OCR Interpretation

The herald and news. [volume] (Newberry S.C.) 1903-1937, July 07, 1914, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063758/1914-07-07/ed-1/seq-2/

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8Si gffig
He fleram and ifcm
?| Sri* &L3
Entered at the Po^office at Xewkerry,
S. ('.. as 2vA class matter.
T : sday, July 7. 1M 1.
S.XI'LAN l i ?0N.
Owing To a br<\ c in : ?? :.}?< .in i
SiCK . ' S* ' . ' p *111 1 *) il*
aid and X-. v. ? :>ri: ' - only a [oar ;
pag! i-apor.
Ii' thore was so nc one :o do it i.iis
5s ? nrtVWv :?? tA ITCO vittllf
io ti ' s* ? ' v-rv* v v^r i * 4*
log drag.
L< : all the ' ot -rs of the county ,
co.11 or/ to h .:r i .e s ii t;>: i:iI anil
u :i s on Friday and gi" i ui all a
resp ti'iil hearing an.'! : . a go !
and make up your nr' ] to vox-.- a i
yju nlca.se.
There is a section of Greenwood :
counv near Dyson wh.-re tliey ha\e j
had no rain since some tine in April. j
The crops are in a f inul condition. !
In fact the appearance n w is that j
there will be no crops i:i fills .sec- |
The Record and Candidates .Jennings
and Pollock have played up the
Dr. Saunders matter to the fullest extent,
but so far they have not made
much out of it. It was not used for
the purpose of defending or helping a
woman, but in a vain effort to make ;
p lit leal capital and it has failed ut-!
A break in the motor at The Herald j
and News office on T.ntrsday after- ;
noon caused a ueiay in getting out i
the paper and possibly delayed its de- I
livery on some of the rural routes. ;
Accidents will happen. Through the j
courtesy of our neighbor, tie Obser- j
ver. we were enabled to print on j
Thursday night but not in time to j
make the night mails.
Two thousand to twenty-live hundred
majority for Blease in Spartanburg
county. That is the information since
the campaign meeting there on Saturday.
The same thing will happen
in Anderson. And they tell us that
-Greenville will be in the Blease
column this year. The Piedmont has
the votes, and the Pee Dee and the j
law country are all right.
Tha orlifnr r>" Thp T-Tpralrl and XeWS
is taking a few days off at the Press
associati n. This is one event he has
not missed in many years and lie!
hopes to be able to attend all the 1
meetings so long as he is connected
with the press. We like to meet the
brethren in these, annual gatherings
and forget factional politics for the
time being.
Editor Moore o:' the Record should {
. .. ! (
be careful how he discusses tne n- j,
quor question and how he criticises j
other people. A great many o: us at J
times imbibe a little more than we j
chou'd, and those who live in glass j
houses should be a little careful how j _
we talk about other people. 'We 'have; ;
good authority for taking a little for j
tne stomach's sake. We should not j
")e too personal at any time. X ne of ! c
us is perfect. j 1
? Ci*
Supervisor C-appell has built a | \
^ood road from ChappeHs to the river j 1
bridge. In fact it is one of the besi j (
stretches of read in t ie county. And ! '
. (
.he supervisor of Greenwood has :
I worked
the road on the other side, j ]
r-i x- ? 1 nU?., 11. ! .
i ne ruciu irom .\e? uwtj 10 ^uappens j j
!s in good condition, barring a short j ^
itretoh from Zion church toward j
Newberry. The best road from New- j
'jerry to Greenwood is by Chappells i
:md the river bridge. The road is too !
narrow, bur. that is a criticism which j
nay be justly made of almost all the
public r ads.
Good news comes from all over the
Third ronsrressional district ,-k to tho i .
Ion. Fred. H. Dominick. Information ;1
io\v is that he will have a safe ma-: '
fority in every county except possibly :
Abbeville and in that county the race
will be close. The voters of the dis- ;
triot could scare, ]y dob -iter than send
him ro congress. \V<- were in flr<". nwood
: " o:kday and everything
h.-rks .!':? u;> ti:or<. T..o same
n< w.s comes from Anderson, Pickens,
i ad o ;>n, (>: en .;> , he wonI I 1101
; Ink f carrying the home county or
.Mr. Aiken but he is to it
. . *
j. <niieman.
Candidates .h-nnin^s and Pollock
have both a iniitii-d in th?:ir ?;
at the campaign ine-tia^s ?aat
did not expect to be electi ! bat \ver-*
in the rat*; to defeat Gov. liiease. We
had siiiii as rnueh before and we are
pleased to have them confirm our
diagnosis of their entering the ra -e.
