OCR Interpretation

The Manning times. [volume] (Manning, Clarendon County, S.C.) 1884-current, July 08, 1903, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063760/1903-07-08/ed-1/seq-3/

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Publishes All County and Town Of
ficial Advertisements.
MANNING, S. C., JULY 8. 1903.
Advertisers will please re
- member that copy for a
change of ad. MUST be in
this office by Saturday Noon in order to
insure publication the following week.
Manning Street Car Schedule.
Leave Central Hotel corner 9:00 a. m. and 6:45
p. m. for the passenger trains, and the car will
also meet the freight trains. Arrangements
have been made with the agent at depot to tele
phone when freig:ht trains are approachins
Fare. 10 cents each war.
Mr. I. M. Bagnal is now recreating
at Glenn Springs.
Miss Hattie Bagnal is on a visit to
relatives in Williamsburg county.
Mr. L. L. Wells will soon open a book
and stationery store in the Levi block.
Mrs. H. Levi and Miss Nettie Wein
berg are sojourning at Glenn Springs.
Mrs. D. C. Scarboro of Sumter came
to Manning last Saturday on a visit to
The Fourth of July was observed in
Manning last Monday by a suspension
of business.
Quite a number from Manning went
to Providence last Monday to attend a
big picnic and dance.
Mrs. Hattie A. Harvin of Privateer
is in Manning on a visit to her father,
Mr. W. Scott Harvin.
Mrs. Addie Black of Columbia, is in
Manning on a visit to her parents Mr.
and Mrs. J. P. Strange.
Boys, get to your books and take ad
vantage of the opportunity now offered
for a Citadel scholarship.
We are glad to learn that the council
will put the Institute in thorough order
before the school reopens.
Died yesterday, Mr. Joe Harrington,
at the home of his brother, Mr. W. F.
Harrington, near Manning.
Major Abe Levi and family left last
Monday for Atlantic City, a noted sum
mer resort on the Jersey coast.
Rev. M. A. Connors will preach at
Fellowship next Sunday at 5 o'&eck
p. m. Public cordially invited.
Captains Joseph and John Bates of
Wateree have been in Manning spend
ing a few days with Mr. J. D. Gerald.
On the 4th inst. a telegraph message
was sent all around the world in 9i
minutes. The world now wears a belt
of wire.
There was a small sizeu conflagration
at the Alderman mills a: A.colu last
Monday night, but very little damage
was done.
We are informed that Prof. R. Means
Davis of Columbia will be here during
the teachers' summer school to deliver
an address.
A basket factory in this town would
be a paying institution. There is
plenty of material and a fine market for
the product.
If there is anything in what cotton
staticians say, the indications point to
a short crop of cotton with the highest
prices in 20 years.
The new bank will be ready for busi
ness, by August 1st. Its quarters will
be in t'he store next door to S. A. Rigby
.. until it can secure a lot to build upon.
The family of Mr. W. C. Chandler
left this mornin" to live in Sumter, and
their house wvill be occupied by Mr.
J. S. Plowden, who will take boarders.
Mr. D. B. Jones of Davis Station is
now in Nashville, Tenn., where he has
accepted a position with the Cumber
land Telegraph and Telephone Com
The editor of THE TnMES was called
to Columbia today to attend a confer
ence in the Governor's office with re
gard toproviding for an exhibit for the
State at St. Louis.
Mr. R. Boyd Cole, a recent graduate
of the Citadel,spent last Friday in Man
ning. Mr. Cole will engage in business
in Charleston until September, when
he expects to get a position in a school
at Rock Hill.
The school trustees met last Satur
day and elected the following teachers:
Mr. E. J. Browne, assistant; Misses
Jessie McLean, Lida Scarboro, Nina
Riser, and postponed the selection of
the picpluntil later.
Died last Thursday, Victoria Brock,
an aged negress who had many -friends
among the white people. "Aunt Tora"
in the days of slavery belonged to the
late Captain Joseph Stukes, whose chil
dren-.were devoted to her. During her
illness they ministered to her wants
and when she died made full provisions
for her-burial.
