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USED CATS AS CHIPS. Poker Game Between Hermits for Championship of Western New York. A correspondent of The New York Sun at Hamilton N. Y., per petrates this: The strangest poker game ever played in western New York was fought out two weeks ago by Pete Snelling of this place, better known as the "Cat Hermit," and "Old Man" Booker of Clark son, likewise a recluse and some thing of a cat fancier. The two men live about one mile apart, with the town line between them. It was in reality town against town, with cats for chips. The game grew out of profes sional jealousy, each of the players pretending to be the boss hermit in point of years, hard luck and num ber of cats. Last August Old Man Booker happened to meet Pete at the village store, and among other things declared that when it came to poker he could make Pat Sheedy hunt cover. "I am strong on it," he an nounced. "I'm husky. I haven't played for years, just because I know there is no one hefty enough to make it interesting.'' "If you'll dig up my past you'll find I'm quite a cuss with the pasteboards myself," said Pete. "Dare you to meet me," cried the Old Man. "I'm for that. What shall we play for?" asked Pete. Old Man Booker scratched his rough chin and thought deeply. Then lie had an inspiration. "How are you fixed for cats?" he asked. "Got about fifty, and twenty kit tens, " replied Pete. 'All right; let's play for cats,' said Booker. So it was agreed, and two weeks ago the g:tie was pulled off. Booker collected his feline assets and carted them over to Pete's tumble-down farmhouse. Pete had his chips melowing and spitting in an empty room and no time was lost in bring ing out a greasy (leek of cards, and the game began on a kitten ante and two-cat limit. On the first hand Pete straddled the ante for one cat, but his boost began to eat up Booker's kittens. "I'm not going to lose my edge that way," declared Booker. "If you want to fight cats I've got sonme thorough-breds in that crate.'' -A compromise was effected by bringing in t wo b)ig boxes with stout covers, one for kittens and one for cats. Booker refused to play and Pete pullled clown the stakes. On Booker's deal it wvent into a jackpot and both putt up akitten, as neither had openers. ''Change a cat for me,'' requested Pete. Booker pushed two kittens across the board. On the next deal Booker opened for two cats and Pete drew cards and boosted the sweeting one kitten. Booker drew to a pair of queens and caught a small pair. Pete split a pair of jacks and found a straight. "'Oh, I'll bet a kitten,'' said Booker. "'See your kitten and raise you two cats,'' Pete came lback. Booker called and lost. For the niext six hands they simp)ly swapped kittens back and forth without getting any action. Then on a jackpot Booker opened for one cat, holding pat a club~ straight, nine high. Pete discarded a queen of heartM and caught the ten of diamonds, which gave him a diamond straight, ten high. Then the cats flew into the box fast and furious. The boxes began to get a bit crowded and a vacant room was used to accumulate the chips. Both men left their cards on the table and stood btheir re-pctv cats. As each called his raise he would grab the limit by the necks and toss them into the pot. "'See here, Siell, I'ml out of cats, but I've got a show for my stakes," announced Booker as he threw in two kittens and went shy a cat. "Well, Book, we'll show hands now, or seal up the cards tiotil you can raise more cats. It's a shaie to take your cats. I wish you'd call me." "Not by a long chalk, Sill. I'll never lay cdown on this hand. I'll die first. Give me ten hours to hustle in for more cats and then we'll show up." This was agreed to and inside of six hours Booker drove up with twenty cats and six kittens. The limit was raised and the whole bunch of furry chips were depos ited in the fighting cat-pot, and the cards were unsealed. Thus did Snelling win the cat- I poker championship of . estern New York and incidentally break Old Man Booker. RECTOR OF ST. LUKE'S. Ashburnham, Ontario, Testifies to the Good Qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Ashburnham, Ont., April 18, 1903. I think it is only right that I should tell you what a wonderful effect Chamber lains Cough Remedy has produced. The day before Easter I was so distressed with a cold and cough that I (lid not think to be able-to take any duties the next day, as my voice was almost choked by the cough. The same day I received an