FIKELY PEKSOML Tile Movements of aany People, JSevrberriaus, and Those Who Visit v i Miss Ethel Russell *?r Clinton spe it ihj wceix ond in New"berry. | Miss Xell Purceii c? Vnion is the guest oi Mr. and M^. C. J. Purcell. Miss Klizabeui Dominick returned Fiiday troni Columbia. .,Jroi. Kenneth Kreps of Pomaria sient ue week-end m the city. Miss Maude Epting spent several d.tys of last week in Greenwood, the guest of Miss Mary Wharton. Mrs. .1. H. Harms left Friday for Johnston to atend the Woman's Mistiona-. y convention. Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Lucas returned Saturday to reenville, having attend-J ed the Kibler-Chapman wedding. Mr. Mrs. Robert McC. Holmes s.?ent tue first of the week in Greenvilie. Miss Sarali Wessinger and Mr. Fred Darby, both of the Mollohon village, j were married on last Sunday week, j i Miss Lois Wallenzine of Kinards; % j spent the week-end with relatives in Newberry. Messrs. Harold Epting and Milledge J -i. T :iiu fcneaiy spent me weeK-euu ai juuuc Mount .in with Mr. Shealy's parents. Mrs. Mary Lomin:ce has moved to1 Wbitniirc: ana has located with ..he; Glenn Lowry Mfg. Co. Miss Kate Adams has accepted a position with J. W. Duckett Co-Greenwood Journal. Miss Annie Zoble of -Charleston visited Miss Sarah Halfacre Wednesday and Thursday. Messrs. D. F Whitman, Roy Lois-j sh3re and Lloyd I ).v cr port have < c-' cepieil pvs.ticns with the Glenn-Lo'V-l ry Mlg C?>. a-' WMtmire. Miss Tiielma Gibson has returned j from Xew berry, where she attended I the Hayis-Clisny v oil ding.?Spartan-j burg Herald. Mrs. Sligh Wicker and Misses Hal-j lie Wright and Eth^l Sebyt were of the Pomari i visitors in Newberry Saturday. Miss Eliza Mabrv of Abbeville is visiting Mrs. Tbad. S. McCrackin, to the delight of her many Newberry friends. Mimnaugh left Sunday on his second trip this season Tor New York to! buy goods. He sells goods, as this will show. Miss Bernice Martin, Masters Foster and George and little Miss Fran-j ces Martin spent Saturday in Columbia. Miss Miude Setzler of Pomarla is on her way to the Summer-Carter [ wedding, which will take place in ^ Newberry Wednesday afternoon. Misses Kate Summer and Essie Ha-1 good returned Wednesday from Columbia, where they were the guests of Mrs. James W. Haltiwanger. Mr. D. C. Mitchell, of the Anderson ' Intelligencer office, was in the city! Sunday on his way for a brief visit to Little Mountain. x j Rev. J. A. McGra>v returned Satur-! i day afternoon to his home in Garnett,; S. C., after visiting his mother, Mrs.; Marv U. McGraw, since Thursday. I Miss Nellie Adams, having recovered from *er recent operation anl^ spell of illness, has returned to 'i3r i duii?s with Jacobs and company a*.' Chilton . v Mrs. E. C. Jones returned Satur-1 day afternoon from a two weeks' vis-! it to relatives in Greenwood, where she also attended the Greenwood county fair. ^ Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Anderson and; I little son, Roy, r.nd Mr. and Mrs. W.! iA. Wherry and baby motored Sunday j to visit Mrs. Anderson's sister, Mrs. Clark, ten miles out of Columbia. Misses Mary Kibler of Greenville' college Annie Kibler of Limestone coli iiitoii Kihipv nf T.aurens CUAU juxiiiuii w-. ? have returned to .their duties after! spending several da>s at home for the Kibler-Chapman wedding. Mr. and Mrs. John JMiller and Messrs. Henrv and Hassell Miller of i Whitmire visited home folks Sunday' and attended services at the Presby- j terian church.?Laurensville Herald.; Mr. W. D. Lomax of Abbeville came! down Saturday night and returned! Sunday with his wife -:ind little daugh- j ter. Helen, who had been on a visit j to Mrs. Lomax's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Chesley Dominick. County Superintendent of Education-elect Clemson M. Wilson came ov_ I er from Union county Saturday to pay, a Sunday visit to his parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. Q. Wilson, in the county. .Heis at present the proficient superintendent of the Jonesville schools. i Mrs. A. B. Harman and little daugh-1 ter, Frances, came up from Columbia 1 Saturday. Leaving the little girl with 1 her grandmother, Mrs. G. iw. Pearson, for a visit here. Mrs. Harman return-. ed Saturday afternoon to her home. She is one of the fine linotype operators in the State office*., LiKe several other good operators, Mrs. Har- ^ man received her training with The ~ ....... ! Jtieraia ana .