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The World || At a Gla nee ij By LESLIE E1CHEL Central Press Staff Writer NEW YORK Sept. 26.—Is the United States being flooded with British propaganda, much as it was prior to American entry into the World War? A sudden realisation ol the situa tion is dawning on a few students of affairs. The British government— dom inated by Tories (reactionary politi cians)—has secretly moved the greatest war fleet w the worlds history' to the Medilenauean. Not even the British public has been informed ol this move. British newspapers have co-oper ated with the British admiralty in suppressing the news. American news associations and American newspapers, however, have ferreted it out by diligent elforts. The British Tory government, at the same time, lias spread on world records as public as possible, the necessity for the British to preserve the peace ol the world—through preventing, by force if necessary, the entry ol Mussolini* forces into Ethiopia. The picture c-f Ethiopia as a downtrodden nation, suddenly to become the vassal of a ruthless new Caesar painted by the British land probably entirely true> is highly emotional It is calculated to sweep Prance and the United States be hind Great Britain—and to cause the British dependencies to look upon Britain as a protector. But the fact of the matter is—as military men and internationalJ bankers will tell you—Ethiopia1 doesn't count. No European nation gives two snaps of its fingers for the ! inhabitants of Haile Selassie's coun- j try. It Is the British empire, the Brit-! Ish "life line ’ that is at stage. And the Americans are being made to understand that if the Brit ish empire is endangered, the Unit ed States is endangered. • • • World Politics Americans remain gullible as tc world politics. Nations do not fight to presene the downtrodden. They fight for apotls They fight to presene what wiey have. Italy threatens not utily British domination in Africa but it goe even further It seems to be arous ing the oriental races against Brit ain. The British in trying to preserve their world empire intact, really In the end mav be put into the posi tion of trying to save the democratic! nations and calling for help. For the RADIO PROGRAMS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER » (Central and Eastern Standard Time) Note; All programs to key and basic chains or groups thereof unless speci M, coast to coast (e to c) designation includes all available stations, Proorams subject to cbanoe. P. M. (Dayhaht time onc hour later) NBC-WEAF NETWORK BASIC — East: weaf wlw wcei wtic wjar vug wesh kyw whio wfbr wrc Wgy wben wcao wtsm wwj wsai: Mid: ksd vmaq wcfl who wow wdaf wkbf NORTHWEST A CANADIAN — wtraj wiba. witp webc wday