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The herald and news. [volume] (Newberry S.C.) 1903-1937, October 01, 1907, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

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Oil Mill Prospering-Good Sunday
School-Tovn Growing-Good
Cottoa Market-Free Schol
Pomaria, Sept. 30.-Mrs. F. E.
Schumpert, of Prosperity, spent last
Wednesday night with Mrs. J. P.
Mr. T. R. Cox, president of the Po
maria Oil and Manufacturing Com
pany was in Pomaria for a few days
last week. His health had been bad
during the whole summer, and his
friends here were glad to find that it
had improved very much.
The directors of the Pomaria Oil
and Manufacturing Company held a
meeting several weeks ago and
found the affairs of the company
in an excellent condition. A dividend
of 10 per cent was declared, and, be
sides, a surplus was carried over to
the following year. Mr. R. D. Jones,
of Simpsonville, S. C., is the superin
tendent of the mill.
The editorial, in Friday's issue,
touehing upon the question of those
free scholarships which give more
than tuition in our state colleges, is
one in which a good many of our peo
ple are interested. It is a question
which they would like to see furth
er discussed, both as to its ethics and
its bearing on good citizenship. Cer
tainly the way in which such schol
arships are now conferred is open to
objections, for those boys and girls
who most need them, have little
chance of obtaining them. Only those
who are in circumstances that will
-enable them to prepare themselves
for college-those who would proba
bly go to college anyway, even if
they do not get the scholarship
stand much of a chance of winning
them in a competitive examination.
- Mr. Roland Ringer is now clerk
ing for the Setzler Company. He
takes- the place of Mr. E. B. Feagle,
who recently resigned to accept other
work here.
Pomaria cannot boast of any
churches, yet she has a live Sunday
school. It meets every Sunday af
ternoon in the Bethel school house.
The enrolment is 55 with an average
attendance of about three-fourths of
that number. This Sunday schoo~l nev
er goes into "winter-quarters," as
is the custom with some country
sehools, but the attendance is
as-Iarge during the winter as in the
other months of the year. Mr. W. S.
Seybt is the efficient superintendent.
Pormaia changes cotton weighers
each year. Mr. Albert Richardson
was elected to 'this position some time
ago and will discharge its
duties for the coming season. He is
an excellent' young man, honest and
painstaking, and will endeavor to
give a "squale deal" all around.
By the way, Pomaria is one of the
few places-are there any others in
the county, or even in the state?
in Ishieh the buyer pays half of the
expense. of weighing 'the cotton
This seems to 'be an equitable ar
rangement, for there is no evident
reason why, the farmer, rather than
the buyer, should bear this expense,
even though it is small.
In proportion to her size, Pomaria
is one of the best cotton markets in
the county, and she keeps the price
well up at the top. Comparatively
very little was bought here this las'
week, however; probably not more
than a third of as much as the weel
preceding. A good many of the far
mers are getting to the place now
.where they can hold, and they will
not sell at the present decline.
The tax books for Newberry coun
ty will be open for the collection of
taxes for the fiscal year commnencing
January 1st, 1907, the 15th day of
October, 1907, and will remain open
without penalty until the 31st day of
December, 1907. Upon all taxes paid
after the 31st day of December, 1907,
and before the 1st :day of February,
1908, a penalty of one -per cent will
be added; upon all taxes paid during
the month of February, 1908, a pen
alty of one per eent will be added 'and
from the 2Sth day of February, 1908,
to the 15th day of March, 1908, in
cladive, an additional penalty of five
per- cent will be added.
The following is the levy:
For state purposes... ......4 1-2
For 'ordinary county purposes .3
For constitutional schol pur
poses ........ ...........3
For court house ...... ...... -
Total.. ............11
Except in the following locality,
where an additional railroad tax has
been levied, viz.:
Township No. 1 .... .... ....2
Township No. 9............
Attornev's Fee No. 1 ........ 9-20
Attornev's Fee No. S ...... 4-5
Attorney's Fee No. 9 ........ 2-5
And except in the following school
districts where special school tax has
been levied, viz:
Newberry No. 1.... .... ....3
Utopia No. 10 ....... ... ....2
Prosperity No. 14 ...... ....4 1-4
Big Creek No. 20 ...... .... 2
Pomaria No. 26 .......... .. 1-2
Little Mountain No. 30 ...... 3
Excelsior No. 35 ....... .....2
Chappells No. 39 ...... .......2
Whitmire No. 52 ...... ....4
Zion No. 56 .... ...... ......1
A poll tar of $1 has been levied on
all male citizens between the ages of
twenty-one . and sixty years, except
those exempt by law.