The State authorities are now inves
. tigating the "cherry bounce" and
"cider" man-crazing decoction being
sold in the shops and we look for the
constables to receive orders to seize it
and put it through a process of des.
truction which it needs as much as any
vile blind tiger whiskey ever sold in
defiance of law and decency.
There will be great pleasure at Pan
ola on the-11th inst., and it will be sui>
-plied in big bunches-military parade,
music, dancing, barbecue, ice cream,
cake and lemonade. This will be a
gala occasion, and those who have beer
fortunate enough to attend a "blow
out" at Panola will appreciate what is
in store on the 11th inst. The editor
highly appreciates the inmitation tc
share'in the joys of Panola's hospitality.
A letter addressed to the Bank 01
Manning was picked up on the streets
and opened, then thrown away. The
finder of this letter, whoever it was,
violated the law by opening it. The
letter should have been returned to the
postoffice or to the addressee unopened.
How the letter come to be on the street
is mere conjecture; probably it fel]
from the hands of one of the bank's
-employees while - going from the office
with thie mail. We are satisfied no one
is tampering with the bank's box, but
if they are they will be caught, an'd it
will mean a long term in a federal
Manning very reluctantly parted
with Mr. E. E. Randal and family yes
terday. Mr. Randal came here fron:
the north to become superintendent of
the Manning Hosiery mille and aftea
being here a short while he was so wel.
pleased with the people that he sen1
for his family. Mrs. Rlandal and hei
little Reba at once won the hearts o
-their acquaintances, and we had hope
the Rlandals had become fixtures, bu
for business reasons they decided to g<
to Slatington Pennsylvania. wher
3JMr. Randal will have charge of a larg<
mill: in conversation with him he ex
pressed an affectionate feeling for th4
people of Manning, and that he hope
some day to return. He spoke kindl:
of Mr Harvin the proprietor of thi
mill, also some of the hands. The Ran
-dais leave Manning with the goot
wishes of all who made their acquaint
ance and during their stay here the:
made a number of very sincere friends
We sincerely hope some day to havt
them return, and when they do the:
wil recive a warm welcome.
We want our tobacco raisirg friend:
to to bring their crop to this marke
and help to make it what the proprie
tors of the People's Warehouse promisE
-a first class market. We know thosE
interested in the Peoples, and we be
lieve they are honestly striving to make
Manning a tobacco mart second to none
Carry your tobacco where R. D. Clar
will manage the - floor, whether some
body else has a lien on it or not. A mai
can sell his crop where he pleases s<
long as he pays his debt. .Therefort
take your tobacco where you will gel
fair and honest treatment.
For a lazy liver try Chamberlain:
Stomach & Liver Tablets. They invig
orate the liver, aid the digestion, regu
late the bowels and prevent bilious at
tacks. For sale by the R. B. Loryea
Drug Store, Isaac M. Loryea, Prop.
The County Commissioners have
awarded the contract for building the
new jail to the Pauley Jail Building Co.
of St. Louis, Mo. This company was
the only bidder and the amount bid is
$6.590. which is 590 more than author.
ized by the Act, but we understand the
Board, before signing the contract, con
ferred with the delegation, who agreed
to supplement the additional amount al
the next session of the Legislature.
The plans and specificati3ns have beer
seen by us and as the jail appears or
paper it will be a nice building. We
heartily agree with the Board, if a jail
is to be built it should be a good one,
and the additional amount will insure a
building that will not come under the
censure of grand juries. The jail is tc
be completed by November, and we
suppose work will be commenced soon.
The Foundatlon of Health.
Nourishment is the foundation of health
-life-strength. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
is the one great medicine that enables
the stomach and digestive organs to di
gest, assimilate and transform ali foods
into the kind of blood that nourishes the
nerves and feeds the tissues. Kodol
lays the foundation for health. Nature
does the rest. Indigestion, Dyspepsia,
and all disorders of the stomadh and di.
gestive organs are cured by the use of
Kodol. Sold by The R. B. Loryca Drug
A Chance for a Young Man.
A scholarship of $40 in money besides
exemption from tuition and other fees
is provided by the Legislature for one
young man from each county to pursue
a one year normal course in the South
Carolina College. Examinatlons wil]
be held on the 10th inst. before the
County Board of Education. Applicants
should be at least 19 years of age and
preferably teachers. Write President
Benjamin Sloan, South Carolina Col
lege, Columbia, S. C., for blank on
which to apply before the 10th.
