OCR Interpretation

The Manning times. [volume] (Manning, Clarendon County, S.C.) 1884-current, April 27, 1887, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063760/1887-04-27/ed-1/seq-4/

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Items c Interett Gathered from inriouc
Ex-Congressman A. J. Weaver. of Ne
braska, is dead.
John C. Breckeni idgec wil be perpetuated I
in bronze at Lexingte-n. K%.
The German Crown Prince h (yim: of a
cancer of the tongue.
President Eliot. o. Harvard. is doing
tSicily and Southern Earop.
John A. Roach, the new 3Mayor of Chi
cago, has been formally installed in oilice.
The island of Guer-cy was shaken by
an carthqake.
Three more constables have resizned il
Ireland rather than take part in evictions.
Agent Joyce is suitr- the '1ar
Clanricarde for dal00 damages I' a
Alexander MTichei, President of
Chicago, 3ilwaukee atnd St. Paul rail.
died in New York on Tucsday.
The fifteenth and last reported bailut i;
Tallahassce stood: Perry 46, Bloxham 40.
blank 1.
The 3Massae-lwsetts Hlouse haZS ssei 11he
high license bill to a.third reanig. Vote.
18$ to 89.
James G. Blaine has arrived in Chica-O.
He has completely recovered from his lte
The French corn law is bringing forth
loud complaints in the republic. Petitions
are pourng in.
An explosion aboard the Delta. at Wil
mington Wednesday. killed one man and
injured several.
In a battle inMaru f. betwcen the Ameer's
troops and rebels, 30 of the former and Si00
of the latter were killed.
Sam Jones will next carry the war into
California, having ogreed to an enagemedt
at San Francisco in June.
Fire Wednesday burned -t the Fulon
(UL) Iurral printing 121ce and three other
buildings. Total loss $i2 ,00t).
R. H. Knapp, the Atlanta broker who
took in his friends to the extent of about
$25,000, was a Canadian by birth.
Via Bremen, 1.740 emigrants have sailed
to America, from 3arch 1 to January 1,
against 13,17.5 for same period last year.
3Iarshal Bozaine was painfully wounded
by a Frenchman, who attempted his assas
The business portion of North 3Middle
town, Ky., was almost totally burned Mon
day. Loss $5,000.
Nine of twenty-four Socialists were
convicted of conspiracy in Berlin and sen
tenced to short terms of imprisonment.
A strong effort is being made to settle the
silversmith strike in New York and Provi
The Russian Commission has been in
formed to increase the duty on cotton goods
and starch.
By a fallin- elevator (broken rope) in
Cornersville, 1nd., George Hampden was
killed and J. McCormick fatally wounded.
Major John E. Blaine, paymaster in the
army, and brother of James G. Blaine, died
at Hot.Springs. Ark.
The court house of Jones county. 'Miss.,
together with all the county records. was
desroyed by an incendiary fire on Monday
Two more Lien lost their lives in the
construction of New York's new acque
duet. A dynamite cartridge was accident
ally exploded.
The President has appoint:!d Col. Wes
ley-i-erritt to be Brigadier General. vice
Bgdier General Orlando B. Wilcox, re
Chauncy 31. Depew is going to Europe
in a week or two to commit severa extem
pore speeches for next winter's banquets.
Prince Eugene, of Sweden, is in P~aris
studying art with Bonnat, who regards hmm
as oneof the most promising of is students.
Joaquin Miller has bought six hundred
and forty acres of land near Shasta. Cal..
and will become a farmer, if lie isn't toe
Friends of Postmaster General Vilas say
that iron ore abounds on his Wisconsin
lands and thiat he will be a millionaire in a1
- ittle while.
. Among~ the millionaire girls in Washing-a
ton society are the 3Misses Riggs, who sue
ceeded, with the'ir bro:L ers, to their father's
banking business.
Millionaire Corcorauo. who does more for
Washington than all the other millionaires
lumped together, p:ays taxes on $9,100.000
worth of property.
Billy Emerson, the minstrel, who writes
his first name with ai small b, receives ii~>00
per week and travels in a private car with
his wife wherever he goes.
Queen Victoriat has received enough
jubilee gifts to fill a storehouse as big as
Windsor Castle. M1any of them have to be
given away for want of space to put them.
Senator Sherman's MIansfield friends say
-that their favorite is not a millionaire, but
the man who has four aces in his sleeve
rarely alludes to that fact prematurely.
Plots to kill the Czar have been unearthed.
at Kieui and Odessa. They wanted to blow
-up the imperial car, opportunity present
Frank Laster and his wife were- killed by
cars on the trestle of the Georgia Pacitie
road at Birmingham, Ala. The latter was
Charles C. Weiller & Sons, Baltimore.
made an assignment to Joseph Leophold
for the benefit of their creditors. The bond
aof the trustee is $100',000'.
Herman Levy, alia-s H-arry Leovitt, the
well-known informer in the famous Had
dock murder trial, is suing the Chicago
mail for 8:300,00-iibel.
