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Ir~ CLf S craW mdi 3E s. BLISHED 1865 NEW BERRY, S. C., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1903. TWiCE A WEEK, $1 .50 A YEAR, IBANK OFFICIALS EET VIOLENT DEATHS. ENT KILLS HIMSELF ACCIDENT 1Y ALLY, CASHIER SUICIDES. Double Tragedy In Camden Which Shocked the Whole State. Bank Assigns. . E. Miller Boykin. president e Farmiiers and Merchants bank i:amnden, accidentally shot and d himself on Monday afternoon, a few hours later Mr. E. C. p, cashier of the sane batik, committed suicide. r. Boykin left his office at the "-mers and Merchants Bank a mWininutes before 3 o'clock, chat d' pleasantly with several friends efore getting in his buggy and starting home. After reaching home he picked up his gun, which has a rather treacherous reversible action and went out to shoot a hawk. The supposition is that as he started to clinib a fence he set the gun over the fence at the same tie making a motion to get over him self, when the gun was discharged, the load taking effect in his chest. He fell backwards, while the gun was found leaning on the opposite side of the fence. Mrs. Boykin sent a servant boy, Willie Richardson, out to find Mr. Boykin, and he soon returned and told the condition in .whichi he found Mr. Boykin. His nephew, Mr. John Cantey, who was at the house, ran to where lie was and found him dead. A jury of inquest was empanelled and rendered a verdict of accidental killing. Mr. Boykin was one ..he most prominent citizens of Camden and well known throughout the State He was president of the DeKalb cot toil mill, and a number of other en terprises. He was chosen a mem ber of the legislature in 188o, was United States Marshal at Charles ton under Cleveland, and had held other positions of honor. He was kind-hearted, generous and a true gentleman., and his untimely death carried profound sorrow to scores of hearts throughout the State. He is survived by a wife and one son. SUICIDPt OF CASHIIC01 Z1,1P. A few hours after the accidental killing of President Boykin, the lit tle city of Camden was well-nigh paralyzed by the suicide of Mr. E. C Zemp, cashier of the same bank. Mr. Zemp was found dead in his barn with a pistol ball in his mouth. Shlortly after receiving the news of the death of Mr. Boy kint, Mr. Zemp left his home, ostenl sibly to go over to Mr. Boykin's, nearby, but instead went to his barn and committed suicide. Few men were held in higher esteem than was E. C. Zemp, and his tragic death is a great shock to his family and friends. BUST NECSS SUJSPICNDID. All business was susp)ended ini Camden on Tuesday, the city being shiroiudedl with a gloom which was oppressive to anythinug like trade. And in the afternoon all stores wvere closed formally out of respect to the mlemuory of tile leading citizens whose bodies werec being p)lacedl in their graves. 'TIIC BANK'S CONDITIION. If there was any shortage in the bank it was not known before the tragedy, thotugh it is reportnr1 fr-om Columbia that financiers in Colum bia did not consider the batik abso lutely safe. In Camden even on Tuesday the depositors of the bank felt p>erfectly safe. On Tuesday morning the directors issued the fol lowing statement: "On account of the death of the president and cash - ier occurring on the same day, this bank will remain closed for such 4ine only as will be necessary for an inquiry into its affairs and for taking all proper iasures to pro tect the interest of creditors." EXAMINING BANK'S CONDITION. On Tuesday night the directors, accompanied by Messrs. N. C. Boykin, assistant cashier, and a son of the late pircsident; George DeSaussure, a well known bank in. spector of Atlanta, and E. S. Vaux, entered the vault and began an ex amination which continued the greater part of the night. ASSIGNMENT ORMER6D). Camden, Nov. 18.