order from you for a bottle of your Cough Remedy. I at once pro cured a sample bottle, and took about three doses of the medicine. To my great relief the cough and cold had com pletely disappeared and I was able to preach three times on Easter Dav. I know that this rapid and ef'ective 'Cure was due to your Cough ?'emedv. t make this testimonial witnout solicita tion, being thankful to have found such a God-sent remedy. RespectfuliYV your., E. A. LANGFEI-DT, M. A., Rector of St. Luke's Church. To Chamberlain Medicine Co. This remedy is for sale by Smith Drug Co , Newberry, S. C., P)rosperity Drug Co., Prosperity, S. C. / ~A NUFACTURER wants reliable man to deliver and collect; horse and wagon and $150 deposit necessary; $21 a week and expenses; permanent. F'ranklin, Box 78, Philadelphia, Pa. 4t PROFIT The matter of feed is of tremendous importance to the farmer. Vr-ong feeding is loss. Right feeding is profit. Th~e up)-to)-date farmter k.:nows w.hat to feedl his c;ows to get the most milk., his; pigs to get the most pork, his hens to get the most eggs. Science. But how ab)out the children ? Are they~ fed according to sciecelC, a b)one food if b)ones are soft rad undeveloped, a fle-sh and muoscle food if they are thin and weak and a blood fond~c if there is anemia ? Scott's Eimulsion is a mixed fw' (1; the Cod Liver- Oil in it mrake s flesh, bl1oodl and muscle, le i Ame and Soda make bone dlusi brain. It is the standard scientific food for- delicate ch ild ren. ____ Send for free sample. the form of 1.ab turtt te -wrappecr (f every bottle of F.nlso ou buy. Scott& Bowne Ch EMISTS, 409 Pearl St., N, Y. . 5c. ana $1, all druuglste. NEWBERRY KNlTIN MiLL. TIIEANNUAL MENTING OF THE Stockholders of The Newberry Knitting Mill will be held at Council Chambers on the 5th day of January, 1904, at 12 o'clock M., for the election of Direo torts for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of other business. Please attend in person or by proxy. B.VC. MATIIEWS, Secretary. Newberry, S. C., Dec. 4, 1903. LAND FOR SALE. F OUR LOTS CONTAINING 28 acres, and three containing 40 acres, on eastern .9de of town just out side corporate linits. Desirable loca tion for building purposes. These lots may be bought at a bargain. F. W. HIGGINS. NOTICE. WING TO THE FACT THAT I am now visiting the schools of the county, I will be in my office only on Mondays and Saturdays for the next few weeks. EUG. S. WERTS, Co. Supt. Ed. NOTICE. r HE COUNTY BOARD OF COM missioners will hold their annual miecting, as required by law, on Thurs (lay, the 7th (lay of January, 1904. All persons holding claims against the county are required to file same with the undersigned before the 1st day of January, 19 J. B. HUNTER, County Board. Executor's Sa. Stocks. WILL SELL AT PUBLIC OUT cry at Newberry Court House, to the highest bidder, for cash, on sales day in January, 1904, twenty shares of the capital stock of the National Bank of Newberry, S. C., and ten shares of the capital stock of the Newberr Cot ton milg. W. H. DREHER Executor of Susannah Dreher, dec'd L 0. 0. F. PULASKI LODGE NO. 20. M EET8 EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT at 7 30'o'clock at their hall at the Graded Senool :)ihflHi. Visitors cor. J. S. iMIH. N.G '. U St-m et Jr.. Secr ry Fish, Oysters Placv your orders r oysters and fish with Columbia Fish & Ice Co., Columbia, S. C. Satisfactory prices, quick service, .1nd f !sh goods. \\ rite for quota IlOis Valuable Land for Sale 82 acres 5 miles of Whitmire--25 acres in cultivation, 5 to 6 acres good meadow. Seven lots adjoining the corporate limits of 1 Newberry. Good building sites. Terms and prices reasonable. For further informa tion call at The Price of Millinery REDUCED! zMirAll of our MILLINERY will be sok' at reduced prices through the holidays. Conme and buy your wife or dlaughter a pretty Hat for Christmas. We hiave just recei-:ed the lates,t Nov'elties ini Ladies Neckwear, Combhs, Belts, Belt Pins and WNrist Bags, In Red, Black and Tan. Pearl Shirt Waist Sets at' 19C. per set. We will have a full line of Toys and Holi day Goods at prices right. Come to see us. Hair c Haird T1HE RIGHT PRICE STORE, Summer Bros.' Block Near Deot. STATE OF SOUTH 0AROLINA, COUNTY OF NEWBERRY-IN COMlON PLEAS. James N. McCaughrin, in his own right and as administrator de bonis non with the will annexed of Robt. L. McCaughrin, deceased and as admin istrator of Mattie Mcaughrin Gist, deceased, Plaintiff, against Fannie B. McCaughrin et al., and James Y. Culbreath et