OCR Interpretation

The herald and news. [volume] (Newberry S.C.) 1903-1937, August 29, 1913, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063758/1913-08-29/ed-1/seq-7/

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Thumbnail for SEVEN

P State Treasurer Submits Extracts
From Kecords of Sinking Fund
Bfe Commission Meeting.
Columbia, Aug. 25.?S. T. Carter, j
m State treasurer, and A. W. Jones,
comptroller general, said yesterday
that a meeting would be called, for
ft Friday at noon, of the State financial
board. At this meeting, they said,
Am proposals would be considered for m,>
lending to the commonwealth $300,- turn:
^ 000 or thereabouts, the proceeds of Colu
the loan to be used in paying current
Hv expenses of the government until tax
W collections begin to come in, which Colu
* ^ v ~ ? T'V./i Xnard io T T*TT1C
"Will De in .Ueceiiiuei.. AUC uvo-iu ^ , ? ? m
composed of the governor, the State \ Balk
treasurer and the comptroller gen- Whi
J era1' Chaj
Meantime the comptroller general
L continues to hold up such warrants L
I as are presented, conceiving himself Pros
lo be forbidden by law from approv- New
\ ing such orders on the State treasury Kins
when as now there are no funds in Gold
^ the treasury wherewith they may be j ^
W paid.
W S. T. Carter, State treasurer, gave j
W out yestreday a statment on the sit-j cursi
uation, as follows: s
"Mr. Carter said he would like to |
(quote a few extracts from the records i,tv*
in the sinking fund office. They fol- j In a(
low: j .
on it
K- "Governor Blease in delivering the <
( notes to the sinking fund commission unob
stated: 'There is a matter which I wbic
^ desire especially to call this sinking
fund commission's attention to., and
that is that it is the custom of these I agen
. "banks, when they lt>an money, to put j
S the money in the bank and keep it
there without interest and at the j Colu
same time charge the State interest j
r from the day it is deposited. For
instance, if they loan us $300,000 to- Colu
day some of that $300,000 does not
- if il- - ?..4. i ,
come out of the banK unui me msi;
day of January, and yet we pay in-1
^ terest at 5 per cent, on that money to borro
right from today. I call that mighty nection
poor business. I called Mr. Matthews "'I an
A over ithe 'phone yesterday and he would 1:
W came to my office and I had a talk other lei
i with him about it and he wrote me a ! to be I
f letter in which he agrees to loan the opportur
State this money at 5 per cent But' "Gov.
in his letter he has this statement: rowing
t 'Confirming verbal statements made j and he
in reference to financing the State of I pretatioi
South Carolina we beg to say we will to accep
make the State the advances on the by accoi
j usual form to the extent of $250,000 | "in a(
to $300,000; payable January 1, at a sinking
rate of 5 per cent., the notes to bear : bound b;
interest from date tne State needs the j Govmoney.'
My understanding of that is ; notes, -n
that they are to let us have this a part o
money and as the money comes from could dc
the bank interest is to be charged on terpretal
it, and not interest on $300,000 to be- made w
ik gin today when we are not using it. fused to
f And with that understanding I have j1 returE
| signed six notes of $50,000 each, with fund co
I the understanding th^t these notes received
[ are to be held by the State treasurer
i ^ until this money is needed, and as
I needed delivered to Mr. Matthews Colum
' and interest to be paid from the time jhas dec^
the State gets the money and not j members
from the time of the signing of the , Friday J
notes. | loan of
" 'I hand these notes to Chairman !the run:
Hardin. I want the sinking fund governm
? commission to put these notes in the 1 Allowing
possession of the State treasurer and I Carter
P as the State needs the money, letjJones?
him get the money. j board:
" 'The notes are drawn to be signed j forming
"by the comptroller general, the State commits
treasurer and the governor. I am August !
simply putting myself on record as most as
favoring a certain way of getting this and I (
, money. Now if the State treasurer dealings
and comptroller general want to go : ence to
, to Pope Matthews and pay interest part in
m from today on $300,000 and get it, what ha:
r they can answer to the people. sembly
* " 'I have signed the notes under the see fit t(
L? understanding I have stated, have
Im to Chairman Hardin,
landed them to Treasurer
State Fi
oint Comptroller General Has
corded as saying: 'Is it
> borrow from the PalThe
se then said: 'That is i
ng to do. I am opposed ent
I money absolutely, so ^on
concerned.' that the
in the n
i extracts from a docu- i ?