kfyr srct cfcf SOUTH — wrva wptf wwnc wit wjax wfla-wsun wiod warn wmc wsb wapi ! wjdx v?mb kvoo wky wfaa wbap kprc woai ktbs ktha waoc wave wtar MOUNTAIN—koa kdyl kgir kghl PACIFIC—kgo kfi Iqpr komo khq kftd ktar kgu kpo kex kga kyr kya Cent. East. 3:30— 4:30—Jamas Wilkinson, Bari. 3:45— 4:45—Sam A Oick Adventures 4:00— 5:00—Flying Time for Kiddie* 4:15— 5:15—To Be Announced 4:30— 5:30—Press-Radio News poriod 4:35— 6:35—To Bo Announced 4:45— 5:45—Billy A Betty—weaf only 6:00— 0:00—Amos 'n' Andy—east only 6:IS— 6:15—Uncle Bare Radio Station 5:30— 6:30—Our American Schools 6:45— 6:46—City Voices Via Radio 6:00— 7:00—Ono Man’s Family—to « 6:30— 7:30—Wayno King's Orchestra 7:00— 6:00—Frank Crumit Amateurs 6:00— 6:00—Conrad Thiboutt’s Prog. 6:30— 9:30—Ray Noble end Orchestra 6:00—10:00— M. La Porte’s Orchestra— east: Amos ’n’ Andy—vent repeat 6:30—10:30— Leonard Keller Orchestra 9:46—10:45—To Bo Announced 10:00—11:00—Al Kval* and Orchestra 10:30—11:30—“Lights Out." Melodrama CBS WABC NETWORK BASIC—East: wabc made woko wxao waab wnac wgr wkbw wkrc whk eklw wdre wjas wean wfbl wspd wjsv vbns; Midwest: wbbru wfbm km be km ox wowo whas kfab EAST—whp whec wlbx wfea wore wicc efrb ckac wibx wmas. DIXIE—wgst wsfa w-bre wqam wdod klra wrec wlac wdsu wtoc kr!d wrr ktrb ktsa waco koma wdbo wbt wdae whig wdbj wwva wmbg wsjs winbr wala ktul kgko wcoa wdne wnox kwkh MIDWEST—wgl wmt wmbd wiin wibw kth wsmk wkbn weco wsbt ksej wnax woe MOUNTAIN—kvor kls koh ksl COAST—khj koin klrc kol ktay kvi kfbk km] kwg kern kdb k*mb Wfb Cent. East 3:30— 4:30—Jack Armstrong — east; Dramas—Dixie; Melodies—west 3:45— 4:45—Patti Chapin and Songa 4:00— 5:00— Buck Rogers—east; Mau rice Sherman Orcn.—west A Dixie 4:15— 5:15—Bobby Benson — east; World Traveler—remainder chain Cent. Bast. 4:30— 5:30—Music Bo*— wabc; Poetic String*—ea^i. Cadet Quar.—west; Jack Armstrong—midwest repeat 4:40— 5:45—Poetic Strings Continued 4:55— 5:55— Press-Radio News Period 5:00— 5:00—Just Entertainment — **; Organ—Dixie: Buck Rogers—midw repeat: Al Roth Orch.—west 5:15— 5:15—He. She 4 They Musicals 5:45— 5:45—Boake Carter’s Comment 5:00— 7:00—Johnnie Foursome—eas>t; Harmonettes—w; Old Timer— Dix. 5:15— 7:15—Deutsch Dance Rhythms 5:30— 7:30—The Broadway Varieties 7:00— 5:00—Six Gun Justice. Drama 7:30— 5:30—Admiral Byrd Reunion 5:00— 5:00—Burns and Allen Comedy 5:30— 9:30—The March of Time—to c 5:45— 9:45—David Ross Poet's Gold 9:00—10:00—Johnny Hama s Orchest. 9:30—10:30—Claud* Hopkins' Orches. —basic: Simons Orches.—midw. 10:00—11:00—Frankie Masters’ Orches. 