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Ham Mousse Is Easy to Fix Appetizing ___ HAM MOUSSE A Two and one-half cups chopped rooked ham. one-half cup chopped celery, one-fourth cup chopped green pepper, one tablespoon chopped pars ley, one and one-half tablespoons gelatin, one-fourth cup cold water, one-half cup mayonnaise, (me cup cream, hard cooked egg. Mix ham, celery, pepper and parsley. Soak gelatin in cold water and dissolve over hot water. Mix with mayon naise and combine with ham mix ture. Whip cream until stiff and fold into other ingredients. Turn Into freezing tray or mold. Allow to stand until firm. Garnish with halves of hard cooked eggs. SOFT CUSTARD Two whole eggs or four egg yolks, one-fourth cup Imperial Pure Cane augar. one-fourth teaspoon salt, two cups scalded milk, one-half teaspoon vanilla. The custard is richer when made with egg yolks rather than with the whole eggs. Beat the sugar and salt. Add the sc _ illk slowly (the milk should al __be scalded, as it speeds the cooking and lessens the danger of curdling). Cook over hot, not boil ing water, stirring constantly un til the mixture thickens slightly and coats the spoon. As soon as this stage is reached, remove the custard from the fire Immediately, as over- 1 cooking causes curdling. If the cus- , tard does curdle slightly, remove the 1 top part of the double boiler at once from the fire and plunge into cold watrr to stop the cooking immediate ly. Now beat with a rotary beater, and unless too large curds have formed, they will disappear. CHOPPED BEEF IN CABBAGE One pound chopped beef, one cup cooked rice, one-half cup bread crumbs, two eggs, onion Juice, one and one-half teaspoons salt. Mix ingredients in order given. Soak cflfefeage leaves in hot water until enough to handle. Pill with prepared mixture and fasten with toothpicks. Sprinkle with salt and dredge with flour, then fry in fat. Pour over tomato sauce made by blending two tablespoons butter, two tablespoons flour, and one-half cup water, one cup strained tomato, one-1 fourth teaspoon onion juice, one teaspoon salt. Cook for five minutes. Cover the rolls and bake in slow even about two hours. PRUNE-ORANGE PIE One and one-hall cups cooked prune pulp put through a sieve, one cup orange juice, one-fourth cup Imperial Pure Cane sugar, one eighth teaspoon salt, one-fourth tea spoon ginger, one tablespoon gela tin dissolved in one-fourth cup cold water, three-fourths cup whipped cream Soften gelatin In the wa ter. Heat prune pulp, sugar, salt and ginger. Add gelatin and stir until dissolved. When partially cooled, add orange Juice. When it begins to thicken, fold in the whip ped cream. Pour Into a baked pie shell Serve garnished with whip ped cream. GREEN SALAD Six bunches crisp leaf lettuce, three green peppers, ten tomatoes, six sweet pimientos. two stalks cel ery. grated egg yolk. French dress ing. Chop fine well-dressed lettuce, Kn pepper, celery and pimientos. i tomatoes fine. Add grated yolk of hard-cooked eggs and sharp French dressing Mix well. Rub Individual salad bowls with gar lic and fill with mixture Serves ten GRAPEFRUIT AND SALMON SALAD Two cups grapefruit pieces, two eups flaked salmon, one cup dr.ed cucumber, one cup diced celery, lat tuce Mix grapefruit, salmon, cu cumber and celery and top with Slightly sweetened grapefruit French gssing (mgde with four table ons grapefruit Juice, six table ons salad oil, salt, pepper). Serve on lettuce with mayonnaise. Serves aix to eight PEAR MARMALADE One peck pears, one cup Imperial Pure Cane sugar to one cup pears, one can crushed pineapple, two or anges. one medium O'Hile mart'chino cherries. Slice t’ie peeled pears thinly, add cup sugar for cup fruit. Let stand over night. In the morn ing add pineapple and the orange sliced thinly. Cook slowly till thick, add sliced cherries. 