MANNING, S. C., JAN. 27. 1909 Publishes All County and Town Of ficial Advertisements. Advertisers will please re imember that copy for a change of ad. MsT be in this oltee by Saturday Noon in order tc insure wublication the following week. NONE but licensed Pharmacists Com pounds prescriptions at ARANT'S DRUG STORE. Licensed Pbarmacists also check prescriptions to insure the cus aomer against possible mistakes, and consequent danger. IF YOU are not already one of our custo mers, the above is strong argu ment in favor of you becoming one. Arant's Drug Store. Mr. Isaac M. Loryea was a recent -.visitor to Lake City. Miss E. R. Park, of St. Louis, is vis %iting Mrs. E. L. Wilkins. .Miss Leslie Treakle. of White Stone, Va., is visiting Mrs. T. M. Mouzon. Rev. A. R. Woodson is conducting a series of services this week in Lake City. Miss Lillie Thomas, of Charleston, is jisiting her aunt, Mrs. W. Scott Har Vill, Misg Louise Charles, of Timmons ville, is a guest at Mrs. Murriett Mou zon's. Rev. S. A. Nettles. editor of the Southern C"hristian Advocate. was in Manning last; week. Mr. Will Selby and Mr. Carlisle Strauss came dowd from Mayesville and spent Sunday in Manning. Prayer meeting in the Presbyterian church will be held Thursday night instead of Friday night as heretofore announced. Mr. C. R. Harvin invited his broth er officers of the Presbyterian church to dine with him today in honor of his 61st birthday. Rev. C. W. Blanchard and family are moving into the Dr. J. F. Geiger house, which was recently purchased by the Clarendon Baptist congregation for a parsonage. Mrs. W. H. Trescot, of Charleston, was in Manning last Monday on a visit to her brothere Mr. Joe Bradhamn. She isnow with her sister, Mrs. J. L. Brog don, near Brogdon Station. Dr. Ashbelle Woods was in Manning Saturday on.a visit to his brother, J. .M. Woods, Esq. He has arranged to :locate permanently in Lake City next week for the practice of dentistry. A camp of Woodmenof the World has -recently been instituted at Davis Station sunder the name of Maple Camp. Mr. -John P. Thames is Consul Commander :and Mr. Y. L Broadway is Clerk. The -meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday nights of each month. A monument to the late Sovereign J. E. Beard ,will be unveiled by Cypress' Ciamp, No. 208, Woodmnen of the World~ at 11 o'clock on Sunday next, January 3L, at Pine Grove church. All the sur rounding camps are invited to take part in the eeremony. Where is the man that prophesied severe winter this yeart, Cold weath er may come yet, but so far almost everyday has lookedliegrnngtm With birds singinrg and flowers biloomn - ing it does'not appear to be mid-winter, but you had better keep some nire-wood on hand and have. your overcoat handy Messrs. Charlton Du~ant, P. B. Mota zon, R. D.. Clark, C. R. Sprott, J,. Wt Rigby, J. H. Lesesne and Joseph Sprott~ went to Columbiasvestrerday to present the protest of the citizens of Manning against a bill providing for the re-open ing of the dispensary at this place, men tion of which is made in another column. We have just learned that the commit ..tee having the mnattpr. in charge has :eported unanimously against the bill. ia. the list of petit jurors published jast week the namzes, Marvin L Jenkins of ;Pewood and E. S. Jenkins of 3Remin.i .appeared when they should ~have ibeen Marvin L. Jenkinson and E. :S. Jekimosg respectively. Also in the list of ?&ly,er grand jurors there ap peared -the name of J. D. Gibbons when atshould have been J. D. Geddings, and the name of W. N. Cook, Lake City. :should have read W. R. Cook. Henry Blount, "the great humoris~ t and master word painter," will deliver his mirth-provoking lecture. "Beyondl the Alps lies Etaly," in the Institute Hall next Monday night. February 1st. Mr. Blount is said ao hsave the gift oQf eloquence., a genius :fo.r word painting, and is wfthal a tine actor and a perfec.t 2niie. Prices of admission will be as ifllows: Beserved seats 50. cents. gen eral admisioni 3~5 .cents. children 25 cents. Tickets .on sale et W. E. Brown ,& Co's drug store. Beginning with February L. 1909. the combinacion price of THE M.INING TLmtE vith the Charleston Weekly News and Courier will be raised to1 82.25 a year, Tw'o months remain in which n and old subscribers may take advantage of this spleadid combination at the present price, $2.00. Sand in your orders now. Think of it .a lita For the small price of $2.00 until February, after that date $2.25, you get your own county paper once a week and a twice a week newspaper that covers the news .p.f the whole world both for one full - year. Puiblished every Wednesaay and :Securday, each issue of the The Weekly Neais and Courier contains all the news .of iimportance, not only of the day of publiestion, but of all intervening days. - The creae. of the Associated Press News . -the greatest news-gathering agency in ;the world-and. all important happen lIngs in are given, as well :as striking editorial dices and stories vof one kind and another. It has depart bments for nmen, women and ,ciildren. It "is a clean .newspaper, and i.t is gi home newspaper. Notice to Confederate Pensions. -The~ommissioner of Pensions will be :at the Auditor's offce every Saturday in the month of January. all desiring to .apply for a pension will please be on aggd.A. J. RICHBOURG, Commissioner. Goods Roars Sentiment. The most significant demonstration the Zrova h of the sentiment for goo roads was found in the enthusiasti meeting hid here on Tuesday of th Good Roads .\ssociation. Most of th counties were well represented, an there was manifested a height of et thusiasm and a fertility of suggestio never before experienced. It was the sentiment of the speaker that good roads are more that man other things on which large sums ar exoended. and that both the State an the counties sbould make large appro priations to this work of road improve ment. And there is to be no halt at simple expression. Legislators will b labored with and plainly advised tha failure to provide the means for road building will be regarded as failure of Iublic duty and will be treated accord inglv. Great pressure is to be brough to bear on the General Assembly now i: session, to induce it to enact such law as shall insure good roads throughou the whole State. It has taken years of persistent worl by a few to bring public opinion to thi degree of insistence, but the result c their labors has been achieved, and thi faster building of good highways is not an absolute certainty. Time and agair it has been demonstrated that what th( oeople realy want they can alvays get and good roads may be classed amona the things that the people are deter mined to have. A member of the Spar tanburg delegation voiced this deter mination when he said they wante< $500.000 for gUd roads, and if the: couldn't get it this year they would keep on pressing the matter until the: did get the required amount. President Helps Orphans. Hundreds of orphans have been help ed by the President of The Industria and Orphan's Home at Macon, Ga., wh< writes: "We have used Electric Bitter in this Institution for nine years. It has proved a most excellent medicine for Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles We regard it as one of the best family medicines on earth." It invigorates the vital organs, purifies the blood, aids di gestion, creates appetite. To strengthen and build up thin, pale, weak children or run-down people it has no equal. Best for female complaints. Only 50c at Dr. W. E. Brown & Co., and J. E. Arant. Febr'ary Term of Court. The next term of the Circuit Court for Clarendon county will convene on Monday, February Sth, with Judge Ernest Gary, of the 5th Cir cuit presiding. The following list of grand jurors to serve during the year and petit jurors to gerve during the first week of court were drawn this morning: GRAND JURORS. W'R Cook, Lake City, R F D. J D Daniel, Aleolu, R F D. E N Green, Tnrbeville. A S Briggs, Manning. E S Roberson, Turbeville. E C Coskrey, Wilson. C J Lesesne, Manning. T H Gentry. Summerton. C W Brown, Silver, R F D. R E Smith, Lake City. R F D. A T White, Aleola. R F D. Hugh MeFaddin, New Zion,R F D In addition to the above the fol lowing grand jurors hold over from last. year: H G Frierson, B. A. Johnson, Mil ton Stukes, H L Brewer. R M John son. J D Geddings. PETIT JURORS. Hugh E Thompson, Manning, R F D 2. Marvin L Jenkinson. Pinewood. W I Hudnal, Manning, R F D -2. John F Pack, Alcolu. Clarenee Matthews, Manning, . F D 1, F M Rhodus, Foreston. W E Gibbons, Turbeville. 3 W Anderson, Summerton. H B Harrington,New Zion R F D E B Tindal, Manning, R F D 2: A M Holladay, Manning, W C Plowden, New Zion. L Weinberg,~Paxville. W S Warren. Davis Station. R LLogan, Aleolu, R FD. E WV Elliott, Silver, R F D. Don White, Alcolu, R F D. J C Du~ant, Alcolu, R F D. R B Morris, New Zion, R F D. C L James, Summerton. WV F Harrington,Man'ing. RFD 2 R C Burgess, New Zion, R F D. J Bunyan Harvin, Silver. Hugh 'A Plowden,Man'ing,RFD 2 W P Montgomery, Alcolu, R F D David Barnes, Foreston. El R Plowden, Jr, Manning. A P Toomer, Pinewood. ,JO 3 ordeg, Aleolu. R A Brown, Pqerville. Robert J Stukes. Manning. B S Jenkinson, Remini. E G Lee, Manning, R F D 2. H A Alsbrooks, Foreston. J Columbus