Ijtie lecttlD anD Jems. Iitirad at th? PostofiBca at NawSfry, 3. C.? as 2nd class mattar. E- H. AULL, EDITOR. Friday, August 11, 1922. BEAR WITH US We ask our friends to bear with us. It has been a little difficult to get our forces properly organized, and then with nearly a thousand corrections to be made in the mailing list in a month, and many of them new subscribers, it has been impossible to have the mailing lists cor rected, and many of the new subscribers have not gotten the paper. We are getting the list in shape jdst as fast as we can. And also will make the corrections on the old subscriber just as quick as possible. Those who did not take advantage of the sale will of necessity have to have the paper sent for a few issues, because until we get the corrections made it would ibe difficult to tell who had and who had not paid, and we do not want to take off any one who has paid. But just as soon as we can get the corrections made we will take from the list all who hav*e not paid for the paper, because we must run on a cash basis. We shall regret to take off any name, but we gave all an opportun' ity to get in good standing and if you failed do not blame the editor. We are putting on a church page with this issue. This is a church going community, but this is also a fday of advertising, and it is well to keep the people constantly reminded of the opportunity they have to go to church. In addition to the article alone this line which will appear on ' this page every Friday we will be very glad to publish church notices, i and notices of any services in the I church, and this applies to the I churches in the county. We would like to have such notices in the office as early as possible. It will be worth a whole lot to the people if the various pastors will keep the notices changed up to date all the while, and as we are giving the space it seems to us that they would *be glaa to furnish the facts as to the services in the churches. In this way it will be a help to the cause and to the people wall * i We are devoting a good bit of our space in this issue to the publication of the account of the campaign (meeting at Filbert. It is about the ivest and fullest report of the campaign that we have seen this year, except the one in the Spartanburg Herald of the meeting at Union, but we are using the Fil'bert report because that is always looked upon as a very important meeting from a political standpoint and then it is written by a country newspaper reporter and is full. Some of the candidates did not eret to speak on account of the rain, but the candidates for governor seem to be given a full and fair report. The campaign party will be in Newberry next Monday and all the people will be given the opportunity to hear and see the candidates for themselves. AID CAN BE GIVEN The hail storms of last week did great damage in many sections of the stite. but especially was the storm severe in the counties of Lau rens, Anderson, Greenwood and Abbeville, and also ^in Newberry, but not to so great an extent as in these counties mentioned, if we are to judge by the reports in the newspapers. Telegrams have been sent to Washington in an effort to secure such seeds as might be planted at this time to make a crop, but the report is that the supply has been exhausted by supplying seeds to other sections that have suffered and nothing can be done until congress authorizes it, and the house will not be in session again until about the loth of August. I*. A __ J 1_ 1 J _ * Ieen maae in ly in one or t one way reI be to authorsome money i building and this way give for the hands ops have been le teams, and > who own the desire it. And ation and the egis'ature are and will prclb;xpenditure in nly help those ops destroyed, le make some < ! roads where they are needed most, j ; I It has occurred to us that some re- j lief might be given in one communi- j | ty in this county at least, where the' < j crops have been destroyed, by au-, ] i thorizing the building of roads where ] j they are greatly needed, and in this < | way supply a long felt want, and at ] ; the same tune give relief to the s i storm sufferers by giving them em- 1 I ployment for themselves and their j i v-w3 4-Vi r* r*n thoiv / LtiiUlo anu nix. iiunvio v.. v.... v Take this community above Jala- i pa and on out to Liberty Hill at the -( ; Laurens line, there is great need of i a road up these, and, in fact, the < highway commission has promised to i build this road from Jalapa out by j Tabernacle school, and now is the j time to give the people who have suf- i fered up there from the hail storm' an opportunity to have employment 