* ' - ? " ? VOLCXE L, KCMB1B 79. -Wii NEWBERRY, SOUTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, lSli. TWICI A WI1K, fLH A IXAJL . j - I""""""??? ? a.. I /lAiiiifinnfiTi nn/w ? nnn NEWS OF PROSPERITY INTERESTINGLY TOLD WILLIAM LESTER CHAPTER E>TERTAIXED PLEASANTLY. * ' Personal Mention of Many Prosperity People and Visitors in Prosperity. 1 Sad Death. i Prosperity, Oat. 3.?Mrs. D. M. Langford has returned from a short visit * to relatives in Columbia. ' Air. aid Mrs. T. A. Dominick spent ; the 'week-end at Spartanburg. < Mrs. J. E. Hunter, of Ciemson col- ; lege, is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Bowers. Mrs. J. F. Browne spent Friday in Columbia, the guest of Miss Erin Kohii. Mrs. G. Y. Hunter has returned from a month's stay in the mountains . of North Carolina. Mrs. Arthur Chase is visiting in Columbia. 1 * Mr. E. S. Kohn spent several days i this week with Mr. Walter Wise en route to Philadelphia, where he will take a course as linotype operator and w builder. Messrs. A. B. Wise and H. J. Rawl were 'business visitors in Columbia on j Tuesday. Mrs. Henry Parr, of Newberry, is the ( guest of Mrs. J. P. Wiheeler. 1 Miss Alderay Wheeler left Mondaj to enter the new Lutheran college at Summerland. Mr. Lillus Simpson has gone to Atlanta to re-enter the Atlanta College : of Pharmacy. T Mr. C. F. Lathan, of Little Mountain, spent Monday in town. Mr. C. R. Wise, of Newberry, was 1 a business visitor in town Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Boulware and children, of near Charleston, have been visiting the former's sister, Mrs. D. M. Langford. The eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Singley died after a brier illness, -and the remains were carried to St. Paul's for burial. The parents have the sincere Empathy of the community in their sad bereavement. The William Lester chapter of U. : D. C., was most pleasantly entertained ' by Miss Bessie Bowers on Wednesday < afternoon. Mrs. I. S. Caldwell wrote a most interesting paper on the life of Mr. Wm. Lester, which Mrs. J. E. Hun ter read in her usual charming man-no-r | uv? The Southern Flag was read by Miss k Elizabeth Hawkins, a selection by Miss : Eula Taylor, a poem by Mrs. F. E. Schumpert, two instrumental solos by Mrs. J. F. Browne and song, "My Country 'Tis of Thee." i Mrs. F. E. Schumpert and Mi9s Ef- i fie Hawkins were elected delegates to 1 the convention, which meets in Char- ] leston in December, with Mrs. H. P. Wicker and Miss Bessie Bowers, alternates. A two course luncheon was served at the close of the meeting. MISS RHODA CAROLYX KILGORE Left New York Sept. 20 for Lavaras, Brazil?Can Xot Return Under Seven Years. Our Monthly, Clinton Orphanage. A very beautiful picture was today presented before the eyes of this editor. He saw a young woman, vigorous, well endowed physically with a fair face and form; even more highly -endowed spiritually with a gentle, lov ing spirit; active, energetic, persevering; and along with all these gifts and graces, possessing an unusual ' share of intellectual culture, thoroughly trained, specially trained along lines chcs?n for herself years ago, gifted in languages, music, housekeeping arts and graces, indeed an ideal wo- : man. This was the picture. She was j - - ? it -i i J "U ~_ 4.^ 1 breaKing e\ery tie mat oouna utrr iu "her^ved ones at home, leaving everything she counted dear, to go thous- j ands of miles away to live among people of a strange speech and another k nationality, to be gone for years (she K , doesn't know how many) and doing it A all with a bright and happy smile, glad, glad that her ten year's dream was f realized at 'ast and that she was now , "a commissioned missionary, going: to r teach children about Jesus, the thing above all things that she desired to do. Her old pastor said, "My daughter, I am indeed distressed to tell you good-bye," and her reply was, "1 am so very, very glad to go!" Meteorological Record. September, 1912?Temperature. ? O/? O Mean maximum c?o.o. Mean minimum 68.1. Mean 77.4. Maximum 102; date 12. 1 Minimum 53; date 20. * Greatest daily range 33. Precipitation, i Total 5.56 inches. Greatest in 24 hours 1.65; date 23. Number of days with .01 or more 1 precipitation 15, clear 2, fair 16, cloudy ' 12. Thunder storms 6, 14, 26. 