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The Manning times. [volume] (Manning, Clarendon County, S.C.) 1884-current, September 04, 1907, Image 3

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15111T 15 DAYSi
Remember the Place, | A CARNIVAL OF BARGAINS,
The New Idea Store. THE NEW IDEA. Covering ur Front.
In addition to our alrecady, lLgo stock of Dependable 'Morclandiso our buyer s ha% e ben br'-svI'm thte lasl thiree month , in sec n.0gthe gi-eate4bas o h o hm adtsenMres e aesceddi cumltn an
mot asorten ofthemot u todae 4iis an Sapl Godstha wil el~ht he h~x~dbuyrs hi (Wntc Sle o nai uUtenh eu n emse.s't aningandit s o gve urpatonsa hane t ge te bneft ftor sccss.We an
moth assortment of th- fot th Nothr and Easter Markets. Wed havel succede ina accmmlain aeih mamenhyari usns
every one in Clarendon Count to come to see usdung this 0reat Sbles- that tn i liete tot l pleastre ofas n uiseimg each ioonstrate to ou satsfacton, our abity tpleas
you. Our entire stock amounting to over
Thirty Thousand Dollars
worth of Dependable Merchandise ill e put on this sale at he mercy of the shopps of CLiendon County. lothing to fit the BIG ones asn Sh we can perform the feat to fit all feet. In Hats we can suit the brainy as well
as the brawny. An ocean wave of Dress Goods to please the most critical observer of mo dmn styles. Hosiery for all aie fancies and iess Ready to a oods, Fall Descriptions, and otions of all kinds.
A Dollar Saved is a Dollar Made. Drn this S w C i y
You will Save a Dollar on every Dol
lar spent at THE NEW IDEA. STORE SEPTEMBER 10. 11. 12, 13. 14, 16. 17. 18, 19. 20, 21. 23, 24, 25 and 26.
and will cheerfully refund purchase price during this Sale not satisfactory. This Store will be closed Monday, September 9th, to arrange the stock. This Sale is without a counterpart in the
history of Clrendon County. We cut the price, slaughter the goods and murder the pocketbooks
Follow the Crowds
ollowthe CrMark the dates, Sept.10,
All W ill be Here 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18,
During This Sale. Opposite Court House P. KRASNOFF, Manager. opp e~urt Ho~e 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26
The Way Lord Brougham Paid His
Debt to George IV.
With all of his knowledge and talent
Lord Brougham was eccentric and
slovenly in his personal habits. While
he was a young and comparatively
unknown barrister he was asked to a
dinner at which the prince regent
presided. Mr. Brougham's hands
needed washing. The regent's keen
eyes rested on them. He beckoned to
a waiter and gave an order which the
man heard with a scared face, and
then going out he speedily returned
with a ewer full of water, soap and a
He carried them to Brougham, pre
senting them with the prince regent's
compliments. The barrister instantly
withdrew and never afterward re
ferred to the insult.
Years later, when the prince, now
king. tried to divorce his wife, Brough
ham, as her defender. so vehement
ly sustained her cause that she
triumphed. The king's name was not
mentioned during the trial, though the
nation knew that he was secretly the
prosecutor. Brougham in his speech
declared that he saw in the distance
the nameless persecutor of his inno
cent client, quoting with terrific effect
Milton's words:
The other shape.
If shape it might be called. * black it
stood as night.
Fierce as ten furies, terrible as hell,
And shook a dreadful dart; what seem'd
his head
The likeness of a kingly crown had on.
George IV. felt seriously this savage
attack. The nation sided with the
queen, and her defender had paid his
debt with interest.
A Stubborn Cough Quickly Relieved by
Rydale's Cough Elixir.
Mrs. ynnie Creech, Selma, N. C.
writes: "I had a very severe and stub
born cough and was spitting up bloo<
nearly all the time. I began using Ry
dale's Cough Elixir. It stopped thi
blood at once, I began to gain flesh an
strength. I believe your cough midi
eine is the best in the world and wil
do all vou claim for it. Rydale's Cougl
Elixir is especially valuable in cbroni,
throat 'and lung diseases. It is sold uo
der guarantee. Your money will bi
cheerfully refunded if you are not satis
fled. Trial size 25c., large size 50. W
E. Brown & Co.
"Hang it!" growled young Lovett t
the girl of his heart. "It makes m
mad every time I think of that mone
I lost today. I certainly feel as if I'
like to have somebody kick me!"
"By the way, Jack," said the deq
girl dreamily. "don't you think you
better speak to father this evening?"
Illustrated Bits.
Just Two Kinds of Men.
"There are two classes of men," sa:
the close observer. "One knows not
ing about woman, having spent yea
in studying her. The other knows e
erything. never having studied her."