1 , for themselves and their hands and j i te*ams by having the road surveyed < and the work begun. We are satis- ( fied that the engineers would be glad ( to contribute the time it would take i and road or roads would give a mar- * ket for the timber out on the farms ? that have been hard hit by the hail. c How about the delegation in the t legislature and the candidates for I the position, getting together at the t meeting at Keitt's Grove on Friday, c as they have done in Greenville, and ^ agreeing1 upon some such plan and * authorizing the expenditure of money for the building of these roads ^ here suggested, and giving the pref- ^ erence to the hail suffrers to find em- . ployment in the building of the road. < ~ ? 111 "? - - xl And the same couia De aone ior mo hail sufferers at Hartford and at j. Bush River and in this way encour- c age the hands to remain on the farm, c and it would be no waste of money e and would not be giving any one c anything except for value received, jMay be the highway commission a could get some extra federal aid for c a purpose like this, and then the c state highway commission might be ^ able to help get some funds for this f purpose. A As stated, the suggestion has been ) rmade in some sections that have been \ struck by the hail to appropriate 5 funds for the surfacing of roads so c i- ~ ^ vs 1 ^ + + r\ -PciYrm 1 1 K AT ? as LU give ciiijjiv^iiicnu i/v xc*iin iuuv.? Y that .has been thrown out of a job by t the destruction of the crops. s i No doubt the people up in "Shacks" would be willing to give the timber necessary to build the r bridges over the two streams on one s of there roads if the immediate work e j on the building of the roads would t j be undertaken. What is done should r j be done right now. There is scarce- z ly a section of the county that needs \ a road as bad as the two roads that f V i. ' ? J % /* HP Vl A { W6 nave meiiutwieu aic necucu. jl i road out by Mr. Duncan's might very c well be extended on the highway to t Whitmire and it might also be eon- ] nected with the same highway at i Betheden. j s i The road to Pomaria on the end j up toward Newberry has been grad- ^ ed as far down as the Bethlehem Lu- ? theran church and work is going > right along. It ha>s followed the old bed from Caldwell Ruff's this far, but a new crossing is .being made of c Cannon creek. And a new location , is to be made just beyond Pomaria t so that cars may be able to pass up , or around the Folk hill. j I 'c ! Mr. Holland Ruff says he hopes ^ to get that road from Bethlehem toI ward Zion built as a highway and ^ certainlv it should be for this is a , J section that really needs a road and that has none at present. If rainy weather is good for the < boll weevil the animal or fly or bug * or whatever of the species it is will s flourish in this section and yet up to r this time in certain communities the ^ pest is not as much in evidence as * last year. - . I THE NEWSPAPERS OF SOUTH r CAROLINA ,t These are "get acquainted days" \ in South Carolina newspaper offices. ? 1 At tha last meeting of th? South Ca- t I rolina Press association at Myrtle' Beach a resolution was adopted calling upon all the newspapers of the state to "exchange" on the old-time 3as:s. The resolution was unanimousy passed and the secretary of the association has since sent to all newsjapers a list of the papers in the state to be put on the "exchange ;ist." The result has been a most Dleasing experience, certainly in this >ffice. Newspapers we have not seen n years are coming to The Herald, ; md no doubt The Herald is going to newspapers that have not seen it , flm sJotrc tVio Wnrlf! war.: >H1\ C tnc vtaj o cviviv fitv ?. v-.v? 7 ,vhen the excessive ccet of white paper caused every newspaper to cut Its exchange list to the very bone'; md go on the so-called "cash basis.".; That was all good business, per-1, laps, but it was Toad policy for the. Drees of tl.c state. The free exchange }f the newspapers of the state will contribute no little to the intelligent ievelopment of the state. They can ] vork more intelligently for the com- . non good of all.?Spartanburg Her- .j ild. p |; Vnn arp correct. Mr. Hearon. And 1 ve enjoy the sight of the Spartan- Durg Herald and the Spartanburg ; Tournal and the Greenville News rery much and we note another thing . :hat these good Piedmont papers , iave grown very much since they , eft our exchange desk and all of ; ;hem are larger and have many more 3 ?eatures. It was Editor Hearon who ] ntroduced the resolution to restore ] ,he old custom of exchanging and it ] vas unanimously adopted by the as- ^ ;ociation. j ] And many of