al., Defe.nd ants. -)Y VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF 3- the court herein, I will sell at pub lic outcry on Thursday, the 31st day of December, 1903, on the place known as the llonham place, at the residence of the plantation, all that tract, planta tion or parcel of land belonging to the estate of Robert L. McCaughrin and James Y. Culbreath, situate in Saluda county, in the State aforesaid, contain ing Twelve Hundred and Eighty-Eight Acres, more or less, on Big Saluda River, bounded by lands formerly be longing to the late Gov. Johnson Hagood, Henry Ellis, Mrs. Cornelia Clary, George Berry, the estate of A. P. Coleman, Matthew Coleman and others. The said tract will be sold in sub-divided tracts as follows, and plats will be exhibited on day of sale, to wit: No 1, the house tract containing 260 acres, more or less. No. 2, known as the gold mine tract, containing 68 acres, more or less, adjoining Mrs. Cor nelia Clary: No. 3, containing 130 acres, more or less, known as the creek tract, fronting on the old Charleston road; No. 4, lying next to the estate of A. P. Coleman, deceased, and Matthew Cole man, containing 255 acres, more or less, fror ting on the old Charleston road; tract No. 5, known as the calf pasture, ontaining 100 acres, more or less, a a right of way provided to the settle ment road leading from the home place to Matthew Coleman's plantation; tract No. 6, known as the fox den place, con taining 240 acres, more or less, with a right of way provided leading to the public road to the ferry; No. 7, con taining 235 acres, more or less, known as the ferry place. All of said sub livided tracts are on public highways except tract No. 5 and tract No. 6, but rights of way are provided as afore 3aid. Terms of Sale: One-third of the pur :hase money is to be paid in cash, the balance on a credit of one and two years, in equal annual installments, with interest from day of sale at the rate of 8 per cent. per annum until paid in full. The credit portions to be se .ured by bonds of the purchasers and mortgages of the tracts, respectively, with leave to the purchasers to pay all in cash or any part of the credit por tion. At thc same time and place I will sell ai the personal property on the planta tion, consisting of eight mules, farming implements, wagons, corn, fodder, cot ton seed, etc. Terins of sale: Cash for the personal property. The above tract is a very valuable cotton and corn plantation, about 13 miles by the steel bridge to Newberry Court House, and about the same dis tance to Saluda Court I-House, and about half a mile from Saluda Old Town on the Southern Railroad. H. H. RIKARD, Master. Master's Office, Dec. 15, 1903. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEWBERRY-IN PROBATE COURT. John C. Goggans, administrator of the estate of Wm. D. Frick, de ceased. Plaintiff, against Nancy Frick and others, D)efendants. By virtue of an ordler passed herein' I will sell at public auction to the high est bidder before the court house at Newberry, S. C., on sale day in Janu. ary, 1904, all that piece or parcel of land situate in saidl county and statt containing eighty (80) acres, more 0: less, lying on the northeast side of thc public roadl leading to Little Mountain, S. C., except the Frick family grave yard, consisting of onec-half acre, an< bounded by graveyard, lands of Johr Boland, estate of George Wheeler, de. ceased, Ab Shealcy and said public road, upon the following terms, to wit For one-half cash, the balance on a credit of one year, with interest fron day of sale, credit portion to be se cured by the bond of the purchaser ani a mortgage of the p)remises, with leav< to the purchaser to pay the credit p or tion in cash in whole or in part. Pu r chaser to pay for papers and record ing. JOhN C. WILSON, J. P. N. C. Dec. 12, 1903. STArT E OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NElWBERIRY I: PR1OBATE COUR'V. I : *J n C. WiloV Esml'~, P robate Jw i ut IRlAS J,.no. I. Giogeans, a <'o of the C'aurI, hadthj madl s.i in w n trant h m nttorsof \A<hninh, l:.,. anll ,a,dd !ifhir the. kin, red anr credI 3to1 of t he *'id Luacy (. Lg.lori tilcasedi. that t,hey be aLnd appenar hi fore mie, in the ( ourt of Probate, to b. held at Nr wbrrry Court. ! rv.use, N. C , a the 211th day of Janutairy neCx aft.ior pul l icathLion toreol, at 11 o'clock in the fori no0o1. t,o show (1ause, if any theay have why the. said! Amnnistrat,Aon sihoul not be grantedl. Given under my hand, this th [i..s.] 16t.h day of Deccember, Ann D)omini, 1903. JOH N C. WILSON, J. P. N. C. W ANTED.