OCR Interpretation

The herald and news. [volume] (Newberry S.C.) 1903-1937, February 04, 1916, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063758/1916-02-04/ed-1/seq-6/

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By permission of the Southern Christian
Advocate, The Herald and News
prints a picture of the Sunday school
class of the West End Methodist Sunday
school. The class was organized
about eight years ago with only six or
eight members. Now it numbers nearly
100. During the pastorate of the
Rev. Gobe Smi.h there has been much
interest in :he class and the work has
been systematized and the class
has worked with a purpose
?that purpose being to ac
- ? ? j
compJisn most ror me cnurcu auu
the cause of the Sunday school. It is
composed of men only and some of the
old men, as that term is used, but they
take as much interest in the class as
any Sunday school child ever did i^
its Sunday school.
The motto'of the class is: "My
^brother and I." A good motto. The j
purpose is to teac-n consideration 01;
your brother's welfare in preference to
5^/ Relt":
Not ^on? 3i
/ came lame a
^ , nie many resi
w rious did it
2 . forced to con
work when I
M Sloan's Linii
^ iess than one
Chas. C. Cam;
. ~ ~ I T. .. i
All <?]>lnion Kenaerea i?y uie Anorney
Generars Office at Request Secretary
Board of Charities.
February 1, 1916.
Mr. Albert S. Johnstone, Secretary,
State Board of Charities and Corrections,
Columbia, S. .
Dear Sir:
I am in receipt of yours of the 31st
of January, in which you ask whether
or not it is lawful for convicts on j
c'iiaingangs in this state, or convicted ;
persons in any other class of penal j
institutions to be whipped. You refer |
me to Article I. Section 19 of the con-(
stitution of 1895.
In reply thereto I will say that this
section provides that "excessive bail I
shall not be required, nor excessivej
fine imposed, nor cruel and unusual j
punishments inflicted, nor shall any f
witness be unreasonably detained, j
Corporal punishment shall not be inflicted.
The power to punish, for contempt
shall not in any case extend to
imprisonment in the state penitentiary."
The prohibition against the inflic
tion or corporal punishment extends,
in my opinion, not only to prohibiting
r the courts from sentencing a convict
to corporal punishment, as was form
erly permitted years ago under some
of our laws, but in my opinion this
prohibition extends also to convicts
who are confined in the penitentiary
or upon t'ne chain gangs and it is unlawful
to inflict corporal punishment
opon them.
It is clear to my mind that if a sen
tence of corporal punishment is unconstitutional,
as it is, certainly the
infliction of such punishment, without
your own.
i The work mapped out for the class
i is also systematically divided up.
First, the class works for numbers,
because unless you can gi-t the men
j in 10 the class you can not teach them.
Second, for the interest in the work.
1 Aftpr vnu o-pt thpm then vou can work
: to get their interest.
Third, to help those who need help.
Financially, socially and spiritually.
! Social meetings are held monthly. An;
nual meetings are held for a reception
to the pastor and the annual banquet
i where good fellowship reigns suTVio
rai'cpe flhnilt S12n a
J X C-Ui v_/ X * 1 Jk AW VkJ ?? w V v, v T ~ ? ? ?
i year for charitable purposes, though
the object of the class is not to work
i The class has planned for the future,
first, to hold its own and to bring every
member of the church into the ranks.
Second, to help the pastor in every
way possible, to aid in missions and
/ iw
"w'/H!!:;; /?? \|g !
Pain Interfere? *
ere is a remedy S(
5 i
loan's s
nimient *"
' !i M
msoli cited grateful *
go my left knee bend
sore. It pained illgllwlifTSyf|
become that I was | jf Ijj
sider giving up my 2 >1-1
chanced to think of j$ j\ I
nont T ef mP- C!)V Fwj kd I
bottle fixed me up. @! vine pjmj Ijj
obeli, Florence, Tex. R ?? |a
B jfJ
tMMMMBMMln T ii il
sentence, would be unlawful.
You ask further regarding the recall
by the county supervisor of a
convict from the penitentiary to work
on the roads of his county wnen said
convict was sentenced to the penitentiary,
as provided for in act Xo. 366,
Acts of 1914, and as compared with
Article XII., section 9, of the constitution
of 1895, especially as regards section
2 of the above named act. which
reads as follows: "That said con vie.s
shall be under the absolute custody
and control of the supervisor and
whatever guards he may appoint." You
ask if it is constitutional for a convict
sentenced t.o the penitentiary to be recalled
therefrom and put on the pub'ic
work of any county.
In reply thereto I will say by act
Xo. 110, acts of 1911, which was
amended and re-enacted by act Xo 312
of the Acts of 1912, it is provided that
ail able-bodied male convicts shall be
sentenced to hard labor on the public
works of the county in which con *
. icted. without regard to the length of
;hp sentence, and in the alternative, to
imprisonment in the county jail or
the state penitentiary at hard labor.
