Newspaper Page Text
e t craW in earn.l ESTAELISHED 1865 NEWBERRY. S. C., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13. 1 rWW R 3,193.TwTn-1i A wwT?1ir 1Y L en- -n~ CONGRESS IS NOW IN EXTRA SESSION JOS. G . CANNON, OF ILLIONOIS, CHOSEN SPEAKER. The President's Message Was Short, Deal ing Solely With the Cuban Question. The fifty-eighth congress con vened in extraordinary session at noon on Monda y, in accordance with the proclamation of President Roose velt, for the purpose of enacting legislation necessary to make effec tive the Cuban reciprocity treaty. The day was devoted simply to per sonal greetings and organization. The house elected Jos. G. Cannon, of Illinois, speaker. THE PRESIDENT'S MFMSAGEt Tuesday's session of the senate was devoted exclusively to ttbe read4 ing of the Pr,_-sident's message in support of reciprocity wN'itlh Cuba. The message was very short, con taining less than r,c. words, and dealing entirely with the Cuban treaty, for the ratification of which the special session was called, afid urging that it be promptly ratified. The house was in session less than half an hour on Tuesday. The President's message was read. The speaker appointed the committees on rules and mileage, putting three republicans and two democrats on each. REORGANIZING COMMITTR''ES Action taken by the Republican caucus on Tuesday will no doubt displuce Senator Morgan as chair man of committee on inter-oceanic canals. The democratic steering committee, it is stated, recognizes the propriety of making the change and will aid in bringing it about by selecting Senator Morgan for the chairmanship of one of the impor tant minority committees. WRDNISDAY'S SRSSTON On Wednesday the senate got down to b'.isiness and received a number of petitions and also many bills. Nutierously signed petitions protested against. Senator Smoot, of Utah, remaining in the Sena-. The democratic stcering con illittee was in session before the senate met and again considered the Panama situation. No conclusion was reached but the indications are that the do-mocrats will attack the course of the administration on the isthmus with reference to the es tablishnment of the new republic of Pananma. RENOMINATION OF CRUM. Reorganization of tihe Committee May Re sult in Favorable Report on the Nomination. A dispatch fronm Washinigtoni to the News andl Courier says that President Roosevelt has again sent to the Senate thle nominat in of D r. Crtun to be collector ot the port of Charleston. Since ihe Seniat e comn mlittee oin comm icee reportied thle nom11iniation of Cr1iin there have been severalI changes in thle mnem bershi p of t hat conniiijtte'e. M asona of Illinois, and Jones, of Nevadla, Repulicans, and Vest and Turner, Democrats, have retired. The op p)osition to Crunm loses three votes, while Mason was a pronounced ad vocate of the negro collector. It is probable that the rerga..:a tion of the c:mmittee inav result in a favorable report on the Crum nomination, but the opposition on the minority side is sufficiently strong to prevent his confirination. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. Items of More or Less Interest Condensed Outside the State. A negro was lynched near Coal City, Ala., on Saturday night foi attempting a criminal assault upon a white woman. The Italian minister of finance committed suicide at Naples on Monday because he was hounded down by his political foes. The Governor of Montana has called the legislature inl special ses sion, and according to their promise, the Amalgamated company have opened their iiiiiies, retturnilig 20, o>o imeni to work. Five thousand acres (If swaim lands, near Norfolk, Va., are to be reclaimed by Ohio men. The work of ditching and draining the land has already been begun and hun dreds of men are to be put to work. All kinds of vegetable will be raised and later cattle raising will be en tered upon. The dead bodies of five negroes. horribly mutilated, were found in a cabin near Marianna, Fla. The bodies were Henry Kelly,-his wife, and three small children. The man, his wife, and one of the children had been decapitated. The house was securely bolted. Two arrests were made. Dr. E. W. Light, a prominent dentist of Saginaw, Mich., comi itted suicide, after fatally shooting his wife and daughter, Ruby, a young girl of 18. In letters left be hind he confessed intention of crime, saying lie feared insanity and dreaded being shut up and leaving his loved ones unprotected. Secretary Wilson, of the depart ment' of agriculture, has returned to Washington from Texas, where he went to make aii investigation of the conditions of cotton an<I to learn lie results of the fight the planters are making again-t the boll weevil. He says the weevil can no more be exterminated than the house fly. and the only chance for cotton far iers is to raise early crops before the weevil arrives. Two persons were killed and two wounded in a shooting