Dr. 31eGiynn's friends say that when he
delivers his "lecture in Boston on 8th MIay,
he will have as sympathetic an audience as
he had in New York.
It is expected that another call for three
per cent. bonds will be mlritde in a few days.
There are now outstanding $19,024.(00
three per cents.
There were five passengers reported miss
ing from the wrecked steamer Victoria.
They haye applied for their baggage and
are all right.
The Queen of Servia has separated from
her husband, King MIilan, and returned to
her family in Russia-political and domes
tic difficulties.
An Irish non-commissioned officer has
been dismissed from Woolwich arseual for
*giving uway secrets." An accomplice
goes with him.
By papal authority, the Nuncio at Paris
annotunced that the Pope has promised to
intervene in Alsace-Lorrnaine in favor of
The French Crown jewdKs are on exhioi
tion. The cables say plenty of ctrders.
principally from wives of Uunited Sta-~
Senators, are being received from Amc-' . -
John E. Blaine, brother of Jamn G.
Blamne, is at the p)ot of death in llot
Springs, Ark. lHe is paymaster in 1!
Federal army.
Delaware's Anti-Polikc Gambling bill
was stolen en route to th~ G.overnor for
sinnature. A dupltc-'e bi- i en al
rdoaded to the ensi of its leeislative jou-rney.
Hale &: Slatmaker's box fa-c-tory,\ Wl
ing, W. Va., was hua i E t lamrn
ing: incendiary. Loss -2.00: -nsuanc
The Building Trial CX uncil orz-ed
Chicago Sunday. Thirty hota,- wa
ingmnen in the building business are con
John Brown's house, at Seven MIile Ford
Smyth county. Va., was burned Sunday
night. His daughters, nged 19) and 21,
perihocl in the flmes
P. J. Egan has been sentenced to two
-ears in the penitentiary. It will be re
nembe-ed he was convicted in St. Louis of
-ect- I . -uds last November.
Secretarv Fairchild will attend the Cal
e.un moinument unveiling. Assistant
cretary T whompson will assume his duties
n his absence.
I:a speech before the E i hiv Ciuh in,
"ndon. Glndtotnne fUtvOred~ a Issiin"
bar~:iteant, on the eround it wu
:0ud for the c
The Americau Newspaper Publishe
\ssociatian a:. s he i C in
\vw York. J S S. -a of the luf
:1o /.E . is to be inhar
The Lord 3Mvor of Dulin ias c i
aceting for tile purpose of taking step:
'Wards the ereCtion of a ait'ional memo1
-*d to \lr. Gladsto'ne.
I Lb0r. The decree is ondItio:-1 '
04d behaviour on the pirt of the ordei.
A 4harn shoek of earth:uake Vb
.terien"ced over the wle .f thii
Jre The1i)* trmr ocd.
vest to cast. No dama:e was (0:e.
The threatened strike of can:
ilwauke', Wis.. has been averte-i. thi
naster carpenters agreeing t" keep th:
-hns open only nine hours after a 1
tad to pay men the present prices per houtr
The three-masted schooner Geco. S. Marts
from Baltimore, Id., for CharletOn. S
was blown up and set on fire fron:
ome unknown cause. Two of the erev
were killed.
The charge that Parnell had something t(
, with the Pho'nix Park murders is zen
rally dib)clieved. The matter will be in
vesigated b . a committee of the Hoe'u.:e o
ra dnaite ex sibn. :0 miles fron
C-a Pals 3Mich., Aueiust Brash.J !
-xi . Hornbuck'. 't.osp Wel m
:dt others were seou hurt, 'r
of them mortally.
Evictions have been resumed on Lor<
Ladsdowne's estates. O'Brien and Nil
ridge sail for Canada on Sunday to dc
ULounce Lord Landsdowne's course.
The Delaware House, by a vote of 15 ti
1A. has passed a high license bill gradin;
liquor licenses from uj400 for Wiiningto
down to 200 for village and county tav
The Italian Parliament is in session. Th
::overnment's policy was stated to be on
Of peace, but, to keep up with the time>
credits for increased armaments would 1
Phil. D. Armour is up at 6.:;' ;n tl
morning and in another hour has rc:al ih
market and stock reports. eaten his break
fast and decided on his line of attack fo
the day.
Tom Ochiltree says that be never con
tradicts a newspaper statement, but he doe
often wish that he could lay hands on th
reporters who credit him with what h,
terms villainous gramniar.
Prince Frederick Leopold, of Prussia
nephew of Emperor William, of Germany
mid Prince Louis Esterhasy, of Austria
have arrived in San Francisco. They ar
making a tour of the world.
Managers of the coai and iron com:
:ies in the Birmingham district have :r
inted delegates to wait upon the Inter
late Commerce Commission when tha
body is on its Southern trip.