7th bright meteor at 8.45 p. m. I Rainfall for nine months 41.63 inches 1 which is about 3.08 above the average m * f Vi r lur nine muuiuo. W. G. Peterson, B.' Married. Th<-> TJcv r\ ^pprllpton .'0re^ united Miss Mattie Pool ant* Mr. .T. C. Rhc^en ! .a in mnrroa- *1'? Fir^t Baptist par-l sonage Sunday afternoon. YACGHN ASSERTS INNOCENCE. Denies Haying Made Confession in Baltimore?Hints at Persecutions of Enemies. Columbia, Sept. 30.?Evidently laboring under strong emotion and wich w'th voice scninvhat bro^n by stress cf a reaMzatno of his serious plight, T. U. Vaughn, former head of the Odd Fellows' Home, al Greenville, this morning denied mak ng a confession that he was guilty of improper and criminal treatment of girl inmates of the insr.it'iti)n mo-." which ;?rfe-e tie rests in a cell jn the lower flo>r cf the main building at the State penitentiary. The governor has called a special term of court to give trial to Vaughn, the date being October 21. The attorneys for Vaughn have asked for a change of vehue and this step may result in a delay in the trial. Denies Having- Confessed. Vaughn said that his case was in the keeping of his lawyers and he realized that he could not discuss the matter for publication, as it might affect the conduct of the ease very materially. However, he intimated that there were motives behind the prose cution that placed him in an unfair light, although he said he believed that the reaction would set in and he would profit 'by a revulsion of sentiment. He deplored repeatedly the news story sent out from Baltimore in which it was stated that he confessed. "How such a view could have been caused by my remarks I can not understand," he continued. "What I meant was that I was glad that the time had arrived when the whole matter might be brought Co a settlement rn a proper way." He denied that he hinted that friends in Greenville had helped him escape. He said he did not refer to the escape from the Greenville jail. He said he did sav that his friends were working in his behalf. Claims Unjust Treatment. "Some newspapers have created a false sentiment against me," he said, "to gratify public curiosity, though others have been fair to me." "Just say to the public, that I await with confidence the approach of the day of the trial and feel that when the tide of sentiment has fully turned the other way, I will be able to prove that I am a victim of false circumstances." Vaughn did dot explain what he meant by his hint that enemies of his were responsible for the situation, saying that he preferred not to go into ietails in advance of his trial, leaving the defence of the case in the hands of his lawyers. NEWSBOY GATE LEG TO SAYE GIBL'S LIFE Although He Did Not Kiiow the Girl, xl- - ?11 j I.a I lie littu Aiiuncu upaauvu iv ut Performed. Gary, Ind., Sept. 29.?A crippled newsboy lay on an operating table here near a girl whom he did not know and allowed the surgeons to take 150 square inches of skin from his useless leg, graft it onto the badly burned body of the girl and then amputate his leg. The boy, William Rugh, never had heard of the girl, Ethel Smith, 18 years old, until he read an account of a motorcycle accident which told she was so badly burned that death was certain unless a large amount of healthy skin could be grafted onto her body. "My leg was useless, never had been any good to me, so I offered to give it up to save this girl's life," was the boy's explanation of why he made the sacrifice. When it becaqe known Rugh had made such an offer a general protest went up, led by the girl's mother. letters came from all over the country advising against the operation. Seeing her daughter gradually nearing death's door yesterday, the mother reluctantly announced she would ? ~ +V.1-W nnncilQl Anoro ti rwn Ar- I clgi CtJ <-U tuc uuuouai rangements quickly were made, and today the surgeons removed the skin from the useless but healthy leg of the boy and patched it onto the girl. | The operation also caused postponement of a wedding. Dr. .J. A. Craig, surgeon in charge, was to have been married today to Miss Mary Arnold, of Lebanon, Pa. When he learned the operation was made possible by the mother waiving her protest, he hurried to Gary and officiated. New Furniture Store for Hock Hill. Rock Hill Record, 30th. '* " rT"" ? VonrKoprV V>?1 5 ! Mr. ti. ?5. i a^ iui , ui ->c ?