OCR Interpretation

The herald and news. [volume] (Newberry S.C.) 1903-1937, September 04, 1906, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063758/1906-09-04/ed-1/seq-1/

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t 0Committe is on Record as Sayj
'Mt Ballots in Wrong Box ar4
No Good.
The state democratie executive ce
mittee met Ttues(lay night iti the
fice of the secretary of state to tail
late the vote for State officers u
members of congress.
The members present were Wi
Jones, chairma4'; A. W. Jones, AbI
ville; J. B. Black, Bamberg; W.
Black, Barnwell; C. J. Colcock, Bei
fort; W. F. Stevenson, Chesterfie
R. W. Haynes, Berkeley; W. Tun
Logan, Charleston; C. M. Dai
Clarendon; J. R. Coggeshall, Darli
ton; J. D. Bivens, Ravenel; J.
Thurmonid, Edlgefield: T. H. Ket
in, Winnsboro; I?. M. McCown, pr
for D. H. Trakler, Florence; J.
Doar, Georgetown: J. T. Bramc
Greenville; f). H. Magill, Greenwoc
J. A. Mci)ermnott, Conway: T. Y. A,
liams, Lancaster; T. B. Crews, Lai
ens; W. A. James. Bisliopville; D.
Griffith, Lexinton; J. Stacklion
Marion; J. N. Drake, Marlboro; C.
Blease, Newberry ; James Thomps
Walhlalla; Robert Lide, Orangebml
Dr. R. F. Smith, Pickeiis; W.
Shealy, Saluda; N. L. Bennett, Sp
tanbnurg; L. D. Parrott, Sumter; C.
Wolfc, Kingstrce; F. 11. Barber, Yo
On account of the vacancy eans
by the (leath of Mr. J. T. Parks, Ca
Jno. ). Bell of Columbia was eleet
secretary. Mr. Bell is one of the <
ficials of the Carolina National bll
Iesolutions of respecet to the me
ory of Mr. Parks, offered by Mr. Li'
were adopted.
The results are as follows:
For Governor.
Ansel ... ,1
Manning ...............23,1
Blease .......... .......16,f
Brunson ........ ....1,1
Sloan .. .. .. ...........3.
MeMahan .............. ,
Edwvards .. .. ..........
For Senator.
Tillbnan ................83,(
Comptroller Generaia.
Walker.. .. ........ .....45,f
Attorney General.
Lyon ..................45.2
Youmanls ...22,c
Ragsdale.................. .28
Railroad Commissioner.
Slilnmetsett...... ...... ....15,!
lWharton. ... . . .. ...........24,(
'Rellers................... .. . 4,.
Canler. .. ..............22,(
Sullivan.. ................24,p
Adjutant General.
Boyd.......... .. ....64,
Hlaskell.. .. ......... .... ..31,(
Secretary of State.
McCown.... .. ...... .....51,4
Morrison.... .. .. ........20,
Ragin.... .. .............13,!
Tribble.. ....... ............7,'
Lieutenant Governor.
iNiLeod. ..... ............95,.
State Treasurer.
.Jennings.. .. . ... .. . .. ... ..96,:
Superintendent of Education.
M~artin.. ........... .... ...,
The candlidates 1for 'ong~ress re(ce
ed the following~ vote:
First District.
Legare.... .. .............9,(
Second District.
Pattersoni.... ............,4
Toole .... ...........2,!
H ar"e . .. . .. . .. . ..2,!
Third District.
Aikcn.. ....................9,4
Tourth District.
Johnson .... ...........12,'
Irby ...... .... .........2,1
Mah....... ............... 2,!
Fifth District.
Finley ...............9,
Strait . .. . .. . .. . .. 5,1
Seventh District.
Lever .... .. ..........13,1
WVhen the snb commit tce made
report, the commit tee adopted the tI
ula tion and declared .all who had
cedived majorities tobeC the nmpuinee
t.he l)emoerntie nnrt.v. Thnee will
a second race for governor between
M. F. Ansel of Greenville and 11. I.
X Manning of SuInter; for attorney gen
eral between J. Fraser Lyon of Abbe
ville and J. W. Ragsdale of Florence;
A- for railroad commissiier between J.