MIaor-Elect Roche, of Chicago. has apl
0inted John English, a newspaper report
of eighteen years experience. his privat
ecretaryat a comfortable salary. Thi
Mayor is evidently looking a little higher
Anent Andrew Carnegie's rumored en
nement to Miss Whittield the Wzohin
toi 1-19' recalls that a year ago he was sait
to be engaged to -Mr. Gladstone's daughte:
and later to the widow of a Scotch dluke.
The striking Newark. N. J., bras
moulders are suff'ering f~r the necessaric
of life. It is claimed that the Knights o
Labor are not standing by, themt. The:
went out-and are still out-by order o
the local assembly.
About :3,000 Chicago carpenters ret::rnec
to work on the basis of 8 hours and :3
cents an hour. All employers apcear' to h
willing to engage men on these terms pro
vided the men apply ing are ski~led work
Timber Agent Conner of Florida has re
parted to the General Land Otlee that:
luber tirm in that State has caused to bU
eat and removed from government land
in one locality 2,500J,00~0 feet of timber
valued at $20.000O.
A lnrivate letter from ex-Secretary MIan
aing. the first he has written himself fo&
moths, has been received by a friend it
New York, and pronounces him in lette:
condition than at any time since his attack
A special dispatch from S:. .Johns, N
F., says the bill for the total pro'-ibit ion o
liquor traffice in that colony was defeatet
by the casting vote of the Speaker, bu
tmt it will certainly be carried at the nex
Queen Kapislanioi the Sandwich Island
has arrived in Sali Francisco. en r-"e it
attend the jubilee of Queen Victoria. Shb
will visit Washington to pay her respect
to President Cleveland before going t<
Six of the men arrestcd for complicity ii
the lot to, assassinate the C:-ar. which v. :
to have been carried out on the l:.th .
[arch, have been sentenced to death
Other conspirators have been sent<:nced t
imprisonment for life.
In a tight at South Bend, Ind., betwee:
the city police and a gang of tramps eleve
tramps were captured; six of them wer
armed with tevolvers. D~uring the ught
policeman, John MIetz, shot a tramp througu
the heart, killing him instantly.
The Pennsylvania company has exemnpte<
the St. Paul and Burlington from the boy
re.tt. A Caicago dispatch says that East
rn trunk lines have resumed the sale
through tickets over the Hannibal and St
Joe tKansas City and points beyond.
The Rev. Mir. Carter. a Free 3Methodis
inister, who has been conducting a scrie
>f revival meetinzs in Ohio, was driven ou
af the town of L tah by a mob with rotte:
:ggs for preaching doctrines obnoxious t<
many of the people.
The Supremie -Coui-t has sustained th<
ialidity of the MIaxwell land grant and the
'ld 3Iexican grant, covering over L.700,00
eres, in New MIexico and Colorado. Th<
p.resent owners of the grant are bondhold
:rs of the Dutch Land Company.
The contract under co~nsideration betweci
Xrmour &t Co., of Chicago, and the chm
Land Company has been closed, the sm
aving been signed by both parties. Ex
fisive warehouses of Armour. with ref rig
:rators, wi~l be erected at once.
The receivers of the Texa and Pac:
':rad have applied to Jlud re Pardm f:
(iconstruction of the inter tate law, set
ng forth their own construction. Pardt C
erees with the railroad construction anrI
rdrs that it be followed uintil the fte
irder of the Court.
rs. Richard 1H. D)ana, who was 3M1s
Cdith Longfellow. and 3Irs. J. G. Thorpe,
vho was 3Miss Anna Alleyi Lonfellow,
t dater''ts of the poet, are' bulilding
mues an ais former estate, which they
Sccupy\ w~hen jnished.
Wiluia~ .loore, a hotel mn of 0'tchison,
s so miuth like Frank Jlames tha wvh-en
ed Ka ' nIS City' the otherdy,:
cot:dallowed their righ h1n t
oder in the direction of their hip
As a raindrop foretells a storu, so
ioes a pimple upon the human body in~
licate iealth-destroying virus in the
lood, which can be neutralized and ex
e1t;d only by nr. T-rTer's Tron Tonic.
One of the old boilers at the Gcorgia
Chewical Works. Augusta. cxploded :io
da-y, hilling -, machinist znamedGe.!!
At tile tiie or thcxplai.n f:our
ien were standfin-r nea thei 1ler. Jl otf
While wlnw: .a:e r:ks ti tGe Iwh
T! . iV K :: ul T
v ' i.1.1cl
A in a New SO p:r i :m 1m. An eW'n W
fat,. ' . l
buit in'tir':4:- -t : srVy n oP 4
Il[ iS in t-:' w;: m r
at e eenenedfor Mrlanda
e-o."d ho-Iub throwerl at* thei ymke rit
p7, . T 01. 1
w n .' a'v .r... ha
i rie un ber n . .t
uWm the n egvb e y "! m
1 hu .q TIC :n Ih Ivand
'~ifni-Pv' K~ 1150 Wop ti n: ltil
-That.' Wd he. -1i w and
hoe ithinl 10 mlets.