Johnson, Manning, R F D 2. J 0 isorder, Jordan. PETIT JURORS FOR SECOND WEEK. The following list of petit jurors was drawn this morning to serve dun ing the second week of court, begin ning Mfond~av February 15. E S Kennedy, New Zion, R F D. C U Spror~t, Manning. F H Chewaing, silver, R F D. T ,1 Tisdale, Manning, R F D 1. J P Oreecy,, Manmang, R F D 1. R F' MeEl'een, Turbeville. W H Baker, New Zion. L R McIntosh, Manning, H F Jayroe, Manning. H H Windham, Summerton. E N Green, Turbeville. J J Barnes, Foreston. P B Mouzon, Jr., Manning. W H Green, Turbeville. G A Ridgill, Summerton. T H McFaddin, Sardinia. M B Shepherd, Manning. Jesse D Geddings. Paxville. B B McKnight, New Zion, R F D. J L Elliott, Silver. R F D.. W A Fischer, Summerton. R J Carrigan. Summerton. C Baker, New Zion. D I i~riggers, Lake City, R F D. E L Frierson, Foreston. J N Riggs, Manging, R.F D)1. T R Evans, New $iou. WV 3 Dennis, Turbeville. J M Graham, Alcolu, R F D. J L Barrow, Jr., New Zion. R P D. L R Watt, Summerton, R F D. W H Lowder, Foreston. H L Barrineau, Lake City, R F D. S M Godwin, Turbeville. S J Floyd. Lake City, R F D. S L Davis, Manning. Personal experience with a tube of Man Zan P~e Remedy will convince you iit is imnmediatC relief or all forms of Piles Guaranteed 50c. ThE .Man'nnk P;armacy. The Same 61d Story. The cotton gambler' and mill sears .ejrried the day and won the tight is: keepira the price of cotton down below cost of prodtgation until all had gottet out of the hands of the producers and now with a great dga Mf flourish con gratulating the country .og the brigh1 outlook for better prices and a bflygg demand for cotton goods, the guag< men have taken up the refrain and suel a happy chorus the two are now making Well they might, for they got the pont fool farmers, cotton at their own price and now thev are offering them a feti sugar coated pills as a panacea in tht way of forcing the price of cotton up ai the se'ason for buying fertilizers anc preparing for cotton planting is near a hand. Will they take the medicine Rat is answered by looking at the car loads; ertilizers already coming to th~ depot ane ;be long train of wagon: every day hallira a-vy.-Bishopvill4 Leader and VindiKor Itch cured in 30 minutes by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails Improved Methoils of Examining Teachers. >f The followtug- paper, read by Prof I E,. J. Brown. of Clarendon county, va: e received with marked approbation b3 e ithe Association of County Superintend Sents of Fducaticn at the meeting recent 1, lv held in Columbia: "What improvements should be made ;'in the method! of conducting Teacher's :Examinations?" The question presupposes the fact that there are exsting defets in the present, methods. aud further that ways atnd means can be found to improve upon them. I desire to point out a few things which. accordin:, to my opinion. would be of great benefit. and a decided im Iprovement over the present methods. In tne first place, I would advocate most strenuously, that at least two days time be given for the examination. Let there 'be a greater number of questions on each subject. expecially of the leading sub jects, English. Mathematics, History !and Geogrraphy. Let these questions oe carefully prepared, and with a view of giving every applicant for a teacher's certiicate ample opportunity of britg ing out and showing his or her scholar ship, and general fitness for the teach er's profession. The list of questions as furnished periodically for these ex aminations do not, as a rule. teua to test the real ability of the candidate, and as the list must be hurriedly taken, the time is entirely too short to afford much thought work. hence the more difficult parts of the examination are slighted. and sometimes omitted entirely. I would also recommend that an allot ment of time be given each subject, and the amount of time and ,thought requir ed to prepare a creditable paper be based upon what an average candidate' should be capable of. Let the county superintendents, as far as practicable. give out only one subject at a time, all taking the same subject at the same time, and at the end of the al lotted period, let all papers be collect ed, seeing that each Daper is properly folded, and contains the name and ad dress of each candidate, or his Droper number in case that method should be, thought preferable. This plan can be readily carried out, if the superintend ent will arrange to have a clock in view of the candidates. Let the various sub jects be detached along the perforated lines and placed in envelopes and prop erly labeled, which will greatly facili tate the distribution