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Convert Used Articles into Cash By Placing Your Ad on the Classified Page COMMUNISM 1 ASSAILED AT CHURCH MEET A1 Smith Calls For ‘Communionism* At Seventh Eucharistic Congress CLEVELAND. Sept. 25 —<*V Thousands of children, clad In Im maculate white, gathered Wednes day in the broad amphitheater which rang Tuesday night with praise of the Eucharist and denun ciations X communism The children, eager for their day of ritual and benediction In the a pageantry of the seventh national \ Eucharistic congress, made ready to attend a solemn pontifical mas* in the brightly decorated Cleveland •tedium. In the same stadium Tuesday night. Alfred E. Smith, a com manding figure among the Catholic laity, voiced vigorous professions of his faith in the Blesaed Sacrament of the Eucharist and proposed that society must be organized on the basts of love "in the nanr of Him who gave His life for us on Cal vary.'* or it will organize mi the basis of sin. The former governor of New York received a stirring ovation from an estimated 43.000 persons who rose in t|ie tiers of seats and ap plauded as a symphony orchestra •truck up the contagious strains of “Hie Sidewalks of New York.” • TAXES (Continued from First Pagei makes the wheel* of government go •round. Right here in Brownsville just the other day the city manager was ap proached by one who la a fairly large property owner with the pro position that Brownsville should build a new and imposing city hall "But where will the money come from?'* "Borrow it from the Public Work* administration. We ought to get some ©f this government money while it Is going round.” "But if we borrow It from the PWA we will have to issue bonds as se curity to the PWA for the loan.'* Improvements Mean Taxes "We ought te do it any way." With the remark by the city man ager that the present city commis* at on has expressed itself many times as being opposed to any more bard lasues. the conversation changed its course, and drifted, as conversa tions will these days, to a discus sion of taxes. And the same person who had Just advocated the borrowing of money to build a new city hall clos •d that conversation with the re mark that "something must be done about taxes, they must come down, or development will be stifled * Bonds make taxes. We have before us as we write a Stter receivfd by the city of rownsille Tuesday morning The writer advocates some very desirable civic improvements, among them the paving cf certain streets In certain neighborhoods. And enclosed m the same letter ts a clipping of remarks made recently bv William Randolph Hearst on the subject of taxes, while written on the side are these words: "Taxes must be reduced to en tourage people to make their homes here.' Paving costs money The only way the city of Browns r dlle or any other city can get mon §v with which to pave street^ is by the levying of taxes. Civic improvements make taxes Right there is one answer to the Suestion, "Where do w go from ere?" If you don't want your taxes in creased. don’t vote any more bond is gnes. Bonds Built Valiev Of course, we all realiae that most cf the bond tssurs we have voted In the past were voted lor two rea sons first, we thought the improve ments to be financed by the bond issues would be well worth the cost, and second, we thought that the improvements would better us fi nancially to an extent that we would be better able to pay our