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Reception Is Given Lately For Teachers ■■ * (Special to The Herald) RIO HONDO, Sept. 30.- Faculty lumbers of the Rio Hondo schools were honor guests at a delightful Informal reception here Wednesday evening, when ladies of the Com munity church entertained In their honor The lawn of the home of Judge and Mrs. W. K. Hodgkin was the scene of the affair. Mrs. Forrest Woodside cordially welcomed the teachers and the guests, numbering 25 faculty mem bers and guests totalling 80 present for the affair. Superintendent R. J. Bingham gave the response to the welcome given by Mrs. Woodside. A cornet solo was given by Mrs. Lorlne Thompson, acompanlment being played by Mr. Louis A. Wheel er. A number of games and con tests were enjoyed with Miss Alice Wilox, Mrs. F. M. Brannon and Mrs. Wm. Brockhaus, members of the entertainment committee in charge Punch and cake were served In the latter part of the evening by the ladle | of the church. Mes dames Stele Thomas. Eugene Dim lck and Thomas Joyner composed the refreshment committee. 18 8 The Brown Tract Home Dem onstration club met here Wednes day afternoon at the home of Mrs. A. C. Gu&ler with Mrs. Gusler and Mrs. W. Reed Lang as co-host esses. Mrs. Knox Smith, club president, presided over the meeting. vVh 21 members answering roll call and with Mrs. Clay Boyd as visitor. The members voted to entertain their husbands and set the date of October 4 for a party to be held at the home of Mrs. Delton Hams Of special Interest was the let ter read by Mrs W. Reed Lang from Mrs. Miller, who is a colonist in the Matanuska Valley in Alaska Home building efforts and news of the colony were very interesting to listeners Mrs Fred Carpenter gave twb especially delightful readings: “Down on the Farm" and "81milar Case.'* The next meeting was announced to be held with Mrs William R Lang and Mrs. J. L. Baars as co hostesses. • • • Mrs J. J. Johnson and John Johnson arrived in Rio Hondo from their Chicago home Wednesday. Frank Mast, who has been absent from Rio Hondo for some time, arrived here after a pleasant vaca tion spent In Chicago visiting Mrs. Mast. Harwood Smith, who has been visiting h#> parents. Mr and Mrs Knox Smith on the Browne Tract, left Thursday for A. & M. college, where he is In his senior year as a student of architecture. D. E White was a Brownsville visitor Wednesday afternoon Alfred Wagner and his house guest. Edward Hublel left Friday for St. Louis. Mo. Mrs Frontis Newell and small daughter. Glenda Mae, were visitors 8unday in ilirlingen, calling on Miss Mae Arnett. Mrs A. T. Hough has returned from Wharton. She was accompan ied home by her brother, Wesley Davis of Wharton. Mrs. Dick Eflrd of Brownsville, spent the week with her mother. Mrs. Frank M. Brannon. Mr. and Mrs. Rex George and Mr. and Mrs. Alton Caffal were visitors Sunday in Mercedes. Mrs. Ellen A. Taylor left for Kingsville recently to join her grandson. Keith I^oover. who is at tending the College of Arts and Industries in that city. Miss Tlllie Backe of Wisconsin a former resident of Rio Hondo and a graduate of the schools here, is in Rio Hon|o visiting old friends. For the present she is with Mrs. Forrest Wood side. Mrs. George Brown was a San Benito visitor Monday. DeMolay Members Visit In Santone (Special to The Herald) SAN BENITO. Sept. 20,-^Several members of the Dr W. O Williams Chapter. Order of DeMolay. visited Ban Antonio this week and watch ed degree work of the Albert Pike Chapter at Scottish Rite Cathedral. Local DeMolays going were J. C. I Bowie. Don Morgan. Bob McCalpin. I David Housel. Joe Spears and Henry fessup They were accompanied by Mrs. 7. A. Loveless. Every one smart and easy to make 9612 San Benito News, Notes i8pecial to The Herald) SAN BENITO. Sept. 20— Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Pelikan spent the week-end in Corpus Chnsti as the guests of Mr and Mrs. George Aimistead and daughter, Estelle. Miss Dorothy Porter who has been attending a conference of Home Demonstration Agents in Monterrey. Mexico arrived home the first of the week Twenty-one agents were present for the con ference. M. G. Taft who has been absent from the city for a week attending to property interests in San Angelo has returned to his home here. Miss Maud Nosier departed Sun day for Our Ladv of the Lake in San Antonio where she will attend school this winter. R. B. Temple has returned from Waco where he was called by the serious illness of his wife. He re ports that Mrs. Temple is Improv ing. Harry M