OCR Interpretation

The herald and news. [volume] (Newberry S.C.) 1903-1937, July 12, 1921, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063758/1921-07-12/ed-1/seq-3/

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Southern Christian Advocate.
\ The Southern Baptist convention
at its recent meeting in Chattanooga
gave out the following unequivocal
deliverance on the motion picture
"That the motion picture, as now
conducted, is a large factor in break
ing: down the moral sense and weakening
the moral ^bre of our people, and
undermining serious regard for marriage
and the home, there can oe no
doubt in the minds of informed and
thoughtful persons. Nor is that all,
though that were enough; every crime
and vice iiTthe category is displayed
oft the screen of the motion picture
show, and for the most part, in a manner
to make them more inviting than
repelling. In response to the repeated
protests of the moral and religious
elements of our peopole, the pro
dueers of motion picture films, have
proposed various and sundry reforms.
Oafc of the most sweeping and fari
inching of all their reform platforms
haft just recently been published. We
I? shxvuW be glad if we could accept-this
If at face value, but we are not very
m siuigurne. It is not easy to hope for
f radical reforms from within such a
business. It will be recalled that
many times the liquor traffic reformed,
but always only in response to a
moat insistent public demand and
ffcar for its life. It will be recalled
that all reforms wrought by the traific
upon itself were surface and temporary.
We are much inclined to the
opinion that the same will be true of
th? motion picture business; not that
it.is inherently as bad as was the
liquor traffic, but that those in charge
of it seem to be willing to degrade the
motion picture and debauch the pub'
' w ^ A AO Tf ^ AQC
lie morais xui~ iuc n, uUv.j
not meet the case at all for them to
i*y that they give the public what the
public wants. It is not true that the
majority of the American people want
to see indecency and fmmorality on
the screen. But if the majority of
the people do so desire, i^iat would
Hot justify such indecency and immoralit
The truth is that the motion
picture, as it has been conducted,
* - j ii.. 1
HAS serve a constantly iu apueai iu
and f#ate depraved tastes, and then
in turn, has pleaded depraved tastes
As its justification. The motion picture
must be reformed by its promotes,
or must be taken under complete
control by the-state arid used for educational
purposes, or must be abolished,
as has been the liquor traffic.
Unquestionably the motion picture
is one of the most potent factors in
our present-day civilization. It answers,
in a large measure, the ever
present human need for diversion and
recreation; it appeals powerfully and
equally to the sense of pleasure and
to the deeper passions of the soul. We
must not allow this factor to be de*?
* * i v i j
voted to evil, it fiouki oe narnesseu
for harmless amusement, for education
and for the Kingdom of God."
And equally strong was its pronouncement
against the modern
"Another gross and growing evil
must be mentioned. It is the modern
dance. One of the most serious and
menacing by-products of the World
war is the great increase in the dance
fcvil and the extravagant extremes to
^ *1 rm A A OC
WlliCIi 1L HQS gv/lic. n\.vuui|>ai>it.u, uj
it is, by immodest dress, by close physical
contact of the sexes, by its lack
of restraint, it is undoubtedly doing
much to undermine the morals of our
young people. It is beyond question,
that in many cases it leads to moral
wreck and ruin. The tiirie has come
when, from every pulpit, strong and
persistent protest must be made and
wise and faithful teaching must be
given. The time has come when our
churches, as such, must take a positive
position against this corrupt and
corrupting evil. Undoubtedly the parents
are largely responsible. Your
commission would appeal with all possible
emphasis to all our people, especially
to the pastors and parents,
that this growing menace shall be
checked and abolished.
By Karl H. Von Wiegand.
Special Radio Dispatch
Berlin, July 7.?To see ourselves
as others see us is always interesting,
even if >it is not always flattering.
This fact is again exemplified in what
Prof. Albert Einstein has to r,ay today
upon his return from America on
the "exaggerated enthusiasm" which
h* declares was shown him in the
United States.
The famous discoverer of the theory
of relativity which still remains
more than relatively incomprehensible
to ordinary minds, uaid:
"This exaggerated enthusiasm for
me and my work struck me as being
a genuinely and peculiarly American
phenomenon. If I understand all
right, it was due largely to the fact
that people over t^iere are tremendously*
bored, far more so than in the
case with us."