taxes, even the increased taxes the bond issues entailed. And if the bottom had not dropped out of things in general, we would probably have been right. This is a young country Had it not been for bon dissues, the Valley never would ha\e been The chances are thai we are going to have to issue more bonds in the years to come. But let us hope that when we do vote more bond issues, w-e will have clearer under itanding ot what we are doing, that wc will realise that when we vote bonds, we are votuig taxes. And while we are getting wiser about taxes brought on by bond is •ues. we might devote a little per sonal study to taxes brought on by maintenance and operations midget Hearing* l n popular With ail the talk about taxes and the coat of government, how many of us know what our school dis tricts. our county, our cities, our water districts, do with the money we pay in fir taxes? Cameron county, our school dis tricts. our cities, all are compelled by law to hold a public hearing on tfeeir budgets the ensuing year, and • budget of expenses is the basis for the tax rate. Within the past 60 days Cameron county and the Brownsville Inde pendent School district have at tempted to hold that public hear ing. We say "attempted* advised ly. for outside of a Brownsville Herald reporter not one single soli tary taxpayer shoved up at either hearing. although both had been given due publicity through the press! City of Brownsville had the same experience at its last budget hear ing, and we have no doubt but that i officials of other cities and school districts could relate the same ex perience Y*t. the money these budgets call t for can be obtained in but one way. j (Tomorrow—a further discussion j it-Where DoWiOo From Here?**)1 ROMANCE ON THE RIO GRANDE' One gay adventure after another for this madcap pan who were look ing for excitement and found romance. Barbara Stanwyck and Robert Young co-starring in ' Red Salute" Friday and Saturday at the Rlvoli Theatre, San Benito. BEARKATS TO GET LIGHTS Raymondville Grid Plant To Be Ready For Friday Tilt (Special to The Herald) RAYMONDVILLE. Sept 25 —The Central Power and Light company i has begun installation ol a lighting ! system on the Raymondviile high school athletic field. The installa tion will cost $2450 and will consist of 32. 1500 watt lights mounted in groups of four on eight sixty-foot poles. The installation was secured at no cost to the tax payers ol the district as the dcwn payment of $850 00 was raised by notes given to seventy of Raymondvilles citizens. A total of $1050 00 was raised in two days, and they plan to apply the extra $200 on the first note ;or the lights and pay the remainder with gate receipts. Those whc agisted the Athletic association in making the lighting possible were: J. A Fambrough. C. E. Craig, Gulf Coast Irrigation Co Santa Rosa. Inc., Delta Hardware Co. S. L. Gill Wickers Variety Store. Harry Douthltt. Lud Sncw, C. P. HUbun. Dr J. S. Kootsey, David Mayhood, First National Bank. Dr. C. C. Conley. Owen D. Cox, S I. Bym. Fred Raymond. W. A. Addington. L O Robbins. H E Tcenme. I. B. Loe, Roger Robinson. | R. E Manning. Dr G. E. Ber.nack, , B. F Watson. E A. Cnstoffel. Harry Koepke. Luellen Fabian. How - ard Campbell. B E. Carroll. E B. Reeves. J B Chambers. D. B Rapp M L. Divlncy, Wayne Sprecher. Abraham Rios. Hugh McKenzie. Gene Albtn. Hubert Wright. M F Garcia. T. P. Arsmus, W. W. Gray son. Central Power ~nd Light Co. | <Twot N. C. Tracy. George