OCR Interpretation

The herald and news. [volume] (Newberry S.C.) 1903-1937, December 08, 1903, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063758/1903-12-08/ed-1/seq-5/

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Christmas Rates Via Seaboard.
On account of the Christmas Holi
days, the Seaboard Air Line Rail
way will sell excursion tickets from
all stations to all points East of the
Mississippi and South of the Ohic
and Potomac Rivers, including
Washington, D. C., St. Louis, Mo ,
and intermediate points to St. Louih
on the Southern Railway, Louisville
& Nashville, Illinois Central anio
Mobile & Ohio Railroads, at rate o
one and one-third first class fares
plus twenty-five cents, for the rotint
trip. Dates of sale are Decembe1
23, 24, 25, 30, 31, 1903 and Jan
uary 1, 1904, with final return limil
January 4th, 1904.
Upoa presentation and surrendei
of certificate signed by the super
intendent, principal or president o:
schools and colleges, tickets will b(
sold to students and teachers a
above rates on December 16 to 22
1903, with final limit of January 8
The Seaboard is the short lino
between the North and the South
and operates double daily vestibule(
limited trains with through Pullimat
sleepers, and first-class di ing ca:
For specific rates, detailed infor
mation, etc. call on Seaboar<
agents, or address Jos. W. Stewart
Traveling Pass. Agent, Columbia
S. C.
Head About to Burst From Severe Biliou
"I had a severe bilious attack an<
felt like my head was about to burs
open when I got hold of a free samph
of Chamberlain's Stomach and Live
Tablets. I took a dose of them afte:
supper and the next day felt like a nev
man and have been feeling happy eve:
since," says Mr. J. W. Smith of Julia,
Texas. For biliousness, stomach trou
bles and constipation these Tablet
have no equal. Price 25 cents. Fo
sale by the Smith Drug Co., Newberry
S. C., and the Prosperiey Drug Co.
Prosperity, S. C.
Christmas Holiday Rates.
For the Christmas Holidays th
Atlantih Coast Line announces a rat
of one and one third one way fare
plus 25c for the round trip between a]
points South Potomac and Ohio River
and East of the Mississippi River
Tickets on sale December 23d, 24th
25th, also 30th, 31st and January lit
1904, with final limit January 4th, 111-4
For the accommodation of student
and teachers of schools and colleges th<
Atlantic Coast Line has arranged rouni
trip rates as above, December 16th to
22nd, with final limit January 8th, 1904
The train service of the Atlanti,
Coast Line is unexcelled. For ticket
and. full information, apply to ticke
agents. W. J. Craig, G. P. A.,
Wilmington, N. C.
~)ply to M. A%. BUFORD,
Newvberry, S. C.
savecd doctors' bill for muore thanr
sixty 's F or the commruon fIam
plaints chill anIve,I,
ness headche maI a
aC lts th l ivr as iss -,
tilate s acto io ofr th n
auirifies the bod an pur LhI
h~owels of fou a 1ccumIss It (
\eres l iver com]plain't, indtigestion,
hlo, k iduney t roubles, cons~ti pation
arrhama, ILiIliusness, piles, hard
ads and1 h. .dce. Ihvery drug-~
at has Thedfr'sIic hlack-Draughit
a5 cent J,aIha' and~ in mamli
e sie~' f., Ol. Nev\,er accept
sititute. I, luit on havingu the
,Ii,l, ad, by ,h Chattanooga
mgie Comia :iy,
'tlihve Thc'ord's I1!ck< Drau ~t
best medicine on ea,rth. It is ,
EuIlr any and everyJhi;.g. I h- e
fly of twelve '1l:drer, .and for
-ars I have kept them onu toot
Ithy with no dloctor but Bllack.
LA.I:no m.... N
........UPON T H,
Clothing, S1
At ''Clean Sweep" prices at a
time when you need the goods
and must buy when you see
how low we are selling them.
From Now
Everybody will have a chance to
goods ever brought to this marke
cure some of the bargains we now
Clean Sweep of Clothing
Suits $ 5.50 and $ 6.00 now $ 3.74:.
"6 8.00 " 9.00 " 6.00.
" 10.00 " 12 50 " 8 50.
" 14.00 " 1500 " 10.00.
" 16.00 " 17.00 " 12.50.
" 1900 " 2000 " 1.4 50.
Th se Prices are Solid and Rust. Proof
We quote "Great Reduct
lines, but everythi
Every Clothing Counter is a Bar
Shelf, Our Entire_Store is a Ba
This is good news for those conterr
everybody who knows anything a
every respect. This Great Reduct
the economical buyer most forcib
opportunity to save money in buyir'
to convince the skeptical, but all
eyes opened.
Remember that everything is ji
to go by January 1 st-just 40 days
get the first pick of the splendid go
Don't miss this sale and thee say tU
The Ewa
E MARKET BY.......
ioes, Hats, Etc.,
We have decided to make a change
in our business on January 1, 1904.
This has absolutely been determined
and all goods left in over stock after
this Great Reduction Sale will be
offered in bulk at the best offer we
can get for the whole stock.
on to Jan. 1st,
Yet at low prices some of the best and newest
t. We want every friend and customer to se
Shoes, Shoes, Shoes'
Shoes Which Woro $1.05 now $1.25.
"1 " "9 2.25 now 1.75.
" " " 3.00 L;ow 2 50
g "t " 3.50 now 2 75.
"t " "1 400 & 4 50 now 3.25.
S " " 5-00 & 5 50 n>Nv 4.00.
Flt.o S'Iokis, (oud " , for non womli
ar.. children.
ion" prices on these two leading
ng goes in the sale, Hats,
Bhing Goods, Etc.
ain Counter, EerShoe_Shelf_is a_Bagn
.rgain Store in this Great Reduction Sale.
plating buying now or in the near future, and
bout our stock will tell you it is up-to-date in
ion comes in the nick of time and must strike
[y, for there has never been offered a better
g your winter outf it. We can scarcely expect
who buy here during this sale will have their
ist as advertised and that the whole stock is
yet to come, Time moves swiftly. Corn and
3ds going at "Clean Sweep"' prices.
lat you thought we didn't mean what we said
rt- Pifer Co.
and Outfitters..

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