OCR Interpretation

The herald and news. [volume] (Newberry S.C.) 1903-1937, November 12, 1907, Image 7

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Roosevelt "Mad" at Some Charges
Against Him-Ananias Club
May Enlarge.
Washington cor. The State.
Washington, Nov. S.--There prom
ises some considerable number of new
mendbers of the Ananias club unless
the present temper of the chief elec
tor changes materially. Those whol
have visited the White House thel
past few days have seen some foam
ing at the mouth and some energetic
gesticulation, and words have been
proceeding from the executive mouth<
which were not uttered for publica
I tion. The substance of them, though,
and their import may be printed
without violation of confidence.
The matter is that the president is
getting mighty tired of this thing of
having prominent financiers and rep
resentative newspapers say that he is
responsible for the panic in New
York and the general lack of confi
dence in the big financiers and cap
tains of industry which has caused
this financial unrest and the stor
ing up of money in stockings and
chimney corners instead of letting it
circulate through the business chan
nels. Today and yesterday in parti
cular the president has been making
remarks anent the remarks that are
being made about him. He not only
,denies that he is the cause of the fin
ancial disturbance, but he very em
hatically and profusely denies that
he has made the remarks openly a1d
widely attributed to him. For in
stance, a speech recently made by
Edward M. Sheppard fully entitles
that distinguished gentleman, in the
opinion of the chief elector, to full
membership in the famous club, and
while Mr. Sheppard has not been for
ally elected, it is well known here
now that his name is in the hat, with
a fairly good prospect of being
drawn out. Mr. Sheppard, said:
What E. M. Sheppard Said.
"For months President Roosevelt
has been going up and down the
country planting the doctrne of dis
content. He has excited jealousy on
the part of the masses against the
classes, and has weakened confidence
in our business structure. He has
sowed the wind and we will reap the
The president says he ain't done no'
sich thing. And what's more, he
'don't care who knows that he ain't,
SMr. Sheppard further said in that
speech last week:
"But when a man charged with
enormous responsibilities, whose dut.y
it is not to speak until he knows, not
to make charges util he can make
good, when such a man goes over the
country, with every ear open to his!
words, and charges men of wealth and
standing with crimes, saying that al
most every captain of industry should
e behind the bars, his woi-ds have a~
uch greater effect than if he were a
rivate citizen.
"And. when he from the White
ouse says that he will send from 10
o 50 capitalists to jail, it attacks the
very center of our confidence in our
In full justice to Mr. Roosevelt, he
never made any such charge as that'
nearly every captain of industry
should be behind the bars, and he
never threatened from 10 to 50 capi
talists with jail. Very few men here
abuts doubt that if he were really
to try very hard to make convictions
he might be able to put some dozen
so, at least, of the high- financiers
jail, and have them sent from there
the penitentiary or the chaingang.
Nor is there any reasonable doubt in
many people's minds that if he really
wanted to "bust'' some trusts he
could find plenty of them which have
been flagr.antly violati'ng the law. The
most he has done has been to talk
about what ought to be done, and he
has not really gone so far in doing
that as he is represented to have gone.
o wonder he is mad.
"ixing Things" Up.
Just a few days ago Mr. Friek, one
the great muck-amucks of the steel
st, was down here to confer with
the president. As a consequence of
that visit it was announced that there
would be no proceedings against the
steel trust, which next to the Stand
ard Oil company is about the most
powerful corporation in thie coun
try, anid it is scarcely a dcubt to any
one familiar with its operations at all
that it has been as guilty of violating
he Sherman law as the Standard has
een. But the steel trust is the very
gh priest of the god protection. The
tandard Oil g'ets no benefit from the
tariff and has been built up without
e tariff, whereas the steel trust
ould never have grown so powerful
ut for the exorbitant tariff. More
over, the time is coming when cam
paign funds will be needed to elect a
president of the United States and
he steel trust has been too good a
,.;nd in the past to cut off that
m"urce et supply. espeerally since
:iere is no longler any chanee to get
inything from the Standard. No,
.he steel trust will not be prosecuted,
ind the quasi investigation said to
iave been begun by the bureau of
orporations will get no further than
:he inner sanctuary of the bureau, if
lideed it. gets that far. Certai:ly the
)resident has no intention of allow
ng any of his agents to disclose to
:he public what the steel trust has
)een doing, and Mr. Frick went hom
w-idently reassured. Yet, in spite of
;ueh things as this, the financiers in
Wal street and the gTeat newspapers
)f the metropolis which Wall street
IasS subsidized continue to howl that
he'$resident is fighting corporations.