R Lcch rie. Scott Lumber Co. J K. Smith. S. E Smith. John Holder E W. Bauer J. G Foster, Frank W Brown field. O. H Baugh, E M Tomme, Vic Tumlmson. J. M Robbins, A. B Crane. L. C. Brenner, Raymondviile Lumber Cc.. W. M Elliott. Chas. Decker. F. A. Akard Karl Duddle ston. R L. Porter, R H Fackelman Willixe Champion. R. W. Hutchins : and E F Gilliland Ralph Scott. president of the school board, states that, the instal | lation will be completed in three davs In plenty of time for the first game which is scheduled for Friday eve ning, when the locals will meet ■ Stuart. Place team in the first game ' of the season for the locals. On the ! following Friday they will meet the Pharr-San Juan high school team on the local field MAJOR LEAGUE LEADERS (By The Aeeocleted Prese) American League Leading batters—Vosmik Indians .350; Myer. Senators .342 Runs—Oehrlg. Yankees 124; Geh rlnger. Tigers 120. Runs batted in—Greenberg. Tigers ' 167: Gehrig. Yankees 120 Hits—Cramer. Athletics 213; Vos* mik. Indians 211. Doubles — Vosnrk. Indians 20; Stone. Senators 18. Home rim-Greenberg Tigers 36. Foxx Athletics. 34. Stolen bases—Werber. Red Sox Larry. Browns 26 Pitchers — Auker. Tigers 18*8. Bridges. Tigers 21-9 National League Leading batters—Vaughan. Pirates 368; Medwick. Cardinals 355. Buns—Galan. Cubs 130; Medwick Cardinals 129. Runs batted in—Berger Braves. 122: Medwick. Collins. Cards 118 Hits — Medwick. Cardinals 218; Herman. Cubs. 215. Doubles—Herman. Cubs 53; Med wick. Cardinals 46 Triples—Goodman. Reds 18. L V/aner Pirates. 14. Home runs—Berger. Braves. S3; Ott. Giants. 31. Stolen bases — Galan. Cubs 21. Martin. Cardinals 20. Pitchers—Lee. Cubs 19-8; J. Dean. Cardinals 28-11. Brietz Briefs By F-DDIE BRIETZ NEW YORK. Sept. 25. P-Shp Madigxu. St. Marys coach, ha# thought up a new’ one ...when the Gaels open against Nevada this & ason. hell watch the game from ’he pry## box instead of the bench ... Hell have a spy glas# and a special wire connecting him with the bench.... If the setup click#. Slip | will use It in all other games.... His reason—To see the game bet- ! ter. A B Thom, pro at the Lancaster Pa., country club, toured his course in #3— exactly nine under par.... He was out in 32. four under, and back in 31, lira under....Ha col • lected ten birdies played seven holes in even par and was over on only one. Can't you imagine either Max Baer or Joe Louis passing up a quarter of a million berries to win an argument over a pair of boxing gloves?....Stories that the Prtnce ton-Penn football opener is a sell out have Tiger grid officials anxious ....There are 30 000 seat* left. — On# of the finest collections of 1 fig' t pictures ever assembled adorns the wall at Jack Dempseys sp« .... Jack and Nat Fleischer, editor of The Ring, worked more than a year getting it together... Chet Wynne. Kentucky coach, thinks he has the best back in the Southeastern Con* ference in Bert Johnson.... Holy1 Cross shapes up as one of the New England standout elevens. ‘Athletic Injuries* Care Course Offered <Special to The Herald) EDINBURG Sept. 24-A class in "care and Treatment of Athletic In juries has been inaugurated by the Edinburg Junior College The classes are held cn Wednea dav, beginning at 7;30 p. m. The course, open to the general public, wilt deal with the treatment of the most common types of acci dents and will cover a period of few weeks All Individuals interested in attending are urged to be present at the