OCR Interpretation

The Manning times. [volume] (Manning, Clarendon County, S.C.) 1884-current, April 03, 1901, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063760/1901-04-03/ed-1/seq-3/

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;ounty and To'% Of
C.. APRIL 3, 1R 1.
Is the Time
ring shopping at The
Goods Store. as we are
ucements which should
-active to all those who
a Spring Dry Goods.
;e prices suit you-Fine
--ales, in full pieces, no
absolutely fast colors, at
:.t colored Shirt Waist
.t:3;c per yard.
rd-wide Bleach Home
spun made, only Sc per yard.
Pure Linen Huck Towels at 10 each
or 20c per pair.
White Bed Spreads, very nice. at $1
It will do you good, ladies, to see our
fine White Marsailles Bed Spreads at
$5 each. they are certainly beauties.
The finest line of Table Linen to be
found in this town.
Nice Turkey Red Damask at 25c yd.
Fine White Linen Damask from 50c
yard up to $1.50 yard.
Our line of Dry Goods is the largest
and most complete of any house in the
Notice is hereby given that no advertise
ments will be changed in this paper where
the copy is brought in later than Saturday
Mrs. Dr. A. Becker and child arrived
in Manning Sunday and are quartered
at Mrs. H. D. Plowdens.
75e. Shirts for 50c. at Till's.
Calicos and Twill Dress Plaid at 4c.
Louis Levi.
Dried Peaches and Apples, very good
and very cheap. S. A. Rigby.
Coal Tar for corn planting. The R.
B. Loryea Drug Store.
If you have money to spend for Dry
Goods, The Jenkins.on Dry Goods Store
is the place to go.
Mrs. Sallie D'Ancona accompanied
by her mother Mrs. H. Levi returned to
her home in Chicago last Sunday.
36 in. Percale 5c. at Till's.
Standard Prints at oost on bargain
counter. Louis Levi.
Young Gent's, if you need a nice new
Hat or a new Suit of Clothes for Easter,
Jenkinson can please you.
There will be service at Fellowship
church next Sunday at 4:00 o'clock p.
m. Rev. J. J. Meyers will preach.
Mott's Vinegar is the best. We have
it. The R. B. Loryea Drug Store.
Fine Colored Dress Shirts at 35ce. on
bargain counter worth 50c. Louis Levi.
The Jenkinson Dry Goods Store will
do some lively Dry Goods retailing from
the 4th to the 13th of April.
Ladies Parasols in beautiful Silks
and Gloria with stylish Handles. Louis
Mrs. J. Levy who has been visiting
Mr's. Abe Levi itt Manning returned to
her home in Philadelphia last Sunday.
Tenneys Bon Bons, and Confections
in artistic boxes. The R. B. Loryea
Drug Store.
Flower Pots in 6,8, 10, 12, and 14 in.
and wh'en in need of Flower Pots don't
fail to call. Louis Levi.
Stone Churns, large and small, at
cheap prices. Old~ Reliable, S. A.
'S. L. Till sells the $3.50 kind of Shoes
for $'2.983 *
"All the Colors of the Rainbow"
Paas Dyes for Easter Eggs. The R.
B. Loryea Drug Stoit.
George Epperson who was sentenced
at the reeent sitting of court to a term
on the chaingang or pay a fine of $40.
has succeeded in giv.img a bond which
permits him to have time for the pay
ment of the fine.
Attention, Tobacco Planters: We
have on hand Paris Green, chemically
pure. The R. B. Loryea Drug Store.
We are headquarters for Cow Feed,
such as Cotton Seed Meal, Wheat Bran,
,etc. The Manning Grocery Co.
S. I. Till sells 10 'tvards good colored
Lawn for 2.5 cents.
When in need of a colored Dress
Shirt, call on Louis Levi, he has a fine
lot of 50c. Shirts on his bargain counter
at 35c.
Jenkinson is offering for the cash one
case (3,000 yards) nice fast colored
Spring Shirting Prints at Sie per yard.
Flower Pots, from the smallest to
the largest sizes, this week at S. A.
Ex-Sheriff Geo. S. McCravey of Lau
rens, now one of the State Dispensary
Inspectors spent Monday night in Man
ning, and checked up our local dispen
sarv. He made us a pleasant call yes
terdlay and expressed himself pleased
with Mr. Brown's management.