Prof Einstein, in an interview ti
day in the* Rotterdam . Courant,
i > c f'ii'inii' f ? w* lift
j v|uuidi clo rta.v 111^, uiuo uiti v i.-* nu
to interest people in America an
save them from general boredom.
! "Of course," says the scientis
| "New York, Boston, Chicago and ot!
er big: cities have their theaters an
! concerts?but otherwise what
| there are cities with a million popi
lation, but cities suh'eivig fr.vn torr
bie poverty?poverty of intellects
Something to Play With.
"Something like the theory reh
tivity, for instancy ii giv '-a thei
j with which the/ c.vn pla/. 'lh: y cr
,thuse, they become exei^d, they ai
gue, and discuss w.th tremendous ii
j tensity.
"Another thing I observed is tli?
women dominate the 'entire life c
j America. The men interest thenselves
in nothing except work. The
j think of nothing work?and to a
; extent 1 have never seen elsewhert
Little Piay Dogs.
j t4As for the rest of the men, the
are nothing but the little play dog
of the women, who spend their mone
j in a reckless manner and veil then
! selves in a mist of extravagance,
i ^They tfo everything that is i
I vogue or that :s th?ef:?d cf the nst
ing moments. In that' way the
| threw themselves upon the Einstei
! theory.
j "Did it make a ridiculous inipres
,sion upon me to observe their excite
J ment over a theory of which they cei
I tainly understood nothing? In trut
II found it comic. But at the sam
: time it was interesting to watch ther
; at their play.
"I firmly believe that it was th
very mysteriousness of the idea whic
they could not grasp that enchante
i them."
| When asked for his impressions o
! the scientific life of America, Einstei
j declared that he had met extraord:
? TT
nary meritorious proiessors. ri
mentioned especially Profs. Nicho
ison and Milleken of Chicago.
No Comparison.
! "But it would be nonsense," h
j declared, "to compare the generi
j scientific life and knowledge of Amei
;ica with tnat of Europe, just as th
general life of Europe cannot b
j compared with that of America. The
are two wholly different worlds."
| Prof. Einstein spoke feelingly s
ithe deep impression that had bee
| made upon him by science in Enc
i land.
"In England," he said, "what ser
: ousness, what power, what fire. It i
far more intensive than in German)
Also much pleasanter."
Prof. Einstein -was greatly please
with Oxford. "-4,But I also foun
Princeton in America beautiful," h
| i - - ,
I 4-U ^
BLEND . . . fw .
CIQAMiTTC ? ^/%?
0- i sai<i.
is "I believe that much can be exoect
le ed from the youth of America. Evei
id if intellectual life now plavs no rol<
whatever over there, there is a younj;
1. er generation which is trying 10 ele
i vate the intellectual level, and theii
d1 efforts will certainly succeed, foi
if whatever is undertaken seriously ir
.i- America is carried out."
1-1 In conclusion, Prof. Einstein hand
ll ed a bouquet to the Dutch. "Hoi
i land has but one-tenth of the pop
julation of England, but so far a;
t_ ! scientific creative power is concernn
. ed, it comes a close second to Eng -
( l ^
1- photoplay seen
,4- I
It ,
if Rex Ingram Given Degree oi
i- , Bachelor of Fine Arts by Yale
V | for Picture Work
n ?
i.. The State.
In a shop window on Broadwaj
y stands a little sculptured group rep s
resenting "The Four Horseman of the
y Apocalypse" according to the New
l- York Tribune. It has attracted
# i thousands of persons who Ijave adn
; mired its strength of modeling ant
dramatic suirit in depicting tht
y ; ride of the four dreaded figure;
n , across the land. The sculpture is ar
| artist's tribute to one of his pupils?
>- a sculptor's expression of apprecias:
tion ^or a motion picture director
Lee 0. Lawrie, professor of sculpture
h at the Yale Fine Arts modeHed the
ej striking group as a gift to Rex Inn
gram, one of his former pupils at the
'Yale Fine Arts school, director of
e "The Four Horsemen," the picture ol
h Ibanez's novel, and also of "The Cond'quering
Power," the photoplay c'f
jHonore de Balzac's Eugenie Grandet.
f i. Sculpture and Motion Picture
11 j "There is a close connection bei-.tween
sculpture and the motion piceUure,"
says MY. Ingram. "I studied
I-i modeling with Professor Lawrie at
'the Yale School of Fine Arts and
I have come, to believe that the same
ejprineiples of form and. composition
il j that govern the creation of a fine
"-jpiece of sculpture apply to the proe
i duction of an artistic photoplay.
