J. L. Sims & S. E.
Emroas _xr> Pmpbotobs.
Six months.
First insertion, per square......,..$1 v*.
Subssqasnt ics*-*^. ?0
Kotioes of meetings, obituaries end trib
utes of respect, some rates per square as or
dinary advertisements.
_ Special contracts made with large adver
tisers, with liberal deductions on above
Special notices in local column, fifteen
cents per line.
The huge, rough stone from out the mine,
Unsightly and unfair,
Ess veins of purest metal hid
Beneach the surface there.
Few rocks so bare but to tiv?ir height
Some tiny moss plant clings,
ind round the peak so desolate
Tho sea bird sits and sings.
? Believe ma, too, that rugged souls
Beneath their rudeness hido
Much that is beautiful and good?
-'We've-all bur angel side.3
?Boston Post.
?Toe SmTidd's Experience.
Very many flights of stairs had tobe
"Climbed?rickety, dirty, old, rot-eaten
stairs they were?before a visitor could
resell the uppermost floor (there were no
. elevators-in those days), in the furthest
and smallest room of which Joe Smudd,
the cobbler, lived, toiled" and rejoiced.
Joe was a hard worker, yet while on
hissgatJiAmmering out strips of leather
(/iW""proper tenuity and solidity, or in
stretching seams, or in other employment
of his craft, he was never at a loss for a
tune to whistle or a verse to sing; and,
although he sought not work?never
?went out of his little room in search of
it?he was seldom without a half or
whole dozen broken-down feet coverings
to repair.
Of course they were neighbors who
patronized Joe Smudd, and for reasons
that were good in themselves. They
were: his obliging disposition, low prices,
good work and promptness, and added
to these, a song sung in a voice as clear
and as sweet as that of a silver-tongued
Joe Smudd was, so his neighbors said,
a "splendid singer," and it pleased him
to hear them praise his cobbler work
and his voice?not that he thought him
self a better mechanic than hundreds
who depended on their awl for a living,
and making what fortune favored them
with last.
Of course Joe Smudd was not a pun
flter. He despised playing on words.
He was simply a sole-mender, and a
sweeter and better singer than he knew.
It was," perhaps, well that he was not
wise in this last particular.
But, just now, work was slack, and
Christmas was at hand.
To Joe Smudd the first fact was un
As he sat on his bench and pondered
and sang, he wondered what had hap
pened?why it was he had no shoes to
patch up, no boots to heel and toe, nor
; odd jobs to do with welting and upper'
and quarter, in-sole and out-sole.
Joe Smudd was not discouraged. Not
he. He only wondered, that was all.
"Well, he rather liked it, for it gave him
tho opportunity he had long been seek
ing, to study the words of a song he hud
- heard a few weeks before whistled and
sung by some unknown person?a queer,
little old man with green goggles mounted
on his nose, and who, as he hazily and
^huskily, voiced the notes, looked steadily^
Jbtx^JJoe's'kindlv face.'und vvh.-mently j
. .: : afTSaggiiitr-srItri hoa-sta^ia'Time
to the iise and fall of the notes.
And now, as. Joe ran bis eyes over the
Jirinted words and sang the time correct
y and sweetly, he bethought him of the
little old man with his comical action,
and laughed.
It was a low, round, good-natured
chuckle that welled up from Joe Smudd's
?' throat when he recalled the action and
the figure of the singer, with his impor
tant air.
When he had finished the last line of
the song he murmured:
Jv^/^WeU, that's a nice tune anyhow, and
Jiile words are almost as good as the air.
i/Td like that old gentleman whom I first
heard sing it to listen to me, and tell me
whether it's all right."
r Hardly had Joe Smudd uttered these
"words when, to Iiis great surprise, the
lamp by which he had read the lines of
the song began gradually to grow dim
mer, and then, with a spurt, go out, leav
ing him in total darkness.
4' Whew!" cried Joe. '' That's funny
fanny for the lamp. It never did so be
fore; and I declare I thought as it went
clean out I saw the old gentleman with
goggles on his nose and his big stick in
his hand standing there before me!"
"Did you, now!" a voice, to Joe's
great consternation, cried. " Well, what
if you did, Joe Smudd? Ha! ha! Don't
you know that there's a door to your
room, a window to look out of, and a
chimney by which the smoke from your
little stove may ascend to the air? Ha!
ha! Joe Smudd, Joe Smudd, you don't
keep your door locked, do you, when
~yb^-^ing? And, I'll tell you what, Joe,
it's Cxr??mas, and you've a grand voice,
and?how retuch money have you saved
from your laoter since this time last year?
Tell me that, Voc Smudd. Hem! I
want to know ifcN D'ye hear?"
And the Httle cW gentleman, at the
close of his oration, struck the bare floor
three or four times wifi^his big cane, as
if desirous of giving dou"Bte..and treble
emphasis to his words. ' >
Joe Smudd, by this time, had "forgot
ten he was talking to an iutruder^and
that, too. in the dark.
With a cheerful laugh he answered:
"Well, sir, I've just made thread-ends
meet. But I've waxed happy and ham
mered out a good living, including an
occasional pipe and a pint, now and
then, of beer. I've heeled and toed it
"joe Smudd! Joe Smudd!" almost
screamed the old man; "ani that's all
you've done with that voice of yours?"
" That's what I've done, mending and
making as good as new, customers' shoes.
And I'd be pleased to heel and iole yours
whenever you want them fixed, und I
won't charge you ever much. Always
open for a job."
"Bah! Pshaw! Boo-oo!" cried the
visitor, in most extraordinary fashion,
raising his voice to a scream that ex
pressed a wonderful amount of contempt
and indignation. " Come with me, Joe
" You," replied the cobbler. "Why,
bless us, it's snowing like fun-, and the
wind is whistling and dancing round
the corners of the streets, and driving the
snow in people's faces, and blinding
people's eves, and chilling people's
"It's Christmas Eve!" veiled the old
man, as if in a fury. " And you want to
sit up here in this little bit of a room!
Come with me, Joe. D'ye hear? Come!"
Now, Joe Smudd was as courageous as
any cobbler in the town, but somehow he
was brought completely under the will of
the imperative visitor.
He tried to demur?to summon ur>?
refusal, but it was of no use. Joe
Smudd found himself rising from his seat,
and, as he stepped away from it, it oc
curred to him that he ought to have a
Seizing a box of matches he struck
one. It ignited, and flared up the mil
lionth part of a second?just long enough
for him to see what appeared to be a pair
of goggles of immense size and a head
covered with a shaggy cap, and when he
had lighted a second match, which also
instantly ceased to burn, he thought he
perceived, raised high over his head, a
huge stick?very much like the one he
had seen in the hands of the little man
when he first heard the air of the song
he had sung, onlv that it appeared more
Hke a.giant's si_U* than a walking cane.
And mow, do what Joe Smudd would,
and he labored persistently and deeper
vol. x?.
ately, the locofocos would not ignite,
or, if they did, would sputter a little,
flare up. and then darkness followed.
"Well, muttered Joe, "I never sawtne
like of it before. It's funny."
"Yea, it is?very," said the queer
visitor, sarcastically. "Now, when you
have burned all your matches, and can
find no other excuse, youll perhaps com
ply with my request."
"Bat/' cried Joe, with a little, show of
indignation, "I can't go into the street,
in the midst of a snowstorm, with the
wind biting and whistling around one's
ears, and without my hat and coat and
boots?can I?"