-At a meet ing of the board of directors ol the Farmers and Merchants bank, the following action was taken: "Having with the aid of twoable experts, examined all of the avail able records, books, papers and ac. counts foutid in the bank vault, the remlt of which satisfies the board that the assets and securities of the batik are sufficient eventually tc meet all its legal obligations and t( pay all depositors and other credi tors, but in view of the serious in terruptions caused to its business b) the calamity which has occurred the lack at this time of an availabh person' willing to assume the dutie, of president and in the further con dition which exists that some tinx will be necessary to convert the as. sets into cash, we do hereby resolv( and determine for the best interesi of all creditors under the circum stances to make an assiginent of al I-i- property, securities and credit! of the bank to E. S. Vaux and A D. Kennedy to be administered foi the equal benefit of all creditors according to law." This resolution was signed by th< entire board of directors an(i th( deed of assignment executed a once. SELLING FEDERAL PATRONAGE. Nebraska's Senator Charged With Briberl and Conspiracy-A Postmaster Inl the Trouble. The United States grand jury a Omaha, Neb. , have returned tr-u< bills against United States Senato: Charles H. Dietrich and Postmnas ter Jacob Fisher of Hastings, Neb. charging them with bribery an< conspiracy. Th le seinator is charge< wvith accepting a b)ribe of $r ,30< fr-om Fisher in consideration o which the latter was recomnmende< for the postmuasteshiip at IIhastings Whlen thme indict ments wer< brought into the United States dis t rict court, Judge M unger p)residinug and were lacedl onl file, the comt merely a ccptedh the rep)ort of ti grand jury, umak ing no remarks ot its contents. Th'le cashijer and t ime-keepe o11 Vanderbilt' s Blil tmore estate, sai< to belonmg to prominenit Ashevill families, have beeni inudicted for emt bezzlemnent of office funds frou George W. Vanderbilt. It is sait the amouotnt appropriated recache THE RACE QUESTION. Bill Introduced In Congress Providing for the Repeal of the Fifteenth Amend. ment to the Constitution. A Washington special to the Ne ws and Courier says that Repre sentative Hardwickr introduced his bill providing for the repeal of the fifteenth amlendmeni of the Consti tution. The introdi action of this bill is intended to 'nduce Congress to take up1) and consider the race question, which is not only being agitated in :he South, but is a burn ing issue in some of the Noi thern. Western and border States. Of coursc there is no prospect of an early consi,leration of the Hlard wick bill, for it will hardly be reached during the extra session. It has not beein referred to a com mittee. hut, legislatively, it lies up on the Speaker's table to be referied to an appropriate committee when the Speaker shall make his com mittee assignments. By introduc ing his bill at this tiue NI r. Hardwick is but cirrying out one of the campaign pledges he made when lie defeated Judge Fleming for the nomination. Mr. Hardwick has beei industriously circulating among his De.nocratic associates since the present session began, a,,d lie has already received much encouragement at the land! of some of the strongest men oil the minority side of the House to fore the fighting on his bill at the first opportunity. He has not proceeded far enough with his canvass of the House to venture upon a prediction, but lie has his heart in his work, and although 'one of the "baby' members of the House lie is capable of dealing with this great subject like a veteran. UNCLE SAM'S BABY. U. S. Ship Hoists Panama's Flag and Salutes It-Colombia's Vain Protest. I'he United States flag ship Mar blehead at Panana, hoisted tlh flag of the Republic of Panana or Tuesday and saluted it with twenty one guns. The TIes-Noviemlbre, a gunboat of Panana, displaying tlt American flag, answered the salute The shore batteries also fired salute of twenty-one guns, whici the Marblehead answered. POOR LITTLE COLOMBIA. The Colombia authorities hav< addressed to the United States p)rotest, which has also been cablec to London and published to th< -world. The pae charges th( United States with the main re sponsibility for the secession o P'anaima, and( directs attentioni tt the inconsistency of the Unlitet States government ini puittinlg dlowr secess.ion inl its owni country b)y force of arms while it recognizes aids and ab)ets secession in Colomi :1n. An appeal is made to th<n Senate and1( peole of the Un i te( siste againust lhe out rage on : sitrrepulic conliiniitted by