From the 4th to 13th of April will
mark some record-breaking sales in the
Dry Goods trade at The Jenkinson Dry
Goods Store.
Mens and Ladies Shoes at 98c. and
85e. on bargain counter worth $1.20
$135. Louis Levi.
The Genuine Wood's Early Rose and
Bliss Triumph Seed Potatoes a new lot
just received. The R. B. Loryea Drug
Mr. Lawson McLeod has taken charge
of the express business of. this town,
and the office will be located in his street
railway office in the J. W. McLeod
buildingt. The office being located in
the business portion of the town ,tilkbe
a great convenience to the publrc'.
Jenkinson's Dry Goods Store is show
ing one of the largest stocks of Fin
Clothing, Shirts. Collars. Cuffs, Hats
and Shoesaf any store in the county.
Our Clothing Department is full o1
pretty Nebby Suits this seasoo, and yot
should have one. Louis Levi.
You should have attended S. I. Till's
Millinerv Opening he 'sold nearly al
the folks their Hats. They were beau
ties and he sold them so cheap, all the
ladies say Till's is the place for Hats.
Married, by Rev. P. B. Wells, at the
residence of'Nirs. 3. R. Ridgill, las
Thursdav, Mr. Gaillard Altman. anc
Miss 0. Delcrusa McCauley. a daughte:
of Mr. James McCauley. The newl
married couple left on the evening trai
for their future home at Suttons, Wil
liamsburg county.
If you need a nice new Hat or Dress
you eannot do any better than to go t(
'enkinson's: they have the larges1
stock to select fro'm and prices always
Don't delay, but use Dead Stuck and
save future annoyance. Now i; the
time to commence. The R. B. Loryea
Drug Store.
When in town don't fail to see Our
White Goods and Embroideries, we
have a large stock in beautiful patterns.
Louis Levi.
Invitations have been issued for the c
coming marriage of Mr. Henry Burch- i
ell Richardson of Panola and Miss t
Marie Louise Dingle of Charleston. The t
ceremony is to take place Wednesday la
afternoon at 4 o'clock April 10th. inst.,
St John's Lutheran Church in Charls- d
ton. We acknowledge the honor of an
invitation to be present. s
The bargain counter is full of chcice c
goods that are being sold at cost. Shoes, s
Shirts. Hats, Calicos and Twill, Dress t
Plaids at cost. Louis Levi.
Baseball Players, attention' We have
on hand and to arrive, a full supply of
Baseballs, Bats, Mitts, Masks, etc. The
R. B. Loryea Drug Store.
The people are bound to buy Spring t
Dry Goods. The Jenkinson Dry Goods S
Store is bound to have their share of it 0
if low cash prices and first class goods
count for anything.
Mrs. P. B. Thames went to Charles- t
ton Monday night to attend the gradua- v
ting exercises of the South Carolina o
Medical College that took place in the
Academy of Music last night. Manning
is represented among the graduates by. i
Mr. T. T. Stukes, Jr., in the medical t
class and Mr. Plumer Clark in the I'
pharmacy class. Mr. Clark has also a
the distinction of standing second in a a
class of tifteen. c
Be sure and read advertisement in r
next week's issue of THE MANNING
TIMES, it will surely interest you. The t
R. B. Loryea Drug Store. r
Don't fail to call at the bargain coun
ter and get one of those fine Colored o
Shirts at 35c. worth 50c. the world over.
Louis Levi.
A visit to The Jenkinson Dry Goods 0
Store and an inspection of the stock b
and the low prices named will convince c
you that this is Clarendon's greatest
Dry Goods Store.
We want to see every customer in
Clarendon County in the store this sum- t
mer, as we have a choice line of Goods B
to show them. Louis Levi.
Mr. W. J. Taylor expects soon to c
have a telegraph office in the business
portion of the town. Mr. Taylor in
speaking of the matter said, the super
intendent has agreed to let the office
be changed on certain conditions, but
he is now endeavoring to get those con- 1
ditions modified. The business inter- n
ests of this town require telegraphic
communication conveniently located,~
and we are glad to learn that we have
a fair prospect of getting it.
"The pen is mightier than the d
sword," particularly when you use the e
Fountain Pen. Very useful and con- a
venient. The R. B. Loryea Drug Store. f
We can save you 25 or 30 per cent on s
Shoes, Shirts, .Hats and Calicos. Call f
at the bargain counter and see if we v
can't do what we say Louis Levi. j
The Jenkinson Dry Goods Store will
rattle the dry bones in the Dry Goods t
trade from the 4th to 13th of April.
