OCR Interpretation

The Manning times. [volume] (Manning, Clarendon County, S.C.) 1884-current, June 09, 1920, Section One Pages 1 to 20, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063760/1920-06-09/ed-1/seq-4/

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As in the fu
Ford Cars,
Stock of Tii
This includi
sizes. This I
save mone3
Sacrifice Sale of
$ .00 Muslin Gowns 14
tf 80.00l Suits This Week
$;7.50 Suits Tis Week
$8.00 Suits This Week
S1 1.00 Suits This Week
$ 12.50 Suits This Week
$15.00 Suits This Week
$10.00 Su~its This Week~
10 D~ozen Middie Sp)
A Few New Sport
.ust Arrived.
Lture we will carry nothin
we are compelled to cl
*es (above sizes for Ford!
tionLP1 Of 15
and War Tax
.s about six different ma
s a big opportunity for a
1, as these Tires are all st
ire Your Car
ISa1criflice SalIe
tis~ WA~eek!
SSk.irt~ $1.98
a Skirts $.. . . 2.189
1(1 ;kirts~ $-.. . . - _ 3.19
II Skirts. .. - $3.69
dl Skirts,---------. -$1.98
.............--.-. --$5.75
acial, Thisj Week at $1..50.
e of Voiles at 49c and 69c.
uim Brothers,
SUMTER, ISacrifice Salk
S. C. i resses at $35.0<
:m m~ e m m m arerr~~.
g but Tires for
>se - our entire
y)at a
per cent
ikes in all the
car owner to
andard makes.
OJWDEN. Mylanager.
W I 1 .1 NOTO'
nt 1 w is H 'i~CoIlumh today
1 ed that .;ftI'r cont..:ultjing wit
- ------ renb h. eit haft dec1ided to at t n<1
n11;at i(1nal I )elocrat ic convent ioi
S Irnic. June- 28, to whit
waIS t heted a deler~te at Ina-re
fntoreio th !irst. part of lhe State
S'elator Smi it.h Sa id that he wvou
ol he campaign in hi ern
v idedl thte nationatl D~emocrati e e
e'l 1ign In the0 West f'or the 1
Ilie filed his plledg~e and paidi hi
sessmlent toda~y. So fat' Sena tor
ha ontly Vonte iloponnt. Georige
rtetnt of Iattfton, solicitor of'
lhere havte beent r'epeatedi ro
thtformier en at or ( hiristite lIen
Colum iVouhl enter the rc
bei wilit' e a enelidate for at
'ic this sumtimer.
lI I st atedl to cltio personal fr
d~turing the first week in May
under noiC t tircustltnes wouJ ( he
aniaeeither for the United S
Seaeor any other omeie.
treatsury bills, and the banking
miissioner found it (lid not have
claimed goldl reserve.
County '>f' Clarendon
1By J1. M. Windhami, Probate Judi
Whereas, Lilly E. Davis made
to me to grant her Letters of At
Sistration of the Estatte atnd effec
William M. Davis.
These are, therefore, to cite an
monish all and singular the Kiu
and Creditors of the said Williai
D~avis dleceasedl, that they he am
pear before me, in the Court of
bate, toi be heldl at Mantning or
21lst (lay of June next, after pul
tion hereof, at 11 o'clock in the
n(on, to show cause ,if any they
why the said Administration tl
UP not be grantedl.
Given under my hand this 28th
I f May Anno Domini, 1920.
1Pd.~I jJudge of Pre
Do you know that the agrioult
went to market last year for $41,94
products of the great State of Calif
Do you know that California is
You know California as a grea
California know about South Carolt
know South.Carolina
You eat California's pruves, ora
scts every day, because California h
Let's tell California about obr w
and Pecans. Let's tell the world a
This *fi' be a purt of the'progr
ment Board, which will make a at&
Your people received $620,000,00
Give a mite to toll of South Car
Body Has Been In Field a Year and is
H~ Now Being Urged to Take on Ao
tivitles Untouched by Others
What i, this new thing that calls
itself a moVeentL for the advance
ment of this State? How is it guig
about such a task. Isn't everybody
here already trying L.> promoto the
State's host interests? and, Why do
we need a general movemnent along
Ithose lines?