The irascible visitor laughed shrilly and
pounded the floor with his staff.
When he had arrived at the conclusion
that he had laughed enough, the little
man said;
"Joe Smudd, you are a fool, an idiot,
a donkey, a goney, an ass! But you have
a voice."
"Why, what have I done?" demanded
"Ha! ha! Why, you've been talking
about your coat .and hat and boots," was
the answer. "And, behold! you have
them all on you, and?why, Joe Smudd,
you're dressed like a gentleman!"
"I?" queried the now bewildered cob
"To be surtj? to be sure you are. I
never saw a gentleman better dressed.
Why, man, where were you going before
took the liberty of entering this elegan
studio? To visit some grand lady, doubt
less, and entrance her with your voice!
Ha! ha! Joe Smudd, you are a hypocrite
?yes a hypocrite, sir!"
' 'I?I?" persisted the cobbler. ' 'You're
mistaken. I'm not dressed. How could
I be? I have just left off work?that is,
a minute ago?that I might learn that
sweet song of yours."
"Well, never mind, Joe Smudd," re
plied his visitor; "1 won't argue further
with you about dress. You're all right.
Take my arm and assist me to the bottom
of your terrible breakneck stairs, and
there we'll find a carriage awaiting us."
Joe, feeling it would do more comfort
able for him to sing his new song alone,
gladly assented to the :invitation to con
duct the sarcastic intrader'to the street,
at once offered him his support.
It was not an easy task to descend the
crooked fights in the dark with a stranger
hanging heavily on an arm of the guile
less mender of shoes.
But the cordwainer, being accustomed
to every turn, succeeded without acci
dent in getting to the lower hall.
When they had reached the sidewalk
the carriage was there, drawn up in front
of the doof. To it were attached four
splendid horses, their hides glossy and
black as night. There was a coachman
and footman in brilliant and costly livery
standing near the open door of the vehi
cle, prepared to hand them to the soft
and warm seats within the cosy body
Joe shrank back when the little man,
in an exhuberant mainer, waving his
stick in the fashion the conductor of an
orchestra swings his baton, invited.him
to precede him in the cirriage.
J'Can't do__jt, sir," snid Jog
morp'lfetormrnTxily thai i_jiejhau^?"*jppn
anytime "a?ring the interview! "Look!
I'm not dressed." ? }
"Bah! I say you are. See, there's the
gas-light, and here," and the little man
ran to the carriage and took out: of it a
mirror?"look at yourself, and if you are
not attired like a prince I'll?I'll cat you!
Ha! ha!"
Joe looked, as invited.
He started back, overwhelmed with
"Could it be him!" he mentallv cried.
"Is that me, Joe Smudd? Why, I'm
splendidly dressed, and my face is
shaved?and?and ?-" he added, as he
drew from a small pocket in his trousers,
to which was attached ti costly chain, a
large gold watch! While doing this he
saw something glitter und scintillate in
the light. He looked again, and on one
of his fingers was a magnificent diamond
"Well, I never!" he exclaimed.
"When, where did I get these things?
and how?"
"By your voice," answered the little
man, throwing his stick fifty feet in the
air and fairly catching it on the end of j
his nose as it fell. "Now, Signor Smud
dio! Ha! ha! That's good! From
Joe Smudd to Guiseppe Smuddio. Pray,
signor, enter. Beauty, wealth, popu
larity aw u;t you in the palace of the
muses?the home of cultivated harmony
in east Fourt-jenth street. Ha! ha!
A lions, signor!"
Joe felt himself puffing up and swell
ing with his importance.
He had not, so he thought, been more
than comfortably seated in the carriage,
when he found himself standing behind
the footlights of the stage of s vast
theatre. Before him were thousands of
faces. There were eager, expectant faces
everywhere, and near, as leader of the
orchestra, swinging in the air his big
stick, was the queer little man who had
insisted upon his honoring the occasion.
And as he stood in the vast presence,
cheer upon cheer greeted the cobbler.
It rang in his ears like a mighty storm
of sound. Then there came at the end
of it a tremendous crash of music. BijjjJ
drum and little drum, bugle and trumpet,
Clarionet and serpent, and fifty other in
struments sent forth one mighty and
harmonious voice.
When the instrumental part had been
brought to a close, there was a dead
silence. So still was it that Joe Smudd,
alias Guiseppe Smuddio, could hear the
ticking of his watch, thj beating of his
heart! ,
"Sing! Sing, Sigi.ojr Smnddio; D'ye
hear!" screamed the little man, rising
and throwing his stick ?with a furious
gesture upward until it strick the ceiling,
and which on falling hit the bald pate of
the big drummer, causing that much in
jured gentleman to howl with pain.
Joe opened his mouth as if to sing,
and, notwithstanding the audience again
applauded more deleriously than on his
advent, never a word or note could he
get out of his throat.
There he stood, as if transfixed, with
his mouth wide open!
The people in the parquette and boxes
and galleries, perceiving this, began to
stamp, and then to hiss and groan.
As this had no effect on the vocal organ
of the unfortunate Joe, they commenced
throwing ill-smelling eggs, rotton oranges
and decayed cabbages at him, and these
little attentions were followed by howl
ing and screaming and tearing up of the
?eatsandthe firing of all kinds of missiles
at the little conductor who had brought
tiim to this pass, and who, it?}vas evident,
was wild with anger and indignation.
The marked disapprobation of the
audience grew in intensity. Pandemo
ah:ra seemed to have drifted from its
inqhorage into the house, and through it
ill, because he could not help himself or
?et out of the way,stood the now pitiably !
besmeared mender of boots and shoes.
Then came a fearful explosion, and j
Toe Smudd found himself shot into the \
lir and going swift as a cannon ball?
but whither?
* * * * *
"Joe! Joe!" cried a soft voice, "wake
up! What is the matter? You're tumb
ling about and groaning at an awful rate."
" What!" exclaimed the cobbler, as he
leaped from the floor to his feet;?" am 1 ]
here? How came I in this room? Oh,
what a relief! Where's my gold watch,
rn.y diamond finger-ring, and these splen
did clothes? Lord, how they frightened
me, and I couldn't sing n bit for them!" I
" Arc you crazy, Joo?" ssk the soft
m Hill ii
T voice and in a sweeter tone than at first.
"Crazy?" repeated the cordwainer.
"Tellmn, Kitty?am I Joe Smudd, the
cobbler, or Signor Smuddio, the
The person addressed as Kitty?a fair,
pleasant-faced girl of eighteen or twenty
years?laughed in a low, silvery voice ai
she answered:
"Mad as a March hare! Joe, yon
ought to be locked up in an asylum foi
the demented, with the other sane people
that are put therein."
" So it was a dream," Joe continued.
"It was just awful, Kitty, and I'm glad
I'm safely out of it. What was that roai
and crash I heard?"
" Why, you upset the stove?you fell
over it," Kitty answered. "Oh, Joe, il
there had been fire in it, we'd have had
a fearful time of it this awful wintei
night?and to-morrow Christmas day,
you know!"
Joe looked at the young girl and said,
in a low, hurried way:
"Kitty, I have an idea. I want a beau
tiful, kind, good Christmas present. Do
you know what I want, what I must have
to-morrow, Kitty? You see. I am so
awfully lonely up here. Do you know ]
am?" ;.
