OCR Interpretation

Cheraw chronicle. [volume] (Cheraw, S.C.) 1896-2005, August 08, 1912, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063782/1912-08-08/ed-1/seq-3/

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Thumbnail for PAGE THREE

his ~ lips grimly. "Mr. Cavendish,
kindly let him have the point of that
large knife where he'll feel it most!"
ordered the judge.
"Talk quick!" said Cavendish, with
a ferocious scowl. 'Talk?or what's
to hinder me slicing open your woozen?"
and he pressed the blade of his
knite against the overseer's throat.
"I don't know anything about Miss
Betty," said Hicks in a sullen whisper.
"Maybe you don't, but what do you
know about the hoy?" Hicks was
silent, but he was grateful for the
judge's question. From Tom Ware he
had learned of Fentress' Interest in
the boy. Why should he shelter the
colonel at risk of himself7 "If you
please, Mr. Cavendish!" said the
Judge, nodding toward the knife.
"You didn't ask me about him," said
Hicks quickly.
"I do now," Baid the judge.
"He was here yesterday."
"Mr. Cavendish?" again the Judge
glanced toward the knife.
"Wait!" cried Hicks. "You go to
Colonel FentresB."
"Let him up, Mr. Cavendish; that's
all we want to know," said the Judge.
at war, joy and piles. But Bucklen's
Arnica Salve will bansh piles. It
soon subdues the itching, irritation,
Inflammation or swelling. It gives
comfort, invites joy. Greatest healer
of burns, doils, ulcers, cuts, bruises,
eczema, scalds, pimples, skin eruptions.
Only 25 cents at T. E. Wannamak
r ? Sons.
Seaboard Schedules of Special Interest
to Cheraw People.
No. 66 \rrive Cheraw 8.22 a. m.
No. 58 Arrive Cheraw 7.01 p. m.
No. 84 Arrive Cheraw 8.59 p. m.
No. 57 Arrive Cheraw 8.38 a. m.
No. 81 Arrive Cheraw 9.40 a. m.
No. 43 Arrive Cheraw 9.43 p. m.
Mr. W. S. Gunsalues, a farmer livng
near Fleming, Pa., says he has
sed Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and
liorrliaAno Pfimn/lw in In I a famil v fnr
/mnuwv;u ah. uiguj iu uio iumu; 4v?
ourteen years, and that he has found
to be an excellent remedy, and takes
leasure in recommending it. For
ale by all dealers.
Weak Eyes
Jiru mad* strong by Leonsrdi's Ey? fcotkm. Inflammation
is cured without pain in one day. No
other eye remedy so pare and healing. Keeps the
eyes in working trim. It makes strong eyes.
^Guaranteed or money refunded. Druggists sell
ft at 2Scts. or forwarded prepaid on receipt of
price by S. B. Leonardi & Co.. Tarnva. Flo.
Why, the Idea!
"I'm surprised at your giving that
email, hot bedroom I slept in to a
relative," sniffed her maiden aunt, as
she entered the breakfast room. "You
are?" answered Mrs. Randall. "Why,
aunties, we've even given that room
to servants."?Life.
A Rad Rack Is Always Worse iu (lie
Morning. Che raw People are
Findiug Relief.
A back that aches all day and
causes discomfort at night is usually
worse in the morning. Mkes you feel
as if you hadn't slept at all.
Can't cure a bad back until you
cure the kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills
relieve sick kidnevs?make vou feel
better, work-better, rets better and
sleep better.
The following statement proves the
merit of Doan's.
T. G. Wallace, butcher, Jennings
street, Bennersville, S. C., says: "My
back ached almost constantly and
rheumatic twinges through my shoulders
and limbs caused me great misery.
I could not rest well and when I
first arose in the morning, my back
was so lame and stiff that it was difficult
for me to get about. I had heard
so much about Doan's Nidnev ills that
I decided to give them a trial and
procured a supply. When T had taken
the contents of several boxes. I was
free from backache. could sleep well
and felt moro like doine my work.
I am willing that you should use my
name as a reference, for I believe it is
no more than my duty to recommend
Doan's Kidney Pills."
For sale by all dealers. Price f.0
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Huffaio,
New York, sole agents for the United
For sale by all dealers. Price ."0
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
Remember the name?Doan's?and
take no other. ***"
Many Planters Are Striving to Win
In the Contest Launched By the
National Bank.
Sumter.?Early In the year the City
National Bank offered several handsome
money prizes for various farming
results, and the following are J
competing: J. M. Bradham. R. F. I), j
No. 2; L. I. Parrott, Sumter; W. O.