of the cluestions, thus giving the candidate the benefit of a full period of time. This plan is far better than the handing out to each candidate a full sheet of questions, leav ing him to go to work on any subject he desires, and to spend as much time or as little time as he feels disposed to. The result frequently is that few ever band in a complete set of answers. Each teacher would spend his or her time on the subjects of his or her choice, leaving other subjects untouched, or at best unfinished. This method gives I rise to various kinds of apologies, or ex- I cuses for poor and incomplete papers. Comparatively few win first grade certificates based strictly upon the mer its of their papers, if the percentenge as I outlined on the examination questions be strictly followed. In fact, under the t system of a one day's examination, it is hard for the average candidate to win a t second girade certificate if the percent age plan be strictly adhered to. This has forced upon County Boards the al most absolute necessity of issuing certi ficates where none where honesty won. Or in many instances of issuing permits t good until the next examination, simply to be able to get teachers', the defects 1 being traceable to a large degree to the C lack of suficient time to stand the ex amination. Another great trouble in conducting examinations is the lack of the proper facilities for bandling the candidates. The examinations are generally con- I ducted in the court bouses, and as a rule 1 bave very poor accommodations for the c work. As one of the greatest and most a important improvemenits, I would sug- f gest that all teacher's certificates be is- t sued by the State Board of Education. a In my judgment, this could be affected I by pursuing the following plan: Let the I S'tate board of Education appoint an ex- s amining board of specialists for the C work. This board could be composed of a qgoalifled county superintendents, mem bers of county boards whose qualifica- t tions warrant, and from leading school superintendents aod teacher3 of recog nized ability. In other words, let the examining board be com posed of the best talent to be bad. On the dates appointed for I the examinations, let the county super inrtendents conduct them, collect the papers by subjects, and tie them into I neat packages, seeing that every paper ? contains the name or number of the ap plicant, the name of the county, or in l brief, let any form of identitication be I sufficient. Let all papers be forwarded ~ to the State Superintendent at the close of the examination, in a similar manner po the method employed in conducting competitive examinations for Winthrop ~ and' Clemson collegss. Let the State' Superintendent get together all papers by subjects, and send to each examiner as many papers as are deemed necessary or expedient, parcelling them out to the I specialists on the various subjects. These 1 experts having only one subject to deal with could do the work more expedit jously, and better than can be done by the -arious County Boards. the mem-. bert; of which frequently not practical teachers, and probably never have bem.. and who must necessarily do their work in an imperfect or careless manner. Let these special examiners be paid a reasonable sum for siuch services. The Stt Stuperintendent as he receives the s reports, tabulates them by counties, and ' upon his recommendations, together with a report of grades made, the State y Board can then issue State certificates to those who are entitled to them, which certificates could, and would be a pass port for the holders thereof all over the State. The advantages of such a plan can hardly be overestimated. The hold er of a State certificate would have many C advantages that the present plan can not afford. It would give them high ~ standing in the profession, and woufld I entirely eliminate the trouble of having ~ their certificates endorsed in the various counties they might thereafter teach in. Others again who fail to make the necessary pass marks, and whose grades I are sufficiently high to warrant some consideration, might, under recommen 'datipos by the County Board of thier respectlye counties, be given a permit or licernsg W tegeh nntil the niext exam ination. This plan might be subject to furthat latitude in some deserving cases. The idea is to stimulate teachers to the effort I to hold a state certificate and should be so arranged as not to cut down the force( too quickly. I am aware that certain schools having certain conditions sur-1 rounding them m~ust be provided for, but that is no reason why an effort] should net be made to build