OCR Interpretation

The Manning times. [volume] (Manning, Clarendon County, S.C.) 1884-current, February 18, 1920, Section One Pages 1 to 12, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063760/1920-02-18/ed-1/seq-2/

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Philadelphia, Feb. 15.r-The legisla
tive committe of the American Legion
will meet in Washington tomorrow at
the direction of Franklin D'Olier, na
tional commander to begin a series of
conferences with members of Congress
in which they will urge the adoption
)6ur I
You Mike
T HE chief consideratio
a cozy, artistic home
and decorate it-,
Let your home reflect yo
choice of correct and harmoi
whatever your needs, be sur
have proven their worth,
protect as well as to beautif
Have stood the test of time f
and will give you longest
No matter the surface-there is a
Euery Purpose, a n u m b Cr of
economically use yourself.
Do not le hsenm k
N t
Put i
and Niagara Diamnoi
b(caus~e it will be( imposs
onl late ordecrs.
Niagara Cot ton Dusters1
Orchiard D usters a succe
of years of successful du
Niagara D)usters are gua
Niagara Diamond Brand
of 1the Departmient of Ag
Holl We evil. T here is I
al short age of D~ustinig M
You neced not hesitate
operate a FlmE'I' fieldl ser
Th'is service wvill cover t
give p~ractical advice onf
Write H ome Office or ne
..r HomeO:
* . Fiel
o flegislation favored by the ex-sen
ice men. These measures include con
pulsory military training and the "ol
ligation of adjusted compensation f<
service men."
The committee will suggest. that
settlement of the government's obligt
tion to ihe men and women who sa
service <urirg the world war shoul
EI fL fl f
n in the creation of
is the way you paint
ur own taste by the
iious color effects. But
e to specify Paints that
because you paint to
r more than fifty years
service at lowest cost.
Pee Gee Paint Product for
them you can easily And
For NextSumrmer
roy your cot ton crop) when its 1:
et'vil b~y dutsting( with Niagara
2 Your Order Toda
id Brand Cotton Standai
ilble for us3 to manuifacture enot
inve the patented features whic
ss for year's. T hey are not an<
sting experience andl also atuti
ranteedi to apply thle dust proper1
Calcium Arsenate is guaranteed
ricuilturie as outlinled ini the Co
>lenty Of Calcium Arsenate in tI
ichines so (lon't buy materials uti
to buy nOW b)ec'ause during th(
vice in charge of exp~erts for owl
he cotton belt and bo0th take car,
all the details of Cot ton D)usting
arest dlistrihutor for c'atalogu~e m
Efice, Cotton Division, Middle
:I Service Office, Vicksburg,
quarter. and Supply Depot in Every Co
southiern Brokerage Co., Fort Valley,(
n;.a,;;,,u,,,. Stat. ,of Ga.
F- be made on the basis of $50 govern
- ment bond for each month of service.
Budapest, Feb. 1.-The e rcum
stances have been ree'valed of a plot
a by which it is alleged that Former
t_ ;mperor Charles made a futile at
tempt to enter Hungary under a false
passport and reestablish himself on
( the throne.
t \
-Ask For These Free- n
Paint Books
"Homes and How to Paint Them"
Contains many beautiful illustrations s
of attractively painted homes, shows
floor plans, gives specifications and
tells how to select the right colors. V
"The Modern Method of Decorating"- -
CThis beautifully illustrated book
gives the latest and best ideas on
the decoration of interior walls and
ceilings. It shows a number of 1
rooms designed by leading artists,
giving exact specifications for ob
taiing harmonious color effects with 2
"The Modern Method of Finishing 1
refinish your home, this illustrated
booklet will be of great help to you.