Under these acts all convicts are
sentenced with the alternative to the
chaingang, jail or state penitentiary,
except such convicts as are sentenced
by special order of the presiding judge
to the state penitentiary when it is
considered unsafe or unwise for such
convict to be committed to the county
Thp general assembly has the right
to designate the punishment for crime
( and the place and manner in which
such punishment shall he inflicted, so
j long as such punishment is within the
, provisions of article I., section 19, of
| the constitution.
Article XII., section 9, of the con!
stitution in providing, that the peniJ
. >. * .. > -..U.. . .
I all other lines of work. Third, the
! c'ass program will be varied.
T:ie following are the officers of the
A. H. Bouknight, teacher; H. H.
Blease. assistant teacher; Foster
Wood, president; F. K. Jones, vice
president; H. C. Longshore, secretary; ;
D. D. Connelly, treasurer; J. T. Bouk-;
night, financier, or assistant in collect- i
ing dues.
The class members are:
D. B. Chandler. J. D. Ray, Tillman
Connelly, Jim Bouknight, C. M. Bouknight.
J. R. Bouknight, Boyd Connelly,
C. F. Layton, Robert Jackson. 0. L.
Raley, W. >F. *.\"soss, D. I. Franklin, W. j
J. 'Smith, T. B. Wood, John Cook, Jas. J
Padgett, J. J. Davis, J. H. Campson,'
F. H. Campson, Coley Cook. James I
Cook, R. E. Davis, Jim Vaughn, M. M.
Padgett, 'A. E. Mcintosh', E. W. Hair,!
J. F. Zimmerman, W. B. Zimmerman, j
P. S. Tompkins. T. F. Turner, J. M.'
Bad Cotie'h ?
? QGrip
These Ailments 1 Weaken Your
System. Your Body Then
Needs the Help of
Dr. King's New Discovery,
Colds are annoying. They inter- ;
fere with our duties. In our weak- -
ened condition they may end in a :
spell of sickness or even more serious <
ailments, ^ear, however, should be <
overcome, for in Dr. King's New
Discovery you have an effective rem- ,
tentiary and convicts htereto sentenced
shall be forever under
the supervision and control, of the
officers employed by the state, and in
case any convicts are hirecTor farmed j
out, as may be provided by law, their j
maintenance, support, medical atten-'
tion and discipline shall be under the
direction of officers detailed for those
duties by the authorities of the penitentiary,
refers, in my opinion, only
to such convicts as may be at the time
confined and within the control of tne !
PAriiipntiarv. and is urinci pally |
directed to hiring and farming out of j
such convicts to private parties, as
was the custom several years, ago be-fj
fore the institution of our various
county chain ganps.
I am of the opinion that act Xo. 306,
Acts of 1914, does not offend Article
XII, section 9, of the constitution of
1895, and that it was within the power j
cf the general assemaiv 10 aiunorize
the county supervisors to take charge j
of these convicts and work them on
"he road and thereby change their
place of punishment, or to change the i
manner, method and place of punishment
in any other manner, provided
that such action on the part of the
general assembly does not increase j
;he punishment and sentence to which [
* 1:3^.convict has been sentenced and j
does not offend 'Article I., section 19,!
of the constitution.
Trusting that this gives you the de- |
sired information, I am,
Yours very truly,
Taos H. Peeples,
I Attornev General. |
? ? I
Whenever You Need a General Ton! J i
Take Grove's
The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless
chill Tonic is equally valuable as a
General Tonic because it contains the
well known tonic properties of QUININE
and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives
out Malaria, Enriches the Blood ana |
Guilds up the c?-4?
No. Six-Sixty-Six
This ia prescription prepared esp<tcially
Five or six dotes will break any cane, and ;
if taken then as a tonic the Fever will not j
return. It acts on the liver better than
Calomel and does not gripe or sicken. 25c
The promoter often parts with
money as rapidly as he accumulates it.
As a rule people who suffer in si
lence have but lignt attacks or irouoie.
Bouknight. James Cromer, M. L. Cro
mer, Willie Cromer, John Uehart, -J. E.
Franklin Sam Jones, 1. H. Connelly,
Will Alewine, Guss Swindler, J. R.
Lake, L 0. Griffin, Summer Pruitt, W.
M. Thomas. E. C. Corley, Pope Mims,
J. W. Payne, R. M. Powell, R. J.
Crumpton Joseph Pitts, X. C. Chaney,
Charley Bishop, E. W. Bouknight, E.
M. Wood, P. W. Turner, C. '.vV. Douglas,
L. T. Davis, Oscar Gentry, H. B.
Franklin F! .T Rradlpv Viator Phil
lips, J. C. Sample, J. B. Shealy, Heher
Rush ton, Claude Bouknight, Will
Hayes. J. F. Morris, W. D. Berry. Clarence
Davis, B. W. Bedenbau^h, G. S.
Bouknight, J. D. Smith, J. W Dickert.
B. R. Rhoden, John Butler, Ira Leopard.
Henry Berry, Henry Bowles, A.
E. Bouknight, G. J. Spotts, J. S.
Glymph, William Dorroa, J. L. Xobels,
C. G. Blease, J. C. Smith, J. H. Chappell.
E. S. Livingston, Olin Nesley, E.
S. Cromer. L. S. Davis, C. 0. Crooks,
Will Lindsay. Frank Sample.