10:30—11:30—Dick Messner Orchestra 11 iOO—12:00—Dance Music—west only NBCWJZ NETWORK BASIC — East: wjs wbz-wbzx wbal wham kdka wgar wjr wlw wsjrr wmal wfil; Mid: wcky wenr wls kwk kwcr koil wren wmarj k&<> wkbf NORTHWEST A CANAOIAN — wtmj wiba kstp webc wday kfyr rn t cfcf SOUTH — wrva wptt wane w'is ajax wfla- wsun wind wsm ante asb aapi wjdx a Mnb kvoo wky wfsa a bap kpre woai ktbs ktbs went* wa\* MOUNTAIN—koa kdyl kgir fcghl PACIFIC— kgo kfi ktw komo khq kfsd ktar kpo kex kga kgr kya Cant. East. 3:30— 4:30—The Sinning Lady—ta^t 3:46— 4:46—Orphan Annie—cast only 4:00— 5:00—The Animal News Club 4:16— 5:16—Capt. Tim Healy, Stamps 4:30— 5:30—Press- Radio News — ba sic; The Singing Lady—inidw. rpt. 4:36— 5:35—The Charioteers—a-jz only 4:46— 5:46—Lowell Thomas — oust; Orphan Annie—repeat to midaest 5:00— 6:00—Dinner Concert Program 5:1V— 6:16—Tony A Gus, Serial Skit S:30— 6:30— Lum and Abner. Comedy 5:46— 6:46— Dangerous Paradise. Skit 6:00— 7:00—The Rendezvous of Music 6:30— 7:30—House of Glass. Serial Act 7:00— 8:00—John Chat. Thomas Prog. 7:30— 8:30—Warden Lawes A Drama 8:00— 9:00—Joe Venuti and Orchestra 8:30— 9:30—Stones of History, Drama 9:00—10:00— Dorothy Lar.iour, Orch. 9:16—10:1V—Ink Spots. Negro Quartet —basic; Tony A Gus—west repeat 9:30—10:30—L. Romanelli Orchestra east: House of Glass—west rpt 10:00—11:00—Shandor and His Violin 10:08—11:06—Bob Chester's Orchestra 10:30—11:30—Billy Bissett A Orchestra dictatorships-having become dicta torships. because their countries were denied world spoils—may unite against the British, the nation with the largest acreage of "raw prod uct* land, OCR BOARDING HOUSE —Bj AHERN GENT LX-'-E GAO, 'DON'T JOSTLE THE CAGE *00 VOU KNOW WHAT XOU « AUE LOOKING AT^^HAW* THE WORLDS CHAMPION { JUMPING PROGt — 4 '^TMOTED that is "mogul: . and he CAN DO A -BROAD JUMP* i *'%ZZ~7 iST OP “47 PEET WITH EASE »V3U1 * iTiriF. A»TH WOULDNT BELIEVE TT, BUT , 1 PAID #7S FOR HIM I J M?u5Zn *N ONE JU*AR i ’yr ,1 WHEN SHE J SWINGS ON p VOU / 'CCWvSOW. P 'iOU‘R6 L, hopeless. ! $ V_ OUT OUB WAV —By WILLIAMS it> eerrec CDUKtr \ A MUKJDR6D—VfcS, \ 7VO MUfsJDGED—SO ' X *OJ'T SB <30NJ<S <~GD 'TUB SCUQOU 1 Apr TIER I4A4. J _ _Ikllf lMffinfl m ULMfrU-t UtJMLv DAN DUNN — Secret Operative 48 By NORMAN MARSH y THEBE ONE twins www.&Wrlr f 7TO RENEHBEB, 5MEILA. VEN--TMAT5 A \ [ I VSE VOUG MEAD r—'GOOD IDEA- BUT , [ 9 F««T AND MOUO TMMC COPPERS >] f GUN WMEN you WILL NEVER CATCH f ^-T MM/E TO.) yf—OUG GAME J f-—7 c--—V* *°° PtRMCT • Cl r THAT V5-BUT Wt CAM MAKE MOPE oocxaw—amo * EA*>'EP IK Twev-PE not V 6UNNIN6 POO OEANWWILl At HIS OTFICC. DAN CALLS in 1 ^iiTVLSSff ■ i in nr iir WAS MURDERED THE OTHER fjfe NAUT--ANO I BELIEVE. JN TMOSI WHO WAVE BEEN SMUGGLING ALIENS WTO tLC LJB f ' 1 r I VWANT all op you TO BE on THE ALERT-ANYTHING YOU THINK HAY BE A CLUE MUST BE TURNED OYER TO ME - - - FROM NOW ON X*M TAKING ^ ~ CHARGE OF THIS CASE _ I personally/J BOOTS A YD HER BUDDIES — G. A. Is Sore • — Bf MARTIN hstt\e TWc cwa> TO WMT.VONUJE Dfc&W&Q UP TO ttVb POOM co*«K»*ajE APPPtHtU^tfJU TO *££ \P EAJHiR STU_l> W^S WOLO\Ki& THt vc^rr EU^ER '■ I'M C OM\K>'. P*V. *. W3^‘RE t ^ - \W ‘AH f TOCWE^l WEVJ VA £ WEEK> f\ If o.w.