Temprorarv orer im -e beevnm:di
'he Intr u he
f-nrth section of th Act, On the :ppliun
itn of the Forflk:d r
Coumpzan y, Cincinn:if i. New rle and
:"! C1t of AM ni- Wi :0 m ptI
4an c\f te'-.,' Texao' A:.il r4 "; n to4
Thcne p::m of "n-'lid '4r a CIr'
who rnentr ca bNaQ fo:: % s -thlat
w he The . : 11y
Geor:.! A. Ford. je'r fNwI
v* , u:lIeritook .> t "w n : fr
Mr. and 'Mrs.e
( a sleri mi n *I I He ex m 1 d thc
:urn emn. l. Ji. >'m-. in ' CI C ta 04 d44.
The jew iinve 1 . /- C' " i nt '-t'
*me h"ud zrnn ma IN i'. :inov - '
th rvcK ae for ova,0; 0 dfmages.
o-ther invitati -n~ was sen't to the 'r ie
and his wife.
MNondaty night n eyelone visi'ed the vi
einzzity of Suiffei1, Y'.,. with ratal and! de
. hructive cifects. It" 'rack. I as airmo
vardls wide-v. h'I e e of d1i' W:Iht,
xMil north of Su'lk nn tWeNrol
mol10ished. W-Nri:nl h.isz Wife anl you n g
sister andJ Lukeer in thhu.
t' i-m. 3Mrs. Wrghtand 3Mr. Luke erv
[illed, the young gir y
Wrght seriousl'y ir. '1!.-l. other dm
::re was dune to propery :6n the 1111 o
. e v e -one.
~.1 C1'4 oilc laoi-e t
On tehe .lf ph~ae4.'gf Cole4'J arsn
Turin, Ga., livs.:m aT e "or wm
who cims I Ve 1). yer .
-- ivn cidis he ee nd 3yt
I, vmget, wilh WhI she :s r.WI
ha~s's, veral grandlchibiren. '-he d!(L'- all"
the cooking r a WANy of 11 r: hn a
tn o h r kitn'h' n dtie ftiN S 1,1!1 t 1m 1 dr
all Cher swn. Heri eyeigt It :"m'
gad as hi wae:i ofr ti :ar ume nar i i:Qv
.ms never ai d I to * ust r e g sIr t
1take : do re ofl ie.
at ' and" 44 (.4 the n y ere - of
nfetdrections.I The w.ife-"I -4irt rced
Te( > tcusness an o eu'i':G* tnd hXris
? son' lyigC 01:do the e 444 "'f4 the r4
o 4r'C-ICne th'' in dow.u1 In" al' * w moment
i daugfhte :mdelr i. t. :0 ., t Ine
P.sciol's The ho et r, but. \4' S i the'
Herei vis a li ejwe o I' :~ "i ,n t
.4' lees: Po "tma .te '4i1 'f thet 4v If
lar, -"V ll., ece h eymesdr
11. Iot 0 e'e 4 laty'ear, hi le4 thet P1 t
m::t'e at Le::r, Ar., 1 go : Iint t.r :
raied uvtthreo areme iem ore at
ve an ~d 1000 whok te ie nri'- moe t-m'
- f v::. o me of.4-l:1 thrmn-e die ' ye"-.
.id over1z.) adM sme it t.4. C''It i1s a wors
on weight.4.
Th io'" re. and ad i .ini hc e
I am crU i,'l sa1.4. -'ta 1 ay life
It 44 fSuh aoia Iws h
hen I. re:ie etrfana li
mi! 4e , fien telling me of 74
m 44esoraio to, teahh yhe ~ 'Nethadin
threewday to l-ve in1 rpueo teppia
P1aiders Heavily to the Mugwumps.
(Camden Journal.)
It does not take a close observer to find
o hat Mr. Cleveland pauders, heavily to
'e --Sin ' w s." and really. sometimes,
wt, are l'ircel t ioelieve that Hlarper's
!!4i . he intolerant radical sheet, and
b' New Yor' Timcw. its peer in Southern
hinera<s. 'r the stars which illumine his
I is appotintments up North are, to say
*th h-::st 4 it. uuver, and there is scarcely
o "(emdc but what surprise is brought out.
4., shows a disposition to drink from Re
palican fountains, and literally rejoices at
.:hdlright he takes. * * *
To us it is not pleasant, and, although
we maty be called spoilsimen, yet we glory
Min, T nme because we can well remember
whan h : who are now drinking
m!: from the Denocratic teat were vile
: I 1 enemnies of our postrate and
much h:: uh, ardent and unrelent
iniie.s of the' Democratic party. Why
h .ub 1evthr b- rewarded? Is it efliciencv
ne-: 1I ~. the Democratic party must
isled be we i , and oight to be (sbanded
if t enunI nrok uce and biiung forward the
c of ';ch men as thcsc.
