MANN IN'.'L. S SEM - .. :). Publishes All County and Town Of. ficial Advertsements. Advertisers will please re member that copy for a change of ad. M'ST be in this o:t Ce bv Satrdav Noen in order to insure nublicat"'n the following week. ST. FETER'S, NO. 54 A. F. M1. Wednesday Night. Sept. 22 Master's Degree. NEW ARRIVALS OF SEASONABLE GOODS AT At Weinberg's 6rocery: Finest domestio Macaroni and Spa ghetti. per pkg.. ............ 10e. Finest imported Macaroniand Spa ghetti. 15c. per pkg. or 2 for.. 25c. New Dill Pickles, per dozen...... 20c. Potato Chins, best quality, per lb. 30c. Shredded Cocoanut, best quality, per lb...... ................. 25c. Marbot Walnuts, best quality, per lb ................... 25. Tarragona Almonds, best quality, per -lb........................ 25c. Pens, bes uality. per lb....... 20e. rge W d Brazils, best qualitv per lb...... -................. 20c Special for a' Short Time Only: Old VirginiaBreakfast Roe per can 10c. Vienna Sannage, 10c. per can, or 3 eans for ..............25c. Corned Bee, 15c. per can. or 2 for 25c. Beet,15c.per can, or 2for 25c. Tongue, large size can, per cam ....... ..........25c. Weinberg's Grocery. "Where quality reigns. The egg crop in Manning is scaree. Do not get disheartened my boy, be Moore game. There is narhing special this wek from Joy HilL Te cat am back, she just would notsay away. Te or f mhs returned from tdir anma trip. he'nfarmers unin had a barbecue stWednesday at Triniy. Trees should be set out toreplace the ne that are being cut down. Niss corinne Nathan of'Charleston, Is visaig Mrs. S. M. Barfeld. Mrs. .D. Say f orangeburg, is In Manning viscing her parents. Mr. Dunwoodv Bgeway of Florida *Is visiing his relatives in Manning. S choolashave begun and the chil dren aehappy but do not know it. The man who would not y 500 to save his. wife from going tola knew a thing or two. Dont~ fail to read pages 4 and 5 of thi isueasthey contain somec good news-master. - lr. and Mrs. W. H. Bosweli of Geor ihere visiting the. family of Mr. 2Breedin. . S.-Oliver E'rsqFc., itnstk Ing a csgzdaecourse as soon as courtador The newly appointed pest master of Flah wllhave to go as the lb be maried thisaenoon at New ZionMiss Lavedarand Mr. Meyer, Bak ofScranton. The awnre of the Jewish merchants * tistown will be closed next Satur day, an accounstof the day of Atone InMan. . gTheteecpeSensed aively and bwgappearance. The yugsociety felks had a very mmjo~bl~dnoet Monday night with Plsknrys ora of Columbia to heashapes thes-days boor more like an image whitsled out of a white e stick, eellywhen they are shape les to startwi. - -Magtat nfcsnn nd Mr. Forrest Tayler,~ og Kntr, U5Mesterday for running an ena ha-.withot having .asign as reguired by law. T~hose merchants who do- not adver . tiss havo. only temselves to 1lame .WenOa readers do not give-them the grefsrec when they want to make Everybody that can do so should at tend the concert a.xt Friday night in the school anditorium. These things should'be enoouraged so that Manning will be placed on the good astraction Fuel and lights are beconing an Isem, and It is snggested that the boys make special consact with the electric light company and send a load of wood to houses they contemplat sitting up at the coming winter evenings. The PaxtvIle -Loyal Temperance Laglon wft give a box aryat the Wonamen hall on raexrida even teh to which the public Is ty n td.Proceeds for the benefit of same. Befreshments will also be served. Died at his home in the city of Green ville, lastSasurday, Mr. G. A. Norwood, aged 78 years. The deceased was for many years a cotton factor in Charles. ton, and did business with many In this cony. He was a brother-in-law of Mr. E. L. Wilkins of this town. It is sad to think of the destructioc wrought to the middle row of trees ou Brooks street, but now that they were ruthlesly killed, and must be remove4 the only reparantlio ouncil can mako Ib to set out new trees for a future genera tien toeny. The Bankof Manning in itsstatemen of Stebr8th, showed a deposit o 1.2 .6, and since then there has been a. most remarkable increase o