Newspaper Page Text
LOVE LAUGHS AT THE DOCTOR BY ELINORE COWAN STONE C•pyr**, m*. NCA Sm*«, - .i CAST OF CHARACTERS CONSTANCE MAIDWELL — heroine; the stand-in. DEREK MANTHON—an artist who lored money firet. HILDECARDE THORVALD— Derek painted her portrait. DR. ROGERS—-be met his m«»t difficult case. * » ? Yesterday: The strange query about the price of her dress turns i out to he a stand-in modeling job for Connie. But «be is not to hear ihe last of this. CHAPTER VIII The smartly tailored young man who had talk«d with Papa | Auto». was in the dressing room ; when Constance went down to change into her last costume. One of the othor girls—the red-1 haired one with the sultry eye- j lashes arid sulky mouth—was say ing to her, "How should I know?1 We thought you'd sent her as a stand-in for Lucille." As Constance hesitated at the entrance, the newcomer turned and said with quiet authority, "Oh here you are! I am Elsa O'Dare, Mr. Anton's asistant. . . . Suppose we step in here for a few minutes." - I Inside the small otnce Deyonu, i Miss O'Dare shut the door and faced Constance curiously. At close range she seemed older than she had upstairs — a little tired; but very much alive and sure of' herself, and exquisitely groomed to the last detail. Her eyes, which J were a clear, cool green, were j penetrating, but not entirely un-! friendly. ,"Now," she began quietly, "per-i haps you had better begin by tell- [ in* rue who you are. and just what you think you're doing here. 1 happen to remember," slw went on, "although Mr. Anton did not know it, that gray coat you wore it»- here could not possibly have listed for the show today, because it was sold several days ago It was the only one of its kind, and it has not been return ed to the store." When Constance continued to hold her silence before the utter absurdity of any explanation she could offer, Elsa 0'I>are went on, "I shall ha\e to insist on your telling me how you came to be here displaying a coat that we had sold." . "You sold it—yes," Constance said. "To me." "Do 1 understand—? Of course sotne of our competitors have osed inspired tactics from time to tiiiio"—tlsa O'Dare's eyes were like *reen ice—"just whom are you representing?" "Myself." The situation was so incredibly fantastic that Constance was be ginning to enjoy it. Miss O'Dare's beautifully manicured hands moved in a gesture of complete frustration. "Well," she said with something almost like unwilling amusement, 'after al, this is our show, you know. I>o you mean to tell me— wait a minute!" Her eyes nar rowed. "That coat was sold as Krt of a trousseau. 1 remember cause it .was part of a rather large order—so large that the saleswoman who handled it was quite set up about it. . . . And the easterner who bought it was to be married today. "Yes," Constance said. "I was to have been married today. But we—I—" "I've seen you somewhere be-1 tow " Klsa O'Dare. was studying ber with a meditative attentive ness. "You were wearing blue— jujit the shade of your eyes. . . . Of course! The Portrait of a Lady' ia Blue. ... And there was a s^uib in Danforth's column in the Dispatch-- something about your eBgagement to Derek Manthon. The . girls in my department thought it terrifically romantic. And still"—perhaps noticing Con stance's piteous attempt at self contnol, she broke off and finish ed swiftly, "Suppose we let this dron for the present. You—" vNo," Constance said more steadily than she could have be- j lieved possible. "I think we'd bet ter clear this up here and now, Miss O'Dare. I came bere to meet a Mrs. Major for lunch and talk about a job. Since my—my wed ding had to be postponed, 1 want ed something to do for a few weeks." Constance was finding it strangely easy tu explain to this quiet young woman with the can did green eyes which could be at the sanu* time so piercing and so kind. "That order at your store was a large one, Miss O'Dare—large •nough to swallow up my whole bank account. . . . Weil, Mrs. Ma jor didn't turn up. I was just be ginning to realize that that job Mfas definitely out when Mr. An t^n mistook me for one of your models. And—we!!, ! thought, 'Why not. if I can get away with it?' * Mothers! la treating your family's colds, don't experiment i or take needless chances ... use ^ VapoRuB PROVED BY 2 GENERATIONS Lisa (/Dare sat, for a moment ihitf. Then shd threw back h»r head and burst into peal upon |K.a) of unrestrained mirth. "Well!" she gasped finally, wip ing her eves. "1 imagine advertis ing 's about the insanest business any woman ran be mixed up in; but my wildest experience never prepared mo for anything like this. . . . Well, I'm certainly not t;oin«i to shed any more tears