first regular meeting ANNOUNCEMENTS SHELLED PECANS, nr* crop. 60c pounds Broadway Confection ery, 1140 Washington N-123 M. L. DOUGLAS <Sweet Brier Dairy) Pasteurized Milk •hone 732 — Daliy Delivery Pee Gee ! PAINT j MORRIS LUMBER COMPANY Phone 1400 8 Travel Opportunities Mcallen" REYNOSA BUS DAILY SCHEDULE Leaves Leaves McAllen Revnoaa 8:30 a. m 7:30 a. m 10:00 a. m. 9:00 a m. 13:00 p m. 11:00 a m. :00 p. m. 1:00 p m. 6:00 p. ui. 6:00 p m. 4:00 p m. 8:00 p m 8:00 p m. 7 00 p ie. Special bus from Rcynosa Sat urday and Sunday 10 30 p m. UNION BUS LINES Short route from Harlingen to Santone - Abilene - Big Springs - Amarillo - Dallas - Kansas City - St. Louis - Chicago - Memphis. Madison Hotel Arcade. P O Box 385. Phone 405. Harlingen. | Mom Numskuu. | 9 DEAR I.OAm = HOVAI LONB IS A NEW Dt Ac new? J Be »tNO. OkcA DBA^ NOAH* IW TMC Ciock. stands «a» the MACU yP*TAi*S. wee IT RON DO*«MA4 ? MRS otto Mice** . BoCngyrtA «*». DEAlt NOAH’VAmEN THE BANDrr> /N TO Dairy STOWE DID THE miuk. Shake and cibeam I ANNOUNCEMENTS ft Travel Opportunities ..i .-- --- PORT ISABEL EXPRESS Operating under Railroad Com mission of Texas. Certificate Number 2394 Two round trips dally to San :enlto. Brownsville. Los Fres nos and Port Isabel. Connects with all truck lines serving the Valley locally and from up state. Fast service to all points serv ed directly and by connecting ” 3. San Benito Brownsville Port Isabel 130 1030 2 9 Cafes and Hotels WHITE KITCHEN The Largest, Cleanest and Coolest Restaurant in the Valley. THE CHEAPEST easiest way to rent, buy or sell la through the Classified columns of The Herald AUTOMOTIVE 10 Autos For Sale SEE OUR USED CARS At Lot Across from Herald Bldg. Brownsville Motor Co. CHYSLER - PLYMOUTH PHONE 427 BARGAINS Pontiac Coach $100.00 Packard aedan. a family car, low mileage 1934 Chevrolet coupe, low mileage. 1 6-pi: tire*, original paint. Tom Stevenson Co. 1237 Levee Phone 222 USED CAR SPECIALS 13 Chevrolets All types, all models and all prices. Also large selection Fords and other makes. PATTESON MOTOR CO. 927 Elizabeth - Phone 888 CHEVROLET USED CAR LOT Across from Postoffice 1QI1 CHEVROLET SEDAN 10 20 FORD 1 TUDOR 10 20 CHEVROLET 1 TOURING 1931 SoSpe ' Seaman Chevrolet Co. PHONE 410 USED CARS 1929 Plymouth Cabriolet Coupe 1632 Chrysler sedan. 1935 Buiclc Coupe, slightly used, ■ repossessed!. 1931 Chevrolet Sedan 1927 Chrysler Roadster Wells Motor Co. 10*.h & Washington — Phone 66 BUS^ SERVICES 25 Bui!ders-Contractor* BEN v7PROCTER Consulting Engineer and Architect Preliminary Investigations. Detail Plans and Construction Supervision Examinations and Reports SIS 11th St Phons 151 BROWNSVILLE 27 Heating, Plumb., Roofing ROOFING — Brownsville Sheet Metal Works Phone 289 8tli and Harrison 0-111 28 Moving Truck*—Storage MASON TRANSFER CO. Contractors for Missouri Pacific Pick up and Delivery Service Hauling of All Kinds 6th & FRONTON - PHONE 139 Packing of All Kinds BUS. SERVICES 28 Moving Trucks—Storage AUSTIN TRANSFER CO, MI 10th St Moving and crating Prone 421. U-66 HERALD CLASSIFIED ads do big Jobe lot little money Phone 16. and place your offer before thousands of Valley bargain hunt era 3<T ~¥ix It" REFRIGERATOR Service Sickle, silver and gold plating. DeKorte Phone 1025 0-75 34 Insurance White & Sutherland Lilt — Fire — Casualty Insurant PHOjfT 417 Stats National Bans Bids WOOD & DODD INSURANCE SURETY BONDS Phone 100 407 — Uth Street EMPLOYMENT 35 Help Wanted—Male WANTED—English-Spanish steno grapher. Apply accounting de portment. Pan American Airways. Inc.. Brownsville Airport. 