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(ibf 3;tm?B-?8?ma Hendertonrilla Time# Eital>liib«d l« 1M1 T' Hendersonvill# N*ws Established in 1894 Published every afternoon except Sunday At 227 North Main street, Hendersonvilla, N .C., by The j Times-News Co., Inc., Owner and Publisher. TELEPHONE 87 J. T. FAIN Editor C. M. OGLE Managing Editor HENRY ATKIN City Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Times-News Carrier, in Hendersonville, or else where, per week 10c' By Mail in HendersonTflle, per year $5.00 Due to high postage rates, the subscription price of The Times-News in Zones above No. 2 will be based on the cost of postage. Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post Office in Hendersonville, N. C. THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1933 BIBLE THOUGHT "I WILL NOT FAIL THEE, NOR FORSAKE THEE." (Joshua 1:5) $ $ * WHAT BLESSED WORDS OF COMFORT FOR 1 HRSE DAYS OF TESTING when earthly posses ions are vanishing. May it not be that God has allowed many of His own children to suffer MA TERIAL loss in order that they may turn with new appreciation to their MARVELOUS SPIR 1TUAL INHERITANCE in Christ? Then, too, will they not sense in a new way the wisdom of our Lord when He said: "Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, . . . but lay up . . . treasures Jn heaven." (Matt. 6:19,20).—Geo. T B. Davis (in a letter). YOUTH—AND THIS CHANGING WORLD (By BRUCE CATTON) When President-elect Roosevelt remark ed, in a recent after-dinner speech in New York, on "the unequal contest between youth and progress," he summed up in a few words a matter that has been bother ing parents and educators for a long time. What Mr. Roosevelt was getting at. of course, was the way in which the attrac-l tions and distractions of a rapidly moving world operate to tear young people away| from their moorings. It isn't exactly a new spectacle; it has been going on. in this country, for several decades. But it does contain a problem which we have hardly begun to solve, and in it are the sources of a whole multitude of tragedies. • It seems, sometimes, as if the world as a whole had suddenly tripled its pace in the past generation. It has equipped itself with such devices as automobiles, movies, airplanes, radios and the like; and all of these, acting in competition with home and church and school, have held out to youth i a lure that is both stimulating and danger-J ous. The youngster coming of age these days faces a different set-up than his father faced. Life beckons him from a thousand j angles, just as it always has beckoned to youth; but the world now offers him an a' most infinite number of channels into which he can pour his fresh young energy. It tries to pull him away from his old foundations; it makes it pitifully easy for him to cut loose from all the old ties and set out on his own. All of this causes a great many ship wrecks. And yet, as Mr. Roosevelt remarks, we cannot stop it. It is part of progress, and we can't isolate our young folk against it. The world has changed, and there is no conceivable way in which we can set the clock back. #> What we can do is to get a new appre ciation of the problem involved; a new sympathy and understanding for the strange compulsions and dark confusions which blind progress is putting upon youth. We can realize that youth nowadays, as seldom before, needs wise and kindly guid ance from the older generation; and when youth comes a cropper we can make our-} selves admit that it isn't all youth's fault, j NEWSPAPERS' OPINIONS A FOOLISH STATEMENT It was a state superintendent of the Anti-Saloon organization who made the statement that "the next time the liquor traffic is defeated will be the last time. The liquor traffic has never been able to survive a second defeat," Sut-h a foolish statement. There never will be any last time to defeat intoxicating liquor, any more than there will be any last time to defeat s'ealing, adultery, murder, rape, etc. When the end 6f the world comes, people will still be arguing dbout prohibition. Today prostitution is still regu lated and licensed legally in some countries, and ihere could be secured a large vote in our own country to do the same thing. Lotteries still live, and other forms of gambling, sometimes illegally, sometimes legally. The liquor question can nevi'r be solved, never be