They will sell two cases (4,000 yards) b
ard-wide fast colored Percales at 5cs
ard, all full pieces and perfect goods.
One day last week a bank known ast
he "Bank of Columbia" shipped by a
he Southern Express Company a pack
ge containing $5000 in money, when
he package reached New York the
onsignees~ opened it, and it was foundE
hat instead of greenbacks, slips of l
aper cut the size of bills was received.a
'he supposition is that the packag~e
was tampered with after it left Column- t
bia, but wher-ever it was done, the work"
was very complete, and the robber will a
be shrewd enough to hide his booty.
If you wish to enjoy your cup of tea I
be sure and purchase our deservedly C
popular Acme Tea it reaches us via thei
Suez Canal. The R. B. Loryea Drug t
Stre. c
Have you seen those fine colored and i
whlte Challenge Shirts, they are beau- ~
ties and for style and fit they have no i
equal. Louis Levi. .E
We will contiime to add ne'w things
on the bargain counter every week,
and you can find some choice goods,
cheaper than the actual worth. Louis
"Dum Spiro Spero Spes." The Southc
Carolina interstate and West Indian
Exposition Cigar is as good as its name
implies, we are agents for Manning.
The R. B. Loryea Drug Store.
Here is an opportunity for some lady
in Clarendon to win a prize of $10.00
and at the same time make for herself
a reputation as an artist. It will be
seen that the Women's department of
the South Carolina Inter-State and
West Indian Exposition offer a prize
for the best original design for souve-]
nirs to be sold in the Women's building
during the exposition, and we hope
that some of our Clarendon ladies will 1
interest themselves in this -natter and
compete for the prize. Read the no
tice in another column.
A Food, a Tonic, and an Invigorator,
Pabst Malt Extract, Malt Nutrine,1
Hoff's Malt Extract, Wurtzburger Malt
Extract, Vin Mariana. The R. B.
Loryea Drug Store.
Jenkinson's Opening.4
Manning had two great days on last
Wednesday and Thursday, and espec-1
ially was this the case with the lady
fol. Women as a rule are by nature
bargain hunters, and when some en-1
terprising merchant advertises that hei
has bargains to offer the women go into
ecstacies over the announcment and arei
restless until the day arrives when they
might go, see and purchase. A shrewd
merchant like W. E. Jenkinson under
stands this peculiarity of women and he
makes it his business to cater in that
direction. His large dry goods and
millinery departments were carefully
put in holiday attire for his "opening,"
and through the columns of THE TiMES
the glad tidings went - forth which
brought to Jenkinson's stor'e a large
crowd of ladies from all sections of the
The thoughtfulness of Mr. Jenkinson
in serving lunch was highly commended
by those ladies who traveled many
nmiles to be at this opening, and the
music which enlivened the occasion
added much to the spirit of the day.
The store was decorated very tastefully,
and the display of dress goods and
trimmings were very attraetive. All
manner and conditions of people were
to be seen in that establishment. The
bride-to-be selecting a trousseau, the
intended mother-in-law purchasing bed
linen and other household necessities,
the groom-to-be wading through the
clothing department, fitting himself out
for the happy day, the mother with her
hands deep down into a pile of laces
and embroderies selecting for the little
ones, the wife having measured off the
material for a beautiful dress to make
her "hubby" at home in jean breeches,
swell with pride, and th~e young lady
getting samples and smilig at the
salesman. The millinery feature of
Jenkinson's vast emporium, presidad
over by Miss Coppedge was a magmifi
cient arrangement of head gearing of
the very latest designs and no one is
p)rouder of this branch of the business
than Miss Coppedge herself, and she
has a right to be. because the very
tasty manner in which her pattern
hats were arranged, the attractive dis
play of the flowers, feathers. ornaments
and other trimmings were certainly a
great feature of Jenkinson's spring
Important to Teachers.
County Superintendent Wells has re
ceived a letter from the Sta:e Superm
tendent of Education urging him to as
ertain the number of teachers who- will r
pledge themselves to attend a county
summer school. He complains of the
mall number of teachers that atteuded
in this county last year. and says "he
ore determining to omit your e-nmt,
F shall ask you to do all you can to se
!ure pledges of attendance." Tis
ibsolutely necessary on account of the
reduced funds at the State Superimtn
lant's disposal. Mr. McMahau goes on
n his letter with the following reasons
why teachers who are drawing money
roin the public treasury for teaching
;hould attend these summer schools:
"The Summer Schools are of more
mportance this year than ever before,
-eeause of the newly adopted text books r=
which the teachers will be called upon
:o teach when the schools open again.