Carroll has returned to San Benito after spending two weeks at Fort Sam Houston where he made a tour of duty at the Eighth Corp Area headquarters. Mrs. W. W Housewright who underwent an operation in the Scott-White sanitarium during the first of the week is recovering nice ly and expects to be home by the first of October. Mr. and Mrs. L. H Thacker have had as their guests during the past few days Mrs. S. C. Clark of Austin. Mrs. Leonard March of Brownsville and Miss Georgia Norwood of Don na. All of the visitors have returned to their respective homes. Pete Smith, secretary of the San Benito Chamber of Commerce has arrived in the city following a busi ness trip to Laredo and San An tonio. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Marchbanks and son. Tom Jr., have gone to Mercedes where they will mr’:e their home. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Kendrick have departed for New York where they will visit their daughter. Mrs. Mur ray Smith. On the return trip to the Valiev they will stop in Detroit and in St Louis and Kansas City and visit with friends and relatives. Mrs. Hattie Kendrick. Mr. Kendrick’s mother will remain In San Antonio while her son and his wife make the trip north, returning to the JUST AMONG US GIRLS \Y///^ some girls. Ike <srl of Cowered t*or? is Sdi/ nof/iin§ m dd rudriij words <ss possible! YOUR -NEXT MOVE- 18 TO MAKE THIS MARIAN MARTIN SCHOOL FROCK PATTERN 9612 Ever play checkers? It’s a fas cinating game, but not half as much fun as making one’s own “checker-board” frock of soft checked woolen. It’s two-pleee, and this Junior miss will tell you she made It herself. She’s ever so proud of drop-shoulder yoke, and found it so easy to cut in one with the center panels which button in a straight line. Bodice and puffed sleeves gather easily and simply to the yoke. She had the simple skirt finished in no time and sev eral bright velvet bows to match, every color in her frock! Nice in a monotone, too! Complete. Diagram- j med Marian Martin Sew Chart in cluded. Pattern 9612 may be ordered only in sizes 10. 12. 14. 16 and IS. Size 12 requires 2H yards 54 Inch fabric and h yard 5 inch ribbon. Send fifteen cents in coins or stamps icoins preferred! for each i Marian Martin pattern. Be sure to \ write plainly your name, address, ( the style number and size of each , J pattern. Be sure to send for your New Marian Martin Pattern Book! It pictures dozens of easy, thrifty ways to make up lovely new fabrics—in smat Fall and Winter clothes for your whole family! Shows designs for adorable, easy-to-make Christ mas gifts, too. Tells how to make vourself more charming by the right choice of clothes and acces- * sories. Send for your copy now- j IP. ce of book fifteen cents. Book, and Pattern together, twenty-five cents. Send your order to The Browns- . viile Herald. Pattern Department, 232 West 18th Street. New York. N. Y.-Adv. — Valley when the travelers start south. Mi's. Tommy Cocke has gone to Georgetown m company wuu her mother wno has been visiting rel atives in the Valley. Slie was ac companied on the trip by Miss Mabel Humble and Paul Socke both ol whom will attend the University at Austin this winter. Mrs. A- B. Boyer and daughter. Barbara, are staying in the home of Mrs. C. S. Lasby for the next month awaiting the arrival of Mr Boyer from St. Louis. John Sanders is attending the convention of the United Spanish American War Veterans that is convening this week in San An tonia Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ruckel of Mercedes are occupying the A. O. ] Kendrick home during the absence of the Kendricks from the city. Mrs. Charlie Lang and daughter. Frances have gone to Houston where they will be guests in the home of Mrs. George Winson. Mrs. P. T. Bradley who for the past several years has been con nected with the J. C. Penny com pany in this city has resigned her position because of 111 health. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wunderman are home again after accompany ing their son. Dan to Austin where he will enter the University. Dr. Hugh Robertson, pastor of the First Presbyterian church In this city has gone to Edna. Texas, to attend the conference of the Presbytery of West Texas He ex pects to return to the Valley the latter part of the week. Mrs. Or* C. Dickie has returned after taking a course of study at the University of Texs* at Austin which she followed up with a visit to Dallas. -o Endeavor Will Have Program Friday Nite The program to be giver at the district union meeting of the Chris tian Endeavor which will meet in the Central Christian church Fri day evening at 8 p. m.. will be as follows: song. “I’m Happy in the Service of the King”; song. ‘He’s a Wonderful Savior to Me.” Call to worship; song. “Give of Your Best to the Master’’; Scriptur?; talk—"Is Mv Life My Own?’’ Vida McMinn; prayer, closed with sing ing of "Our Evening Prayer”; wor ship closed with reading of poem. At the conclusion of this portion of the service the meeting will be turned over to the president, who will preside at the regular busint a meeting. A social hour will be en joyed at the conclusion of the busi ness session. Devotional Service Planned By DeMolay (Special to The Herald) SAN BENITO. Sept 20.-A de votional service at the First Baptist church in Harlingen Sunday morn ing. Sept. 29. is planned by the Dr. W O. Williams Chapter. Order of DeMolay. The devotional service was discussed at this week's meet ing of the chapter. Rev. E. Douglas Carver, pastor of the church, will preach at this de votional service. Charles Peery was back In at tendance following his recent acci dent. Cardui Pain Relief Streagtkeiimg For Weak Women Failure to receive proper nourish ment from the food they eat is be lieved to cause many women to have monthly suffering which stronger women escape. Promptly relieving certain func tional pain, and (by its continued ; use) strengthening the entire sys tem.—Cardui has won the praise of thousands of women. “I suffered quite s bit of pain, cramp ing and bad feeling and Utl> made me extremely nervous," writes Mrs. H. Aa glada, of Biloxi, Miss. "A friend recott mended Cardui and I commented using it right away. Cardui did me to much good—built me up and 1 was much j better in every way. I took twelve bottles in all. I am glad 1 heard of Cardui." Of course, if Cardui doe* am benefit YOU. consult a physician —Adv. Arrangements Are Made At Board Meet (Special to The Herald) ALAMO, Sept. 20. —Plans were completed for the fall meeting of the Rio Orande Valley Federation of Women's clubs which will be held In Edinburg, Oct. 22, at the meeting of the executive board of the bod)* In the home of Mrs. E. S. Lammers. president, in Alamo. Elaborate plans for the semi annual meeting in Edinburg, have been made with Mrs. H. O. Schal eben. of Edinburg, made general chairman of the affair. All reserva tions for the luncheon will be made with her. The day's program will close with the fine arts program in the evening. Mrs. Burton Rapp, of Raymond ville. was elected third vice-presi dent. filling a vacancy. Mrs. Henry Koch, of Alamo, was appointed cor responding secretary and Mrs. O. L Byrd, of San Benito, historian. Other appointments will be an nounced later. Plans are being made, accordir.T to an announcement made at the meeting, for the Club Institute to be held in Kingsville. Oct. 17 and 18. A large delegation of Valley women is expected to attend. ... Athletic Club Has Meeting In El Jardin The Athletic association of El Jardin school met In the school auditorium Thursday for the first meeting of the year. Leaders for the year were selected at this initial meeting with Billy Hanna being chosen chairman and Ralph Mc Kenzie. secretary-treasurer. It was decided at the meeting that such funds as were raised by the organization during the year hould be used solely For athletic purposes. The chairman appointed a com mittee of three to assist Mrs. Mary Lovell, principal of El Jardin gram mar school, in preparations 'or the Hallowe'en program to be given at the school. The three mere Wilma Triplett. Virginia Smith and Ken neth Lawrence. Following routine business, the meeting was adjourn ed. • - ..-o Tuesday Club Is Entertained In Mission . (Special to The Herald) MISSION. Sept. 20— Mrs. W. R Pamsh and Mrs H. C. Jeffries wert special guests when Mrs. T. R. Bur net was hostess this week for the Tuesday Bridge club. Mrs. C. P. Wright was high dur ing the games. • • • Mrs. A. C. McHenry and Mrs. Ol len Rome were awarded score favors respectively at games of the Mardi Bridge club for which Mrs. J. P. Tanner was hostess Tuesday after noon. a sa a The members of the North Mis sion Home Demonstration club ar ranged a very clever affair in the way of a "husband " party, recent ly. at the home of Mrs E. E Keck Outdoor games were played with about 30 friends and relatives parttc. ipatlng. • • • Mrs. L. G Plyler reviewed the sec ond part of “Mexico" bv Stuart Chase at the meeting of the Wo man's Tuesday club for which Mrs T. H. Armstrong was hostess thti week. Mrs Oeorge Speer. Mrs M F