8eal. ‘ FALL FRUIT CUP For one serving use one-half chili ad Bartlett pear, diced; eight purple grapes cut In halves and seeded, one-half teaspoon lemon Juice to moisten Chill well before serving CORN RELISH Thirteen cups com. thirteen cups oBbopped cabbage, four sweet red or peppers, two cups Imperial brown sugar, two quarts vinegar, two tablespoons salt, one-half cup dry mustard, one tablespoon flour. Cut •weet com from the cob. Combine Ingredients in order named, maklr# a paste with vinegar, mustard, salt and flour. Cook 20 minutes, after boiling point is reached stirring fre quently. Turn into sterile Jars and •eal. BANANA BREAD One and one-half cups brown or white Imperial Pure Cane sugar, j four mashed bananas, one-half cup nut meats, seven-eighths cup short ening. three eggs, four tablespoons •our milk, ts’o teaspoons soda, three and one-half cups pastry flour. Cream shortening, add sugar and cream well. Add well-beaten eggs, nuts and bananas which have been mashed with a silver fork. Add Ethen soda and flour which' een sifted together. Bake in ! ite oven 350 degrees about one Makes two loaves. GOLD CAKE (4 Egg Yolks) :up butter. 1-2 cup sugar, 1-4 ilk. 1 teaspoon lemon extract, yolks 1-8 teaspoon salt. 3-4 lur. 1 teaspoon baking powder, m butter and sugar Add rest ft ingredients and beat 2 minutes. Pout into shallow pan lined with •raxed paper. Bake SO minutes in moderately slow oven. Cool and RtVt LIMA BEANS EN CSSEROLE One cup cooked lima beans, two cups diced celery, one-half green pepper, shredded; four small onions, sliced: two cups tomatoes, salt and pepper. Mix Ingredients and bake tee how ■ DON’T LET SCORCHED FOOD BURN YOU UP—SALVAGE IT .. ' ........— ■■■■.... I .......— ■■■■...— If you slip up in making a Jellied vegetable salad and it won't Jell, re member you can salvage it by adding softened gelatin and a bit of lemon Juice. By MARY E. DAGUE SEA Service Staff Writer On hectic days it seems as if "tempus fugits" faster in the kitch en than any other place, and that if you take your eyes for one second from the vegetables on the stove they burn or otherwise misbehave. And that's where you prove your mettle as a housekeeper by knowing how to turn failurein to success. Any vegetable that has Just start ed to burn can be placed — in its cooking pan — into a larger pan of cold water The vegetable then should be SHAKEN, not scraped, out of the burned pan into a fresh pan or bowl, leaving the scorched portion in the pan. If not done, a little boil ing water can be added and the cooking finished. Season and sene as usual and nobody will know the difference. Shake Pan to Prevent Scorching An excellent precaution for the new cook is to shake the sauce pan occasionally in which a vegetable is cooking. Often the smooth-cut. flat surface sticks and bums before the water cooks away or the vege table is done. Shaking prevents this without crushing as stirring might do. Potatoes and sliced carrots are examples of vegetables that often scorch. SOUR MI1.K PANCAKES Buttermilk can be used. 2 cups flour, 4 teaspoon salt. 1 teaspoon Imperial Pure Cane sugar, 1 tea spoon soda. 1 egg or 2 yolks. 14 cups sour milk. 2 tablespoons fat. melted. Mix ingredients and beat 2 min utes. Pour from pitcher onto greas ed griddle or shallow frying pan. Bake until well browned on under sides. With aid of spatula and fork carefully turn. Serve warm with butter and syrup, brown sugar, honey or Jelly. BAKED APPLES IN CIDER 6 apples, to cup Imperial Pure Cane sugar. 1 teaspoon cinnamon, to teaspoon cloves. 2 tablespoons butter. 2-3 cup cider, to eup water. Wash and core apples. Fit into buttered shallow pan. Stuff cen ters with sugar, spices and butter. Add rest of ingredients. Bake 35 minutes In moderate oven. Baste every 10 minutes. Serve warm or cold. MEAT LOAF Bake in morning. 1 cup chopped beef round, to cup chopped cooked ham. 4 cup chopped veal, to cup crumbs. 1 tablespoon chopped onions, 1 tablespoon chopped green peppers. 