OCR Interpretation

The herald and news. [volume] (Newberry S.C.) 1903-1937, March 26, 1915, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063758/1915-03-26/ed-1/seq-7/

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Thumbnail for SEVEN

^^^B)eclaratioit of War?lltinutum to
the Kingdom of Dirt and
H Disease.
i Men and women of South Carolina,
^L>ur executive committee of the State
Rard of health cal's upon all citizens
make April 10th memorable in tibe
Ibals of the warfare on disease and
K in tins State. Last year our rec8HHJp7s
show a large preventable loss of
Wr life from typhoid .fever. Approximately^
ly 8,000 cases with probably at least
800 deaths. We, therefore, declare war
upon the house fly, or as it should be
called, the tvp. oid fly. This fly breeds
only in filth, and by removing filth
from our houses, back wards, streets,
stables cow lots, hog pens, meat markets,
grocery si.;; re.-:, we can prevent
the fly from Caving a place to lay its j
^ Cjggs. wmcn eggs naicn mio mu^uis j
and become full-fledged flies in ten ;
days' time. Let your slogan be,'
member, flies in the dining roomI
means nurses in t-' e sick roo-n. Dr. j
Xesbitt, healtn officer, Wilmington, N.
C., reduced the number of cases of
typhoid fever in iWilmington one-half
by one month's intensive campaign j
organized by him against the fly. In !
organizing your -rorces ior ciean-upday,
do not forget to declare war on!
the mosquito, tor the anopheles mos- j
quito carries malaria and the olber j
varieties of mosquitoes carry insom-!
nia, irritation and aggravation.
How to Organize For tibe War.
First: Have your city council agree '
to ro-onerate in a rlean-UD-dav for i
April 10, 1915.
Second: Have a central organiza-l
tion for the conduct of the campaign.]
This central organization may be your j
local board of health, our Civic league,!
a progressive newspaper, the women's
clubs, etc.
Third: Select a leader m ine worK
rfor each city ward and let him or . er
?name a co-operating committee.
Fourth: Interest your school superintendent
and see tt at they make their
schools and play grounds object lessons
to the school children and to their
parents in sanitation and cleanliness.
Let tnera interest the ch41dren in I
clean-up-day. Button badges with ap-!
nrrvnriof/i mnv Ko
mvvwv^o w jy v
Five: Wide publicity should be |
sought through the local press,
s Sixth: Boy Scouts and such ot' er |
organizations' help should be enlisted. !
Seventh: The chamber of commerce !
should by all means be asked to put;
its stamp of approval upon this work. |
TWo-nth f\'n?c meetings should be!
l.eld prior to April 10th and speakers ;
and pub ic health workers be invited j
to address the people upon public j
What Will He Accomplished.
First: LA n awakening o. the sani-i
tary conscience of your town.
Second: l,ess Hies.
Third: Less mosquitoes.
Fourth: Less typ oid fever?less
} malaria?less hookworm and diarrheal ;
Fifth: Ability to sit on your front j
Jhmtict frtcv cnlfrv cnmmpr Pi Pn- i
uuiiu^ vut UUIVA guM???v4 -
ings without having to breathe in bad
smells from vour own or somebody j
else's backyard j
Sixth: Clean streets and a more i
. progressive looking town.
Seventh: legitimate and wholesome :
advertisement of your town.
Tiie State board of health, through!
its secretary, will co-operate in ever-; >
way. Will furnish literature, formulate
for killing flies and mosquitoes .
and give to inquirers information on >
any subject pertaining to public health.
Write to Jas. A. Kflayne, secretaryState
board of health, Columbia, S. C.,
and your letter will receive prompt
Formula For Destroying Flies.
The following formula is a good one
for destroying fly larvae.
i The department of agriculture has ;
* ^ recently issued a bulletin. No. 118, en- j
titled "Experiments in the Destruction
f of Fly Larvae in Horse Manure.''
The bulletin says in part:
"By far t':e most effective, econo- j
miral anH nractieal of the substances j
* ris
borax in the commercial .form in
which it is available throughout the
"Borax increases the water-soluble !
nitrogen, ammonia and alkalinity of j
manure, and, apparently, does not per- j
manently injure the bacterial flora."