[nstruction will he given with special
'eference to certain of these books
which in their up-to-datei met h-:d may
)resent some ditliculties to some teach
nrs. I have succeeded in obtaining T
rom the publisher:; a special conces
ion by which the teachers who attend
:he Summer Schools can provide them
;elves with desk copies of these books
or less than half the wholesale price
o dealers. It is a deplorable fact that
large number of teachers do not own
and have never studied the books which co
;hey go through the form of teaching de
rhev "hear" lessors which they have
20t prepared or given any thought to.
[et the best teachers feel that they
nust give hours of daily study to the
reparation of even the most elemen
ary lessons which they are to teach
Strikes a Rich Find. a
-- I was troubled for several years with chronic
ndiestion and nervius debility." writes F. J.
;reen of Lancaster. N. H. - No remedy helped
ne until I began usinr Electric Bitters, which
lid me more good thar. all the medicines I ever
ised. They have also kept my wife in excellent
iealth for years. She says Electric Bitters are
ust splendid for female troubles: that they are ha
i grand tonic and invigorator for weak, run
[own women. No other medicine can take its o0
)lace in our family." Try them. Only 50c. w
satisfaction guaranteed by The R. B. Loryea
)rug Store. I
Beam Th) Kind You Have Alwas Bought
Manning Academy.
Forty-first session began January 7, H
901. Thorough preparation for any F
ollege. Individual teaching. Tuition, dc
+1 to $4 per month. dc
45-tf] Principal.
Read in another page tue combina
ion offer we are making. Through a
nisunderstanding several who took ad
rantage of this offer last year did not
et their papers promptly, but our
rrangements are such now, that every
erson who pays up, and one year in
Ldvance, and all new subscribers, will
,et this valuable farm journal promptly.
.emember you get THE TIMES and Si
arm and Home for $1.50. en
C A.40 9? O M .A . to
Tie Kind You Have Always Bought N
The Best Prescription for Malaria ch
Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove's
'asteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron
nd Quinine is a tasteless form.-No
ure, no pay. Price 50c.
" I had piles so bad I could get no rest
tor find a cure until I tried DeWitt's
Vitch Hazel Salve. After using it
ince, I forgot I ever had anything like
iles." E. C. Boice, Somers Point, N.
f. Look out for imitations. Be sure
ou ask for DeWitt's. The R. B. Lor
ea Drug Store, Isaac M. Loryea, Prop.
Prize Offered for Souvenir Design.
The Women's Department of thei
outh Carolina Inter-State and West
:ndian Exposition will give a prize of:
10 for the best original design for sou-'
enirs to be sold in the Women's Build
.ng during the Exposition..
This competition is open only to
romen of South Carolina. Each de-=
;ign must be sent to the undersigned by
Fuly 1st, 1901, and must be accompa
2ied by specifications for its construe
ion, and the real name of competitor,
.n a sealed envelope, and not appearing
lsewhere, so that the'name of compet
itor will not be known until the award
is made.
Rejected designs will be returned
apon application (with postage enclo
ed),made within thirty days after the
:lose of competition.
The Executive' Committee of the W
nen's Department will be the judges of
the conrpetition.
-Chr'n Coin. on Souvenir,
44 Pitt St., Charleston, S. C.
"Last winter I was confined to m'
bed with a very bad cold in the lungs
N~othing gave me relief. Finally my
wife bought a bottle of One Minute -
ough Cure that effected a speedy cure. =
cannot speak too highly of that excel
tent remedvy' Mr. T. K. Houseman,.
:anatawney, Pa. The R. B. Loryea=
Drue Store, Isaac M. Loryea. Prop.
This signaturo is on cvery box of the genuino
Lxtive Br'02i0=Quin1n0 'Talets -
-e remedy thiat cz:ns a cold in one dg~y
Follows LaGrippe,
Coughs and Colds,
But is arrested by using that Sovereign
~~hite Pin
Cough Balsami
With TAR.
A valuable remedy for Coughs, Colds. -
Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup and all=
Throat and Lung Affections.