settled. It will always be a thousand-headed, thousand-legged, chameleon-col ored snake with a thousand fangs in every head, and like an earthworm growing a new head wher ever one is cut off. • It is in politics, in business, in social life, and will always be theim. Therefore not only must prohibitionists not fatuously depend on the votes of women, but also prohibitionists must recognizo there is no discharge in the war against intoxicat ing liquor. Liquorites never did and never will obey any law against the use of intoxicating liquor. It al ways has and always will mean a continual strug gle to even minimize the evil done by intoxicating liquor. The false idea that once a statute or an amendment prohibiting intoxicating liquor has been adopted that thereafter the trade in intoxicating liquor is dead forever, and all liquor's evils anni hilated is an absurdity, that ought to deceive no body. It is the anti-prohibitionists who hold up the demand that prohibition either turn earth into heaven or else be repealed. Prohibition merely gives us the best vantage ground from which to fight against the liquor traf fic, and no true friend of prohibition would be so foolish as to claim anything more. It is partly bo cause of the extravagant; and impossible pictures of prohibition in action, the unjustified expecta tions concernine: prohibition, Avhich some thought less people held, that they suffered disappointment and turned against prohibition.—Rock Hill (S. C.) Herald. GOLD RESERVES There are many things to be explained by tho.'o who believe the gold supply of a nation determines the value of its money. An inquiry in the British House of Common?, recently, disclosed the following amounts of gold stocks, as translated into pounds, as of a date about four weeks ago: United States, 890,370,000 pounds ($4,338,000,000); France, 670,973,000 pounds; Great Britain, 139,422000 pounds; Italy, 63,004,000 pounds; Germany, 39,358,000 pounds. The Christian Science Monitor draws some very interesting deductions from the above situation, and we feel certain that anyone who is interested in a study of the money situation will be glad to follow the line of reasoning. For instance, it is pointed out that the Italian lira, which was stabilized higher than the French franc, and apparently is just as firm today, is up held by less than a tenth of the gold reserve that is back of the franc. Still more extraordinary, it is shown, is the position of the German Reihcsmark, which is backed up by a considerably smaller sum. The Monitor, to make the matter clearer, ex plains that we may say that Germany manages with 40 units, Italy with 60, Great Britain with 140, France with 670, and the United States with 890. Such extraordinary discrepancy in the gold reserves, which is not parallelled by a similar dis- | crepancy in the stability of currencies, may well make not only the man of the street but the econo mist wonder whether gold has not been regarded with exaggerated importance. As ihe system now operates, reserves of public confidence are of more weight than stores of yellow metal in stabilizing a nation's finances. Going back some months, the Monitor calls to mind that at a given moment which quickly passed, the fate of our American dollar gave rise to some anxiety, in spite of an unquestionably adequate gold coverage. It' we can wean ourselves from a blind belief that there is something sacred about gold, and realize our monetary system should needs be some what flexible to meet the varying needs of eco nomic changes—then we shall have taken a long step towards recovery, The Record believes.—The Hickory Record. NON-TEACHER INTEREST IN EDUCATION | Friends of education in North Carolina are or ganizing a movement against the effort to force educational appropriations to bear the brunt of legislative economy. No teacher is to be allowe'i to participate in this particular movement. The purpose is to impress the legislature that men and women having no personal pecuniary interest at stake are alarmed at the proposal to deprive the rising generation of a fair chance in life. A time like this threatens our civilization. At no point is the threat more serious than at the school house door. The New York Times some months ago stated that the $2,448,033,501 that the American people were spending annually for all education from kindergarten to university was 2.7 1 per cent of the nation's income. That is not much greater than the $2,141,220,000 spent on tobacco. We are informed that the consumption of tobacco is increasing. Justice to the children and the good of the state forbid sacrificing the schools.