The directions in the bulletin are os
' follows: ^8J[
"Apply 0.62 pound borax to every j
10 cubic feet (eight bushels) of ma-j
nure immediately upon its removal j
^ from the barn. Apply borax particu- j
larly around the outer edges of the
pile with a flour sifter or any fine
sieve, and sprinkle two or three gallons
of water over toe borax-treated
"The reason for applying the borax |
to the fresh manure immediately after
its removal from the stable is that
the flies lay their eggs on the fresh
manure, and borax, when it comes in
j contact with the eg"s prevents their
* atching. As the maggots congregate
at t e outer edges-of the po>. most
j of the borax s! culd be applied there. [
| The treatment should be repeated with j
cacti addition 01 iresn manure. i
"In addition to the aplication of borax
to horse manure, it may be applied
in t' e same preparation to other ma- ;
nures. as well as to refuse and garbage.
Borax, may also be applied to '
floors and crevices in barns, stables,
markets, etc., as well as t e street
I ere r? n r? chnill^ ha rtflflo'1
| as in the treatment of horse manure.1
; After estimating the proper amount of j
; borax a measure may be used which
| will hold the proper amount, thus
avoiding subsequent weighings."
I The abc e instructions should be ex- I
; p'icitly followed.
hm. ? ii^
i tit* is?u>t> riii's.
See the city with its flies;
Deadly flies!
What a world of sickness and or' death
The word implies!
How they're swarming, swarminsr,
In the summer's ba'.my air;
Every residence they're storming?
rv-n t a a^ihloe tVi^v'rc fnrmin?*?
vu I' ^ i V/ * v. ? - n
And they leave death's message
With their specks, specks, specks.
Typhoid germs, consumption flecks.
And ot'.ier dread diseases which most
frequently arise
From the flies, flies, flies.
Flies, flies, flies?
From t: e filthy visitation of the flies!
General Committee?This committee
includes the local ministers, the resident
officers of the County Sunday
School association, the superintendents
of the local Sunday schools and two
members from each of the local Sun- i
day schools.
Executive Committee?Rev. E. Ful
enwider, chairman; Dr. Jno. B. Setzler,
secretary; Rev. J. W. Carson and ?Mr.
John H. Wicker.
Entertainment Committee?Prof. S.
J. Derrick, chairman; Prof. 0. B. Cannon,
Mrs. Henry Parr, Mr. R. D. Smith,
Jr., Miss Fannie McCaughrin. Mr. J.
H. Wicker, Mrs. !Wm. Hornsby, Mr.
Walter Wallace, Mrs. W. H. Hunt, Miss
Geneva Thornton. Miss Fanny Lyle,
Mr. J. f'vl. Davis, Miss Lilla :Cromer, Mr.
J. D. Kinard, Miss Ol'y Koon, Mr. B.
:V riiflnman Mrs W ri Hnncpal Mr.
Bach man Shea'ey, Miss Genie Bell
Opened February 20, c
n fL I :c~
r anama-tauiui
Opened January 1, clos<
Premier Carrie
Tickets on sale daily a:
returning. Good going v
ing via another. Stop-ov
Round Trip from Newber
One way, via Portland, Oi
Proportionately low 1
A 1__ >_ 1 J J *
Aiso very low rounu trip
Portland, Ore.; Vancouve
Western points.
Full information regarc
points of interest, scheduli
Also descriptive literatim
us help you plan your trip
Why pay Tourist Age
are free? Address
S. H. Mc
District Pass*
n tt tt 3 : TT T?
S. n. iiaru wick., n. r.
P. T. E., G. P
Washington, Wash
D. C. D.
Burton. Mr. G. Y. Dicker!, Mr. T. B
Mc'.niyre, .Mr. H. G. Holland. Mis ; Sa
die Digbv, pr. C. I). Weeks and .Mrs
P. E. Scott.
Reception Committee-?"Mr. Win. A.
McSwain, chairman;Mr. .J. F5. Hunter
Mr. .las. F. Epting, Mr. J. M. Davis, Mr.
.Ino. M. Kinard. Dr. R. M. Kennedy, Mr. j
Walter Wallace and Mr. Robert j
Publicity Committee?'Mr. W. H.
|v\1allace, d airman?-Rev. J. W. Carson,
Rev. E. D. Kerr, Mr. .1 B. OWeall Hoiloway,
Mr. J. H. Wicker and Mrs. R. H.
