OCR Interpretation

The herald and news. [volume] (Newberry S.C.) 1903-1937, May 10, 1910, SIXTEEN PAGES. SECTION ONE. PAGES 1 TO 8., Image 7

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063758/1910-05-10/ed-1/seq-7/

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Thumbnail for SEVEN

We continue
world can pr<
-i.ill help you.
Matches, per grross..
Star Lye, case ......
Good Stick Candy, Ib
Octagon Soap.......
Whitamore's Shoe Po:
Baker.'s Powders, doz
Plow Boy Tobacco. . .
.Arm and Hammer So<
Black Pepper, lb...
Duke's Mixture Tobai
Free Delivery, 5 lb. c
Rough Rider Baking
Merry Widow Tobacc<
Be t Patent Flour,
Ginighams, 734c. kind
* Wecniu
No matter wl
e live wire srk
Wbthmes oegio
Blak epprlas.
e an WhoughaRide Washngtngrrs
Correspond n est-GPaent F lou, (
Gpcfe ims, or C kof
RereenatveNot A teroe bewi
no belie ve witalte ebr rest."
theprss aleryouhobeOtagnaere
eradobls iT th Ke e,sy tht ma
e a h atdWashington correspodnjfteC-sec
topeCorrespondents shotg in Inella
the pecifalery verheard a oma thepr
sittig immdiatey behnd thm isa bultha
Represenythatte Wyatt alery hde bean,"
not bealiv hat al the mebers of. res-t." h
thgress allery sough be takised, ad-The
outnan ashot;etl wsugton of asv and ai
practl oubls inftheinging sast msta
Wsngcorspondentsi1egalr sol the opeechn
takena outae and ay butsfimnt wwas t
stow essw correspondents ginsnt
htwo lade thatthrs alerywhad oo-nertse
nodralnc pati the fars cp on thatr
ges and itrtshoeldtbetabhlished,lad-oTee
din,ea compantl sfyugen wofandc
practica mens of bringingr aou beinna
t. heydsrded thatned te coe Mpr.sy
rrinent y in te gallery.oldb psone
takeasouttan camly, one ofrl th ae.gs
sht. Nowse themselvorespfondnt the os
hdoladies wtito the whos l- vtane
ertt an mooke that they shldofteh
the copnyohounse-en whoeing
oner the vs ere of s, sumary ane
exitedly ettegley. - p
"Whats hita?" asked one othe be ali
"That' den of oth Clia other
doe'sth mano" Ad the pohe.e thich
ey giexu themselvest thercompte an
laYestr an wentin the psal-e Cn
upr o take aulooki oerdtefl of the abet
Aihen hosehvn. hsedneos e hp
"Tiere hepon thecorespoents, sad e
appliat'sons nar'se the jbodogth- of gas
er,orating aopur dpi. double
L Tats in fternoon Caiaoher
oneof the ganite larsi the odd-hc
ty o iv t e abl to thert copa-r
at'ton s t otl.eosrto
fr o the loclinr of the hipbpcket
.akdriken in thesrthnerou dethy P
ofihs uplans th corespoets and hams
.athin theafen a corre-pnet.Aot?O
roIIow the c
to furnish our customers
duce. The best is none
Test our prices. We.(
is,.o................ .....
,S........... .......
3.. ............---.
ish, doz.......... .....
)a, case...................... .......
I ........ .......................... *
co . ...............................
Powder ...................
Laranteed)...... .... . .............
5 yds. to customer, yd............. ...
at you want you find th
e us.
Leaders of Low Prices.
ime Representative Carter:
f Virginia came algng and the
ondent told him about .it.
said Mr. Glass, "I am in fay
t if you amend it by specify-:
t Zach McGhee and Bob Gates -
ed out and shot, leaving the
Bob Gates is the man who'
trd the fellow in the gallery
,t Carter Glass was the smart
c in the housp--never made at
but was "just smart," and II
8 man who wrote it up.
few minutes Aiken was up in
ss room, where he read .the
iboard, and laughed. "Wrong
he r-,id. "Fellow who wrote
Ls already been half shot."
correspondent was soon found
[mitted that he had made a
in the man.
Aiken has a large num'rer of
Ll friends in the press gallery,
some have, for advertisi.ng'
~s, for he is no personal ad
, but real friends in those re
of life outside of the strictly
Ional, and 'those who knew
&the story'as a joke from the
ng; though some took it se
.which caused the corre
it who made the mistake to
red and.to start out .on an -ex
~r pedition. -It develops
r. Alken all his life has been1
and reading more newspapers;
erhaps any other member of
use, which accounts for his
Swell-posted man, as .well as
iations with newspaper men.
I came about by his having a
in the house, as some of the
members have, and about
[ will tell another day.
aerlain's. -Stomach and Liver
will clear the sour stomach,
the breath and create a heal
etite. They promote the flow
tc juice, thereby inducing
igestion. Sold by W. E. Pel
. Baxter & Son
-actical Embalmers
e- Day 117-Night 901 Watcl
rowd it w
with the best valu
too good for you. E
)ffer the same goods
....-- 45c. Elegant line I
.......$2-75 Nice nobby li
...... ..... 7c. Large and ex
... ..... .. - $3.85 Muslins }4 of
-.......... 75c. Japanese-Art
......... ... $1 30 $5.oo kind
31c Special prices
.... ....... $2-75 Elegant Sewi:
......... 12y/zc. New Reliable
. ....... - .- 40C. New Reliable
.........---- $;-75 Our Millin
............ $1.80 showing incl
---- -- ------ 35c. ties, styles wl
............ $6.25
. .... ..-.- 5c. Follow
e best here and you I
Lawn*O Swing,o pass
an re ndi al
$1.o to 3-5; Hamoc
our ha n Furir
Law Swings Y tops
Wo eriae toae
ill bring you
es for the money that
,verybody is pleased and
for less money.
)xfords and Children's Slippers to go at 10
ne of Men's and Boys' Straw Hats to go at
tensive line Clothing for every member of th
Squares, 9 x 12, fancy borders and center
on Rugs.
ig Machines...... .....................
Domestic No. 5 ........ ...........-- -- -
Domestic No. 4.........................
rv this season is "The Talk of the Trad(
ide all the latest ideas and designs, and ea<
iich combine the sensible with the beautiful.
the crowds to Moseley Bros., the le;
-ind it here first. If you
ee what an exceptionally well selected stock
engers and four passengers, $3.75 and $5.00,
glish $woo to $4.00; Porch Rockers, red, g
s from $.s-5 to $6.0o; Matting Art Squares:
ni Refrigerator and Cream Freezers.
and up-to-date Spring goods to tell you abo
and give you the price of each piece. You!
able. Come to see us and we will sell you ti
Store in Newberry.
r that will appear s4
the commerc.
if you help, usI
per cent. reduction.
io per cent. discot nt.
e family, closing out at 34 0
s, something entirely nes
.. .. . . .. . . . $22. '
.' The assortments we a:
:L arrival reveals new bea1
Our prices are always righ
tders of low prices.
want to strike
UTY, S. C.
o .e
we have:
Porch Settees in red
reen and natural wood
rom $x.50 to $3.25; the
ut. Just come to our
credit is good, and our
~e same goods for less
17 Main Street,
ewherry, S.. C.
)Ofn in Te He
* -
'raid & Nes.

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