Dy J. K. Aull, Gov.i?0Uege\
1 n or ynurl
IPr private secretary, and which
mT +, . , hie afte
K>een incorporated m the mm^
writes BI.
W of the sinking fund commission, . ,,
r is the gi
rt of the records of the State of ^
? . of Sparl
iuth Carolina. .
1 one in tl
" 'I am recorded as saying in the T^e ^
|rse of the discussion: 'I want to -particulj
^nder what law we are proceed- :jn?
II am a bonded officer of the10f ^he
htov with the biggest bond of thews.
Bin the State and of course
Bdo this according to law. Fune
Kwhat law is the sinking Leesvi
Bsion proceeding to agree the Rev.
Excursions to
dhnson City, Ten
N. and L., and C. C. an<
Sept. 3, 1913
Special train leaves Columbia, Gervais street depot,
vVednesday, Sept 3, arriving Johnson City 6.00 p. r
ing leave Johnson City Friday, Sept. 5, 8.15 a. m.,
mbia 8.00 p. m.
mbia $4.00 Lv. 7.00 a m Clinton $3 25 Lv. i<
> 3-75 7-36 a m Laurens 3.00 " i<
intine 3.75 " 7.46 a m Ora 2.75 " k
te Rock ^.7=5 " 7.53 a m Lanford 2.75 " n
C ? V V V
)in 350 " 8.10 a ni Enoree 2.75 " i<
e M't'n 3.50 " 8.24 am Woodruff 2.50 44 1:
perity 3.50 " 8.44 a n Switzer 2.50 " 1
berry 3.50 " 9.01 am Mou'js 2.50 11 1:
irds 3.25 " 9.32 am Roebuck 2.50 " 1:
ville 3.25 " 9.41 a m Spartanburg Ar. 1
SECOND OPPORTUNITY ever offered for throi
A P "NT T. rwvnts nvpr the
,<JU Hum VUlUJUiuia auu ^ a. I . *-< . ?
cenic route of the Carolina, Clinchfield & Ohio I
, modern vestibule coaches will be furnished for th:
.idition the Clinchfield will attach its open observa
s arnval at Spartanburg, so that passengers can se
>structed view of the beautiful mountain scenery
h this magnificently built railroad passes. Tickets
, N. & L. office, Bank of Columbia and C. N. <Sc
E. A. TARRER, G. A., C. N. & L. R. R., Phor
?: _ c? n
mulct, o.
S. F. EL WELL, G. A., C. C. & 0. Railway, Phc
mbia, S. C.
w or do anything else in con- largely attended. Upon 1
with current expenses?' his son, Dr. A. J. P.
i also recorded as saying: 'I Lake City, Fla., it was de
ike to say that I have two in Leesville. So his bo<
tters asking that if money is in the Lutheran cemetei
>orrowed, they be given an pastors participated in
lity to submit propositions.' rites: The Rev. J. D. S
Blease was opposed to bor- Union pastorate; the Re1
money absolutely, he said, ton, of the St. Mark's P
made his contract, his inter- Rev. F. K. Roof, of the
i of which the bank refused pastorate; all of Leesv
t, and his purpose was there- Rev. J. W. Oxner, of t
nplished. pastorate. The Rev. J.
