OCR Interpretation

The herald and news. [volume] (Newberry S.C.) 1903-1937, November 10, 1922, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063758/1922-11-10/ed-1/seq-6/

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$ ???
I: "The National B
9 The cordial s
| ? courteous serv
@ pect in a mod<
? at all time
S The National I
a?-- /
I. ,i
Mayes Book a
m Complete
* and Offic
' ? Mayes Book a
: l. i. bi
* The Your
? Phone 12
V/ TheL
f Men's Clothinj
^ 4 _ To Our Fai
? f Our modern Flour Mi
^ ^ Bring in your Wheat
The Farn
9 To My Friend#:? i
9 fall and winter Woolens.
:f ' ? Prices are right.
9 E. T. Carls
0 . .
- n p
K. L.
w \ 6/
/V -i / up-40-1
I m <U Clothing,
2 r ' andF
h A '
d Newberry,
9 Mollc
^ f (
V <*>!,
! 1
" A
V V,
In a very enlightened talk made by .
Dr. E. P. Knotts before the Red .Cross
meeting he said in part:
v The history of the world is one sad
page after another of war, famine '
and plague. Yet we, that have arrived
during the 20th century pride ourselves
that we are enlightened, that!"
\>e have reached a lofty pinnacle in j
civilization. The great war with its j
consequent horrors, the massacre of j
the helpless Armenians, the oppres-i
.,.on of lesser peoples, and more, ali :
these blot out our vaunted enlightenment
with an indelible stigma.
Storm stressed, war rocKea peo-1
pies. It would seem that the whole 11
world is at odds and the spirit of this 1
20th century is the evil spirit of hat-1
ied.. Yet think softly. Surely there j:
are those who have risen from the i
mire of barbarism. The real criteri- j
on of advancement of peoples surely j
can not be measured by such terrible!
events. Yet I tell you that just out-!
oide there in the world, there are j
people dying, hearts that are break-!
ing. Thousands of our brothers cry
ing and holding up their hands to
heaven, yes, and to you. Praying!
/ that you might succor them, help |
them. "Of all sad words of tongue
lank ol Newberry"
pirit and prompt,
ice you would exsrn
banking house
s nrpvail here
Sank of Newberry
ind Variety Store
line of books
e Specialties
nil Vinnhr QfAffl
Hill fUKlJf UIU1V
ig Men's,Tailor
Opposite Newberry Hotel
.eaders in
t anrl nirnishirsas
5 . ? O mer
is now in operation.
fqr grinding.
iers Oil Mill
Stop in and examine my new
on, The Tailor
? , -*
, Shoes, Hats
^ C
iJi V
>hon Row
iffiCtlt## #9#
:>r pen, the saddest are these, It
might have been." Ah, no. Of all j
sad words of tongue or pen, the sad- j
dest are these, You have deserted!
me, my friend. Have you deserted j
* The Red Cross really believes in j
the brotherhood of man. It cuts j
across the dividing lines of religion, j
race and color. It leads to the solidarity
of the conscience of mankind.
It constitutes the one beacon that
shines out piercing the murky gloom
of the world's wickedness and hor- j
rors. i
Let us thank God that there is ere- j
ated an outlet for the divine emotion, |,
pity; that we can give expression to : 1
our hatred for suffering; that we are j
able to cast aside the antipathies ra-j
cial, religious and political cr. J we i
can truly be admitted to the order of,
brotherhood that is instituted by Je- [ '
sus Christ.
Seventy-two disasters in which 674
persons were reported killed and 521:
injured, called for emergency relief,
measures and the expenditure of $l,-j
441,486 by the American Red Cross ^
duriner the fiscal year ended June 30,;
1922, according to a statement made!
public today based upon the forth-J
coming: annual report of the Red J
Cro?s. These disasters caused prop-;
erty damage estimated at more than
$30,0000.000 and rendered more.
Can Y
hJ 14
" It is a builder of c
merchants; farms n
schools must have sc
. ers. Education must
have champions. Th
do not flourish with
Towns and cities do
of valiant souls of n
blaze the way. Som<
and civil life; and wl
right to do than the i
izen and the leader,
fails, or we make hi:
W? ' - ? _
fail, government fai
build a school we bui
recruiting place for
Our churches are
and regular attenda
part of Christian ed
Attend services r<
Jno. C. Goggans, Jr. \
Newberry Elect
Telephone 256
All of our drinks are m<
Sugar Syrups, and bottled
plant in sterilized bottles.
Visitors welcomed.
Newberry Dr
Phone 74
Newberry, S. (
a shipment of Holmes
every dav there is noi
from $8 for a 26-piec<
Vases, Candle Sticks,
than 145.000 persons homeless oi
otherwise needing: assistance. In on*
section alone, the Louisiana-Mississ
iDpi border, the Red Cross for weeks
fed over 35,000 flood refugees daily,
The greatest toil of life was taker
by tornado and hurricane, while the
overflowing rivers, the breaking oi
dams and torrential rain storms drove
the greatest number of people frorr
their homes. Fire played an important
part in the chain of disasters
which made insistent demands foi
Red Cross relief workers.