—The Newberry (S. C.) Observer. FERTILIZER AND COTTON RAISING Cotton buyers and brokers have commented from time to time upon the high character and length of staple of South Carolina cotton produced in 1932. According to the statisticians of the Federal De partment of Agriculture, 75 per cent of this crop was of staple 15-16 of an inch or longer. Prior to the making of the 1932 crop there was much sur mise and speculation as to how the yield would "stack up" considering the fact that so little fer tilizer was used in its cultivation as compared with previous years. The result attests that the use of the fertilizers has no great bearing en the quality of the yield.—Spartanburg JournaL THE PERFECT TALE Down in Georgia a hunter killed five squirrels, all in one tree. Then a coon came down the same tree, and jumped on his best dog, forcing the hunter to kill the coon before he killed the dog. To cap the climax, he found that there was a hive of bees in the trunk of this same tree. These he car ried home, and they are now working for him in I his yard. If he had managed to get his hands on a J tree frog, filled with lightning bugs, he would have j had a perfect tale.—Stanly News and Press. ONE COLD FACT President S. Clay Williams, of the Reynolds To bacco company, made a fine showing for his com pany before the finance committees of the general assembly Monday. There is no getting around the fact that the big tobacco company pays a big share of the taxes in North Carolina. If this company were to pick up bag and baggage and leave the state, somebody would have to pay a sight more taxes than they are now paying.—The Gastonia Gazette. SPRING SONG «£f TAt "V ^MOT Uf? YOU/ — I wAmtto APPRECIATE > ~f~. •wj eet j fc4ggJja£JCrg-<<r LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Editor The Times-News, Whereas "we hold it to be self- ] evident that all men are created I equal; that they arc endowed by their Creator with certain inalien able rights; that among- these are life, liberty, the enjoyment of the fruits of their own labor, and the pursuit of happiness." The foregoing1 quotation is Ar ticle 1, Section 1 of our Constitu tion. Therefore I set forth the i following: That we are no longer j free to enjoy the fruits of our labor and the pursuits of happi ness. A larger part of our debt• was not placed upon us constitu tionally. The bonded debt of Hen devsonville and Henderson county pJaces us under veritable "slavery. Something must be done, for men here are equal no longer. The bonded indebtedness of Hendersonville and Henderson county is almost half the trta1-^in debtedness oi' the state of Vir ginia. It cannot be paid. I do not think that it should be repudi ated, but it must be adjusted. We are honest people. Widows and orphans hold many of these bonds. Life insurance companies control the majority, but widows and or phans and others who are not abie to buy life insurance must pay these bonds. I suggest that a mass I meeting be called, that a commit tee of twelve honest citizens be appointed to appraise the condi tion, to decide what we can pay, that the bond holders be notified, i in a polite way, that we are reatjy to pay all that we can, ready and anxious; but as there is only so much juice in a turnip that is all that can be squeezed out, that is all that we can pay, therefore thi.i is all we are going to pay. We have our rights under the Con stitution. They have theirs. We are going to demand that our be taken away from us no longer. We have a mayor with commis sioners who will do the right thing and have the manhood to back it up if the people will back them up. Two of our county commissioners have alieady settled up their pri vate eoaporate business at 30c o.i the dollar. Around 3,000 of our citizens are prematurely being foreclosed under legal advice they claim when the Henderson county representative that passed the law said inwriting over his signature, in your paper, that it did not have to be done, and that it should not have been done. T believe that our citizens have not lost their nerve and backbone. It appears that a