OCR Interpretation

The Manning times. [volume] (Manning, Clarendon County, S.C.) 1884-current, November 10, 1886, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063760/1886-11-10/ed-1/seq-1/

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Ttirned to a -ure- Hond to& o *
of' It% Bigii;:i EiTca.
W~AImx o-', Nove e N%. -
time of John Adams until the amut'
tration of Andrew Jackson, the CabinA
was the stepping-stone to the i, -
cy. Jefferson, Madison, MotrO and
John Quincy Adaims had be ci e
ries of Stalte. Van lUren, thr' h,
had the portfolio of the SW epvart
m- a.uring Jacso~Is alre t:, ste &e
from the Viie-l1resident, ei
Senate chamber to the head of t:e table
in the White House. With a shngle e -
ception of Buchanan, no inim sice U
Buren's time has been elected to tl:
Presidency who had previously servcd
in a Cabinet, though Geiiral Grant had
been in charge of the War Department
temporarily during Johnson's adininis
tration. A number of very able men
who had served as Cabinet oilieers were
nominated for the Presidency. Clay.
Crawford, Webster, Cass and Blaine
were of this number, and vee ,l de
feated. Indeed, for very many years it
has seemed as much of a barrier in the:
way to the White House to h.-e been a
Cabinet member as to have seived in the
Senate. No man has ever been chosen
President from among the Senators, ai d
since Lincoln's time no one has either
been nominated or elected who had at
any previous time in his career served in
the Senate. More and more the tenden
e seems to be toward getting as neai
the people as possible in choosing can
didates for the executive ofrice. The
history of the career of Cabin olicers
for the last half century seeris to indi
cate not only that the ofice is almost'
fatal to any higher aspirat.ons, but,
most remarkably, has culinated the
political careers of nearly all ihlose Who
have acted ss advisers for the President.
If the record of those who have been
Cabinet officers shows anvthing, it indi
cates that a seat in the Cabinet is the
climax of the public life of those who
hold it. Not always, but in nearly all
cases, this can be shown to be true.
The historian, George Bancoft, is the
only living representative of an admin
istration prior to 183U. Bancroft was an
-original member of President Polk's
Cabinet, taking the office nearly forty
years ago. It was the clima- of Bali
croft's political career, although he
afterwards represented the government
at one of the European Courts, an honor
which he was induced to accept mainly
because of the opportunity : afi-orded!
for historical research. With an excep
tion of one or two of the nembers ot
Mr. Buchanan's Cabinet, who espoused
the Confederate side, there are none
alive, and oi Mr. Lincoln's original
Cabinet only one is left with i.. This is
General Cameron, who, thotugh in his
88th year, retains his keenness of intel
lect and his accurate power of judging
men and events. Uenexal Cameron
served in the Senate, it is true, for t wo
terms after lie retired from Lincoln's
Cabinet, but had been a Senator four
teen years before he entered. He had
been a possible candidate for the Presi
dency in 1860.
Who can tell to-day who composed
Andy Johnson's Cabinet? Everts, to be
sure, held the office of Attorney-General:
for a short time, and Evarts ass since
served as Secretary of State under
Hayes, and doubtless regards a concat
enation of events as possible in the
future which will permit him to deliver,
an inaugural on the east steps of the
capitol two and half years hence. But
where are the others? McCullough has
been temporary Secretary of the Tlreasu
ry again, but only to fill an emergency
that occurred during Arthur's adims-.
Of General Grant's first Cabinet,
Washburn, who has since dreamed of
being President, cultivates a life of
elegat leisure in Illinois. Hamilton
Fis is living in retirement in New York.
George Boutwell is practicing petty law
before the Court of Claims and in the
Treasury D~epartment, over which he
used to preside. Ebenezer R. Hoar is'
practicing law in Boston. His career in1
the Cabinet was such that the Senate
would not confirm his nomination fori
Chief Justice of the Supreme bench.|
Secor Robeson is a political bankruptl
and a petty lawyer in Camden. Colm
bus Delano is a farmer in Ohio, Bristow
a lawyer in New York, and the only one
of them all who has now a place of con
sequence and honor is D)on Cameron,
now a Uited States Senator, 'who for aI
few months was General Grant's Secre
tary' of War. Belknap was dismissed in
Whtshall be said of Hayes.'s bogus
Cabinet? With the exception of Evarts
and Sherman, every one of thezr. has
lapsed into obscurity. Ev.en Carl1
Shurz's whereabouts are unknown. Mc
Creery is a justice in one of the W\estern
United States districts. Devensb is a~
State judge in Massachusetts. Key is a1
United States judge in one of the South-I
ern districts. Schaurz fizzled as a news
paper editor, flatted as a mugwump and
lecturer, and is be'heved to be earnmng
an humble living in some railway com-'
pany's employ. Thompson is believed
to be earning a living as counsel for:
Lesseps; little Gott, who succeeded:
Thompson, is a member of the lower1
house, and a very inconspicuous one.