A tax of 50 cents each levied on all
Persons liable to road duty may
pay a commutation tax of $3, from
the 15th day of October, 1907, to the
15th day of March, 1908.
All tax payers remember all pro
perty has been listed separately and
please see that you have a receipt for
each piece of property so listed.
Jno. L. Epps,
County Treasurer.
Human Hearts the play that pleas
An. A
For the greates
and Ladies' Coat
just when you ne
styles and fabric
urshoe department is brim full o
leathers, priced right. Every number i
1 lot men's Pat. Leather Sh'oes worl
1 lot men's Pat. Leather Shoes wor
1 lot men's Pat. Leather Shoes wort:
1 lot ladies' Pat Leather and Vici SI
1 lot ladies' Pat. Leather Shoes wor
1 lot ladies' Pat. Leather and Dong<
1 lot ladies' Dongola Pat. Tip Shoes
1 lot ladies' Dongola Pat Tip Shoes
Baby shoes a specialty here, wer ea
stock than some of the so-called Bigger
deceived by some sore head competitc
shoes, for we gaurantee every pair
Right Price .Store for any want in shoes
Outing, Cotton F
Positively priced lower than any hot
make customers.
50 pieces good Outing worth 7 1-2 e.e
Good Heavy Outing priced 8 1-3 cent
1,500 yards best Outing, short lengt]
9 cents yard.
Wool Jeans! W
If you need them, come now for our
8 oz. Wool Jeans worth 35 cents, prie
Good school boy Jeans worth 19 cent
Extra heavy Cotton Flannel worth 12
Wool Flannel, lower than the lowes
Cotton Goods that's Go
For Hard Ser
'50 pieces Flanneletts worth 12 1-2 et
25 pieces Kimona A)lot'hs worth 15 cti
10 pieces Plaid Suitings for- dressei
14 cents yard.
Percale and 'Prints very low, come :
sell them at the right price.
Good Cotton Checks for 5 cents yard
10-4 Bleach Sheeting, extra value, 33
40 in. Heavy Sheeting priced 6 3-4 ei
We Sell P
under call of State Bank
September- 17, 1907.
Loans and discounts -
Dverdrafts - - -
Furntiure and fixtures
"ash and sight exchange
Djapital Stock - -
Undivided profits (less exp(
Dividends (unpaid) -
Cashier's checks -
Due Banks - - -
Bills payable - -
[ndividual deposits
J. Y. McF.
4 Pe
Interest Paid in ow
fter (
t value on earti
s, visit our stor
ed them mosta
s at prices lowe
E the very best styles and
riced special this week. Ne
;h $5.00, priced $4.00.CO
:h $4.00, priced $3.50. Th
2 $3.50, priced $3.00.
ioes worth $3, priced $2.49. M
th $3.50, priced $2.98. eVE
>la shoes worth $2.50 priced -fee]
worth $2.00, priced $1.69. i
worth $1.75, priced $1.39. for
ry more soft sole shoes in
it stores in town. Don't be
r, that we don't sell good
olid leat.her. Come to tire Poi
lannel, Etc. 1$I
ese in Newberry. Our prices 1s1
nts, priced 5 cents yard. 6
s yard. 1 1
is, worth 3.2 1-2 cts., priced p
1 k(
ool Jeans! pr
price is right.
d 22 1-2 cents yd. 54.
, priced 12 1-2 cents yd.
1-2 cents, priced 8 1-3c. yd, l
ad and Strong ou
nts, sale price 9 cts. yd.j
., sale price 10 cents yd.
worth 20 cts., sale price
ook, be convinced that we that
cents yard. mak
s. yd. P
ictorial Reulil
Examiner at close of business
- - - $406,831 16
- - - 5,653 08
- - 3,116 93
- - - - 42,172 36
$457,773 53
- - .- - $ 50,000 00
mses paid) - 49,484 84
- - - 1,030 00
- - - - 103 88
858 38
- - - - 20,000 00
.- - - 336,296 43
$457,773 53
0. B. MAYER, Vice-Pres.
ALL. Cashier
r Cent.
r Savings Department.
iS WEf
inDry Goods, Di
e this vweek. In ti
we glace on sale 1
r than the lowest,
Millinery. Milliner3
Ve want to thank the Ladi
wberry and county for the n
apliments passed by them on
ursday's Opening Day, in
inery. department, and il
try one to call at our store, a
sures that we have the styki
::e right, here. Will take plea
showing you the most suited
you at right price.