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, to tea spoon salt, to teaspoon pepper. 2 egg yolks or 1 egg. 1-3 cup milk. Mix ingredients and press into greased loaf pan Bake 35 minutes In moderate men. If the loaf is to be served warm, it can be reheated for 10 minutes. FRIDAY FOOD FILLERS — PECAN MUFFINS 1 cup flour. 1 cup Graham flour. 4 teaspoon salt, 1-3 cup dark brown Imperial sugar, 1 teaspoon sods, 1 cup sour milk, 4 cup pecans, 1 egg. 3 tablespoons fat, melted. Mix Ingredients. Beat 1 minute. Half-fill greased muffin pans and bake 15 minutes in moderate oven. Serve warm with butter. THICK FRENCH DRESSING Stays thick if stored in refrigera tor. 4 cup Imperial Pure Cane su gar. 1 teaspoon celery seed. 1 tea spoon dry mustard, 1 teaspoon pap rika. 1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon on ion juice, 1-3 cup vinegar, 1 cup sal ad oil. Mix ingredients in deep bowl and beat well. Chill and serve on any kind of salad. RAW VEGETABLE SALAD Sometimes called Health Salad. 1 cup carrot strips. 1 cup shredded cabbage. 4 cup grapefruit, 4 cup diced celery. 3 tablespoons chopped green peppers. 4 teaspoon salt. Prepare carrots and cabbage and soak in chilled water until crisp. Drain well and add rest of ingredi ents which have been chilled. Serve, piled roughly on crisp cabbage leaves. CHILI MAYONNAISE 1-3 cup stiff mayonnaise. 3 table spoons chill sauce, 3 tablespoons chopped celery, 3 tablespoons chop ped green peppers, 1 teaspoon horse radish. Mix and chill ingredient* and serve on lettuce or other vegetable salads. Have Your Eyes Carefully Examined and Glasses Properly Pitted by it A. LACKNER Dr. of Optometry 1110 Elisabeth Brownsville If too much salt threatens to spoil the soup, add from a half cup to a whole cup of sliced raw potatoes to the kettle of soup. Let stand ten or fifteen minutes, remove potatoes and serve. The potatoes absorb the excess salt. If the mayonnaise separates, take another egg yolk In a fresh bowl and slowly beat in the curdled dressing, j continuing as usual until all the in gredients are used, i If a custard sauce curdles, beat 'It well with a dover beater. This i same beater often will beat the lumps ou* of white sauce that has been made in too big a hurry. If the sauce is very lumpy it can be rubbed through a fine sieve and re heated. If the breakfast cereal lumps de spite vigorous stirring .use a heavy wire whisk or a strong dover beater. A tomato cream soup that shows an inclination to curdle can be con certed into a thick puree by adding butter and flour rubbed together in the proportion of 1 tablespoon butter and 1 tablespoon flour to each cup of soup. One tablespoon fine sifted soda cracker crumbs added to each cup of soup will correct the tendency to curdle, too. If jam becomes hard and sugar)' before it is used up. place It in a mod erate oven until the sugar melts. When cool the jam is almost as good as new. Boiled frosting that insists on running when put on the cake can be made stiff by adding powdered sugar until the mixture will stay put. A gelatiu jelly that refuses to stif fen in the required length of time can be hurried if more gelatin is softened in cold water, dissolved over hot water and added at once to the offending Jelly. One seldom if ever has this sort of trouble if a prepared jelly is used. When fresh fruit juices are used they vary considerably in their acid : ity with the result that the jelly may not stiffen the same every time. A jelled vegetable salad Is dell clous with pork and game meals for early falL Jellied Vegetable Salad One package lemon or lime-flav ored gelatin. 2 cupa warm water. 1 tablespoon vinegar. 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup diced cucumber. 