up or en courage the organization of a large force of better teachers. Fyrthermore, I would recommend that1 should a pian as outlined be adopted, thati notfce be given to every teacher in the state holding a certificated granted to any County Bo6ard in the past upon an examination, that the same would be .cancelled after dane year.. This would giv a c year's time for special prepara pior, gi would enable that cligss of jeachers vwho have been having their certificates renewed from year to year, and sodorsed in a half dozen or more counties until there is no further room on which to register approval, time to review their studies and fit and prepare themselves for the general examina tion. I am extrerrely anxious to see some method put into practice that will elim inate a lot of the- defects we have fallen into. I know from certain circumstanc es and observations that some County Boards are more lenient than others 1that it is a courtesy generally practic ed~ for Coiynty Superintendents to ap - prove the papers givren by other coun ties. - The pla~n has prnvailed for years, and there are scores of teachers hold ing first grade certificates who are in competent, and who have in some way secured one. who persizt year in and year out, in having it renewed until il is literally worn out. I am anxious to see the teaching pro. fession keep bright and up-to-date it i its work. and I must confess that the present plan, while its imports are all right, has become defective from the way it has been worked, and to get out of the old ruts some material change in the existing methods is absolutely need ed. Let the State Superintendent have a printed list, alphabetically arranged, of all who obtain state certificates sent out to each County Superintendent, giving post office address. and any other data deemed vroper. This list being in his possession, could be frequently consu!t ed with a view of securing competent teachers. Further, he could consult it and register those who should be em ployed by his trustees. -and who would not-need to go through with the usual cumbersome plan of having certificates registered. Another advantage of this plan is that trustees could have access to such print ed lists, and could the better engage their teachers, thus saving to the teach ers large fees paid to information bu reaus. All graduates of recognized col leges who are teaching, or wuo propose to teach, could qualify by -presenting his diploma or other credentials either to the Sta;e Board or through the Cou n ty Superintendents. There would be a complete roster of. eligible teachers, whether qualifving through the exam ination or by diplomas. Let all certificates issued by the Board be for a period of five years, subject to renewal provided the holder has been engaged in teaching throughout the term. None will deny that we need a more uniform standard than that now in use. It has been altogether too easy in the past to get certificates, especially first grade ones, and those who, when once they get them. persist in renewals, and all effort at further scholarship ceases in many cases. What ,I as well as every other county superintendent who is ambitious for progress desires, is teaching force-to be well up on these ;ubjects and zealous-not merely school keepers, but real teachers. With a low tandard of scholarship we cannot hope for great progress. We must elevate ,he standard of proficiency, and higher gages will follow. The plan outlined herein, or some nodified form of it, would stimulate - rreater interest and ambition on the )art of hundreds of teachers, while the lirones would either bestir themselves ;o attain to greater scholarship or be !ome ashamed and drop out. This plan would relieve the County 3oards of much responsibility, and ould obviate the liability of being harged with favoritism. Frequently ,andidates for teachers' certificates be ng well and favorably known, relying pon their general qualifications, do iot make the necessary preparations, rusting and believing that they will in ome way be passed. I would recom nend that these examinations be held n June, immediately after the close of he schools and colleges, thus giving Mple time to examine the papers, issue he certificates and give the- teachers ,n opportunity of securing positions be ore September. Whether or not any 1 f the plans as outlined be adopted, I I ni certainly in favor of a more thorough xamination of not less than two days, he certificates to be issued by the State 3oard, and the examinations to be held 1 a June. By reflection the advantages 1 f each idea is seen and appreciated. A Horrible Hold-Up. e ] "About ten years ago my brother was 'held-up" in his work, health and hap 'iness by what was believed to be hope ess Consumption,'' writes W. R. Lips omnb. of Washington, N. C. "He took 11 kinds of remedies and treatment -om several doctors. but found no help ill he used Dr. King's N'ew Discovery ] nd was wholly cured by six bottles. He a well man to-day." It's quick to re eve and the surest cure for weak oc ore lungs, Hemorrhages, Coughs and' olds, Bronchitis, La Grippe, Astbma nd all Bronchial aff ections. 