the county papers 't ire coming back and we are sure it - will all result in go^d for the state . is well as the newspaper makers to ^ >e in this way the better acquainted ^ vith the state. We have not yet re- j :eived the good old News and Cou- , ier nor the Florence Times nor the ^ Sumter Daily Item and the Green- ( r-ille Piedmont and even- The State ] las not come to our desk except by . rubscription and the Greenwood In- ,j iex-Journal has ceased to come since j I 1 he meeting of the Press association. , i teally we get more than we can reaa . >ut we like to look at them and run' ( >ver the pages and frequently we . ind something that interests us and . he people of this community. j. t; <$> -?> j ? v> i4 ? AMONG THE SCHOOLS 3 5> ' ] I have almost concluded that I ' iave created too much work in the ^ >ffice of the superintendent of edu- ( i-ation, but I shall be glad and pleas- ^ ;d if by so doing I can improve the 1 ond'itions of the schools of the coun- * y and thus help the children. I have ^ ittended several of the chapel hours 1 if'the summer school at Newberry ^ ollege and on several occasions have 1 rie-d to explain the school laws so * ar as they relate to the teachers and i vhere the teachers should cooperate 1 n the carrying out of the law, and 1 vithout their cooperation it will be " moossible to comply with the con- ^ litions so as to receive state aid. I 1 vant to make at leatst two more talks 1 >efore the school closes and will do { o the coming week. * And then I also have a negro sumner scho-ol going at the same time, ( ind feel that I should give the teach- 1 ;rs some encouragement there so * hat we may prepare them to do the ^ ight sort of work in the country, ind not have to depend altogether ( ipon teachers who have diplomas " rom accredited colleges. The work ( n this summer school is being well | lone and will be of great benefit to \J he teachers of the county. About 1 23 have been enrolled and we were 5 ortunate tin getting this summer , chool. There are only ?'bout ten'1 thers in the state and I noticed ] rom the ( papers that in Anderson \\ hey had only 92 enrolled, and An- jJ lerson is a much larger county than; dewberry. j. The school at Newberry college is! ioing most excellent work. The fac-| ilty is able and efficient and the . eacher pupils are' applying them- , elves and I am satisfied that fine re- ! j ;ults are being obtained at this'chool, and it is worth a great deal * o the teachers of the county and ^ lecessarily will be of great benefit o the children who are to be taught j ] >y these teachers. And then it is of rreat help to students who have conlitions to work off and to those who j - ? ? ti ie>5ire to get ready to enter coiiege. ^ Dr. Jas. C. Kinard is proving himself , t most excecllent director of a sum- i ner school. In fact, he is a good^ vorker in whatever harness i e mayh )e hitched. |i I have been delayed in getting up'< ny books since the treasurer has urned over to me his book, but I vill get my books in shape to make i statement to trustees this week as ' :o how each district stands financial ly. I had a meeting of the county board on Monday afternoon and we decided the books we would recom-; mend where there is option in selec-j tion, and that will be published in a , few days. We also agreed upon the trustees to be appointed and com-' missions are ibeing sent out just as fast as I can send them. I will publish a list of all the trustees in a short time so that the people may know who they are. These appointments should have been agreed upon some time ago but owing to the ab-' cnvilnn nf Pl-nf fonnnn Q f Wint.lrrOT) ociilc \j x x xv/ jl vaiiiiuii u v *? College summer school and Prof. Derrick being off attending educational meetings it has not been done, j and then I have been trying to get some new school houses built. None of us has been idle. Dominick district is arranging to build a new house. Long Lane is go-, ing to move the old house out on the highway and remodel it. Central has already begun work on the neat little house they are going to build down J there. I went on Tuesday down to ^ New Hope-Zion and held a meeting i with the citizens of this district and we hope to begin very soon the building of a modern house d"own there that will be located to the advantage of all the children of the district. Union has just voted an v?o cmvornnr. as he sat at meat, with K11V, ' ' 7 Mrs. Banham gracing the foot of the table, the cheer being enlivened with wit and delightful conveise. Never a harsh word, never a shade of difference there, but one unbroken charm that drew the guest into that magic circle and