-- Manager for no branch of our business herei New berry. Write promptly, with refe: enees. T1he Morris Wholesal,e Houst Cincinnati, Ohio. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEWBERRY-IN COMMON PLEAS. Jesse L. Denson, Plaintiff, against Corrie West, Sallie Tucker, Nannfe Boone, Effie Lyles Ellen Atchison, John Denson, Yoe Ray Jack Alatthews, Hart Hinson Carl Hinson, Armond, Hinson, John Hinson, Grace Hinson, Lillian Hinson, Ella Hinson,. Monroe Wesson, Tomp Stewart, Georgiana Bailey, Alice Abrams, Ellen LaFar, Defendants. Summons for Relief.-Complaint served.. To the Defendants above named: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the com Elaint in this action of which a copy is erewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said com plaint on the subscribeis at their office on Law Range, Newberry, S. C. with in twenty days after the service hereof; exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaiA - To the Def'ts John Hinson, Grace Hin son, -Ella Hinson, Lillian Hinson, Ellen LaFar: You and each of you take notice that unless you have a Guardian ad litem appointed to represent you in this action within twenty days after service hereof upon you, the undersigned as Plaintiff s Attorneys, will move the Court to appoint Fred H. Dominick, Esq., or some other fit and suitable per son, as such Guardian ad litem. Dated, Dec. 16, A. D. 1903. SEASE & DOMINICK, Plaintiff's Attorneys. To the Defendants, Nannie Boone Hart Hinson, Carl Hinson, ArmonA Hinson, Effie Lyles, Monroe Wesson, Tomp Stewart and Georgiana Bailey: Take notice that the complaint in this action together with the Summons, of which the foregoing is a copy, were filed with the Clerk of Court of Com mon Pleas for Newberry County in the. State of South Carolina, on the 16th. day of December, A. D. 1903. SEASE & DOMINICK, Plaintiff's Attorneys.. Newberry, S. C. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEWBEIY--IN COMMON PLEAS. Francis L. Britt, Plaintiff, aguinst Ezylphia Gauntt, Dolly Brogden, Eliza Gunter, Polly Gunter, Alfred Gauntt, Jacob Gauntt, Mrs. Rish, John Lindsay, Henry Lindsay, Fan ny Lindsay, Eliza Ann Killough, Martha Ann Johnson, Eloise Mat thews, the heirs at law of Henry Gauntt, and the heirs at law of Isreal Gauntt, whose names and places of residence are unknown to the plaintiff. Defendants. Summons for Relief. YComplaint filed.] OU ARE.HEREBY SUMMONED Y and required to answer the com plaint in this action which is filed in the office of Clerk of Court for said county, State aforesaid, serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscriber at the law office of Lam bert W. Jones at Newberry, South Carolina, within twenty days after the service hereof; exclusive of the (lay of such service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time afore said, the plaintiff in this action will ap the Court for the relief dlemand ed in the comp)laint. LAMBERT W. JONES, Plaintiff's Attorney. [J. F. J. CALDWELL,] of Counsel Dated1 Oct. 18, A. D. 1897. TVo the D)efendants, Eliza Gunter, Polly Gunter, Mrs. Rish, also the heirs at I law of Isreal Gauntt, whose namnes and places of residence are unknown to the Plaintiff: Take notice that the complaint in this action together with the summons, of which the foregoing is acop, were filed with the Clerk of the drt of gd Common Pleas, for Newberry County, id in the State of South Carolina, on the f fourteenth day ofOctober, A D. 1899.. lIt LAMBERT W. JONES, Ant Plaintiff's Attorney. Is. Newberry, S. C. ji;anc - - ason STATE OF SOUTi'H CAROL IN. , COUJNTV OF NRW,fBERR II IN r'O M MON PLIEAS. Daivid Hi pp, Plaintiff, fand I against tound no5. G. Wolling, Jr.j and B. S. lH JY VlltTUEJl' O1 AN OREItnt the Court herein, Iwisela ," e outcry, at Newberry Court HIur11 ,~ S. C., on the Firs4t M onday in Jan if A. 1). 1904, all that tract, pie'ce 0Vi eel or land Iing andl being aituateQguan~ ;,ICounty of ewberry, State of (lvM .Carolina, containing Eight HIund, -.I n Sixty (860) Acres, more or less, fV j; .' as the "Reuben Chick Place~ bounded by Enoree river,lad M. F. B3ynum and of the State dCarolina. Terms of Salo: One-third the balance on a credit of o from the day of sale, the cre ~ to be secured by the bond of )~fl chaser and a naortgage of th Xl sold, and to bear interest at eight per cent, per annum, anueg .y any part of sail credit porti Ci n paid mn cash at the option o Masers. H. RIKARD,,, I Mste'sOmfie, nDc 1