> uvi i*, uuu rented from Ratterree Bros, one of their store rooms in the handsome new building they have just had erected on Railroad avenue, and will as soon as the store room is put in readiness open up with a full line of furniture. ? Died in Columbia. Earle Augusta Singley. son of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Singley, of Prosperity, died last night at a local hospital. Mr. Siir-rley was 22 yp^rs of asre. The funeral sevv!?-pc v.--"-1 be 1 : i v>or:ty !? 10 a> this 'norninu.?Tue;-! "av'. St:*t . j STREET CARS RUX OX AUGUSTA LIXES Operations Resumed After Suspension. Public Declines to Take Advantage of Service. Augusta, Ga., Oct. 2.?Cars were operated today from about 11 o'clock for the first time since the strike went intn effect, more than a week ago, but the on.ly passengers were the imported motormen and conductors, and three imported deputies to each car. Though obstructions were found at numerous points along the right of way, a frog was torn out of a switch on May avenue-, near Fifteenth street, and one car was rocked on east Boundary, no disorders of moment occurred at any point along the line. Neither the Lake View line nor Aiken line has yet been opened, but it is tfie purpose of the company?sine? it succeeded in pulling the spike out of the king mill bridge today?to put cars on the Lake View line tomorrow morning. The interurban service will probably not be started this week, in view of the fact that the protection afforded by the city, county and municipal authorities ivtonH hPvnnH thp North Au UUUJj Hl/C CAtvau _ g gusta bridge.At intervals along the entire right of way of the belt line special deputies, sworn in. this morning by the sheriff from the prominent business men of the city, patrolled the streets on horseback. In addition to these special officers the entire police force was on duty throughout the day, but only the single company of militia encamped at the power house remains on duty. Tonight Mayor Barrett expressed a high degree of satisfaction and say.? the situation is, be believes, considerably improved. HELD ON CHABGE OF BIACKJTA1L. Frank L. Zemp Defendant in Sensational Case. Spartanburg, October 1.?Mrs. Emma G. Cash, of 1. .1 Oakwood ave.,' this city, received a Black Hand letter this morning demanding that she place $150 in an old cigarette box at the corner of Oakwood avenue and East t 7omtv o nrnmi- I IYJLcliII bli CCLj r i cxiiiv u. u f - w?? nent and well know employee of the Southern Power Company, was arrested two hours after Mrs. Cash received this letter, charged with sending it and attempting io extort money from the wealthy widow. Only circumstantial evidence has thus far been ^ecured by the police department The morning's mall brought Mrs. Cash the following letter: Letter to Mrs. Cash. "Mrs. Cash: We have got to have $150 right away ana you can give it iui us easy enough. So we have decided I to ask you to do the following: There is an, told cigarette box on the sidewalk toy the pole on the corner of Main street and Oakwood avenue. Put the money in that box and leave at the same place between 12 and half-past 12 to-day, Tuesday. Don't fail us and don't try to ketch us and don't tefl anybody a word about this. You might ketch one if you were slick enough, but the others would make you mighty sorry you tried. Do exactly as we say or Boom (here a picture of btack hand.) The boys are watching you. Get in big bills so they will get in the box easy. I will stay there till we get it. Tear this up and spill along in front of your house now." Police Notified. Immediately on receiving the letter Mrs. Cash notified the police department of the city. She told the'details to Chief Hayes, who instructed her -*-1? '??- * ~ fVio inctruft over me puune lu ium/t> io.is given in the letter absolutely. She did so. In the meantime, when the police department desired the original copy of the letter, a messenger boy was sent to Mrs! Cash's home with a fake telegram, and this boy brought the letter to headquarters. Two plain clothes policemen, Officers McBse and Bryant, were detached on the case. An automobile was secured and these officers went to the scene. About } seventy-five yards from the scene the machine was intentionally broken and the negro driver, assisted by one of the officers, began work trying to 3x it. The other officer sat by, keeping close watch on the spot where the cig ~n-n - nniiroaloH ait tee uu.v ?cu? wiiv^vu. The Arrest. Mr. Zemp passed with his 5-year-old