Of Garfield's Cabinet, Mr. Blaine, of
cours'e, has a possible future; but poor
old Kirkwood is forgotten, except by his
neighboring farmer, in Iowa, and "they
are going to send him b ack to Con"gress.
Wayne Mc~eagh is practicing* law in
Philadelphia; General Jamnes is a bank
er in New York; Lincoln is a lawyer i
Chicago, and Windom is tryng- to make
a future in New York. He sutiered ab
solute political bankruptcy on account
of his short ca-reer in the Cabinet. Ilunt
is dead.
General Arthur's Cainelt ha.s only one
representative now in p)ubic life. Teller
was fortunate enough to step from the
Interior D~epartiment into the Senate, bmt
with all the suppcosed influence of tin
Navy Department Secretary Chandler
three times failes ..to securt election as
United States Sena\r.
-I!o lo(ng do stoker ir1--O aslen a
Triimue repor-wr of an engineer of one
of the swiftest ocean racers that ply b,
tween this comary and Eugland.
-S 1ong as IaLybody," was the unex
1)_cted reply.
ow 0 they like their wvrk-?
" don't like their work, they
t t: ter, are plinty willing to tae
their places was the answer. But it
hard to prui-;ade the avc-rage landsman t
tht te stokr s life is not shortened by
'-ontant eime to the extremes oi I
teme-rature. Tiai.-t 1autic passeng-ers
who have bmraved the intense heat of the I
furnacls and viited the tire room won
der h ow maen can endure such a life even'
for - vyage. The stokers work foir 1
.o-us at a -stretel, hemmed in betwen ;
two long lincs of furnaces that keep the
temperature ordinarily at 1)20 degrees,
sometimes sending it as high as 10.
The space between the furnaces is so
narrow that when the men throw in coal
they must take c:'re when they swing 11
bac'k their shovels, lest they should burn
iheir arms on the furnaces behind them. 1
Tue only means of ventilation is one I
large air pipe that reaches down into the
centre of the stokers' quarters, and on
a big steamer the men have to take the
air in batches. On a great ocean steam
er like the Umbria. the men come on in t
gangs of eighteen stokers and twelve
coal passers, and the "watch" lasts four
hours. The Umbria has 72 furnaces, t
which require nearly 350 tons of coal .b
day, at a cost of almost S20,000 per voy- d
age. One hundred and four men are
employed to man the furnaces, and they .
have enough to do. They include the
chief engineer, his three assistants, and U
ninety stokers and coal passers.
The stoker comes on to work wearingj
only a thin undershirt, light trousers s<
and wooden shoes. On the Umbria each sf
stoker tends four furnaces. He first
rakes open the furnaces, tosses in the
coal, and then cleans the fire; that is, h
pries the coal apart with a heavy iron d
bar, in order that the tire may burn free- r
lv. He rushes from one furnace to
inother, spending perhap's two or three p
ninutes at each. Then he dashes to the
air pipe, takes his turn at cooling ofn,
nd waits for another call to his furnace, t
which comes speedily. When the di
-watch" is over, the men shuffile off,
ripping with sweat from head to foot,
hrough long, cold galleries to the fore- di
astle, where they turn in for eight
iours. Four hours of scorching and P
ight hours' sleep make up the routine 0'
Df a stoker's life on a voyage.
The reporter ran across a group of s
tokers in West Street, and had a chat tl
ith one of them. "I went to sea as a
oal passer when I was fourteen years
Dld," he said. "Then I got to be at
toker, and I am now twenty-eight." W
L'he speaker was about six feet in height,
nd weighed ISO pounds or r.ore. His h<
ace was ruddy with health, and his eyes SC
beamed with good nature. His robust S:
ippearance was in strong contrast to that
>r some of his mates who had j ast land- ot
xd from a voyage, a pale, streaked out, if
istless-looking set of men. bi
"How do we stand the work? Well
nough if we get plenty to eat. But the
work is terribly hard, all the same. It U
-omes hardest. of course, on those who
lon't follow it regularly. They are the
ellows who get played out so badly. I
eard once of a young English doctor
yho came over here on a visit. He got iP
>ut of money, and was t'at proud that'
Le wouldn't send home for some. So h(
ie worked his war back as a stoker, and te
;ot a sickness that he could never getsI
id of. But if we get plenty to eat, andi h
ake care of ourselves, we are all right. C 0
ere's a mate of mine nearly seventy ~
ears old, who has been a stoker all his 01
ife, and can do as good work as I can.
stokers never have the consumption,
mnd rarely catch cold."
"Why do you appear more healthy ..
han the other men here?" asked the re
"Well, I have been on land now about
wo weeks, and these men lust came off
he ship. You see, when we finish our G
atch at the furtaces, we are just cover- se
xl with sweat, dirt and oil, and we haveIW
o wash the stuff off with warm water. w
Washing so much with warm water gives
s that streaked out look that makes q1
people think we are being killed with
onsumption. But after we have been tl
n land three or four days that look dis-|
ppears, and the men look natural i v~
gain. We get more ventilation than eI
he old timers used to get, but we don't el
have any too much. I tell von, when I cI
sed to go down into the tropics I w
wanted to keep under the air pipe all I ti
:ould. Now 1 go to England and back, ti
ad'have four- furnaces to tend. Four E3
ours is just about as much as we can w
stand before the fires. It uses some of E
the men up so badly that when the fi
watch is ov-er they can just crawl io the fl
forecastle, and throw themselves on their tC
bunks without washing a bit. But oth- I1
ers of us don't mind it so much. We ti
heat our water, take a wash, and then q
have a pipe or two before turning in." c.