1. . Wharton of Laurens and J. M.
Sullivan of Anderson. This second
ng primary will take pliace. September 11.
After this was disposed of Mr. 1).
11. Magill of (reemvwood offered reso
lutions comimending Cluirman Wilie
im- Jones anid expressing lie belief.of the
if- committee in tlie honesty and integri
>t- ty of tile ciairimant,. This wits adopted
nd and Gen. Jones expressed his thanks.
lie believes that. the vote inl Iichiland
lio conility has vindicated] him.
be- Mr. It. W. Haynes, senator elect
D. from Berkeley county, called atten
il- tion to the fact that in his county
Id ; is confusion because tile candidate for
ler supervisor who had received the see
ris, ond highest vote had not filed his
ig- affidavit in regard to his campaign
W. expenses. riie counity committee has
'h- not yet acted on the matter.
xy It was stated by one of the members
W. of the committee thlt ii his county
tt, the sne thing hiad happenied and the
d; committee had thrown out, all of the
il- votes for the officers affected and had
Irl- ordered a new primary, not a second
J. primary, but a new <ne. Gen. Jones
se, de imed that this wits the proper,
L. thing to do.
il, It was brouglht out that in the re
4; eeit primary some tickets for county
K. officers lad been deposited in the box
Ir- to receive tickets for state officers,
. 11141 vice versa. In soic counties such
rk. )llots were thrown out. Ii othier
ed counties they were counted. Mr. Stev
Pt. (11slonl and Mr. Ketchiin thought the
ed rules clear enouh.i. The use of two
)f- boxes is to ievent "plumping'' and
ik. all votes deposited in the wrong boxes
m- were so placed at their own risk. The
cle, cunt Vol comittees were advised by tile
State eoimittee to throw out, all bal
lots in the second primary wilicl had
been placed improperly.
56 The committee then adjourned. A
59 subcommittee will meet here on the
59 18ti of Septeinher to canvass tlie vote
18 in the second primary.
43 The Next Legislature.
70 Abbeville.
76 Senator-W. N. Graydon, (new.)
represen tat ives-l1ran k B. Gary,
74 1. B. (arwile, J. Q. Stillwell.
32 Senator--W. E. Johnson, (hlold
59 over.)
Represiet atives-'. O. Crofi, Owyles,
72 Wade, Keeinan, Saliey and Courtney
75 rui over for otier two places.
10 Anderson.
Seniator-Geo. W. Sullivan, (new.)
48 Representativs-E. M. Rucker, Jr.,
36 J. A. Hall, li. S. Clinkscales, Kurtz P.
22 Smithl, S. T. Cox.
61 Bamberg.
50 Senator-Dr. Black, (hold over.)
Representatives-C. W. Garris. See
01 ond race bet ween D. W. Miley and H.
62 M. Graham for second place.
167 Senator-0. 11. Bates, (hold over.)
~17 Representatives-B. F. Thomas, ..
~00 E. Harley. J. C. Griffin and D)r. A. B.
[22 Patterson will run over for third laefl.
20 H enator-Neils & hristensen, .Jr.,
43 Go er.)Berkeley.
64 Represent atives-W. L. Parker, E
, . I3allentinie. .John L. Wiggins and
(4. 1B. Davis will run over~ for third
1 s Charleston.
Senator-H-uger Sinkler, (new.)
170 Repfresentatives-George F. Von
145 Koliiit z, D)onald4 McKay Front, James
121 Cosgrove, Richard S. Whaley, John
V. Wallace, A. Vander Hrst, John
93 Marshall, A. WN. Todd.
102 Cherokee.
Senator-J. C. Otts, (new.)
~32 Representatives-WV. F. McArthur,
38E .Chary, WN. G. Austell and Wim.
105 Anderson will make second race for
twvo places.
~03 Cheater.
59 Senator-P. L. Hlardin, (re-elect
64 Repreentat ives-Paul Hlemphill, A.
its G. Bri ce, S. TI. McCown.
11b- Chesterfield.
r.e- Senator-George K(. Laney, (newv.)
of Represen tat ives-Seuggs. Second
beiac between Douglass and Arant.
