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E O craW mU CEms BLISHED181NEWBERRY, S. C., TUESDAY, NOVEMB3ER 17. 1.903. TWICE A WEEK.i~ ; A V1R A 1n OLD BURGLARS IN AIKEN. yesidences Robbed of Watches and Jewelry, the Total Loss Being About $1,500. , 'iken, November 15 -Aiken visited last night or early this ning by the most skillful band urglars that ever disturbed this hally quiet city. he home of W. J. Platt was Tered through the parlor window. e burglar or burglars went into e bed room where he and Mrs. att were sleeping and stole diamonds valued at $1,ooo or more. F. B. Henderson's residence was entered through a kitchen window and Mr. Henderson's watch, valued at $150, was taken, and hii po6kets; rifled of small change. ,. Bradwell's house was entered through a parlor window and - a $150 watch and chain was taken and about $17.50 in money from his trousers' pocket. Dr. J. F. Xymaan's house was entered and his watch and chain were taken from his vest which he had left hanging by the bedside.. i. is thought there were several men in the gang, as the robberies were committed during the earliest and darkest hours of the morning. The tracks noted show small feet and from this it is believed the robbers were white men. The robberies were considered of such importance that the mayor called a special meeting of the city council inmnediately after church services. A reward of $150 was offered for the apprehension and conviction of the guilty parties Early this morning county blood hounds were brought fiom the jail and placed on the tracks, but the dogs failed to find a trail. In addition to the places named above as having been entered, the tracks show that several other homes were visited, but no entries made. The burglars gave evidence of possessing a great deal of intelli gence. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. Items of More or Less Interest Condensed Outside the State. Thomas J. Allen, a cattle dealer of Nelson count y, Va , was met on the public highivay by his uncle, B. V. Allen, and shot dead. It is thought family matters caused the tragedy. Fleet Wilkins, a nmerchant of ntear Roxboro, N. C., died on Thursday from the effects of a b)eating admini istered 1by a negro who demnanded money anid when refused literally heat Wilkins to death. Pope Pius X. held his first putblic consistory last week, wheu five cardinails received their red hats. The ceremony was brilliant, and the hold whlich the new pontiff has on the affections of his people was sh own int a very clear manner. With the excep)tionl of I ,ooo acres i nnnledliately surrounding the Hilt mlore mansion, V'anderl bilt has leased the Biltmore estate, at Asheville, to a club of wealthy men who will convert the 1 25.oo(o acres in to h unt. inig preserves. Thme land was leased for a period of ten years. Andrew H-. Green, the '"father of Greater New York'' and one of the city's oldest and most remark able citizens,en wa shot and nst,tl killed on the steps of his home, on Park avenue, qn Friday by Corne lius M. Williams, a negro who is believed to be insane. The negro when asked why he committed the murder replied, "I did it to save my character." From the story of eye-witnesses, it is evident that the negro had been lying in wait for Green. Ex-President Cleveland has gone to Virginia to engage in duck hunt ing. Two banks in Berli.i have united, making the strongest bank in the world, with the exception of the Bank of England. The Cole county, Mo., grand jury, which has been investigating legislative "boodling", have re- I turned 106 indictments. Eighteen negroes were killed at Gillsburg, La., in a race riot on Sunday. The trouble arose overI the lynching of a negro who crii inally assaulted a white woman. Baron von Friesen, a Russian, was stabbed on the streets in New!i Orleans shortly before daylight on Saturday morning. He was proba bly fatally wounded. Two Geor gians are charged with the crime. There has been a serious strike among the employes on the Chicago trolley lines during the past several days, almost entirely stopping the running of cars. The situation was considerably improved Sunday. A fast express train on the Illi nois Central ran into an accommo dation train near Kentwood, La., on Saturday night, killing twenty negroes and injuring three white men and ten negroes. Several parties in St. Louis have been found guilty of aiding and abetting Italians holding false pa pers ofeitizenship. The maximum sentence for the crime is ten years in the penitentiary or a fine of $20, 000. Some time ago an alleged petri fied man was dug up on the farm of A. W. Sitton, of near lender sonville, N. C., which was bought by a company of capitalists and ex hibited over the country. It was charged that the petrified man was a fake and the company lost money. and now have brought suit against Sitton for perpetrating a fraud and Sitton has been bound .ver to court in the sum of $15,00. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. No one who is acquainted with its good qualities can be surprised at the g reat popularity of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It not only cures colds andl grip effectually3 and pernma nently, but prlevenits these dliseases from resulting in p)neumnonia. It is also a certain cure for croup. Whooping cough is not dlangerous when this rem edly is given. It contains no opium or otheir harmful substance andl may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult. It is also pleasant to take. When all of these facts are taken into consideration it is not surprising that ieopile in foreign lands, as we'(ll as at lome, esteem this rer.mdy very highly and very few are willing to take any other a fter' having on ce unsedI it. For sale by W. I. l>elhiam & Son, New b,erry, S. C. , andl 'S Prse rity v I)rug C o. Priosper-ity, S. C. Get thec Best For the AskIng. When you ordler a sack of1 patient flour from your grocer, (do not tell him to send( you "a sack of good flour'', but tell him to send you a sack of ''Clifton,'' because ''Clifton'' is the best patenL. Every sack is sold with this guarantee, andl if it does2 not prove as representedl, your money will be refunded. "'Clifton'' is an all-r-ound flour, and is as good for cake and pastry as light rolls and bis-, ceit. T. J. mAY COUNTY SUPERVISOR SCHUMPERT. Employes on Public Works Have Found Him UnvaryinTly Correct in His Conduct. The following protest has been issued by the etuplo%es on the pub lic works of the countv: We, the undersigned citizens of Newberry county, State of South Carolina, and enploy,es on the pub lic works of same, under the direct Itipervision of John M. Schuitpert, Supervisor, having seen the charges preferred against the said John M. Schumpert in the report of the grand jury during the present term >f court, feel it incumbent on our )art to place before the public our protest against the same, for the ollowing reasons, to wit: We have, as al)ove stated, been ?mploy-ed iuder the supervision of the said John M. Sclitipert to versee and conduct the public works of the county of Newberry. for a term of several im liths, dur ing which time we have been cog Iizant of most of the 1novements of Supervisor Schuimpert, and we un besitatingly aver that at all times we have found him unvaryingly correcc in his conduct of affairs, and that at no time have we ever :en him ii a condition that incapacitated him for the proper conduct of the interests of the countv. We ha, e been informed that the charges preferred against him were based on his condition on the even ing or night of October 7th. We wish to say to all concerned that on that day he left the chain gang in charge of a negro that had been ar rested at the instance of B. B. Hair, trial justice at Prosperity, and brought same to Newberry and de liveredl him to the proper authori ties. We furthermore aflirm that John M. Schumpert was physically unable to attend to any business that required active application, and we wish furthermore to say that his condition on that day was the result of causes that had not the slightest -onnection with the 1'.e of intoxicating or inebriating bever ages. T. ). RicTiERsoN. M. 13. CIIA.MEKS J. H. B\owN. B. M. Koox. SOUTH CAROLINA NEWS. Items of More or Less Interest Condensed Int the State Of the 165 qualified voters of the town of Y'orkville 89 have already signed a petition for the removal of the dispensary. Hoyt Haves, a white manm, has been convicted in P ickenms county of the murder of his wife early' in thme spring. The ver-dict was guilty, without reconnnendat ion to mercy. Ini the R ichiland court a v'erd ict for $8,800 wa:, rende!redi