F everish ?
py ?
edy. Dr.- King's New Discovery
contains the ingredients which fight
cold germs, which soothe your cough,
healing the irritated and inflamed
mucous membranes. Just as soon as
you start taking Dr. King's New!
Discovery your recovery is assured. !
Without assistance your weakened
system tries in vain to throw off
these cold germs. Your system cries
for help and Dr. King's New Dis
Dovery is just the remedy needed.
Set a bottle to-day. Take at once.
YouVill feel much better to-morrow.
All druggists.
? | 111,1 | . | i
Ill- jussd? ^
An unbelief is the belief of a lie.?
H. Bonar.
Angels are bright still, though the
hrio-ntnct foil?\fnphpth
Takes th
One Way
You feel bad, take calo:
-fopl 2 Vipqn worse. Go h
and go to bed. Can't
You hate your friends. J
sicker!! sickest!!!. Thre
four days you drag ai
before you feel like hust'
* nr-? * !r
ii li
A c
A M. ?
! Newberry
I I?11 I mill?IMII II I I Ml 111
For Forty Years 1
Vegetable Cor
I Woman's Most
?Here is Mor<
To women who are s
woman's special ills, and ha"<
down, the three following let
i iiittiiiimuumiiiiiiiTTl ^
old I got marrit
twins and it left
eWWIBl' n?k wa-lk acros
I j I do\sTi to rest an*
ftjfl f] and do my wort
' j me I had a dis
JflHpm I have to have an
WWMpmi, ; much that I di(
5- X heard of Lydia 1
\ V': \Wv*. * thought I wou
: : '?I well as ever. I
" i^kham remedies."?Mrs. Maymj
Testimony fr
Lawton, OklsL ? ""When I h
Vegetable compound i seemea to
and had headaches much of the tin
! before my little child was born an
good at that time. I never fail t
Vegetable Compound to ailing w<
for me."?Mrs. A. L. McCasland,
From a Grateful Massachi
Roxbury, Mass.?"I was suffe
mation and was examined by a ph
! that my trouble was caused by
My symptoms were bearing down
. and. sluggish liver. I tried sever;
. cine; then I was asked to try Ly
Vegetable Compound. It has ci
pleased to be in my usual good I
and highly recommend it." ? M
1 Haynes Park, Roxbury, Mass.
If you want special advice
E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (c<
letter will be opened, read and
in strict confidence.
There are no hopeless fools. One
fool has more hope than forty wise
; ?g.
The average self-made man ac's as
if he had been made in the remote
! The small town big man is great
merely because his associates are so
At this stage of the game an apostle
of peace seems to be without honor in
any country.
e Place of
mei; y
ome or
eat. ? nex
sick! @ lax
e or the i
bout you
ling. grip
r-lax 50c a
ure cure for constipa
! guarantee Liv-vei
jr & W
^ i \
? ?
-ydia E. Pinkham's
npound Has Been
Reliable Medicine '
e Proof.
uffering from some form of 1
/e a constant fear of breaking \
ters ought to bring hope: ?
ion, Wis. ? "When I was 16 years
id and at 18 years I gave birth to
me with very poor health. I could *
o tViP flnnr withnnf, having to sifc A
i it was hard for me to keep about
I went to a doctor and ne told
;placement and ulcers, and would
operation. This frightened me so
I not know what to do. Having
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
Id give it a trial and it made me as
cannot say enough in favor of the
3 Asbach, North Crandon, Wis.
uiil vtuojiiuma*
egan to tai^e Lydia E. Pinkham^s
be good for nothing. I tired easily
le and was irregular. I took it again
d it did me a wonderful amount of
o recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's
Dmen because it has done so much
509 Have St., Lawton, Okla.
lsetts Woman. '
y axuiau vTiiuiuuiiu
a displacement. I jjM H ' "
l pains, backache, 11
al kinds of medi- :
dia E. Pinkham's jvtjfe
lred me ari I am
write to LiVdia
mfidential) "Lynn, Mass. Yonr
answered by a woman and lield
To Bun-Down Nervous Women I
Louisville, Ky.?"I was a nervous
wreck, and in a wpaV rnnJnwn *?Ar?_
dition-when a friend asked me to try
Vinol. I did so, and as a result I have ||
gained in health and strength. I think
Vinol is the best medicine in the world ' ?
for a nervous, weak, run-down system
and for elderly people."?Mrs. W. C.
Clayton, Louisville, Ky. jg
Vinol is a delicious cod liver and iron
tonic without oil, guaranteed to overcome
all run-down. weak, devitalized
conditions and for chronic coughs, colds
and bronchitis. .. ?
Gilder & Weeks, Druggists, Newberry,
S. C.
A V "I J
Calomel I
_ ; |
.nother Way
ou feel bad, take Liv-ver- g
?^?? L^/\l
zll mgiii. rcci ucttci . *
t morning. Take Liv-verdaily
in small doses and
nore you take the better
feel. No sickness, no
ing; "feel fine as silk." j
ition] I
r-lax J
oolrc I
>uth Carolina kj

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