\evNs. Mr. Henry M. Hoof, after a rief en- ' gagement in the contest department: j of the Herald and News, lus been | transferred to Barnwell, to assist Mr.' | C. M. Epting in a similar contest there. There are several of these : successful contests under the same management in various parts of this : ' State. Youns; Hoof, bv his quick adap i tabilitv, has already proved himseli i . to be a valuable assistant. | Dr. 1. E. Crimm. the eminent sight J I i specialist, is paying Newberry an-' , other of his pleasant and importantj | visits. His many friends, who are al-! | ways glad to see him, are especially ! i delighted now to see him. since his j j recovery from the murderous attack made upon him by an infuriated negro j in Atlanta, an account of which our | ! readers will remember seeing in The: Herald and News. Dr. Crimm has j been giving satisfaction to many peo- j pie in the matter of "sight-seeing j for seventeen years, which, is proved j bv the regularity of his repeated vis- i its. viurATTc 4*n AT,T. iROTTT T .11U VH O .1.1 K ^ ? St. Phillip's school will have aj Hallowe'en party Friday night. Get into the real spirit of the community circle by not living for self alone. The sewing circle of the Calendar society will meet Wednesday afternoon -with Mrs. W. W. Hornsby. The Winthrop daugnters will meet Tuesday -afternoon at 4 o'clock In th* ihigh school building. Bryan Predicts (Wfilson Will be Swept Back In.?Headline in Greenville Piedmont. Bryan is all right. Look at "The Velvet Paw" by House Dotoro anri nail Kane today at the A >-> Opera House. 'yune hath one rival only?thou art she, 0 fair OctoDer, with. th<* red and gold." Many a fellow who tries to keep in flie swiit wakes up to find himself stack in the mud.?Edgefield Chronicle. "Notorious -Gallagher" will bale featured Marguirite Snow and "William Nigh Thursday at the Opera House. Tugaloo Tribune says that the best i way to combat the boll weevil is t nt something he can't eat, wnica will be something besides cotton. Thirteen to seven. That told the taie of how the Newberry Indians took the scalps of the Chick Springs academy boys at football Friday afternoon. Eight or ten new houses have been erected in the last few days.?:v\alterboro P 2ss and Standard. Would ! we could say it here. j Time to see the beautiful chrysan- j themums?Tugaloo Tribune. You just come to Newberry and see the Presbyterian chrysanthemums if you would behold beautiful specimens. ?A. fortune awaits the man who can find a bird, or animal for that matter, which thrives on the holl weevil. ?Anderson Mail. Get 'busy, Mr. Tom Mills. j Two ex-presidents is a plenty to hovo nn rmr hands at one time, there-1 fore reelect Wilson and show the peo- j pie we know when we have enough, j ?Pickens Sentinel. j Listen to the Egefield Chronicle! and wonder what he knows about it: 'V.Viien a woman can fix over her last winter's hat so that not even her worst enemy will have the ghost of chance to recognize it?that's genius.'' Crowds coming from the big football j game and crowds going to a big church wedding on the same evening enlivened the town Friday evenins:. showing that there is life in the eld land yet. More to follow. "Gaffney in midst of big building boom," and "There is more building ; going on in Gaffney now than has! | been the case for many years." We read such in the Gaffney Ledger, and it makes us sick. .J Ida Rutherford and Cornelia Wright, j colored, paid $3 each in the recorder's court Monday for the use of abusive language. Rutherford andj Wright found, they had used wrong 1 V? Ui 110. I Prof. 0. B. Cannon sold R. McC j Holmes three bales of long staple cot-' ton on last Friday at 25 cents. The \ three bales brought $414.r>0, their seed bringing $151.50. The variety is Coder's Webber Xo. $2. Talk of chautauquas is heard. The Lincoln chautauquas, with central officers in Atlanta, now operate near- j ly four hundred assemblies in eight' states, and many others will be put on in South Carolina and eisewnere in tie South. I Meeting of the* Bird Conservation Club?Headline in Anderson Mail. i Well, if that doesn't sound like the be-' ginning of the long-delayed crusade to exterminate the pesky little spar- j -row we are still sleeping and dre..m- j i ?