Music Committee?Mrs. E. B. Setz- !
ler, chairman; Mrs. S. B. .Fones, Mrs. |
hj. c. Williamson, .vi;ss .warg.irei m;i-|
ton. Miss Bess Kib'er, Mr. K. E. Alk-n !
and I>r. .!no. B. Setzler.
Committee on Program an:] Place of j
Meeting?,Vr. .1. Y. Jones, chairman:!
Dr. E. 0. .Jones, Mr. W. A. McSwain |
I)r/.Jno. B. Setzler. Mr. .las. F. luting. \
Mr. T. X. Parks, Mr. V. P.. Aihri^on, !
Mr. T. B. Melntvre, Mr. .1. I). Kinard. j
Mr. W. r. Ben knight, Mr. J. 0. Goggaus,
Sr.. <Vr. M. Swindler and Vlr.
.las. Kinard.
I'shers Committee- ?'! his committee
consists o- tae regular ushers ar the t
res pee t i v e churches.
Decoration Committee?Mrs. Frunk
(\ SM.s1':, chairman: Mrs. H. H. Wells (
an-d Mrs. .J. T. May**.
(ETxf ibits Committee?Miss Luc.y Me- j *
Caughrin, chairman; , Miss Carolyn j
Cromer, Miss Sarah Houseal, Mr. .Ino.
B. Mayes and Mr. Jas F. Epting.
Finance Committee?Mr. P. C. Gaiiard
chairman; Dr. E. C. Jones and J
"VTr Arr'hio Ronlfni^ht.
Public Reception Committee (Wed- !
nesday afternoon)?Mrs. R. D. Wright, |
chairman; Mrs. W. G. Houseal. The
names of the other members of this
committe ' ave not been given in yet. *
They will include one member from 3
each of the local churches. 1
Committee on Luncheon For Ele- <
mentary Workers?This committee is ^3
* nf Mre 'Qnrfc Q n rJ (135 not i 1
Ill Cliai^C VI 4Uig. ^u? WW v?iu ? j
been completed. ^
?c^r=?. <
Sir John French Believes the Ger- t
mans Are Feeling the Lack of j:
Ammunition. j<
Paris, f VI arch 23.?Field Marsnal Sir
Jof n French, of the British army, is
quoted today in a Havas agency dis- ;
patch as predicting that the war 'A'ill j.
not be of long duration. He says the j
spring promises well for the allies (
and that he believes t'"e Germans are ?
feeling the lack of ammunition.
t .
unt . * js
I Exoosition
1 11
7 ; i
loses December 4, 1915
rma Exposition i|e
~s December 31, 1915. r
r of the South !
nd limited 90 days for i
ia one route and return- [
ers allowed. i
ry, S. C. - - - $81.10 J
-egon - - - $102.81 s
*ates from other points. [
rates to Seattle Wash.: i
r, B. C., and many other
ling the various routes, (
ss, etc., gladly furnished. 'd
i oflrif nnnn rannpst T ,pt
UViiW u^/v/li i V^MVUVI JUVV 1.1
). 1
incies when our services ,
mger Agent, s
a, S. C.
Cary, W. E. McGee, c
A. A. G. P. A. s
ington, Columbia, , *
C. S. C. t
Should Read the Following
Letter?Mrs. Slack's Story
About Her Child's Recovery
Is Entirely Reliable.
Palmyra, Pa.?"Three years ago my
little girl had black measles which left
her with a chronic cough and so awfully
thin you could count all her ribs,and she
coughed so much she had no appetite.
" Nothing we gave her seemed to
help her at all until one day Mrs. Neibert
told me how much good Vinol had done !
her little erirl, so I decided to trv it for I
my little one, and it has done her so much ]
good she is hungry all the time, her j
cough is gone, she is stouter and more
healthy in color and this is the first winter
she has been able to play out in the
snow, coasting and snow-balling without
any ill effects.7'?Mrs. Alfred Slack,
Palmyra, Pa.
We know Yinol will build up your
little ones and make them healthy,
strong and robust, therefore we ask
parents of every fraii and sickly child
in this vicinity to try a bottle of Vinol,
our delicious cod liver and iron tonic
without oil.
If we can induce you to try a bottle
of Yinol as a body-builder and strengthcreator
for your child, and you do not
find it is all we claim, we will return
your money on demand.
Life Insurance Companies i
rhey Are Closely Observing!
