OCR Interpretation

The Manning times. [volume] (Manning, Clarendon County, S.C.) 1884-current, May 26, 1920, Section One Pages 1 to 12, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063760/1920-05-26/ed-1/seq-8/

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South Carolina Board Receives Mai
of Inquiries.
Organization, Purpose and Method <
Board's Work is Outlined.
Columbia, May 23.-Announe
ment that the South Carolir
Development Hoard is about to ui
dlertake an expansion campaign in o
der to equip itself for larger servis
to the State, has brought to the heal
(juarters in Columbia a mass of inqjui
ies andI many off'ers of cooperation.
The question which are being ask<
are mainly along two lines: Wh:
is the South Carolina Developmel
Hoard and, how is o)r will it be o
ganizerd ? Answers to these questioi
were given Saturday by oficials
the board.
In pariticular it was pointed out th
this o rganizantion is thoroughly D~er
oeaie, that it is represenltative of e
ery -sel .ion of the Sta te, that it
li' estigned, to serve aniy one1 or am
Arrd all othier
The most exacting taste 'yill
find in the fittings and apopint
ments of the Sedan only the
finest and best.
Cord tires ar'e the standard
equipment, and the gpholstery
is genuine mohair velvet.
gasoline consumption is unusuall
The tire mileage is unusually higI
Sumter, S. C.
group of interests. Attention was tee,
also directed to the fact that this is the
T not a brand new movement, but one man
which has been performing an in- Carc
creasing service in the State for more prep
s than a year. the
Inprovement Sought.
"The development board seeks to im TI
prove an existing piece of machinery Boai
for an important service to the State gene
as a whole," it was said at the cam- Carc
paign headquai ters. "iany citizens i f
are wAl acruainted with the achieve- I deve
ments already placed to the credit of. the
an the organization. Many others are nate
saware that through like organizations profi
r.. jother States have made tremendous tandl
e advances. jof a
--"Ini order to enab~le the South Caro- ports
-lina board to (10 big, constiructive ing
things, such as the Califoirnia Devel- 900r
dI opment Board and those in some other mo
t Western States have (lone. it is real- Iheali
it ized that it must be adequately fi. the
rnacdadits influence incre~ased by
anexpansion of its individual miem- E
>f hershiip. To realize the possibilities of ner1s]
the enlarged South Caruolina ee. h
it ,oJpment Board, it is only necessrq o hl
1- exmine the plnoforaitonhe
6-wich is propose d.
is Undeir the dlire(ction of miemb~ers of The
y the State catmpaig~n exe cutive c ommit- each
Materil Neeedin
* 7 ','~- ~y
the foll' owing tentative outline of
plan for the reorganization and
igement of the existing South
lina Development Board has been
ared, and is published today for
irst time:
e South Carolina Development
d is organized' to promote the
ral welfare of the people of -South
lina; to organize public sentiment
ivor of definite projects for the
lopinent and full utilization of
Ftate's resoirces, and to coordi
th influenceiad troethe l
crl~ehensivf te peogram of im-t
miato rgaie public tnsetiect
w artnershipiniticprojectsnitr the
lopenandufullCatliain of.
puterpoeao addn to thedi
h hiness and sproengt ofal
Meonl, cmerialin tra
ryiwhiturresidntrebusiness part
cmapurosies pogra the ioar
be etl(-iile fvor;tu mebect-i
memer of the Caoiadrsn inco
count shaes aondserioty o
fnour B upoaild ubiing to
D gaizain.-~~I
. 9Gonzae Tex.-- Mrs. Hne Phil
pot, of th4 Place, writes: I'iv, yeas
ago I was taken'with a pin in my
left side. It was right under any
left rib. It would conimence. 'th ti
aching and exterad up rito my left
shoulder and o down Into iny back.
By that time the bain would be so
severe I would have to take to bed,
and suffered usually about three days
-. ..I suffered this way for three years,
and got to be a mee skeleton and was
so weak I could hardly stand alone.
Was not able to go anywhere and had
to let my house -work go. ..I suffered
awful with a pain in my back and I
had the headache all the time: I just
was unable to do a thing. - My life
was a misery, my stomadli got in an
awful condition, caused ,from taking
so much medicine. I suffered so much
pain. I had just about given up all
hopes of our getting anything to help
One day a Birthday Almanac was
thrown in my yard. After reading