Senator-Second race bety
L,olis Appell and llenlry B. Rich
Represen tat ives-,John R. Dir
eIetedl. J. M. Woods, 1). L. (r
(eo. It. Jonjes and 0. C. Scarbor
rtin over for two othier places.
Senlator-l)mI T. McKcit
Representatives-L. M. Lawson
'. Carrigan, J. P. Kirven.
Senat(or-J. D). Bivens.
Representatives-R. W. Myers
S. Wiimberly.
$enator-Talbert, (hold over.)
Representatives-J. W. )eVore
E. Nicholson.
Senator-W. J. Johnson, (I
Representatives-W. W. Dixon
S. Leitner, T. S. Brice.
Senator-W. H. Wells, (re-elect
Representatives-Z. T. Kersl
Hartwell M. Ayer, S. W. G. Ship
Seiator-,leGland Walker. (I
Representatives-Olin Sawyer
Wayter .)oar.
Senat-WM. L. Mauildinl, (0
Represeitatives-Tr. P. Cotihrani
R. Harrison, F. Fox Reattie. (
places to fill.)
Senator-J. Hampton Brooks (0
Representatives-W. -1. Yel,
Richlardsonl. Morrison and White
over for third place.
Senator- -W. S. Smith, (new.)
Riepr-esentatives-G. G. Dowlint
1). Yoinmans and T. 1B. Whatley nk
Selator-Hollidav, (hold over.
Representatives-.J. P. Derhain
A. Spivey will run over with H1
Cooke, tIhe formner lnving 1,023 v<
the lt Iter 580 votes out of 2,483.
Senator-W. R. Hough..
Representatives- J. G. Riche
Jr., 1). M. Betluine.
Senator-T. Yancey Williams.
Representatives-G. W. Jones,
P. Robinsoll.
Senator-". P. McGawan.
Rlepresentat ives-B. D)unk H
r.J. H1. Miller. Jn1o. Ml Cannon.
Senator--Fra nk 1. Kelley.
Representatives-I)r. Harris, T
as Tatum.
Senator-). . Efird, (hold oN
Represent atives-J. M. Epting,
HI. Sharpe.. Second race btwet
BIrooks Wingard and Dr). E. .1. Eel
Senator-J.amnes Stackhbouse',(
Retpresen'IIativs-Jamei&s Noi
Senator 0I-Secondiii ra1ce betwee ~~~
Replresen1t at ives-D. I). McColl.,
lell, Townsuu~end, Lane1 and Gibsoni
Senafltor-C'ole 1L. 1 lease,(
Repr)Iesen1tat ives-Alanu Johnist
Dr:. C. T. Wyehe. F. H. Aull
Arthur Kibler r.un over.
Senator- Earle, (hold over.)
Rep)resentatives-COke D). Man
E. Verner.
Senator-Thos. M. Rtaysor,(
Rep)resent atives--E.X L. Caller,
Br.antley, L. A. Carson, J. A. RB
A. J1. HLydrick.
Senaitor-. E'. R~obinson an ii
Ca rpeinter runi overi.
Represenutat ives-J. P. C'arey,
more mian 001Fre W.illw:n:.
Wel Richland.
iiid- Senator-tni11. Westonl (Iew.) I
lep reseitatives-Tonp)kins, Mor
gle, rell, MtMaster, Welch, Harm1on, Deal,
cel,. Toueli)erry an( Coker run over. No
11gh1 vodly nloinlated.
Senlatolr-Crolelh and Wightnitianl
ti. ve.
Lester and evans rtim over.
, L- . Spartanburg.
Senlato.-lowird4 B. Carlisle (hold
Hjepreseiitatives-S. J. Nichols, M.
J. A. Walker, It. 1-. Arniold], J. W. Nashi,C
.1. 11. )o<l, W. 1'. .Gibson.
- 'senlator-Join II. Clifton.
B. Hepresenltatives--T. B. Fraser, Dr.
Geo. W. Diek. W. G. Stubbs and Mar
ion Dorn run over.
told Union.
Senlator-Ben P. Townsend, (new.)
C. Itepresentatives-HT. C. Little, J.V
Gordon Ilughes.
ed.) Senator-W. F. Bass, (new.)
iaw, liepresenltatives-W. 1). Bryaln, It.
1-1. Keillaan, W. P. Clause.