1 cup thinly sliced red radishes, 1 cup thinly slic ed new onions. Dissolve gelatin in warm water. Add vinegar and salt. Chill. When slightly thickened, fold in vege tables. Turn into a large mold and chill until firm. Unmold on crisp lettuce and garnish with mayon naise. This rule makes enough for eight servings. You might mold half of it in one mold large enough for four and make four individual molds for the next day. If you cover the molds with heavy waxed paper they will keep perfectly for two or three days in the refrigerator. Letting Small Things Balk Is Handicap _ By OLIVE ROBERTS BARTON "Look, Mom." whimpered Freddie, holding up the broken shoe-lace ‘Tm late for school now. I guess 1 Just can't go." Mother put the baby off her lap and tied the string at once. "It looks awful." said Freddie. "Nonsense. Stop looking at it and hustle. Your breakfast’s ready." But still the boy fussed. His egg was too hard, too much milk on his oatmeal. "Will you never get going?” scold ed his mother. "You can find more things to fool over than anyone I ever saw Here's your cap. Now scoot.” Outside he met Art, and Art yell ed, "Come on. I’ll race you to the comer." Freddie started off. but his sock slid down. He laid his books on a ; step and fixed It. “I cant run,” he called. ‘ My stocking wont stay up." j “Oood night!" exclaimed Art. 'Letting a little thing like that stop you. I bet if you were going to see a parade or somethin' you wouldn’t even bother about an old sock. But say. we got to run if we dont want to be late.” Saved From Tardiness They got to school and Miss Wise fairly pulled them Inside the door. “Hurry, boys. In your seats before the gong rings,” she admonished. In the cloak room Freddie discov ered that somebody had his particu lar hook. He would not use another. Out he came, cap In hand, and com plained of the fact. Miss Wise grab bed him. almost threw him into his seat to avoid a tardy mark as the rules directed, and Just then the gong rang. She smiled, but shook her head. She knew this fussy lit tle boy would always have to be sav ed from circumstances unless some one taught him that little things are not important in an emergency. She took his cap and put It on the window sill In the cloakroom The session was interrupted over and over by Freddie's hand in the air. He couldn’t write his spelling words because Molly’s hair touched his desk.” He said his chalk-mark (star* beside his name on the honor roll for arithmetic, was getting too dull to see. In the midst of marking papers Miss Wise had to hunt up her red crayon and brighten the insignia on the board. Otherwise she knew it would bother him so much he couldn t study his geography. Mother Takes a Hand I think 111 talk to his mother, she decided. Here is a smart boy who is getting so set in a habit that he will lose all ability to concentrate. He'll always be missing the big things of life bothering with the pin pricks. Easily licked. Next day Freddie's mother said. "I don't see how I can take you to town to buy your new coat tomor row." This was a blow because it meant lunch with daddy, and a movie. "Why?” he asked, crest fallen. “Oh. my dress needs fixing and it looks like rain and there’s a letter I must write and Sister’s cutting a tooth.” “Those arent good reasons." said Freddie. “You’re Just letting little things stop you." Which was the answer she wanted And then she explained that she was doing exactly the same things he did every day. That successful people did not let small matters in terfere when they had something big to do; that if he could learn to be less fidgety she woul dundertake the city trip. So we leave this boy, won dering if he will fall short of being f great person because he worries are ironed, or the color of the ink too much about the way his cuffs he writes with. TOMATO C.OI LASH One-fourth cup salad oil. two on ions sliced, two green peppers, shred ded; two ears of com, cut from cob; eight tomatoes, cut in eighths; salt, pepper. Heat the oil. Add on ion and cook until a