major operation must be performed. If our men will not display honest manhood constitutionally protected, I sug gest that the ladies of the county form a sewing circle, make j>in^ ham dresses for all of us, ami make us wear said dresses until i the bondholders and the bonds-! men, under slavery to them, have | been made equal. ! WAITER B. SMITH PRISONER ASKED FOR TERM IN PRISON: BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Jan. 24. A prison sentence rather than un certainty was preferred here re cently by Travis Bearden, who aske<i Federal Judge W. 1. Grubb to revoke his probation and "send him to the penitentiary. Convicted of violating Ihe pro hibition act, Bearden was given j leniency a few weeks ago—with | the stipulation that he get a job and discontinue distilling activity. "I got a job in a coal mine," he told Judge Grubb, "but they only paid me 50 cents a day for doing a mule's work. Rather than im pair my health by continuing in that work, I will go to jail. Then, when I have served my sentence, I can do as I please." Judge Grubb allowed Bearden a long time in which to contem plate further liquor law violation?. He sent him to the government reformatory at Chillicothe, 0., for 13 months. Nebraskans Face A Water Famine LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. 2(5. (UP) Since 1882 Nebraska farmers have tapped the flow of the North | Platte river, pouring its waters | over the fertile soil of western j an/1 central Nebraska. Recently there has appeared what Nebraskans regard a serious threat to the entire area now be ing- irrigated by the Platte river .j The state of Colorado has laid > claim to water rights in the flow of the North Platte. A plan has been advanced for diversion from the watershed of the North Platte river into the upper reaches of the South Platte valley in north central Colorado. "In fighting the Colorado pro posal,'' State Engineer Roy Coch ran said, "Nebraska is guarding two priorities of claim to use of the waters of the Platte. "First, this state is seeking to protect its claim to storage waters of the Pathfinder dam, which re leases hundreds of thousands of acre feet of water to Nebraska irrigators annually. "Second, we are interested in protecting Nebraska's recognized prior appropriations from the river's natural flow." Millions of dollars of irrigation developments and potential crops are involved in the consideration, Cochran said. The Pathfinder irrigation proj-1 ect and the Nebraska lands have grown to include 700,000 acres of highly productive land. Each year thousands of tons of valuable sugar beets, millions of bushels of high grade potatoes and millions of tons of hay, in addition to huga grain crops are grown. Even now, the development in Nebraska has made serious de mands on the supply of waters from the watershed of the Platte. In 1U31, the Pathfinder reservoir, with a capacity of 1,070,000 acre fet of water was drained. Ne braska irrigators clamored for moie water to save dying crops. None was available. "Confronted with this situa tion," Cochran said, "Nebraska ir rigators are ineed wary of the Colorado diversion of 100,000 acre feet of North Platte waters into the Cache La Poudre liver/' And thus the matter stands. The Nebraska legislature has me morialized its national congress men to defeat any legislation in Washington concerning the diver sions of waters of the North Platte, until the three states, Col orado, Wyoming and Nebraska have come to a complete agree ment. EBENEZER EBENEZEIl, Jan. 26.—Miss Agnes Duniap entertained in hon-j or of her sister, Mrs. Fay Farlow| on Wednesday evening1. The party was in the nature of a shower. About thirty guests were present. The honoree received many beau tiful and useful gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Gibbs and j children of Gastonia, spent the i week end with their parents here. Miss Ellen Gilbert, is very ill j with pneumonia. This community was greatly i saddened by the death of Mrs. I Mollie Love Drake ox Etowah on J Sunday, January 22. Mrs. Drake had spent most of her life in Ebenezer. She was a devout Christian and a loyal church work er. She leaves her husband, Mack Drake, and several relatives and friends who mourn her loss. She was 04 years of age and had been in bad health for some time. Funeral services were held at the home in Etowah and inter ment was at