The year's disasters reported, for
which the estimates of killed and injured
are considered low because in
only about one-third of the instances
were dead and injured mentioned, included
2G floods, 19 tornadoes oi
storms, 15 lires, 4 epidemics, theatre
collapsf-s. 2 shipwrecks (one an
air-ship), a bridge collapse, mine explosion,
railway collision and a
The geographical distribution o^f
these disastors shows the widespread
character of emergency relief re
quired ol the iced L ross. ine oetaucd
list in the annual report specifies
the relief measures applied in the
following localities:
Of the floods,, that at San Antoiii.)
Texas, causcd the greatest property
los-r, $(>,000,000 and the most f.italities,
100. The flood in the vicinity
ou Kee\
veet at 1
itizens and leaders; men
lust have farmers; banks
ihoolmasters and the pulpi
; furnish all of them. Ci
ings do not get done by
out defenders nor movem
not grow out of the grou
len and women who are 1
jbody must organize the
ho will do it but the schola
man who knows? And we
We have put our destin
m fail by negligence, the
ils, business fails, civilizat
ild a citadel ox strength an
champions oi order, love
the bulwark of the schoo'
nee at Sunday school and
igularly-It means better 1
W. S. Cameron
All C
fir. Co.
1206 Main St.
T&A Grahf
ide with Cane
in a sanitary V*OHipI?U
Money bad
That the sysl
adopted by the
is hoped that th
Xlfif vQt venience to our
? NOTE! That
still receive "Ca
A11V o
^ V/Ol/ >v iiiv li V/Ui V
Phone 207-W
! & Edwards Silverware,
le better. The prices will
? chest to $25. Also a lot
Baby Sets, Bowls and otl
? ? <
r j of Vicksburg and Natchez, Mississip2
pi, rendered 31,000 persons destitute.
-1 Among the unusual disaster reports
; I was that from China where last May
.'the American Red Cross chapter at
i ! Peking went to the relief of non1
j combatants wounded during the
! fiorSrirrcr if PJinno* TT^in Tipn. lY>Ost of
v - ? 7 -- -.- '.them
hit by bits of flying pottery
I i shot up by contending forces.
' | In the Red Cross 'disaster relief j
?;records thcix? will probably remain as i
''a chapter bv itself the details of one!
i !
{calamity which touched nearly every:
' | state with an intimate horror. This i
was the collapse of the roof of the I
[Knickerbocker theatre in Washing-[
ton, D. C., resulting in almost 100
j deaths and 125 persons injured. Lo
| c-ated in the section of the national
j capital containing palatial homes and
i great apartment houses, this motion
': picture theatre was patronized by .
II many persons of prominence in the,
j official and civil life of the city, -per
; j soils whose collections radiated ovc
I the entire country. The horror was
intensified by a terrific snow storm
which, though it retarded, did not
11.block the Red Cross relief.
I ^ i
'! The crash and destruction by fire (
i of the U. S. Army dirigible airship
,: Roma in Virginia last February, with
\ the loss of 34 officers and enlisted
-: men, was the first disaster of its kind
*; in this countrv to call fjr Red Cross
> * 01
ehandise must have
must have bankers;
its must have preachvic
enterprise must
themselves. Causes
ents without movers,
nd. They grow out
wise and willing to
forces of political
V? Who has a better
have to train the citiy
in his hand. If he
church fails, banks 1
;ion fails. When we j
:d glory. We build a
and instiVe.
Is of this community.
. church services is a
Sweaters Sweaters \
lolors?All Sizes
All Prices
i. J. W. WHITE
Phone 181
im-Suber Co.
e Home Furnishers
\ f
k if not as represented, '
Lem of Free Delivery has beer !
"No Salesmen Grocery Shop." It
is additional service will be a con- |
the prices remain unchanged, yr>u
rryteria Quality" at the usual low j
ash system makes possible. :
Phone 207-W
For your table use
surprise you, ranging
i x-s* . 1 /M "1 Tt 1
of Sterling silver rsuct
ler single pieces.
I relief. The suddenness of the accij
dent tested the readiness of the orgj
anization and of the chapter at
Hampton, Ya., but the response was | ;
immediate. Not or.:y was relief fur- f
nished the survivors, but funds were
: provided to bring relatives of the j (
! dead to tha scene from long distanc- i,
I w !!
i es. ffe l;
Sufferers in a hail storm which j
f 1
struck Belton, S. C., in Anderson
county, August 3, are being aided j
from a disaster relief grant of $2,-^
000 from national headquarters of j,
Red Cross. Mi?s Elizabeth Ellis, (
field representative of the Southern '
Division of South Carolina, and a J,
local committee passed on those v.ho'
received aid. The storm was severe, |
growing crops being killed on many1
farms. This marked the first time '
that disaster relief has been needed (
in South Carolina. Incidentally, the '
giant amounted to approximately.'