Its merits are appreciated and com
mended by those who have used it.
We unhesitatingly endorse its claims
ISAAC M. LORYEA, Proprietor,
Sig-n oF the
Golden Mortar,
'i=H ONE NO. 2.
griMail orders receive immediate
nr ur Job Work to The Time ofcfie. i
schheimalr FisbelK
olids its Shape and Color T
Longer T cksa uit
And Gives More Wear
han Any Other Clothing
on the Market.
m VERY Iman who has a regard for his pocketbook and wants to prac
tice practical economy should see our line of CLOTHING this spring.
Those who patrouize so-called "swell" tailors we particularly
invite, because we know it is the easiest thing in the world for us to
!vince them that we can clothe them equally as good and for a great
al less money.
Let us show you our newest ideas in
fen's and Boys' Clothing for Spring.
We have made. great preparations to meet all the demands, and to buy
Spring Suit before seeing our stock will be a lost opportunity.
Our stock of Hats for spring and summer are all in, and a better line
.s never been shown in Manning before. In Straw Goods we have done
r best to get the NOBBIEST and all the Latest Shapes that are to be
>rn this season.
Our line of Fur Hats is complete in all the new Colors and Latest Blocks. ,
hen you are in town come in and let us show you through this line,
iether you are wanting to buy or not, We can show some beauties.
Wemgt aeSHIRTS.
We migh t have overdone ourselves and bought too much in this line.
>wever we have them, and we had to buy largely to get all the Styles
d Patterns, and they must be sold. If pretty Patterns, Good Quality,
rst Class Workmanship and Low Prices mean anything we are going to
the shirt trade of the town and community this spring and summer.
ye us a call.
Take our Shoes, the WALK-OVER for instance for men, the DREW
;LBY for ladies, the STAR SHOE for children; you will find them differ
t from any other store's offerings in this place. They fit better, give you
re comfort and last you longer than any Shoe you can buy.. Our cus
:ers are daily expressing the satisfaction these Shoes are giving them.
arly every day some gentleman steps in to say to us, " This is the best
oe I ever had." One gentleman in town told us the WALK-OVER SHOE
ted him longer than any shoe he has had since he was a man.
If you have not worn a pair of these, all we ask is to give them a trial.
A full line of Oxfords for men, and Sandals and Oxfords for ladies and
ildren. In fact we are headquarters for Shoes.
Thankin'g you for past favors, we are
Yours anxious to please,
.1 DAVIS & 001'
R. & G. Corsets.
Every woman knows what the R.1
-& G. Oorset is. It is the corset of
comforf with the essence of style. It
is the only corset that will not, can-I
not and does not stretch.
if you buy an R. & G. Corset that
.does stretch or proves unsatisfactory
in any way, bring it back to us and
! we will give-you a new one.
We have in stock the
~~ Famous No. 3971
I /moderately straight front, which is
- -popular 'with most women who do
- enot demand an extra straight front. b
SThose who do will 'find it in the new f
% straight front shown in our illustra
We sell No. :397 for....... .J
Our corset stock is large and well s
,selected. t
STalk About Bargains
110000 Yards of fair quality Colored Lawn, the kind that
i UUUU our neighbors ask 50-for, our price for the lo
only. ............... .... .......-.----.
jTO CONSUMERS ONLY and not to merchants.
An300 Yards of Yard-Wide Heavy Sea Island Home- 5c
U U spun at. ................ ....--...-.--- *
I Our 40-inch White Lawn at 12c is the talk of the country. __
I Fine White Dimiity in short lengths at 10c per yard.
Infants' Lace Lawn Cap at 10c. J
WhaeIn White Goods
W haethe prettiest things out this season. Have you seen
them-the F-ine Corded Muislins'
i Pieces of the Fine Little Val. Lace at ic per yard. Better . e~
IU qualities from 2c up. le
S In this line we claim to be the strongest and cheapest in
Stown. Fine Dress Fabrics like these: o
S Line of Albatross Goods, line Silk Warp Plain Goods and Silk 01
Warp Novelties in Creams that are very swell for Skirts this sea- g
son, and our Silks, both Plain and Fancy, at 39 and 48c per yard
are fine for Waists.
iShoes and Oxfords.~i
We are showing the most complete line of Ladies'. Children's t
and Men's Shoes and Low Cuts that can be found anywhere, and
you know very well that RIGBY sells nothing but the best Shoes
and his prices are less than they ask for shoes that are no good. t
Don't forget that RIGBY will give to every baby born in 1901 in
Sits first pair of shoes.
