OCR Interpretation

The Manning times. [volume] (Manning, Clarendon County, S.C.) 1884-current, December 13, 1905, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063760/1905-12-13/ed-1/seq-3/

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Will open Saturday mornin
Greatest Barg
Everything in our great house will go on sale at special
Holiday Values.
- Ten thousand yards of good Check and
Plaid Homespun, worth 6 1-4c yard will go
on sale at 4c yard at this Sale.
Ten thousand dollars' worth of Gent's. Youth's and
Children's Clothing will go on sale at special Holiday prices.
Two thousand yards of good Bleach
Homespun, 31 inches wide, worth 7c yard,
will be put on sale at 5c yard.
Ten thousand pair of Gent's. Ladies' and Children's
Shoes will go on sale at special Holiday Values.
Two cases (one hundred dozen) Men's
heavy Fleece-Lined Undershirts and Draw
ers to match, well worth 60c each, will go at
our great Holiday Sale at 39c each.
Saturday Mornin
We have some-splenldid Farming Lands in this and adjoining counties which
we are offering at very low figures. Now is the time to buy. as Real Fstate is
advancing ever day.
If you have land for sale, we will sell it for you. If we fail to sell, it will
not cost you one cent. Call on, or write us.
Attorneys at Law,
Harvest Time Has Come.
We have just received a full line of one and two horse
that we propose to sell at close figures. These Wagons are guaranteed.
We also have in our warerooms a.n excellent assortment of standard
Buggies from the best manufacturers, and wvill ask that you inspect them
befo ARESS DEPARTMENT is well stocked with Single and Dou
ble Harness, Collars, Whips, etc., and we are anxious to prove to the pub
lic that we want to merit their confidence..
When the weather gets cooler we will have in our Horses and Mules.
We guarantee what we sell and ask your patronage.
W. P. Hawkins & Co.,
A. 3L P.M.L P. M.P..AMI' .
10 15 3 00 74 045 ..... Ac' d , 40 S0 1~
10 30 3 15' 800Duat....... g30 bb 1'
11 00 3 45 8~0 20Sri 3 30 3112
11 10 3 55 8 251l...... ~ bt 3I1
11 55 4 40 90 105so'
12 45 5 30 9 30..o...... ~ tihL ~( 4.
P. . .M P '1P. \LAM. PM.
~ M c ~ e o d . a b-- - --a- - Hard. G bb o .. . .. - ----.~u ~ I . 2 0 3 3r s 1 0 11 0
Thrd7s No.. Du iRant ....
P. P. L. LMN . . A~N. M .M
. R . AL P..A.OSuperintendent.
eat H01
, December 16th, and will cl
ain-Giving ever known to thE
Twenty thousand dollars' worth of Staple Dry Goods
and Silks, Trimmings and Linings will, go on sale at special
JHoliday Values.
Ten thousand yards of Check and Plaid
Homespuns, well worth and sold everywhere
at 6 1-4c yard will go at our great Holiday
sale at 4c yard.
Ladies, now is the time to get that Hat. Our entire
stock of Millinery, Silks, Ribbons and Velvets will go on
sale at special Holiday Sale Values.
Two cases- (one hundred dozen) Ladies'
very heavy Jersey Ribbed Vests and Pants
to match, value 35c, will go at our great Hol
iday Sale for 25c per piece.
Five thousand dollars' worth of Furniture. Bedroom
Suits. Dining Chairs, Oak Rockers, Willow Rockers, Side
boards, Hall Racks, Wardrobes, Chiffoniers, Iron Beds, Safes
and everything in the furniture line put on sale at Holiday
Sale Wi
, December 16th, and
Cloth Drea with Gcobaa Bptit.
Cloth changes color with a change Gittonftsathrbaimae
of weather if it is dyed with chloride
of cobalt. la :icar weather it is aofncetrin.Fmrlthsp
blue, when a ch:mrge is near it turnssoegnrlyfeeditspnso
to violet and for rain to bright pink. id heesooswrecle
The change is due to moisture, and itapslsonsbcuetefgrsf
can be produced by breathing upon jtatev pslswr avda h
the cloth. This property of cobalt saltstoofheanls Rihpnor
has been applied to the construction gv h opeesto wle hl
of floral hygroneters. The petals of frtoewowr o oouetfu
artificial flowers are tinted with cobaltwacosdrdtepprnub,
salts and vary in color from blue ton orsonoswudcotn hm
pink according to the weather. Theirsevswtofrign.Inheltr
action is different from that of a ba- cs h adeo h po eeal
rometer, which indicates a change of ehbtdtefgr faysiti
pressure of the atulosphere and is also hnro hmtecidrcie t
usually behind the change of weather. nm.I sI luint hscso
The barometer indicates the cause ofthtweCrnrpofsdtob
the storm, and the colored cloth shows uwrh fbigsosrt h
Its effect. yugpics hkser ae h
Clean Spectacle.Cmcey r;
Oulists will agree that many per- Yudsaeyu pos
sons who wear spectacles, although the Temgo po n okofrn
lenses may be perfectly adapted to the o h rsn a per savr
needs of the eye, suffer much incon- dbsdsria faral euiu
venience and possibly ultimate dam- ~ltnn feig
age simply through not keeping their _____
glasses clean. Students and writers, L rpeadPemna
lawyers and clergymen, business men
and school children who use glasses Pnioiafenolwsngrp,
rarely keep ~em clean, and from their btx vrflosteueo oe'
cloudy and grimy state serious injury neadTr.IcusIagip
results to the eyesight. The glasses cn mto.Akfroe' oe n
should be frequently cleaned with al- Ttadrfs n usiueofrd
cohol, which Is preferable to water, M.G ahr f17Ogo tet
and either tissue paper or chamois Ciao rts M iehdasvr
leather is better than the usual hand-caeolagiptheyaraondt
Cure for Sore Nipples. cn otecrdhrcuhetrl.