Public Health Conditions |
An examining physician :or one of;
:he prominent life insurance compa- j
A/1 fl*tT1ATTT r\ T"? I
lies, in an iiiici ucn uu cuwgwk, j
nade the astonishing statement that j
}ne reason why so many applicants for
insurance are rejected is because kidley
trouble is so common to the Amer.can
people, and the large majority
>f trose whose applications are declined
do not even suspect that tfcey
iave the disease.
According to this it would seem
:hat a medicine for the kidneys, pos-j
sessing real healing'and curative prop- j
3rties, would be a blessing to thou- [
Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binchamton, N. j
Y., \vI;o prepare Dr. Kilmer's Swamp j
Root, the v;ell known kidney, liver
u.d bladder remedy, claim f ar. judging
from every evidence received from
iruggists everywt ere, who are constantly
in touch with their customers,
and also indisputable proof in the
form or grateful testimonial letters i
from thousands of reliable citizens j
this preparation is remarkably sue-1
2essful in sickness caused by kidney |
ind bladder troubles. Every interest- '
ng statement they recei'.e regarding
Swamp-Root is investigated and no tesimonial
is published unless tae party
ivlio sends it is reported o ?ood c'.iaricter.
They i ave on file manv sworn
statements of recoveries in the most
distressing cases. They state that
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is mild and
?entle in its action and its .neanng [
nfluence is soon noticed in most eases.
Swamp-Root is purely an herbal
:ompound and Dr. Kilmer & Co. advise
ill readers who feel in need of such
t remedy to give it a trial , Tt is on
ale at all drug stores in bottles of two
;izes?50c and $1.00 However, if you
vish first to test this great prrpara- '
ion send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer &
P.in prntnn V Y for n. '
)ottle. When writing be sire anu ,
nention T e Newberry Semi-Weekly ,
ierald and News.H ,
Wl:ereas, one-hird of the resident
Sectors and a like proportion of the
resident freeholders o the age of
wenty-one years, of Belfast Sc'aool
District, No. 57, of the County of
s'ewberry, State of South Carolina,
ia/.e filed a petition with the County
ioard of Education of Newberry Couny,
South Carolina, petitioning and re- I
1; j.i?x 1? UAI j ??* I
[uesimg mm an eiecuim ue ucm m
aid School District on the question
f levying a speciai annual tax ot two
nills to be collected on the property
ocated in the said School District:
Now, therefore, the undersigned,
omposing the County Board of Eduation
for Newberry County, South j
Carolina, do hereby order the Board j
>f Trustees of t':e Belfast School j
? j. ~ i-?u .? ~ f ; ^ ? nn i l
isuiui, *\v. ) i, iu xiuiu a 11 curvui/n i/? i
be said question of levying a two mill v
ax to be collected on the property lo- r
ated in the said school district, which t
akl election shall be held at Bel- t
ast school house, in said School Dis- i
rict No. 57 on Saturday, April 10, r
91-i nt wrirh eniri pi potion tlh.P noils t
hall be opened at 7 a. m. and closed t
t 4 p. m. The members of the Board t
>f Trustees of said Schol District s
hall act as managers of said election. (
)nlv such electors as reside in said b
School District and return real or per- t
onal property for taxation, and who
xhibit their tax receipts and regis- s
ration certificates as required in gen- I
ral elections, sfoall be allowed to vote. -J
Hectors favoring the levy of suoh tax <
r;, .... r c
' : ; ___ ;/ |
* ' ^ ' < ' ^ ^ y
.v-'*". * . Wc'1
v;-; " ; /<!
- \ ' r j
; . : "" :<r
I V... . L . x-?
* r - I. W'
I4 % v^-i fe/ts?
? * & 'Cw'i ''""HT
W *A<! :'-r- V ;l / - jX
\\ -I
^ DKrdO W
Leaky rubber goo
and never a comforl
We guarantee al
rubber to give satis
reiunu your money
gloves to protect y
cleaning with stroi
soapy water?
The Right E
See My 1
a? Q1 Of! avfirloe
UA yiiW U1 HVlVOt
These goods a
$1.00 to $2.00, y<
they last at $1.0(
10 A /VAA/I i
nuw 19 a gwuu i
future wedding pi
to see my windov
Mayes B. <
The House of
11 A. M.?Bernard Sealy, Miss I>eila
Dennis and Bessie Lake.
i-j "\T r-? "Vf iVVtSlo.on Xfioo T.nrilA i
I ~ ?\1. V?/. iU. | TT iiOVU, iUiCO A^uv-??v I
Pinkard. Mrs. S. A. Jeter.