It contains 20 color plates of finished
wood panels, and gives practical
advice how to take care of your t
floors and woodwork.
ivil excpcficain o b
tainin hproniyou colo fctsm-t
"Tamod Beran d CoflInc.ln
Tractisou ome, tiust t
wood gaersande deiveprac
have hoado the Niaarafyu
* y.
dutig .eaonw w.ill -
1esfNigr Mahns
e fmchnsinfed n
id full information.I
)MPAN achn
tio Stte
"An Old Time Democratic Platform
Best," He Says
Believes Peace and Prosperity Rest
on 'Time-Honored Doctrines of
Washington, Feb. 15.--Vice Presi
dent Marshal, in a letter to E. G.
Hoffman, of Fort Wayne, Ind., sec
retary of the Democratic national
:ommittee, made public tonight, an
atfunced his candidacy as a delegate
it large from Indinia to the coming
San Francisco convention upon "an
>ld-time Democratic platform."
"I have watched in other countries
,he effects of so-called unbridled de
nocracy," the Vice President wrote,
'and I have seen its menace in this
ountry, until I am quite convinced
hat the peace, prosperity and per
ietuity of the American republic must
-est finally upon a few ancient and
ime-honored democratic doctrines."
In view of politicalgossip that Vice
'resident Marshall is stated to become
hairman of the Democratic platform
ommittee, his letter was read - with
special interest by officials here.
"Another presidential campaign im
'ends," Mr. Marshall wrote. "Thus
ar the President, who is the chief of
ur padrty, has not' deemed it expedi
nt to express his opinion as to what
he 'issues will be. As I am desirous
f being a delegate at large from
he State of Indiana, I wish in conso
ance with what I hope has been my
ntire public career, to state the sub
tapee of what I think the Democratic
arty should stand for. I would not
vaant to go under any misapprehension
s to my views upon the part of the
nfaltering Democrats of Indiana.
War Is Now Over.
"We were in the war from the very
loment of its European beginning be
ause it affected our internal affairs.
dl of the methods and measures
dopted for the preservation of the
eace of our country and the winning
f the war met with my approval and
am ready to defend them.
'The war is now over and the re
abilitation of America, as well as
he rest of the world, is taking place.
t is not possible to accomplish our
ehabilitation other than through the
nstrumentalities of political parties.
Iow shall the Democratic party pro
>ose to rehabilitate the political sys
em of America, if entrusted with
>ower is the question.
"I have watched in other countries
he eflecls of so-called unbridled de
iocracy and I have seen its menace
n this country, until I am quite con
inced that the peace, prosperity and
erpetuity of the American republic
ust rest finally upon a few ancient
nd time-honored democratic doc
'No one save God can remove the
'd ivhidual as the unit of good govern
ent. Legislatlive efforts to produce
uistic an I goodl order is soie~ty by
isteninog and1( acceding to t he demands
f persons anad clases will in thei
our of peacel( produce failure. Thel
nly sure founaition for a stable re
'ubl iin tms rest upon thle Jefferson
in ight. to life, to liberty and to the
0isu it. of happiness.
I 'art)y Sho~uld St and1 For.