Chicago Journal.
At 3 A. M.
His Wife-You needn't make anye
euses, John. It's all right. You'
juzst in time to walk the baby for
hour or two.-Puck.
Skill and assurance are an invincil
compl--:Dntch Proverb.
The Greatest Subscription Offer Ev~er Wodp. Iao This County
Ii- 1 Ack P ?on stitution
he Mannin irnes
The Tri-Weekly Constitution Is The Farnpers' Every-Other-Day Paper
There Are Three Numbers Each k, FILdWith Best Matter
S(1.) MONDAY.-Th- news of greatest interest. The Farmers (3.) FRIDY -The Balance of the news. All the news. The
Union Department, conducted in the interest of the great coopera- h h all the Children's page, conducted by genial Aunt
tive order that is seeking to solve the farmer's economic, education- vSusie. re I o the home writers.
al and practical problems. The Farm and Farmers' Department, r etweelssu es the poete reports of th
conducted by Colonel R. J. Redding. tw~8 0tral bctwccn issues and keeps oepse ih pt
(2.) WEDNESDAY.-The news of course. The R. F. D. Carriers' the n )IIet our press tunis. An instalment of the month's story
(2.)WEDNSDAY-Th new of ours. Te . . 1- --e fom the grreat -,1,50,000 set of serials. A half page set of comisfo
Department, The Chicken Column and The Letter of Travel, gnvin fome the areate horist ris. of thefrom
views of strange peoples and their home-land customs. some of the crreatest humorist artists of the day.
Clubbed With ThetiWe aewm rar all Chart
Constitution We Hav 6'S01 - ll Ct
beauifulrepresenting thie meesiions of territory. It also shows por
T h e A rst p ag e sh ow s a sp len did colored cou n ty m ay of (2.) T he s acno n al cft rr er u sisoitif l l a e rr itor . I t h hs o ry o f
c n eors of Alaska, and o' :d I~ rul tri-its of the rlr ofte world. It gives also a topographie
bo. Koth and South Carolina, with L tons. dnt . map of t h n 1br If iap het e i f the rnc ofe war with the history of it
It s beautifully U ntd States tap. v. . e from the severance of the diplomatic relations
well be shown on the face of a map. dl the 1'residerts of the Uni ts- The Library Wall Charts are all bound together at the
printed in colors on new plates prepared especially for The (31-1) with the top with metal strip and hanger, and thus form a splendid
Constitution. eplands and gt i s a, n w r .t i s and convenient reference encyclopedia of everythi g pre
into bemisphres o so s also p nitd States sented.
Ey In Addition To This, We Offer Free To FREE I
FRE E. oi nue R~E
0 010 mrd Now bL~scrirlers0
____ L180VeX
F:A lvi NSPARE MOMENTS, A tMagazIne of Inpirail tor the Anns 0f Bot SeXs HUM AN LIFE, Edited- By Alfred Heary Lewis
|| Whiha in # for When you subscribe for Hluman Life you know exactly
hd the farm home tme n i the t e t mi ne i ev r p l to at what you are going to get. You're going to get the only
W i has e shsfto m agazine in A m erica that is devoted entirely to people, not
ora n d it is sa id to g o in to m o re a c u alt ic - o a u1 t r ' o f l m .i i . l -1 r 1 0' t h in g s. N o t p ro zy o r p u n y p e o p le , b u t m e n a n d w o m e n w h o
farm homes, in proportiot n to circulation, t n y he pa- fiir aonnts reS ets a ; : P' ' " bulk big in the public eye, men and women who are doing
an"nrhomes, inproportiinato ireulationu7anaryig wnl. prigt o~ ire wn things that are bringing them fame or fortune.
per published in America- seies f Til r ihe ti::. 'i he L pst als o tr- It is crisp, breezy and entertaining. A dull line is its
There are departments for all phases of frarm e ers D awotcemy.
containing the best that ge.cences of -Mrs. Jceff i'rson Davis.
And With ll These THREE CONS ITP WEEK, N - h a RRE 5&2 *5E
A OTWe Give youll own Hiome counly Pap, ws; r Fe ia iest I ia:-EA
A MONTtip eGievus? Ia notice s,. and all for . . d
of news and county happenings, fegaI . o _ __ F_ _s_ SEAR
... $0 n V Remember, The Tri-Weekly Constitution, Mcaday, Wednesday
- r -1 i Suscipio and Friday, th-ree times a week, for one year and all oI the above
Tr-Weekly Constltution, Yearly Subscripton ..... ... 5 'd splendid papers and the maps for
Human Life, Yearly Subscription Price---------- .2
Spare Moments, Yearly Subscription Price - - $2.50 ONLY TW..0 DOLLARS AND '* $2.50
Farm News, Yearly Subscription Price .--- r.- -- ------- - . .00Send at once. Get right on. Don't miss a copy. Address all
New Home Library Wall Chart,T asiy worthrrs
Your Home Paper, Yearly Subscription Price .... -. M-------a n C-. $ 5O.