affray at the entrance of the Wallace opera house, Wallace, Idaho, just as the peop)le were leaving after t.hc performance on Monday night. The trouble was caused by oiie Cuff, who wanted to smoke a cigar in the gallery and wvho was not allowed to (IC so by t lie police officers. Cuff and ani inne. cent bystander were killed and two police oflicers wouiided, and a num. ber wvere injured in the pai caused by the shooting. CardI of Thanks. I dlesire to thmank my friends for the conf idenuce they repose ini me ini phe'cing myI iname ii nlominiationi for AlIderan iiIrom War i-l. (O)wing to the precarious coniditioln of miy healithI, however, I mlost respecife'll y decline andc beg to p)lace in nbomina tion from Ward . , Mr-. M. M. Harris. Yourms truly, E. V. MoRRs,.. POMARIA'S CHARTER. Charles H. Counts Enters Suit to Set i Aside-Grounds of Counts' Petition. Charles H. Counts, through his attorneys, Messrs. Seasv & Domi nick and Cole. L. Bllease, has ei tered suit in the court of comnin-, pleas no%w in session to have the charter of the town of Pomaria set aside and declared null and void. An order of the court, special Judge John W. Ferguson presiding, was served on Wednesday upon W. A. Dunn, Intendent, and the war dens of the town of Pomaria, this county, requiring that they "be and they are lieveby required to show cause before the cov'rt -I Newberry Court House at tci o'clock a iii., or as soon thereafter as cou isel ca ii be heaird, o- t he 18 ih day of Novetul n-, 1903, w\h\, tyt said chai ter of I lie said Town of Poinaria should not- lie set -v;de and declared ill and vo;d and why they alid t heir successors in onfice should not cease to exercise and perform any of the functions of a minicipal corporation of the Town of Poniaria." The order was granted upon the petition of Charles H1. Counts, through his attorneys. The peti tioner alleges, inter alia, 0,bat lie is a qualified electoi , resident and tax payer in the Town of Pomaria; that the commission for the issuance ol a charter was duly issued on thu 17th day of December, 1902. The petition proceeds: "V. That the petition tinder which the said conmission was issued and election was held was null and void in that it did not comply with the statutes in such cases made and provided in that the petition was not signed by the requisite iniumber of legally entitled electors as prescribed by the statutes in such cises made and provided, as will more fully appear by reference to the certificate of John C. Goggans, Clerk of the Court for Newberry County, which is hereto attached and made a part of this petition. "VI. That the said ebhaier is ntill and void in that the prox-sions Jf law as set out in Paragraph V of this petition have not been com plied with." The petition of "legally entitled electors'' of Pomaria, dated D)ecem-. her 8, 1902, praying the Se'cretairy of State for the purpose of incor porating the town, (the petition above referred to) is signed by Thomias Watlandi Holloway, T1hee'. Adam Setzler, James Phiilande; SetzlIer, John Julius H-entz,, John Calvini A uill, Jamecs L4illard Graihami George James WVilsoni, Johni Adam Summer, Jr., D)avid H-ipp, James Millecr. The cert ificat e of Clerk of Court Goggans is as5 follows: "Thiis is to eert ify thait I ha v camrefuilly e xainled I le book s of regist':atoun for thle counbhty uf NJewv berry nlow on ilje iin iiy oflut. 8 Ig( (G. WV. Wilson is no(t ai registe-edl elector at t lie iun einet a t Ponnu itia, said p)reci net being ihe one wvhiich is now inclu tded ill thle town of 1Po maria; I also finid thait the or iginhal registrationi Jamies L. Grahami was James F. Grahiami, the "L"~' being marked over the ''F'', which was the original entry, and no reason or authority is given or asnedm by any one for c:ianging the records now oi file in my office '' The attorney general granted Counts' attorneys ant horit y to bring the suit in the name of the State It will be remembered that the qestion of the validit y of the char ter of Pomaria was brot:ght to the attention of the attorney general some time ago, Counts holding that he conld not be fined for certain of. fences on account of the question as to validity (if charter. The attorney general held that the validity of the charter lhnd nothing to do with this matter, that the towi govern ment of Pomaria was a governmenti de facto and as snch could ptnnish violators of the law. 1HE NEWS OF PROSPElITY. A Coilg Maidage-Atumored Mr. A. II. Kohn Will R1e*urn to 11ros!"erity. Personal MenIion. Prosperity, Nove17ember i . --\ 1. \V. \V. Wheeler and family have nm%-ed into tile house of IIs. 1"an1 nie Schnnpert. Dr. J. A. Simpls,,n and family will ocenpy the hon-e on Elh street just vacated )y Mr Wheeler. It is now cnrrently re ported that Mr. A. H-. Kohn al family will return to Prosperity and occupy his old home. Mr. 1). M1 . Cromer, who has been the long and faithul night watch man on our streets, has