Mimnaugh IWl Many cases of 1 reception of new | Specia Silk Poplins 36 11 for street dresses, yard 40 inch Crepe de worth $1.50, sale p One lot Striped 1 to yard . HranuMMaMMaBBBHnaanMMiai V "J i rwnu Women's bleache 39c value sale price Women's Ribbed worth 12ic at each Men's checked Nj v drawers, worth 30c each nf I V/U1W VA * $1.00 Wiiite, Bla thread silk hose, hig toe, two pair to ea; the pair Colored L 3,000 yards neat the leading colors, center table, choice 115c Pajai One case 36 inch quality, May saie r More f c M ] w ! FORiffER GOY. BLEASE BEGINS HIS CA3IPAIGS . Former Governor Declares He is In Race to iServe State?Attacks tlie Administration* Tie'State. Lexington, May 21.?Cole. L. lUease, ex-go. en. or and candidate for gov^ ernor in the coming campaign, addressed a large gathering at R:kard'?: new flour mill, e.t miles from the county seat, yesieruay. me iuhuci governor was applauded frequently. Mr. Blease declared that lie wa? not running for governor now because he wanted the job, but he was running because he was representing the great band of "reformers" which was organized in 1890, a-id because, at a conference of the followers of this movement held in Columbia, at which there were 262 represnetative South Carolinians present, he was called upon again to lead the fight for the people. He said t^iat he had endeavored then, as he had endeavored before, to get another to take up the ! cause; hut to this fhey would not j accede and he was now running because be felt that he could be of service to his people not to himself. Mr. Blease declared that no living man knew the reasons which moved him to resign as governor four days , before his term expired, but one of them was to give the Baptists of South Carolina an opportunity to have it said that one of their best and greatest men, the late C. A. Smith of Timmonsville, had been governor, law and Order. Mr. Bleace charged that more white women had been assaulted by ne-! groes since he left the governor's office than in ten years before; 14 more white men have been killed by negroes in South Carolina since- he gave up the governorship than before, and yet, he said, people talk about law enforcement and accuse the Blease administration of lawlessness. All this crime is not being perpetrated by "Bleaseite convicts" either; for, -f he said, only two out of the enormous number of 1,575 that received pardons ? or paroles from him had since gone wrong, according to the best infor motion obtainable. * The speaker - - ch&Bged tkftt aiae eriiaes- out of every v ten in South Carolina are committed His political opponents, not his j * I rH# v* % ^ ?s _ rmTTNl^T/'M * T UNUU>U U lew goods added to our a ^oods. Just read the pr'u 1 Sale of Silks iches wide, in popular coloi worth $1.25 vard, special s Chine in all the popular shade: rice yard - 95 raffeta Silk, worth $1.50, ci : 98 t Underwear d lisle Union Suits, all size; i each 25 Vests, taped neck and sleeve; linsook under shirts and shoi a garment, reduced to onl ^adies' Silk Hose ick and all popular colors, pur ;h spliced double heel, sole an :h buyer as long as they las w awns and Batiste figures and floral designs, a 12?c, 15c and 20c quality o : the yard 1C ma Checks at 10c Pajama checks, regular 15 irice _i 1C >r a dollai 1 ! admirers. He said that a day or two I ago he was asked by a man. if he j ,'ouid turn out the convicts as he ! did before if iia were again elected, he replied that he would not, because they were not in the penitentiary and j on the -chaingangs to turn cut?he ; Lad cleaned things out during his j four years in the governor's office, he said. Six convicts had received pardons or paroles from the present governor j on Friday, he said, and, according to j the reports tney were paraonea a: j the suggestion of the pardon board, j to whom strong petitions had been j i made; but during his administration) he had no need for a pardon board, j he went down to the penitentiary and opened the gates. The law then, as now, provided for a pardon board and "he gave these positions to his friends, j but acted purely on his own initiative, j he declared, saying further that he j was governor, "and even my bitterest I enemies won't deny that fact.'' Mr. Blease said that the present, governor is not the governor of the people, but the "acting governor conj troled by