-'What do we eat and drink?''"
'-We have hash, all the oatmeal we
want, coffee and other good things."
"Ho1w about the grog?"
--Well, the fact is that the grog was
knocked off about eight years ago on a
the English and American lines. The b 1
truth is the men got drunk too much, I
and grog did them much harm. Whenb
I used to take my grog I'd woi-k just
like a lion while the effects lasted. I'd
throw in coal like a giant and not mind
the heat a bil; but when it worked off, L
as it did in a very few minutes, I was j
that weak that a child coul upset me. 12
Take a man dead drunk before the fires, a
and the heat would sober him off in half -
an hour or give him a stroke ofr
apople:-:. The French lines still giveC
their men grog. I haye seen big tanks
on their ships filled with brandy, rum
and wine, all for the stokers. The
French are great fellows for that. Their
men look strong, but I think it must
hurt them. We get grog occasionally
no0w when we arc having a race, an
then we 'plav it.' I remuember one ra-ce
we had about a year ago with a D)omin
ion mai steamer. She got ahead, and:
our captain was mighty anxious to beat
he. o he sent down grog to us, and I
told us- to fire- tup like mad. Welil, we
did uutil we-learned thiat we were ahead.
The-n we took a rest. Down conmes the
captan with another lot of grog. 'Fire 1
1er up, boys-,' yens hen, and we did Ir
her.u huo un t mil we were ahead1 J
igain. We kept that up for three days,
m a go* ;l the grog we wanted. But
nal!v we let her beat ui., as the grog
>.a'1d us out too much. Yut we don't
htin have such fun as that." the stoker
hded, as te strollel aboard ship.
rh1* Fe!! ) iauudnr.hm of a .-n pn jli, Fai t r
--The End of the Parrwcide.
Frank H. Walworth has just died at
aratoga, aged thirty-one.
The young man mde'wnued from a dis
niguished ancestry. and might have been
er prominent hiiaselif had it not beenl
or a cloud which overshadowed his life.
His mother was a wonlerfully beauti
uL woman at the time of her marriage,
ut her i band was a man of dissolute
abits, and was very cruel. The coming
f the babv "Fra-k" did not work a re
ormation in the father. At lst a divorce
as granted Mrs. Walworth, and she
loved from Saratoga to Kchtucky.
Jn the course of time the divorced hus
and, who was no other than Mansfield
'ay Walworth, began to male fame
ud fortune as a story writer.
In 1873 Mrs. Walworth moved back
>Saratoga and established a girl's sch ool.
'hen her ex-husband began to pester her
-ith notes, making improper proposals.
[e went farther, caused the poor woman
reat annoyance, talked against the legit
nacy of Frank's birth, and threatened
>kill both mother and son.
Frank was then nearing manhood.
[e had looked upon his father as only
ie tormenter of his mother. and when
y accident lie discovered the real bur
2n which was being heaped upon his
other he grew desperate.
He went to New York, where his father
ved, sent him a note to call at the Stur
vant house and then waited in his room.
hat was in June, 1873.
Just before dark his father's card was
nt up. "Show the gentleman up,"
id the son.
The boy returned with the answer, 1
id Mr. Waiworth walked quickly up to
s son's room, humming a tune as lie
d so. When he was admitted to the
omn, the young man placed his back I
ainst the door, and drawing his pistol, 1
eserted it at his father's breast. 1
"For Heaven's sake, what do you
can ?" the father cried. "Do you mean
murder me? Think of what you are
The son shuddered. "I know you are
y father," he said; " but now you must <
e. 1
"Die !" shrieked the father. "Have
)u called me here to murder me-your 1
vn father "
"Yes. May God have mercy on your 1
ul, father, but I have none. You have
reatened and insulted my mother.- a
The father sank on his knees and ap- d
aled for merey and promise . to leave a
em alone and'never interfere with his
fe again.
"You have lie 7 before and you would i
again-I cc;-ot believe you," was the s
n's cold answer. "Father you must die.
y your last prayer.
An instant later there was a flash, an- c
her, and the father staggered back as j
struck by lightning. ".My son!" he 2
eathed, gave a gasp, and as three more -
ots finished the work, the pallor of M
ath overspread his features. He had s
ed at the hands of him to whom he t
d given life. t
The young man gave himself up, and t
is convicted of murder in the second s
gree. Ile was sentenced to life i:a
isonment in Sing Sing, but in 177'
ts pardoned out. About two years ago
married Miss Corinne Bramlett, daugh
r of the late Governor Bramlett, of i
ntucky, who, with one child survives i
m. He was a grandson of the late t
laneellor Reuben H. Walworth, his c
ternal grandfather having been Col- t
el John J. Hardin, of Illinois, who
is killed at Buena Vista.c
te '.onderful Popiularity of ubi:ar-rd
.Iue Bron~i n own In Geor;i:,ta
(carn ir. Cleveland 1utir.)