-i rr O V\A11 f if 11J ?> dUWUU il? On Wednesday evening t'.iere will j ouet at the Jefferson hotel in Colum-j Lie a Columbia college . lumnae ban-j cia, at which Mrs. Robert D. < Weight j of Newberry is to act as toastmistress. Preceding the banquet tnere; will be an informal reception 011 the mezzanine floor. ^ 4.1^ ^ T7\?: J.. ,1 I .Mr. Aiaruil. lie tu lue r i iu) ruiu; Motor company, met with- a near j bre.:k of the arm a few days ago in j the kick of the crank of the car. Ho | got his arm badly sprained. When j a man who deals in automobiles gets I i a kick like that it is as bad as "Maud" : kicking her master. Common, ordin-; ary individuals better be c >reful in cranking cars. State Detective Chas. S. Wesson has handed in his resignation to Governor Manning, the governor having requested the same. In justice to Mr. Wesson it should be said there was nothing to be done in his line, as Sheriff; Blense and Chief Rodelsperger and their strong force of assistants have the situation well in hnnd. The governor writes Mr. Wfesson that resig-l nation was no reflection on him. Rev. P. 0. Lowrey, writing from New Orleans to the New Orleans (Christian Advocate, says: "The Jewish congregation here numbers about a lundred members and from an intellectual and social standpoint there is not an inferior one among them." "Newberry contains a (Select though small colony of, Jewish people. And the same may tie said of the Greeks. The well known firm of Brown, Hipp and Swittenburg has been dis- j snlvpd hv mutual rnnsent. * Mr HiDD i will continue the 'business at the same | stand. Messrs. S. G. Brown, Geo. C. Hipp and W. J. Swittenburg, as members of this firm, liave done a successful business in Newberry, they being among the most substantial and reliable citizens of the town. As Mr. Aull has had much experience in the newspaper business lie should prove a valuable asset to the paper which he will represent.? Sumter Herald in noting the resigna- i i i tion of Mr. Jno. K. Aull as secretary to Hon. Jno. L. McLaarln, State warehouse commissioner, to devote his entire time tp the Columbia bureau of the Charleston American. He will j prove a valuable asset to the Ameri- j can, as the reporter for The Herald j and News knows him to be about the i best newspaper man in the country, from the standpoint of all-round abil- j ity. A man wTho can make his type-( writer fairly hum with the transcnp-! tion of his own swiftly flying. stenographic tfotes, couched in the choicest English and polished with correctness in every particular, would be ?a valuaNe asset t"> any newspaper. An Endless Variety or jgeautiful y^edding Q ifts l rano-irip- from most inexnensive i o~ ?o . 1 pieces to chests of silver and the finest selection of jewelry await j your inspection here. Let our well assorted stock made especially complete for the Wedding Season offer you the ! best help and advice in choosing the wedding gift. We respectfully call your attention to our beautiful and ap- j propriate weeding gifts in Sterling"'Silver-Sheffield and finest i quality plate. j Rich Cut and engraved Glass, j Mahogany, Chimes and Mantle clocks. Favors for the bridesmaid, crrn^mcman and ushers. Vonr ? * gift will be prized for a lifetime ? if you buy it of < P. C. Jeans & Co. Jewelers and Optician* ? . < j< Opera House | PROGRAMME TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24. "A> AERIAL JOY RIDE" iVim Comedy. 