corporate interests and born i i with a silver spoon in their mouths.'' j Plea for Education. I The speaker made a strong appeal i for education, asserting that the hope j of the country depends upon the edu- j ! cation of the bovs and girls. He ; scored the legislature for what he termed extravagance in its appropriations to Clemson, Winthrop, and other higher institutions, and for alleged inequality in the distribution of public funds to the rural schools. Nobody on earth knows and .nobody will ever know, he said, how much money Clemson college gets. He said that the average country boy and girl could never reach. the point where they can enter these colleges and that the free scholarships are handed out to the rich?to those who are amply able to pay for their children's schooling. Mr. Blease said that when he turned Dr. Babcock out of the asylum his opponents declared that no other man could fill his place; that the insane had been treated unfairly and the asylum itself ruined, but as soon as ^>om a. intA TW1XPPT IUV VWUVi AVi V/CO \,g.iiir7 iiiwv ?' w* , they put in a man -who used to be secretary to the State >f health at a salary of $1,800 a year at the head I of the asylum, vHh a salary of $6,000, 1 i MAY CLEAF P OF TH] J 7_ . _.JLX X _ _X L ireaay attractive sioch. res and description, then White Skirting "s We are showing a mos season's ne west weaves, )c Gabardines, Whip Cords, 3, Pique Waffle cloth ripps 'C all cut to only the yard .. it " c Special Sale 1000 pieces of wide Taff all. the best colors, also 1 7 5' stripes, plaids, etc., wort c price the yard 5, ?=?? e Headquarters \ Our stock of hosiery f( complete, any weight or Ladies' fast black 1 pair e A smooth gauze white ; d A smooth lisle hose, Iig it and sole, black and white lc Ladies' Silk hose black ~ $' .25 hose for pair i n c i 11 j\ Rousing aai n 300 untrimmed shapes l? dollar; all colors, shapes young and old, a splendid ;c worth $2.50 to $3.00, chc lc Millineiy department 2] * than a M A f : more tha-a the salary of the governor. ; He said that the present superintend, ent of the asylum lives in a house in ; the city of Columbia and practices | medicine every day "and they told you : that Dr. Babcock was the only qualified mia for the place." Tiie speaker said tint there was no stronger Bleaseite in South Carolina today than- 'Dr. J. W. Babcock. Attacks tlic Legislature. The legislature was scored, for creating new offices, among them the State board of charities and corrections. "If a::y man can show me where this office lias done a dollar's worth of good 111 vote for that man for governor," he said. He charged that the secretary of the board receives more than the governor of the State, adding the amount for expenses. The former governor charged that there are -two men in the State ho'ld ing commissions undec the present governor as constables who have never made a raid in their lives. One of these, he said, works in- a cotton mill and receives S3 a day for being constable?all to build up a political campaign. He declared that lie would not at-' tack any man's personal character j during the campaign, but he would take care of himself in the event his own was attacked. The head of the State convention, j Mr. Blease said, was one of the lead- j ing corporation lawyers in the upcountry, being attorney for the Western Union Telegraph company. The Blease people offered the convention j a farmer instead, but he was "turned j down" for a corporation man. He said that the reason he suggested Gov. Manning as a member of the "big four" to the national Democratic convention w?s because he respected the governor's ofiice, not because he has one grain of respect for [Richard I. Manning. He hooted at the idea of saying that factionalism was dead, charging that the present administration car-' ried everything its own way by the ha11av* ' ' jy V* /% rwri? r* fvlfl I uac tu mc OLcaui. irjuci, ouunuig strongest sort of bias anfmpn^ yn tht A-J\S\*IJT (.KlVf tb ? ? see the goods. Comme js at 25c Yard t complete varietv of the such as plain -and fancy *i{ Wide Wale and fancy ^P1 etc., 35c to 50c goods 25c s of Ribbons soj ato anH fi/TpQcalinp rihhnn I ? a large variety of fancy h 35c to 50c a yard, sale 25c mc ; for Hosiery T >r Summer use is now shade you wish. J lose, medium weight, n ? 