Senator Joe Brown is as strong in i
orgia as ever and I notice a Sunday1
hool story going around the press ini
ich one of the pupils, on being asked
ho made the world, replied "God." 1
"And who made God?" was the nextt
"Joe Brown," was the reply, aftei a]
ought. ii
This same state of admiration pre-|
iled in Georgia while Brown was Gov
nor of the State. He had been Gov
nor for several terms and it was the
iestion in the minds of the people
hiether he would accept a renomina
on. The other aspirants for the posi
on were especially anxious to know. IfJ
rown desired to run they knew there!,
as no hope for them, andl if not, the
an who got the knowledge of the fact
e-st might gain in the start and win the ]
ie. But Brown is a very ticklish mian]
>handle. His fur is like that of a cat. I,
;doesn't rub well the wrong way, and I
ie candidates were afraid to ask him a
aestion. One of them, however, con-b
uded to try to worm it out of Brown's
ife, and, as the story goes, called upon
[rs. Brown while the Governor was]
~vay. After hemming and hawing about1
r some time, he finally said:
"MIrs. Brown, I understand that the
overnor does not intend to run again,:
ad that he is going to give the other
oys a chance. Now, if lhe wants the
tice, of course we would not run against
m, but if he don't, we think he ought
let us know."
Mrs. Brown, who is a very charming;
d lady, and who has some of her hus
and's ability, replied: "I haven't heard
oseph say as to whether lie is going _to
e a candidate for Governor or not; in
ed, lie has not spoken anything about
,but from what I know of Joseph I
ither thik he wants it himaself."
The new county rotary jail at Couuei'
~luf's became locked Monday morning
y some disarrngement of the macLine
i, and no prisoners could be taken out
orc any worktted. A large force of men
-eea okall day on the machinery,
ut the trouble was not removedl until:
uesday morning.
It happened to strike M1rs. Watkins e
ronton, 3Mo., one day last week that her
usband hadn't been home for three dayd
n nights. She decided that a searchl
ught to be made, and he was found at
he bottomr of an old shaft at the bi of
?ilot Knob, rather hungry, but sti~l in
iesthat somethin wonul turn up.
"'ve been across the ocean more times
tian I care to tell, and I know London
almost as well as I do Philadelphia, but I
have never been in Northern Europe be
fore this summer," said ex-Attorney
General Brewster to a Philadelphia
Times reporter. 4I left here on the 12th
of June and arived in London on the
21st. I went up to Hull on the 2.3rd,
and on the 2-1th I joined the ship An
gelo, and after a very smooth and pleas
ant passage arrived at Christian sand, in
Norway, on the following .Sunday. It's
a very interestig old place. I went to
church there. It's a clean, nice style of
Norwegian town. The people are very
(quiet, nicely behaved, plain and simple.
Monday was passed in Christiania, a
town of considerable importance. I
staved there one day and went by rail up
to Throndjem, the old capital of Nor
ay, which at one time was the largest
Und wealthiest town in Norway. It had
it one time many monasteries and
hurches. I was there three days.
In Throndjem is the cathedral in all
Norwav. It was founded in 101G by St.
ilaf, and on the ground where he' was
iuried the present building was erected
n 1151 and completed in 1240, and was
nlarged in 1300. The cathedral is a
rery interesting work of gothic archi
:ecture. It was damaged three or four
enturies ago by fire, and in rebuilding
t large walls were erected, which
hanged the architectural appearance of
he structure. It is now being restored
ith very much pains and care. There
Vas an annual fair being held in Thrond
em while I was there, and it was filled
vith specimens of farmers and working
)eople. It was held in an open street.
.t was quite crowded, and everything
vas orderly and quiet, and all of the
eople appeared to be comfortable, well'
ressed, sturdy, vigorous and simple in
heir ways, and a very honest people.
'he fair was held for business and
nendly intercourse. All the time I was
n Norway I saw no dirty poverty, no
>eggars, no trnmps or idle, worthless
)eople. The farms all appeared to be
horoughly taken care of. Everything
round the house was kept in good or
ter. Farms were in perfect condition,
'he houses were clean and comfortable,
,i small and unpretending. All the
omen are plain looking but very vigor
1us, and they are quiet and clean and
aild in their ways. They look as if they
rere exposEd to hard work, and they
ave a healthy, comfortable, satisfied
ok. The men had a sturdy, manly
ok. They look like people who have'
.o wealth and they appearea to be all on
social level. There seemed to be no
istinction between them, but they wear
n air of independence. I saw no drunken
cople there and heard no noisy people.
t is a very peaceful place. Throndjemi
built of wooden houses, good broad
treets, well paved, and has pl enty of
ood shops.
