i mmm GILDER & Mrs. Mamie >aney Klnard. Mrs. Mamie Nancy Kinard, wife of Mr. Julius J. Kinard. was torn December 16th, 1875 and died at her home in the Pomaria section Sunday afternoon. April 2, 1916, and was laid ' ro rest the following day in the New Hope cemetery in t"he presence of a host of sorrowing relatives and ' friends. " The services were conducted by her J j&astor. Rev. W. A. Duckworth, assist- j. by Rev. S. C. Ballentinc. ^ Our friend and loved one was a con- j, secrated member of the Methodist' church, but was unable to attend, as, she had beon in bad health for a', number of years, being afflicted badly ^ with rheumatism. All the while she | Sore her afflictions and suffering with ! ; Christian fortitude. 'She was never;] heard to murmur or complan, but was j ; always cheerful. i < * Mrs. Kinard leaves to mourn her '( departure a devoted husband, two I ^ daughters, three sont^ a father (Mr. j1 Morris Oxner of Kinards), two sisters (( and a brother. i We mis thee, dear one. Yes, we miss thee, j ^ Standing on this dismal shore, j) But 'tis Jesus who has called thee j, And His will is beet we know. ; , W. A. I), h Pomaria, S. <\, '-April 3, 1916... j( NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. | Notice Is hereby sriven ma: me un- 1 1 dersigiied as matrix or tilt- J estate of Jim Burion. deceased, will 1 make final settlement on said estate 1 as administratrix in tbe court o probate for Newberry county, on Monday, j May S, 1316, and immediately tDcrearter | apply for letters dismissory as such I ' administratrix. Persons holding claims ! 1 against said estate will make payment ; ' before said date and all persons in- i? deb ted to the estate will pay the same. |1 MARY BURTON, i i -Adm'x of estate of Jim Rurton. 1 March 21, 1916. ] am i Subscribe to The Herald and News, i t I QUALITY SE For All Aii Preserve your uph from hot, penetrating, crs damaging soakings when i from grease off your own ] the garage man. You can advantage, after two year upholstering is in fine sha STOP THAT LE/ manufacture new covering Just slip new covering ove WRITE FOl M. I. McA RACINE I ? ? i < /4-:) ! i I : WEEKS DU SMOKI President Wilson's Most Intimate j n* i Friend j Made < In the March American Magazine i^orth we learn the curious fact that the Durham President's most intimate friend, Co!, enjoyable E. House, who ca.i take fiis grip j ^ to the White House without invi.a- . tion, was a total stranger t > Wilson ingflavoi four years ago. ( lasting SS "The answer may be found per- "Roll \ haps, ne-tling inconspicuously be- ?)uraam i -?n the li-:es of Colonel House's new iov 3 biography in 'Who's Who in America.* j "Among other things it says: 'Ac- f " ^ ^ tive in Democratic politics in Texas.! package Has directed the campaigns of many ' with ea< successful Democratic nominees for governor since 1S92; was never a can-! . iidate for office.' j V ' "That last seems to be the keynote ' Affij jtjj Mr Wilson is fond of Colonel House because Colonel House doesn't want my thing. And when yon ore presi- ~ y ie't of The United States, or in any Jj uther excutfoe position of importance t is surprising hov. few persons of I :his sort you meet. The president is j THE AMER convinced that Colonel House wants nothing in the world from h.im beyond , ^ ^j;}] :he satisfaction of serving him. i , ^ ^. "While the President values Colonel # , . . tul I trie .-1 l [louse's judgment on both men and th Cumber matters, he regards him as at his best ? . .,, , t tu^Ky tn'-a R-uen s.izi-g up men. iritis may be ? " 1 J some six hi ?u? * V ^ wa of nrocont t n~r\ m ^.n 171 *-uy iuuC ai c ^ ?. ? ? month and J ho cabinet from Colonel House's-State ( . ... nes to its pi Texas. Iare drawjr Another particular in "bicli Mr.; taineers {r0. ?Vi.son places confidence ia Colonel!, ; beth into ti blouse is in sensing public opinion, i ne is my eyes,' laugh6 Wilson, who i *^ne Pres* .night have said with equa] truth that ^urn'S has 1 tiouse is his human barometer.".. . ifhautauqua ^ | a little mon The Secret of Success. [ He himself "There has been altogether too much made his ov :alk about the secret of success," says hides, thres Dr. Russell H. Conwell in the April j 'a;:h:oned American Magazine. "Success has no j r!0m <'otton >ecret. Her ivoice is forever ringing j ^idercd h hrough the market place and .crying I s, 1 l'(> ' At :acks :i re be in: ' Wff\\ , cti noui S.