The girl blushed and smiled and hast
ened to change the conversation.
"Tell me your dream," she said.
Joe seized Miss Kitty's hands. On
drawing her to him, he made her seat
herself by his side, and then, quietly en
circling her waist with his good right
arm, proceeded in a straightforward way
to recount the history of his adventures
in that most wonderful country of coun
"What a curious experience, to be
sure," remarked Kitty, when he had
brought to a close his narrative.
"Yes," Joe answered drawing Miss
Kitty yet closer to him; "and it all
conies of my loneliness. Now, Kitty,
I've been begging you for ever so lona
to take my name?Smudd it is?and
you've held off. Hey?what say you to
night? See, the storm's over, and there'e
a parson on the next block whose shoes
I mend."
"It'sso sudden, Joe,"said Kitty, de
"Not for a Christmas box, is it?"
Kitty laughed.
"Well, here's yourc, Joe."
As she spoke ?he gave the cobbler a
smart stroke with her hand on the right
ear, which, of course, he received good
Love made the cordwainer eloquent,
and it was not long?he cunningly point
ing out to the girl his extreme loneliness,
and what might happen if he should have
another such draain?before she con
It was yet early that Christmas eve.
It might be said that before she was
wholly conscious of her conduct the de
mure but pitying Kitty found herself en
dowed to wear, for better or for worse,
with the name of Smudd.
In the presence of the Reverend Mr.
Snoodson, who was indebted to Joe fbi
sundry soles?of leather?the name trans
ich ?
"Joe, am I awake or asleep?"
"Never wider," he answered.
"And you'll be no longer lonely?"
"Not a bit of it," he returned, and
with that he gave her a kiss that almost
deprived her of her breath,so ardent was
"We'll call it square, parson," Joe
added, when he had succeeded in getting
?his lips away from those of Mrs. Kitty
"Very well," responded the minister,
with a laugh.
When Joe and Kitty returned to the
tenement he was again astounded.
His apartment had, during his absence,
been lighted up, a Christmas tree, set in
a box, in it, and on its b.anches con
tributions of customers and neighbors,
and lots of useful gifts. Among other
things "too numerous to mention," as
the auctioneers say, was a gold watch,
and as much like the timepiece he saw
in his dream as one twin can look like
another. And there were also nice
things for Kitty. Her eyes sparkled
when she saw them.
"Kitty, am I awake?" he asked,
doubtingly. "Tell me for once."
"Never wider," was the cheerful re
Then the friends of the happy pair,
without pretension of any kind, but loaded
with lots of good things in the way of
eatables and drinkables, flocked in, and
presently they overspread the whole
floor, and?didn't they have a jolly time
of it, dancing and singing?
And of the gathering, no one danced
better or more gracefully than the
pleasant-faced bride, or sang sweeter or
more delightfully than the good-natured
Now all this happened this Christmas
eve one year ago, and would you believe
it, although there are three of them
now?including the olive branch?Joe
and Kitty's honeymoon is not ended, and
folks say it never will be, which is cu
If at times the cobbler exhibits a little
pctulence of temper, as the best men
sometimes will, Kitty addresses him as
Signor Guiseppo Sinuddio. That re
stores him to good humor, and his
rooms?he has more than one now, and
they are on the first story- arc instantly
filled with the sweeest of sweet airs, for
Joe Smudd, really and truly, has a
magnificent vocal ormin.
Christinas in Shetland.
Shetlanders do not speak oi Christmas
as much as of Yule. Nay, more, if you
were asking a native why Yule is kept as
a holiday, the chances are that his reply
would contain no reference whatever to
the nativity. He would simply say, it
"had aye been kept by the auld folk"?
meaning his forefathers. Be that as it
may, Yule is in Shetland the great holi
day of the year, or at least was so when
I was a boy. But Yule was not the 25th
of December by the modem calendar,
but the Cthof January: for in the "melan
choly isles r*f the furthest Th?le" time
was always reckoned according to the
"old style." We were always, therefore,
twelve days behind the rest of the civil
ized world. All that, however, is now
passing away, thanks to steamboats and
electric telegraphs, and newspapers and
general intercourse with the South; and
I dare say Yule, the dear Yule I remem
ber so well, will ere long be known and
spoken of only as a tradition, for, alto
gether, life in those islands is now very
different from what it was some fifty or
sixty "years ago. ? Chambers Journal.
Christmas Celebrations.
The f'^tival of the birth of Christ was
celebrated by different communities of
the early Christians at various periods of
the year, and it was not until the fourth
century that the present season was defi
nitely fixed upon. This is said to have
been the act of Julius I., Pope of Rome,
A. D. 337-352. There can be no doubt
that the end of December does not rep
resent the true anniversary, and there is
reason to believe that the celebration was
transferred from the last month of the
Jewish year, when the birth was known
to have taken place, to the last month
of the Christian year.?Antiquary.
im I an -
Cows are still used to drag the plow
in Central Gc'jmany,
LNGE??iiG, & dM
Bow the Cormorunts Work in China
?The Hunting Leopard?A Fist
Which Catche? Turtles.
? At the present day the dog stands as
the exponent of the highest perfection
attained in the education of animals foi
economic purposes. The retriever,
pointer, and setter are all so finely bred
that in many cases their training or edu
cation is a mere form, and the desired
knowledge seems to come by intuition.
A common sight in China to-day is the
fisherman with his board of cormorants,
ready to-go over at the owner's word.
This practice was iollowed in England
in former times, and the master of cor
morants was a prominent officer of the
royal household. The birds are taken
from the nest when young, and easily
trained, and so rapid are their movements
under water that rarely a fish escapes
them. When taken out in a boat they
are generally kept hooded by a wire
mask, to' prevent their utilizing the
catch for their own benefit. In China
this bird is one of the daily sights to be
seen on the canal or island streams,
especially in the neighborhood of Ning
po. Here on the lake the boats congre
gate, each propelled by a single China
man, with three or ? four cormorants
roosting either on the rail or a platform
made for the purpose. So perfectly are
they trained that they obey the slightest
word of the master; and when he gives
the word over they go, and with remark
able speed begin a search under water, seiz
ingthe fish,rising to the surface,and bring
ing the victim to the owner exretly like
a dog. If a large fish is captured these
intelligent birds go to each other's assis
tance, and with a combined effort bring
it to their master, after which they arc
repaid by the entrails?to them, insa
tiate gluttons, the choicest parts. So im
portant are these fisheries that many
persons are engaged in raising cormor
ants and training them for the fishermen.
Birds trained to bring down game
were first used in China, and Japan. In
the former country it was practiced 2,000
B. C, and, according to the records oi
Wen "Wang, it was a sport much esteemed
in his locality, 089 B. C. Six hundred
years before Christ it was also practiced in
Arabia, and Persia, and on the ruins ol
Kborzabad a bas-reicf has been found
showing that it wa:* known, 1700 B. C.
About the middle of the fourth century,
and probably earlier, birds were first
trained by sportsmen in Western Europe.