The suu reaches its uppermost point
n the 21st of June. I got in Thrond
m at 7 o'clock in the morning on the:
9th of June. There was no night. It
-as broad daylight at midnight. There
-as scarcely any darkness. The sun
,one night and day. The people went;
> bed regularly at an early hour, with
ic sun shining, and closed their shut
,rs and pulled down their curtains and
ept, and the town was as quiet as if the
ight was totally dark. After leaving
rondjem I took a ship named after
me ancient Norwegian king, and in
ompany with tifty or sixty other tour
its, all people of respectability and in
Aigence, and men from dini..rent na
ons. There were twenty-two Ameri
inns, the rest were natives of France,
pain, Germany, Denmark, Norway,
weeden and England. We went up theL
oast to Tromso and then to Ifammer
st, the most northern town in the
okd. 1 saw the high mountains and
Le whole coast all the way up to the
orth cape, the extreme northern point
f Europe.
I arrived there on the 4th of July. It
as a cold, wet day. The climate is
arsh, cold and wet, rainy and damp.
"hen it's not raining there is a heavy
ist. The North cape is on a point of
md at least 1,000 feet above the level of
Le sea. When I was at the North cape
he sun was obscured with clouds. At
2 o'clock at night the sun was visible
or a time. In winter it is dark there
early all day, as well as all night. I
eturned by the same towns, but through
Yerent waterways. The whole of the
Lavgation was protected by land, there- I
ore the sea was mild. We were sur
ounded by immense mountains, covered I
rith snow. On my return to Throndjem
went across Norway through a country
rhich was filled with lakes, high moun
ains and green valleys, cascades and:
alls and farms well eared fer. It all
tad a solitary and bleak appearance.
eople were "making the most out of~
vhat they had, but their life was evident
y a hard one. The railway stations are
upplied with eating houses that are
lean and with abundance of good and
vholesome food and fruit and wines at
easonable prices. The traveler is treated
onestly. The women attend these eat
ng houses generally. They are all quiet
vomen, pleastnt and prompt."
F~rthl Ununny Men Alarmed':.
Acording to thd French press the
rench railway companies are in alarm.
~hy have long had the monopoly of
nglish tourists making for the Riviera,
nd in consequenece, perhaps, there is no
ontinentad line more illiberally man
ged tlan that which connects Calais
vith the French capital. They have
mad, too. almost a nionopoly of the En
;ish tratie with MIilan via Rheims and
he St. Gothard, and this has developed
mepectedly 1both in goods and passen
ers. Th1ey are most anxious to retain
joth. A couple of days ago the King
A the IBelgians arrived at C'alais incogni
:o, having crossed over from Dover i
le Victoria. The passage was made,
with an adverse tide, in 63 minute.
l'he King's object was to judge for him
self whether better boats might not be
put on the mail svrvice between OstendI
and Dover. if this could b e done part
1f the through tranhie that now takes th
route of Laon and Tergnier might be
lAetced and the Aelgian lines divide i
with the Freneh. C'ompetition is always
ealt'y, and the press is already callin:~
thn ticGvernmenmt to push forward the
wrk of aciening~ the inirt 4.f Cslai.
Pall Mall Gazette.
South Caroliina All !olid--ikinocratic l
In, Other san
The election on the 2nd inst. resulte
in a Democratic triumph in South Care
lina. There was no opposition excep
in the counties of Berkeley and Chester
field, where there was ain Independen
ticket, and in the Seventh Congressiont
District, where the contest was betweel
Col. Win. Elliott, the Democratic nomi
nee, and Robert Smalls, the negro in
The Democratic ticket won in Berke
lev, as also in Chesterfield. Latest re
turns assume the election of Col. Elliot
over Bob Smalls.
Great interest all along center'd on the
city of New York, where there were thra
candidates for mayor. Henry George
the well known writer on political ecoti
omv, was nominated by the Irving Hal
Democrats. The Tammanv Democratb
nominated Abram S. Hewitt. whose ser
vices in the campaign of 1876, and foi
.some terms in Congress, have made hin
prominent in the party. The Republi
cans nominated Theo. Roosevelt. a weal.
thy young man who distinguished him
self in his three vears' service in the Statt
Legislature by active efforts and grea1
success in reforming long-standing abu
ses in the Government of New Yorl
City. Few persons seriously thought
that Henry George would be elected, bui
that he might receive votes enough te
make the contest close between othei
candidates. It was thought his vote
would be drawn principally from the
Democrats. Both Democrats and iXe
publicans were confident of success.
The probabilities. however appeared to
be in favor of Hewitt's election. Of the
Mugtwump papers, the Post has vigorous
ly supported Roosevelt. Eighteen out
of twenty-four aldernen elected are
Democrats. The city complete, with the
exception of one election district, shows
the following vote : Roosevelt 60,392.
Hewitt 90,296, George 67,699., Wardwell
In other States the chief notable re
sults are the changes in the Virginia
delegation, which will stand six Repub
licans, three Democrats, and one Labor
man. In the eighteenth district of Illi
nois Morrison is defeated by Jehu
Baker, Republican-owing, it is said, to
Morrison's free-trade views. It was at
irst thought that Speaker Carlisle was
lefeated by George H. Thoebe, a wood
mrver and Knight of Labor; but the
last returns give Carlisle the victory by
i few hundred majority.
