up! In what other stores can you obtain a full assortment in all grades — low priced, medium, highest? That is where your Jitney Jungle Store excells. And then we have% gradually added, as customers requested them, various lines of home necessities that, outside of Jitney Jungle Stores are found only in the large, modern grocery stores of Houston, Dallas, and other big cities. Up-to-date? Just see for yourself. c JITNEY JUNGLE SPECIALS FRIDAY & SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 & 21, 1935 The Following Special* Good in all Our Valley-Owned and Operated Store* _____ ^ Clip This Coupon COUPON WORTH 20 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR Present this coupon at any Jitney Jungle Store and save 30 cents on the dollar on your purchases of flower pots, crocks, hatter Jars, milk Jars, chants, mixing bowls, beat ing Jars, water coolers, cookie Jars, pickle Jars, chicken wa ter fonnts, handled Jugs, straight pitchers, bellied pitchers. H __j Battle Creek Health Foods ALL JTTVEY JUNGLE STORES now carry a fall stock of these most necessary foods. BATTLE CREEK HEALTH FOODS are prepar ed and assembled by a staff of the best health specialists In .America and will do ex actly what is claimed for them. Beware of sobstitotes pat op by quacks. /"* » • rjrtf • \ ^ Clip Inis Coupon Sandwich Spread Coupon This coupon presented at any Jitney Jungle Store entitles you to not over 3 cans (3Vi*oa» can) of Walker's Delicious Sandwich Spread aft Sc per can. Friday and Saturday Only Not Good Without Coupon H GOLD CHAIN FLOUR 6-Lb. Sack 12-Lb. Sack 24-Lb. Sack 18« S3« **= MEAL K**".ISc 10-Lb. Sack. UY| If PET. S Ull or 20C niLIk 6 Small Cam . SUGAR 54« 10 Lb. Cana M 5 Lb. Cloth aa Paper Bag 55® . COFFEE Admiration 1 Lb. Pkg. POST TOASTIES Small pkg. ..5c Large pkg.. ?1 2C | Grapenut Flakes yV?C Vi Lb. Can 1* Bm Brand EXTRACTS, 2-oz. bottle.19c p. & g. soap an 8 regular or mm jmjf * J O 6 Giant bars 2 / C 'HyPterll g CR1SCO 1_R—^ J-Ib. pail • 59° Wesson Oil In hulk Bring your Jar Quart Can ♦. INSTANT POSTUM, 4-oz. can.24c Swanadown CAKE FLOUR, 2%-lb pkg. 29c (taker** Southern Style COCONUT, 4-oz. tin.9c TEA, Maxwell House, Vi lb. tin 17c BISQUICK 4«-ox. 11G Package .... DON’T LET THEM WALK Roller skates give children the best of all exercise, yet to them It b hot play. Jitney Jontrie Stores have anticipated the wants of the Kiddie and provided a big stock of renoine Winchester Arms Company ball Bearing Roller Skates, one of the very best skates ever made. These sell regularly at fl.75 and op bat we make them availab'e to car customer* for only $1.19 per pair. Send the children in. Lnckv Strike* CIGARETTES 2 35* ONLY ONE OffEt TO RULE SUPPLY LASTS 1 MEDIUM PNG. MX Vslmt) U ftSM yon &U4f 1 LARGE PKG. OXYDOL «« Beechnut Peanut Butter Large jar . . I9c K ..26c ALL for £Qc Dutch * Oven Roasters (6oc value) end « ftncrous supply WHITE KING Soap Products These roasters are durable* easily cleaned - brilliant blue porcelain enameled finish - caa be used without cover. F//-WbWnflnWi CHOICE MILK FED VEAL. ROUND or LOIN STEAK, lb..23c VEAL CHOPS, lb.19c CHUCK ROAST, lb.14c _STEW MEAT, 2 lbs.19c WIENERS, Swift't, Urge or small, lb. ... 18c BOLOGNA, Swift's Sliced, lb.19c CHEESE, full cream, No. 1, lb.20c HAMS, Morrell's Pride, half or whole, lb. 30c SLICED BACON, Morrell's Pride, lb. .. 35c Full Dressed Hens and Fryers, Fish, Oysters KETCHUP, Heinz, large bottle.21c Del Monte Assorted 0 q 'Except Strawberrn °’oz‘ Carl .... 7C PRESERVES No. 2 can ... 21c PINEAPPLE StSTVStL"..... 17c Solar Brand Broken Slices, gallon can 65c MUSCAT GRAPES, Del Monte, No. 1 can.... 12Vgc PEARS, Del Monte Bartlett, No. 2Vi can 21c SPINACH, Del Monte, No. 2 can.11c »r! Mont* No. 1 can.lie PEAS Earl, Garden No. 2 can.17c PEAS, Phillip's Sifted, No. 2 can.10c King Oscar SARDINES, per can ....... 13c Federal MATCHES, pkg. of 6 boxes ... 27c Monaz OATS, with premium, 42-os. pkg. 23c RALSTON WHOLE WHEAT"CEREAL 24-os. pkg.22c SC OTTO W ELS, Convenient, Sanitary, Per roll . 10c Woodbury's FACIAL SOAP, 3 bars .... 25c PEACHES, Argo, No. 2Vi can.15c PRUNES, medium size, per lb. ...7c TACHES, fancy evaporated, per lb. .. 12c PRUNE JUICE, Sunsweet, 10-os. bottle .. 9c Quart flask . 25c BANANAS .ISc LETTUCE isra, 6c ! GRAPES SSTW.ISc ORANGES rjr. ISC Potatoes 19c MACARONI & SPAGHETTI Skinner’s fm 7-oz. pkg.~ M ® RAISIN BRAN The Fruited Cereal. 2 reg. pkgs. . HEALTH CLUB BAKING POWDER 4-0*. Can 10*0*. Can 32-0*. Can 4. 7. 17c Mrs. Paley’t Baby Foods Mast Complete Assortment of Frutti and Vegetables 5-OZ. mi rnm _ Jt.II* GOLD DUST Q “Ut the Golddust Twins do your Work 2 small pkgs. 5« Ji® Removes Stains SHINOLA WHITE POLISH 7>/2c C licquot Club Assorted GINGER ALE, 2 bottles.23c HY-PRO A Real Bleach and 1 ^ Cleanser. PARD DOG FOOD 3-Cans • • -25« Enter Your Dngi In the Pard Dof Show Jitney Jangle Saturday Morning Before 9 gm