Armstrong and Mrs. James Gillett were guests at the study. • • • Mrs. E N. Marcell was hostess Wednesday noon to several of hei friends at a luncheon at her home here. Tnvited guests were Rev. and Mrs. E. P Neal. Mrs Cary Keese Mrs Ernest Bleifus Mr and Mrs G. R Stephens, and Cadman Neal and Lawrence Marcell, two small boys, members of the families. Pour-fifths, or 87 per cent, of cow's milk is water The remainder is made up of milk, sugar, fat. and protein. Laura Wheeler Designs KITCHEN TOWELS PATTERN 955 LL. .... t LMM WilEELER MOTIFS BRIGHTEN IP l'Ol'R TEA TOWELS What a sprightly little figure this is—croM stitched in silhouette in seven different poses, one for each day of the week! Dish drying is sure to be less monotonous— with these charming towels on the Jc’>! TO tell the truth, it's even fun to make them! To get this silhouette effect, you cross stitch the figures in a solid dark color, and work the flowers In color, in a lazy daisy stitch. Pattern 955 comes to with s transfer pattern of seven motifs 5'. xl'i inches; illustrations of all Pitches needed; material require ments; color suggestions. Send 10 cents in stamps or coin (coin preferred) for this pattern to The Brownsville Herald. Need: craft Dept. 82 Eighth Avenue. New York. N. Y. Priscilla Club Is Entertained This Week • j Mrs. Jewel Latimer was hostess to members of the Modem Priscilla club Olmito Thursday afternoon. The members honored Mrs. Alma McEowen whose birthday occurrv during the month, with a gift shower. Club members present were Miss Audrey Willis. Mesdames Frankie Box. Ella Willis. Elizabeth Womack. Alma McEowen. May Wilbanks. Emma PI rson, Bessie Robbins and Alma Kiphen. There were three guests of the club for the afternoon. Mrs. Harry Austin, of San Benito and her two daughters. Misses Vi vian and Gladys Austin The next meeting of the club will be held Thursday. Otober 3. with Mrs Alma McEowen. as host ess. Election of officers for the ensuing year will be held at that time. 11 1 w Rangerville News, Notes (Special to The Herald) RANGERVILLE, Sept. 20.—Mrs O. N. Echols was ho tens recently when she entertained at her home honoring Mrs. Elbert Lee Ander son. a recent bride, with a miscel laneous shower. Games and contest* were enjoyed by the many guests. Dainty refreshments were served at a late hour. Those enjoying the party were: Mesdames J. L. Anderson. Mildred Rickets. Roy Morrow. Carrie Kralg ler, Carl Kaigler. Ed Sandell, Or bin Morrow. Darrow Parmer. En rico Buffo, Sarah Ech 4s. H. N. Sparks. Elbert Anderson and Misses Lena and Jemma Buf:o. • • • A pleasant affair of Thursday aft. crnoon was the shower in the home of Mrs. j. R Parmer when she en tertained honoring Mrs. Darrcw Parmer. Many interesting contest* and game*- were enjoyed by the guests. Refreshments of ice cream and cake mere served late in the afternoon Those enjoying the affair mere: Mcsdames Cari Oaigler. Orbin Mor row, Carrie Kaigler. Ernest McIn tyre. Elbert Lee Anderson. Mcrgan Buchan. Dive Buchan. Victor Mor-1 row, E. Freeman. J. L. Anderson, John Parmer and the hosteaa. m m • The ‘Singing Service" at the Bap tist church was well attended Wed nesday evening. The service was in charge of Supt. A. B. Cook. During the evening every member of the congregation directed the singing of some different song. Mr. Bennett was appointed leader for the service Wednesday evening. Everyone is cordially invited to attend these meetings. • • • Mrs. Sarah Echols of Gorman has arrived at the home of her son E. Norman Echols where she will spend the winter. Mr Merlvin Arnold Is remaining at the bedside of his father at Waco Mrs. Mildred Rickets and son of Mercedes visited her parents this week. Charles William Foust, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Foust has Joined the Boy Scout Troop in San Benito, sponsored by the local American Legion and under the direction of Mr Bene. Mr and Mrs. Ravmond of Corpus Chmti were recent guests in the home of the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs Ernest McIntyre. Following the Sunday School hour the members of the congregation en joyed a bosket dinner at the Baptist church. Rev and Mrs S C. Dunn of the San Benito Methodist church were guests. Following the social hour Rev. Dunn delivered a splendid address to those who were present. Mr Jack Foust was in Brownsville on business Wednesday. Countv Superintendent John Bar. ron visited at the school Monday afternoon. _4k___ Miss Rodriguez Ts Hostess to Club This Past Week rfliw'-Hl to T*'<* SAN BENTTO Sept, 20 — Miss Josef