e j Sculpture teaches us to see the esseny'tials
and to discard the non-essentials
^ * ~ ~ ^ rJ'f'U flm VllllA r>"{
i it (impresses uac wun mv
it | simplicity, and in art it is the best
n j One of the first things 1 studied ir
sculpture vvas the elemental construc;
tion of the human body?its forms
i-jand composition?and then its aetior
is. in the expression of life. And wher
r'. II came to make pictures I found thai
j the same basic principles that applj
djto the .portrayal of life in clay oi
d | marble apply to its portrayal throu^
e,'the medium of motion picture pho
? 1
r ? * _?-_? - .
why CAM
1 quality cic/a
Because we put the utm
one brand. Camels are
sible for skill, money and lif
fine tobaccos to make a cieare
- - v -w v ^
Nothing is too good for Car
in mind! Everything is done
best cigarette it's possible to bi
simply for show.
Take the Camel package fo
most perfect packing science
tect cigarettes and keep them :
?secure foil wrapping?rev<
the fold and make the pack
there's nothing flashy about
extra wrappers, ^o frills or i
Such things do not improve
than premiums or coupons. A
must pay their extra cost or \
If you want the smoothest,
riVarette vou can imagine?ai
~-e, v from
cigaretty aftertaste,
It's Camels for you.
itographv." !'
i 1
A few (ia\ s ago Yale con ft -red tile |
1 degree of bachelor of fine arts upon
1 Ingram for his motion picture work.
- This is ihn first academic recognition :
- of the photoplay as one of the line ,
r arts.
; Has Same Cast
i In his creation of "The Conquering ;
Power." tiie Balzac story. Mr. Ingram
- used, with one "exception, the same :
: cast that appeared in "The Four
Horsemen." The scenarist, too, was:
the same for both pictures?-Jujie j
Mathis. The young screen master j
had long desired to film the Balzac j
'story, but not until he had proved in
"The Four Horsemen" that he could
faithfully project the peculiar Euro-i
* pean characteristic was the oppor-!
j tunity provided. "The Four Horse-;
i men" proved his powers in develop'
ment of character study and sweep1
of dramatic force. For the filmine of
) w
the unusual Balzac love story he ob-'
i viously was qualified.
rl Alice Terry and Rudolph Valentino;
- plav the principal roles in the Balzac!
I -rh.t:? rp i
? 1 piL'LUI t', 1HISS XCX1 y iljJUrai nig in Lilt ;
ri role of Eugenie Grandet and Valen1
tina appearing as Charles Grandet.
- Others in the cast are Ralph Lewis, '
I, Edna Dumary, Edward Connelly, I
?! George Atkinson, Willard Lee Hall,!
; j Mary Hearn, Bridgetta Clark, Mark'
i Fenton, Eugene Pouyet and Ward i
1 xir- ' '
-' Wing.
| Private glimpses of "The Conquer-:
, ing Power" reveal that the young di-:
'' rector and his camera man, John R.;
Seitz. have achieved the effect of .
spirit photography in certain vision;
!: scenes without resorting to double ;
? exposure or other devices common in j
. j> j.; ~ r
tne repertoire 01 mouon picuuic pnu
, tography seeking to visualize ghostly!
' i or transparent figures.
|- "The Conquering Power" calls for j
j vision effects in making clear the
. mental tortures of Pere Grandet, the ;
. miser in the story. How these scenes
[ j were made with the new methods^Mr. j
'Ingram would not reveal. Both he!
' ' !
| and Mr. Seitz, to eliminate the radium j
, ! and microscopic care incident to mak-1
, | ing double exposures, worked for sev-J
i J eral weeks in devising an alternative J
.land more practical means of doing j
_ i the same thing, and 'the young direct- j
i inc <renius declared that ft would be 1
J unfair to Mr." Seitz to make public!
- | the. important invention iof the pho- \
. | tographer. J !
li ~ i
- ! Oxner-Crout
?! Delmar cor. Saluda Standard.