Besides this valuable scholarship the
College also ofiers to young men in each
county two normal scholarships good for
four years and exempting the holder
from tuition and other fees. Moreover,
teachers, women as well as men, may
take the one year normal course with
out fee of any kind.
Just About Bedtime
take a Little Early Riser-it will cure
constipation, billiousness and liver trou
bles. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are
different from other pills. They do not
gripe and break down the mucous mem
brances of the stomach, liver and bowels,
but cure by gently arousing the secre
tions and- giving strength to these or
gans. -Sold by The R: B. Loryea Drug
South Carolina Military Academy.
There are two vacancies in the State
Beneficiary Scholarships,to be awarded
on competitive examinations, for the
county of Clarendon.
Blank forms of application should be
applied for'-at once to Col. C. S. Gads
den, Chairman Board of Visitor-s, or
the County Superintendent of Educa
tion. These applications, FULLY
MADE OUT, must be in the hands o:
the Chairman on the 30th day of Jula
in order to receive attention.
Chairman Board Trustees.
July 1, 1903.
God divided man into men that they
might help each other.
The slowest to promise is always the
niest faithful in keeping his word.
Domestic Troubles.
It is exceptional to find a famil)
where there are no domestic rupture!
occasionally, but these can be lessenet
by having .Dr. King's New Life Pill!
around. Much trouble they save by
their great work in stomach and live1
troubles. They not only relieve you
but cure. 25c, at The R. B. Lorye:
Drug Store.
Actors may be prompt at rehearsal
but there is always one prompter.
There's a difference, sometimes, be
tween mills that run daytime and thos<
that are run nights.
The course of study at the count:
summer school will be Algebra
Pedagogy, History and Civics. Th(
books to be used are Wentworth's nev'
school Algebra, Landon's class manage
ment, Lee's new school History and
Peterman's civil government.
Supt. Ed.
June 27, 1903.
Special Low Week Rates
From points on the Atlantic Coast Line
to seaside resorts. Tickets on sale Sat
urday, good returning including Mon
day following. Attractive schedules, un
surpassed service.
Summer Tourist Tickets to mountair
and seaside resorts limited for returi
passage to October 31st on sale unti
September 30th'
For full. particulars, rates, ete.. cal
on Ticket Agents or write.
W. J1. CRtA;G,
Generalt Passenger Agent.
Traffic Manager,.
'Wilmington, N. C.
Bers th , The Kind You Have Always Boughi
It takes a cold snap to get the dr op o
a thermometer.
Most connubial ties seem to be bov
knots-at least they pull out easily.
"You married me for my money.
"What of it? You married me for m,
beauty." 'Well, both securities hay
SCOTS EMULSION serves as a
bridge to carry the weakened and
stzrved system along until it can find
firm support in-ordinary food.
Send for free sample.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists,
40e-45 Pearl Street, New York.
Ram's Horn Blasts.
The indolent know nothing of rest.
You cannot eliminate lust by legisla
There is no self-satisfaction in salva
Heaven is deaf when the heart is
Innocence is negative; perfectionpos
Principles mark the steps of man's
Submission is the secret of spiritual
Spiritual visions are not given to sloth
ful dreamers.
Old seeds must be broken before new
life can begin.
Christ is the first man whodared face
the future.
There are no necessary evils in a
righteous world.
The common place is often the place
of communion.
A life line is better than a speaking
trumpet any day.
The religion that is laid on the shelf
soon gets mouldy.
There is no opportunity to read the'
proofs of life.
Complaisance with sin is not compas
sion for the sinner.
The slander we cause is the only kind
that clings to us.
The devils crown always slips down
around our necks.
He makes no friend who never made
a foe.
Write it on your heart that every day
is the best day.
Eeart searching is V. good cure for
the habit of censuring.
The fruits of the saloon go back to its
roots in the citizen.
You cannot give me your love until t
you take off your glove.
Better the water without the well
than the well without the water. I
The man who thinks he is smart will
surely smart for his thinking.
The only sermon the devil really fears
is the living one on two legs.