As liawks had a natural bent in this di
rection they were used, and out of if
grew the fashionable sport of falconry
followed for many centuries later. In
the ninth century to be a good trainer of
falcons was an csser tiul for a young man
of good birth. Alfred the Great was n
famous trainer, and wrote a treatise on
the subject. In France, during the
eighth and ninth centuries, the grand
falconer was a great man, with an annual
salary of 4,000 florins, and an attendance
of fifty assistant falconers and fifty gen
tlemen. Beside this, he was allowed tc
keep 300 hawks for his own amusement,
tomd. best, of all, in a pecuniary sense, Ik
I ?consed every vender. of hawks, receiv
ing a tux-upon every Im-dr-sord' in -the
kingdom. Early in the seventeenth cen
tury a goshawk and a tassel-hawk brought
100 marks, a large sum for the time. In
the reign of Jarc.es I. Sir Thoma<
Monson paid $5,000 for a cast of hawks,
and as a cast means a pair, the bird;
brought $2,500 apiece. Various kinds
? of birds were used., and they were ar
' ranged by the old falconers according tc
rank; thus the king used the ger-f alcon,
the emperor the eagle or vulture, a prince
the falcon, a duke the falcon of the rock,
an earl the peregrine-falcon, s. baron th(
bastard, a knight the secret, aa esquire
tholancret, ladies the marlyon, young men
the hobby, yeomen the goshawk, pooi
men the tercel, priests the sparrow-hawk,
the sen-ants the kesteri, etc. In Eng
land to-day hawking is carried on tc
some extent, and various birds are usee;
to capture herons and smaller game. Ir
Africa the falcon is used to capture the
gazelle, the birds being trained to seize
the animal by the throat, the wounds ant
I the beating of the bird's wings so con
fusing the poor beasts that they fallt
victim to the hunter.
In Africa and Southern Asia the chee
tah, or hunting leopard is important tc
the sportsman. The animals resemble
j the common leopard in their markings,
j but are more slender, having long legs
! and certain external canine characteristic!
:thatare very noticeable, so that it was long
; thought a connecting link between the
] dogs and cats. In Persia it is called the
\ youze, and they are carried to the field
j in low cars, whereon they are chained,
I Each leopard is hooded. When the
hunters come within view of a herd ol
j antelopes the leopard is unchained, his
j hood is removed, and the game is pointed
! out to him, being directed in the pursuit
! by his sight. Then he steals along cau
tiously and crouchingly, taking advan
tage of every means of masking his at
tack till lie has approached the herd un
seen, within killing distance, when he
suddenly launche-s himself upon hif
quarry with five or six vigorous and rapid
bounds, strangles it instantaneously, and
drinks its blood. The huntsman now
approaches the leopard, caresses him,
wins him from his prey by placing the
blood which he collects in a wooden
ladle under the nose of the animal, or by
throwing to him pieces of meat, and
while he is thus kept quiet, hoods him,
leads him back te> his car. and there
chains hirn. If the leopard fails, in con
sequence of the herd having taken timely
alarm, he attempts no pursuit, but re
turns to his car with a dejected and mor
tified air.
The hyena and ounce have also been
used in hunting, while tin.- wild dog ol
Africa is often in demand. In Asin
tiger-hunting would be practiced less
were it not for the elephants, who seem
to enjoy the dangerous sport as well as
their riders, who are safe housed on theii
backs. These intelligent animals are
also used in capturing wild animals of
their own kind, and arc important fac
tors in the training and subduing process
that comes later. The horse was for
merly used in England to stalk animals.
They were trapped so that the rider was
concealed, and so feeding alonir the ani
mal gradually brought the sportsman
nearer the game. In the inventories of
the wardrobe belonging to King Henry
VIII. is the allowance of certain qualities
of stuff for the purpose of making stalk
ing-coats and stalking-hosc for the use
of his majesty.
In Florida the writer had an acquaint
ance-an ancient fisherman, not too spright
ly withal?who possessed two tame peli
cans that he had brought up from the
nest. As catching bait was somewhat
of a laborious tusk, the old man frequent
ly attached a leather strap about the birds'
necks, and they invariably came back
with pouch distended with fish that they
were unable to swallow and would not
give up, and then they were wrested from
them by their owner, who, be it said to
Iiis credit, always gave the birds a fair
share* of the snappers and barracondas
caught with the bait of their collecting.
In former years, tc a considerable ex
tent, otter was used to fish, the animals
being tamed when cubs, and trained at
first with leather fishes so that they
would fetch like a dog. Though not
used exactly in hunting live game, a
large lizard found in the Nile country
has been put to a curious use. The ani
mal is extremely powerful, using its
claws to great advantage, and, being
aware of this, a large one was scoured
Thursday, deciI
a band of robbers, who lud ho ladder
wherewith to reach the fcftico of a sec
ond-story window. Thci great lizard
was placed against the. rovgh wail, head ?
toward the desired point,iand instantly
it began crawling up,' eyenllally hauling
one of the robbers safely-pp, who was
clinging to his tail. A ve>v good story, ,
if not true, and perhapl possible^ as
these lizards of the Nile , country have
been known to drown' Jirhrc animals' in
In England?and too often Jn iMs
country?the ferret is Oite^uaeri i? hunt- '.
ing the rabbit, while the e /pert rat-catch- ?
ere of this country value t!icm as import
ant adjuncts to their mysterious business. ''
In the Caribbean sea;somV 0f the fisher
men use a fish?the rerri0.ra~in the cap
ture of turtles. The fVj. is the well
known attendant upon tr?i shark, having
a disk-like sucker' upogpts head, with !
which it clings to large ^shes. The ex
tett to which this labor-r aving arrange- [
ment is used is shown in ; he fact that the .
upper side of the ffoh, Vhat in others is
generally dark, is light and the under
side dark. So powerful is the sucker j
that fifteen or twenty pouads can be lifted
by taking the fish by the toil, and by. care
fully playing in the water a large turtle
can be caught. The iiiWmen take the
remoras out in a tub of /water in their
boats, and have a leather strap attached
to a long line that fitted about the fish's
tail. At the approach of a turtle the fish
is turned over, and remembering its old
friend, or instinctively,!,it atraches'itself,
and so the reptile, ofteii towing the boat,
is gradually brought aloagsicle and" sub
dued, and the rcmora placed in the tub to
await the second appearance. The re
moras attain a length of v foot and a half,
and attend sharks and (urtles, and have
also been seen aboutalafgeporgie. Num- '?'?!
hers of small animals a^e used indirectly
as lures to game, showing that .the eco
nomic value of animal^ jn this respectis
of no little importance,jeven at the pres
ent day.?St. Louis 67&io Democrat.
A Ginnt iPyfhon.
A chorus of discordant screams from
the throats of half v -hundred parrots
greeted a New York J^th reporter who
walked into the bird: dealer's rooms in
Roosevelt street. When he had become
accustomed to the rasping sounds suffi
ciently to hear, the proprietor said:
"I will show you the' largest snake in
captivity. Snakes m f?iows are usually
disappointing to the b^y who has read
the cheerful tales of anacondas that swal
low nothing smaller than a cow, but here
is a sensation in snakes^'
He unlocked the hasp on. a heavy'
box two and a half by four feet
large and a foot dfep, and^;. raised
the cover. There was the shake in
what sailors might call two Flemish coils,
one on top of the otheir;, covering nearly .
the whole of the b ? or tho box'. As
the light shone into i-ag box the snake
raised its head, whichv'was as- large as,
p man's open hand, arid moved it about
uneasily, while a bfa^k forked tongue
darted out toward flje spectators. Its
body was black, nettled with white
and olive green spots. The little, round
black eyes seemed to look steadily into
the eyes of the keeper and the re
porter at the same time, and nothing
could withdraw their gaze till the lid
was shut down.
