OCR Interpretation

The herald and news. [volume] (Newberry S.C.) 1903-1937, June 18, 1907, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063758/1907-06-18/ed-1/seq-5/

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0.4y Goods, mil
White and Colored Wash Goods.
You will never again have the chance to buy such values in mnidseason,
for its not a matter of how mutch but how little we can sell them for.
You all knto .% the reason, tw%o mu.ich cool weather. So T ather than keep
thein over w\ e give you a chancL, n1ow, June t.5th, mnidseason to pick themn
out at the very low prices nati.ed Rememuber every article pricedI in
plain figutres. No Fake.
5o pie:ces Muslin, Organdy and Batiste, WaS(,12 1-2c and j5c, now 8c
25 1.ieCeH Votted Swiss, fancy stripes and Novelties, was 16 and 20C,
now ioe yard.
50 pieces Silk Tissue, Silk Fancy, Dotted Mulls, Was 25 and 35c, now
16 2-3c yard.
x solid table of Muslin, Organdy and Fancy Goods, white and colored,
worth up to 12 1-2C yard, your pick, 4 1-2C yard, these are not S9Cotch
Lawns nor cheap shoddy stuffs. Please do not think we want to take
0 your money. This is a clean clearance sale of Wash Goods. Long will
it be again before you get a chance to buy good clean white goods at
V such unheard of prices; neVer beCfGre have we offered values like this
25 pieces Mtercerized Waisting, Worth 39c, sale price 17 1-2C yard
30 -pieces M1ercerized Waisting, worth 25 and 35c, sale price i5AC yard.
20 pieces Mercerized Stripes and Figures, worth 25 and 20C, sale price
Wehv*bu 0 ad fP .,wl ot 0 ado hr
legh,ta*ilbepie 2 ad
AlS212ad1cP .adMda,3 n 0ice ie rcda
8 nF0 ad
So0ad 6ic otcekDriy,wrh1c aepie712 ad
so 0icsDmt n hc anok a 2i2,sl rc -2
Wht0an n igreCoh
JuttSuk hnslieyw lc nsl
0 icswieLw.wrh5,pie -cyr,lmtd
Wh 40inch Lan shortlotsred as Gods.
You poiv.ill see aan h ow you orehancekerchiefh alu s in dao,
0houallke eesen, twn onplace oo u ea e 650 doz,e tha kee
The ovr ie wyll be c , u. Yule if yiou ct pcoe.
ou2t00v lo prcey La.ed REmbroery Tilprimed
others fgret N0o r ouFpack4c.eah
00 oz. Fuln any andercief, wa yo2 pan atc noth:
50 ozecns iksu,Sl anc Dttdies' wakres fr( 3c ow
5 grolid tab e a l Buttny a Fa co, white and colored
wrh uptoA I2yadyorpc,*12CaR(,teeaentSoc
Lan o ha hdystfs laedo h in e Rattotk
0 WORu"F1
|Iiner, Shoes
lune 15,1907,
Belts, Bags, Combs, Cloves & Hosiery,
We have had a fair season in these small no
tions, and bot very hea, y, so have luts of big
values in stock, ito wlh.ch we will put the knife
ok cut prices to the hilt, regardless of how good.
To start them right, we name just a few of the
many big values:
io doz black aid tan Kid Behs. worth 25c,
priced ioc each.
i5 doz white Embroidery Belts. pearl buckles,
gilt and silver, all pricd i8c each.
5 doz white and black Silk Belts, all new
styles, priced 35C "eh.
I lot, just 39 on1.), H-nd Bags, all leather,
was $i oo and $-50, prictd 69c each.
i lot, big value, Hand Bags, was soc, priced
25c each.
i lot Ladies' black and tan Hand Bags,
priced 19c each.
i lot 12 button length Silk Gloves, priced 89c pr.
x lot long i6 button length Silk Gloves,
priced $1.09 pair.
i lot 2 button clasp Silk Gloves, was 60c,
priced 39c pair.
i lot 2-butten clasp Lisle Gloves, was 35c,
priced 19e pair.
1oo doz Men's black and tan Half Hose, was
roc, priced 5C pair, 5 pairs to customer, none
sold to dealers.
All Combs, and Ladies' and Children's Hose
greatly reduced.
Come, look, buy if you want to.
thissalethanyouAlways having th'
thist sleta from. close out a big lot o1
.8% o seect rom. them up for this sall
wait till your friend
Handkerchiefs that clock strikes nine S
to move 'em quick.
r places 15 and 20c, 150 white Quilts,
150 white Qui'ts,
to 9c each, worth One lot just 49 o1
sal'e price $1.49 ea
now 5c doz. 25 Quilts for sing
& 11/
ight Price
Und Not|ons.
9 0'clock.
Ribbons, Ribbons.
We have a great selection of fine, plain and fancy Ribbon,
::on1sisting of Plaid, Petsian and Roman Stripe Ribbons, as
well as the plaiin Silk Ribbous, in all the shades, which we will
Lsel-1 regardless of former price.
Let nothing keep you away from this great Ribbon clear
ance sale, as we intend to sell them. Come to the sale of sales.
So pieces Faucy Ribbon, worth 50 to 75c, priced 29C yard.
50 pieces Fancy Ribbon, worth 35c, Priced i8c yard.
roo pieces All Silk Ribbon, worth 2o anld 2.W, priced ioc yd.
just to move these quick, we place oni sale 259 dozen Lace
Collars, and Embroidery Turnoversn ot 5,nw9 ah
2o doz Lace and 1"mbroidery Collars, worth 35c, nlow 18c.
10do Eboier inn olas,wot 2c,no oceah
BigAl Oer ie ad ace Secal
Cositngo al vr ontde'pryan Cifo,Nes n Lc s
we hannerthemdown
I otal oerLce wre50an 50 nw 7cyad
I otal oe Lce wre$.o ad 3.5 nw 5cyad
r otal ve hifo,blckad hte wrh r-5 nw 9 yr
i lo 4oinc Netwas75c prced ow 7c ard
ond Ntions
S9 O'lock
Ribbos, Ribons
aid sle ad Trimininfeeyknd you will thii oiet he ale our ownpries
comeiecesgancy Rboin,h worth ban o ell pe buyar.0
50 Spe d F ancyRbo,wrd~ pie Qit c ar.
io uices Al Slks Rinothanmnfcue' 20 s an o we p)ic ke c d
J. toey nthes longck wtte pcensae name Do't g
Clars snizEmbodunvr, worth $12,saep ice , 69 c each.0
extr sozLae,an wo rtie.50 Clale wortce 79c, nwch.
e habera the downp.e f4c ah
lo al ve Lcs er 5 01( 5c nw 7Cyad
~Srea an Q*l ae
e ineeto* u utmr at hear,+we we lucky t

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