Our Spring Shirts for Men. Have -;ou seen what a selection .
we are handling this season, including the new colors in Madras,
White Negligee, Men's Silk Bosom that is nice enough for any
young man at 48c.
Nowv before we close wve want everybody to know that we en
want their trade to make our Spring business the largest that we
a have ever done, so be sure to come in to see us, and if we can't
~sell you we know that no one else can, tor our prices are unde.l or
~Lthe rest. A I B~
Public Meeting.
The ('onimissioners of this county for
he ('harleston exposition met in Man
ting last Wednesday and arranged for
.)public meeting to take place in Man
tinr Saturday tii h, inst.. at which Gen.
W. Mloise will deliver an address.
Ve regret the notice is so short, for we
cel that if the people of this county
ould but hear General Moise on the
natter of the exposition, the advantage
o be derived from such an institution
hey would take an active interest in it
.nd would compete with each other in
setting together material for Claren
on's exhibit.
We hope that notwithstanding this
hort notice that there will be a large
.ttendance in the court house on next
saturday. General Moise's speech willI
how the advantages of the expositoa
o the county and the State at large,
nd especially the advantage to be de
ived from advertising the products of
he town and county. At this meeting
re hope our bisiness men will spare
he time to attend and from that time
n. everybody will go to work to see
hat the products of the farm, forest,
vamp, manufacturing industries, and
ther institutions are brought forward.
That we have every confidence in the
roject being of great value to all
lasses of our people, and to encourage
he spirit of pushing the concern along.
re have decided to offer a prize on our
wn account, and have selected the
rood's of Clarendon county. THE
IANNING TImES offers a prize of 510.
a gold for the best displa of wood
aken from ot.r forests and swamps.
'his offer stands good until the judges
t the exposition render their decision,
nd who ever they say has the finest
isplay of natural wood taken from the
wamps and forests of Clarendon wi.ll
eceive the prize.
We are satisfied that an exhibition of
he wood's of this county will not orly
ake a fine show, but it will result in
eing profitable; it will have the effect
f inducing people here who will invest
a our swamp lands, which are not util
ted now, and therefore might be term
d waste lands, but when wood workers
-et into them they will become valua
,le and in demand. Everybody turn
ut to the meeting next Saturday.
It Girdles the Globe.
The fame of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, as the
est in the world, extends round the earth. It's
ie one perfect healer of Cuts. Corns. Burns.
ruises. Scres. Scalds. Boils. Ulcers. Felons.
ches. Pairs and all'Skin Eruptions. Only in
lible Pile Cure. '5c a box at The R. B. Lor
ea Drug Store.
Till, the Hustler.
Those who went to the New York
acket Store to witness Till's opening
tst Wednesday and Thursday could
ot help but be impressed with the en
erprising spirit of the proprietor. The
tore was lavishly ornamented with a
ecoration made up of beautifully ar
anged dress goods, with trimmings,
mbroideries and laces of the latest
esigns, white goods, and ribbons, nov
ties placed here and there to attract,
ad his shoe department came in for a
ill share of attractiveness. The store
as crowded with purchasers and sight
eers from morning until night, and
-om the way the packages came out
'as convincing proof of the efficacy of
idicial advertising when a merchant
lands squarely up to his advertisments.
'ill sold piles of goods over his coun
rs on his two opening days and he
istly merits the large trade built up
v him. His store, on the occasion we
eak of had the appearance of one of
ae oriental bazaars we see at exposi
ons, where artists are employed to
rrange the goods and wares in the
iost attractive manner to induce sales.
On the upper tier in this establish
ient presides over the millinery Miss
ertha Robinson, who has by her de
btful manners made many friends
nong the ladies, and others who visit
'ill's store. This lady had on exhibi
on a grand display of exquisitely trim
ed hats, of the most fetching designs,
ad her work was highly praised by all
'ho saw it. Till's millinery depart
lent was a bower of iovliness, from the
illiner down to the most minute arti
le of head ornamentation, and besides
a this department was a display of ar
istic taste in the decorations which
an be attribuited to Miss Robinson's
rt, she placing her hats and trim~nings
a such a position as to make her de
artment pictur'esquie, and the manner
a which she received those who want
d to buy or 'who wanted t.o look, was as
aking with the people as t eelaborate
Less of the exhibit.