-4--. T- M A N N IN G t h+ rV TI M E S , Mri a nn^^ w AA . v al
The Way Our Senses Are .Liable to
Play Us False.
Our senses deceive us curiously at
times. A. flash of lightning lights up
the ground for only one-millionth.of a
second, yet it seems to us to last ever
so much longer. What happens is
that the impression remains in the eye
or the retina for about one-eighth of
a second, or 124.000 times as long as
the flash lasts. If on a dark night a
train speeding along at sixty miles
an hour is lit up by a lightning flash
it appears stationary, yet in the eighth
of a second during which we seem to
see it the train travels eleven feet.
But we really only see it during one
millionth of a second, and in that
time it travels only one-hundredth of
an inch.
When a. man's leg is cut off, if the
stump be irritated he feels the pain
in his toes. This curious deception is
the same as any one can practice on
himself by striking his elbow on the
table, when he feels the pain in his
fingers. Of course in both cases the
pain is felt in the brain.
We do not actually perceive different
distances with the eye, but judge them
from various Indications. When our
judgment is at fault we are deceived.
If you see a person In a fog, for
instance, he seems to be much bigger
than usual. The same thing happens
when you see men or cattle oi the top
of a hill against the horizon In twi
light. In both cases you judge them
to be farther away than they really
are, and consequently they appear un
commonly large.
Endorsed by a Minister.
Rev. Parker Holmes, pastor of the
first M. E. church, South Hickory, N.
C., says: "I have used Rydale's stomach
Tablets for indigestion and regard
them as a perfect remedy for this dis
ease. I take please in recommending
them to all sufferers from indigestion."
Use Rydale's Stomach Tablets for
your trouble and you will join Dr.
Holmos in this strong endorsement.
These tablets will enable your stomach
to digest your food, and thus nourisb
the body and prevent the partial starv
ation from which all dyspeptics suffer.
These tablets relieve disagreeable sym,
ptoms at once. They will increase you
strength and flesh almost from the firsi
dav's use, and will soon restore you t
perfect health. W. E. Brown & Co.
A Cat Monitor.
I once owned two cats, one a gray
the other a black. Daily I placed i
bowl of milk on the floor for their dis
posal. One day at the usual hour theil
meal was served, but only the gray
cat was present She drank about hall
of the milk and then walked out, o"ly
to reappear an hour later, the black
cat following. As soon as they entered
the house Laltie (which was the gray
cat's name) seized Blackle by the ear
and led her to the bowl of milk. That
was the first and last time that Blackie
wasn't present at meal hour.
Good He Wasn't Upright.
A certain Judge, while passing
through the scene of an election riot,
had a large stone thrown at his head,
but as he happened to be in a stoopinS
posture at the time it passed over him
You see," said he, addressing 10
friends afterward, "that had I beer
Ian upright judge I might have beer
has one of the best
Cold Storage
plants in town. We are the house
keepers delight,. At our Grocery every
thing is clean and fresh, and only the
best goods are handled.
Everything that is handled in a First
class Grocery. It is my object to please
and. I invite your patronage.
P. B. Mouzon
Which is titted up with ant
eye to the comfort of hi?
Done wit neatnes and
dispatch.....-. -
A cordial invitation
is extended.
Manning Times Block.
Notice of Disch-.'ge.
I will apply to the Judge of Proba
for Clarendon county on the 7th da
of Sept. 1907. for letters of discharg
as Guardian for Toseph LeRoyPeagle.
formerly a minor.
.orda, S. C , . 190-.
Pain in the head-ain anywhere, has its aw.
I scontieo.PaA lsb dir" eotin
prove Ithbi cretea lie Vnk tablet. That
tablethaed L.. Shoop's Headaehe Tablet
coaxes blood Pressure away from 0ei centers
atsffectl~brll %?algldgtf nl.Genltly.
though salely. it surely e1 zl= the blood cra
If you have a headache. its blood pressure.
If W painful periods with women, same
if you an sleepless, restless. nervew., It'S rimo
coneon-blood pressure. That suz*lY Is a
certinty. for Dr. Shoop's Heaahe Tas
It In 2D minutes. and the tablets simply dsrbt
the unnattal blood pressure.
Bruise lour figr and doesn't it get red, and
swell an pain you? Of course it does. Its eon
~on. blood pressre Yoi nd it where W
ao nt s Co Sense.
We sell at 25 cents. and cheerfully recmmnand
Dr. Shoop's
m eadache

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