--JEs>‘take I tV^'HOKioay-***’ \T t*bY, WOW W 1 VJAiKiM^ nr^ir^^L?OOT^ .— — — — tm ^ " 1 1 " 1 - THE NEWFANGLED . Mom n Pop. — The Lant Shall be Fir»l -87 COWAN I BACKED THE WCONG MOOSE. ON * TIP, VtlNT*4NBCAm&M AGE CONVINCED TW Til $200 T«V *CTON BEVENUEI *T 20 TO IN THE CJFTk BACE.IS LOST 's f ,7ll .p' ^RO*/ REVENUE!?'?' r«vENU£R! $g**i THt GIMPS — Leave It to Andy —By SIUNLA SMITH STAYING IN THE ROOMING HOUSE WITH MAMA ^ *A IS WAITING FOR HER TO CALL BACK WHILE ANDY KEEPS HIM COMPANY. 04S ——1 I. Rtf fl S F.* t u* InlMR'.'- Y In I / AN&v GUMP \ ) SPEAKING- \ J state your % 1 ~\ BUSINESS. / 1 Please-ano \ BE BRIEF- J IT S THAT w &ONT TALK \ HATEFUL ANOV f TO M»#A - 1 CtOAAP OKI THE I) THIS »S A \ I HIRE - ONER AT 0 CASE FOR THE \ OUR MOOSE J1 COURTS To I HiTM B»M / DECiOC - V A (a Ain - y \ ill SUE THAT a vr I w--,.. -——-———— — ■ •» .... . -t "—u. , .it; ■—i V-. a.aew* i_sbk..__ ALLEY OOP — Moo* Not Even a Flag Stop • • • .|iy HAMLIW i LOOKIT THAT CANGED \ ( PTERAMODOM go - . \ POOR OL OOP - SAY- I V l BELIEVE WERE OUTA ^ ^ THAT BLASTED J V SWAMP/ V— I HANG ON, \ f OOP ' WEBE / < COMINV /' GOOD OL DlWWY - HES ^ DO<M MIS BEST TMELP ME- BUT. I'M AFBAID \TS HOPELESS -OH. , WHAT MESSES 1 DO r ^ GET lWTO/ / WELL. f HOYKAWOW? WE BE COMMA FLY BIGHT A*___ WASH Tl BBS — A shock for Mr. Drake -By CHAN* ~w.;a me/ i"ai3TCS5^ CO«?A 04 flOOCttTtMC, *jot ro s^iKi<sA da wck /*r-'AT oOL OL'BW'ED SW'WDtEefS we CXDw'r comb M£c?e to Oo UP A TQEASUGE WO MOCE'W I DID, AW' SOU KfU KICK THATOVte A COUPLA J T lVeLL/WHOCAPEfN CAGES. JSTL^lD? IWf 6DW --P-*\gftCK-fP PSUtR^ CUE>-m ™'—fT'5 60NEfX FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS — A MEwtor Link -B» «' "W "El _ r ^ F MEMBERS OF THE FOOT BALL TEAM ARE GOtNG TO GET SWELL-HEADED AND ►JOT TRAIN AS THEY SHOULD, WE OUGHT TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT f _ **• WHAT CAN WE DO? CANT MO, JOAN, SHOW THEM ] BUT HOW rr I WE'RE SHOULD BE ) >M5MEN, 4 done f J apent \ •tr~ -rJ. tbs, and suppose 1 THEY GET MAD AND J REFUSE TO Sk*ME UNTIL VUE DATE THEM MOW 'AOULD7WAT BE ? SAY. \F THEY ALL GOT TOGETHER AT THE END OF THREE MONTHS AND POOLED THEIR ENTIRE HARVEST 'THEY'D STILL BE THREE BEARDS SHORT f * Pf S-UFFWi* >=OR A bean BAG'/ I GABBY tty WILLIAM HITT »nd IOE KINflf A» VOU^T I BEEN SHAKEN AND EXCITED QUIVEPEN SO I -VI—- HADN'T HAD TIME x ^ 10 THINK IF I AM1 irU . GABBY STARTS FRtSHMAN FOOTBALL practice THS, GENTLEMEN, IS A TACKLING DUMMY AND NOT YOUR GREAT-GREAT-GRANDMA -SO TREAT HIM ROUGH —NUMBER 7— " V-jjmmiL ttXi FIRST r—r— 1 COME ON'COW' PUT SOME PEP IS TW/5 i_ PEPPY