delicate brown. Add peppers and com and cook five minutes Add peppers and com and cook five minutes. Add tomatoes and seasoning and cook until soft. Don’t be FOOLFD by fake labels We guar antee the strength of these beers in the bottle Let your taste decide/ **“»*»• *SSS4“,1»jwt C,VUM' r <B Sanchez, j Changeable Weather in Month Of September Makes for Big Variety in Menu Planning By BIABT E. DAGUE NBA Service Staff Writer X don't trust September. The weather Is likely to be perfect one day and horrid the next, with mar kets and appetites veerlnf to match. Hot noons, cool mornings and even ings are fine contrasts, but the housekeeper has plenty to do mak ing her meals keep up with the It’s a nice month some ways, LOUISE’S BANANA CAKE 3-3 cup fat, cups Imperial Pure Cane sugar. 1 teaspoon vanilla. 1 tea spoon lemon extract, % teaspoon salt, 2 eggs, \% cup sour milk, 1 cup mashed bananas, % cup nuts (black walnuts preferred), 3 cups flour, 1 teaspoon soda. Cream fat and sugar, add rest of Ingredients and beat 2 minutes. Pour into shallow pan lined with waxed paper. Bake 30 minutes in moderate oven. Serve topped with whipped cream or covered with a white icing. (TO mash bananas, peel and press thrqough coarse sieve). NICE FOR LUNCHEON Three large cucumbers, one and one-half cups medium white sauce, one-half cup grated cheese, one and one-half cups flaked cooked fish, pepper and salt, one-half cup dry bread crumbs, one tablespoon butter, melted. Cut cucumbers In halves lengthwise, *~oop out centers but do not pare. Parboil 10 min utes. Mix white sauce, cheese and flih. add seasonings and fill cucum bers. Toss crumbs in melted butter and sprinkle over top of stuffed cu cumbers. Bake in moderate oven, 350 degrees Fahrenheit, for 30 min utes. PEACH CUSTARD Other fruits can be used. 4 egg yolks, 2 tablespoons flour, H cup imperial Pure Cane sugar, H tea spoon salt, 3 cups milk, 1 teaspoon vanilla. % teaspoon almond extract, 2 cups sliced peaches. Beat yolks, add flour, sugar and salt. Add milk and cook In double boiler until mixture thickens a lit tle. Stir frequently and take care not to over cook. Add extracts and chill. Serve poured over the peaches, chilled. If peaches are net very sweet, they will require h% cup Imperial Pure Cane sugar sprinkled over them Just before served. CARROT MOLD 2 tablespoons bacon fat. 2 table spoons green peppers. 1 tablespoon chopped onion. 2 tablespoons chop ped celery. 1 cup diced cooked car rots, 4 cup cooked rice. 4 teaspoon salt. 4 teaspoon pepper. 2 eggs, beaten, 4 cup milk. Melt fat in frying pan. add and crown peppers, onion '•nd celery Add rest of tng-«* tier.ts. Mix well and pour into buttered ring mold, set In pan of hot water and bake SO minutes in moderate oven. Un mold and fill center with buttered green beans. Never add sauce to boiled cabbage, onions or ceiery until time to serve or mixture will become too watery. though. People who have been away are coming home and maybe you'd like to give a party. The Septem ber hostess is privileged, because she may serve anything she pleases hot or cold soup, chilled beverage, elab orate vegetable dishes, unusual meat courses, novel salads and handsome desserts put early autamn dinners In a class by themselves. Coffee always Is served at dinner and whether It be iced or hot it must be deliciously flavored. In order to insure good strong iced cof fee to the last drop, Miss Charlotte E. Field, chef of the Hotel Lexing ton and the only woman chef in any big New York hotel, advises using cubes of frozen coffee Instead of plain ice cubes in the making of iced coffee. Veal cutlets with stuffed sweet peppers is a delightful dish for a September dinner. Serve it with a salad of tomato stuffed with a vege table aspic and finish the meal with a frozen dessert. Serve coffee with the dinner. Veal Cutlet* With Staffed Pepper* Pour veal cutlet*, 1 egg. crackfr crumbs, 2 large sweet green peppers. '* cup cooked lima beans. 