15c V and black hose, pr 25c :ht weight, double heel ' , sale price the pr 25c and white and all colors, 98c [e of Millinery lea scooped in at 62c on the sp( and styles. Suitable for ] quality of straw shapes, wc . 1 1 ^ . i A )ice this weeK $ i Ay. j nd floor. an, dollar wil U < I iseT .auriti *u;rvnlr5 fnl J CV U **- waut All* AUVi^UUi All !I VU1U IV* | ! low and if the people wanted to learn I something about 'the warehouse they ! would wait after the others had I spc'Ken. >"o Place for Factions. In conclusion, the former governor said that it was a disgrace to the ! i State to hear people going around talking about "Bleaseism" ar.d "Manningism;" that there is no such thing in existence, and it has no place i i South Carolina. "I'll- ask no man for a vote, I am honest' about that," he said. "My only desire is to show the people of my State what is going on; T care nothing about your votes. The , whole matter hinges itself on one question: Are you for the people or are you for the corporations?the moneyed interests?" At the conclusion of he former governor's speech, Claude X. Sa;ip, assistant "attorney general, delivered a strong address. He came as a representative of the attorney general's office, in the absence of Mr. Peeples. who' was detained at his office on account of important business matters, it was announced. The meeting was presided over by George Bell Timmerman, who was introduced to the audience by Senator Sharpe, who said that he was not I strong enough to sta:i;d the strain. Solicitor Timmerman introduced the other speakers, but before doing so, made a brief address, announcing his owa candidacy for reelection to the office of solicitor of the Eleventh circuit. a position he has held for 12 years. He renewed the promise be' mado during his first candidacy, the promise to serve the people "by dis- | charging his duties without fear or * favor. Col. E. J. Watson, commissioner of agriculture, who had accepted an invitation to make an address, could not be present. Col. tWfatson sent a note of regrets by T. P. Huffman, in which he said that his throat was in j such condition that he could not speak above a whisper. , Piles Cared In 6 to 14 Days Your tes, 10 yards to each buyer, i he Season's Newest Footwear 5 cases "Mary Jane" and "B .ther Pamps, sizes 2i to 7, a ;cial this week at r-nly the pa Misses' Baby Doll Pai leather rth $2.00, sale price $1.49. Ladies' 'rubber sole canvas pin d $1.50 cut to pair 1 buy else u j n ARRIVAL OF TRAILS On Southern and C. Jf. & L. Railroads at dewberry, Effective Jan. 20,1916. On Southern Railroad? No. 15, west 8:48 a. m. No. 18, east 12:15 p. m. Xo 17, west 2:50 p. m. No. 16, east 8.54 p. m. , On C. N. & L. Railroad? *Xo. ."io, east 9:53 a. m. Xo. 52, west 1:06 p. m. No. 53, -east 3:22 p. m. *Xo. 54, west 7.00 p. m. Daily except Sunday. West is to Greenville. East is to Columbia. T. S. L?efler, T. A. January 20, 1916. Time of Closing trails, Xew&erry, S. C. (January 21, 1916.) Southern Railway?8:18 a. m., 11:45 a. m? 2*20 p. m., 8:24 p. m. C., N. & L. Railroad?9:23 a. in., 12:36 p. m., 2:50 p. m., 6:30 p. m. W. A. Kill, Postmaster. WAN AT O To Loan~$5( Real Estate at 7 % For Rent?A tage near Speen and a five room < Point. For Sale?Ei: in a good neighb v A n J. A. B [imnaugh's I LE I * r\ 4- 2i?i ^/i/l fJUOL U/CCK uy IKC k Gloves ith double finger jular $1 25 glove - ..-79c tambray ran. Good grade, uyer at only the 5c id at 5c uality. free from sale price yd 5c at Special Prices ifter case of Lafh grade slippers mps arrived the sk. 5' Pumps, high or s in Pat Leather - Kid, two straps Oxfords at $149, 2.49, $2.98 & $3.49 a by Doll" Patent I big $2.00 seller, ir $1.49 1 Pumps, 12 to 2, i 1 mps, wortft $1.2:0 I 98c I iwhere ? en I NOTICE OF SALE. tThe undersigned will sell at public auction at Newberry, S. C., on Wednesday, June 7th, 1G16, at 11 o'clock A. M., the stock of merchandise and fixtures of the Carolina Cash company. Terms of sale: Cash. This i3 a new and clean stock. The inventory shows clothing to the amount of $500.00; Shoes to the value of $1,1rutfjr??.t- Am( forClH-ClfES-TER S J (a- jjk i>IA41*>\I? KKANI> FILLS, for ?& jV* !j+ years known ?s Best, Sr.fest, Always Reliable ?r S8LD BV DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE TED ?WCE 30 to $2,500 on I >er cent. four room cot5 Street School uottage in High ghty acres land orhood. lurton I