1 P. M.?R. C. Hunter, Misses Edna j
Baldwin, Ola Miller. I.
2 P. '.VI.?'A. F. Pugh, Misses Sara j,
Paysinger, Lucia Winn.
3 P. M.?M. B. Hanna. Misses Ethel i
rounts, Rub.y McIIwain.
4 P. M.?Miss Ella Mae Martin. Lu?ile
Wlalace, Dorothy Buzhardt. j v)
P. M.?Ralph Higgins, Misses Ra- i:
:-hel McCrackin. Katherine Wrigj'U.- !
shall cast a ballot containing the word ;
'Yes" written or printed thereon, an:! ,
*uch elector opposed to such levy shall |
:r.st a ballot containing the word "No" ;
cvritten or printed thereon.
Given under our hands and seal on j
March 22, 1915.
County Board or Jtuoucaiion '
for Newberry County, S. C.
Local Evidence
Evidence t'^at can be verified. r
Fact is what we wrant. \
Opinion is not enough. c
Opinions differ. (
Here's a Newberry fact. j
You can test it.
G. W. Swittenberg, grocer, 1109 j
Boyce St., Newberry, says: "Hard r
vork on the ifarm weakened mv kid- ^
leys. I had rheumatic pains all ^
hrAii^h mv hrvdv .md could hardly ?
end to put my shoes on. I suffered J f
n tensely from backache and the kid-|
ley secretions passed too often and ;
vere scanty and painful. The secre- ^
ions also contained a frea<vy sediment
hat looked like brickdust. 1 got a ^
upplv of Doan's Kidney Pills at W. ^
J. Mayes' Drug Store and the first _
ox helped me. I continued taking them ;
intil I was cured."
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't
limply ask for a kidney remedy?get
Doan's Kidney Pills?the same that
At. Swittenberg had. Foster-Milburn i
:o., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. j
; . 7 . " " 1 T V;T.
? 'fflft "* i*~i"-*1 i i uma
/!* ' ?
'<* ->V s*&& , < / '/ vS" +
?1* i <> >-? fy'-/ i-'f
*<' //
- < yy * ^ ,
- W&ltt j
^ .'7^2 $fjJ~ /.& !
i* Z/ %j (*$.S L/t^
i j
*wm> - ii ipi i w^-ri w>wiMta?7r-.ra mnvww I I
4B I
'ds are a nuisance t
\ our articles of
faction or we will
Ever try rubber
i i_ _.i
our nanus wnen
rig solutions and
>rug Store.
| .
' / (
. \ ' >
re worth from
cur choice while
>. f
time to buy your
resents, don't fail
6 V. Store,
1,000 Tilings.
T~r "PETC IT ? I*>
liy UEIJ-II, 115
Magic for Cores
New, Simple, Common-SenseWay
Yon will never know how really easyit
is to get rid of a corn, until you have
tried "G-ETS-IT." Nothing like it ha?
ever been produced. It takes iess time
to apply it than it does to read tJ is. It
will dumbfound you, especially if you.
iiave tried everything else -for corns,
rwo drops applied in a few seconds?
that's all. The corn shivels, then
Kai-yit Corn pains in Every Nerve! Um
MGETS-IT;" it "Get*" Every Corn
Surely, Quickly!
iomes right off, painlessly, without
ussing or trouble. If you have ever
nade a fat bundle out of your toe with
jandages: used tJ'nick, corn-pressing
otton-rings; corn-pulling salves;
orn-teasing plasters?wen. you 11 apjreciate
tl:e difference when you use
GETS-IT." Your corn-agony will vansh.
Cutting and gouging with knives,
azors, files and scissors, and the
langer of blood-poison are done away
vith. Try 'XjETS-IT" tonignt ior any
:orn, callus, wart or bunion, .-."ever
"GETS-IT" is sold by druggists
verywhere, 25c a bottle, or sent direct
iv R Lawtptiop & Co.. Chicago. Sold
n Newberry and recommended as the
world's best corn cure by P. E. War,
G. Mayes and Gilder & Weeks.
r5 or 6 doses 600 will break
r.y case of Chills & fever, Coldt
s LaGrippe; it acts on the liver
etter than Calomel and does not
ripe or sicken. Price 25c.

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