For niore than 20 years past such men as
.te v reviled and abused our party.
h'ave en able and valuable adjuncts to
those who have nearly destroyed our liber
tie- and made a mockery of civil govern
mnt. This being the case, we cannot en
darse Ir. Cleveland's course, and while
te gentle, sweet words of Republicans
m'-Y warm his bosom, and give hope to his
fuiure, it will not do. for under him and
arnd him the solid props of his own
pa.y will f:ll. crumble and decay, and
wb.Il2 the P t gains by running be
t''n(. W'!(i ad water will be lost in the
nr-t .araitf;rward course which in the
vnd ! vi:Ined :ri:n success. Yr. Cleveland
is mist:.ken, :lIl if his course is to be pur
sued. we s-, only a name without a practi
cal diltinction in the two great parties.
:!improNin;; Morals by Le;islation.
(Abbeville Medium )
T':ere was no demand for the law against
carying concealed weapons when it was
pasa 'd. It was the outcome of a clamor
a'nt whiky and pistols" during an ex
eitel polizical campaign and we always
the ontery was for the purpose of
divertin:: 'tenoi from the manipulations
of on. i'tlical faction. But no matter
Ihw caime about. a stringent l -w was en
a a.ant the vice of carrying deadly
weLmon' in w!vance of public sentiment.
ry instances has it ever been en
iorced. Only the obscure and humble
h:.e lLn puiislhed to any extent. Promi
ner.t :!d inliiential people can carry pistols
with impunity. They do carry and use
4hem. If a crame is committed with such
(teadly weapons the punishment is not in
creased fr this do-uble violation of law.
The law against dueling is almost a
nullity. Challenges have been given under
the very shadow of the Supreme Court and
:ll the circumtStances published in the news
paner.. Neither Solicitor or grand jury
ha:ve rgarded this open defiance of the
smtutes. If ther did undertake to punish
t'e ojience it would be exceedingly difficult
g :a jury to convi:t. These efforts at
tiproving inorals by legislation are vain so
far as our State is concerned.
Hlard Tihm.
(orangeburg Times and Democrat.)
Yes, money is scarcel It is a wonder we
have any. when nearly every pound of ba
erournd lard is purchased outside of
:hw 'tate, and so many of our farmers feed
their tock on Western corn and Northern
hv. 1 e,. tinies are hard! But we send
to Botton for cabbage and potatoes, and to
r' for I . turnipF, and it is no uncom
In'il sit to sce a wagonfrom the country
s'o'm' loaded with provisions and
jrue not a Single pound of which is
r i tis State. No country or peo
peta trtuly thr':e that sends abroad for
th ries that they can produce them
'l's rne'k Mtust h~e Follow'ed.
3reenvi!le Newsa
,LThe nmerous notices in the papers that
di"ferent laces in the State are endeavor
in to buil cotton factories show a healthy
ad stronr eifort toward improvement.
The' fossi. w Iho sit M1icawberlike and wait
fo oehn to turn up are being pushed
:ie by. the y.oung and enterprising men
who0 have Lad the scales torn from their
eyes by the depression in the country, and
teiz thit some new track must be fol
xme beUids the one that leads from the
fam t the store.
A buse of' Jurie.
(Ncvewhery Heratd and News.)
All this abuse of juries andl charging
them with the failure to perform their duty
is not caleulated to m'ake the jury system
more eflicient, nor to make juries any more
ready to convict. If it has any influence
at all, it will be in the other direction.
Like the Tatit?.
(Carolina Spartan.)
It seems that the inter-State commerce
bill1 does not work without friction. It is
nearly as unmanageable as the tariff.
(Nevwberryj Herald and News.)
You cannot make men moral by legisla
tin and yout might fill up the statute book
with suc'h laws and they would be of no
impzrotising a Pipe.
"Talking abotit ingenuity," said a drum
mer to a (hiengo Herald reporter, "I want
t o tel! von what I saw last winter out West.
I was~ in ' train that was snowed in for
tree days The company sent us food,
bt th'v didn't send any cigars, and the
anu blv's stock was exhausted the first
i. In~ the express car we found and
(ucidict a box of smoking tobacco, but
therie wasn't a pipe on the train. Among
the~ passeng~ers was a Connecticut yankee
wio w:,s just dying for a smoke. ie got
ozt in the snowI and looked around for a
wr d or someathirng of that sort, which he
mi:ht use in makinag a pipe, but couldn't
-a t : thin. 'im go)ingr to have a pipe.
aii' h-',' he said. So he took a lead pen
e i' opned the woodi. took out the lead,
pnd adwn the two strips together again,
v-'-nd them' tightly with the tin foil which
cae rouct of the packages of smoking to.
ba'cio, mak~ing them air-tight. Then he
tok an apple, hollowed a bowl out of it,
and~ had one of the dicest pipes you ever
sw. It vou don't believe it, mfake one for
To utem-ove the Commou Wart.
ttianwflly established that the comn
mnwart whzich is so unsightly, and often
prolcife.u onthe hands and face, can be
irremtoved hv smiall doses of sulphate
fniieiataken~ internally. 3M. Colrat,
( InntS, haraw'n attention to this ex
''::cil'iar f act. Several children treated
wi' in 'e'rinis of Epsomf salts, morning
zti evenia'g were promptly cured., [.