50c and I LO0. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed ] y Dr. W. E. Brown & Co.. and J. E. Lrant. Honor Roll. First grade.-Henry Baggett, Thomas I lagnal, Ben Grill, Moses Levi, Ruby ~ icElveen, Viola Thames. Second grade.-Ethel Christopher, I laisie Barrineau, M'ary Baggett, Pearl. t, Ruby Adams, Tora Bagnal. c Third grade.-Mvrtle Bowman, Ben-i L~h Williams. Carolyn Plowden, Mamie! lake r, Isabella Thomas, Irma McKel ey. Jennie Burgess, Willie McRoy. Fourth Grade -Netta Levi, Jeannette r 'lo-,rden, Alice Wilson. I Fi.fth grade.-Celeste Ervin, Aileen I 'ladger. Sixth grade.-Irmia Weinberg, Lucy Vilson, Preston Thames, Leo Strange. Seventil grade.-Mabel Todd. 1 ET.ghth grade. -aelen Boger, DuRant 1 pps, Martha Jeokirson. Florence Mc- r ntcsh, Alice Wilson. Chove Clarke, I ulian Creesy, Croswell Davis, Charlie E prott. t N:.nth grade.-Lily Davis, Hughey I 'indlal.3 Tenth grade.-Marian Wells, Jake t rin, Virginia.Wilson. I 5 ort for December and January.E Boys. Girls. TotalI nrouiment..... 151 -4s6 sveraLgeatiendance 1.3 137 250 er tnt attendance 9b.3 96.8 96.3 choiarship av'age. 77 St 79 a ,s.. .... 5 4 a Report for next month will be an im- C rovement on the above. .JNO. C. DANIEL4, Supt. Manning Graded School. Brave Fire Laddies ften~ receive severe burns, putting out res. then use Bucklen's Arnica Salve nd forget them. It soon drives out aim. For Burns, Scalds, Wounds, Cuts] ,nd :3cuises its earth's greatest healer. ,uickly cures Skin Eruptions, Old lores, Boils, Ulcers, Felons; best Pile ure made. Relief is instant. 25c at . )r. W. E. Brown & Co., and J. E. trar.t. Turbeville Dots. dito:- The inuing Times: Mr. Jasper Tlurbeville, of this place, tas purchased a piano. Dr. Gamble has or-dered a piano also. lood encouragement for his favored few Zion girl. There is surely some hing in the wind. The unveiling of the monument to the ate J. C. Beard will take place here on sunday, 31st ins;t. The safe that was in the store belong ng to the late J. E. Beard when the >uilding was burned recently has been >pened. The books, papers, etc., were ound mntact with but little damage. I'he store was insured under two poli ~ies, one for $1,500 and one for $1,300, naking a total of $2,800. PRer. C. P. E~utson may be frec uently round 'visiting the sick in his charge. Prof. li. J. Browne, county superin endent of educat-ion, passed here re ~ently visiting the schools. Some of the ady teachers have taken him to be a ingle man. Can't say as to what they udge from. Anditor Burgess has been o'ver here aking tax returns. It would seem that he dogs have devoured all the sheep and goat, all the cattle sold for beef and all the hogs killed for pork. and in Lhe wind-up the steel traps have made victims of the dog. Come down, equalizing board, and make a general investigation. Our delegation in the Legislature now in session are requested not to over look the irnterests of 'the public schools and onadsa B. Better Pay For Preachers. For a long Lime it has been said that preachers as a rule were poorly paid, but this cannot longer be said of many of the Methodist ministers in South Car olina. We noted recently that the pres ' idina elder of the Marion district. Rev. E. 0. Watson. is now being paid a sal ary of 82,500 a year. and be gets a fur nished house free of rent. Many of the charoes in the State are now paying from $1.400 to $1.800 a year. with a par sonage furnished. So it begins to look like preaching is not such a bad job after all, although few men seem to be 'going into the ministry these days. We are glad to see this tendency to pay preachers higher salaries. They are worth every cent they get and more. Bam berg Herald. A Religious Author's Statement. For several years I was afflicted with kidney trouble and last winter I was suddenly with a severe pain in my kid neys and was confined to bed eight days unable to get un without assistance. My urine contained a thick white sediment and I passed same frequently day and night. I commenced taking Foley's Kidney Remedy, and the pain gradually abated and finally ceased and my urine became normal. I cheerfully recom