Colored Woolens.
itively all new and best wei
We p$ace on sale
> Check and Plaid Woolens a
1.25, priced 94c. yd.
> Check and Plaid Woolens 'a
5c., priced 49c. yd.
ot Fancy Woolens worth
>riced 39c. yd.
t Suiting 36 in. wide worth
ced 24c., big value.
[i. heavy Suitings worth
riced 49c yd.
in. Chiffon Broad Cloths, col<
vorth $1.25, priced 94c. yd.
the new shades of browns, gi
nd garnets.
r Dress Goods department is <
Lowing in values.
..adies' Coats, and Fw
other Big Shipment Just Land<
Lir Coats have that sense of style and f?
every lady admires. Our prices are
erate for -quality shown. We have ti
your price. Just come and look. We
e it to-your own interest.
retty lot Furs from 98c. to $6.50 each.
mw Patterns10
Kale Goas ond Cloaksi
A well fitting coat gives a sense
of comfort and satisfaction great
er than that from any other gar
The styles for this season are in good variety
most of them loose fitting and long. Colors
ranging from light tan or mode to dark blues
and black.
We have found an exception to the almost
universally high prices, and we are showing
great values and fine styles at even lower
prices than a year ago.
Come and buy now as we have a splendid
line to choose from.
Day Sale
ess Goods, Silks. Millinery, Shoes
e beginnhijg of the fall season, 7
hese new and up to the minute
beginning at once, we offer you
r. Black Dress Goods and Silks that's Stylish for less.
8s Of 54 in. Blaeck Broadcloth worth $1.25, priced 95 ets. yd.
any 54 in. Black Broadeloth worth $1.00, priced 79 ets. yd.
last 46 in. Black Voile, Panam'a, etc., worth. $1.25, priced 95 ets. yd.
40 in. Black Serge, Mohair Batiste worth 65 and 75, priced 49
Ovit cents yard.
Vite 36 in. Black Taffeta Silk worth $1.35, priced 93 cents yd.
We 46 in. Taffetta Wool cloth worth $1.25, prieed 95 eents yard.
Kand Silks! Silks! For Less.
36 in. Black Taffetba Silk ,worth $1.35, priced 93 cents yd.
36 in. Black Taffeta Silk worth $1.50, priced .$1.9 yd.'
All colored silks very low in price.
LVeS.Underwear and Shirts!
50 doz. men's shirts, all new fall styles, worth 65,,75, your ehoic
'Oth of lot 48 cents each. Big value.
50 doz. men's heavy fleeced shirts and drawers priced 89e. suit.
rorth ~50 doz. men's ribbed shirts and drawers priced 24 cts. each.
Wright's Health Underwear, all wool priced 95 ets. each.
5c, 20 doz. ladies' all wool vest worth $1.00, priced 69 cts. eachA
50c.,10 doz. ladies' all wool vest worth $1.25, priced 89 ets. each.
25 doz. ladies' ribbed vest and pants worth 65, priced 45 ets.;each.
35c., 20 doz. ladies' ribbea. vest and pants worth 35, priced 24 ets. each.
Everything in children's, infants' and boys' underwear from 5
75c, cents each to best woolens. We invite you to look.
red, Boys' Suits!
Positively lower in price, sizes 3 to 16 years.
eenS Big lot boys' knee suits worth $2.00, priced $1.49.
Big lot boys' knee suits worth $1.75, priced $1.24. 2
ve- Big lot' boys' knee suits worth $4.00, priced $2.98.
Ver-We have big lot men's odd pants that we offer very low. Special
prices on every piece. Ask to see the Buster Brown, Brown Velvet
suits 3 to 6 size, worth $6.50 priced $4.98 suit.
i'. Curtains, Swisses and Cretons.
~shion We have these priced from 5 cents to 15 eta. yd.
very 3 1-2 yd. lace curtains priced 98 cents pair.
em to 32 in. Cretons worth 10, priced 8 ets. yd.
~ il 50s doz. Bath Towels worth 15, priced 10 cents eseh..
Big lot linen towels.
and 15c., None Higher.

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