11 Herman Crout of , Leesville and
s i Miss Mabel Oxner of $felmar were
11 married Sunday afternoon, July 2.;r.Bcth
are well thought of in the com*
munities in which they have lived and
1 , their many friends wish them a long
- and happy life. * i
mi :
v i
w* n i
,fcL5 are !
i rette
ost quality into this , I
as good as it's poselong
knowledge of |
tte. >'
nels. And bear this
to make Camels the
xy. Nothing is doncr
instance. It's the 5
can devise to proT
fresh. Heavy paper
3nue stamp to seal
age air-tight. But
it. You'll find no rJ
furbelows. j
the smoke any more ! v
ind remember?you IJ
let lowered quality.
i ^
mellowest, mildest j v
id one entirely fi^e jj'
on-Salem, N. C. C
iii . . ,
Course <
July 11 - Augu
Geo. B. Cromer
A course of lectures in the science of government;
a study of the fundamental principles of
true patriotism and good citizenship.
W. K. Gotwald
History I?Modern European H: tory
For college entrance credit; also for teachers of
the subject. Text: Turner's "Europe, 1789-1920."
History II?America Since the Civil \7ar.
For teachers who wish to study efficient teaching
methods in history. Text: Lingley's "Since the Civil
I ANfil I Af.P<5
E. B. Setzler
English I?English Grammar
A review of Kinard and Wither's "English Gram- #
mar," book II, with special emphasis on parsing
and sentence analysis. It is the aim of the course
not only to present the subject matter of the book,
but also to suggest helpful methods in teaching it.
English II?High School Literature
This course is intended especially for teachers of
'literature in the high schools, and for high school
students who lack adequate preparation for admis*
? 1 * 1 -4
sion to the rresnman class. a very elementary aiscussion
of Poetics will be included in this course.
Text-books of selected English or American Classics
will be used.
English III?Advanced English Syntax
In this course the more difficult principles of
English Syntax will be stressed. A part of each
period will be given to a "round table" discussion
of (problems in English Grammar. College credit
will be given to those completing this course. Textbook:
Selzlers "Introduction to Advanced English
Miss Emma Keister
Beginner's course, for those students desiri. g to
secure additional credit for entrance into the
Freshman class. Text: Fraser & Squair's "Shorter
French Courses."
Miss Emma Keister
College credit offered. Teaching methods. Texts:
Lamartine's ''Jeanne D'Arc"; Korea's "French
Composition". *
Miss Emma Keister
Beginner's course for students who wish to make
+ v? A/\ A ITvnolmion olocc HPovt"
exua units iui ciRiaiicc miu x'icsmnaii
Bacon's "New German Grammar".
Miss Emma Keister
College credit. Teaching methods. Texts:
Deutsche Heimat; Carrington & Holzwarth's "German
W. K. Gotwald
For college entrance. Texts: Either Caesar's
"Gallic Wars", or Cicero's Orations.
Jas. C. Kinard
Mathematics I?Algebra
Beginning with a rapid review *of the fundamentals,
the course will be adapted to the needs of students
electing it. Teachers may lind this course
helpful as considerable attention will be given to
efficient teaching methods. Text: Well's "New
Higher Algebra", and state adopted text. If there
is sufficient demand for it, a course in Arithmetic
will also be given under Mathematics I.
Mathematics II?Plane Geometry
For students who desire to secure college credit
>tate of South Carolina?County of f of Newberry, b.v
Newberry?Court of Comon Probate Judge:
^eas- ... . ,.a | Whereas, Ada 3
. D. Quattle<baum, Master, plaintiff, I made suit to me to
against J. G Lowe J W. Lowe,jof Administration c
Roy L Lowe, J. Chesley Lowe, Har-j effects of Thomas L
old Lowe and Nina Lowe Stone.; ,p.
Defendants. I rhese are theref
SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. j admonish all and s
To the Above Names Defendant Nina},p. a , Creditoi
Lowe Stone: .Thomas Lawson, de
You are hereby summoned and re- [ e anu appear be
juired to answer the complaint in - niiinnninn m?i m n
his action of which a copy is here-j
^ith served upon you, and to serve a {
opy of ybur answer to the said com-; 1837
ilaint on the subscribers at their of-!
ices on Law Range, Newberry, S. C.,; T"* |
ereof, exclusive of the day of such , fVfx,
* r? J* _ ' l 4- U .k I I
ervice; ana it you iau to answer mc,
nthin twenty (lays after the service:
omplaint within the time aforesaid, i
lie plaintiff in this action will apply!
o the court for the relief demanded J EFGHTY-FC
n the complaint.