Aubetrs. cites the case o1' a woman whose
i'..'' wa di" ineured Iby these excrescences,
On wh o wa ' eared in a mouth by i drachm
nd' hill (I o meesia taken daily. An
ohi. r medi'-:d man reports a case of large
waii whicha disappeared in a fortnight
frth d:' admtinist:'ation of ten grains
T'e prelmnary hear'ng in the p)ost
*..ned l'a lande railro ul robbery cases
autu Wdesy m 3, orningr. ia Pitts
b*g bfr Depm l1ayo.tL'r C'ripp. .All
hepre~ .s aie prlmnr examina
i-n :md we.ure beki tfo r til at court. 'The
-etll prtOabl be tried dunring the pres
t curt i:rm.
Dr1. Piere-s "Favorite Prescription" is
eveyw here acknowledged to be the stand
ard ~remedy for female complaints aund
we-d..'.--.. T is soldl by ruggmists.
So beautiful she seemed and so pure
Ah me' how I should miss her.
Unable longer to endure
MV wish. I asked to kiss h'er.
A blush of deepest rose 'prv::
IHer face, as if to nas! it.
As, with a woman's art, she saiI
"Whyv, Frnk. you" shlouhi "t :sk
A uman of miark-A mar.i .
The height of sunune ir-FairiiI
A go between-li uu in a :
A sound instructor--A musir t"-wl-r.
A sound investment-Buying a drum.
Putting on airs-The western c y .'.
The greatest roam man of theiim ll-Tie
Sober thoughts-The kid *,-t come
next morning, you know.
It is not the cream that oUgt. t 1 e
whipped, but the milkn::n.
Every' sticker in the lam oiuent to''be'
through a "cource of sprt "
It is a mian! girl Who will givC Lr If'h
ful lover the mitten in hot wv.ether.
A bunioin is spoken of as a nuty
in low-cut shoes.
An executive session is one in whichi t;
do nothing and keep it secrelt
The lawyers are a very economierd cl:-.
They make their suits last so long.
Rising with the lark is nothing wo:ler
ful. Any rooster can beat the lark risimr.
The man who takes a hint is not neec
sarily a thief
Now that the base ball season is at horAd
'strikes" will be more frequent tha: ev,.
Every log ias his day, but the
belong to he e:ts.
Gone up ligher-The man who i&dn't
know it was loadled.
The bee can draw tweray times its n
weight; so can the porous phist-r.
The cream of experience is shimmed
from spilled milk.
A Richland man has been lined $0 for
keeping a cow. The cow belonged to a
"Oh, I'm slow." said the tortoise to the0
bare: "but I get there just the snie.
And then the hare said. "Chestnut"
When vessels "list" is it because they are
anxious to hear what the wild waves are
Heavy dews promote vegetatid, ;::d
heavy dues have often sent a busimess mal
to vegetate.
The fashionable slipper of undressed kil
is just as effective in dres:ing down "kids"
as any other kind.
"Yes," she said. "I think Char'es is in
love with me. is breath now smells of
cloves instead of plug tobacco."
Ginger ale is said to be good for the
blood. That's the reason the dude drinks
ginger ale. The dude is a blood.
Fogg speaks of the Government ware
house as "Purgatory," inasnmuch as spirits
are there held temporarily in bond.
There is hope for the dui. A Frnch
scientist claims to manufacture art ilal
A Chicago collector of rare book ha
paid twdnty-five hundred di.1::ns fora .
Thought it was something new, rrobay.
A prominent ciergyman calls the ac
"the playground of the soul." Then a
book agent's cheek must be a prairie.
The fool knows nothing of shame. A
man can hold up his head under any -tr
cumstances when there is nothing in it.
"Trust" may tbe a good motto fir a
Christian; "trust not" is a good one for a
It is an old saying that the watched po
never has a boil. That is the reason why a?
man cannot see the back part of hi.snek
Do not wear your troubles any misfo
tunes all on the outside, like an over'e.,
but keep them hiddlea within, like a rge
That homely babies make the best look
ing folks is an adage as oldi as time itselE
but you dare not tell a mother her baby i
An old gent named John Smith hasre
cently got married, giving as his chief
reason his desire to save the name fromi
utter extinction. Bully for Smith.
An ordinary woman's waist is thirty
inches around. An ordinary man's atrim is
thirty inches long. How admirable are
thy works, 0 Nature.
The number of plants raised by raan do s
not exceed three thousand. An industrious
hen will raise more than that every hour in
the day
Borax is so abundant in Columbia, Nev
ada, that it sells for four cents a poun d. Ah.
at last we have found out where the hotel
clerk's diamond comes from.
Said a fond husband to his wife: "3ly
dear, I think I'll buy you a little doe-.
"0, no!" she replied, "do not! I prefer giv
ing you all my affections:"
A strolling actor started out with high
hopes of captivating the country girls, lbut
report says uncertain eggs were the only
thrigs that wero "mashed on him."
