OCR Interpretation

The herald and news. [volume] (Newberry S.C.) 1903-1937, June 18, 1907, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063758/1907-06-18/ed-1/seq-2/

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arge Sum of Gold Coin and Gold
Certificates In Valise Taken But
Arrest Was Made Before
He Escaped.
The State.
Mrs. Sillie A. Gibsonl of this city,
rich 1111(1 very eccenttrie, was robbed
of $61f,000 lit Sati Antonio. Texas,
yesterday. Telt. man1 who robll:-d ier,
RIII'ufs Williamlis. is Illso a Columbiati
and( t'ormeilI kewpt I livery stable
ear he residintle on ipper Maiin
The first news received of1 the cob
bery- was anI Associated Press story
yesterday mornim. which stated tiaI
Williams hiat1 heetI arresiv I an. had
<-ofesed.I,ater inl tHil 4ay the fol
lowing special wis sent The State
from Sal Altionli:
)'us W illi.lls Ill ('41lumbin iA inl jill
herve, char with robberY 21 aid as
salit with a dvadly weaponl lon Ms.
Salliv Gihso.:. lIe math.1 e llowing
St. L n . 3!-. .\ .r . S . vi on
1. . r .,r
h ., 1.. t o . a:nm. d :11. 1 i. ove mit
in IL t'vlgn irv s ine 1\4 e tIl six miltes
lie tla
, - . , . :.ItI
thle ro:ad intio I kin Ill 41 pe11i spaIci e.
: u i hi -iite h rr n t
, We It to talkinI aont onr trip
wiii I it.hl her tha I knew I was lo
a nu wa .s! -:n. back
biLL. friom hir bosm and laid it by
r, : I w that it was I .
um~ ~ .t i :lpeiul a ti y
n1. I als. knew that she had
this money hee.ase T had sold several
hw l i,d t'hl
.!-k >. -e w tw e (i d that ,he
n riiaA i :: i: ' 1 . '. b
a -tick and just as -he' wa-- abiout
Si :1. i - he edte of the' wan-rI *. I
tha t o, all herwi mony d pt i ti.AItIh- i n
th bli y :m-tiile -.: as-ed 1 to ive of
:ii1 ilt! at a Iart' se hello et a.
savel: 'in't i:'ve sme.i yn t:m walkr.
lyn iil- t .' it dtid nto't reply buk t
tov btlatt (xa. Ipt ti herai,
mit a se a test b l i'tie itke upai an
Sthe is-- indla hn'.'sad weii dr.ive
ae tld a s ait l ti s ti
ket eTihed N e meyri th
mr (nlit hahe is! t.) to he
Ihate qIi'' 1ot my shet' mali wae
onr tolth debt oa bon a ticktle
to Atanta Ga. otinto lie tin
but 'Stas1 iarest ~e before Ii( i tarted.'i'
may iamethad $w'1.ii0 htu ,ji. lie
Alis. Gibsonone in hiaeso whn.
Williams h:as hypnoil er 'e ande
Soche ein anon hdpoit :alowi,
god bk to onehar ag on asinite
is able,000. the ditrien lato wil
have oherci el sa wteselig.
TIcs helt $10ws 0 H ere .
'Mrs. lGeibnihenie 44'ekie It.tfah tiw
verynt wealth, hworrn acbout the the
aure of ae bank ine whict hat wa
lnrger dPrto it his moey at ae honk.
On hppe dain Mr. ibst serdthbe
moe eletadon eoitaoe
sone one hearing of this, attempted
to kill her, but her screams aroused
the neighbors and the man escaped.
later the police arrested a negro who
1rOVed eoielusively that he had .noth
ing to do wit-i the casd-and nothing
furt her was donre Aoward-apvrehend
ing the assailant. One of her peculiar
habits was the mania for gold coin
and gold certificates and practically
all of her money, amounting to about
$70,000, was in this form.
As her mind became more unsettled
she showed a desire for travel and
left here a few days ago for the West.
It was not known at that time that
Willialims had gonle with her, although
today it was remarked that he was
Iissin' aItboit tle s-ame time. Wil
liams kept a livery stable near ner
residence and later on Assembly street
ani1d cones of an excellent family, his
brother being thought well of by
tlose who know him. They (id not
know of the trouble yesterday tin ti
told by a representative of The State
andl were greatly shocked.
South Oarolina Notes.
I.e ILl, ail Albany, N. Y., travel
ing man died in Columbia.
'lhe Southern road is laying heav
ior raills oi the Charleston division.
The Soelety for tle Prevention of
Cruelty to aiimals has been revived I
inl CG.reenvilie. I t
TIhe10 oteiiii ball at Chick Springs %
pveil a reat stiecess aid was at-I
ew:iled by manny visitors.
The e ..er slone of* the iew court.
b ilM, in SImiter will be laid with
r nI t ,iTininrsday.
She I ried il tihe lotit
.l sDa 4 a I tarl iti ll :1re Imost
hoint tililns 14 the dispensary law.