-11 -- _ .. . orviAtir. 1 i'J -\\Ti fr> I
1 iK'V UJ r \ l \ j w??u >.v ? .
ir?* tlit- peopl will gratify t.ic-Ir tie?ii
' and leave them at oir.. , bin tli
people .. ill also sfor.'.l si \. t
v e a'.v'.
t -i> <y <$ <?> <$ $ V $ <$
4> <$>
BAiiB?CU?S. <v
*> <. >
-f -i- ? <$ -V T> V ' > -5N ^
I will give a first class barbecue at
Pomaria campa.gn day. July 11.
Caldwell Ruff.
1 will give a first class barbecue
Friday, .July 17, at the cool spring
near my residence also near St. Phillips
church. The public is cordially
invited. The j lly candidates are alfo
invited. Everybody come and enjoy
the day. D. E. Hal'acre.
We will serve a first class barbecue
at Pomaria Park Friday. July 24.
There will ue speaking m mc ioitnoon
and baseball in the afternoon.
Everybody invited.
Walter Richardson.
The scnool improvemnt association
will give a first class barbecue at Pomaria
compaign day, August 11th, for
the benefit of the school.
Mrs. Jno. C. Aul-,
The School Improvement association
of the Little 'Mountain high school
will serve a b^rbcue on July 4th, 'or
he benefit of the school. A fine barbecue
dinner is assured to all who attend
and the pro ^ds go to a worthy
I will give a first class barbecue at
** ? - - t i ? i ^
my residence Juiy i. aei' .ueai. anu
hash 11:30. J. M. Counts.
We, the undersigned, will serve a
cue in J. P. Wicker's grove on July
4. The candidates and everybody1
is invited. aCndidates for governor
and for congress will be invi'ed to
speak. Our cueist has had 26 years
experience In cooking cues. We have!
secured, a hash maker who has had j
over 20 years experience in making j
hash. Special arrangements will be j
made for the enjoyment o: the young
people. oCme along everybody and
enjoy the best dinner of the season
and a day of rest.
J. P. and H. M. Wicker.
I will give a first class barbeeue at
my residence, near the fill on Broad
river, 011 Saturday, July IS. In adiitLn
to the barbecue there will be
beat racing and other features.
B. M. Suber.
I will give a first class barbecue at I
Pomaria campaign day, August 11.
Caldwell Ruff.
Whereas, one-third of the resident
'ect rs and a like proportion of t ie
esident freeholders of t"?.e age of 21 j
qoo rtf n'Vonil cp'nnol district 1
\'o. Id, of the county of Xow- j
jerry. State of Sour n Carolina, have
iled a petition with the county hoard
>f education o:' Xewberry county,
5 uth Carolina, petitioning and requesting
that an elei iion be held in
-aid school district on the question of
levying a special annual tax of two
nille to be collected on the property
located in the said school district.
Xow, therefore, the undersigned,
composing the county b ard of education
for Xewberry county. South
Carolina, do hereby order the board
-)t" trustees of the O'Xeall school
listrict Xo. 16, to hold an elcc- J
ion on the said questi 11 of levying a j
two mill tax to be collected 011 the j
property located in the said school |
list rict which said election s all be i
held at O'Xeall school "house, in 1
<aid school district Xo. 16, on Fri-j
lay, July 1'4, I'.M K at which said
lection the polls shall be pened at
7 a. m. and closed at 4 p. m. Thrt i
nembers of 1 ^ board of trustees of I
aid school u.oirict shall act as man- !
igers of said election. Only such j
1 elector.-- ,i< in sai<i school di>;t;iri
and r*'turn r- ii <;:* persona!
pr:v.i? j't v !??** T 'I \iii;*1'l. ?'Xll*bit
' 1 . ' : ,
tliicatos .i.- i - ,u:: < ! i i . ": ! <!<" ; .
tioas s 1 iii 11 i)i' ;?i!?.w : k> < . i'.
I tors favoring the cvy.;.-. oi sitcli tax
shall cn.st a " - t'n
j: :X .i C.:-l a i
t 1 o: L " v.' i: !: or ,
(It 1. I).
.i. I), rri. >. i
ii y o. \ \ tic..' I
berrv Ccnity, >.