Idition to instructions of the was to have taken part,
fund commission, I wTas ed on account of infirm:
y the conditions under which ian died while here on ;
sase said he signed the daughter, Mrs. S. C. Ba
inch were official and made was well known in tl
f the records of the State. I church of this State, 1
) nothing but accept his in- pastor of several churchi
tion of the agreement he nomination ir. Newberry
ith the bank. The bank re- ton counties. His origin
accept his interpretation and in Saiisoury, in. i^., uu
led the notes to the sinking various times pastor <
mmission. from whom I had churches in North Ca
them." York, New Jersey, Get
Carolina and Florida.
(dines to Meet With Board. 37 years in succession
bia, Aug. 26.?Gov. Blease week's vacation. He w
lined to meet with the other years of age.
> of the borrowing board on
:or the purpose of getting a ! Strawben
$300,000 necessary to meet Spartanburg Journal, 22
ning expenses of the State Home grown strajwl
ent. Today he addressed the seen on the local marke
; letter to State Treasurer George Willis, a
and Comptroller General rural route No. 5, br<
le other two members, of the crates of choice fruit to
'Your letter of August 25 in- morning and experience
multv in selling: them for
me 01 meeung ox. me nuautc ? ? ? _
se at 12 o'clock on Friday, Quart. The strawberry
29, 1913, has -been received, i mally is over, but Mr.
suredly "will not be present that his vines have prod
lecline to have any further during the summer, bul
with either of you in refer- the first he has offered f<
this matter. I have done my late crop.
the matter, and will transmit
s been done to the general as- A (*ood, uid-Jtasmon
for such action as they may Rock Hill Herald, 22nd.
) take." Ben Hill Brown is a
mayor of Spartanburg.
LARSHIP OPEN TO GIRL }s not informed in regari
ily history of candidate,
ederation of Women's CInbs is all right. The first i
Yacancy at Conyerse Col- longed to a man who ne1
lege. perior in ability in the
Brown is a good, old-fas
te. * found among the commc
lairman of the music depart- ervwhere. If Ben Hill
the South Carolina Federa- worthy of the name he
Women's clubs announces Spartanlburg a capital m
re is a scholarship vacancy
lusic department of Converse WHEN YOtR LHER
"Any young woman, show- ^
rpr? nihility and taleut is eligi
r passing an examination," Nearly Everybody Nee
Trs. Bates. "This scholarship Stimulant at One Tii
ft of the "Woman's Music club other,
canburg and is open to any Nearly everybody now
ie State." annoyed with a sluggis
erm begins in September, or by constipation or by
ars may be obtained by writ- It is for this reason t
[rs. W. T. C. Bates, chairman Liver Tone is such a g
music department, St. Mat- keep always in the h
Either children or grc
take Dpdson's Liver Tone
ral of Rev. W. A. Jnliaru after-effects and v.ithoul
lie, Aug. 21.?The funeral of of habit or diet. It is a
W. A. Julian yesterday was quid with a pleasant tas
I Fywy
9/1 I J ?
7.00 a. ' II
inS^^ s//
d. Re- Ik
arriving A
3.o2 a m It tells you h
phone line w
D.42 am f I'll
3.49 a m same nign-cla
i.w a m now enjoyed
1.28 am
'iam If you hi
[.38 am J
154am tell you how
Bgh ex- You do not 0
beauti lailway.
+ 1 *
. Address 11
is tram.
tion car F
cure an
L local AND TELE
ie 1040.,
me 960,
Wrightsville Beach [
Isle of Palms *
,ne arrival of
Julian, from ^ ^ ^ ^ <
i",2 aoutn Atlantic
T here. Five 1 1
the funeral grOWlCS ailO
healy, of the
r. w. a. Dut- rah'nii
astorate; the V-CIUUII
mTJ'Z S"(
he Cameron | for old and young,
Austin, uho Dance music furnished
was preventity.
Mr. Jul- These elegant resorts r
a. visit to his ? |
rssjs Atlantic toast
having been.