Ti i v!!. Il Ivenltioni t' tile Southi
'rlina l'harmaceut ical Association
wiil b. helil nill thile Isle t' P1ans -June
.\ 1eii o.n has hee.:: presented to
i vernor Aisel askitil that. George
IhI:nes. onvicted of murder in Oran
i.ebur iennty. be pardoned.
.\ pi.ill '1f tle Cat hllral grounds
Ctritle.' has heen dtlelel to the
.teev for tle pu1rpose of
iiii. iIr-e tit killin. Anita
I 'n ei.~li. has lbeen steteed to
lie han2ed 111lV 12.
W. 1R. \"14dy, t''Ierly a Ilnited
.e ldier at Slollivanls Island.
wI. a1011l itl edi ot the hatrze of killing
Lillian Ieeves in Carlestmn.
Two fac-tions in the Anderson Real
E.stte and. imrivement Co.. have
re:n-hedI :ui iinh-abile' -o ei lt :i
all litiition called tiff.
Tht. hw.nireidevclof' d. M.
S i-:rv : k ' !I n:; , t i a y
v:. I le onl Ih i spsr r n
d ie Ina r issue iext Thursday. Hard
-h 5 in we 'n. t bIt sides.
Thie nintheris iit the Siouth Ct(arolina
h'ress~ .\s'.ieiatiin ale in 5ession! at
tiir thie tea-on that in hlis Opmn
ion lie state is noi t vet re:a iy fori~ sneh
.\ '..: r:er b: beeni isiuedl to the
The company will engage in the nur
w hichuii to make weekly rephor it of lie
wvork dl'.- e in enfiorcingt thle lignor
mni2l at iioni 44 l'miionSiiler Sari
ii'"t'in fur the. piiuise of selecting
a site' for anl innntigrat ion station,
$7i .nnaii h avin bi eeni aplpropriated
for a itt.
WVillia,n lio,tt, .Jr.. of' Counbia,
.iin' iIlial maager of the Atmlerson
Tr'lactio,n Company, has asked for a
panHy p)roposes to conneliet Greenville
andui ltiihen by trolley.
Seipd t'r Ruckstuiihl has been
a warded(u tie conitracit foir a $10,000
'statutte iif J. ( . t'alhiuin Ito be er'ected
in Washii.wt on. tckst uhl built the
$30,000m egnest.raini s tatut e -,f Wade
Siteve Weich anid l'ranuk 'mTnesdalhe,
Viio ii . y Hnn rin of lI Acaelster~ couinty,
h)eemnell involvedv' ini a dilicuilty, r*e
suiting in Welch shooting Truesdale
t wice. The shots enit ered below the
heart. It is thought that Truesdale
will die.
The News of the Day.
P'ostmaaster-GUenier'a Myer' has shift
ed a number of thte chief postolilee
The Saldavoreani Army has driven
back the invading force which had
taken Acajutla.
its. Cuarrie Nattion was charged
withI dlisorderlly conhiduct andt. arrested
in Wshington, D. C.
Kansas courts are sntncning.a
loon keepers to the rookpilo 'ii4addi
tion to imposing a fine.
Ambassador Aoki discredits the
possibility of serious trouble between
Japan and the United States.
The direotors of the 'Wiste Un
ion Telegraph company have ignored
the demands of striking opeiators.
It is said that Taft and Hughes
may divide the New York delegation
to the next national republican con
vent ion.
Because boys threw stones at a
Japanese greenhouse in California re
newed exeitement is reported in Ja
rrhe American representatives mt
the Hague Peace Conference are
ivorking to secure the sub-secretary
4hip of the body.
Two engines were demolished in a
'ollision on the South Railroad at
.'ulphur Springs, Ala. No one is re
)orted hurt.
Almost a complete change in the
>residing officials will be made at the
NTaval Academy at Annapolis for the
iext scholastie year.
A witness in the "cotton leak''
ase agaiust Edwin H. Holmes tes
ified that IIohnes lad invested $70.
)00 in real estate in a very short
There may be no weddings or fun
rals in four French provinces until
he mayors. who struck in sympathy
rill,h tile winler'Tower.S. return to their
Edward A. Horner of Chicago, who
Vered thirty thousand members to
iis "iosevelt Third Tern National
a at one dollar each has ah
"condd with the money.
The Dan-itIes of the Confederney
f SelMa. N. C.. have started a move
Iwlit to build a montuient to Private
Ienry L. Wy(tt, the first soldier
illed i.-I the war between the states.
S , Y ay CoIl Vlyo has called on
leposi tarmy baniks to return $30,000.
00 deposited with last September by
u1ly- 10 in order to liquidate certain
Anothr 1all is fast a
!ew weeks I will leave -
ny fall stock of
China and
ind before buying I wis
"tock. If you are a hou
asted; but perhaps you
ire missing, and the on
:ome and see. I am ofi
>y far the greatest valut
yer ry. This is no catch
;ale, where you can say
mot permit mneto give y<
rou to come and look fc
Wiood Manufi
Vianufacturers of Door
sash, Doors, Blinds, Tu
3rnamental Wood Worl
Flooring, Ceiling, Sidir
:he Building Material Li
We want your inquil
grading and workman:
prices are right.