business. .On yesterday the books showed the deosts to be 2236,640.O9 an increase in twelve days of S97,432.45 The trade of Manning was a recort .breaker last Satnrday, but where dic sd.mnany get booze from? Whether t~ha -stff is being sold . eg,~ris brough bere from $umter werdo not know, bu there was an unusuiT amournt of drinkc ing here Saturday. . .They are coing in right along pay Ing up their enheriptions .and rLkn advantage of our proposition to giv away a town lot. The lot we are goin to give away is but a short distane from the court house square. Oni, those who have paid up and a year substription in advance will be cor sidardt W~~e.a live wi~-aw.akez co'v pondent at Pit'Wqd. w. had ort.'1. once but for ome reaAso h- -ri more uuleo. be:4. 4 a-'m show or entert.: : r .* - Mir. .\. C'. 1;radh.4 : ;!- %''1 :i r d 31. iiradhaun x .S n- e Louis stock im ar. .. : of the week th. re viil a:Tivea Bradham ta.e' a hlUe i' r hor mules. The Bradhainx :i * h IStock deale rNs a:111 :h'eYn : petit2 ionmans t0 i -i'v ,cK close prices. We direct :ttentio o th0 L.:n ;n this iv'ue- of the bank at.1:" show what can be done by hsneC in even in the most out of the way pLet Olanta is twenty-eight niies froti county seat, but it i' nestled ritnt the center of one of the best farmi: sections in the State. and it is bound become a commercial point of great ii portance. George W. Murray. the last ne eongressmn from South Carolina is fugitive from justice, and was arreste in Chicago recently to be brought ta to this State. Mlurray had accumu!at< quite an extensive property in Sunt< county. and this, in the opinion of ia: is attributed to his prosecution. Depu Sheriff of Sumter was here yesterday confer with Solicitor Stoll about -ettit requisition papers. There are several in Manning th claim to have plantea trees her and from the number claimin have planted, there were not. many ianted after all by the late D G. Allen Huigins. whom we have a ways thought was credited with havit set out, at his own expense, the beaut ful trees on Brooks street, and whic were killed unnecessarily by a form< council, or its employees. Paxville, Sept. :.-Elerbe Davi. the 16-year-old son of Mr. J. D. Davi had both of his hands badly cut at ti gin here Thursday afternoon He w: taken to the office of Dr. T. W. Gunte who rendered medical assistazce. D Stukes of Summerton was later callt into consultation. Some of the finge of both hands had to be amputated. T1 wounds were dressed and the boy wi taken home last night. The latest r port is that he is doing as well as coul be expected. The Grand Lodge Good Samaritan a temperance and-.benevolent organiz tion of colored peopie. convened 1 Manning last week, the number of de egates was something over 500. It w: a representative gathering of negro from all over the State and they co ducted themselves in a manner con porting with the principles of the o ganization they represented. Thei was to be a parade on Thursday afte noon but a heay rain prevented'Whic was a disappointment. Mr. S. G. Stakes, of Manning, S. C a Princeton student who has suppie the Accomac and Onancock church4 during the summer has returned to ti Seminary. Under his ministratioi there were fifteen professions. ton uni ice with the Accomac church. He is young man of marked ability and in h quiet unassuming manner has won ti love and respect of the entire commui ity regardless of denominations. 0 people shall watch his career with i terest.-Wy. L. R., in Christian Obser er. A ver unfortunate accident occure last Wenesday near Jordan, two sons i Mr. Hrrvey Mitchum aged six and eigl respectively. They were out huntin; and while sitting on a log Seabrook ti younger, caught hold of the barrel the gun while his brother Shepperd wi ubreeching it. The gun fired and i cctents entered the body of Seabrool killing him. The funeral took pla< Thursday. Rev. T, W. Godbold of Jo dan, assistedby2Rev. M~r. Porter of Sur merton conducted the seryice. - he we are hit in the face with cheap corn whiskey breath in these got old prohibition days, as we were la Saturday from a citizen of Clarendol we are almost persuaded that the tin has come when The South Caroliz Voice, a paper edited by Rev. J.I Harley can get in some good work ft 'the cause of temperance by being