"It is thirty feet long, and eighteen
inches in circumference in its largest
part," said the proprietor. "It was cap
tured about eighty miles back of Cal
cutta. It is a genuine python. "We
have another ouc of the same kind about
eighteen feet long, that is probably the
second largest ia the country. The
largest one could kill and swallow a
man. It could kill a horse."
"How arc these fellows captured?"
"By small mesh nets. The natives
spread a large net over any that they find
coiled up. The snake at once jumps
around in frantic efforts to escape, and
becomes tangled up in the net. It is
then bound with cords and bands and
carried to the sea, and sold to some ship
"What is the market price of a
python ?"
"From $25 to $50 for the ordinary
museum snake. That smaller one will
bring $150, but the big one will sell for
$500. I am going to South America
soon to get some of the water snakes.
They are said to measure from fifty to
seventy-five feet in length. None has
ever been captured.
Children's Chatter.
" My father has something on his house
that your father ain't got," said a little
boy to his companion.
" What is it ?" he earnestly asked.
"A mortgage."*?Murathon Independ
Little George was questioned the other
dav about his big sister's beau.
"Howold is he ?"
"I don't know."
"Well, is he young ?"
"I think so, for he hasn't any hair od
his head !"?Boston. Courier.
Little Benny was looking out of the
window the other day when a man went
by with a saw horse over his shoulder.
"What do you call that ?" he queried.
He was given the information he desired,
with the question: "Did you never see
one before ?" " Oh, yes," was the reply,
"I saw a man put a log of wood across
one the other day, and then he fiddled
it."?Boston Budget.
Master Fred. Fenton fell from the top
most limb of an apple tree. He was
picked up and carried to the house in an
I insensible condition.
After watching at his'bedside through
many weary hours his mother, perceived
sitrns of returning consciousness.
Leaning over him snc asked him if
there was anything she could do for him,
now that he was beginning to feel better.
Should she bathe his forehead i Should
she fan him or change his pillow? Was
there anything he wanted?
Languidly opening his eyes and look
ing at her, the little sufferer said:
"Yes, mamma; I want a pair of pants
with a pocket behind."
He got them.?Philadelphia Call.
The Mandate Wna Obeyed.
Benjamin Tappan, better known a
"Old Ben Tappan, of Ohio,'' was one o
the wittiest men who has ever sat in the
United States Senate, and he labored
under an obliquity of vision greater than
that of Governor Butler. On one oc
casion, while holding court in an interior
town in Ohio, the prison, the county jail
of which was construcr-d of logs, as he
was passing sentence upon the usual
number convicted of petty offenses
against the law, an inebriated individual
in the customary crowd of spectators
sang out. " That's right, give it to him,
old gimlet-eye." " Who isthat ?" sternly
demanded the court, his sinister eye in
dignantly flashing fire. "It's the old
hoss. Judge." exclaimed the offender
against " the peace and dignity of th
State." "Mr. Sheriff," promptly re
sponded the dignitary with the italic eye,
"take that old horse to the stable, lock
him up, and keep him without hay, oats,
or drink for twenty-four hours," which
mandate was forthwith obeyed.
A century ago DUt 1,000,000 out of
27,000,000 souls forming the population
Of'France could read and write* Now
education is universal*
1MBER 27, 1883.
;';-ggSBggga nigja??
rhc Homantlc Story of Whistling:
Jock as Bo Telia It Himself.
In the rear of 450 Ninth avenue, thit
city, says the New York New*, is a di
lapidated building kno*a as the '* Rook
ery." Here it is that a well-known
character eats^^ifeepg and whistles.
George W. Johnson is a gentleman of
color, about thirty-five years of age.
3e is variously known as "Johnson's
band," "Whistling Bill," "Whistling
;?ha"rley " and " Whistling Jack" Why
'he has never been styled Whistling
George will forever remain a mystery.
As WhistUng Jack he is better known in
this vicinity. Everybody knows him,
but few have heard his story. Readers
of the Newa have seen him on the ferry
boats, on the cars, in the theatre and on
the street. Theybave been charmed-by
him while from his screwed up lips he
has discoursed harmony that rivaled the
sweetest toots of Levy or Arbuckle.
Popular melodies, like A "Swanee
River," "Way Down in Dixie,'-' "The
Last Rose of Summer," or "The Harp
that Once," have been invested with by
his peculiar talent with irresistible sweet- ?
ness, and he can give the "Mocking
Bird" and its trills and variations with,
the accuracy, expression and finesse 'of
Ole Bull. His story, substantially as he
told it to a reporter,, is given as follows:
Thirty-seven years ago WhistUng Jack
was born in slavery on the estate of Wil
liam W? Mallory, at Hanover Junction,
Hanover county, Virginia. His'parents
and grandparents had been brought to
"this country by English slave traders
from Africa. His former owner and mas
ter; Mallory, was captain of the guards
who stood around the scaffold on which
John Brown was hung. Mallory had in
all twenty-seven slaves- Hale and
hearty, and able to read without glasses,
Whistling Jack's grandmother is living
at Chesterfield, Va. She is now 105
years of age, andwap taught to read Eng
lish when in her seventy-first year. It is
said that she is the only one in this
country who can speak her native, or
. African tongue. A family tradition is
that her husband was. a prince of a Sene
gambian tribe.. In the year 1808 he
was taken captive, with his wife, and
while* in transport to this country, where
he had been sold to slavery, he was
drowned while attempting to escape.
When General Wilson made his historic
raid on Harrisburg, Va., in 1882, Whis
tling Jack was one of those who crossed the
line und joined him. He remained in
the army until the war was. over. After
-thewar Whistling Jack drifted as far
East as Lynn, Mass., where he attended
school for three years. The principal of
the school was John Batchclder, and one
of his schoolmates was Eoland G. TJpshur,
who afterward became Mayor of Lynn.
After a few years of schooling Whis
tliug Jack returned to Virginia. His su
perior education, modest as it was, gave
nim a prestige and influence with his col
ored fellow-citizens. He hod political
aspirations, and they were gratified when,
in 1871, he was elected a member of the
Virginia legislature. He was returned to
the assembly for.anothcr term by a hand
some majority, and, in 1873, his ambition
led him to accept a nomfination for Con
gress. He was defeated by W. W. Ayres.
After that Whistling Jack, determined to
have nothing more to do with politics,
again wended his way North. The sum
mer of 1874 found him the proprietor of
an ice-cream saloon at Long Branch. His
face and the little hand-cart loaded with
ice-cream and cake, which he trundled
along the beach, became familiar to the
visitors at the Branch in a short time.
Near the close of the season Jack accepted
the situation offered him by N. B. C.
Hoosac, secretary of the society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. He is
next found working for the society as
porter, at $75 per month. When less
than a year in the service of Bergh, Jack
was afflicted with rheumatism, and being
confined to his bed for several weeks, lost
his position.
Walking down Eighth avenue one day
shortly after his convalescence, Jack was
whistling that melancholv air: " Out in
this Cold World, Out in the Street."