mend Foley's Kidney Remedy. W. E. Brown & Co. Taft and the South. President-elect Taft is making fine headway in the affections of the people of the-South. His utterances on his pol icy of filling ffilces in the South have excited much comment. Mr. Taft does not. we take it, hope or intend to at tempt to buy his way with federal pat ronage. He simply wants the people of this section to feel that it is as much' a part of the national government as any other section and that it is entitled to the same careful consideration in the appointment of officers as any other section. In other words, the federal offices in the South are not to be filled with any sort of a man who happens to be a Republican. We shall cling to our political faith as strongly as ever, but this will not prevent our admiring Mr. Taft as the sensible, big-hearted presi dent of the whole country.-Greenwood Index. BUSINESS LOCALS. A car load of fine mnles just arrived at Coffey & Rigby's. Don't forget D M. Bradham will have those nice Tennessee mules in this week. You can buy any kind of mule or horse you want at Coffey & Rigby's. Remember everything we sell is guaranteed to be as represented or mon .y refunded. Coffey & Rigby. Remember the car of well-broken rennessee mules. Allen Bradham will >ring the last of this week. Colgate's Exquisite Toilet Soap, 3 ,akes for 25c. and Cashmere Bouquet ['alcum, 18c. at The Manning Grocer yO. Be sure to see our mules and horses >efore buying elsewhere, as we are sure hat we can save you money. Coffey & ligby. Mr. Allen Bradham of the firm of D. J. Bradham & Son, is now in Tennessee t )uying the best mules can be had, will t >e in about the last of this week. For Saie.-One sound, serviceable iorse. in good condition, and one second- L tand buggy and harness. Apply to Dr. \.. S. Todd, Manning, S. C. Owing to the great scarcity of money, 5 re are offering better mules for the u ame money than were sold last season soffey & Rigby's. See our Bargain Ad in this issue. I ow is tbe time for frug~al housekeep :rs to stoclC np. -aThese special prices re effective only until February 3rd. 'he Manning Grocery Co. Your Sausage will be alright if youe se our pure Cayenne Pepper; White 'epper, Ground Sage and Thyme. Wea re headquarters for all kinds of Pure ipices at correct-prices. The Manninga ~rocery Co. Lost.-A lady's gold watch and fob t erween Sammy Swamp school house I nd the residence of Mr. T. B. Mims. Vatch has mnonogrv.m (M. L. H.) on cont of it. A 810 reward will be given i :> finder if returned to Mr. T. B. Mims6 f Pinewood, S. C. Plant Tobacco. If you think you will need money ext summer, plant a few acres of to acco. You can get your Seed from t. D. Clark free of cost. Fresh Arrlvals: English Walnuts 20c. b; Selected Washed Butternuts 20c. b; Soft Shell Almonds 25c. lb; Evapo ated Apples, fancy, clean and white, 5c. Ib; French Spaghetti 15c. Ib; panish Sweet Red Peppers 25c. per in; Crems De Menthe Cherries 30c. er bottle; Gelatines in Fruit and Vine Flavors 10c; Maraschino Cher ies 50c. and $1.00' bottles; Celery Salt 5c. per bottle; Shredded Cocoanut, xtra fancy, 2Lc. lb. See ..s on the I susy Block. Tne Manning Grocery Co. Plant Tobacco. You can get the very best Seed free f charge by calling on R. D. Clark. Notice of Discharge. I will apply to the Judge of Pro ate for Cla.rendon County on the 6th day of February, 1909. for Let ers of Discharge as Guardian for eriven B. Colelough, John B. Col lough. Gertrude R. Colclough and saae Nelson Colciough. Minors. SUSAN R. CCLCLOUGH, Guardian. Sumnmerton, S. C., January 25, 1909. Notice of Discharge, I will apply to the Judge of Pro )ate for Clarendon County on the 5th day of February, 1009, for Let ers of Discharge as Administratrix f the Estate of Milton H. Lackey, v leceased.e VIOLA LACKEY, C Administratrix. u Paxville, S. C., January 21, 1909. c Notice of Discharge. I I will apply to the Judge of Pro- t ate for Clarendon County, on the I 5th day of February, 1909, for Let..