Fashioin Notes for May.
Hats are not quite as high, but bonnets
have not descended an inch,
Evening gowns for young ladies are lav
ishly trimmed with ribbons and bows.
Cuffs and collars of linen should only be
worn with tailor madec costumes.
Monograms for underwear are embroid
red in long narrow letters on the left side.
A piece of perfumned card-beard or
leather placed in a writing box, or desk.
will perfume the paper very gratefully.
Wide sashes or scarfs are still tied tUround
the waist, but they require a veryv sli
figure, for being so wide they make the
waist look much larger than it really is,
Elaborate tiht dresses are made a
spotted cambric, with tucks in front,ad
a full coquille of lace down the cntre-: the
neck and sleeves at-e also trimumeil with lace
and ornamented with bows of colored
Straw bonnets and hats are trimmcd wi n
bows of ribbon or lace laittings, formi::n
background to a bouquet of small fairy
like velvet tulips in a variety of naturalt
colors, mixed with light foliag'e of g-rasses
Velveteen requires littie or no timng
It is therefore a peculiarly econmiec d
fabric for dresse's and cstumes for- bot
ladies and children. It can be purchaised
in all the different shamdes fashionabeti
Some of time new hats ihave the cr w:
of fine straw, and the tuirned up im *e
with coarse or' fancy' trawi: b n
shade. Time velvet iower's use uon- on
nets are also used in trimm'i btsb:
a much smaller' extent,:u and many - 'y h-h
models are of velvet t rimmed wit gunpur
)dantelets, with inn m n::r' Crune
ends, are mad'e of silke t ari. n ini
plain andl broub oi:4 taGae r
namnits ::ri- the- ie rmtt ,.2- e f;e :
els, and theise. are vy, ii m - -
take the form of a pin yoke . ,;er h.,.
the yoke divided in' Id.e/ :tse
brien an .- a nd : :dsni r- a d w t
Goev. Larrabee iis wri"en a le0er' ' thI
workit> of proiitini 'n Ion. 1: t
of tihe ti cou'miesth amili-:h. i
rigidly enforced, and1 piat'Pidy in 16
ie says proh'iition has 'gret i y. her-ii-i.a
tme Stat(e, and 'he only~ polulation lost i
composedl of conime md rum seller and
A flotel on Whel.1
A novel ra of Puliunco. h:i he
i:tka: vS ;
'.ti: 2 of n
ra a oI fein'of graeitreand t-]
car. ;o -nh eit ..- voda~-, t
I (' TV
instpt shot: av1ra rm s
thalt ul t:: I :r red of . . .
as I o: ua; a issn i1ihas b4
tarrh for ~ 'nouber 'if' -:crs Si' unh"
"go I was itken'f wi~th a sever pa4 :
tiot nves 'ar''" N Ia 0,;*!, I 11,I
rIgt ear. v- c .i:
- diV char matt, wteribe inlD e in e -
and noie inm hea. wto" tl-wdayo:
a-enei a' hcaltn ha.s U*iproved, r~~palr:'
e a c d o ee o1fh a new i uching,
'rpiro'i'ie tu- b 'tlt I liave TeecilL
froi my e i '" *o '-i A-a ta ( :
hit' r jtnder. 4 ci'a hn il
t : th P I emap d t 'o' . aF ile.uea : .
tion tb and yt was.rofd t to :d! who arc
noti~c "cd wih the111u tinde CLIthen) c rv
it: m n its rie and vn': willk
ndclvauo now her;itouLhetu-.M
genrautcnat iinoal Pauper hioe.
Decatur, n elay 4n 1 g:.
i, i Nit'lfHS DIS1EASE.
haprcve tbeen asaferer froa Kiree and
Bladdor troubles for suea eads.
have latc hard what is termed Brigiot's
DiSate ad have had eons d eral Tri
ing of i s vi 1v aluo.
The -uea. ha- niJOHN.' blood . 's. I
Secturd and a"a i ., y (. 1. BIC
-1ood B.l0 m i' oi. 'pO
ant1 ve:ry 'ch aiid I ant .:cl'giteU
Nv;tti its cliv-ts. 2. i~.toIrn.tS -e a
iarae n( 1J" I"i'' Of. i ti
,I ae bea suoie,rer f idne and
adte tou ble No sR years I
have atel-h haw t is t4 'rigt
Dseue, a d ai h,ad consoi:tideale wlla
i I m ls :m sot. eof ret'tha.
SI I ces
Ti'le u'ha:1161 n Coepiy o od :;;z . In- l
Wall puify the BD. r) D t:tic
Dined Da he Ln IVdEi acb> poDNES lld
and veryfqucly.t thd HEALn digte
with its enpetit..Iinlaicpreios.Laed a
larg onatity olaeyourd Bvertsd rca'
edjs,'nd eveand emneit' yyrain :.
ls wateuo ueizd 1 fro . camhm
at te toot-hHNi Awll I.'