The tune was very appropriate to his case
and condition, as Jack was then looking
for work. Ed. Lane, then the proprietor
of a livery stable on Fifteenth street,
near Eighth avenue, was standing on the
corner as Jack happened along, and was
charmed by the whistle. Accosting the
whistler, he said: "If you come with
me to-night, you can get ten dollars for
that wind of yours." Jack, after some
persuasion, promised to be on hand at
8 o'clock. He kept his promise, and
was conducted Dy Mr. Lane to a saloon
on the corner of Fifteenth street and
Eighth avenue. There he met a well
known ex-judge, an ex-sheriff, a gentle
man who is now a prominent represcnta
tive of this government in Europe, and
several other well-known men about
town. When the jollification there was
at itshight, Whistling Jack was intro
duced, and he so pleased the crowd that
he was made to whistle all night. HL
hat was taken from his head at the
end of each selection and when
he arrived home next morning
and counted the wealth that had been
thrust into his pockets he was richer by
$70.71 than when he left his lodgings the
night before. Many of the same party
were to have an excursion the next night
to Gravesend. Whistling Jack was hunted
up and brought along. There were girls
in the party, and a band was taken along
in the stages. The band proved to be in
competent for dance music, and Whist
ling Jack was called upon. The girls
were delighted with his whistling, and
at their suggestion the band was dis
missed. Whistling Jack whistled from
9 r. Sf. until 5 a. m. One of the girls
took his hat around and realized $101.01
for his night's music.
After that Whistling Jack devoted
himself to the business of whistling for
a living. He has been in Europe and
has amused many of the nobility. He
sleeps by day and by night he wanders
in search of an appreciative audience.
Last winter he traveled with a stock
company through the West, and the
newspapers spoke of him as the attrac
tion of the show.
Whistling Jack is no longer poor. In
answer to n question of a reporter as to
whether he had saved any money, he pro
duced three bank books representing
$12,000 to his credit.
3111 sic a I Fish.
Lieutenant John White says that on
his voyage to China, when his ship was
anchored at the mouth of the river Cam
boya, the sailors were much astonished
at she sounds that issued from the
water, resembling the bass of an organ
mingled with the tones of a bell, the
croaking of an enormous frog and the
clang of an immense harp. These sounds
swelled into a gentle chorus on both
sides of the ship and were attributed by
the inteipreter to a school of fish. A
similar occurrence in the South Sea was
described by Baron Humboldt. The
sailors were greatly terrified at about
7 o'clock in the evening by an extra
ordinary noise in the air, like the beating
of tambourines, followed by sounds
which resembled the escape of air from
boiling liquid. At 9 o'clock these
strange sounds, which it was judged,
proceeded from a school of scioenoides,
ceased. The gizzard shad, known sci
entifically as the lorosome, utters a dis
tinct, vibratory, whining sound. The
mullet utters a distinct note, often quite
prolonged und .accompanied by a dis
charge of air-bubbles,?Demtr Tribune*
lYear Enough.
A Michigan girl told her young man
that she would never marry him until he
was worth $.100,000. So he started out
with a brave heart to make it.
"How arc you getting on, George?"
she asked, at the expiration of* a few
months. ? *
"Well," George'said, hopefully, "I
have saved up $22."
The girl dropped her eyelashes and
blushingly remarked: " I. reckon that's*
near enough, George."
" That's Enough?Stand Down!"
In a contest over a will a certain wit
ness was giving his evidence as to the
disposition of the testator.
," Was he, a good-natured man?" asked
the attorney.
.," Not altogether."
Was he cross, then?" -
"Well; yes, rather'vin places."
"Was he very cross?"
:" Considerably."
ft How cross was he? Give us an ex
ample of his disposition."
"Well, sir, he was that'cross that
when ho called up the cows at niilking
time it made the milk ?our."
"That's enough I Stand down 1"?J
Merchant- Traveler.
ITIlKtakcn Identity.
A farmer, living a few miles from Aus
tin, whose wife was troubled with an
aching tooth, decided to come in town
with her for the purpose of having it ex
tracted. The pair took a seat in the
cars, and soon after the train started the
farmer walked forward into the smoking
car, telling his wife he would be back di
rectly. While her husband was absent
tne conductor came leisurely along,
ticket punch in hand, and approaching
the old lady, reached over for-her ticket,
whereupon the victim of the toothache
opened her mouth and taught him, say
"You needn't mind giving me chloro
form, doctor; just pull it right out, any
how. I can stand it, and when John
comes back he'll settle with* yer."?8ift
Rnletf for the limekiln Clul>.
Judge Chewso arose to ask .for infor
mation. He wanted to know how strong
the fraternal ties of such a club could be
considered. How far was he obligated?
' "Brother Chewso," replied the presi
dent, " I will read de follerin' fur your
?" 1. All meet heah on terms of equal
ity, hut de member who blacks stoves
an' saws wood am not.'spected to be so
fajniliar as to ask de barber airnin' $17
per week to lend him his toof-pick.
"2. Lf you find a brudder in distress,
aid .him. Daram.no pertickler objec
shun to takin' a mortgage on his stove in
case he wants to borfoy fo' dollars'in
cash, butjjive him a leetle show befo'
("3. Excuse a brudder's faults as fur
as you kin, Iiut^u[tet| he has.spit on your
butes about tnWsBBhes you kin conclude
dat he aches to be licked.
"4. Speak well of each odder; avoid
wrangles an' slander; be ready to give
good advice; encourage sobriety and in
dustry, but doan' let a man kick yer dog
simply because he sits on de stool nex'
you in Paradise Hall."?Detroit Free
Saved Himself by Cutting Off a Limb.
If there was anything Father Boggles
really delighted in, it was to spin a yarn
about the sharpness of . his boy Tom.
"Ah," said Boggles one day, as he had
fairly fixed his auditor, "Tom is the
most remarkable boy ever set your eyes
on. He's like his old dad: you can no
more sarcumvent him than you can catch
a wcesel asleep. You recollect thai
choice apple-tree by the hedge? Wed, I
forbid Tom touchin' those apples; but
he would get 'em in spite of me. One
day I caught the young scapegrace up in
the tree stuffin' his pockets with the
fruit, and I determined this time to
punish him for it.
"?Thomas, my son,' says I, 'come
down.' I thought I'd be a sort of per
suasive, so it would fetch him; but he
smelt a rat and didn't budge an inch.
" 'Ican't, dad,' says ho, 'these apples
are in the way.'
"'Tom,' 1 continued, sternly, 'come
down this minit', or I'll cut down the
tree, and let yer fall.'
" You see my poor limbs wouldn't per
mit my shinnin' after the boy.
" ' Oh, no, you won't, dad,' says Tom.
' Only think how you'd mourn if you
couldn't sell the apples.'
"That was too much to have my own
boy accuse me of such parsimony. So
what does I do but get an ax, and cut
away at the bottom of the tree.
" 'Tom?Thomas,' I cried, as the tree
was about half cut off. ' will you come
down now, and save yourself?"
"'Never mind, dad,' said he, 'I'm
all right.
"It was no use! I couldn't bring him
dowu that nay. So I chopped away at
the tree till it began to sway, and fell to
the ground."
"What! and crushed your own boy?"
ejaculated his horrified listeners.
"Not by a long chalk," said old Bog
gles, winking knowingly. " You couldn't
get over Tom in any such way. What had
he done but crawled out on a limb; and
while 1 was choppin' at the bottom o'
the tree he had been cutting off the limb
with his jack-knife, and when the tree
fell he was still up there on the limb!"
Rupert'* Itequcnt.