President Mellen, Also.
Preside-it Mellen of the New York.
Tew Haven & Hartford railroad was,
lown here yesterday to confer with
:he president. He and his associates
ant to merge the New York, New
Iaven & Hartford with the Boston &
Waine, but fearing that the president
night want to have something to say
ibont this. he got on the train and
iame down here -to see him about it.
nd President Mellen went away
ith the evident assurance that he
night go ahead and do pretty much
is he liked about this merger. Just
lt this time it is pretty safe to do
retty much anytbing in violation of
:he anti-trust laws.
There has oeen too much panic and
Hurry and the general campaign in
"rew York of laving it all at the door
f President Roosevelt is telling. That
seems exactly what the campaign
neans. Wall street has never want
d Roosevelt. They have been forced
to support him just exactly as Louis
KVI was forced to support such men
as Mirabeau to save- himself from the
more radical reformers. Wall street
hates Roosevelt, but they hope to get
rid of him altogether, and so they are
eharging him with every little flurry
there is which people . dislike. And
they are succeeding, for T. R. is;
And what's more, he's mad.
Zach McGhee.
The Beverage May Again be Sold at
the Canteens.
Atlanta. October 31.-Coca cola is
again on sale at the army canteens
of the Atlantic division of the United
States army. A general order issued
rom the depart'ment of the Gulf yes
terday removes t'he prohibiition ban
aon this beverage, which was put on
June 1S, 1907. On that date an or
der was issued from Governor's Isl
and, New York, forbidding the sale
of this drink at the army canteens.
Expert chemists were again set to
work analyzing this drink with the
result tha.t it was proved conclusively
no cocaine or other injurious drug
was to be. found in it. with the result
t'hat a repealing order has been issued.
Dr. H. W. Wiley, chief of the
chemistry bureau at the Unitted Sta
tes department of agzriculture, has
just completed a minute analysis'and
test of coca cola, and it was upon
his report that the repealing order
was issued. Among the other chemists
who have attested its harmlessness
are Dr. Charles F. Ohanler, of Colum
bia Snmuel P. Sadler, editor of Phar
maopia. Dr. I. V. Stanislaus and
teen horse iarm one and one
half miles from Silver 'street. Ap
ply to .Will W. Spearman.
Via Southern Railway. Jamestown
Ter-Cntennial Exposition, Norfolk,
On account of the ahove occasion
the following instnections will gov
ern the sale of i4iund trip tickets to
Norfolk. Va. from Ntwberry. S. C.
Season ticket-$1 9.55. This ticke!
will be sold daily April 19th to and
including November 30th. 1907. Fina!
date to leave Norflok returning De
ember 15th, 1907.
60 day ticket-$16.30. This ticket
will be sold daily April 1.9th to and1
includinz November 30th, 1907, final
date to leave Norfolk returning six
ty (60) da.ys from (cte of sale and
not lated than decembe~r 15th, 1907.
Fifteen day ticket--i4..N). This
ticket iwil be sold daily April 19th
to and includijng November ~30th,
1907, final date to leave Norfolk re
turning fifteen (15) days from dai
ot sale.
Coaen Excusion ticket-~$.55. This
ticket is n.t grod io sleeping. Pull
man. or Pa 'A-r :ars, and will be~ sold
on T:esd~ay . i a.ch week dlurin- per
id of the "osition. final date to
leave Norf,Ak returqing ten (10)
days from date of sale.
For routes. stop-overs, etc., write
under call of State Bank Examiner
September 17, 1907.
Loans and discounts -. -
Overdrafts - - - -
Furntiure and fixtures - -
Cash and sight exchange - -
Capital Stock - - - -
Undivided profits (less expenses paid)
Dividends (unpaid) - - -
Cashier's checks- - -
Due Banks - - - - -
Bills payable - - - -
Individual deposits - - -
JNO. M. KINARD, Pres. 0. B
J. Y. McFALL. Cash
4 Per Cent
Interest Paid in our Savings I
Box Paper,
Tablets, Pencils,
Pens and Ink,
Fine Ex1
In f Act anything you need a
Don't forget,to call on the
They are also agents for Col
No magazine in the world most po
can offord a better program: novelist,
the next novals by Hall Lane,
Caine, the most popular Star"; it
novelist in the world; by splendid
Roi:ert W. Chambers, the
The writers of these will Beaucair
include Edith Whartoon Lloyd 4
Sauthor of '-The House of Deland
Mirth"; Booth Tarking- worth r<
ton. author of "Monsieur illustrate
Appleton's keeps too Samuel 4
c'osely in touch with events a series.