0-106 -.-.-. —. - 36 Help Wanted-Female WANTED—EngUah-Kpantsli steno grapher. Apply account mg de partment, Pan American Airways, Inc., Brownsville Airport. 0-106 W A N T E D Orade and Music Teacher Rural Starr County School Only ex perienced teacher who can play piano, direct chorus and glee club will be considered. Tele phone 56 Rio Grande City for appointment. LADY WANTED for local coffee route Earnings up to 132 50 a week. I send everything; no money risk Automobile given producer Albert Mill*. 7327 Monmouth. Cincinnati, O 0-110 38 Help Wanted—Male WANTED—English-Spanivh steno grapher. Applv accounting de partment. Pan American Airway*. Inc.. Brownsville Airport. 0-106 39 Situation* Wanted POSITION W ANTED by single man 23 Two years college, business college diploma. stenographic, clerical or other work. Box 0-85 Herald 0-85 COMPETENT Woman would like to ha\e care of small children and light work. Phone 1066 0-112 LIVESTOCK 49 Horaee-Cattle FOR SAI lTTHEAP—Twenty good mules. Applj C Barreda. Brown -! vine. 0-58 MERCHANDISE j 54 For Sale, Miscellaneous ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS PRICED TO SELL 1 — 4-ft Fngidaire 1 — 5-ft. General Electric 1 — 8-ft. Kelvinator 1 Gas Range 3 Used Ice Boxes TOM STEVENSON CO. 1283 Levee Phone 222 VALSPAR FRONTIER LUMBER CO. PLACE YOUR Claaalfted ads befors 10 a m. week day* and noon Saturday for proper classification. FOR SALE—Two tons clean, on read. newspapers. Will sell rea sonably. Phone 1482. P O Box 405. 0-100 18 000 Satisfied f TlRNIWlXV sTeTr ” - BONDED ^ 9 Guarantee Bruce Termini* Jjl CALL FOR FREE IB INSPECTION j - i* Morns Lbr Co. Brownsville r!B A. W. Neck Sc Sons. Brownsville South Texas Lbr. Co, Harlingen Taylor Lbr. Co . Harlingen Spencer-Sauer Lbr. Co.. Harlingen South Texas Lbr. Co San Benito Scott Lbr Co. Raymondville Hardin I4>r Co. Ravmondnlle J. V. Wood Sc Bro . Santa Rosa_ We Specialize in REBLOCKIXG Knitted Woolen and Boucle Dresses amO Dry Cleaning Go.Inc PHONE 1 SEW OPPORTUNTIES are offered dally on The Herald Classified page The bargain wise read and use th . paee regularly. SIDE GLANCES - - - George Clark “Her husband told me not to let her take the car out. but what can I do?** 1 MERCHANDISE 55 Boats and Accessories FOR SALE—Fartery - made Dixie boat, fine shape, with trailer, bar gain at |«n Phone 1069 O-M 59 Machinery-Equipment FOR SALK Farmall Tractor A-l condition, *225 00 L. X. Cleckler Southmott Plantation 60 Seeds-Plants-Flowers ROSES. Beautiful Roars Many va rieties and colors. Only 25c doz en. Comer Ringgold and 18th St M-123 STRAWBERRY Plants. Ytmngber ries, grapevines, pecan trees. Write for catalog. Texas Bern Gardens, Route 1, Houston 0-55 NOW IS the time to plant all Kinds of flower seeds for midwinter and spring blooms Large assortment new seeds on hand now. Groves A Co.. Phone 1290 0-108 FLOWERS for all occasion* We telegraph flowers anywhere. Los Ebanos Greenhouse Company. Phone 1588. K-S5 RENTALS 63 Apartments FURNISHED Apartment, water and gas paid. Pitch Apartments Phone 17. N-52 DAVIS COURTS—5-room spart ment; all modem conveniences. Phone 1385J, 2nd and St. Charles. 0-43 DEL FRANCIS Apartment*— Newly decorated; exceptionally well fur -ia*'.ed; unusually cool; 140 00 month. Apply on premises or Todd and Underwood, phone 183 0-80 THREE ROOM nicely furnished duplex with garage; bills paid 223 E St Charles 0-87 SAN CARLOS Apartments: Bed rooms and apartments. Private c. connecting bath. J JP. Dixon. Mgr.. Phone ISM. M-61 VERY COOL three room apart ment. 1550 West 8t. Charles. 