Further reports are given in -the dis
patches published below.
WAINAxGrox. Novem'ner 4 -Edward
celClirson, Secretary of he tRepulihcau
L'ongressional Committee, iakes the fol
owing coiflation from returns receiveu
p t 9 o'clock this evening of the political
onomplexion of the House of Representa
ives of the Fifieth Congress:
Returns so far as re('cived indicate tihe
lection of 154 Republicaas, 1.19 Demo
rats, five Labor and Independent, :ix
loubtful and one vacancy: total, 325.
The "doubtful" arc ,Pe in lilinoris
Landes). one in K1entucky (alisic. one
ii Ohio (Campbell), ard threein Mississippi
Chirdy,.Glover and 3!ansur). The La'or
d Independents are one in F'orida (Pen
Iletom, ore in Indiana (M1 arsh' one in
[wvn Anderson), one in Virginia (Ilopkins .
md one in iscon (Smithi. If the
D)en:oerat get four of ihe doubtful-they
will have -16;j, or a majority of the iouse.
Ir. 'McPherson savs the attitude of the
Demnocracy toward the present :uimnistra
ion " similar to that of the Republicans to
vard the administration of President Hay.
d that many dissatisfied Democrats voted
he Labor ticket. Lb:or, he thinks. will be
m orcanized faction in the political contts
> thec future. and the labor vote miud be
.aken into serious consideration.
Phil. Thompsoni, Secretary of tihe Demo
:toummittee, says the D~emocrate will
ive a good working majority in the House.
NEw Youth.
Ni-:w You r, November 4.-Considerable
mcc-rtinly attends the election in the Third
.ongressional D~istrict. Decacon V. White.
lepublican, has been credited with the vie
oy until to-day. Bill, Democrat, now
eds White 10i votes, with two districts to
iear from.
Coynoitm, N. II., November 4.-Thre
slection of 31eKenny, Democrat. to Con
rss in thre First Pistrict over 1haynes.
tepublicamn, is conceded by a plurality of
hout 130i. This is a Djemocratic goin of
me member, and equally divides the New
[lampshire delegation
ll-mNovember 4.-'Thie Second
:ongresionral District carried b~y the lle'
publians-Abbot teolored) being elected.
Sr.u-rox, Va.. November 4.-The Re
publican majority continues to grow in tihe
Tenth District. Yost, for C'ongress, now
raimns 2,000 majority.
Thie following is a summary of the latest
returns, Labor Representatives being count
n. with thre Republicans. In Rhode Ishand
there was no election in tihe Second Dis
trict, the Prohibition candidate pollinrg
enhvotes to prevent either D emnocrati'
orReputblic'an cand'.dates from obtaining a
L. Conreress. Gain.
Arkans-ts ... . .
California.......... .,
Colorado ..........1 1
Connecticut .. ... . . I
G;eoia...........10 . .
Ilio'........... 12
Indiana........... 7 G. .
Kans.. . ... .. .. 7
et'cky.. ...
3 I1arviand.. . ... .. .
'I'..ic 'i- n ... ... ..
Siinne'ota. . .. ..
Missou.......... .122
.ebr..k............ 2
\ew II'rnp-.hire.. . 1
New~ dersey.. ........ . . 2
Ns York.. .. ... .1. 1
North Ca riolin.. .. 1
i........ ....--I 15
Oregon.. .. -- .- I
Pennasylvn iai~.. . ...-.- ..
lhode rIsln .... I
.'outh Ca10rolna... .
T ennessee.. .. .. -1
Texa .. .. ..... .1
We'.t Vlirginia..........
".i- n-".........i;..
1A .. .
Fall I'louaghiln...
( From th e .\t:ant:: Constit uT .)
N-s it better to break up land before
SChristima,s or wait until spring ? Mr.
)David Dickson, of Hancock county, a
t WOnderfully close observer, states as the
result of his experience, that fall plough
t i- gve best results in about one year
1 oit of seven. When the winter is dry
and cold, fall plowed land grew better
crops than spring plowed. ir. Dickson
tetcd the matter by leaving strips
th rough the middle of fall plowed fields,
i hich stripis were not broken till spring.
. Mr Dickson's expeience was a local one;
t will it 1 old good for all climates and soils?
The prie object of plowing land is to
loosen up the soil, to make it friable, so
that gases may penetrate it, aud roots
may grow and ramify and spread through
it readily. Why does land have to be
broken every year? Once loosened up by
the plow, why does it not stay loose ?
I Becadse it is 'beaten down and rnm to
gether by rains. Every rain drop ham
mers it down, and the earth, semi-fluid
when wet, yields readily to this hammer
ing. Moreover, the rain water. as it
sinks in the soil carries down with it the
finer particles (particularly clay) and
lodges them between the coarser particles
below. This also tends to consolidate
the soil.