Often they who try to uproot christian
ity only shake down its fruits.
Time marches with noiseldss footsteps
through a world of groans, healing hu
man hearts with the pressure of invisi- I
ble feet.
Saved From Terrible Death.
The family of Mrs. M. L. Bobbitt of
Bargeton, Tenn., saw her dying and I
were powerless to save her. The most
skillful physicians and every remedy
used, failed, while consumption was
slowly but surely taking her life. In
this terrible hour Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption turned despair
into joy. The first bottle brought im
mediate relief and its continued use
completely cured her. It's the most
certain cure in the world for all throat
and lung troubles. Guaranteed bottles
50c and $1. *Trial bottles free at The
R. B. Loryea Drug Store.
"My fortune," she said, "came to mec
as a birthday present." "Indeed!" ex
claimed the suitor, who had thought her
practically penniless, "and that was-"
"My face."
Ctres Blood Poison, Cancer, Ulcers, Eczema,
Cartsucles, Etc. Medicine Free.
Robert Ward, Maxey's, Ga.. says: "'I suffered s
from blood poison. my head, face and shoulders
were one mass of rorruption, aches in bones I
and joints, burnin~g, itching. scabby sin, was
all run down and discouraged, but Botanic
illood Balm cured me perfectly. healed all the
sores and gave my skin the rich glow of health.
Blood Balm put new life into my blood and new
ambition into my brain." Geo. A. Willhams.
Roxbury. face covered with pimples. chronie
sore on back of head. suppurating swellingn
neck, eating ulcer on leg, bone pains. ivening
skin cured perfectly by Botanic Blood Balm
'oros aln healed. Botanic Blood Balm cures all
malignant blood broubles, such as eczema. scabs
and scales, pimples, running sores. carbuncles,.
scrofula, etc. Especially advised for all ob
stinate cases that have reached the second or
third stage. Improves the digestion: strength
ens weak kidneys. Druggists, $1. To prove it
cures, sample of Blood Balm sent free and pre
paid by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta,~Ga.
Describe trouble and free medical advice seat
in sealed letter. For sale by The R. B. Lory-ea I
Drug Store.
A Great Debate in Sumter.
"The Practice of Alien Immersion is
Subversive of Baptist Principles as
Taught by the New Testament," is the
subject which will be discussed by Rev.
J. J. Porter. D. D., of Joplin, Mo., and
Rev. C. C. Brown, D. D., of Sumter, S.
C.. in the First Baptist church of Sum
The discussion will open at 8 p. m.
Wednesday, July 15th, extend through.
Thursday, and probably embrace Fri
'i'he railroads have been asked to
rant reduced rat-es for the occasion,
nd if they agree' to do so, due notice
thereof will be given in these columns.
Visitors can get board and lodging
for 75 cents a day at the following
places: Curtis House, 326 S. Main St.;
Dennis House, 120 S. Main St.; Chan
dler Hou e,- 3 Oakland St.; Ingram
House, 101 E. Liberty St.
Jervey House, 103 Main St., and the
Wells House, 126 5. Main St., will fur
nish board and lodging at $1 a day.
Hotel Sumter, 109 S. Main St.., and
the Nixon House, 114 S. Main St., will
accommodate visitors at $2 a day.
-Visitors who prefer to stop with fam
ilies will be accommodated at .$1 a day
-if they will notify, with stamp for re
plyv Rev. F. M. Satterwhite. 15 W..
Bartlett St., Sumger. S. C., of that pref- I
erence. Where two or more will oc
cupy the same room they should make
joint application.
Catarrh of the Stomach.
When the stomach is overloaded:; when
food is taken into it that fails to digest,
it decays and intlames the mucous mem
brane,'exposing the nerves, and causes
the glands to secret mucin, instead of
the natural juices of digestion. This is
caled Catarrh of the Stomach. For
years I suffered with Catarrh of the
Stomach, caused by indigestion. Doe
totrs and medicines failed to benefit me
until I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.
Sold by The RI. B. Loryea Drug Store.
New Soholarships.