its testimonaials I decided to try Car
dui, and am so thankful that I did,
for I began to Improve when on the
second bottle...I am now a well
woman and feeling fine and the cure
has been permanent for it has been 1
two years since my awful bad health.
I will always praise and recommend
Cardul." Try Cardul today 0 78
council, the sole function of which
council shall be to elect representa
tives upon the board of control, and
to pass upon proposed pdlicies'and ac
tivities. As the South Carolina De
velopment Board is essentially a State '
organization, concerned only with
projects of state-wide s -pe and im
portance, it is expressly provided that
the county councils shall exercise no
local functions. The councils shall
meet annually in October and shall
organize by electing a chairman and
secretary, who will serve for the en
suing year. Special meetings of the
county councils will be called from
time to time for the consideration of
referenda and whenever vacancies oc
cur among their representatives on
the board of control that require to be
The board of control shall be com
posed of representatives delected from
each county in the State. The basis I
of representation and method of se- I
lection shall be as follows:
One representative shall be desig
nated by each local chamber of com
merce board of trade and agricultu
ral association for each 200 members,
or rfactio'n thereof, of such local or
ganizations. Also, the county council
shall at their annual meeting elect one I
representative, and other additional
representatives upon the basis of one
for cach ^20.000 after the first $1,000
subscribed from such county for the
support of the State organization.
The board of control shall meet an- I
nually in the month of November, at I
the call of the president a~nd at such
annual meeting shall eledt members
of the boardl of directors and formu
late a program of work for the ensu
ing year. Such program as thus ten
tatively formulated, shall subsequent
ly be submitted by the board of direc
toirs to the county councils by refer
endla for ratification or rejection,
Plank by plank.
The programi of wvork as thus form-1
ulated will not be considered as exclu
sive; but may be supplemented from
time to time (luring the year by adl
ditional planks initiated by the board
of directors and ratified uipon referen
ce to the respective county councils.
The full powers of management of
ha' South Carol ina Development Board
shall be v'estedl in a board of thirty
six dlirectors: One each to he up
pointed b~y the Governor, the South
Carolina division, A mericani Cotton As
so(ciation61; thie SoutLh Carolina (1ivision
of the A m(ricanl Legion, the South
Carolina Banr~kers' Association, the1
Chambel~r 0of Commerce of' South Caro
Ilinn, the Sonth Carolina Like Stock
A ssoci'ition, the South Carolina Pruess
Association and the South Carol ina
r'otton Man ufacturers' Association.I
T'he remaining twenty-eight shall be
elected as follows:.
The members of the board of con
uol from each of the seven congr'es
dional districts shall elect four' resi
lents of their respective districts to
rihe boa rd of dlirectors.
. ..
-Jq Y6) ', O N, -
d~osto1 tlct AM I, b, ib;, 14
w ~o 'Projnd two onphhe ,
A . to . Ma e a ylbe
eed, itm';each, dig e .soa - op
b. ard Go asiectons jial eor- ' ba
heir nuber of a, .president and.two
A. C. M
Davis Stati
tGenuine Ford F
tand Gasoline,
and Fre
tProprieto .
Hill Plumbing ai
Near Express Offi
DoYou War
Begin the year right bi
or repairing the one you h
a small bill of lumber used
save you many dollars.
either. Write us for pric<
*South HlarvinSt.
and look ove
I have to sh<
| our line nex
I come to toxn
i be you are
I market jus1
i what we ha
i but would g
i privilege an
i of showing
i anyway.We
a you only suc
i will give yc
i Prices and
I waysinl line.
us when int
utage and atbotlsze J4 ~
bJ~t t th~ ppy theyal
The .off thuts oitld ,
nt t on hag t aven
On, S. C.
'arts, Gulf Oil
e Air.
Master Mechanic.
id Heating Co.
-e. Phone 155
;, S. C.
so cc
it a Home?
r beginning your home.
ave. A few shingles or
at-the proper time may
We can help you with
,s, grades, etc.
Sumter, S. C.
IN [9
r what we
)W yOU 111 0
t time you i
rn. It may~
2ot in the
now fort
ve for sale.,
ive us the
d pleasures
you thru*
will show
h goods as 3
~u serviced
terms a1- i
Stop with 0

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