I child. He is said to have looked care-, fully on the ground. It is said he re-1 turned to his home and again carefully noted the box. He reentered his home and returned with his child, riding a tricycle. When he reached the spot where the box was concealed, it is said, he suddenly picked it up and put it in his trouser pocket without opening it. The plain-clothes men made a dash for him. One handcuffed Mr. Zemp, while the other felt for his pistol. The child screamed and pro tested against the arrest of her tatner. | He was allowed to take his baby home, less than a block away, and was then brought to the station house. Here he protested his innocence. A correspondent of The News and Courier 'v',s \ r^re^t v '"k n h ?;rou?^T in. * * -:o\ !r recm without - v;--~ I WILL MAKE FIGHT - .IN EACH DISTRICT v ' ; .. . %. . f Republicans Pass Resolutions" Eulogizing W. H. Taft?To Name Electoral Ticket. The State executive committee of the Republican party, with 29 counties represented, meeting in Columbia Monday, adopted a resolution, indorsing President Taft for reelection and issued a call for district .conventions +r? ho h'P.ih when candidates for con gress will be named to contest with the Democratic nominees in every district in the State. A subcommittee of nine members was named to prepare a list of electors, to be approved by the entire committee. The committee decided not to call a State convention at present and not to put out a State ticket. The committee met upon the call of J. R. Tolbert, the State chairman, and the names of "the nine cit-1 izens, who are all worthy, upright! men,"- who are to be on the electoral' ticket will be made public soon. a rr?n 11 ripveloned that there was | not one member of the committee who favors the candidacy of Theodore Roosevelt. Members of the committee said that it was the intention to oust all supporters of the Bull Moose party. TAFT, WILSON, THEODORE. Three Will he Invited to Corn Exposition?State by the Officials. The following is a statement from the National Corn exposition management: "The stir that has been raised about the proposed invitation to Col. Roo-sjis a tempest in a teapot, very much to do about nothing. The facts are as follosw: "It has been the plan of the National Corn exposition management to invite all three of the leading candir dates for president to attend the exposition on different occasions. As president incumbent during the exposition, Mr. Taft would naturally be invited; ne anenaea me eAyuamwu last heid in Colum'bus, Ohio, two years ago. As president-elect, after November's election, Governor Woodrow Wilson would be invited and it was the confident expectation that he would accept such an invitation for such an occasion in his old home town. Col. Thompson's Alumni. "The invitation to Col. Roosevelt was to be extended in a significant way. For some time it has been planned to hold in Columbia a reunion of the former pupils of the iate Governs Hntrh s Thnmnsoii. the beloved teacher and distinguished statesman whose memory is cherished in his native State. Gentlemen interested in this reunion proposed to the management of the corn exposition, that it be held during the exposition, in order that, primarily, the former pupils of the Thompson school now living in distant States might take advantage of the low rates granted for the corn exposition. The exposition management gladly acceded to this proposition, and then it was suggested that it would be extremely appropriate to invite Col. Roosevelt to attend, and to 1 V? r\ on/^ Pa! maKe JJA3HJ sissaiu:* tutm. To Decide Whether Lee Is Old or >'ew County?To Decide Issue December 6. Columbia, Sept. 30.?Chief Justice Gary today issued an order calling for an en banc session of the justices of the supreme court and the circuit court judges to be held on Friday, the 6th day of December, to hear the question of the injunction which has been applied for to restrain the commission appointed by the governor to gather data on the area, population, etc., of Lee county in determining the question whether Lee comes under the provision of an old or new county. Secession Election. An effort is being made to change the boundary line between Lee and1 Sumter counties, so as to annex a portion of Lee to Sumter. Those opposing the annexation claimed that Lee came under the designation of "old county" and as such could