Plaintiff's Attorneys, j Unwavering
Dated June 1, 1921.
.'o the Defendant, Nina Lowe Stone :j
Take notice that the complaint in Courses: j
he above action with the summons ; .
f which the above is a copy is now
>n file in the office of the Clerk of i * , n
he Court of Common Pleas and: Intercoilegia
General Sessions for Newberry
'ountv, South Carolina. 1 A ,
1>laintift"s j- Board in C
A few dotes 666 break a cold.? - For Cata
\d- !
.'he State of South Carolina, County j
' Session
' College
st 19, 1921
and for high school teachers. Text: WentworthSmith.
Mathematics III?Solid Geometry
Same as for Mathematics II. Course in Plane
and Spherical Trigonometry and in Analytical
Geometry will be given if a sufficient number of
students ask for them.
S. J: Derrick, P. E. Monroe
A course for teachers. It is based on the text,
supplemented by lectures, observa^.on and practice.
The problems of the school curriculum will be suggested
and discussed. Text: Bagley's "Classroom
Management" and others to be selected. \
L. C. Moise J
This course is designed to aid teachers; a discus- (
sion and practice of the principles of the art cf
Mrs. J. jD. Quattleb&um
Primary Methods I?Practice Class
Here the work is actually demonstrated.
Primary Methods II?Theory and Discussion
J as. C. Kinard
Science I?General Science
The aim of this course is two-fold: (1) To aid \[
those who teach the subject; (2) To offer credit to
students who do not have sufficient units to enter
the Freshman class. Laboratory work required.
Text: The state adopted textbook will be used.
Science II?Elementary Chemistry
College credit given. Special attention wiH be
paid to teaching methods. Text: Smith's "Elementary
Chemistry", with supplementary reading.
Laboratory work required. Laboratory manual for
above text.
Science III?Elementary Physics
This course is designed especially to benefit those ,
who teach high school Physics! to equip teachers
with such material as will enable them to present
Physics to their classes in an interesting and
thoroughly practical manner. Special attention will
be paid to modern application of Physics. College
credit given. In the laboratory work offered with .
this course it is hoped that the teacher will fhid
many helpful suggestions for the high school laboratory.
Texts: Black and Davis' "Practical : >
Physics"; Millikan & Gale's "Practical Physics";
with supplementary reading; accompanying laboratory
Upon application courses will be offered also in
Analytical Chemistry. (Laboratory work exclu- .
sively). Analysis of Foods, Genera! Qualitative : .
and Quantitative Analysis, Agricultural Analyses,
Analysis of Metals and Alloys, etc.
L. C. Moise
A course in theory and practice primarily for
the ttacher's use in the classroom. '
8:15- 8:30 A.M.?Devotional exercises.
8:30- 9:20 A.M.?Civics and Pedagogy (alternating).
9:20-10:10 A. M.?Latin I, English I, Science III, ;
Primary Methods I. i
10:10-11:00 A. M.?History I, Math. I, English III,
French I.
11 .nn 11 .;a a \f riarman T T Hisr.arv t
"il" English IK
.11:50-l2:40 P. M.?Penmanship.
1:45- 2:35 P.M.?Mathematics II, French II,
Primary Methods II, Laboratory
2:35- 3:25 P.M.?Mathematics III, German II,
Sight Singing, Laboratory >
r W. F. Ewart,! Court of Probate, to be held at N#wi
berry, South Carolina, on Monday,
A. Lawson hath j fhe 18th day of July next ?fter pvrh" rant
her I etters *lcatlon hereof, at 11 o clock in tn?
if the estate and1 forenoon to show cause if any they
.awson, deceased, have, why the said administration
, should not be granted.
ore, to cite and
lingular the Kin- Given under my hand this 28th day
rs of the said of June, Anno Domini 1921.
ceased, that they W. F. EWART,
ifore me, in the! P. J. N. C.
?M??MM?* a m? mdtsatsamI
Due West, S. C.
Adherence to Christian Character and
Thorough Scholarship
B., B. S., M. A., Pre-Medical, Special
Literary Societies Emphasized.
te Contests in Debates, Oratory and Athletics
Worthy of Comparison.
nuate Equipment and Endowment.
ollege Home at Cost. Price in Private
Homes Moderate.
logue and Application Blank Write to
Crskine College
Due West, S. C.

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