-JCS OI i:ie > :. J p*l p v,,f ""j| northern angle of whic 11 ' ' 1 l..icc of IJethincourt, bat 11 ^ i 'a! lv ?u tlie western e< ? Clubby' .<><' Harocmrt. ?, * | Berlin reports the c OmOKC i H-"Oiig points of suppor . . .. , of IJaucoart, which ]>'< somctiiing^ aveiy jn:o Gciman hands, an 1 produce "Bull" Dur- ! ; ioi: a'orn? a fro: t (' crowd of live wires m:!e a (I a ouarter co "rolling your own/' t<-nio possession. Par >h, mellow-sweet fra- Genivin advances f "Bull" Durham 1 rIares that 0,1 the ?^f i_ r ? a.i salient, the advantage ^eryone reach roi the . , . . . . , t ,, a l _ j 11 1 ; trditiii:? has hoc witn t: rt nana - ruiicu prefmt Gcnnan activity urnam cigarette brims re?rjon js confined alnu 1 zest and snap and i this operation. althouprl :! J of Sprightly spirits, i> other sections aroun is heing informlttcntlv < ruMUINE _ . Eastern h ro I a" ; 0" H'" Ms,orn fr,>r ? ^ b P m ; been no operations of W Barc&i SBEBS i tance, so far ns the c reenfi | g a ^ ; show. The Russians a FY rfti ffllA 1^1 j 1 irn i tin their art.!' ity ; b | m0st part to the I.f ING- TOBACCO i-c1?n* srmLh of rhinsk r ! clares that such attacks of rich, ripe Virginia- 1 made there were along ; arolina leaf, "Bull" 'and were easilv reptils is the mildest, most j Vipient fisiiti is ta i tobciccoin the world. Itl,e Austro-Italia-n front, i being on the aggressive IJUC aroma sr^i pleas- 'Sectors and reporting ' give you wholesome, j successes With the <*apt tisfaction. ons prisoners. m . i ic $ack^^yjtaj?^^ j Sini^ jn the course of th jmari.ee campaign and ] ; announces the sinking < ffif! ? which damaged the lCANTOBACCOCOMPANY.be. steamer Sussex. [ARKABLE COLLEGE Farmers Attei The cotton boll tvevil rcii American Magi cine is , , ^ j has traveled nearlv 100 it? ci Oneida Insti* -h.i i;i , , ,, . . . ik> this season. It has a land Mountains in Kenctf rooms a-,d -a'-s GeOT?'a- The situation undred students at $4 a tbe threatening calamit has :.o money to pay sa!a- "J"511 Ub- The loss caui rofessors who, without pay ron cr?P hy this pest i ig the Kentucky moun- oistr-ets is variously e m the age of Queen Eliza- *0 50 per cent. ie Twentieth Century. Weevil multiply rapic dent of the college, ]. A. say the offspring, from )een forced to go on the wM in the course of a ] ; - .uit in order to make hundreds of thousands tey for running- exjpenses. Those who have mad* was a Kentucky boy who 0f the situation tell irn shoes out of self tanned ; are one the most imp< - - % * ' shed wheat with an oia^ holding this pest in ail and picked the seed , . . . . The bureau of biolog bolls bv hand. HHe con- . , A ,, , , , fjrms us that 3S speci< iraself lucky to get ? .. , .. t the loll weevil. For months schooling. In an. . ,, service which thev perf that the, American Maga- ' h about Burns of the Alcun- \ ised 10 protect these led attention to the fa*t | Wa>* and in ever>' p! larter of his college was J Al: on? l^e best known flftee i men. twelve of j k'f hich }\e are ad\ised t to make their mark-twelve j ^ Il(* k'-^eer, bob white, I rown. fine unhyphenated j cowbird, red^inged blac ! :?rk, orchard oriole, !ege with no money has ! sparrow, cardinal, pai >oni onlv and turns away j mockingbird, brov n tl r lack of room. In spite of j lina wren and the purp and limited facilities it has 1 The killdeer. orcliar linated in its section ofthe tiUlhat are mentioned ism of a hundred and fifty c-ially destructive to tl ;iven the mountaineers the we are told that rig i to met the changed condi- i should be given them, vancing civilization. ; almost extinct in this i spite of the bullbat's b ,000,000 People Every Day.'by law, it is still slaugl pril American Magazine is numbers. One of the of Herbert C. Hoover, di-' birds on the farm is tt le Belgian Relief Commis- j feeds on the seeds of feeds five million people most destructive weed: s responsible for $100,- the worst insect pests ear and distributes from the cotton boll weevil. fr? SI 2.000.000 worth of ed that for this reason. th through unofficial civil is worth $5 per acre. Oi is. er wrote the bureau of er docs all this with no Washington that his cot r telephone and but scant full of bobwhites and J the railroad. Most of the weevils. are transported by canal. Birds are one of the [istributed in rations th?t have in fighting this pe stain life. In a letter to a er the numbzer of sped Hoover recently said: tected list, and he si :S me that trying to feed season, on others, the m s is like trying to feed a will be to eat the weevi] e kitten by means of a 40- er weevils there will b > po'e. said kitten -confined cotton. cage occupied by two huu- , GBird protection meai cents li? t*e pockets o I E A It YEKDl> 01 Two Strong ]|l| ?