over it. Of course you did put us in a spot about that coat. On the other hand, we could also have sold the other costumes you mod eled i>e%'eral times over. . . . You want a job?" "Ltko the very devil," Con stance told her. "All right!" Ktsa O'Dare got up with one o! her eharcateristically clean-cut, decisive movements. "Lucille won't be out of the hos pital for weeks. You've bought it. . . . Now you've got one more outfit to model today, haven't you? Better—" She broke off, her green eyes suddenly dubious. "I suppose you know that your final display is a wedding outfit, don't you*.'" she asked. "I know," Constance nodded. Elsa 0'l>are said with the near est approach to hesitation. Con stance had seen in her manner, , "This show is really important to me. We're staging it rather elab orately, you know—bridesmaids, pages, wedding march — all the trimmings—" "I know," Constance said dryly. "Everything but the groom." "You wouldn't let me down, would you? It may be a little—I mean—" "Don't worry. If I'm tempted to hysteria, I shall remind myself that my telephone bill is due to- j morrow." i Constance did not know that as she passed, a little pale in her white velvet and gossamer veil, | sentimental old ladies wiped their eyes, young girls dreamed, and men looked thoughtful. Her thoughts, if it were pos-1 sible to report them coherently, j might have run something like this: "I wonder if 1 ought to walk a little faster. . . . What would Derek think if he knew I was hav ing a wedding all by myself—and a fashionable one, too? . . . But 1 mustn't think about Derek. . . . think if he knew I was having a wedding all by myself—and u fashionable one, too? . . . But 1 mustn't think about Derek. . . . j rhe bridemaids look marvelous in those posy-garden frocks and bon nets. . . . Derek would have liked j u bjg wedding. ... 1 mustn't think about Derek. . . . Now if the pages don't forget to lift my train when I turn. ... 1 wonder what Derek is—I must not think about Derek. 1 promised Miss O'Dare. . . . Think about my telephone. bill. ... Oh, Derek dear, it was to have been just about this time!" 1 * * * When it was over, and Con-; stance had taken off her wedding finery, she found Elsa O'Dare waiting for her in the little office off the dressing room. "Before you decide to go into this. Miss Maidwell," she said, "f want you to understand exactly what you're getting into: The I publicity department of an estab- « lishment like ours is no place for people with tender sensibilities. We are tuned to a pretty high tension; and people who are hur ried and worried seldom have time or inclination to consider other people's feelings very ten-' derly. . . . You, like every one else in the department, will be a con stant target for criticism, fault finding, buck-passing, and back biting from other departments all' over the plant." "I suppose the only answer to that is that I can tyike it," Con stance said. i "You'll have to. Sometimes it's like living in a psychotic ward. . . . Personally I rather enjoy it" —Elsa O'Dare grinned a surpris ingly boyish grin—"perhaps be cause I've grown up with it. Per haps because I'm Irish and like a tight. . . . I'm telling you this be cause you seem to have had a rather different background from most of our girls." "I think I'd like to try," Con stance insisted. She went home with instruc tions to report at Bartlett's at 8:30 tomorrow. Her first day in the store left her a little giddy with all she had Seen and experienced. After leaving her bus at the corner, she almost ran the half block to the apartment house, hungry for the letter from Derek that she hoja-d would be waiting for her. (To be continued) TRUTH CRUSADE BEGUN NORTH BEND. Ore. (VP).—A campaign to spread truth through I out the world b ytelling all the lies has been started by the North Bend Kiwanis club. When all lies are told there will be nothing left to cause worry and uneasiness, they believe. Chrisko's opera, "The Armored Cruiser Potenikin," ^recently had its premiere in Moscnlw. y* TT~ . ALWAYS SERVICE ALWAYS WILLING call - JACKSON 1AXI PHONE 54 Identical—Optics to Operations identical twins, Carolyn and Carole Langston, above, 5-year-old daughters of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Langston, Orlando, Fla., carried their likeness beyond the ordinary similarity of twins. At 2 yeari 5f age both were afflicted with an ailment which left a crossed eye tor each, Carolyn's left and Carole's right. And now both have indergone the same operrtion to straighten their eyes, shown band aged here after doctofs had declared their work successful. By Mrs. Gay nor Maddox SKA Service Staff Writer IVHEN shad swims up the