It Dazzles the World.
No discovery in medicine has ever created
ne quarter of the excitement that has been
aused by Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
mption. It's seveverest tests have been on
opeless victims ot Consumption. Pneumonia.
[emorrhage. Fleirisy and Bronchitis, thou
ands of whom It has restored to perfect health.
'or Coughs. Colds.. .Esthma. Croup. Hay Fever.
loarseness and Whooping Cough it is the
uickest, surest caire in the world. It is sold by
he R. B. Loryeai Drug Store who guarantee
atisfaction or refund the money. Largze bot
les 50 and $1. Trial bottles free. 1
Court Coutinued.
When we went).o press last week Ed
)ingle was being tried on the charge
f murder. The jury found him guilty
f manslaughter and recommended him
o the mercy of the court. The fore
an told the judge that it was the
manimous opinion of the jury that Din
rle 'should r'eceive the very lightest
unishment,ecause they did not believe
rom the testimony that he intended to
till, but that he should be punished for
he careless handling of a gun. Din
le was sentenced to two years on the
Bossie Bailey, an old offender, was
~onvicted of burglary and larceny and
entenced to seven years in the peni
entiary at hard labgor.
Thursday morning the court opened
vith the trial of Buford Gaillard for
aking Mr. R. J. Alderman's horse from
he Baptist church on New Year's eve
iight, and for which offence Mr. Alder
nan offered a reward of $200 for con
iction. Gaillard was found guilty and
entenced to pay $50 or four months on
he chaingang.
Noah Lighty pleaded guilty to the
bharge of assault and battery with in
ent to kill and carrying concealed
veapons and was sentenced to seven
nonths on the chaingang or pay $50.
The case against Westley Staggers
esulted in conviction and a sentence of
lye ears on chaingang.
Friday morning the case against
Tames reen charged with murder was
alled and on account of the witnesses
2t responding, it was continued. Court
hen adjourned, and JTudge Watts and
solicitor Wilson deserve much credit
or the manner in which they despatch
edi the business.
:Blown to Atoms.
The od idea that the body sometimes needs a
powerful. drastic. purgative pill has been ex
2loded: for Dr. King's New Life Pills, which
ire perfectly harmless. gently stimulate liver
md bowels to expel poisonous matter. cleanse
-he systemi and absolutely cure Constipation
d Sk Headache. Only 25c. at the R. B. Lor
rea Dru Store.
Preserve your harness by using Eu
reka and Palmetto Harness Oil, and
keep our car'riages, buggies and wag
nes in' good order by applying Boston
Axle Oil. We have also Lubricating
Castor Oil in bulk. The R. B. Loryea
Drug Store.
" I have been troubled with indiges
tion for ten years, have tried many
things and spent much money to no
purpose until I tried Kodol Dyspepsia
Cre. I have taken two bottles and
gotten more relief from them than all
ather medicinces taken. I feel more
like . 'o than I have felt in twenty
years.- Anderson Riggs of Sunny
Lane, Tex. Thousands have testified
as did Mr. Riggs. The R. B. Loryea
n..,, Stor. ITaac M Loryea. Prop.
Yes, this is the Easter season.
Well, have you thought about your Easter Dress yet?3
S Yes, I have been thinking about getting me a nice 3
Crepe deChine o nieSilk Lansdown, or French Im- 3.
Sported Meldrose in some sty i-s flhd and have it trim- 3
med with Accordeon Plaiting, overlaid wit~h n ies~~ -
Well where can such goods be found?
Sthey keep everything that is stylish and up-to-date, and
Sit is so pleasant to do shopping there, and if they haven't 3
Sgot exactly what you want they will go to any amount of 3
Strouble to get just what you need. 3
S Well, I would like to have a nice Black Grenadine or
a nice Salisi deChine for my Easter Dress. Do you think
SI could get such a dress it The JENKINSON DRY3:
S Why, of course; I was there the other day and saw3
Sall of these goods.3
*Well, if I get this nice dress I will have to have an3
SEaster Hat or Bonnet also; where will I find that?