Cain, Sumter, R. F. D. No. 2; E. W.
Dabbs, Mayesville; T. L. Lackey, Tindal,
R. F. D. No. 1; R. D. Tisdale,
Sumter, R. F. D. No. 4; W. D. Barwlck,
Mayesville; C. J Jackson, Heratio;
J. W. Odom, Sumter; B. R.
; and L. H. Jackson, Sumter, R. F. D.
j No. 2; S. J. White, Sumter, R. F. D.
No. 1; S. J. Minis, Lynchburg; R. M.
Jenkins, St. Charles; Richard Sanders,
Dalzell; William Brown, Sumter, R.
F. d. No. 5; M. H. Back, Sumter; a.
C. Thompson, Sumter; H. L. Scarborough,
Sumter; W. H. Jennings, Sumter,
R. F. 1). No 3; K. W. Parker,
Sr., Providence; E. F. MillefpffW|ttter;
J. J. Hatfield, Sumter, R. *[. D/fe.'o.
5; E. Lerumon, Elliotts; C. 11, Chtmdler,
Rembcrt, R. F. I). No. 2;, J.jlL
Rafiield, Dalzell; A. W. Newman, SWniter,
R. F. D. No. 1; J. Frank Williams,
' Sumter, R. F. D. No. 3; L. Weinjfrg,
Paxville; J. K. McElveen, ijDuth
I Lynchbuurg; A. J. Jones, Tindal^T. S.
; DuBose, Aswego; as. C. BryaiySum*
i ter; as. L. Glllis, Rembert. M
A party from the City JFatlonal
| bank, farm experts and otlyrs made
a round of as marf^ farnw as they
could reach in a day, g<yg all day
long in autos. In thejprowd were
G. A. Lemmond, presided of the City
National Bank; Prof. W. L. English .
1 of the department of farm demonsfra- '
tion work at Clemson College, District :
Agent L. L. Baker, Farm Demonstra- 1
, tion Agent . Frank Williams, who is
also president of the county farmers'
union. R. B. Belser, A. V. Snell, H.
L. Scarborough, C. L. Stubbs, W. T.
Rowland and Andrew Williams.
Messrs. English, B?ker and Williams
were the experts who judged
the result.
South Carolina New Enterprises.
; | The following is the latest record of
new enterprises as taken from the
1 books in the office of the secretary of
j state: A charter was issued to the
Lanes Ginnery company of Lanes with
a capital stock of $3,500, the officers
being J. Tigler, president; J. H. McCullough,
vice president; E. J. Parker,
' 13* n \TrtPiillniitrh trflQ a.
I SfUICiaiJ , ?i. A7. 1I1VVUUVUDU, ViVMM |
| urer. A c ommission was issued to the
Shivar Spring company of Shelton
with a capital stock of $100,000 to do
a general real estate business, sell
mineral water, etc., build hotels,
boarding houses, cottages and in gen- I
eral conduct the business of a summer
resort. The petitioners are N. F.
Shiver of Shelton and \V. W. Stover
| of Greenville.
Delegates Kept Close to Grindstone.
Several of the members of the
' South Carolina delegation in the
j House of Representatives are being
j kept very close to the grindstone in
these midsummer days because of the
> important part which they have had
in framing big appropriation bills, on
which they will be or are already acting
as conferees in trying to compro!
rnise the differences between the
House and the Senate. Representatives
Lever and Johnston are conI
ferees, respectively, on the Agricultural
appropriation bill and the legislative,
executive and judicial appropriation
bill, which have now reached
a point where there are only a few
serious items of disagreement between
the House and Senate to be settled.
The delay has been long on both
measures, however and two resolutions
extending the operation of tho
fnrmop nnnrnni-i:ifions hnvo hppn no
cessary to keep the departments in- volved
from having to cease work
owing to lack of funds.
Campaign in Cherokee County.
The Cherokee county campaign (
opened at Blacksburg under most favorable
circumstances and an excel- lent
meeting was held. As had been
expected the Jones and Blease lines S
were closely drawn and it was easily
seen at the start that this would be
one of the features on which the can- K
didates would be forced to touch. ^
The first speakers heard here were the
candidates for treasurer, W. W. Gabuey,
the incumbent, speaking first.
He was followed by Stanley Wilson,
The Trials Of A Traveler.
i "I am a traveling salesman," writes
E E. Young:?, E. Berkshire, Vt., "and 1
was often ttroubled with constipation
and indigestion till I began to use Dr.
i King's New life Pills, which I have
, found an excellent remedy." For all
stomach, liver or kidney troubles
! there is nothing better. Only 25 cents .
I at E. E. Wannamaker & Sons.