The last General Assembly provided
for forty one scholarships, one from
each county, in the normal department
at the Soutli Carolina College for young
men teachers, or young men intending
to teach, worth free tuition and matric
ulation and forty dollars, at five dollars
a month for eighgonths to assist in
paying living expenses, application
must be made by the 1st JTuly. and ap
plicant must be over nineteen .years
Application blanks can be had by
applying to President Benjamin Sloan
of the college. This is a good oppor
tunity and wve hope some young man
from Clar-endon will take advantage of
it to'thoroughly prepare himself for
the teaching p)rofession.
Call a man a donkey and it's up to him|
S. I. Till's, Levi block.
Everything goes at reduced prices at
,he Furniture Store.
The Jenkinson way: Clearing out all
HIillinery at sacrifice prices.
Wood's Wheat Seed is the best.
The R. B. Loryea Drug Store.
Plant Wood's tested and true Wheat
seed. The R. B. Loryea Drug Store.
The Jenkinson way: All Lawns and
Dimities going at astonishingly low
The Jenkinson way: Clearing out all
pring and Summer goods regardless
>f prices.
The Jenkinson way: The greatest
;tock of Millinery ever shown in this
own at the prices.
The Jenkinsor. way: All Lawns and
Ximities that sold at 12.!. and 15c now
oing at 74 and Se.
I will move over shortly into my new
tore and am selling out my stock
heap. S. L. KrasnotT.
Any kind of fruits or vegetables can
>e canned on a home canner. For sale
>nly by The Manning Grocery Co.
The Manning Grocery Co., is exhibi
ing at their store the best and simplest
anning machine we have ever seen.
In order to stimulate home canning,
['he Manning Grocery Co.. is offering
o sell to persons purchasing a canning
nachine from them, cans at actual cost.
For Sale. 98 acres of land adjoining
J. L. Wells in Santee township, also
!00 acres of land adjoining Jeff D.
Iolladay in Mt. Zion township apply
Lt this office.
A Very Close Call.
"I stuck to my engine, although every
oint ached and every nerve was racked
ith pain," writes C. W. Bellamy, a lo
omotive fireman of Burlington, Iowa.
'I was weak and pale, without any ap
)tite and ali run down. As I was
Lbout to give up. I get a bottle of Elec
ric Bitters, and after taking it, I felt
s well as I ever did in my life." Weak,
ickly, run down people always gain
iew life, strength and vigor from their
tse. Try them. Satisfaction guaran
eed by The R. 3. Loryea Drug Store.
He-I'm in love with a charming girl,
nd i'd like to ask your advice. She
'm willing to help you all I can. He
Vell, would you advise me to propose to
Clarendon County.
ichard I. Manning, Plaintiff,
acob Butler, Newton Butler, Sarah
Martin, Mary Ann Bowman, Esther
Lawson, Lillie P. Lawson, Edward
P. Butler, Ada Mason, Ida Pear
son, Jasper F. Butler, Sicco Martin
Butler, Hessie Ann Butler, Adam
Bowmarn, Mary JT. Miller, Alien
Bowman, Jr., Charlie Bowman, Al
len Bowman, Kate Bowman, Willie
Bowman, Harry Bowman and Ida
Bowman, Margaret Bowman, De
co the Defendants above named:
You are hereby summoned and re
uired to answer the Complaint in this
tion, of which a copy is herewith
erved upon you, and to serve a copy of
our answer to said Complaint on the
ubscriber at his office in the town of
,anning, in Clarendon County, and
tate of South Carolina, within twenty
.as after the service hereof, exclusive
(the day of such service; and if you
al to answer the Complaint within the
ie aforesaid,, the plaintiff in this ac
ion will apply to the Court for the re
[ef demanded in the Complaint.
The Summons and Complaint in this
ase was filed in the office of Clerk of
ourt on the second day of July, 1903.
Dated March 21, 1903.
Plaintiff's Attorney.
The Defendants, Jacob Butler and
harlie Bowman, take notice that the
"laintiff makes no personal demand
.ainst you in this action..
Plaintiff 's Attorney.
he R, B. Loryea Drug Store
1.BECAUSE Uniform courtesy is ex
.St,. tended to all patrons, whether rich or
poor, white or colored
BEC AUSE We carry the largest and
.nd. most complete line of DRUGS,
BECAUSE Our Prescription Depart
Brd U. meat is conducted on strict Pharma
ceutical principles.