As soon as the child is done nursing euesbttts h .1.Lre
apply Chamberlain's Salve. Wipe itDu tre sa .Loya rp
oil vith a soft cloth before allowing the -
child to nurse. Many trained nurses
use this with the best results. Price o o as
2 cents per box. For sale by R. B.Acointohegerlyaepe
Loryea Drug Store.dotietedgdybgnonJl3
A Judge and a PistoL. be iptsa oeeypsil
A correspondent of Law Notes writes pitaotte.I a nvral
of the administration of justice In a are htte eecnetdwt
certain insular possession of the Unit- tedgsabtwihoe h
ed States when the island was under ra o tr iis rPoyn h
spanish rule. Judge Z. had had a quar- Ltl o' hnteewr iare
rel with an editor. The judge arrangedmetasothpriclrsrno
with a hoodlum to insult the editor in clpromneo h trta ie
order to provoke him to a breach ofthdodasasoteinubr
peace. A policeman to arrest the edi-whcvaidIdfernesmtsb
tor was a part of the "plant." The plottenthryadft-oundwt
was carried out, but the editor kept hisertywreobeecnebfr,
temper. The officer arrested him, noneafeorrunthsarspfrm
the less. He was haled before Judgeace.Tefrystldopeeeth
Z., who found there was no case. The rsn fSru ~htesn e
ludge took from a drawer of his desk a le rwu hti hs asdg
revolver, silver plated and beautifullywetmdbutresiadosav
inlaid with gold. and mother of pearl,relyntigodo ihitTe
showed it to the prisoner and informedorgnlbiewathttesrad
him that the policeman had deliveredsutoehrbugtneseeaad
the weapon to him as one taken fromalsotofpaes-ndnCric.
the person of the defendant and asked____
him what he had to say to the charge ABdSae
of carrying arms. The editor examined
the weapon, put it in his pocket, ad- jSm a o ilgtabdsae
mitted that he had bad it in his posses-whnoufeapinnyurbelad
slon, produced a permit from the Span-ferapnits.SeylesnD.
is authorities to carry arms and, with Kn' e iePls uecr o
true Castilian politeness, bowed him-alboeanstacdiaesuhs
self out and off with the judge's beau- haahbloses otvns.ec
Gar nant at Fthe B. as Drug
tulpstl Iorncen ognc. Frry the on
sootgneaHelfpre gHtsponrt
Raymod Coner, f aSoestlr spons B baugseN thenue you
ton X ~iuon."an th doto no wt kindles.a Riche spont.r
me.ItriedFoleysfKid those wll Itr cost o pulnt fr
wries rs Coldtrobl fo r a nd oul l spnsr wol ion~ften.hm
the very the dasedgevef waeso thenerally
Samnowcurd. ca- yuxhiinal ithe ed o put int tin
honor ofkwhomtthechiedsrecekvedeit
sound unwortilloelbeninatpotherltoithe
'ood hoalt isYim'ossbpe.eTheour 1spoons.
Loi'ea uThStrmgIsar M.pooyeaad fork ofe
'~of the*pesent dy appar Iaso a very
iSa S
ose on Saturday, night, De
people of Manning and Clai
It may not impress you, but 4c yard for good
Check and' Plaid Homespun is less than you can
buy it at the factory by the bale. Ten thousand
yards of these goods put on the market at 4c
yard: sold at 6 1-4c everywhere.
Our entire line of Ladies' Cloaks, Children's Jackets,
Ladies' Rain Coats and Furs put on the market at special
Holiday Values.
One hundred dozen Men's Fine Madrass Negli
gee Shirts, guaranteed not to fade from washing
or perspiration, value 65c. will go at 49c.
Nice Presents to Give Gentlemen.
Half dozen nice Linen Collars, a couple of nice Neck
ties, Linen Handkerchiefs will make nice holiday presents.
Our entire line of Collars, Cuffs, Neckties, Silk Mufflers and
Handkerchiefs put on sale at holiday sale values.
A new arrival of $500 worth of all kinds of nice Jew
elry put on sale at holiday prices.
11 Open
ill Close Saturday Nigh
Softening the Blow.