the Love cemetery in this community. Dr. Briggs and Rev. R. R. Corn were in charge of the services. Mis. Corrie Collins entertained quite a number of friends with an old fashioned quilting party one day last week. The ladies finished two beautiful quilts and all had a delightful time. Mrs. Tilda Laughter who has] been very ill is improving now. her many friends will be very glad to learn. "Grandma" Laughter is I ninety years old. The many friends of Captain Dorothy Gaice who is stationed in Atlanta, Ga., will be sorry to hear that she had the misfortune; of breaking a bone in her foot and will be unable to walk for some time. READ THE WANT ADS. BEHIND THE SCENES IN WASHINGTON WITH RODNEY DUTCHES liY liODNKY D.L'TCHkU MC.V Service Writer VTASHINGTON. — Senator Huey * Long is just someone you can't lauth off. Lots of people, in Louisi ana and Washington, have thought they could laugh lluey off. They know hotter now. Once there was a notion that the Senate, which prides itself on its brand of hazing, would soon tame him. llut the "Kingflsh" has heen hazing the Senate almost ever since he arrived. And more than one old timer who has swapped blows with him has come out of it with a few less tail feathers. Few men have drawn larger crowds to the Senate galleries than Long in his spcetacular filibuster against the Glass banking bill. The crowds may bave regarded him as a curiosity, but :io one left the galleries without bein~ im pressed in one way or another. Nor could anyone laugh off the j fact that he had important aid in; his one-man act from other sena tors or the fact that he was tem porarily tho spearhead of a radi cal but important movement for farm and u '.employment relief. Even a few members of the House :ame to the Senate chamber to watch this show • A A A LL dressed 'vp, Kucy was. His J ^ little bow tit. poked its sends under a batwing collar nirl his suit was a sob-..* dark gray, reduc ing the efi^t of corpulence which his lighter -lothing accentuates. Ke was chewing either gum or to bacco and his large, unruly fore lock of reddish brown hair waved belligerently as he told the Senate and the rest of the world what was tiie matter witu them. Hour after hour lie went on, striding about the floor, gesticu lating and roaring. Hut when he wanted to rest he simply gave himself an hour or two of relief by letting the Senate take up a deficiency bill. Even then he con tinued to talk—to individual sen ators. One observed him poppii.5 into seats alongside first Vice President Curtis, who was tem porarily 011 the floor, Johnson of California, McNary of Oregon and others. Some persons compare Lous with ex-Senator Tom ileflin, who used to bore the Senate for long hours with tirades against the Catholic church, but that by no means sums up Huey. The "King fish" has more brains than Tom had and makes himself, for better or worse, far more effective. Equally important is the fact '.hat Long has a more defini'.e philosophy whose main tenet Is that no one should be permitted to own more than a million dollars and that there should be a largo scale distribution of wealth. Unquestionably he is one of the most successful demagogues op erating today. He may never ob tain a hold on the popular imagi nation elsewhere as ho has in Louisiana, but just now he aud his friends think he might some day be president. As Democratic Leader Joe Rob inson once said of Iluey, he has "a quick, bright mind that grasp3 everythinj that comes within the range of his contemplation ar.d many things that do not come within the range ofc anybody/ contemplation.'* THOUGHTS OF A FISHERMAN By Ike Walton, Redivivup Brother Douglas was not fish ing for compliments when he told his Brevard readers what a hustl ing town Hendersonvillo was. He was just exhibiting that fine qua lity of freedom from jealousy which makes a man kin to the an gels. Jealousy is the right prong of the devil's pitchfork. It kills more men than tuberculosis does. It leads to hatred, wars, mad rivalry, price-cutting, intrigues, schemes, lies, preten: ions, insinuations, in vendocs base gossip, scandal and the whole dictionary of mean nouns. A smart hoy in school once said he did not try to make very hi»h grades because it woujd make other boys jealous of him. He was an observant young phil osopher. Jealousy is usually exhibited by people of small calibre, too small 1«i