~BECAUSE Promptness. Celerity.
.Dispatch and Skill areexhibited first.
last and all the time.
-k BECAUSE Night calls are cheerfully,
).U. courteously and promptly rezsponded
4 CUSE envy, jealousy and mal
BEa c av no home in our establhsh
7th BECAUSE We are agents for the
. justly popular LONGMAN & MAR
hBECA USE We are agents for T. W.
3. WOO &SONS' Tested and True
Garden Seed. Seed that will germi
~nate, and which sec-ured the medal
for general excellence from the Paris
..Exposition of 1900.
9th.CAUSi-E W ac"h agents"for
COMPANTS Products. We have
many unsolicited testimonials regard
lng their efmiacy.
h0 BUT WThy tell people what they
Iu. already know? And they are fully
aware that THE R. B- LORYEA
DRUG STORE is conceded to be
the Ideal Drug Store of Clarendon1
For Twenty-eight years THE R. B. LORYEA
DRUG STORE has met every demand made
pon them. and while "mea may come and men
may go," the Sign of the Golden Mortar stands
ike a beacon and shines for all.
ISAAC M, LORYEA, Proprietor,
Sign of f ho
Golden Mortar,
.. J~ nON E NO. 2.
W"Mail Orders receive immediatc attention.
FIFTY DOLLARS for a ten acre lot
For terms and booklet address
27 Obispo street,
Havana, Cuba.
For Delicate or
Weak People.
Names that
Count in
These terms might mean little to you as far as r
their direct significance is concerned, but they are
apt to mean much to you whenever you have a
prescription to be compounded.
'We try to represent in our PRESCRIPTION
work these terms in the fullest sense. All dan
gerous or otherwise important prescriptions are
prepared by an experienced druggist, who is reg
ularly licensed, after an examination by the-State i
Board of South Carolina.
A system of double check is used-in other
words, each prescription is carefully studied,
after the ingredients have been weighed out, by
two druggists, to make sure that no error has oc
curred, and that the dose prescribed is not too
large., This system is a protection to both the
sick person and the doctor. C
You get this care because you pay for it, and it
is yours. We give 'this care because we are
trained to do our duty, not ninety-nine times out
of a hundred, but a hundred times in a hundred.
It is possible for us to make a mistake, but we (
2 earnestly endeavor to make a mistake in our store
as nearly impossible as we can, by CARE and
Rhame's Drug Store,
For Man and Beast. For Pain-Internal or
External. j
Wehave accepted the agency for Clarendon County
Sto sell the
Western Hlome Canning Machine.
This is the only practicable home canning machine
Son the market and is so simple that it can be used by any
child that can tell the time. It can be used on any size
Sstove or range at the same time a meal is cooking.
We invite every one interested. especially the ladies,
~to call at our store and examine the machine, -which we
now have on exhibition.
We will also carry a large stock of cans which we will
sell, to those buying a machine, at actual cost.
Call at once and place your order, so as to be ready
for canning time.
Yours truly,
~The Manninig Grocery Co.
The time is at hand for placing Flues in your bans
Swith which to cure your tobacco. We have anticipated
your need by making up the finest lot of FLUES ever
shown on this market. we invite your closest inspection
of them. Call and let us show you how they are put to
~gether for your convenience; we will take pleasure in
showing them to you. Our prices are such as to sell to
the closest buyers. We make one price to all, which isI
We still have an excellent stock of
Bellows, Paris Green, Wire and
Twine. Our Therrnometers are
Guaranteed to be all right.
Our stock of COOK STOVES have come in; we will
be glad to have you inspect them. They are the finest
Cookers we have ever sold.
Dnot fai1tto see our display of _
We are making a special sale of this crate. You will
Sfind the prices almost half of what is usually charged for
the same quality of Ware.
If you do not care to take advantage of this sale we
will be pleased to show you the different pieces and name0
you te prces. Very truly yours,
Mailing HrRdware Co.
Ninety-nine merchants out of a hundred put down July and,
ugust as two off months when nothing can be done but sit down
.nd wait for the fall to open up business and let their expenses
nake big inroads into the fall profits.