  • ) Zc or 20c per dozen. Also repair and a clean machines promptly. See me be > fore buying elsewhere. W. W. Brails- t i ford. M Nakes Everybody Happy! There's a subtle elegance' in every! package of Whitman's that makes the giver feel good. We have just received a fine assortment of this matchless Can dv, and are still keeping it on ice. Pric- I. es 3c.35c,5c 60 . 8I.0and 31.25. Sole agency, The Manning Grocery Co. E -Cotton Seed Wanted. I wish my friends to know that I am in the market to buy cotton seed, and am prepared to meet legitimate comn petition. I represent the Southern Cotton Oi! Co. of Columbia. S. C.. and a can furnish their meal, which is recog- t nized as the best. T. L. B~iGN.L. Summerton Mercantile Co.'s Fall smilwry Opening, Wednesday and Thursday. September1 ttie 29'th and 30th. We cordially in- .I vite y'ou to be nresent. We have all the latest stvles' and. newest creations in Ladies',' Misses' and Child ren's I Headgear at pries that defy comipeti tion: also the largest display and most up- to-date Line of iteady-to-wear Goods ever shown in Summnerton. Summer eton Mercantile Co., Summnerton. S. C. ~ARANT'S DRUG STORE The Licensed Druggist. Sells Everything in DRUGS and MEDICINES fo Our Friends and Customers TilE .\.\NNINt(; (lb1 N1. s i.iI-. rctitly boug romn the' Southt Aait ie (n ) >.. t the begin nimii of c :artr und-er the pirosnt (wn.-rihm w.- ext4enial our thanks to 1f oUr f i-ie1nds for their supxort and proT1age. We have tried in the past to deserve your support by bei ,bsolutelv fair ani honest with ali of our customers. and we : or a continuance of vour support for the following additio easons: FIRST : Ours is a local company-not a dollar of tock is owned outside of South Carolina. SECOND: We pay ar.nually to the Town and Coul reasurers over $600 taxes which helps that much towards pa ng the expenses of our local government. THIRD: It costs us about $3000X0 per year to manufact he seed we purchase. and of this amount. $20,000 is spent ri; tere at Manning. In other words. when you sell us a ton of s< i6 2-.3 bushels) you get market price for the seed and the cc aunity gets $4 of the amount it costs to manufacture them. WI ou sell a ton of seed to the other fellow, you get the ma ket pr r the seed, and SOME OTHER COMMIUNITY gets the ben( f the money paid out to manufacture them. We could mention a number of other reasons, but we thi he above is sufficient to convince you that it pays to patron omne industries. Yours very truly, Manning Oil Mill, C. R. SPROTT. President and Treasur< N ARE NO REIDI to meet the requirements of fall shoppers, and we de fy our competitors to name lower prices on the same class of goods. Our Furniture Department is running over with choice bargains. Dining Chairs at 50c., 75c. $1 and $1.25. The best high-back cain bottom Oak Dining Chair on the market for only $1. All kinds of Bed-room Suits. Lounges, Couches, Sideboards and Dining Tables to be had at our store very cheap for the cash. We also are offering-a large and complete line of Mattings, Carpets, Rugs and Art Squares very cbeap. In our Dry Goods Department we have bargains that must and will interest you if you will come and inspect our great bargains. White Dimity Checks, 1-yard wide, only 10c.. worth l5c. White Striped Madras, 1-yard wide, only 10c., value 15c. Best Percales, one-yard wide, only 10c. Sea Island Homespun, 36 inches wide, only 5c. Indigo Blue Calico, 5c. Dress Ginghams, 10c. and 12 1-2c. yard. Cheviots for Boys' Waist, only 10c. yard. Our Milliner is now in the Northern markets and will return in a few daysiwith a splendid line of Millinery and Pattern Hats, and will be pleased to have our many friends and patrons call and see our goods. WV. E. JENKINSON CC PIOSFERIT IS HERE! KRASNOF is here with the (Goods From the very outset of this fall we are doing a record-bres ag business. Nobody is more thankful than we are, and to sh, ,ur appreciation, not in