TONIC snl u oi elyrs (oison.ac: rila hitI
thr olex:-.. r.-l i n t ;,ef~s, rrs c::nremit
Cure, Coinsytiatints. Cmplirr:: an.. Sc n
eada- e . mle se, a ncop our e B
mled .> o r de s, tiilce- win potahe.m s
St w . . Luis, M. 0i'il .
Xi R0
will urif theELOO re::''"
the LIEB an KIDNYS an
ofipptie.Inicetin.ac o
cl,:t av. :nnd evsrcio:~
lufantumorce. to Eniv the nor -e
ari bo els Th:&'nd surlesrin P"on:.
of Aetig-'n ia Sferin from. co >ad'
pecul et. i arttersxwi n
TNI aafan edy r . Gm ce t
thyconperan Feaen rtenrt At onrre.
ing nly ll t thep~ge r he or. Io
r~texeitet -tie u ALA
a i. n . dur Jaa; &e. n
11o:, or Eruption,
- alt-rheuin,
-. aly or Rough
'j:. d e:caused by bad
r .yth owe~rful, puri
it licine%. Great
- rapil 1 hal under its be
>ialC y hIas it mnallifested
T Atter, Rose Rash,
r -:. *.Sorc Eyes, Scrof
lie%,us re 'sids'iellings, Hip
't )iseC'e, 'White Swellings,
ni:re, or Thick Neck, an! Enlarged
0:1.and -e .ni : s in stanips for a
r..-::....t olodhiteS, on Skin
a i.unt for a treatiso
a Ig I.: C(l) J. THE LIFE."
i it yun Dr. Pjerels
o' dea *.-diggi Discovery,and good
;ge,,tonafirsIIn. buoyanxt spir
j, anud ital sir.rength, w:ill be established.
-..ini~ or ahe Lungs is ar
y' 'iu .~rrmedy. if taken be
- dic.iase arc reached.
F -1-.. r c.. r this terribly
1 ;r.t offering this now
- t. t-~ pubbe, Dr. PrERCE
t e iin- it his "Con.
. 1)tion e, it :bandoned that
rn:dime whicb,
::n of tonic, or
- . ' '': Now-cleainsmfg,
,!::tiv proper
.:;; te : s a remied for
L -I il Chtroni'c Ms.
.~ad andl Lungs.,
-71^ ~ r~sy Y-b fHilitated, havo
wish-brown spots
:adache or dizzi
i.ternal heat or
- i - !.:t 1!tsh s, low spirita
, rv ireuIar appetite,
:- : -- kiurfering from
epsia, :mfd Torpid
- In many
-1pim are expe
ali such cases:
s'.- r;.es otlen Medical Dis.
For .k Lunx, Sh0pitting of
;1ood. S:or -ie" of Breath, Bron
.(.)1.~,~.'thm:t evere Coughs, and
".-014-a ao it sn efficient remedy.
n rcr, fat $1.00, or SIX
mi-LS o r 25.v0.
s .i( t2 e, -n tmps for Dr. Pierce's
tion 0:3 1i et, EUFFALO, N. Y.
ofo tb h proprietors
* t ll r. CatarhRemedy
- r a casv of catarrh which
: cam-.t cure. If you
-1a aliselharge from the
- . o * ch rwise, partial loss of
e.l tate, or 1 aing, wekeyes. .dull pain
pr*,r.irt, il he you have Catarrn. 'hou
'.4. of-: termiintl in consumption.
D- -io a I a C IIiA hr .tY cures theworst
of Catarrh. "Cold in the Head,'"
ardCatarrhal cadachc. W0 cents.
From the World's Best lakers,
Easiest Terms of Payment.
Eight Grand Makers, and Ovr
Three Hundred Styles to
Select From.
Chickering, Mason & HamHn.
Iathushek, Bent and Arion.
Mason & Hamlln, Orchestral and
Bay State..
Planos and Organs delivered, freight
paid, to all points South. Ftfteen days'
trial, ad Freight raid Both Ways, if
iot satisfactory.
Order, ands test the Instruments in
your Owif Homes.
3ranch of LUJDDEN & BATES*
W. W. TEUMP, Xanager.
IMost happ!ly meets the demand of the age for
womian's pecular amictions. It is a remedy for
tie dieass. t i aSpeciflc for certain diseased
-:endlt:uns or the womb, a~td so controls the Men
strual organs as to regulate all derangements r.Zd
rregula rites or hier Monthly Sicaness. The po
priet'rs claimn for thBs Remedy no other me1ical
property. It Is strictly a Vegetable Compud
:be studied prescription of a learnedphsca
whiose 3: ecialty was FMAw n. DsISEs,an whose
tai'e bec ime eaviable because of his success In
the treatment and core of female complains
Suffering woman, It will relieve you of nearly all
compa:ts peculiar to your sex.
For sale by druggists. Write for book, "Mess
age to Woman," mailed free.
EDADPILD RXarrATon Co., Atlanta, Gai
Ask Lor Uilustrated Pamphlet.
TER RY SHO0W CASE 00. Nashville,Tenm

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