-Now at the south our greatest rainfalls
-are in winter and early spring. Hence
land plowed in the fall has unusual op
portunities of being compacted again
before planting time. But is this not
more than compensated for by the up
heaving, loosening effects of freezes?
Near the surface it may be, but how sel
dom is it that our soils are frozen four
inches in depth ? Plow in autumn that
the soil may be pulverized by the frosts
of winter is frequently urged by northern
writers. In their climate the advice is
good. With them the ground is often i
frozen eight to twelve inches deep-the i
gentle falling snow settles down quietly
upon the upturned furrow-does not pelt i
it like the failing rain, hence, land there, I
plowed -.i the fall, is almost in the same <
conditioiwlhen spring comes as it was I
when freshly plowed. The rain has not
compacted and run it together, and the 3
freezes have made it, if anything, lighter J
thian it was left by the plow. Such is I
rarely the case in our southern expe- 2
rience. in very dry. cold winters, the
conditions approximate those at the north I
and th.e results are somewhat similar; but
ordinarily land is none the better for i
being plowed in the fall. * Breaking just
before planting, if the ground is not too t
1ry and one has the team and time to do ;
it 'is the best plan. An exception may t
be made in favor of sandy soils, these are i
rather too open and loose immediately i
after plowing, and it is well to give time i
for them to be settled by rain before t
plaiting a crop on them.
1U, it may be asked, if sandy lanas t
are too loose after they have been plowed n
Nhy plow them at all? Sometimes a
h'allow turning is desirable to bury and
mix with the soil vegetable matter which
is on the surface. B, inasmuch as de
composition goes on more rapidly in an
open soil than in a dense (clay) one, the
tarning in of vegetable matter on light
sandv soils should never be done long in
advance of planting a crop. After the
first of January would be ample time for
turning over sandy soils. Again it is
sometimes desirable to turn over a -oil
deeply, to -bring back to, or near, the
surface fertilizing substances which have
sunk down in the soil. There is a con
stt tendeney for such sinking, espe
cially in wet seasons ; and it is greater in I
sandy than in clay soils. An occasional c
deepturning of the former is, therefore, C
decidedly beneficial, provided it does not
bring some objectionable raw subsoil to ~
the surfae W. L. J. ~
Hon' M.a an Od Maid D~oes as Miuch Good a,
Trhmth Cote:z~porary Re'.iew.; ;
Ev ery girl who is not entirely depend-: y
cnt on her male relations-a position i
which, considering all the ups and downs i
of life, the sooner she gets out of the; t
better-ought by the time she is old i
enough to possess any money to know l i
exactly how much she has, where it is;
invested and what it ought yearly to i
bring~ in. By this time also she should| 3
hav e acq~uell some knowledge of busi-: y
nes-bank~ business, referring to cheeks, -
div idends and so on-and as much of t
odinary business as she can. To her ,
inormation of a practical kind never
comes amiss, especially to three golden
rules, which have very rare exceptions:
No investment of over live per cent. is
really safe; trust no one with your moneyI
without security, which ought to be as
strict between the nearest and dearest
friends as between strangers, and, lastly,c
keep all your affairs from day to day mit
as accurate order as if you had to die
to-morrow. The mention 'f dying sug
gests another necessity-as .oon as yout
are 21 years of age make your will. You z
will not die a day the sooner; you can
alter it whenever you like, while thei
case of mind it will be to you and the
trouble it may save to those that come
after vou are beyond telling. It cannot t
be to) strongly impressed upon every
girl who h.as or expects that not undesir
able thing, "a little income of her own,
what a fortunate responsibility this is
and how; useful .she may make it to oth
ers. Happier than the lot ot many mar
ied w;omen is that of the "unappropri
ate d blessing," as I have heard an old
maid called, who has her money, less or
more, in her own hands, and can use it:
as she chooses. generously as wisely,c
with'out asking anybody's leave and be
n" accouintable for it to no one. ButI
then she miust have learned from hert
routh upw~ard how to use it; she must]
i"ot spare any amount of trouble in the2
ui'ng~l of it and she must console hierself
fr man' louely regret-we are but
human'','ali of us-with the thought that I
ah has beeni trusted to be a steward of I
the Grat 3Iaster. Such~ anlA old t mid I
oten dtoes a's much good in her genera
ion's twenty married women.
e cli was killed in Zionville, Pa.. one1!
morniig. theo skiu was at the tanneryby
on, wais tanned a turned over toea
shioe-mak~er that evening, and by the
iet min ig was macde into ai pair ef
ioots whi were worn by the manwh
o'wned the calf that had worn the skin
the dayv before.
-enare being~ paid $2 ier day to
eirculat em eios fori the pardon of the i
convicted C-cg Anarhists, and1 the:,
flo% it i,.l'owsible. With Practice. to Foretell
Weather Probabilities.
From the Rochester Democrat.)
The magnetic needle is quite as sure
an indicator of the condition of the sun
as storms or telescopic observations.
There should be observers throughout
the country. They will appear in time.