1-eaturmg- Plump and Hunt. WOULD PICTIKES A ill Present i House Peters and Gail tain IN "THE VELVET PAW." Brady Made 5 Acts. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER HIS STOLEN FORTUNE" 2 Act Essanay Drama 11 X I' ! . %.' 11 )? reuuinug- rrancis -v i>u*"uuaii. i "TANGLED BY TELEPHONE" Kalem Comedy Featuring 3Iiss Ivy Close % "LOVE AND TROt T" 'Vitagraph Comedy Featuring- Shirley Moore and William; Little. Jr. THURSDAY, OTOCBER 26. ' TOM'S STMTEGY" Selig Comedy Featuring Tom Mix and Victoria Ford METRO PICTURES Will Present William >'ight and Marguerite Sdott | I in "HIS GREAT TRIUMPH" I 5 Acts. j Death of Miss Lula Ethel Singley % j Miss Lula Ethel Singley died in the Hunter WeWalt school community near Pomaria Monday, at the age of 22 years, and was buried Tuesday at St. Paul's Lutheran church, service by the Rev, S. . Ballentine. Her mother. formerly Miss Livingston, and four rothers and four sisters, survive. Her frther, the late Jefferson Singley, died very suddenly about two years ago Miss Singley was sick only a few days, and her death was a shock to the community, where she was much loved. Hallowe'en Party. There will be a hallowe'en party at Tranwocd school house on Friday evening, October 27. A Hallowe'en party there's going to be, And we wv.nt you there as sure as can be, There'll be joy and laughter by the ton, Flease say you'll come and poin the fun. The party will start at 5 o'clock and there'll be ice cream and cake and lots of other things and. plenty of fun for all. $><$><$> <$><$> * I a A m r tnOT TP'S IPPi "DT7! ^ | ^ AI UQCLJliJ u <$> >$/ | $>$>& ?>$><$>$><$ Q> ? <* <$> "^ <$ j Manager Leslie of th*> Arcade has secured for the enjoyment of his pa-1 trons the famous "Blue Bird photoplays." Watch for Ida Schnall, the diving Venus, in an elaborate picturization of "Undine" in 5 acts. The "Blue Birds" cost the Arcade % a neat little sum, however, in accord- J ance with the custom at this theatre. V the prices remain tfte same 5 and 10 cents. uf | T. M. ROGERS Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician, .411 Work Guaranteed. Corner Caliineii and Friend Streets. Eyes fitted and sold on Installment i >evruerry, S. C. I Dr. F. C. Martin | ^ Specialist |ExaminesEyes, Fits Glassesf * and Artificial Eyes. J f , X |If your eyes are giving you| ^trouble d ">n't fail to consult him f /2v f Satisfaction Guaranteed. | jj Office ovei Anderson's Dry^ ?C jods Store. | s * NOTICE FREEHOLDERS, PATRONS ii ARMANI SCHOOL DISTRICT I The freeholders and patrons of th^ Garmaiiv school district are requested to meet at the residence of .Mr. Geo. A. Cromer on Friday evening at 7:30 October 27th. Business of importance. is. B. ijIiriZSL\. Chairman Hoard Trustees. Knirairement Announcer^ The following announcement will ; be read with interest and pleasure by ' many people in the town an:l ! county: Mr. C. H. Shannon Announces the marriage of his eldest daughter, i Willie Mae. j* to j Mr. David islan Reighley, of Newberry ; The wedding to take place in XovemI ber. A Card of Tiianks. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Xo'oles desire to express their sincere appreciation , and heartfelt thanks through the columns of your paper to th^eir friend.OTll?> FOR RENT?One 1-horse farm, one 2-iio;se r'arm and one 3-horse farm i'or the year 1917. Apply to M. M. Buford. 10-3-tf. FOR SALE?Two hundred bushels > of seed wheat at two dollars per bushel. Farmers Oil 10-17-tf. STRAYED from i v home one hound dog, yellow and little black on back, left front foot and left ear with split in front. Left my house Sunday night, OCtODer zzna, iyio. nnuer vmu pieass return to me and get reward. H. C. Carter, 1400 Poplar street, Newberry. S. 0. 10-24-2t . . Theatre ctober 26th ? am m mm >?SpWI^Jg gj|^^::*'!,y ^HH^HH AH -.'^x : mHBE: :? # unty for the last 17 years OeveilLCCll 2 cai o is a guarantee in itself of work. i, right here from Newleadache and eye strain, date of Apri! 23d. /' s you fitted me certainly fid have given me perfect 100I." C1/\nn Virt (inn lie iur iviist) oi^an iic plant and will sell you .'ess than you pay foi j. ? v