I(d Senator-J. S. Brice, (told over.)
leretsenttatiives-D). .1. 1. Saye.
l. Ardrev, IHamiguard, Epps, (flasseoek, i
Massey and Sill ugl ter run over for I
three plae(.s.
lol __ i
News From St. Philips. s
I J- We ar1e hlavinl." somle rainly weathler.
W inl this sectnim.
The St. Pililips Gu (lui) invites
Newherrv aitd litither'ord clubs to be a
told witi tihei Septemiber 71h at Laiaitcre 1i
iii. It' thevre are any othiers whoii ;a
e,wish it) e(Ime, wo )b . be.glad to) have v
run themill wittil ts. Everybody come and ,
en,jiy a lirst class ile diinter. TIlere s
is it beauitifl grove and seats for all.
I'lenty of good - water. Coie otne. u
-1011me al11 as this is 41ne am1ong- thle
anke last ,od dinner.1s.
The members of' our clurchll Ilave
piurclaseI a1 le" or.-ranl.
Mr.. W. 1B. Loinliek and1( children.01
I tave beenv ill. Ai gladl to kiiow.i
they are Improv!Ig t this writing. "
Mr. and Mrs. DeHarit spent last
Tuesay wthfr. .1nd Mlrs. W. F.
rds, Miss Annie ('haliers, of Ahhbeville,
is visitingt, relatives int this comuInit
tv. Wadte.
I V.
XX- First Bale at Little Mountain.
Little Mottltain. Atigust 31.-Mr.
JTosepth A. Conits ainntted and sold
ol tihe,titrst hale ot lew citonol today, in
this (iomulntlllity. It was sold to
IY 1 ressrs. Hu11fmTIllan :tmd Derrick for 9
3-4 cnts per potuit, and was ginned
by tihe Little Mountain Oil Mill g1d
Pertilizer company. Last y lear te
first )ale was giinetd for Mr. W. C.
Shealy by the Oil tiill ciompany., Oni
Autgust 1th, an(l -ilp to tihe 31st (lay
1.i) of Augutst latst yeatr they htad gintned
9)1 hales. This shogiWyrtinv erop in thtis
t..locality lto be 1~ dm s bh1ind last
Thle cot tont is 'v flngen Ibimaigedl
ind some) setionis i.t thi. iteth lityb
t lie (oitinued.*~l i rants,
anth lorityv that a wo'irm is in thle eitt
Mr Xi.* Ano1(. 1). Shl's farm neat IWr 1Po
mia, It' wiormis ini thle ct'tonu hutlls'
hlls. Mri. Ed>itotr, have yon hetard
fitr antingtitt of ttw wom like this inIi
enio efr? )Diialiless von htavt',
lea'ise t'll us about it.
Whenci th'e Ptresidn't anid htis f'amily
(tie, wet. to Oy'str ci ay ~a t ipI~ arrot oif
anid which Mr. Roosevelt is fiotnd was t urn
ed over to a dealer to lie cai'ed for'.
Thte p)atrrtt wias intro'tdnieed iinto the
Roosevelt htousehold stmt years agot,
, ~ and beenmei( mu ich attcd to t heel t t
I PresidlentI 's eldtest d anughter. Its voice
shttnting, ''Alice! Alice! Alive!'' was
hold4 htall ways.
WVith te mntaice ofP Miss Roo)se
I. Ii. volt to Re(ptresenttativye I,an iteworthI thle
mtk'~ ,parr'ot senmed lto lose intecrest in life.
Its jubilant votice chiangePd to4 a dutll
ert(tak, itid te famtiliai crys ofi
'A lice!I'' ehian,edi to at colorile<s echoi.
II. no( longier'l ltp'd' it winris, nor43
did th its shrill (ries' ring tronglh the
durderer of Mr. Clifford Pays tb
Penalty for his Crime in Aiken
Jail Yard.
At twenty inuiites past 11 o'eloe
riday morninig in the Aiken ja
1an. lluke cirey was n11e1111e(d for I1I
InIder of [r. Clifford41 WVI)lwar
I Fridav n it the 3l of Februar;
nd twelve IIIIIites after-wards le wr
11'0n10n1ed de4m4al bY 1h-s. WV. C. 1"
'irinbuill and)( J. Framlptonl Wyman.
eye fievaed leati witi reiarkalb
ooliess, an(I the exectihon itself, wa
inler'ly 1a111 succ'tessful.