These are some of the questions
- which have been as;ked since the
South Carolina Development Board
opened a now headquarters in Colum
bia and announced its plans for a
state-wido ex pansin-n ca mpaign to se
cure an indivilual ieibership of
somle thousands and anl income which
will equip, it to to the t hins whic
Its past record of achieveinents is
urging it to underiah:e.
Not An Experrncnt.
in answering the qu st ions about
the organization mninemnrs of h
ft State Campaan ommatle ofwhh
Governor Robert A. Co 'per is chair
man and former Covernor lliihar i I.
Manning vicen-chairm:on, place 0mpha
sis on ther!- featrI:
The t'xnuth Cam:-miina Developimnt
Board is not a ba:! new org:: -
tion; it is not an i x - m''nt in anl
untrild field of vorl: it dioes not dupli
r D ate anyv exi.-aing, aitency; it 1.1 d-!oI
anud crIati in form ami fully r pre;anta
b hi, tive of every section 4and intierest in
th. the State.
The board has Ii en operating more
at than a year, with a linmim'md onmhlr of
he members and a very zm:Ilj incme.
and4 Yet it has inade a rort o'f
camin- accomplishment which many older a.l
! v 22larger bodies might envy. It has bas3
Id, ed its prograi on that whieib devlai
ment boards In other States, notably
In the far west, have created, thua
avoidinog their mistakes and proflting~
mn to by their successes. Its government:
arty. and operation have been placed di
as.. rectly in the control of the indiividual
;mith memblers, who will ala) dletermine Its
Wt policies. No interest and no secmtion
th e the Stato will ba wIthout full rep
>as Its Field Unoccupied.
1Co- I articular, It is pointed out that
tha development board is not over
mor lapping any other agency. Since
liaNoember 1918, when thenmovemevnt
but ad ts ctul ineptonandspecifi
uitcally for more than a year past, it has
flhat been performing state-wido services
y of- and building up a program of definite
activtles which were and are awaiting
iendsl the attention of an organization rep-'
h rosentative of the untedn opinion of'
lie :tthousands of South Carolinians. There
Is not today any other body of citizens
taem; equipped to handle these tasks. There
fore the South Carolina D~evelopment
Board speaks of its expansion cam
i'C paign, which will be made from Jutne
2'l to 26, as an effort to greatly
--The strengthen an existing piece of ma
ohas, ohinery to do an Important work for
the good of South Carolina.
pnc The precise definition of the organ.
Teization given at the Columbila head
I5Ssue quarters is:
com- It 4s a large number of eitizens
its banded together fo carry to a suc
cessful conelusion such actIvities
as will bring development to the
""" agricultural, industrIal add na.
tural resources of the State; bet.
trhealth conditions and schoois;
JINA encouragn farm home ownershIp;
improve communIty life In all
:! phases; encourage upbuilding of
sut the live stock industry; stimulate
Imin- the diversification of farm prod.
ts of ucts and so add to the health, hap..
pInes. and prosperity of the State;
dl ad- the general eleaning up and then
idredC( the advertising to the world of
n M. the produots and opportunItIes
I ap- South Caroline has to offer.
Pr- The members of the State campaIgn
)lica- committee have considered and die
fore-- cussed the project from every angle
have, and agree that the movement Is one
louldI which when understood by the citi
sce, will be adopted as the denite
day program which Governor Cooper and
others have strongly urged South
Carollna should have..
ural produots of South Carolina
10,000 More than the agricultural
about six tinies the size of South
rich State, but how much does
sa? The United States does not
nges, grape fruit and other 'Drod
as advertised -them.
)nderful Sweet Potatoes, Peanuts
bout our utisurpassed natural re
tm of the South Carolina Develop
ie-wide expan'sidn campaign June
) on the farms last year
elina'ts might!