"Come hither. Beryl."
Stuyvcsant Nutwood spoke in kindly
tones to his daughter, and yet the frirl
noticed, or imagined that she did, a
slight trcnW in his voice, but, thinking
it was due to the involuntary loosening
of his false teeth, give the matter no
further attention. She crossed the room
to where her father was sitting in his
great arm chair beside the window.
Beryl had grown up on her father's
farm almost without society, but not with
out education, for every year she had at
tended the seminary at Acornville, and
in her eighteenth year had graduated
?with all the honors and a percale dress.
And then she had gone back to the farm
again, but somehow her life there was not
as satisfactory as before. There were
times when Beryl felt a sense of ennui
mixed with an indefinite feeling of rest
lessness that would cause her to wander
aimlessly around the place in a reverie
until recalled to the things of this world
by stepping on her ankle. But though
she strove to conceal, even from herself,
the real cause of this feeling, her heart
would ever and anon give a great throb
as she thought of Rupert Hollingsworth,
who was now a struggling lawyer in a
Western town. There had been no word*
of love between them, but on the da-f
Rupert graduated they had met for the
last time, and. standing beneath the shade
of a grand old oak that guarded the en
trance to the college campus, Rupert had
taken Beryl's hand in his and saiu to her,
while his dark brown eyes seemed look
ing into her very souf: "You will not
forget me entirely, Miss Stuyvesant?."
"I shall never forget you,"she:jeplied,
with grave earnestness, "as. long as I
He had once stepped on her toes.
When Beryl had crossed the room her
father motioned her to a seat by his side,
and as she cuddled up cosily on a has
sock and, placing ner arms upon her
knees, looked up in his face with a won>
dering expression in her great blue eyes,
Stuyvesant Nutwood felt a great thrill of
sorrow in the knowledge- that one day
this beautiful girl, with all her wealth of
love and bandoline, would leave him for
ever. ? *
'.'I have received a letter from Rupert
Hoilingsworth, Beryl," he said. -
.'The girl gave a sudden start, and a
wave of crimson swept over the j pure,
sweet face, but she did not speak.
"Caa you not guess," he ot?ntinned,
"what the purport of his letter ia?";'
, Beryl could no longer look in her
father's face. She knew full well why
Rupert Hollingsworth had written.
He had gone away only twoyears be
fore, in all the vigor of his glad man
hood, and his splendid talents had gained
for him success where others had failed.
And now, crowned with the ? laurel
wreath" of victory, he had written to
her father for permission to urge his
suit with her. I She knew all this full
well, and yet 'when her father asked .her
the question, to which her heart had
already given answer, sho did not reply.
ffYou could never guess, little one,"
said Stuyvesant Nutwood, a merry
twinkle in his eyes, "why Rupert has
written. Do you think you could?"
VA deeper blush overspread the pre tty
"But I will tell you," he continued,
"because you two were at college to
gether. Still, perhaps I had better be
silent"?and again the laughing light
came into her father's eyes.
"Tell me, papa, " whispered Beryl, no
longer able to conceal her eagerness,
"why he has written."
"He wants something," was the reply.
"Can you not guess what it is?"
Every fiber of Beryl's being is throb
bing with expectancy now. The sun has
passed from sight, and great bands of
,rosy light that stream up from below the
horizon's rim cost a strange halo over the
silont earth. Beryl feels the solemn in
fluence's of the twilight hour, bht no
word comes from her lips.
"Can you not guess," repeats her father,
"what Rupert Hollingsworth desires?"
For an instant she docs not reply. To
answer the question' in the affirmative
would seem bold and forward, .and yet-;
can she deny, even to herself, a 'knowl
edge of what Rupert desires? So she
simply says to Jier father: "Tell mo what
he wants."
Bending tenderly over his daughter,
Stuyvesant Nutwood whispers, with in
finite pathos in her ear: "Twenty-five
dollars to get home with."?Ghicagt
A Chinese Quack Doctor.
A quack medicine-dealer was offering
to a crowd nostrums for every complaint,
says a correspondent in a letter' from
Hong Kong. This gentleman whose
stock-in-trade consisted of a few bottles,
had a number of diagrams purporting to
represent the course of illnesses in the
?human body. As a matter of fact, they -
were absolute nonsense, but the good
Chinese who stood with open mouths
around him and listened with wonder, to,
all he said knew no better, so that for all
practical purposes his pictures were good
enough. Curiously enough, however, he'
wae most eloquent upon a medicine
which I have since found has juat made its
appearance in England under n patented
name?namely, Menthol. He declared
it would cure all nervous diseases if
rubbed into the skin. Our chemists and
druggists now advertise it as an antidote
to neuralgia; so that, after all, the
Chinese quack doctor was not such a
rogue as he looked. The price of his
drugs was high. He had nothing under
two-pence, v.-hich is a large sum among \
the peasants in China. But he sold
great numbers of packets and did a roar
ing trade for hours. I had presently an
opportunity of seeing how little difference
existed between him and the recognized
professors of Chinese medicine, being
taken by the learned Dr. Eitler to a
native hospital. Here, seated on three
little stools at three tables, sat the
"faculty" waiting for patients. The
indigent crowd as it came in selected
its own physician and went to him.
Then ensued a species of treatment
which was about as curious as can
well be imagined. The Chinese have a
! theory that there is a different pulse in
j every limb. They also hold that all
j complaints are connected with either
! fire, air or water. And they place im
! mense faith in the benefit to be derived
from puncturing any affected part with
a long needle. So it came about that
when a man entered and consulted one
of the "faculty" about a pain in his leg
?probably rheumatic in its nature?the
learned man, after glaring at him for
some time through an enormous pair
of goggles, proceeded to feel for his
"ankle pulse," which when found to
his satisfaction indicated some very won
derful facts. The man was suffering,
. he remarked, from "fire" in the leg,
and must be punctured; saying which
he stirred up the limb with a ?long nee
dle, till I, who looked on only, felt posi
tively ill. This operation completed, he
i produced a ticy plaster, probably an inch
j and a half square, and giving it to the
man told him to put it on the leg at
night. The patient, who seemed to have
perfect confidence in the doctor, hobbled
1 off, and the turn of the next victim then
I came. He had a pain in the head, prob*
I ably having smoked too much opium or
I drank too much samtschu. The doctor
i was quite equal to the occasion. He
seized his victim by the head, and taking
\ small iron rod proceeded to rub his
neck till he made an abrasion at least nn
inch square. Then he rubbed at another
spot, and yet another, till the skin was
off in three places. This was all. The
patient was told to go. He, too, was
suffering from "fire." Yet there was
no sound of a murmur. The operator cvi
| dently was considered a very clever per
son. Inside the hospival the wards seemed
j to be in excellent condition. The patients
: there might have gone to a European
I hospital had they so chosen; but they
preferred the doctoring of their own
I people, who, from all 1 heard, are cer
' tainly very clever at putting fractures or
j dislocations right. I went into the
! pharmacy and found the medicines were
nearly all vegetable?one, the rind of
oranges, being in great request. But
everything seemed harmless enough; and
if the pntients die I should say they are
j killed by the disease and not by the doc
| tors, which is more than can be averred
j of every English hospital. One thing I
: noted, however, and it was that the
j notions of anatomy were very vague at
I this place of healing, for all the diagrams
I saw were woefully wrong, and could
not have existed an hour had the Chinese
j surgeons ever examined a dead subject
A Queer Russian Boat
A novel Russian boat is a peculiar
form of boat similar to the catamaran.