-to foritel1 our articles far. the Mid
Bu~. we s' all have the best writing f
by the best. John T. Mc- humor,
Cutr heon, America's most politics,
populkr cartoonist, is writing and woi
and illt;strating a seri*:s for member
IGeorge Ade is w: iting his simply ei
own Remhiniscences, the it, at on
Sdi o'lest of all his laughter- cents a c<
lifting works.
Send your narne and address and learn of t!
D APLE7TN & rCOMPA NY, 436 Filft
at close of business
- $406,831 16
- 5,653 08
3,116 93
- 42,172 36
$457,773 53
- - $ 50,000 00
- 49,484 84
1,030 00
- - 103 88
858 38
- 20,000 00
- 336,296 43
$457,773 53
MAYER, Vice-Pres.
&c., &c.
long that line.
umbia Steam
t 1908
pular of American
and by Elinor M.
author of "Nancy
other words, three
$.50 novels.
e''; Myra Kelly,
)bourue, Margaret
-nearly everybody
~ading-all lavishly
1. Blythe is writing
The Governors of
-Western States are.
or us. There will be
science, adven: ure,
s mething delightful
't while for every
of the family. You
muIOt affod to miss
y $1.50 a year 15
ec Great Special offer
Statement of the condition of
Newberry, S. C., Sept. 17t
call of State Bank Examinei
Bills receivable.......$219,605 64 Cal
Overdrafts........... 5,18o 75 Su
Fixtures............. . .Di
Cash on hand and due Bil
from other Banks.....$ 10,193 92 De
$238,617 23
Watch us grow. We pay 4 per cent
ment compounded Semi-anntially.
President. Ati
W. B. WALLAce, I
The People's N
Paid Up Capital -
Surplus and Individual Pj
Stockholders' Liabilities
For protection of depositi
H. C. MOSELEY. President. M.
W. W. WHEELER, Cashier. GE(
Better a conservative interest
return when wanted, than a high r
about the principal.
A N'ational Bank is a safe Depos
makes it so. Likewise our Board
of prudent conservative manageme
G. W. Bowers.
J. A. C. Kibler.
R. L. Luther.
M. A. Carlisle.
J. H. Hunter.
J. P. Boi
We allow 4 per cent. per c
Department, interest pal
Capital $50,000 - -
No Matte~r How Small,,
The Newberry 6
w,.ill give it careful atter
applies to the men and th
; The First Cough
j Even though not severe, has a tel
tive membranes of the throat al
Coughs thien come easy all winte:
4 slightest cold. Cure the first coui
* set up an inflamation in the delica
lungs. The best remedy is.(
SYRUP. It at once gets .right ai
Smoves the cause. It is free from
* a child as for an adult. 25 cents:
Some have to dig, ar
share But if you will uti
partment and lay up a pc
ings you will soon have
j your own. Open an acci
day and take a step upws
Today's prudence is tc
The Bank of
Dr.CGeo. Y. Hunter, Fres't. D
F.R Browne. Cashier. J
The Exchange Bank of
1, 1907, in response to
pital stock..........$50,00o 00
rplus............... 6,460 74
hier's Checks...... 269 84
ridends unpaid ...... 87 50
Is payable........ 75,000 00
posits..............1o6,799 '15
$238,617 23
interest in our Savings Depart
:orney. Cashier.
tsst. Cashier.
ational Bank
r, S C.
- - $25,000 00
rofits $6,000 00
,r , $25,000 00
A. CARLISLE, Vice-President
>. JOHNSTONE, Attorney.
on your deposit with its safe
ate and a feeling of doubt
it. Government supervision
of Directors is a guarantee
W. P. Pugh.
Jno. B. Fellers.
W. A. Moseley.
Geo. Johnstone.
H. C. Moseley.
Lnnum in our Savings
able semi-annually.
-,Surplus $30,000
No Ma4ter .How Large,
ition. This message
e women alike.
of the Season,:
idency to irritate the sensi
ad delicate bronchial tubes.
r, every time you take the
gh before it has a chance to *
te capillary air tubes of the
the seat of trouble and re
Morphine and is as safe for0
d dig hard, for their
lize our Savings De
>rtion of your earn
an "inheritance'' of
unt in this Ba-ik to
morrow's pleasure.
,S C.
r. J. S. Wheeler. '.Pres.
A. Counts, Asst. Cashr.

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