_ ^ ^ K s"utl101 ifldYCv 0 y tlie Germans in the French f/* iuu arc result- It" you are lr for the opera- ? . . hut? nnur rriroc i driven ii-onie wuj uvtt a j iwo salient, at the . ? b nes he vii- advanced very m more p:irtieu- . # ige in vicinity but my pHCCS TCI apture of two I have this on ha t :c t ie south s tri re,e tly good StOck Or entire French m"re t;,an a Enamelware that niijr into r en is has admit- fPfllK Pfl nrifPS. here. but de- - f >:to side of the mm?mmammmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMMMm?mmmmmmmmmmm in the recent le French. The ! t.,0 !,nmCTv Mayes Book ? d the fortress __ employed. ' Hous? O nt. | It there have ? major impor fficial reports Lpparently are l-c^ar^re-j Julia Claussen T) ind Berlio. de- j Tl*#* C ; as have been \ -I llw V*U. e(*' king place on cne Ausinoxis Y'yLJi e in several /**\0 co s-;derab!o M J ure of numer- ' ! planes, which I v *" Paris officially P- l i i g? n .ill I I i lull j c by a French t . ?|& 1*8?^ ates that the ^S^Bg^.. . ,. jj ab'e to an- Hiv 118 r i n c - IjSBflBS fx plosion liMMMi;:: jjBfiHBI cross-chnnnel i' f '">- . ifcion! is coming. It ;; miles toward Hs|9BS|^^H H.. 1 ready reached Ki is serious and W ' ^i^almost - ! a close study us that birds Photo by Matzp/ie. Cliio. go. Drtant agencies check JULIA CLAUSSEN, EMINENT CON OPERA ( iral fttirVAV in JS of birds eat THE ^eat musif'al <,Iiraa* of rhe ei . this year on the closing n*rht. w is impoi\an (>pera company, whose successes of i arm He arc ad passed her former achievements, will a birds in every by Pierre Ilenrotte. concert meister < ace possible. flni* Marcel Charlier. also one of the of the species Opera. A year ago. wheu Miss Alice Niels .0 protect are. wag tjien widely stated in the musical ullbat, phoehe. new field to the greatest musicians. T kbird, meadow Julia Claussen has been engaged for t white-throated arc a'so wo11 known 3U tllc grand open , , , the move to give the (-hautatnjuas thtnted bunting. , , but permanent. irasher, Caro le martin. d oriole ana ail(j an increase in the prosperity of as being espe- jjle country. ie weevil, and T>. . , , ' r?nvic nvp oron nrotectors. If we ;id nrotectioii! . , wish to protect our crops we must The killdeer is , A , . , protect tlie birds. State, and in , , , , Farmers, the birds are vour friends, eing protected ' . , See that vour friends are protected, itered in large - * most valuable (0Ln>I]?IA mL HAyE FIRST le bobwhite. It AUTOMOBILE EXHIBITION nearly 11 the Solumbia, S. C? April 10.?Organizs --(I many of e{| for plirp0s;e 0f educating the , among them pU^]ic jn the relative merits of various It is estimat- cars> the first automobile show to be each bobwhite S? getj ,-n south Carolina will be held le Texas farm- jn Columbia from April ISth to April entomology at 22d, inclusve. The exhibition "wll be ton fields were aj- Craven hall, on f^ashington tree from the street. * " ? * - - i cri nafA/) W mie i ne show hus uccu vn^cuuvvu best he.ps ve of the Oo.ium-bia Auto Dealers assost. The great- cjayon> yet ^ js ?C be open to the .es on the pro- at jarge?an exhibition of the lorer he open ja^est modeis in automobiles and auore birds there tomobile acr ' : : *BM1::'::::::::::1:.::Sl 7< ] ^ - -2wp m TRALTO OF THE CHICAGO GRAND COMPANY. itirlM?ar 1IJ ;t nunrii. ,^u,. ..... _ tf the <"hicag?> ill be on band to explain' the marvelous development in both automobiles and ! their accessories, that owners and I prospective buyers will become cognizant with the intricacies of automobile engineering and the relative meritsof I j various makes. One of the features of the automoj bile show will be opening games of : the South Atlantic League, to be play| ed in this city between the Columbia baseball teams. j CL HU ? j To Keep Hay From Taking Fire. "?To keep hay from taking fire in the barn by spontaneous combustion an Iowa man recomends four quarts of salt to the load "when it is put in (the mow."?Farm and Fireside. ChTDhester s pills Wyff-v TIIE DIAMOND BRAND. JZ Ladles! AsfcyourDrantetfor Chkbei^ra DkBoalfiras^Al 1*111* in Red and bald nv FILLS, for 8& jV : yeirsknown .->s Best,S"1' sr. Always Reliable - 'ryvuwn>F ;