OCR Interpretation

The Manning times. [volume] (Manning, Clarendon County, S.C.) 1884-current, September 14, 1921, Section One Pages 1 to 8, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063760/1921-09-14/ed-1/seq-4/

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Entered at the Postoffilee at Manning as Second-Class Matter.
Appelt & Shope, Proprietors.
Published Every Wednesday
Subscription Rates $2.00 per year in Advance
i' the coming winter is as severe as has been predicted the distress of
the unemployed and their families will be acute. This fact is so manifest
that the president of the United States, with all of his cares and burdens,
deems it necessary to take a personal interest in the plans for affording nec
essary relief. Believing that the president has an open miid, we presuIme
to ofrer' a suggestion.
Let him issue a proclamation calling upon all of the people of our coun
try who own motor cars to set aside one Sunday in a month to be known and
obsers ed as gasless Sundav, and to be continued until there is no longer a
iicessity for its observance. Ir other words, let every car remain in its
garage that day an-l night. Then let the owners of the cars voluntarily coni
tribute the price of the gas and oil they thus save that day toward a fund for
feeding the hungry and furnishing warm clothes for those who are unable to
procure them.
lA. t the eoon.ous sum thus realized be turned over to the Salvation Army
and tht Volintee; s of America for distribution when and where it is most
nC (!d . We suggest (listribution by these two organizations because they
are in .'lose and collstan0t touch with the poor and distressed, and are, we be
ievc, bt ter fit ted for the work,th an y (if the numerous charitable organiza
i ons. Keeping a car idle on Sunthly would work a hardship onl 110 onie
assun ig, of course, that. doctoro, undertakers, etc., would he exempt where
necesy a rises for the legitinl e ure of a1 car.
Th e1 contributing of the gas anId oil thus saved would not be an expense
to th< car owner, as he would simply be contributing the amount for the re
lief (f distress instead of hurnini:r it u1p on the road. A Suiday at home
might be re fresh ing to millions of p'ople who are always on the move.
An hour at church night be both refreshing and beneficial. The presi
delit -m do it--if he will. It would he a small mindied citizen indeed who
wo3uld not respon(d to so l:tudable and reasonable request from the most ex
alted ruler in the world.
IMUM; 0 M::::::1:lo:MU::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::U::::
Dealers in everything for the
- The largest and best equipped mon
uiental mills in the Carolinas.
f-- Greenwood,---------S. C.
Charter No. 11155 Reserve District No, 5
At Mdallling inl the State of South Carolina, at
the close of husiniess on Septelmlber 6, 1921.
T V:0 h .n . :377,l:ml. 1:3
l: i- . h n
S II ,8 1 l.l
I831 1,1 99.98
30 l9,115h.55
1'3 4 I 33' :3.3.31l~uul~-........8I8,-172.75.
.30 411 .1"
T I \|I ,7:171.47
3 ' J.\ B,2.tlAtTWl
- 1 :ub n.a: r o e o iI
fin.~ ne: ' 3 . oli i-n r'3 . :' ntin'K'. :' .n ne hor-13.33
.33 ' I 33Sii'.2.79
d3 Rlhpaab. it Fedra R3e rv Bank'313 . . I35,00.00t
th 3h esa ean II 3lu . a th h ,3t ,3f an no ld3e::dbeif
. ,. T.a! G ,C s ir
R. ( WEL'IS oaylulc
( iel'T3 .\TT 3I 14IGT:''(' Ii 134 31
A. . I 'RA 3il M , . 1333333 3
.1' ': I~*. . 33 3 1 G:3 133 3.IGER, i3~'3'3' 3 s:;3 1
Have you visited our store lately? If
you have not, you have lost money. Our
prices are below cost of production. We:
are doing this to give our friends the
benefit of getting their wants and needs
for a little of nothing, and at the same
time save us the expense of moving our
tremendous stock the first of the year.
It costs money to move goods, and we
would rather our customers get the
difference in price between moving and
the cost to. us. Come quick, before our
stock is broken. We are always glad
to serve you.
The ew. I e.a Co.s
Rub-My-''ism is a great pain killer.
Relieves pain and soreness, Rheuma
ism, Neuralgia, Sprains, etc. o M A
666 cures Malaria, Chills amd Fever,
Bilious Fever. Colds and LaGrippe, or
money refunded.STORES IN ONE
COTTON--Shipped , to 1iATTI'Y &
CO., The Proficient Cotton Faetors -
Of Savannaih , hi., yields satisfac
a as is (vide'ced by the large
them. vsnt I l W your itrst to
tryv them'? D o it now and he con
v ~iin-edi. Nov.L2 :i0-c.
We are' prouid ofi the confidencee doc
tor's, d ruggist s andl the public have inI
Coat,6De(sshadll'land, ca'iever Teslnmie.o
liub-Mly-Tismn is apowerful antlisep- Tioiii ayBuBonadBak rme l
tie. ('iires iniertled cuts, Old sores,
better, el'-.
il.\Tll'Y & ('0., --The hrrg~e aolic- re-et r m d po h bs n e es aeilo
- ~libli' coini ( factrs of savannah, temakt (W car acopKeln frth sotl(Ie
(hi., othi' ai serv ice that comnen(s -
longy 201 :du(cceSStfu expeienalce, ex- ~eId ~ h ~ilad ~ 5Z~
somah-ss.Nov. :1-c.
Rub-Av-T~'ism is a powerful anti- ~KLSW r o hwn OIIlt ieo
septic. ('ires infected cuts, old( sore's, E R rIE S I S inndsip . Ths ar
State (ot south ('i-olinia,Co eian geyor bfret y ealgne
(ount of laiinon'O. -CASW r hwn h aetsye nF~
1) huwi ey EY'ains, Truii.t('i, l'laint iilf, '
lIda G . A.loris, :ih-f'erint.fu 'colmsa d cti.
o(oninoni leis for saidi ('<minty andBYS N1 MNSCOhN cmlt ieo
d: 1Aug st ,jilt I .l L0 Ga bh
shirrti if ('li'aen ( 'oimtly wil seltilgfriu y u g m na o s i
att publilci iuetion to the .highest id-jjdl. T eesut measltly g aate o g
di' o e i trit otf Ihie ( nult tifcino 1f Iy e nd l.M hrs bmrgy ur oy
.i*'loneday, Octobier :8, 19)2 I , ' ingd lt s i he p fr c o l
::e lv, with in the legal hinurs for - - - - - - -
juiii:l miles, the fllo~wing <1'-oeribiidu7' "tof
"Al that piece, j~uee or i c t of y od ontelwm rc'amd eCl1g eyurih 4
linnt lyinog, binlg :ui situaite in the
(011-1' oft Chui'endon', ini the staute (of
(37 Oare, nor'e ior less, bouinitled as -
follows, to) wit: North by lands of' ?S O S W a e ag m t o th v ry b t L di ' an
Joe spot; Iast by lands of 11. A\. tl1(
formei~ly oft I. A. Johnsoni.le usftyui ajai
(ounty of' Clarendon, in the state of ~ o hs he;nro rW~e ecnftyu
south Car iioliina, ('0mtaiing thirty- ~
(It as follows, in wit: Nortlh aind
I-:: t hy Tui'cir plr:-;: Wiest biy lands
.\ar i'V('tter, tHeing tho' land con--3
vo'iyedI toI me by D~eed of I" ( . Tlhomasi'
dlatedI December 2, 1918 : niol recor de<
PurchasertoDpay RoMpaApN ' S

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