4 table spoons tiny cooked onions. % cup corn cut from cob. % cup diced cook ed beets, 4 tablespoons HoilandaJse sauce or melted butter. Have the butcher cut veal steak in slices 2-4 Inch thick. Trim meat In neat pieces for individual serving. Or “cutlets" can be used. Roll meat In crumbs, dip in egg slightly beat en with 1 tablespoon cold water and roll again In crumbs. Sprinkle with salt and pepper , and saute a rich brown on both sides In hot fat In a frying pan. Reduce heat, cover closely and cook slowly for 1 hour. Place on a hot platter and on each cutlet put half a pepper filled with combination of vegetables. Pour the sauce or melted butter over each stuffed pepper and serve at once. The peppers are prepared by cut ting in halves lengthwise and remov ing seeds. Then simmer for eight minutes in boiling water. Drain and fill with vegetable. Eggplant Italienne is a good dish to serve with a leg of lamb or it makes a splendid main luncheon dish for the family. Eggplant lUllenne Two small eggplants. 2 hard cook ed eggs. 4 cup diced cheese, 1 cup tomato sauce. Pare eggplants and cut In slices. Sprinkle each slice with salt and pile on a plate, one above the other. Cover with weighted plate and let stand two hours. Saute in butter and line a shallow baking dish with kalf the slices. Cover with eggs sprinkle the cheese and pour over tomato sauce Cover with remaining eggplant and bake fifteen minutes in a moderate oven To make tomato sauce cook 14 cups diced tomatoes with onion, cel ery leaves, parsely. carrot and three or four whole cloves. Seaton with and pepper and a little sugar and cook until very soft Rub through a sieve Thicken with two tablespoons butter blended with 14 tablespoons flour. Good Grooming Demands Two Perfumeries ~ By ALICIA HART NEA Service Staff Writer Nowadays a perfectly groomed woman would no more wear heavy evening perfume with her daytime tweeds than she would put large rhinestone dips on a tennis dress. One who Is truly fastidious picks her perfumery as carefully as she does her accessories. If your budget allows for two really good perfumes, get one light odor for daytime and a richer, slightly heavier scent for evening. If you can have only one, make that an evening variety and wear toilet water or scented cologne for day tune. This fall there are a good many new perfumes and several old. fa miliar brands In new containers as well as new odors. One company puts out each of Its famous scents in sweet, miniature flacons that are tiny enough to carry In the purse, ! but decorative enough to look charming on a dressing table With such small bottles available, I the old problem of how to afford at least two scents Is practically solved. Nearly everyone can have three of these. Oet a light, subtle, outdoor fragrance, for sports and street, a slightly heavier mixture for after noon and dinner, and a really ro mantic. glamorous perfume for even ing. Remember, of course, that any kind of perfume should be put rectly on your skin. A drop or two is permissible on furs, but never on other clothing. If you are a toilet water addict, better pick one that harmonises with your perfume. If not. make sure that it is practically odorless and doesn’t conflict with the perfume you Intend tq wear. STANDARD MUFFINS Two cups flour, .four teaspoons baking powder, two tablespoona Im perial Pure Cans sugar, one-half teaspoon salt, one egg, one cup milk, three tablespoona melted tot. Sift flour, measure and return to alfUr. Measure baking powder, sugar aad salt and put In with flour. Beat egg in mixing bowl, add milk and beat together, add tot. stirring In. Blit dry ingredients into liquid ones, stir Just enough tom Olsten dry ingre dients. Thera may be lumps la the batter but do not worry. They will come out In the baking. Turn at once into well greased muffin tlna Bake