changed to a similar service in the oil mill. Mr. Geo. Richardson now holds tihe position mnade vacant by Mr. Cro mer' resignation. Mr. Romie Kohn, son of Mr. S. J. Kohn, and Miss Brucie Stock alan, only dan,. -r of Mr. J. Buir Stockmani, will be married next Sunday evening. The two iectings -- synod aId the missionary society-have taken several of our people to Columbia this week. Mrs. J. F Browne and Mrs. J. H1. Dinglehoef have already returnied from the missionary meet ing. Rev. Z. W. Bedenbanigh, president of Synod, Rev. W. A. Lutz, pastor of Grace church, and Mr. R. C. Counts, his delegate, lav,e gone to atLend the sessions of Synod. Dr. R. B. Peery, on account of sickness, failed to meet his appoint ient at St. Luku's and St. Paul's last sunlday. Rev. C. M. Boyd and Capt. Jnm 0 B. Fellers have been off at Winns boro to attendc the sessions of Synt 1. M. A. Carlisle, Esq., President of the People's National Bank, was here yesterday. Mr. C. E. Stewart. of Blacksburg, made a short call at nis old1 home yesterday,. Mirs. 1Urr Mvart in, of Newl. arry, visited her mother, Mrs. H. S. Bo)ozer, thIis- week. C:autioni I Tlhis is not au gent le. word~(l but11 when you t.hihnk( hiow liable you are not. to piir chiase the0 onlly iremedyI i I nivYersa lly knIo wn ando a remedct y thlat has had the Ilargesut salie oft any med (Iicinle ini the worldl since. 18Sf for~ tho Cure and utrlieatI ILunig I.roubh.4 withotl losing its great p)op)Iumt.y all thes~e years, yout lbe thank ful we call((d you atte(ntion to Do8(chtec's;~ *ermanti )yrup. There arie so Imany ordmarSUy cough remledies mUade by dIrutggists andtr others that. are cheap and goodl for l ight Ucoldls perhaps, but for severe Coughs, Hronchit is, Crouip atnd espiecial ly for ConIsumpTItioni, wherie there is diflicuiltepcoainadcuhn dlurmg the nlighlts and mornings, there snohglike German Syrup. "'he 25 cent size has just been introduced this ya.Reg'ular size 75 cents. For sale by Wr. E.elham &Sn .IL VT JA 1.J I_11JX. I 11.-1ij UNITED STATES WILL DEAL WITH PANAMA. WILL NOT DEAL. WITH COLOMBIA IN RE GARD TO CANAL. Porial Recognilon Accorded Pantma's Represent alive - France Rccog ilies Panama. It is stated in Washington on au Lhority that it is too late for Colon bia to make any effort to resurrect :ie canal treaty with the United 3tates. It is pointed out that the United States government, having recogn'.ed Painma as an independ mit state, cannot now proceed to ,egotiate with Colombia for the ' rights over which Colombia xcrcises no political cc ntrol, so any ut tire canal Iegotiations will b,e he ween the IUIited States govein nel't an'd the governillelnt of Pan Our amII)bassadoo)r at Berlinl b; -Ihled that all reports that Ger nanlly will h-comlie emblhroiled i'i the rouible arec withiout foundation. Panama's minister will be re :eived at the White Honse today as iminister plenipotentiary and envoy !xtraordinary of the republic of Panama to the United States. The 1'rench government has rec aized the de facto government of the republic of Panama. SOUTH CAROLINA NEWS. Items of More or Less Interest Condensed In the State. The new Jerome hotel in Coluni I)ia has opened its doors under the iame management as conducted the ki( Jeroie. A negro named John Chapman was shot and killed by another tiegro, Austin I lillian, on the road to Cheraw, about eight iiiiles from 2hesterfield. Both were unler the infltience of whiskey. Henry Simonhoff, son of a rabbi in Chinreston, was stabbed Tuesday morning while oil his way to school by a negro boy. Tlh ai'ir is the restilt of rec"It clashes between tile white an-Id lwglo children going in :)pposite direeliostt to school. 'lie moy is not seriollsly itnjitred. Senator Tillman has beeI given -hie chairimnsh1ip of the Senate coml uittee on plblic ieal hI and ntional 1 tmluallt ine. The chail11rmanslip -arries with it a nicel furnished ootn ill tile Capitol h)tlildintg and an mnnual clerk of $2, 200. Senator Ciiihnian 's private room was formler y in tile Senate anlnex, t wo blocks iway. Mr. Actinilla hnety, a young whlite mtant living near- Norway, long withl his brother, beenmtle enI aged in a gniarrel wvitht a negro, it tile nlegroi's hIome, ab ouIt rent. Thie negro hit the yotung muan with ustick an th1 len hit htis brothle r. MJ. Eney wenmt to his homeli and( at his gunt and( hred at the n':gro, ad11(, wvIhi na s No. 3 shot, pHper -d thle negro, huis wi 'e anudba, hal '1on: is Set iou-i v hi lilt. Mrst Cost Nu! I he Cheapest. The lirst (ot of anO arti(le dos not1 IICessaruily (letermuIine its cheapness(O1. 10'or i'tuIane, at snek( or(I "Clfon" flour may cost you a lit le more thmn other so-calld j)at- t itios, but it will be rheaper to yoa in thle (end. Why? Hee eaulse it will not onlly make more breadI to the sack, but, will take less lard and( soda to make it. Order a sack of "'Clif ton" andl make a test for yourself. It will prove the truth of this statement T. . IAv.