The con(demnied man spent his las
iight on earth very quietly and slei
celi. ire got. up early, ate a heart
reakfast ant talked with his fello
>rlisonler.s. le was let out ilnto it
orr1'idor of tlie jail anid went I'o
ell 14) tcell. slaiig lal(ds with prit
IielS. hrin l he mllorninl.g le was vi
led bv the liev. I'. P. Mel"ean, pas tA
1 t lIe First Baptisl Chureh, and latt
y a colore(d mllinister. 'Ihey hot
rayed with himl alnd lie said lie wi
vadylv to die.
At 11.12 Slieift Raborn read -ti
enlh warrailt, and tihen askeld Clr-e
he had im anytinm to say. 11e, sai
V was ready to on. amid the divid
tareh Ito 0h se116041 bI.-anl. I,1ke wN1
I t lie best of hime111r, ani1l with a fir
I hIe I IcIiled to Ih I.-allows h(
W(44i .lailer V4.1114In ii ) 1 )eput
4her-iff Blusbve.
le tIlokI Iis 1l1e uerv Ilhe no
ntd ite slher-ifT a.-ain askil hiiii it I
1(1 1INytilin., 1) SaY. Iv jail wa
1141 su it101linigll biliniII. were core.
41 withl mlen., and ("IreY b1 1ked up1a
aid: '4'Yo ail think o1u p r arine I
ee soiietin., but you are nlt : just
m011 ne"1r) taking his t'li-h1 h, Iew
1."9 He tohll tlwrnl he( hlopedl to mlel
hlm all in llIavenl. 1111 1 t ll i
ierifIl' ihat lie was realv anld sai
:o(Id-by* ve. His aimls 111141 legs we
ecillely tived, and thev black capit pul
i (ver his hlead . Thie nloose was af
ist( aml twentiy 1mIinuIIes past I
he(' dr1-op I'ell. Vhiei tle weiIht ft
4) the Inm the nI shiot 111) inl II
Ile aId I .(it SI 1e4n )o p( a few , I ew
Mle neck was bloke il le ineh
inade a ftew mov6ements. In, Iwel'
ninntes he waIs pr-onlouneedI dead,l m1
II 11if1een mlinutes. he4 was takenl (Imv
IId to-nried 4 1ve" I() I-l ertakei4.r St aI
Thle crinIl. *(f1r which I.k (; IIi4 rer w;\v
1oged4 was vonit le (nll thIle 31 <1;
if nubar y this yvar. N Ir. 'Ii f'oi
ivoodw\. Ad aI mnerchan1,1t of MN4onltImo
'ne1'i. was inl his storv t.lkinl- 141
w named*114 41141( Bob aun Ievy wien (r ;i
.InIte redl Ithe stq)ore w\ith1 a guIn inl h
Id111(l. I-le apprloaledf'1 ir. Wo(dlwaI
m1d aiskiedl him whalit hel n1wilnt by i1
:u1tinlg hlis wife 01hat mlornlin.. N
Xomidwardl told fthe neg.ro bel hadI( w
po)kenI1 l his wife. (hrey insisted ilh
wt w4oubl4 shooiit i. Wood4warid
wiils t. t G Irey wal kted bac6k wa
owar id the 4do4or. As firley si enpj
ml of1 thI do he ra66' ised114 the4 e-nu aI
h14t NIr1. Woodward,i'4l whoi 11 14el'forw
mIt of1 the6 ste' inito the. st reel.
-ied 1h46 A~(lr6. Woodwar b;'In'i absolut011'
lhe- street r'uihedu to thle "ceei th
:.w no weapon'2~66 utl iItey placed6'6 NI
t644d ward2 on 46 i the counter', and aie son1i
14'n kife16 fl(l 66n1 ofI hii- \4et pock<'l~
t was21 not open'i. W'it Ine'-'es for1 I
'hitty' W\Iodward, a brother 11i t'll
'lhase someit shiells. Thev'~ ('ould( n
wiot'4'dedt to4 ('Iif' Woodward21 c!'s Sl(m
Srt'y goi ng inaside, wh'ilet'0 Oiver i'
nineid outZsidhe at thei( window.
is Kinu-'~ suif'f'eed s66 mniieh from lit
hie ot her dlay in1 P'ais that he hiad
my ~e his paten'lt i'liee shotes 'ui to
his swlVlI'I m1114 in lamedi'4 feet,
A woman211 tares not. \IhE has
firist word pro 6 4v idedl she has'~ f t lh reI
I hem.