in a hot oven. 42S degrees Fah renheit. until the crust Is golden brown, from 30 to It minutes. Dic ed cooked ham or crisp bacon to the amount of one-third to one-half cup stirred Into the batter just be fore pouring It into the pans makas a savory breakfast hot bread. POUND CAKE One pound butter, one pound Imperial Pure Cane sugar, ten eggs, one pound flour, one-half teaspoon mace, two tablespoons brandy. Cream butter, add sugar gradually and con tinue beating Add egg yolks, beat en until thick and lemon colored, egg whites beaten until stiff, flour, mace and brandy. Beat vigorously five minutes. Bake In s deep greas ed pan one and one-fourth hours In s moderately alow oven, 328 de grees Fahrenheit. SHIRRED EGGS Butter an egg shlnrer, ramekin or sauce dish; carefully break tha egg so as not to break the yolk; sprinkle with a little salt: put In a moderate oven until the white la aet. Gar nish with two small pieces of fried bacon. hamToaf One pound smoked ham ground, one pound ground beef, pork or veal; one-half teaspoon salt, two tablespoons chopped green pepper, two eggs, one cup milk, two cups flaked cereal crumbs. Combine I thoroughly and bake In a loaf pea >at 350 degrees for one hour. “HERE’S HEALTH!” “There's more to health than fresh air and exercise. Sound diet counts a lot - that's why I count on delicious breakfasts of Shredded Wheat" Each golden-brown Shredded Wheat Biscuit entices you to health. For it containa a perfect balance of Nature's vital health elements in their snoot d qrotihlo form. f ^ AT YOUR DEALER'S A FULL-SIZE 10i PACKAGE FOR 5t At Your Dealer’s With The Purchase of One Regular 25c Sixe Package On A Spe cial Introductory Money-Back Guaran tee Offer SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE OFFER Accept this regular 10c sixe package of Oxydol for Ic with the purchaae of one 25o package at the regular price—try the 10c sixe package. If you aren't fully satisfied, return both packages with sales slip showing purchase to your dealer and get your money back. We will repay him. I TO OBTAIN 10< PACKAGE FOR 51 [ And Find a Far Quicker, Whiter and Safer Washing Method SIMPLY DO THISi Co To Your Dealer and Buy a 2Sc Sim Package of Oxydol. And—By Paying Him S Cants More— Receive A Regular 10c Sim Package to Try. Money Beck If Not Satisfied 'T'HIS remarkable "Money-Back Introductory Offer" X of a full 10c package of the new and improved Oxydol for only 8c with the purchase of a regular 25c package is made solely to introduce a far faster, far whiter and safer method of washing clothes into your home. New, improved Oxydol is the latest laundry soap dis covery of Procter & Gamble experts. Everywhere women are changing to it—discarding old favorites among bar. flake, chip and granulated soaps and turn ing to Oxydol. They $nd it does 3 things you never dreamed a single soap could do. Features that cost one million dollars to perfect. Rnt-Cotewashing tims28%te>40%in tabor machine. Saves hours of labor—gives you your afternoon fret. Second—Soaks out dirt from clothes in 15 minutes. Not one bit of scrubbing or boiling needed. A simple 15-minute soaking gets clothes brighter and whiter than other soaps do with hours of work! Third—Yet Oxydol can’t fade colors, hurt hands or Injure fabrics. Trust Procter & Gamble's 90-year reputation for this! Your line cotton prints, table linens and children’* frocka are safel Try this new and improved “no-scrub, no-boil” laundry soap— Oxydol. The results will amaze you. Accept Sc Bargain Buy a large 25c package today. Most dealers are fea turing it at a special price while supply lasts. And for only 5c more, accept a full-size 10c package. Use it—and if you don’t agree Oxydol is the fastest washing. whitest-washing and safest laundry soap you've ever used, return the sales slip to your dealer and get your money back! We will repay him. The Procter & < .amhl#> Com tan#.