: : j
otkm.v; av jpa or si :*VAiV- j
N n' . ( '? i j t " i V 2 . . ; t . * ! '
I) oks 'j ' subscription to the capital J
- v): *; I\ C. .1 : - - .1 (* ).. a a- 1
u i '- .r.:
of tin State of So a tli Carolina, with j
its prinoij.>a i-ma' )>w.-. ;i .5 ui \
j Xewberry, s. C., which corporation .is
: to engage in the buying, selling and
j repairing of jewelry and all business
conneeteI w:;h the } >'* Iry
| Imsiness. at tl: oHic ' f
: BI* ase & Blease, Newberry, S. on
Friday, July 1", !'Jl4, at 10 oVlork,
a. in.. the capital stock o;' the propos|
od corporation to bo $i\.".00.On. divM- .
| ed into ."0 shares of >' "<?.on each.
P. C. Jeans,
Benjamin Barksdale, j
Board of Corporators.
For Tranwood school. Salary $40
per month. Term eight momhs. Send
! application to I
Geo. A. Epting,
J. Robert Long, j
Oscar K. Aorams,
Newberry, S. C.. R. F. D. 3. ;
I For Vaughnville school. Salary $45 ;
j per month. Term eight months. Send
! application to
L. H. Sen:i,
J. 0. Johnson,
Chappeils, S. C.
No ice is hereby given, that the undersigned,
as Executor o: the last
will and tes:ament orMrs. Rebecca C.
Caldwell, deceased, will make final
settlement of the es ate of the said
deceased, in the Court of Probate for *
Newberry County, at 11 o'clock a. m., 11
cn Monday, the 13th day of July, 1914,
and immediately Thereafter will apply
for his final discharge as Executor as
aforesaid. All persons having demands
against the said estate are
| hereby required to present the same, j
I duly attested, c.i or before the day J
I above named. 11
J. F. J. Caldwell, i <
Execu'or. !
! 6-9-"t-ltaw.
Kidney Trouble?if you suff, write to-j
day for sample bottle of Whittle's j
Epsom-Lithia water. The most e:- \
fective water for curing Rheuma- {
tism, Diabetes, Brights disease. A j
wnderful Uric Crystal solvent and j '
Acid Eliminator. Heals the weak j
Kidneys Readily. "Write at once ,
"Whittle Springs uo., vvnuuej
Springs, E. Tenn.
17S5 1914
South (aroiina's Oldest College
130 h Year begins September 2oth
En ranee examinations at all the
county seats on Friday, July 3rd, at |
9 a. m.
Full four year courses lead to tie
B. . and B. S. degrees. A two-year
pre-medical course is given.
A free tuition scholarship is assign c
ed each countty of the State.
Spacious buildings and atnle :vi
grounds, well equipped laboratories, e
unexcelled library facilities. r
Expenses reasonable. For terms ^
and catalogue, address
' r
Whenever You Need a General Tonic j ?
Take Grovel j 1
The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless j
chill Tonic is equally valuable as a ]
General Tonic because it contains the j
well known tonic propertiesol QUININE | S
and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives I
out Malaria, Enriches the Elood and _
Builds up the Whole System. 50 cents. j ,
) :iF. IMAilO.NT* ?Ff.\M>. /y i
4J?uJ !< ?! Ask yo ' r /k\ 1 G
* I v > A < M-ehes-tcr'" ?>?.! V.r
I . y. -i\ f Hi* :n Tud and <;>!,. zn T
4 * . sea.c i viti: L'< i t .a. \ f
"?'.? Take 110 other. !*?< r>i r ' j V
7 / " ; :t Pmc :is'. A1- f? r ? 3a ? j
i'ir ^."5 | {
v/ c?ii rj m "7 i b
1 unj i.' -Jivt. OulO - ? i.?4..'* n I
S3 I M SLa
1 W~% fH
I I Ixuj
r\ T'"i i I? y
f-! ' ? ?'i ^ I
i i H r, ?
*3 d'l-vaiCJl vV
Cv ...... ? .?. S - - - . '.': a . ? ^
To the pc
/? *S T- f-1 " TV
-?. 'A ??/ y ' A ^
neat ?u.m
P AM7? 7
: L-;r'?- y } i.'i.: :>
H 1
Qh';\ Hil-i S;
C. if\ > ; * PJ S ;
r""K 7
?? r -* ^ v-? , ?*2
y V-' "s-"X < ?
cat- so tou ?
rf* -8 p., ,r*
iju.uu ope:
terest in oi
T| ^0^
RMKasEirx-arr at-muMua'.? - aryat i ?mn we
li Went ynf/1|
No doubt you are, if | a
'4 w you suffer from any of the j$ jg
|jj ?| numerous aiiments u m gj
Kitf which an women are subWA
3ec*- Headache, back5$|
ache, sideache, nervousness,
weak, tired feeling, pr
I are some of the symptoms,
and you must rid gg
yourself of them in order
to feel well. Thousands
of women, who have
been benefited by this
remedy, urge you to
a Porrlni ?