' ? i 1 (
twice that raise a in .-vnuorso:i v_uuuty
at tlie roll call last year." This; *
incident is of more interest to us be-; cause
it is closer home and by the c
way not included in the last report of. 1
the Red Cross. ? !1
In the year's overseas record for t?.id
rendered by the Red Cross are 5
two fires in :he Philippine Islands, \
ene in Manila which destroyed 1,000 r
homes with loss of $1,500,000 and z
" i
From the ashes of the f
bigger, and more able to proi
EVERYTHING to build the ho
P-G Paints are better.
Newberry Li
The J. W. Ki
Wholesale Me
Authorized Capii
Call on your merchant fo
Rebel Girl Flours.
Just Feeds, Granola, Dairy
Tobaccos, Cigarettes, and (
Any article usually found i
We sell to merchants only.
*-f Ca.fe in
Peoples Nati
The right spirit?plus amp
The Bank of
Vrtii unit rit-?r} P"0 i'Vio rni 1 v
a right to. expect.
Hac manj improvements
car to buy.
Cali in to ieo this New For
Shealy Mo
Phone 56
?#??2* ? 0@@?? ? S
, .
5,000 persons made homeless, the
other at Tonio which drove 3,000
from their dwellings. In medical relief
that was quick and effective, the i
smallpox epidemic at San Domingo
with a tot^i of 22,000 eases and 223 I
ileaths in a single day tried the pre-1
paredness of the Red Cross for action j
in epidemics. The same may be said !
Df the San Domingo hurricane flood!
in San Salvador with a death toll of,
30 and 2.000 refugees in dire distress:
,vas also effectually handled by the j
Iccai chapter of the American Red I
Cross. ' j
The year has seen the further per- j
tection ci disaster rener aaminisu.iion
measures in every field, and thac J
;he work may be carricd on to still.
greater accomplishments the Ameri- {
'an Red Cross is appealing- for a
,vorId-wide renewal of membership.
luring the annual roll call to be cor.-;
luctcd from Armistice day, Nov. 11,'
;o and including Thanksgiving clay,
\ov. .?>0. Jr. chapters throughout the ;
ountry the equipment and trained
elief workers to cope with local disisters
are always ready,-and the sysem
of communication makes it pos;:b
1 e to consolidate relief measures
vithout loss cf time for use in great
'mergc-ncies which might occur in
tnv part of the United State.
&$ BM
i ? bh|
D ?
ire we are re-building ? jlfl
?? tly fill your wants in f
me complete. ?
s \
imber Co.
bier Co. , * N
irchants ? |
fcal $25,000
S. C. #
r Capitola, Sensation, q
r and Chicken Fe^ds. ^
banned Goods. ^
:~li ^
ii ct juuuci o oiv/ua. ^
oyal Coffee Co.
And Dealers la 4
Spices,, Extracts, Tobacco, ^ ,
Cigars, Etc. ?
tors for "KLIM" Powdered X
>eartut Butter Makers
the Rear, Good Things tq Eat ^
O. W. CROMER, Prop. ?
in St. Phone 120 ?
rmal Rank
S. C. 9
>le facilities. ^
9 >
Prosperity ?
fceous attention you have^ ?
V f
which make it the best
d. ?
tor Lo. 9
Prosperity, S. C. ?
I The State of South Carolina, County T
i of Newberry, by W. F. Ewart^
I Pre bate Judge:
! Whereas, Janie Outzs hath made )
; suit to me to grr/it her Letters of
Administration oi' the estate and effects
of J. M. Outzs, deceased.
1 ? *?- - A
mere are, memo re, id tue ?uu
admonish all and singular the Kindred
and Creditors ot the said J. M. ^
Outzs, deceased, that they be and ap- t
pear before me. in the Court of Probate,
to be held at Newberry, S. CM
on Monday, 27th Nov., next, after
publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in fl
the forenoon, to show cause, if any
they have, why the said Administra- JHH
tien should not be grsjited.
Given under my .hand this 8th day ^B
of Nov., Anno Domini 1922.
P. J. N. C. ^B
I will make a final settlement of ^B
the e?tate of Sarah F. Xickles in the ^1
Probate Court for Newberry County,
c r rtn QcfiirHav. the 9th dav of ,
December, 1922, at 10 o'clock in the
forenoon and will immedately thereafter
ask for my discharge as Administrator
of said estate.
All persons having claims the estate
of Sarah F. Nickias, deceased,
are hereby notified to file the same,
du.y verified, with the undersigned,
and those indebted to said estate will 1
please make pavment likewise.
Nov. 8, 1922.
,, i

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