0-25 SWEENY APARTMENTS — Cool modem electric refrigeration, ga rage First and Adams. 0-12 THREE-ROOM Apartment.. Phone 578. 442 S E Levee 0-74 READY CASH can easily be had fot old furniture and miscellaneous articles you no longer need Just place your offer In The Herald Classified section. ! RENTALS 65 Houses FOR RENT — I-room house with double garage. Phone 1270. 0-07 I-ROOM Furnished cottage, for two, no children, bills p*id. Phono r 1. Dr Olmsted O-IH 66 Business Property FOR RENT Vacant warehouse. Fronton Street Store buildings, well located. Re sidences different parts of town. Bargains in farm lands and or chards. Brownsville Ship Channel frontage List your property here. „ If you want to buy. rent or sell see me. New location. Lobby Travelers Hotel. LEE B. JAMES Phone 599 or 1475 REAL ESTATE MONEY TALKS $2 500 0(1 buys 10 acre# on pave ment well located In Stuart Place community with 7 acres In good orchard over 10 year* old Present fruit crop goes with sale of property. 11.500 00 buys 40 acre* good land between Harlingen end San Benito and only about 1 mile from the main paved high way. 5150 00 buys 1.21 acres with over 250 feet of frontage on 14th Street: equivalent to more than 5 large city lota S. C. Graham & Company Arcade Bldg. — Phone 17V Brownsville Texas 70 Hovsei For Salo FOR SALE—Good five room hooao and lot; one block from good school and three blocks from business section. Box 0-71 Her ald. 74 For Sola or Trada HAVE CITY Property and acreage In Rio Grande Valley to trade for Oklahoma City property or acreage: farm considered Brown ing. 2408 West 21st, Oklahoma City. Ok la. 0-111 76 Wanted to Buy WOULD BUY HOME, reasonable. What have you? Box 801. Browna vllle. 0-11 W ANTED TO BI T—Two or three room house suitable for moving I 652 S. E Jefferson. 0-66 Famous Musician horizontal I. 7 Composer o the score of 'Carmen.'* 11 Because II Venerated 14 Tanner's vessel. 16 Wrath. 15 Adjusted as a watch. 19 Garden toot. 20 To run away i 22 Cover. 23 Augurs. 24 Rubber wheel pad 26 Fence door. 47 Credit 29 "Carmen*' gave him world fame as a -(pl.». 32 Musical note. 33 Pronoun. 35 Family name. 36 By 37 Window glass. 39 Still. 40 Dirt In smoke. Anntter lo PitvIom Puzzle * msif organ iier Wwor dn |p e £ o sni i s 41 Heavy volume 43 Slender II Venomous snake. 41 Unit. 4» To exist. 10 Grief. 11 Either 13 Advertisement. 14 Meat. II Inlet. 57 This —.- was based on f> psy Kiri’s romance. 18 Merlin ee wrote the VERTICAL 1 Race end. 2 Fungus disease 3 Railroad 4 To secure. b Bad. d Half a tone. 7 Cot. 8 Structural unit 9 To elude. l«To seise. II Tbit composer la - by nationality. 13 Scarlet IS Examiner. 17 Poem If Decays 21 Uneven 22 Dtaeloeee. IS Mooley apple. 25 Jewel IS To sleep 30 To peep 31 Perched. 31 Part of eye 34 Sloping way. 35 Game played on horseback. II Northeast. 41 Bone. 41 Sacred interdiction. 44 Badge of valoi 45 Insensibility. 47 Malxe. So Strife 52 River. 54 Masculine pronoun. 15 Avenue fabbr.l MICKEY MOUSE • By Walt DUney 'CONSARM IT f 1 DON'T I see how ve got [' rE?c' MVJN9 JT'fe iiOOD TO BOv rRtEN&l, |J f THERE'S SOMETH IN' ' 3 MlGHTV pis>hv 'bout This! HOW *n tarnation could the h©n*v «ir , H£i?t'rO»« Ytfcj °'*?y ft mm hcmh o* ) M.'N»y? »T BVCN BB ATS -iB^UANBS' .—v GCu-DlNfi — Tm£ Ol N6“ BUI»T£0-! bah?_✓