Tfce Woman's Tonic If
Mrs. Sylvania Woods,
ofCJifton Mills, Ky., says: B 9
"Beforetaking Cardui, B $
I was, at times, so weak ! ? a
could hardly walk, and I
P3l'n *n 2nc*
head nearly killed me. Sf
Sk After taking three bottles
of Cardui, the pains dis- | |j
appeared. Now I feel as g A
well as I ever did. Every i &
| suffering woman should | I
Ig tryuaraui. vjci aijuaic ? eg
I today. E-68 11 .
dnRBBBL aaj ;
. !
^OFAUtaNDS |ljg I
ine is such strict attention demandd
as in the compounding of drugs. In
irder to avoid the disastrous result
:iiti.iled by carelessness, we empioy
lone but he most reliable clerks,
f we compound your medicines for
ou, you can rely upon their accuacy.
Mayes' Drug Store:
?lione 133 dewberry, S. C.j
Whereas, one-third of the resident J
'crors and a like proportion of the 1
esident freeholders of the age of 21
cars, of Monticello school disrict
So. 17, of the county of Xewerry
9a e of South Carolina, have
$ . g* .4 t{ mi \ 5*
r-2 te u a d#
;rson who is prepa
prepared fcr it? He
? ? ?
f-rw Tcr^-s -* v iT**r*.3 **""< * * -fi <?r
' ^ V /i A W JL ? J* i <->
<* 7 * ii
- 7? 1 -p *57 ;"a ^ K T fi p,
L. j ,? w~ it - - O . A. * J '** y k. 4. Vy,
J "g 9
tve a httie each week
~n ihe much dread*
25, j O A Will HUl lvtJJ
ire prepared. *
us an account. Con
Newberry, S. C.
? 1 -A
i nave jusi
shipment of
Nile pattern
call and see
Cut Glass i
J I also have
stock of Cu
China. Ma
lection whei
the largest
to select froi
Mayes' Bv<
j The House of a j
. ~ , I
filed a petition with the county .Board
of Education of Newberry County,
South Carolina, petitioning and re-1
questing ;ha>: an election b held in said ,
school district on the question of levying
a special annual tax of two mills
to be collected On :lie propertv located
in the said school district.
Now, therefore, the undersigned
composing the County Board of Education
for Newberry County, South
Carolina, do hereby order ;he Board
of trustees of the Monticello school
district No. 17, to hold an election
on the said question of levying a
two mill tax to be collected on the
property located in the said school district,
which said election shall be held
at Monticello school house, in!
said sc.'iool district 'No. 17, oil Fri- !
dnv. .lulv l!4. 1914, at w-Mch said j
efleo:ion the polls shall be opened at!
7 a. m, and closed at 4 p. m.. The j
members of the board of trustees of J
said school district shall ac: as managers
of said electi n. Only such
electors as reside in said school dis- i
'rict and return real or personal
proper y for taxation, and who exhibit
their -ax receipts and registration cer- j
tificates as required in general elec- j
tions shall be allowed to vote. Elec-j
C> % 11/
d&u oat,
i a
\ Am K vvc>-.
v M.jLLakJ
red for it. 1
ive you a
>me SAFE
p, start to- 1
or month, I
2d "Rainy
raze it, be,
< f '
npound inRTMENT.
igs Bank,
' 'i i 11 Trrir rnirirTfcT^*~^'fcmrr^?TI?
II?iiiii ! 1 w i? !? ? ?11?1??
ChLtavi i
; jjivcij
received a
Silver in the
l. If in need
and China
a beautiful L
t Glass and a
ke your se- ^
e you have
m. w
2S?d Store I
Thousand. Things V
tors favoring the levying of such <itax
shall cast a ball's: containing the
"word "Yes" written or printed taereon^
and each elector opposed to levying
such 'ax shall cast a ballot containing'the
word "No" written or printed
Given under our rands and seal on
July Gth. 1914.
Geo. D. Brown, ,
S. J. Derrick,
J. S. Wheeler,
County Board of Education for Newberry
County, S. C.
Candidates for office in Xewberr?%fcj
county will find pledges and blanks V
for expense account at the office of ?
the secretary, corner iioyce and college
street, Newberry. All pledges
must be filed and assessments paftf tt
not later than noon, Standard time,
Monday, July '17, 1914.
W. A. McSwain,
Secretary and Treasurer County
Executive C ,mmittee.
For Weakness and Loss of Appetite
The Old Standard general strengthenin? tonic.
GROVE S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives out
Malaria and builds up the systerr. A true tonic
and sure Appetizer. For aauus and children. 5oc.
i ,

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