Ins Rodriguez was hostess recently to members of the "Mlg non" club when the evening was —nt with needlework of various kinds. Among those present were Misses Consuela Eva Cavazos. Margarita Villarreal. Conchita Gonzalez. An srelita Cabaza. Anita Vasquez. Noeml Ruth Cavazos, and Ll’lle V^so *z. Miss Anita Vasquez will entertain the club at the next meeting. ht Coughs Quickly checked without "dosing." WICKS won y VaPoRua PALS!... SALTINE FLAKES AND CHEESE Some like sharp cheese. Some like (mild. But most everyone insists on i the crispest, flakiest crackers money will buy . . . Brown's Saltine Flakes! They make cheese taste much better! rown’s SALTINE FLAKES I MOWN CKACKEt ft CANOY CO. DUtribulO't of S««»bin« ftitcwitt in Tu«i Ikk.' ■ II ■ .'mai. -e. - ■ - . . BROWN CRACKER A CANDY CO.f Ed Fore, Local Representative m Brownsville | Valley Girl Is Wed Recently In Milwaukee (Stwcial to Tb* Heraldi SAN BENITO. Sept. 20 — Word las been received here of the mar lage of Miss Alga E. Meyer, of Mil waukee. daughter of Mr. H. Meyer, >f San Benito, to Mr. William Uebe iow. son of Mr. and Mrs. Liebenow. if Racine. Wisconsin. The ceremony ook place at the Bethlehem Luth- ‘ •ran church in Milwaukee Thursday, lugust 22 at high noon. Long flowing lines of tea rase all >ver lace made in princess style with i fitted lace Jacket formed the Hide's ensemble. She wore a pic* ure hat of French felt in a har noniztng shade and carried a bou ]uet of tea rosea. She was attended by her sister, Uiss Emma Meyer, who wore a gown if peach colored mousseline de soeur, :rimmed in hand made flowers in i mstel shades. Her picture hat was >f Nik green French felt. Mr. Anthcny Wendling acted as lest man to the groom. Immediately after the ceremony a i inner was served the wedding party it the Underwood hotel at Wawato ia. After the dinner the couple left in a trip to Niagar.i Falls and Can ada. They were to be at home to heir friends at 1339 Douglas avenue n Racine, Wls, after Sept. 5. Society Calendar SATURDAY Luncheon program of the Busi ness and Professional Women s club at the Blue Bonnet Cafe at 1 p. m. Cameron County Council of the Parent-Teacher association will hold a school of instruction at the Santa Rosa achoolhouse beginning at 10 a. m. Bi(ie-a-\Yee Bridge Is Entertained By Mrs. H. R. .Street Mrs. H. R. Street was hoeta— Thursday afternoon to the mem ban of the Blde-a-Wee bridge dob at her home In Ml Jardln. Mrs. Street served a delicious salad count at the conclusion of play. Members present at the meeting were Mesdames F- F. Baird, A. E. Derrick. W H. Huffman, W F. Street, George Carson, W. I* Upa comb, R. W. Shuler, and B O. Hanna. The next meeting of the club will be an evening meeting when hus bands of members will be especially Invited guests. The meeting wi’l be held. Thursday, Oct. 3, at the homa of Mrs. W F. Street _ Episcopal Groups Will Gather In First Meetings Members of the Young Woman’* Guild of the Church of the Advent will meet Monday afternoon for the first meeting of the new year In the Guild room of the parish house at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Monday afternoon at the aame hour, members of the Woman’s Aua lllary of the CVirch of the Advent « will meet for lietr Initial gather- < ing of the few year in the rectory of the fhurch. All members are urged to attend the first electing. Bridge whist was known in Con stantinople (Istanbul) and Greece about 1870 — long before It invaded western Europe. Blue Star Kills The Itch Germs To get rid of itch, rash, letter, foot Itch, ringworm nr eczema, cover with soothing Blue Star Ointment which contains tested medicines that melt and soak in quickly and kill every germ. Money hack II It fails.—Adv* Men! Here’* Your Chance To Save Money On Work Clothes MEN’S CHAMBRAY SHIRTS 49* Priced low but with all the features that make a shirt de pendable for wear and com fort. Cut good and full • . • two button-through pockets. Men’t WORK PANTS Heavy Coctonade*, Napped inside fin ish ... dark striped woven patterns. MEN'S "NORWOOD" DRESS SHIRTS Cut Full! Well Made! 75‘ As well tailored as much higher-priced shirts! Solid color or fancy patterned broadcloth. 14 to 17. SHIRTS and ' 25C Each Flat or ribbed knit, combed cotton shirts. 34 to 46. Broaddoth shorts with elas tic sides. 28 to 44. Shop At Grant’s And Save I iually $1.69—or More! YOUTHS’ LONG PANTS $ *|49 Blur Chmita fin© Quality BOYS* "WIARITI" SHIRTS Fast QC Colors O J J Solid color broadcloth, or fine patterned madras. Jun iors' and youths' sizes. -1 ■■II ttki/WNSViLLt