THE JENKINSON WAY is to have no let up-keep contin
tally at it,. making every month stand for itself. Sit down and
>1ay checkers to while aWay the dull days of July and August.
)h! now, Jenkinson is doing his business with all the energy he
an bring to bear on those quiet months.
THE JENKINSON WAY is to gather all of the odds and
nds together and mark them down at irresistible values for the'
ash-values that will make you go down into your pocketbooks
or the cash.
Just look at some of these prices:
A large line of Dimities, beautiful styles, that sold in the early
pring at 12 and 15c per yard, they are yours now for the cash at
ic per yard.
We still have on hand quite a large assortment of those 'c
,awns that we are now selling at only 2Jc per yard; ten yards for
>nly 25c.
A large line of Crash Skirting that we have been selling at
Oc per yard; they are yours for the cash while they last for only
1- per yard.
We still have on hand quite a large line of Ladies' White Lawn
hirt Waists that we are now selling at about -one-half of their
eal worth. We can sell you a nice Shirt Waist for what the ma
rials will cost you. If you are interested in Shirt Waists it will
.ot do for you to miss this very choice bargain.
Cent's Shirts,
To misrepresent an article you are advertising does you more
.arm than good-it really does you an injury. When we say we
re selling you a 50c shirt at 35c or three fgr $1 we mean just wh
-e say.
Call and see the splendid line of Gent's 50c Negligee Sh
hat we are selling at 35c, or three for $1.
A large line of finer goods at very attractive prices.
Great values to offer in Gent's Summer Underwear. Call' andl
ee us.
Ladies, when we tell you that we are selling out all Millinery 7
ods eicept ribbons at half price, we mean just what we say. -
Ladies, if you need a nice Hat at sacrifice prices, here is yO
Collars and Cuffs. _
During the hot days of July and August you will need lots."
ollars and Cuffs. Come to us, we will meet your wants with
rgest stock of Collars' and Cuffs to be found in this part of -th
tate. You can get just what you need in both.10 and 15c
Ladies, we carry the largest stock of Corsets of any house ..
bis town in both. 50c and $1 goods. All of the best brands of
ets are carried in our stock. .
We are offering great bargains in all lines of Spring and
1er goods in order to close them out by the end of the season
B. Ho) euflirGos.fS
Summer time has come at last, and to stay,withgra
force. Owing to the late cool spring weather you have
not done your usual shopping, hence all our lines are jam
full of Seasonable Goods that we must. greatly reduce
within the next few weeks; and so to do this thing weavill '
make the prices along all Iinesaof Dependatble Goods..soJ .
that our competitors won't care to even try to ma-tch.
IOne case new smooth finish 32-inch wide Colored Batiste that
woeaehouses have been asking 10fc for: we offer the entire -lot
Asna'ppy. full fashined Hose for-10c, or three pair for 2.5c.
Just a fee more of those Full Bleached-Tape Neck Gauze Under
vests. If y ou have been putting off the buying of such goods you will -
need them now: they are still yours for Sc each. Only a few left,.
Plenty of the Unbleache'd Tape Neck Summer Vests at oc each,
or 50c the dozen.
One case Palm Leaf Fans at lc each. KEEP COOL while they
Nice things in
White Dress Goods.
Washable Persian Lawns, India Linons, Organdies, Nainsooks,
SDimity, Madras, Mercerized, P. K. 's and Fancies. see if our prices '
are not below the other fellow on such goods.
S Ladies, our stock of Embroideries and Laces is a great deal
Scheaper than you will get them elsewhere in the city. Come and see
fOyurs esshow window looks WARlM these days of SUNSHINE,
but if you will take timte to ask about the prices of this lot of RugsI
displayed there you will find that the pr-ices are away down below
zero, wvhile the quality and styles range way up to 100.
Rlugs from 40e to $1.50; that is 25 per cent off in prices. Get your
pick while they last.
We are receiving another shipment of those fine Summer Shoes,
Iin the Strap Sandals, Colonials and Oxfords. You will appreciate
these Shoes if you see them.
Come to see us and spend your cash and if you are not pleased
1tell usabout it.
J. H. RIGBY anager.

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