hPresi denit Roosevelt and his cabinet. f Th'le remains of t he widlow ( I James Moinroe, filth presideiit o the iUited States, have been ex -humed from their resting pla1ce, ii ithe Moinroe imaunor, near Le4esburg .1 Va., and remouved to Rich mondi, ti s be rein terred in Hlollywood ceme tryv FAG] SALE ALL the magnificE great Kimball out-that they may bi living advertisements, life time. . . . Imml Itroduction our object. winds We will not sh buy them at one-third and save$125to$20( These Pianos will be at two-thirds the IegUl pl-es will be sold on the: fectly new. The displc Artistic Upright Concert Grand: Ariistic Uprigt 1l,iabori.telv finished in beaitiful F French t1url \\'atl An Absolute Warranty with each Piano, backed by a capi tal of Fifteen Million Dollars. Ask your bank about us. This stock will not be c unless they v Sale Closes i Come and ma Place of Exhibition, Gilder & Weeks Drug Store. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. Items of More or Less Interest Condensei Outside the State. John H-. Downing, cashier of th Portsmoith, Va.. Dimes Saving, bank, has left the city carrying with hiiu about $.,ooo of the bank': The yellow fever sitilation i La redo, Texas. reitnins abotit thi samThe. e deaths are about tei per cent. of the total number o cases. It is now hoped that the Chicag< trolley car strike will be subnitte( to arbitrationi. The strike has beet of a very setious nature. A Vounig man of Kin gstotn, Ohia 16 years of age, has b)eenl placed it th hohospital for the insanle a a result of injuries received in: foot b)all game. Lord K itchtener, commnander-ina chief of the linglish forces in11 UIni h iadl hiis leg'b)rokenl wile ipcassinI through a tunni iel by htis horse he comtinlg frightenled and( collidin with thte walled side. The UnIlited States sup)rect11 hlas refused to grant relief to thtre ChIticago men21 who a re ser'vinhg tell y'ear senitenices ini the State priso Iof Northi Carolinta for trying to se a ~ gold bric k in oumilford connlty,i that State. The ap peal was take ifirst to lie State supremite couir then to the liederal dIistrict couri > anid on to 'lhe highest tribunlial iln th - land, which affirmed the opinior of the two lower bordirs. KORY OF SAMPLE PIAN.OS. ,nt instruments in the Exhibit will be closed a left here as standing, The opportunity of a ndiate and thorough in Profit thrown to the ip them back. You can less than regular price ) made by agents. sold for cash or on time ar price. Only the sam ;eterms. They are per ty consists of t Cabinet Grands Medium Sized Cabinet Grands nlglish 0alk, Phlillipinle Mal.hoganly, nut an1d Rosewood. Each Piano Marked in plain figures. No deviation in price. No Piano duplicated at sale prices ;old to agents or dealers till take the lot. 1 a Few Days .e your selection. H. M. PEMBERTON, Manager for Factories. SOUTH CAROLINA NEWS. Items of More or Less Interest Condensed In the State. Simal 1-pox is authoritatively re pcrted to be alarming i the citizens of the upper part of Pickens county. The first interstate convention of the V N. C. A of South and North Oarolinaj w%i!* be held inl - Spartalnburg next Febrlua,1ry. IMayor J Adger Sml th, of Char leston, was imarried in Washington ITesday afterIoon to Miss Ella Cal vert Campbell, of that city. Senator J. Q. Marshall, treasurer of the fund which is being raised to erect a mnonuinent to the mlem ory of General IIampton, is urging that tihe wvork be pulshed1 iorward1. So far only three counties, Sunmter, D)arlington , andc Richland , have rai.sed what was exp)ectedl of thiem Sand thec total alnounlt oil hanid is butt $2,c:>o.' - Miss Rochester, the postmistress at Central, in Pickens count y , was the recip)ienlt thrioughl the mna;ls tiis -week of tile left hianid ol a womiian. anId theC plel (if tihe c nnt are puzz//linlg to knlow~ who wouild mlake such a ghuasily gift to a younig w~omain. Thie had( has beeni tuLirnled over to a drullgg ist , w ho is preserin i g it at tile suLiggest.ioi Iof a s )tofii ce 5 insector. P'ressing and DyingK. Tihe Newberry Steami Laui ndry nIlakes a specialy of el ceaiinig,d yinlg e aind pressimg. P1atroijze honie in dunstry by haviing your w.ork doneC at a home enlterp)rise. Call at Launi dry for nricer.