made 'him one of the family. There was never more perfect understanding 'between man and wife. Their married life was an idyll. After the battle of Bull Run General Bonham returned from Virginia to become the governor of the state and ruled it during the momentous war years. At this time everything was in his hands. There was practically no check. The finest tribute to Governor Bonham's character that could be paid is the fact that he came out of .office without a dollar. What would not a modern, practical politician, a man of the people, have done with such an opportunity? The thought is staggering. In 1878 Governor Bonham was made one of three railroad commissioners, the office being created him Mpmhm of the Ldl O.V/A general assembly, then composed of high-rninded, honorable men, alive to obligation, voted for the measure as a part return for distinguished and unselfish service to the state in the time of stress. Said General McGowan: "I voted for it and would 'have voted for it if it sunk the state of South Carolina to the bottom of the Mediterranean sea!" We did not always wear the livery of shame, the white-hot brand had not then seared public conscience. J Governor Bonham told me that he did not study at college until he at-' tended a commencement, which was held before the general assembly. The eclat of the occasion, the way in which young speakers acquitted ther.iselves and the plaudits of the audience so roused him that next session he buckled down to work ana was graduated with second honor, the lost time preventing his attaining first honor. One memorable night, during my boyhood, it so happened that the' i 'governor and I were left alone at his! {home, ail the family having gone out 1 except Mrs. Bonham, who was engaged with household affairs. j With that famous twinkle in his [eyes, the governor asked me: "Son, ido you read the Bible?" I told him that I did. "Well, then," he said, "you re-! member about Noah, do you not? He was a human and Interesting person,! : for after having been out in the elements 40 days and 40 nights, when j Noah struck dry land, he planted him !a vineyard, grew grapes and made i ' more wine in order to settle his i | nerves, which had t'oeen unset by his' : pvnosurp. Was not this a' verv hu j man thing for Noah to do?" So on, from man to man in the | Bible, he went, winding up with SiImon Peter, whose human side made j irresistible appeal to the governor. Withal I was so charmed that sleep ! was forgotten and it was midnight .before the flight of time was noticed. | Looking back at it, I marvel the more. Here was a man, who had served through the Seminole' war, the Mexican war and had seen ser-1 vice in the Confederate war, then , was governor, a man who had iived more romance and adventure than! present-day writers can invent, who! yet could give a whole evening to a boy's entertainment and do it with ! suoh grace and ease that the boy was swept away into dreamland and fai-i ryland. The versatility of his talent was infinite. There were carping critics, of course, who called Governor Bonham a politician. Nothing' was further (from the truth. His one weakness was a love for his kind. He loved the common man. Were he in Washington, among the great of the earth, the commonest citizen of South Carolina would have been received on equal footing by prince and ambassador, or they would have had to an swer to Governor Bonham on the spot. He would have fought for his fellow countryman, have lent him his last dollar, merely because he was a South Carolina citizen, and therefore equal to the best people on earth. Born a patrician, a patrician he remained to the end of his life. It is one of the sad aspects of present world upsetting, an 'almost hopeless aspect, that in the popular mind no man can be acceptable unless he wallows in filth, looks with lenient eye . on dishonesty or bows himself before ; idols of popular fancy. An inherent j quality of aristocracy is its tender regard for the weak and lowly. The 1 ward 'boss in a city, who steals a for' tune in his nnwnrH Cflrppr wnnlr? drive over his former associates were they in the road. A gentleman nev:er did, never could do, such an act. He treats with courtesy and consid-. eration even the servants who minister to his wants. t Governor Bonham never descendjed; he lifted others to his level. Be-1 tween the two things there is an impassable gulf. One proceeds from a man of exalted mind, who loves his | fellow man and seeks to benefit him.. I The other proceeds from a heart es' sentially vile and false, which plays men in order to use them for self, aggrandizement. , Brilliant, courageous, true