Arrangements Completed for Trans.
porting "Clansman" Company
And Production to Charles
ton, S. 0.
Special trains are oftenl used by
Siar.-v tiheatrical comlipanlies whenl the
10regaii railroad service does not sur
fiee. It has remained, however, for
file Illnumaelient of ''The Clansman"
( 'onupanyv to inaigurate file novelty
of chart1 rin el-i 1- it big 4filasitwise steam
Ssiip l'or tle I irst ''Imoveient of the
('4411ming Sout hern' tour. A rrangzements
were compleledI by (leor-tv 1U. Breim'an
it bYN wiell the produetion, eleetrical ef
fees. horses aid the tlcompany of near
y ly a hinireil people will be transport
Se(] fron New York to Charlestoi, S.
e C., by a spevial Clyde Line Steamer.
SThle steamiler will carry no0 othler pals
sel 1ens and will make express time
betwieen Ile two eities. being one of
i le fastest inl tle Clyde Company's
r service. Tile vost of the charter is
h extremely large a fi l e contract will
prtove thle hieaiviest mad1(e by thle 1ranls
IIII-ationl volipalny this season. Hav
e illv 111(istured ocellialley of the
yo w vessel, ''The Calsma a Peo
p ple will lioll t da (llilY rehearl-'sals
h Illrowu2houit the voyage ol tile main
,s deek wlenl tite wentler is f'alir. and ill
n -II" ild en hii on1 stim1 Iys. les.
reh.(114'1 sals at sv lre beil' eiger1-ly
ylhokedl f'or-ward to its a ImweI experi
eneve by. thle players.
S Thel. openlinig per-formlanive ill Charl
e lestonl will be given Sept. 9.
It - - -
o Thanks His Friends-Shall Stand by
a~ The Principles He Advocated in
The Campaign.
Ie sviam. ('olv. L,. ilelase re01urned
m 11e111e Satrayild niight an(] w.*Its Seen
yestnilflay an11i asked if Ie laid aliy
I - *
thin.g. lo say in regard to Ilhe resilt of
I 1 I p i al-N e1eIV 4'(ltitollll ln laist 'I'silyV.
lie said:
"T, say that I tlank my friend
wt uh4 be ilided fvelyN e'xiessiig
IY ganitiiention a tie sippor11-t giveln
11 mle, an1d I f'evi tha10 withi Ihe conldi
timns muidei wliili T made my iace T
n-revivedl a very- 11111lsomei vote. r
pose to 44, ats I lInve alvays 41(ne,
shitad I)%b imy frinilds, an uIp'on1 th1
plathilm i prinl eiples w lihi I ad
N-ovate<d thr-11ou hou thle shate, and4 t,o
Y sppo ill Il ilit iutu . its I hitvv inl
Ithe l asi , i111dlia1 es wo(i 1-nge witlh
thlose principles.
I wi 1I t be ill tile Sta3 eto vf4c
in - sec primiary, efanst I ai
.d 1 - ttive to ithe ra Colitn il
of Ithe im1plrove11d Or411r of et Mfen,
whih ineets af Niaifra Falls on the
10h f1 t hilis mo14 nth111, and ci)I vonlse(Illitly
I will be absviln h- l 0rom thi e stat .
"I have n- -toi wil war any
d tha whe myo Arienvtedfr e
they <1li a4ll that' Ii c bi as o tem
n' 'that Ihyit wniii' hext imrlwr014 forlm
to attemp 4'l-to su.gest any couse the
than to sctan by 41 hi priisies and a
ab ie byI the rult'' ofitheidmocati
1 arty, wh ii' I fuli elik ow m
riend andsuppr(er wlludoi.
1.1 .\ndit aill t buiat prt ma. o

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