'and Lexing- The Standard Rai
al home was For rates, reservations,
t he was at . i o /"* t* /
Jf Lutheran a?ent? Newberry, S. C, T. C
rolina, New N. C.
jrgia, South m
He preached
without a liever of constipation and liver tro'
as nearly 83 bles' an(* entirely takes the place <
*f?T7Qc.? "Hrnfr store suarantei
-.najco ?- -0
ies. every bottle of Dodson's Liver Toi
nd. they sell. It costs 50 cents per too
terries were tle and if you are not satisfied th;
it this morn- it is worth the money, they will har
truck farmer y?ar half dollar back to you -ffith
Dught several smile.
the city this Don't be fooled by preparations ir
d little diffi- itating the claims of Dodson's Livi
15 cents per Tone. Just remember Mayes' Dn
season nor- Store will give you back your mon<
Willis says if Dodson's Liver Tone fails yo
uced steadily That is a guarantee that guarantees
I these were
jr sale of the ^ FAIR WAEMXG,
One That Shonld Be Heeded By
ed Name.
candidate for Frequently the first sign of kidm
The Herald trouble is a slight ache or pain in tl
d to the fam- l?ins- Neglect of this warning mak<
but his name easy for more serious tro'
)art of it be- hies?dropsy, gravel, Bright's di
rer had a su- ease- 'Tis well to pay attention
South, and J sign. Weak didneys genera
1-rr cr-n^Ttr woatpr and delav is Oft(
shioned name jLJ ? - >n
people ev- dangerous. Residents of this locali
Brown is P*ace reliance in Do&n's Kidney Pill
would make Tllis tested remedy has been us<
ayor> in kidney trouble over 50 years?
recommended all over the civiliz<
world. Read the following:
OES WB0X6 Mrs. J. R. Goldman, Pressley S
Greenwood, S. C., says: "My kidne:
ds a Liver were weak and I often felt dizzy ar
oe or An- nervous. Y/hen I heard about Doan
Kidney Pills, I began using thei
and then is They restored me to good health :
h, lazy liver a short time. I can recommend th
biliousness, remedy highly and can say that it
hat Dodson's a safe and reliable one for all kf.dnt
ood medicine sufferers."
ouse. . .'For sale by all dealers. Price I
wn-ups can cent. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffal
. v,0^ o dOTitc fnr the Unite
, Willi.uuu i\vv c*?>v"fc>v~ " ~
: restriction States.
vegetable li- Remember xtie name?Doan s an
;te, but a re- take no other.
Lsk for It Today-A Pos
iow you may connect
ith the Bell system, a
ss local and long distj
by more than 5,000,0
iven't a Telephone th
to get service at very
bligate yourself by sei
earest Bell Telephone Mana
armers' Line Department
[ bell telepho]
:graph compa1
juth PryorSt., Atlanta Ga.|
s Calling You
| No.
s Summer Play- ??:
r% t r
I bummer va- n?
i Lands. 2
fishing and marine pleasures ^
by elegant orchestras. 19
eached via the j 574
- - 1 ( A ^
line Railroad, ?
Iroad of the. South. ^
etc., address T. S. Lefler, ticket
]. White, G. P. A., Wilmington, Th^
a" | Mothers! Hare Tour Children Ro1
of Worms? y
Are they feverish, restless, nervous, ^
le irritable, dizzy, or constipated? Do I s
t- they continually pick their nose or S
at grind their teeth? Have they cramp- a
ld ing pains, irregular and ravenous ap- ^
a . a
petite? These are all sigras of worms.
Worms not only cause your child
suffering, but stunt its mind and p
lg growth. Give "Kickapoo Worm Kill- 1
sy er" at once. It kills and removes tbo Y?l
u* worms, improves your child's appe- Qui
tite, regulates stomach, liver and pla:
_ bowels. The symptoms disappear and in
your child is made happy and healthy con
as nature intended. All druggists, or to
T by mail, 25c. sai<
Philadelphia, Pa. St Louis, 3To. C.,
Minister Praises This Laxative, suc
Pott TT Qfnhomrill nf Allison. Ia..
es ? ? , ? ,
ll_ in praising Dr. King's New Life Pills the
s_ for constipation, writes: "Dr. King's this
t0 New Life Pills are such perfect pills the
1_ no home should be without them." am
;n No better regulator for the liver
ty i and bowels. Every pill guaranteed.