not be cut to less than 500 square miles as provided by the constitutipn, while those advocating the annexation of the portion to Sumter held that Lee county was what is known as a ":iew county" and as such could be cut to AAA if "ftia-soi-r On this nuestion 1W it ucv-r,oocu j . vu 1hinged everything, for if Lee is held to be an old county the annexation1 can not be made of the portion to Sumter for it would leave Lee with less than 500 square miles. To make the change it must be necessary to hid that Lee is a new county. Commission to Gather Data. The matter came up before the governor on .the question of ordering an election on the proposed annexation and arguments pro and con were made before him. He finally appointed a __j? . n p n?. commission eimsi-uLg ui u. ju. rant, J. P. Kilgore, T. S. DuBose, and Stanyarne Burrows to gather data as to the area, population, etq., of Lee county. The opponents applied to the court for an injunction to prevent this commission from carrying out the purpose for which they were appointed and the supreme court, has called in all cirouit judges to their assistance and the whole question will be argued before the en banc session of the court on the 6th of December. rn ? Tr-r?-v' rrn DVVTTWTIA RY jlu3lx lafti/.i iu jl li.niju.. Precautions for Protection of Gunter's Slayer?Further Alleged Threats. r - ^r?^[Ta . Aiken, Get. 2.?Representative-elect Hugh Long, who at Wagener Saturday afternoon at 6 o'clock inflicted the wounds whereform Pickens Gunter, bank president, died Monday night at 7.45 o'clock, was at 1 o'clock last night taken to the State penitentiary in Columbia, ostensibly for safekeeping. He left here on the so-called midnight train, accompanied by his wife and snerin T. a. itauurn. Some have pronounced this steps as over-precautionary, believing that the existing conditions failed to warrant such action, but it is well known that, particularly since the death of Mr. Gunter, the feeling in Wagener, though not running to riotous demonstration, is certainly strong against Long. Even threats have come from Wagener, and though the authorities anticipated no early trouble from this source, they deem it wise to absolutely remove the possibility of any attack upon the jail for Long's removal being made. Action Urged by Mrs. Long. Aside from this, Mrs. Long herself urged the pursuit of this course. She * ?~ -ioil with hpr Has t>een nert; iiecu luc j?ii husband since Sunday morning, and anxiety over his safety has well nigh prostrated her. A guard of eight or ten men was thrown about the jail j Monday night, and it is stated from good authority that ail through the cold and weary night Mrs. Long, unable to sleep, paced back and forth upon the little porch on the second floor of .he jail, starting at every sound, scrutinizing every shadow, ceaselessly watching the patrol of the deputies who kept vigil about the jail walls, guarding the life of her impris j V,,?-.Kon^ OnrJ if TV'S <5 TTlHCh fOT the (JIICU liu; uauu, miu ?. sake 9f the anxious little woman that Long was finally escorted to Columbia. Principal at Lowryville. Chester Lantern, 30th. Mr. 0. C. Kibler, principal of the school at Lcwryville, was in Chester Saturday on. business connected with the school. Prof. Kibier, who is a native of Newberry, and a graduate of Newberry college, has tiught at Bishopville, Kingstree and Chapin, ana goes iu Lowryville with an excellent record as a teacher, and with every prospect [ of maintaining the high standard of i the school, of which some fourteen or j fifteen graduates of last year's class I have already left for college, most of the boys to Clemson, and the girls, of course, to Winthrop. Mrs^T. H. Hardin, of Lowryville, is assistant. Fellers-Berley. Wir>nsboro News and Herald, 3rd. On last Sunday, September 22, at j the bride's home in Newberry, was! solemnized the marriage of Miss Vera' Fellers and Mr. S^m Berley, of Monti- | cello. The young couple will make j their home at Monticello, where theyj of frieni-s, as well I lUMJlItt UtlLAKfcS BLEASE THE NOMINEE , 4 LYON AXD PEEPLES RUN OYER ON OCTOBER Id. Counsel For Judge Jones Withdraws Protest of Defeated Candidate for Governor. ^ * ? * - ^ - a ? n-i. T tjOiUinDia, UCi. l.?V/Oie. aj. neasy was declared the nominee for governor by the State Democratic executive \ committee this afternoon, in a meeting characterized by harmony