- c ers of Discharge as Executrix with s he Will annexed, of the Estate of I tiargaret E. Wheeler. deceased. MARTHA J. WHEELER, 1 Executrixc. Sardinia, S. C., JIanuary 21, 1909. I KILLTHECOUCH. AND CURE THE LUNCS WITHDrKn' New Discovery FOR COUS someo OLDS Trial Bseme nen AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TSSUBLES. GUANT~Di8ATIFACTOB OR MolNEY BEFUNDED. A rant's Drugr Store. foreclosure Sale.3 State of South Carolina, County of Clarendon. f Court of Common Pleas. Farmers and Merchants Bank, a corporation duly created and char tered under the laws of the State I of South Carolina, Plaintiff, against J. C. McElveen and A. H. Williams, Trustee in bankruptcy of the Estate of J. C. McElveen, bank rupt, Defendants. Under and by virtue of a decree of I foreelosure issued out of the Court c of Common Pleas of Clarendon County in the above stated case, by Honorable S. W. G. Shipp, Judge of the Twelfth Circuit, at his Chambers, C in Florence, South Carolina. dated January 5th, 1009, to me directed, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash. before the Court House door in Manning, South Carolina, during the legal hours of C sale, on Monday, February 1st, 1909, the following described real estate, to wit: All that certain piece, parcel or O tract of land lying, being and situate in Sandy Grove township, in the County of Clarendon. and State of South Carolina, containing sixty (60) acres, more or less, and bounded as follows, to wit: North by lands of the estate of Caroline Johnson; East by lands of D. I. Driggers; South by lands of the estate of S. P. Broekin ton; West by lands of the estate of S. P. Brockinton and Estate of Caro line Johnson. Purchaser to pay for all papers. A. I. BARRON, Clerk of Court of Common Pleas of Clarendon County. Land Sale. I will sell at public auction on Mon- Q day Salesday, February 1st, 1909, at W 12 o'clock, in front of the Court 0 House Door in Manning, S. C., the o following land: 163 acres bounded on the North by Black River; East by other lands of my own; South by Public Road lead- a ing to Kingstree, and West by lands :)f W. M. Plowden. The terms will be arranged to suit bhe Purchaser. Plat can be seen at the office of 'harlton DuRant. H. A. PLOWDEN. : BTATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Clarendon, 3y James M. Windham, Esq., Judge : of Probate. N HEREAS, Alfred J. White & made suit to me, to grant him - etters of Administration of the Es- : ate and effects of William B. White. : These are therefore to cite and ad- : nonish all and singular the kindred : ,nd creditors of the said William : 3. White, deceased, that they be : .nd appear before me, in the Court : if Probate, to be held at Manning on he 4th day of February next, after - >ublication thereof, at 11 o'clock in he forenoon, to show cause, if any - hey have, why the said administra ion should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 18th ay of January, A. D. 1909. JAMES M. WINDHAM, SEAL.] Judge of Probafe. - ~TATE OF SOUTH gAROLUNA, Clarendon County, ~y James M. Windham, Esq., .T udge of Probate. VHEREAS,Kate Bertrand made suit to me to grant her Letters of dministration of the estate and ffects of Isaac Bertrand. These are therefore to cite and ad ionish all and singular~ the kindred nd creditors of the said Isaace_ lertrand, deceased, that they be anid ppear before me,in the Court of Pro ate, to be held at Manning, S. C.. on he 4th day of February next, after ublication thereof, at 11 o'clock in he forenoon, to show cause, if any hey have, why the said administra lon should not be granted. . - Given under my hand, this 13th ay of January, A. D. 1909. JAMES M. WINDHAM, S [SEAL.]I Judge of Probate. GARDEN SEEDS I AND ONION SETS! $ resh and Highly Pro ductive, at 0 Ibame's DregStore: .SUIMMERTON, S. C. Sot0aoia ivlC fSouth Carolina. th itde reqireens o la andpli ation to the Honorable the General 1ssembly of the State of South Caro na, at its coming session, for permis ion and authority to erect and main ain a proper bridge across the Saee 0 liver, from some point on its property n the North or East side as may be of0 aid river iu Clarendon County, to some 0 oint on its property on the South or Vest side as may be, of said river in lerkeley County; in the locality of its fill Plant: and connecting the said Mill 'lant with its property on the othier ide. IANTEE RIVERI CYPRESS LUMBER COMPANY. December 5, 1908. Eat and Grow Fat: FRESH MEATS AT ALL TIMES. 1A.WNYTHING GOOD TO EAT. 0 live us a Trial.0 lanrk & [Huggins. 0# SCHLOSS CROSSETT CLOTHES SHOES -40 THE B16 REDUCTION SALE ~ STILL CONTINUES, and will run a short while longer only. Come at once if you want to take ad vantage of this BIG REDUCTION' SALE. The Young Reliable, J. H. Rigb 9 SCHLOSS CROSSET CLOTHES SHOES STETSON aTS. HATS iS.THE GREAT PIERCING ARROW SALE : With all of its Excellente Opportunities. But until the Flagj Falls on the "Finish" we will still present suhstirring opportunities in~ . dollar saving as will command attention of the populace. - Time waits not---Bargains are ripe---And readly for picking,9 and as fast as one disappears we have another for its place---This I Sale cannot last---The pace is too strenuous. Sale will positively closee Saturday, Feb. 6. .8 9 9 9 .9 9 W. EJENKN$0NC09