[S Try them. Price 25c. at all drug- j
2d Slsls- ' q
^ " "" ??????? ^
The Best Hot Weather Tonic
GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC enriches the
blood, builds up the whole system and will won- unl
f derfully strengthen and fortify you to withstand ?
*"* - ?--* -***-- en- 1
toe depressing cncci 01 mc uui suiumci.
r- me!
\ NOTICE. of 1
3 pla
n- Notice is hereby given to all par- Qffl(
'n ties concerned that no telephone or j pjg,
is telegraph posts will be permitted in ^
^ the public highways of Newberry
county, and all those that are now in
said highways must be removed.
>0 J. H. Chappell, ^
o, County supervisor, i
8-19.-3t Fo
d The play that is tried on the dog jjJJj
isn't always a howling success. ?ad
ital Will Do
vrmr Tele- 1
J v ? w- w
ind get the ,
mce service
00 people.
is book will
small cost.
iding for it.
ger, or
Effective April 27,1913.
ibject to Change without Notice.)
>'ot Guaranteed.
4 Lv. Columbia 5.50 a. 2L
18 Lv. Columbia 4.00 p. m.
2 Lv. Columbia 6.35 p. m.
36 Lv. Columbia 7.45 p. m.
19 L*\ Columbia 7.00 a< m.
1 Lv. Columbia 12.10 p. m.
21 Lv. Columbia 5.00 p. m.
3 Lv. Columbia 12.20 a. m.
ains 1 and 2, Florida-Cuba Special
Lins 3 and 4, Seaboard Fast Mail,
tins 18 and 36, Hamlet local. Trains
and 21 Savannah local.
'icket Office 1225 M?.in St" Phone
. C. *1. Boisseau, Jr., City Ticket
:s., Cc 'mbia S. C. J. S. Etchberger,
iv. Pas Agent. C. W. Small, D1y.
58. Agt. i. vannah, Ga.?Adv.
lourt of Common Pleas.
)mas B. Shealy and George W.
healy, Plaintiffs,
Dert S. Shealy, Luther P. Shealy,
ohn G. Shealy, Lillian M. Wicker.
Iattie Estelle Summer, Mary N.
lettz, Chrissie Shealy, David LeRoy
healy, Annie May Shealy, Wm. D.
healy, Sidney Shealy, and the'heirs
t law of Phillip Sligh, deceased,
rfiose names, ageo emu icaix^ww
re unknown, defendants.
ended summons for relief. (Comlaint
not served.)
'o the defendants above named:.
1 are hereby summoned and rered
to answer the amended comIni
in this action, wnich is on file
the office of the clerk of court of
imon pleas for said county, and
serve a copy of your answer to
1 amended complaint on the subiber,
at his office at Newberry, S.
within twenty days after the ser
e hereof, exclusive of the day o?
h service, and if you fail to answer
said amended complaint within
time aforesaid, the plaintifTs in
i action will apply to the court for
relief demanded in the said
ended complaint.
H. C. Holloway,
Plaintiffs' Attorney.
)ated July 19, A. D., 1913.
'o the defendant heirs at law of
? i.a nvmu Aar-azQ-ari
tiUlU X" Iliilip >uwwv>,
ose names, ages and residences are
'ake notice that this action Is comnced
for the partition of the tract
and described in the amended comint
herein, which was filed in the
2e of th? clerk of court of common
as for Newberry county on July
H. C. Holloway,
Plaintiffs' Attorney.
r Weakness and Loss of Appetite
Old Standard eeneral strengthening tonic,
>VE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives oat
iria sad builds up the system. A true tonic
sure Appetizer. For adults and children. 50c.

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