A young Virginia woman who was
very ill was approached by her colored
servant, who said, "Miss May, mab ,
mothahi dun had a cousin what had de
same ailments what you dun got" "Is Sol aeaba
that so, CoraT' replied the lady. "Yes-tiupi:reSh l
sum," responded Cora, encouraged, Ki rprypsd h
"ut mah mothahi's cousin she died, caeaeprloe
'deed she did." "Well, Cora," said her -rtdadtefns
mistress, angry that she should tell her igdn ya ri
such a tale at such an inopportune
time, "if that's all you have to say to ~ ahrta mca
me you can leave the room and don't CIfyuilfrns
come in again. I don't want to hear )tefc n iueW
such stories." Cora was thoroughly) wlldthret
frightened at what she had done and whnougor
wished to ameliorate her ill chosen ' iffnihdyu illk
story, so she thought for a moment ~ eieta u
and, turning to go, said, "Well, Miss
May, mah mothah tole me she died POO
mighty easy."
King of All Cough Medieines. GAH.
Mr. E. G. Case, a mail carier of Can-fate uBtth
on Center, Connecticut, who has been io eht i
in the U. S. service~ for about sixteenpluedorno
years, says: "We have tried manyedeadsiltdi
ough medicines for croup, but Cham
:erlain's Cough Remedy is king of all,'- ply ou betft
nd one to be relied upon every time.ursAlwoeha
We also find it the best remedy for
oughs and colds,'giving certain results sm onsfbat
and leaving no bad after etfects." ForWecnbighe
sale by R B.ShouyadDmugeSorebeout
Thonswee riinllyusd n asiH proerysedh
tening garmentsrogether.tPinspdi
not immeiately scceeddtarns asefsinFAChS
used, suchas hooksbucelesyannlacetisA
It as he ater alfofthefifee rather STUDIOecan
Briain Wen irt mnuactre in SU tE fac anCfgrew
Englad theIron ire o the rope _______will__ do__ the__rest._
length w s filed to aupoitoandii
othe exremty tistd ito aheaKinsheds your ie
the credi of invetinidthethattour
chine for maingtpins.yThs wastinhe3
1S24. TheInventorw.sWoneaevuesim,
The first equisitepfobeautyfs aeclear
omlexoR.. Orn Loaxai ru tSrot
Pcea s A loboute oP lexin.
adTherns ee rigtan sd cnlfas
toeigrt togther. frinds aeidi
ou comleiaten scced. torn aa-cnte ao
tenrut Srdent na eanes werhlswtcek h
uied uc ver pokbleasand akes.e
ceuryboe suituts wee used B: LGreaw eunt O h
rugitore, Whenc firs mauftre d inpsto ah ot n
England thewronhwireeotthesprope
ote exreit Forte iovs raeithead. orer
5 0ing wasi lood das wry dfoeren an
exrom loiand mayhe nl selish haslr o ayot
th rdtof loing. nting loe wihot ma-YOcaawysmIehng
nd sormties pinful Ti awas i
bonag,4.y Thesie'rws onhy Lemue
orel esa ndasfarightisin.u
Teinirst loeuist fo thesakeouty.mmro,.C
Tes fistreuisitehf beuty nis bcest
ppiness an lnotc l hed sakpexin
Y o ourelveos. rfred t ae ti
yourkcomplexion isLbad. Orino Laxa
bodstireth aru does vioIt aseat or o Dse i
gaie and eeyplsa ou wel. e
fuse subsitutesw . Theest. B't Loryeat
cember 24th---a week of the
'endon County.
'A Coupon will be given you with every pur
chase you make in Jewelry entitling you to a nice
Initial Hat Pin.
Sunday Schools and Day Schnolss
Special terms will be niade to Sunday schools and day
schools who contemplate having Christmas trees. The larg
est stock of holiday goods to select from.
Ten thousand yards of good Check Homespun
will go at 4c yard.during our great Holiday Sale.
Ten thousand dollars' worth of Men's, Boys' and Chil
dren's Clothing will go on sale at special holiday sale values.
Remember this, Ten thousand pair of 6ent's,
Ladies and Children's Shoes will go on sale at spe
cial Holiday Values.
1, December 24th.
I __ARE YOU __
*You Buy ? Whether you:
'3 are or not, let Us Sell.0
0 You a Pair. *
Remember the Date, Sept. 21-8,
Entire Stock of E. C. BIRT'S Celebrated $5.00
Line going at0
* $3.75.0
0 In this line, we guarantee you more solid ser-0
. vice than can be obtained from any similar line. Four0
. styles and sizes, from 6 to a.*
o36 Pairs MONA RCH, $3.50 Line, only 0
. This Line compr~ses SNAP and STYLE, Pat- .
0 ent celt bluchers balls. hand sewed. fad and duke 0
0 toes, and are regular $4.00 values. 0
0 LADIES' EASTOVER, $3.50 Line, only 0
0 It is with great pride that we present these 0
0superior line to your notice. for it is, indeed. a most .
0 atnt lu~eather bluclhers. hand sewed, mat calf 0
top and sizes from 2 1-2 to 8.0
8Come to see us, 0
CMM'~il lle~ fi

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