They will find it the most interesting
study they ever entered upon. We
would advise all to provide themselves
with a large magnetic needle. If observ
ers do not care to obtain anything elab
orate, an old file that is not too heavy,
say fourteen inches long, may be em
ployed. The cutting portion may be
ground off if it can be done convenient
ly. The pointed end for attaching to
the handle may be broken off up to the
point where the cutting portion begins.
This file should be thoroughly magnet
ized and suspended in a box turned on
its side, the open side being covered
with a glass, although this is not neces
sary. A tube of brass or a long wooden
box, say twelve or fourteen inches long, -
can be fastened on the top of the box
over the centre of motion of the needle
1.d through this the thread for suspend
ing or balancing the needle should run.
Loosely twisted silk is best, as there is
little torsion. The string is made quite
long to avoid torsion. The point of sus- -
pension should nearly correspond with
the middle of the file.
The box with the needle inclosed
hould be placed where it is not subject
to jarring. If an iron rod is placed in a
perpendicular position to the right or
Left of one of the poles of the needle the
eedle may respond more readily to the
xarth currents. The rod of soft iron has
?olarity, acted upon by the earth cur
ents, and becomes an electric magnet.
When the earth currents are strong it
tttracts the pole of the needle strongly,
md when the-current falls releases it.
'he rod is not necessary, but its ordina
-y attraction is a constant force, so only -
he changes in the earth currents can
hange its attraction. Iron in the vicini
y of the needle should not be disturbed,
d iron articles should not be carried
icar it. A small glass mirror, say a half
nch in diameter, may be cemented upon
he centre of the flat needle so motion
ay be detected by the shifting of the
mage of a distant object reflected from
he mirror to the eye. It will be inter
sting to watch the behavior of a heavy
teedle as above described before and
luring an advancing storm. Great dis
urbance may be seen in the needle for
everal days before a storm approaches
he place of observation. There will be
egular motions of the needles at sun
ise, at the time the sun crosses the mag
etic meridian and at sunset. Observa
ion will show what are usual and un
sual motions if proper precautions are
ken. Until the "habits" of the needle
re observed for some time there is dan
er of false alarms.
:dwiu Booth Improven on Shaispeare to the
Delight of a Virginia Audience.
(From the Buffalo Times.)
Once, during the days of his earl,
truggles, Booth was $' barn-stormig'
own in Virginia, at a place called Lee's
4anding. The improvissd theatre was a
bacco warehouse, and it was crowded
y the planters for miles around. Booth
nd his companions had arranged to take
tie weekly steamer, expected to call late
t night, and between the acts were busy
acking up. The play was "The Mer
hant of Venice," and they were just
oing on for the trial scene when they
Leard a whistle and the manager came
anning in to say that the steamer had
rived and wouldleave againin ten mini
tes. As that was their only chance for
week of getting away, they were in a
arrible quandary.
"If we explain matters, said the mana
er, " they will think they are being
heated and we shall have a free fight.
~he only thing is for you fellows to get
p some sort of natural-like impromptu
ding for the piece and ring down the
urtain. G~o right ahead, ladies and ge
emen, and take your cue from Ned
er," and he hurred away to get the
iggage aboard.
Ned, of course, was Bassanio, and he
esolved to rely on the ignorance of the
'irginians of those days to pull him
irough all right. So when old George
tuggles, who was doing Shylock, began
a sharpen his knife on his boot Booth
alked straight up to him and solemnly
"You are bound to have the flesh, are
ou ?"
"You bet your life !"' said Rluggles.
"Now, I'll make you one more offer,"
ontinued Booth : " In addition to this
ig bag of ducats i'll throw in two kegs
f niggerhead terback, a shotgun and
wo of the best coon dogs in the State."
I'm blamed if I don't do it !" re
ponded Shylock, much to the approba
ion of the audience, who were tobacco
aisers and coon hunters to a man.
"And to show that there's no ill-feel
ag put in Portia, " We'll wind up with
,Virginny reel."
When they got on board the steamer
he captain, who had witnessed the con
lusion of the play, remarked :
I'rd like to see the whole of that play,
:ntlemen. lUm blamed if I thought
hat fellow Shakespeare had so much
nap in him.'
Fell Eromn tize Great Pyramid.
The accident which recently occurred
.t the Pyraiis was very shocking. A
orporal in the Army Hospital Corps,
rho, poor fellow, was lust going home,
taving served his time, had a picnic to
he Pyramids with some of his comrades.
I ascended to the top of the Great Pyra
aid, and was seen to pause when about
.quarter of the way down, and make a
ignal as if for help. Suddenly he was
ee to slip back against the step or
lock below him, and then to rebound
rom each successive step. The peculiar
tv~ of the accident is that the body did
it roll or tumble from each irregularity,
>ut bounded into the air as it struck
hese in successiou as if attracted thereto;
n fact, a series of parabola were per
ored. The corpse when it reached
he 1base was a shapeless mass.-London
aily News.
A brakeman on the Delaware and Hud
in 5aluted an excursion party with the
arning, (Gents, take partners for the
The government paya ''nt s7,000 ia

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