Blow at suicides. r
"A pet monkey that I shipped tiptown
this morning was bound on a (
most unusual mission for a monkey," ,
said an animal dealer. ,
"He was bought by a woman who ^
runs a furnished room house in which i
three persons have killed themselves "
with gas recently. Those suicides have $
upset her nerves. Now she is going jj
to try the same preventive means ?
adopted by three of her friends.
"They too, keep roomers. Also ,
they keep monkeys. There have been '
several attempts at suicide in their 5
houses, but they have always been
frustrated by the monkeys, who have
smelled gas and set up such a chattering
that they woke everybody up.
"Monkeys are extremely sensitive t
to the odor of gas. This customer of
mine hopes to utilize hers as a new
kind of life preserver."?Philadelphia
1 Life Saver H \
I In a letter from Branch- B
land, W; Va., Mrs. Eliza- B
beth Chapman says: "I K
suffered; from womanly B :
trouble^ nearly five years. B
All the doctors in the coun- B
tv did rne no good. I took H
Cardui, and now I am en- H
tirely 'well. I feel like a B <
new woman. Cardui saved jfi
my lifel All who suffer B
from womanly trouble B
should give Cardui a trial." B
The Woman's Tonic
50 years of proof have B
9 convinced those who tested Fa
H it, that Cardui quickly re- U B
lieves aches and pains due ?3 $
ra to womanly weakness, and ||
H helps nature to build up K|
B weak women to health and Pi
B strength. Thousands of B
B women have found Cardui B
B to be a real life saver. Bj
fl Why not test it for your B
9 case? Take Cardui today!
Dental Surgeon, j|
LaCoste Evans Building, M
(opposite The Evans Co.) 5
CflfelMW, S. C. ?
Phones?Office 222; Residence 213 jjj
lours 9 to 2.15 3.30 to 6 Q
Dental Surgeon,
Phones: Office 138; Residence 174 T
)ffice over Merchants & Farmers Bank
Attorneys at Law
[erchants & Farmers Bank Building
HE RAW, . - S. 6.
Fresh Beef and Pork ^
and Pork Sausage
at ar
B. A. Burch's Market Hi
Covington Hotel Building ^
Second Street
Hheraw, S. C.
' %&:? Filled
"- ' ' '/': .' %&* *' ? 1
- / " '*; -Vt.?.1! - coid.c
Ov--.;- ''.J;^^.^ water 1
-' I'-v ~ Bring bacl
'~C r glass or bottle c
I fe &>i4
It makes one think of ever
5 and wholesome and dclightfi
J ling, teeming with palate
S- 3four :oda fountain old oaken
^ Our nc'j^booi
ft r3 Tr<?bf2> ,. v f
I* fl, &'**<.> telling of C<
Cola vindication at Ch;
Tgk nooga, for the asking.
> 7,r nand t!ic Genuine a 3 rude
whsticrcr'\N. /a:a-cola co
w. <i v
ireu se: ari ca.
Arrow thr:!c 2-J ^4
Di Joca-*' . ?.
iwpii<aaig^ Mi'^caasi mh
We recently succeede
Smith in the manag
pee Dee Iron Worl
thoroughly equippe
partments to give pr<
and satisfaction on
trusted to us. We
Auto department a c<
of parts and skilled m
j mgS^TMT^U^^^^Tt
IJL i\l\JU^ J. XAVJ_> XX ^ M.1
Ffli QHHBRi (3S15B flB
between First National Bank a
Having associated Mr. J. A. Hall \
: a Market we are prepared to furnn
r 1in#? r^Kir-lr^nc Fff(rs and first c
? **?**- "feh
Have installed the very latest style
id we guarantee that all perishable s
ass shape. All doors and windo'
es are an unknown proposition in c
Orders left with us will be pron
'avis, as a meat cutter, is too well kr
ling along that line. All we ask is;
A. B. Davis J
! Old
sen Bucket
to the brim with
lear purity?no such
s the old days with
/thing that's pure
ill. Bright, spark*
? ? ? 1 i. 1 ? /HTS'n
:d Mr. J. D. I
;ement of the I
:s and have~-?
d both de- ft
ompt service fl
ill work in- I
carry in our |
Dmplete line ft
lechanics on- 1
:ar when left B
hop we are ft
kinds of ma- B
at all times g
fittings, cast- ?
nd Express Office
vith me in the conduct
>h anything in the eatlass
stall fed Beef our
of sanitary Refrigerator
tuff will be kept in first
ws heavily screwed and
>ur building,
aptly delivered. A. B.
lown for u? to say anyi
. A. Hall

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