against the -ou thern in thle suit brm. ghit by J A . P ickett for inIjuriies receivedl hat year at St Mat hews. P'ickett wa, aL meCsenger boy and1( attemmpted to bozLrd a liovingp traiti bilt was jrked untder the whl~s. The conivenition of 1':ii,. I>a ugh. ters of the Con federacy, held ini Charleston last week, elected Mrs. Augustine T1. Smyxt he, (of Charles toin, presidlent. Julia Moore, a negro woman, of near B3ennettsville (lied on Frida night fron the effects of an assault and battery at the hands of a negro with whoi she was living The negro's brother-in-law says that if he can show the killing was acci dental, he will emnploy lawyers to defend him. The teris of all the directors of the State dispensary as -well as that of liquor commissioner will expire, next January. It is understood I that neither Mr Williams nor Gen t Jones will be candidates for re-elec tion on the board, but that Mr. R'aus will. There are two or three candidates out for liquor comins sioner. The cylinder head of the engine at the "TIcapal ctttoi mill, Spar tanburg county, blew out on Fri (lay, killing P. 1) McDalif'l, a car penter working i tiv mill, and in juring anloth.r white mali :nd the t nlegro firemlanl. I Irowi Rodgers, c)lored was hialged at Uicl oil11 U11r'idny fol- III,, 11urder of Rodger lant, sol oj 1). 1 Vant, county superinteIdeIt of e-ducation. on the 5th of April last. The sheriff of 11nionl said that probably never a braver man walked uipon the death trap. The last hang ing in Union before this was I's years ago. Death of Miss Sallie E. Davidson. Miss Sallie '. Davidson, of the Fuorce sect ion, died on Th ursday uorning, and was buried at Enorec on Friday morning. She n\as a dalghtei of Reuben Davidson. [DiBALL FACroj I ES, tho larg,, itrodnet their Artistic Intitrum, Display of Sanwples has boen plaed ir GILDER & Tlisi exhibit which is pir-IN Opened Moqday, Not And E did not comom ower to in1,41 or ifl.ring for sule Pianos of 'que4stiom We Have Made And One Hundr flUlfPATltONS include the best n U NordIicat, Eamies, Calve, E.douiardl Leiblinig, hudredls of ot hirs. TIhe Inlstruno *lt8 dI1hislad are of cahly linished ini PhIillippino Maihogam \\alnut, andt ltoseowood. While it ise monerts ini N -her homes10 as a staiiii miont wvill be t-oldl unt i the exhibit elo, These Samples will Then be Gi Cost, Thereby Saving The Made by Agents EASY TERMS TO ALL WHO OES 4 Cnserts DailyI MANAGER FOE THE REPUBLIC OF PANAMA 'resident Roosevelt Formally Receives Its Representative-Canad Negotiations Next. President Roosevelt on Friday ormally receive'd M. Philippe 3unau-Varilla, the duly accredited 'ivoy extraordinary and minister narked the birth of the new Re >leuilotentiary Panama to the ITtil ed States. The reception of the nin ster public of Padama into the famii y of nations, and paves the way for iegotiations between the United tates and the infant Republic pre isely as they may be conducted be weeln an y two sovereign nations. PANAMANIANS J1lI.ANT. Paimana November 13.-The \ssociated Press correspolidelt to lay comiunicated to Jose Augus in Aranlgo, president of the Jtita, lie first news of President Roose ett's receptionl of N. Philippe Ibunt-Varilla. as minister of the Rpublic of Panama. ',Snr Aranigo p\rssed great gratification, saying .hat this act of President Roosevelt nade possible tle negotiation of a ainal treat y, and that such negocia -ioni wouild probably, be completed )efore the Panamanians held a con vention to elect to Legislature and adopted a constitution. 1). E I.IMM, TlE EYE Specialist, will remain in Newberry until Saturday the 31st, only, and those who have eye troubles will do well to call oil him at once. Office over I'ost oflice. Dr. Crimm will be in Prosperity Friday, November 20th. One day only. m in t ho, workd, will nore f boroughly mntti in tlhe Smili. An Elaborato the Drng Store of wEEK$, for advortising purposos . 16th Vill Last One Week, are cordiallY inivi-ed( to enll. \\o It piblic intelegonce.I by advorl ising iblo gradto or obsetire origin. Sold Over ad Thousand Pianos. and1( Jean D)o Roszkel(, D anrosch, the h'ighest 1ossiblo gradoli, atist i. mur pu11rpose. to h'anve t Ehse~ in. strn %, living ad(verti4eriEnnt, no instrn 1es. yen to the People at Factory m From $l25 to $200, and Dealers, IRE THEM, )y the Automatic Piano Player, mBE ON,