It consists of two independent hulls, in
the center of each of which is an open
ing in which the traveler thrusts his feet.
When standing he propels himself by the
aid of a long two-bladed paddle, and
regulates the distance between the two
boats by manipulating the ropes which
lead from each bow to the middle of the
puddle. When tired he brings the boats
alongside one another, places the cross
bars in position, elevates his umbrella for
a sail, and thus skims swiftly over the
The general understanding is tfhat a pa
tient is not out of danger until the doc
tor has been discharged.? Picayune.
f imw nut jSmotxd.
1. All chancres in advertisements musf
reach us on* Friday.
2. In wTilias to this office on business
a'wnys give your flame a**l postoffice ad
15. Articles for publica'" ./a should be vrtHf
ten in a clear, legible hand, and on oaTf'
side of the page.
4. Bnrinsss letters and comran/wataonr
to be published should bo written on aejmraW
sheets, and the object of each clearly in
dicated by necessary note wheJl roqeixeo.
Gentle stranger, lot me ant, ? ?
Did you ever stop to bask
In the atmosphere of cooking, *
When a 'maiden fair 1? looking,
Askancely from the depths'
Of her limpid, azure eyes?'
As she shoves in the big oven
Those delicious pumpkin piearf
, Ah, what ecstacies appealing
As aromas gently stealing,
Permeate the rural kitchen
Whose confines hold a fair witch in,
Fascinating, dainty, rare",
To intoxicated eyes 1
Tis the maiden, tier laden,
Manipulator of the ptos.
Pumpkin pies 1 What nie?JGrtss rise.
Even to the sunny skies,
"As she-opens to your'eyes
The big oven she did shove In
Those delicious pumpkin piea. -
Golden orbs of lusdooe glory t
Never had the world a rtory
Fafrer to the heart of many
Ay! to In arts of mortal clan.
Than the manuscript in yellow
Hot and toothsome 'ncath your oyeat
And I fain would long to spelL oh,- '
Worldly bliss?in pumpkin piek .
Quarter, half, the whole, oh, give it!
T could dwell in bliss and live it
In ah hour such as this,
Ah, forevennpre, I wie?
Sitting in the pleasant kftefcon
Whose confines hold a fair1 witch in,
. Fascinating, dainty, rare,
Askancely glancing from her eyas, .
? At me, over pumpkin pies.
?H. S. Keller, in Detroit Free Press.
A flourishing genius?The writing-roae
'terr'' -. ? . , '
The dog has queer taste in matters
dress. He wears -his pants
mouth. ^IfiS
A Brooklyn landlady calledher boarder
? ?Phoenix" "because he rises from the
hashes and files. ? >
Herbert Spencer's works ^ic appearing
in Japanese. We thought we nad no
ticed little extracts, of then? on tea chests..
Gflprfc reading in a paper that ?'facto
are stubborn things,?.. says there's no
particle of doubt but that hj8 wife is ? -
fact.?Marathon Indepmde.xt!
"Overcome by gas" is the he^wU&r*-.
on a daily paper. . tjFe.koow. those tre
mendcjus gas- bills* ?reouldlrill -somebody
sooner-or later.?-Boiton Bullet w.
?- Whemasked wh>t she hai for dinnerP
she replied "cold tongue?' And ha j
judged, by her'matfner, (hat there would,
be some of it left for supper.?Chicago
Bun. ? .
"For the noblest man tliat lives there*j
still remains a conflict," sighed the phi-1
lospher, as ho rolled*up hie sleeves pre
paratory to carving a boarding-hbutw
...They.thought they heard burglars
the house last week, and in 'going down
stairs to investigate, Bibbs said to his wife:
"You go first; it's a mean man that would
shoot a woman."?Boston Budget.
Probably the meanest thing that a
man ever said was uttered by Fogg "to
day. Being asked his idea of the best
remedy for polygamy, he promptly re
plied, "Mrs. Fogg."?Boston Transcript,
" Is this your dog, John ?" " No; ho
belongs to 'Squire Smith. And between
you and me he's a deal smarter than his
owner." "Yes; there are dogs of that
sort. I have had several myself."-^
Harper's Bazar.
As a part of the marriage ceremony in
Servia, the bride has to hold a piece, of
sugar between her lips as a rign that she
will speak little and sweetly during her
married life. The sugar soon melts away.
"The surest way to tako cold, said a
distinguished physician, in to "hug the
stove." Young men who go a courting
on Sunday nights should remember,thi"
and not spend all their time hugging the
stove.?Philadelphia Call.
A Yankee has invented a new pro
cess for lasting boots and shoes. If he
can last a ten-year-old boy's shoes so
that they will last two weeks without re
quiring half-soling he should open a
branch office in this town.?Horristoum
Matthew Arnold doesn't like para
graphs, and says American newspapers
have a fragmentary look to him. After
the American newspapers get through
with Matthew, he will have a fragmen
tary look to his English friends.?Mer
cliant- Traveler.
"Oh, will he bite?" exclaimed one of
Middletown's sweetest girls, with a look
of alarm, when she saw one of the danc*
ing bears on the street the other day.
"No," said her escort, "he cannot bite?
he is muzzled; but he can hug." "Oh,"
she said, with a distracting smile, "I
don't mind that."?Muldletoum Trans
Said the rohber, "No family jewel1*?xioaet"
" None," ta;d a fearless la'ly, "but one? '
A carbuncle?the setting a fortune cost
But 'tis well secured and cannot be lost"
" Quick! hand me the jewel, or else you shall
Said the robber, with fiercely flashing eye.
"I can't," said the lady, with smiling repose?
"The carbuncle's fast?on my husband'i
nose." ?fiie Judge.
Americans are good listeners, says the
New York World. Of course they are,
and this habit of listening is encouraged
by the fact that the dividing walls of
houses are nowadays built so thin that by
putting your ear to the wall you can hear
what the couple in the next house say
when they are lighting with oach other.
?Ph Had elph ia Ch ron irle.
"I have a strong following," remarked
the burglar, as he shot down the alley
just ahead of a detective, two policemen,
a constable, and a dozen stray citizens,
'and I think if I can get out of town
ahead of my ticket I'm all right in the
country." And so he was, for he ran
into a barbed wire fence at the corpora
tion limit and they counted him in.?
Unto her pa, with face serene,
Said one of Gotham's fairest daughters:
" What does this old expression mean?
This ' casting brtad upon the watersr "
Her father, with a soft (areas,
Replied, with earnestness sui-prislng:
" My dear, 'tis nothing more nor less
Than mo*t judicious advertising."
?Sew York Journal
Throw np Yonr Chin, y
The whole -secret of standing and
walking erect consists in keeping the
chin well away from your breast. This
throws the head upward and backward,
and the shoulders will naturally settle
backward and in their true position.
Those who stoop in walking generally
look downward. The proper way is to
look straight ahead, upon the same level
with your eyes, or if you are inclined to
stoop, until that tendency is overcome,
look rather above than below the level.
Mountaineers are said to be "as straight
as an arrow," and the reason is becausa
they are obliged to look upward eo
much. It is simply impossible to stoop
in walking if you will heed and practice
this rule. You will notice that all round
shouldered persons .carry the chin near
the breast and pointed downward.