"T'his body (the South Carolina De
6elopment Hoard) is coiposed of the
cading mon of South Carolina in all
ines of aclivity. The executive comn.
mnittee, which is, to formulate plans
ind push the work of tho board, rop
-esents nvery sectign, and every in
erest of importance and is ainde up
)f able, broad- mind(d, successful mon
3f affairs," said an editorial in the
1reenville News on May 14.
"To have such a body of men united
er the common welfare, led by such
I committee, is full of hopeful prom
Ise. It is ani effort to organize the
people of the whole State for the gen
eral development of all public and
prlvate intrrests. After all, real or.
a-1nlization is simply getting people to
gether under wiso and officient lead
rship to prosecut conion -Ltrpo(es
ander uniform plans. The loadership
I provitldd by the board; tho pur
Ises are wisely and ably colitrue
ivO; thle 1lans will be forthcoming;
Ithi press will ceho and re-echo the
allI; and the people will res pond.
"hrie board, very wisely, is going
to specializ:' in the dovelopment of the
a gr icilural resolirees of the State.
'hey ate fuindamental."
Senator Nit - hi.; tensen of liMau
fort is proving his interest and faith
in th' i w nv. uoit for at unification
"i the (" m':i! lokl9ng cit tis by giv
inguitchl anad att":1 ion to the
I Ih Cro n liVeklopme1nt ' I W ard
b- tpends s'vi tal fy -:Wh woeek in
oumiai at wrk~ wlttn ith State com
::: - which ha.: h.1rno of the Cain
ignl plans 'Ni o11s I ilgigemnents to
o-k in sev oal places in the next
two wvek. 'TI", is thi sontatora
vww of the project in Iis own words:
"We 4..,n1 ca;krry our constructive ac
tiviti's t. a sul : fill .oe llsion and
do n1 ;ilv 1T - hi, ga, towards the up.
builing of otr : un proided whole.
it dt(1 co-operation is afforded.
i:nny org aniziat ions witi simiiar
aimis ali IirOses Irei workIng ain.
gil: hantded, thereby causing duplica
tn of effort. Proper co-ordinatIon In
eo nstructivye work and thll bringing
I ogothier (of thle heaaers anid workors
thr ough one organ :zation actinig as a
cle arin ho 1 ittec, iiiOans effielency in
opIeratlti and quicker and botter re
"This boardl offers its services as a
letarh-.g houise, and the various comn
miisslons provido the nelcessary ma
chinery for close co-operation and ef.
flelent Operation.
"TJhe South Carolina Development
Board is comtposedj of anid supported
by Indlivkfuul mnembersm, theroby pro
serving Its donioeratic principTes and
pirovitditng for th'e affiliatIon di other
org nhized hoielis as a wnloio''
Urges Growing of Hemp
Joseph ixon, wrIting Governor
Colpor from Now York, says hemp
can b)0 growni successfully int the east
ern and coastal counties of South Car
Mr. Dihxon says he has a .thered
enotugh hemp seed to plant 1,000 acres
of fiber anid wilt furnish samtpie., of
seed to any one wishing to try the ex
perlnment. Hie says the crop can be
made worth mIlliops of dollars to the
Sotuth. Hie contends that in building
ships the United States imports imoth
ing but the hemip ropes.
The author of the letter holds a
podition as chief officer on one of the
United States shipping board ships,
engaged in trade with different parta
of the world. Hie Is a native of New
Zealand, fromt whIch this country im
ports much hernp annually. Mr. Dix
on's address is 321 West Twenty4rst
Action on Evaporated Milk
When the executive committee of
the state board of health meetsr, it will
probably -be called upon to decide
whether evaporated skimtmedl milk,
put up in containers holding less thanu
one gallon. will be permitted to be
sold in South Carolina.
Dr. Hfayne, state health officer, *aid
that 'in 1912 the state board of health
passed a regulation prohibiting the
male of condensed skimmed milk tin
Siouth erolIna in packages less thee
one gallon. The objeot, Dr. Hlayne mai,
wns to pr-otet the hath a tnan

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