and good feeling. B. R. Tillman was declare^ the nominee for United States senator. The nomination for the other offices, excepting attorney general, were announced, and a second primary to decide between J. Fraser Lyoi anJ Thomas H. Peeples, for attorney general, was ordered to be held on the 15th of October. It was declared the sense of the committee that ail races yet to be held in any counties ought to take place at the same time the prima rv fnr attorney general Id held. Much discussion was had over a posposition to call a SUre convention next year to revise the regulations and rules of the party; but after full discussion this matter was not acted on further than leaving it to the committee, to be appointed by the chairman, to draft the suggested' changes and report hack to the full committee before January 1, 1914. Jones's Protest Withdrawn. v After the report of the sub-committee investigating the election and the committee on tabulation, Mr. R. W. Shand, representing Judge Ira B. | Jones, withdrew the latter's protest I and announced that they had no ex ceptions to me ana no mruier wgument to make. Mr. John T. Duncan was present, but made no statement, and Mr. F. H. Dominick, attorney for Governor Biease, said he had nothing V say, except they had gone into the contest and it had come out as they believed it would. A report exonerating Secretary Christie Benet of all charges made against him by the governor, 'growing out of the matter of tickets for Lee and Pickens counties, was made toy a subcommittee through Mr. Manning and adopted by the State committee. Mr. Benet was commended for his faithfulness and devotion to duty and the ^air and impartial manner in which he carried on his duties. The contest by Messrs. Dial ana Tal-. bert, in the matter of United States senatorships, was dismissed on motion of Mr. Greer. Neither of these gentlemen was present today, * See Xeed of Changes* * ! Stress was laid by member after' i member on the necessity of throwing some adequate safeguards around the primary and of the widespread discontent with the present lax method \ of conducting the elections. The sug- \ gestion to call a State convention next \ year to act on tnis matter was tavuri?d by several, among them Mr. E. S. Blease, but was parsed over and no action taken. A motion to memorialize the legislature to pass laws restricting the right to participate in the primary election to registered voters, offered by Mr. Park, was rejected. A resolution that the solicitors of the various circuits be requested to prosecute cases of violation of the pri . nary laws was adopted. The report of the sub-committee, upholding the action of the Georgetown, county committee in awarding the nomination for treasurer to Mr. McConnell, was adopted. The contest T~* A - A/1 VkA/kO HO/\ irOIIl DfHUIUI'L W cLi> Uiamisacu, uc^auoo no one appeared to press it. Suitable resolutions on the death of Mr. R. P. Hamer, offered by Dr. T. H. Dreher, were adopted. The committee, at a late hour this* ? afternoon, adjourned. The State Democratic executive com"v mitte was called to order today at noon, in the library of the State house, with a full attendance, several of the members being represented by proxies. A large number of spectators were present and oc9upiei seats ' ? - likwAwr T^^ifr? Qnnotnr Hi int; nuxaij. uunvu UW1.V.0 uvuuvw B. R. Tillman, uational committeeman and ex-cfficio member of the State committee, was present and sat with the committee. Appeals came up from Georgetown and Beaufort counties. On motion of Mr. Jeffries a 6ub-committee of five was appointed to hear these appeals from county committees. The chair appointed Messrs. Gosnell, James, Mace, Dreher and Kirkland on tms committee. Mr. J. E. McDo.iald, of Winnsboro, resigned as presidential elecvD" at large, because he is a member of the public works commission of Winnsboro. Mr. J. J. McMahan was elected as elector at large by acclamation. Primary for Jasper. A report was received from Jasper county that the nominee for supervisor was dead, and wanting to know if they should order another primary. Tho matter, on motion, was referred to the executive committee of Jasper, with instructions to hold another priI mary for this office. A committee of five was appointed to tabulate the returns and convass the vote of the primary of August 27. The chair appointed on this committee