know what is the matter with therj. But occasionally you run across it as an infirmity of other wise noble minds. Ilenry Cabot Lodge was a man of culture, a scholar, an orator, and an aristo crat in the Greek sense of the word, but his insane jealousy of Woodrovv Wilson put back the clock of the world. Benedict Ar nold was at first a brave and in telligent officer but jealousy of Washington made him a traitor and an t^tca«. Caia,,ha#. ous of the man h« ra. A> ^ crucified. Brother Douglas w fine beginning. To genuinely friendh Rood works bef.vci n to\J> ' out jealousy i:: a fun<tion'('/ papers much to i,e jiractC ^ is better to imitate or to t superiority thai; i,, The jealous man m.4,- i v falls a victim to lo- (,'r: <: j soul. The jealous coin^X*" not grow hecau.-' j- .'-i time scheming .r. • ■ ; : rival than to gr.w ^ works. *? | Maybe the day tv.av (v,.c I the two counties dated as they one- . ['* less time now to ^ ! away to Rende r- »r.ii:,. 1; ' took to pet from II ^ the old wagon-r .ad .:Uy,t V" ; pense saved could ' ' improving the I There are still »-:a;;y ':r.,.VJ communities in 'h handicapped by bad '/> hard-surfaced roa.i . ought to double .• V:i j". " when the^ roads are f ate counties may • times their pre,, n? . iv,., inconvenience. As ii . rv j sythe county hu v. arly . the population of Ttan ian.1 only one courthou-v. ' I Silk in Caccon j It lifts lioon Kt:iu»il i!.arlt coocoon <>f ?on<l (pialitv | j nisli 400 to yartls <,f anient. fiik ^ Story by MAL COCHRAN Pictures L GEQPGF SCAOty |C 1933 3Y NCA SCP.VICC INC. ' ^ [ \ REG. U. S. PAT. OKf. Zji (READ THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE i'lCHia ,4 ii all the Tinics worked away, 0110 of them raid, "It's jusi i;Ko play. I guess tliat vo art? Eoing to prove we're real good cco'.vs, at that. "I've whipped the eggs tip. They'ie a : '/lit. I'll shortly' ncan: lilo them just ll; lit. J oi ly hoyie I hat that we plan on turns out flat." Another Tiny said. "Wei!, gee! Please give some credit, lad-', to h.e. I've set the little, table, put ting thing", where they belong. ' Five places^ See? We won't r.eed '.ore. The hound crn c-at upon the floor. If we all keep 01: going lii;c this, nothing wiil go C4T"0U'RF. i'1 w.-ou!.A'. "We are gccd! Tut. nov.*, v.c Tictd a liitio wood to a fire in the stove, so v.c cu'i start to cook. think that Duncy car. <]o that. He's merely sat and ss t id rat."' Then Du.icy jui.ii:rd i:»? io his feet and said," ."All I'il look!*' Caislde he found a <• Ir; v:ood fri'c. He brcuz'-it a i», with a smile. "I'll make rho fir- < Scanty. "Then wc','/ knw it v ;t;o out. "You sop, I've traiufd lot f and days, to s-al'».ly Make a.a 'fin1. blaze. That's :'i; «.:i®«iL things I've learned n Hoy Scout." a * * "jJT wasn't very i . - .. ." ~ n.c: ! v. a ? n ad/. .. Ju t :>t ilio prep< :• tii. •' walked in through ;!.■■ •! "Well, Ave? 1! h» "What a.bunch. I .*.*« & prepared tome luucli. •' s't down and cat mail cat any more. I "I !\v (ho hound wouICS yen here and now you !; i> brought me cheer."' Ad.! t started eating. Theu ihe bunch heard a cry. Twar. Coppy, a:; ! v/itli 'IB;:?: rl:;'in, he yelled, "La1; t..r -; ihut window pano." "V" i r.;:! saw a bea*.face in W (iow, n'rht nearby. (Copyright, Ni.A >'• "■ ;'-;l (••K'OUly ?.i:ik('s' a >i:ri»ri-.c; - covciy in ihe w\« tiorj".) THIS CURIOUS WORLD ALTHOUGH Trlii WATie www is CONSVcRsOj^ f SECOND MOST DAN63& CF ALL THE Ih-'DJAN * W/LD " AN'MA' 5 [T IS, NEVERTHELESS the DOAlfSi/C " 0- OF MANy RCO.^Nj FATn^> TjOW AQQMc THROUGH HIS EFFORTS, THE . PROHIBITION BILL EVER PASSED IN ■*' COUNTRY WAS PUT THfiOUGH TH£ MAINE LEGISLATURE 'he RIO GSiANDE. RlVtlR. CHANGED ITS COURSE SO OFTEN THAT IT BECAME NECESSARY TO APPOINT A COMMISSION TO SETTLE BOUNDARY DISPUTES. IN ONE NIGHT, FARMERS FREQUENTLY LOJTT OR GAINED HUNDREDS OF ACRES OF LAND. e> 1S33 BY NEA SERVICE, INC. THE TREATY ol' Guadaloupe Hidalgo, in IS IS. J'"1-'"1 dary line between the United States and Mexico as tlij■ . t . the Rio Grande, following the deepest channel." through which the river flowed was loose and saixi.1 • courses were formed with every flood. Perplwiw^ arose. A Mexican rancher would go to bed at niAil< lin'iself ■■■' i m Mexico, and wake up the next morning to lnul in Texas. Disputes became ho numerous that a bounu;1^ Kiau was ftunointed. with members from both counti»' -! •* '"J'tsnn i,t ' ,>rr i» . *