"TheIi I)emiocra tic parity shoul stan-I
or thIis a ndIpledge itself Io rebutildI
lie Ameirica~in poli ticalI st ructuare a long
his line by clearly dividing its citi
ens into the law-abdinog and law
reig; miakinig its lawvs rest equal
y upo'n all meni; permiling the indivil
al citizen who is honest, to succeed
y honesltimethod s; giving to no cit i
en legislat ive advan: Iitage; speed ily
>on ish ing a ny one who unjustly oh
a is success by crooked and d ishoni
'st, maans; recognizing that this is
till a federaltion of States; demiiand
ng t hatI the Sta~tes' dlischarge thle
lut ies of local sel f-goverinmnent.; re
ist ing the usurpatins of thle general
gO overnmen t; remiioving corrupt and
>iased ju dges by st andrinog alw~ays for
>biedi ence to thle d1ecreces or coourt and
0 const ituted authority; insisting that
lie legislative branchi of the govern
neilt shall be res ponsible for the d is
'ha rge oif its dluty anad serving not ice
.ipon it. that it cannot skulk bohind
mi alleged in terfer'ence upon'' the part
f the executive branch ; electing an
['xoontive pledged to discharge the
ountless ollic ialIs iand innumerable
igents made1 necessary by the war andl
to adinilister pubilic affatirs along eo
nomnie lines, ('vein to the point of the
veto oif ever'y bill carrying oat only
iunnecessa ry and ill-advised appiropri
dtions, but app~ropriatioins for the
benef(it of~ a few cit izenis rat ber than
for the c'iomon good ; reogulating
strictly every public uitil ity ; and piun
ishing al lliose seeking to profiteer
either perisonallIy or through aggre
gatedl comibiinatioins (if men or money;
in abort, the presentation to the peo
ple for their suffrages oif a man upon
an old-time Democratic platform, un
(Ier the principles of wvhich the re
public for' so many years was con
tented, prosperous and Invincible. 1
'If the faith of this'kind appeals to
the I)emocra s of Indiana, I desire to I
go as a delegate at large to the con- 1
vention at San Francisco to advocate <
this kind of a platform and to ascer- 1
tain whether everything that made the 1
republic great was right or wrong." i
Clemson College, Feb. 16.-'The boy
is naturally an investigator and likes
to discover new things and new ways
pf doing things," says B. O. Williams
Assistant Boys' Club Agent, who
with this idea in mind is organizing
Peanut Clubs, which will do much to
help establish this new commercial
crop and proper methods of growing
it in South Carolina. The boll weevil
spells diversification and diversifica
tion means peanuts as one of the
state's main cash crops in the future.
lence Peanut Clubs to teach prac
tical profitable peanut growing to our
future farmers.
The plan, as in Corn Club work, is
to have the Club Boys' father offe
him as good land as is available, let
iimn work under Club regulations to
learn peanuts from A to Z for him
;elf and incidentally for his father,
The Brunsv
Certifies an Extr
Many motorists buy Brunswic
It is sufficient assurance for thei
They have known this ancient
as have their fathers and grandfi
of Brunswick has been noted fe
Brunswick standards, as appl
utmost. In them you will fine
features properly related. No
others nor hides shortcomings.
The best tread that's known,
enduring side-wall construction,
make Brunswicks prove their
has been too great.
ONE Brunswick will win
Brunswicks. It will be a revela
Buy it today. It costs no m
Sold On An Uni
W. J. Youn~
Do You Wa
Begin the year right
or r'epairing the one you
a small bill of lumber use
save you many dlollars.
either. Write us for pri
South Hlarvini St.
vho probably would rot'take time or
,rouble todo so for himself.
Some of'the lessons which will
hus be taught anj : (1) selection of
eanut land with proper soil and
Irainago, (2) selection of varieties
>est suited to land and markets, (3)
reparation and fertilization of soil,
4) planting and cultural methods, (5)
iarvesting and marketing, (6) keep
ng of data to show costs and pr'ofits.
Kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid
troubles are most dangerous be..
cause of their insidious att cks.
Heed the first warning they give 1.
that they need attention by takingj i
The world's standard remedy for, thee;;
disorders, will often ward off these di
easos and strengthen the body agst,,
further attacks. Three sizes, all drug
Look for the amo old Mdal on every :;,
ick Name
aordinary Tire
ks because of the name alone.
n of super-quality.
house for its high standards,
tthers. Since 1845 the House
r its rare workmanship.
ed to tires, mean giving the
L combined all the approved
one advantage overshadows
the strongest fabric, 'the most
every addition, every extra,
superiority. No factory, cost
your decision to havn' ALL
ore than like-type tires,
ra: 38 Luckie St.
imited Mileage
e Basis
Motor Co.
rG, S. C.
ut a home?
by beginning your home
have. A few shingles or
d at the pr'oper1 time may
We can help you with
ces, grades, etc.

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