to every trust, this great hearted gentle-, man departed even as he came, a child of ligt, strayed into the dark Jness of earth, and lighting the gloom | by a life of devotion. He was a true j Paladin, a Knight of our Table I Round. When one man carries an umbrel la and one doesn't, the weather has a I : hard time deciding whether to rain j or not. i ! FOR Ten shares Newbei Ten shares ii;xcnar Ten shares Mollo Company stock. Five to ten shares 1 stock. Ten shares Nation All good dividend feel sure will advanc sixty days, which will ment besides the divi I A P! Ut rr? jlj Teleph A community cow, rented out at $1 u week to families in the congregation who have children, is the property of the Church-by-the-sideof-the-Road in Greensboro, North Jm Carolina. The proceeds realized .j! from this rental are being saved to buy other cows and eventually there will be la community herd to supply milk in large quantities for all the children in the congregation. "Becky Thatcher," the little school girl in the Mark Twain book on the adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, is a real person living today in Hannibal, Missouri, the old home of ^.fark Tw?a.n. She is 86 years of age and is matron of the Home of the Friendless there. Asbestos suits are made for per[ sons engaged in work that requires i fireproof clothing. Asbestos can be spun so fine, that 100 yards of the filament will weight only one ounce (and cloth can be piade from this weighing only a few ounces to the ! square yard. FORECLOSURE State of South Caroiiaa, County of Newberry, Court of Common Pleas. Cecil E. Dominick, Plaintiff, against Sarah I. Baker, Defendant. Pursuant to an order"Af the Court herein, I will sell at pubiic outcry, to ' * ' ' 1 - - - 'L - 1 J.1 the ftlgftest Didder, .Deiore LUC \juuu House door *t Newbrry, S. C., within the legal hours of sale, on Salesday in September, 1922, the following tract of land, to wit: All th^t tract of land 5in the County of Newberry, State of South Carolina, containing one hundred four and twotenths (104.2) acres, more or less, bounded by lands of J. Banks Dominick, Ned Lindler, Adam Craps, Mike Sheely, Louisa Dominick, Marion S. Dominick, being the same tract, of land conveyed by the Plaintiff to the Defendant. Terms of Sale: One-half of the purchase money .to be paid in ca^i, the credit portion to be due and payable one year from day of sale, to be secured by bond of purchaser and mortgage of premises sold, the bond to bear interest from day of sale, and until paid in full, at the rate of eight per cent per annum, interest to be paid annually and if not paid when due to become principal annually and .bear interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum until paid in full, the purchaser to have leave to anticipate the credit portion. The said mortgage shall provide for the payment of ten per cera of the principal and interest as Attorney's fees in case of suit or collection through an Attorney. The mortgage shall require the purchaser to insure and keep insured from loss pr damage *-* "hv fire the buildiners on the premises and assign the policies of insurance to the Master in further protection of the mortgage. The mortgage shall further provide that if the purchaser fail to insure and keep insured the buildings on the premises or to pay the taxes, the Master, oi* his assigns, may pay said taxes and insurance, and any penalties, and reimburse themselves for the same, under the mortgage, at the rate of eight per cent per annum from the date of payment. In case a purchas er fail to comply in full with his bid within five days from this day of sale the Master will resell at the purchaser's risk. Purchaser shall j.^y for drawing of deed and mortgage, for revenue stamps, and for recording mortgage. JAMES D. QUATTLEBAUM, Master for Newberry County, S. C. 8-ll-4t NOTICE OF DEMOCRATIC EXECUTIVE COMMITEE MEETING Notice is hereby given that the County Executive Committee of the Democratic Party of Newberry County will meet in Newberry Courthouse, at Newberry, S. C., on Monday, the 14th day of August, 1922, -* * n'olnnt P M -fat mirnn5P of 4.. - examining the club rolls of the party. Any person desiring to complain as to the "enrollment or nonenrollment of any person is notified to appear at said time and place. Each and every member of the Executive Committee is urged to be oresent at said meeting. J. D. WHEELER, County Chairman. _ B. B. LEITZSEY, Secretary. SALE *ry Cotton Mill stock, ige Bank stock, 'hon Manufacturing I Oakland Cotton Mill al Bank stock. paying stocks and I e in price in the next "* i jl [ maKe a gooa mvesidend. urton one 57