words but in deeds, to all our frien< ttrons and the public in general. for the liberal trade extend s. We oiler to all who are interested in Churches, Schools, Societ r any Charitable Institution, as follows: Beginning Septermter 1st, any day during this month we of 0 per cent- off of all sales made at our store to any of the abc entioned institutions, namely: Each institution will select apable man who shall act as salesman in "our store for one d nd for all sales he may make we will allow 10 per cent. off to t 2stitution he will represent. Any of these institutions desiring to avail themselves of ti beral offer must send notice to us at least two days in advance be day wanted by the party chosen to act as their salesman. Privilege of the day selected by each institution will be< ended in order as the applications are received. Our Store full of Bargains from one Department to the other, havi pecials in each Department every day. A call at our store ee and price our goods is enough to convince any one that c oods and prices defy any competition. Our guarantee goes with every sale. Goods not satisfact< a every respect. bring back and money is refunded-no questic sked. Our customers must be satisfied or we don't care fort We are Agents for the "Selz Shoes, the best Shoe made en." the "May Manton Shoes, the best made for Ladies," for t merican Ladies' Tailoring Co.. the best ladies' tailors in t nited States: the Standard Fashion Co.. the standard patterns he United States. Patterns always on hand. Anything in Dry Goods, Clothing. Shoes, Hats, Furnishing 'urnitre, Etc., you wiil tind at the lowest prices wvith a satisf: ory guarantee only at Krasnoff' Corner Store. In the Fight. The decks are cleared for action. I am now in the race "C for cash trade, and I have a splendid stock of everything ..3k neded on the farm or in the household. l I - cordially invite an inspection of my stock of i Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, Clothing, Crockery, Tin, hlt d Wooden and Hardware. en GROCERIES ice tit of all kinds and in large quantities. Come to my store, price my goods, examine the quality, nk and if not as cheap as the cheapest, then don't buy from me. ize I have made special arrangements to do a large cash trade this season, and I fully realize that I must, to do business, meet sharp competition. This I have prepared for. I want your trade. Yours, etc., B. A. JOHNSON. It pays to trade at Rigby Dry Goods Co.'s School Days ARE HERE! e What about School Dress for the Children? 2 We are showing some extra good values in different Cloths for school wear. Pretty durable Cotton Mohair Suitings, stripes and checks, dark colors, for 10c. yard. Manville Mercerized Chambrays, Utility Ging hams, 36-inch Percales in best qualities, pretty assortments of colors, at 10c. a yard. Galetea, Motor Cloths and Linon Suiting. extra - strong and serviceable, good assortment, fast jicolors, the very best goods tobe had atthe price, j 12 1-2c. yard, all the necessary Braids, Buttons, j Trimmings, Etc.. in stock. What about r SCHOOL SHOES? Buster Brown Shoes for Boys and Girls are the best on earth for the money. We can fit most any. I iii foot at most any nrice. Come in and see our gj hune of Shoes for ~Men, Womeni and Children. ji Brown's 5 Star 5 Shoes are known wearers. All -- styles and lea'thers. $1 to $5 per pair. Boys' Knee Suits and Odd Pants, well-made, hi strong and serviceable. Prices the lowest. ld Come in and inspect our line before buying, you are apt to find the very thing wanted, and at ~ S prices lower than you expected to pay. i 2 1-2 Per Cent'a of ur ashsales for September, October, November and I December will be given to the Hospital Association. He Sa good cause by spending your money with ils where 2 1-2 * per cent. will be given to the hosp-tal. You will be giv-* ing to a good cause and we guarantee our prices as low a an dour mechanieas high in quality as you can buy a k- anywhere. - SRigby Dry Goods-Co.U er The tore ofGood Merchandise and Lws rcs he It pays to trade at Rigby Dry 600ds Co.'s ofI ti ur he ID.HIH IMAN. e -- --I---- Im