Harteville Wood M
indebtedness of the United States.
He Aitonishes Patrons by His otre
sive 'Amablity.
New York World.
"Kindly accelerate your exit!'"
The crowd that jammed the middl
car of a subway express latelf tui
ed with one accord to ascertain tlh
source of the soft, well-modulate
voice of command. Every eye wa
riveted on the numerals ''01123'" o
the front of the guard's cap.
"Don't delay your departur(
please," purred he, entirely obli
vious to the excitement lie was cau:
"Well, what d'ye think of that?
was the awe-stricken comment of- th
crowd as it filed out the doo#; an
the train sped on downtown.
"Passouger for the Grand Centra
will, 'detrain here,'. came soleinni
from the man on the platform as thi
train drew under the station. By tli
time everybody in the car was laugli
ing )Ut the gullrd.
''Bet you can't say it again,'' sai
ai fat mail inl tlheorner, who laugh
ed until he shied his vest buttons.
"'Not for the same money," re
plied the guard, dryly, and the laug
was on the fat person.
''Ladies and gotlemen, we ar
now approaclihing the Brookly
bridgC.'' wals tile gu1ar11d's last hid fo
''lIe's the politest thing in uni
form in New York City.'' said
Iushroomhatted girl, as the Crow
iled up the stepS. And everybod'
voed 'ave.''
he readinlg pui)lie would he spar
dof San Francisco and New Yorli
c-ould be merged.
The inspiration of our best litera
ture is: ''I need the money.''
ce Sale!
pproachirg, and in a
4ewberry to purchase
h to dispose of all old
Bekeeppr you are inter
don't know what you
y way to find out is tc
ering a very large, ano
as ever offered in New
,but a real cut p~rice
e money. Space wit
u prices, so I will asl<
ir youirself.
iok Store.
1cturilig Co.,
..LE; S. C.
and Window Scrcens
rned and Scroll Work,
k, Mantels, Mouldings
ig, and everything ir
ries and orders. Out
ship is good, and out
anufacturing Co.,
..L E. S. C.
Capita $25,000.
The Bank 01
I hiq Bank was establishe
tune. It will so care for you
cure, and you can have it wh<
i join' the financial family it wil
, of need. It insures you the be:
Make a deposit today. I
bank account.
D 4 per cent on money in the
Geo. Y. Hunter, President.
J. F. Brown
The People's
Paid Up Capital -
Surplus and Individual
Stockholders' Liabilitie
For protection of depot
H. C. MOSELEY. President. I
W. W. WHEEL R,- Cashier.
Better a conservative intere
return whe.n wanted, than a hig]
about the principal.
A National Bank is a safe Del
makes it so. Likewise our Boc
of ptudent conservative manage
G. W. Bowers.
J. A C Kibler.
R. L. Luther.
M. A. Carlisle.
J. H. Hunter.
J. ?. E
We .llow 4 per cent. pe
Department, interest p
At Factory Prices.
Write us at once for our special plan
of payment:s on a Piano or Organ
If you buy either instrument through
us, you get a standard make, one
that will last a life-time. Write
Malone Music House
For Catalogues, Terms, Etc.
Main Street, N
Capital $50,000 00
Prudence and
The rapid growth of this Bani,
pab1ic confidence in its manage
Its depositors have entrusted
edge that they would be safe 1
more would be a source of exce
Savings department pays 4 pc
E. R. H IPP, Vi4
Capital $50,000 - -
No Matter How Small,
The Newberry.
will give it careful atte
applies to the men and -t
. President.
Surplus $14,000
ity, S. C.
d to assist you in building 'a for
r money that it is absolutely se
tnever you want it. And if you
I prove your good friend in time
t service and convenience.
_very forturse has grown from a
Savings Department.
e, J. S. Wheeler, V. Pres.
e, Cashier.
National Bank
ty, S. C.
- $26,000 00
Profits $5,000 00
s . . $25,000 00
. A. CARLISLE, Vice-President
.EO. JOHNSTONE, Attorney.
st oa your deposit with its safe
i rate and a feeling of doubt
)osit. Government supervision
trd of Directors is a guarantee
W. P. Pugh.
Jno. B. I-ellers.
W. A. Moseley.
Geo. Johnstone.
H. C. Moseley.
r anrium iri our Savings
ayaxle semi-annually.
Of Plumbing
Done on
Short" Notice
ewberry, . C.
Surplus $8,000 00
:s a clear indication of the
to I' their funds in the knowi
>eyond question, and further
lient profit to them.
~r cent. interest.
DRT, Prest.
:e Prest.
IAN, Cashier.
[ER, Atty.
- Surplus $30,000
No Matter How Large,
Savings Bank
intion. This message
he women alike.

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