S Why, of course, at The JENKINSON DR~Y GOODS
SSTORE: why, don't you know they have one of the larg- 3
Sest Millinery Departments in this part of the State; why,3
Sthey keep three milliners busy all the time and his head 3
Smilliner goes to New York and Baltimore twice a year to 3
Sget the correct styles, and I tell you they have pretty 3
SHats there-everything up-to-date, and the prices are al- 3
Sways right.3
S Well, I have decided Where to buy my Dresses and
SHats for myself and daughters, but now I have several
SSuits to buy for the boys, and, perhaps, a nice Suit for
Sthe old man; where will I find these? _
Eof course; why, they carry nearly everything you wear
SShoes, Hats, Clothing, Fine Dry-Goods and a complete
Sline of Gent's Furnishings; everything you need you can
Sget at JENKINSON'S except groceries; they don't carry
S Well, who is this man JENKINSON anyway? Where
Sdid he come from?
E Why, he was a farm lad, born and reared .in Claren
Sdon county and was first employed by Samuel A. Rigby,
Sand after working for many years and Teceiving businesr7
Straining under this successful business man he branched
Sout on his own account and he has compietely revolution- 2
~ized the trade of Manning; he has got a move on every 6
Sbody in the town. Years ago it was nothing but Sumter!
SSumter! for everything; but after JENKINSON opened -
up and got such a move on all the merchants of Manning ~
you don't hear of Sumter now, for you can buy goods as
Scheap in Manning now as any up-to-date town in the
SState, and JENKINSON leads them all in Fine .Dr
SGoods and up-to-date Millinery. I want to tell you, one
Sother thing about JENKINSON'S Store, they 'havea
very polite set of clerks, they take the pains to show yoli~
Severything, it matters. not whether you bay one cent or
Snot, they are always ready to show you their goods. 3
t. Customer&
Once gained is always ours. We are proud of the
fact that-we have never yet had a dissatisfied~cus
tomer, and that our business is increasing daily.
lonest Goods,
Fair treatment and Low Prices will-tell the tale
The people of Clarendon County are now fast find
ing out that it is not only false economy but fool
ishness to pay fancy prices for goods when they
can do better, and
'hie Racket Store is the Place.
Others may blow and bluster around and tell you all kind of things; that's
~cause THEY CAN'T DO IT. We are the people for Low Prices. Twenty
e cents saved on every dollar you spend with us.
have the goods, we have the right goods; We have the prices, wehave th Ight PdCCs
We do a strictly cash business; our -prices are too low, our profits are too
aall to allow any time, and for spotcash we will give you prices that will beat
e world. Our big inducenient is our Low Price. We have nothing to give
u-no free lunches, no music, for you will sure pyfor it in the end, but muore
ods for your money than any house In Sout aolina.
-inch Percale.......... -. ...----------.------------.------- .
d Colored Lawn, 10 yards for.....................----------------.....23C
>vs' and Men's Straw Hats..............-.------------------------- 1
en's good Work Shoe.....................-------.------------------1 OG
>ys' Suits............ ..... ....---------------. --------------1. 2
en's Suits............ .. .....--------------------------------'
e have something special in a$16.50,Suit for only..............----...10 00
k to seelit.
Yours for business,
~. TLL, Prp.Racket
. I TLLPrp.store.
or .: Business :: Reasons.
e think it a good policy for us to use our buying facilities to get special bar
ins for our customers who will find by a careful examination of our stock
'ery article offered by us has been bought and is being sold at its true value or
s. Our buyer's care is to see that only goods of
Standard Quality at the Lowest Prices
~tainable are brought to this market to be sold at our place. It is and has been
r policy to give our patrons their money's worth in the smallest as well as the
~eatest sold.
The latest bargains we have to offer is our stock of
this we have the most complete as well as the most beautiful line, we think,
at has ever been shown in our town, and we are selling it at a little less mar
n than ordinary in order to introduce it. These goods are not the cheap imi
tions of imported ware as our prices might lead one to think, but is the genu
earticle. We also have a nice and well selected stock of
iich we are disposing of rapidly.
This is not the season when Cooking Stoves are sold in quantities, but we
joy a steady sale in this line. Our success in this department for the past sea
rihas been very gratifying. We still have a full line of O.K. COOK STOVES
hand and can furnish any size and number on short notice.
FARMERS, after a long delay our stock of Guatier Oil Finished Plow
apes have arrived. We now have all sizes in stock. We also have a splen
I line of Plow Bridles, Collars, Lines, Backbands, etc.
The steadily increasing demand for our PURE HAMMAR PAINT is con
cing argument of its met'it.
Very truly,
danning llardware Co.

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