river, * * it's time for your annual "spring dinner." Begin with a pungent essence of green herbs— j a clear hot soup 'nade of greens from the garden such as paisley, leeks, celery root, and whatever herbs you can lay your hands on. Cook these together in a little water, ('rain and serve as an ap peti2er to the treats to follow. With the shad, serve new pota toes in parsley butter and the freshest and greenest spring as paragus in the market. Holland aise sauce if you must, but drawn butter with a suspicion of lemon juice, is the ideal accompaniment for this spring vegetable. A huge sprightly bowl of spring salad comes next—and it comes with nothing more elaborate than a French dressing made of olive oil, vinegar or lemon juice and spices. In the bowl toss Chinese cabbage cut in strips, radishes, green pepper, watercress, sorrel, endive, crisp lettuce, chopped parsley, sliced cucumbers, chop ped chives, a few chopped raw green peas, a few tender young carrots shredded into golden strips. Toss and toss and then toss again. For dessert, nothing more sumptuous than the most sumptu ous of berries—strawberries serv ed with thick rich cream. A few fresh ladyfingers—and there is your greeting to spring in all its simpie perfection. Broiled Spring Shad (Serves 4 to 6) Use a 3-',ound shad. Clean and R ash. Split open along the back, remove large bone. Seison with salt and pepper. Brush with melt ed butter. Place on broiler rack. Jit side dnwn Rvnil until half Tomorrow's Menu BREAKFAST: Bananas in cream, dry cereal, creamed dried beef, hot French brsad, coffee, milk. ST. PATRICK'S DAY BRIDGE LUNCHEON: Pine apple and mint .ocktail, cold sliced breast of chicken, souf fle of treen peas, clover leaf rolls, pistachio ice cream, St. Patrick's layer cake. DINNER (Spring Dinner): Herb soup, broiled shad, ne*v potatoes, parsley butter, as paragus, spring ialad bowl, strawberries and cream, lady fingers, coffee, milk. „ done, basting frequent1/ wit! melted butter. When half done remove to roastiw; pan. Bast< again liberally, with melted buttei and cook m hot oven (400 degree: , F.) until done. Serve on iarg« hot platter garnished with water . cress and thin, slices of lemon Planked Shad (Serves 4 to 6) ^ : Prepare the thad (3 yound^ a for broiling. Rub gently wit^ Ail and pepper. Brush liberally wit! melted butter. Use an oven plan! made of oak which is wider anc , longer than the shad. Butter -it then lay the shad on it s';in sid< down. Place the! shad on .the plank in a pre-heated hot over (400 degrees F.). Bake for abou' 25 minutes, basting frequentlj with melted butter. Remove plank from oven. Garnish wit! puree of mashed potatoes forqe'c through pastry tube. Bru$t mashed potato garnish lightl} with butter, cover fish w»'h oilec paper and run plank unuer flame just long er.ougn to brown top O' i not aloes. »♦ NEW HAMPSHIRE WPA FINDS REVOLUTION BEGAN THERE, 1774 CONCORD. N. H„ Mar. 18 — (UP).—The Boston Tea party, Paul Revere's midnight ride and the *'shot heard 'round the world" did not mark the beginning of the American Revolution, accoring to the New Hampshire Guide book (Houghton Mifflin), compiled by WPA writers who challenge long accepted historical facts. The Granite state scribes con tend the Boston Tea party, cited by historians as marking the first resistance by war-painted and In dian-costumed colonists to British taxes, occurred years after a simi lar eposite at Exeter, N. H. In the "mast tree riot of 1734," the book relates, "a group of Ex eter colonials dresed as Indians dragged the men" sent by the crown's surveyor-general "from their beds in Samuel Gilman's tavern and hustled them out with threats and blows." New Hampshire colonists again resisted English taxes in KIO'J, the book contends, when the royal governor's marshal returned home empty-handed after being informed by "leading women of Kxeter that a 4»ed-hot spit and scalding water' were ready for him." Though apparently unable to duplicate or overshadow Paul Re vere's nocturnal warning of April 19, 1775, of the approach of the British, the guide book avers the Battle of Lexington and Concord (Mass.) was not the first armed resistance to Great Britain. "The first armed resistance in New Hampshire to Great Britain occurred in Dec. 14, 1774, when a small party captured Fort Wil liam and Mary in Newcastle, and removed the powder and guns tti Durham," says the guide book. ALBERNI IS PORT ; FOR MISSING MEN PORT Al.BKRNI, B. C.. March 18. (UP)—This city on the west coast of Vancouver Island is fast becoming known among foreign going seamen as the port of miss ing men. Cargo ships generally stop here for two or three days before pro ceeding outbound. Many a sailoi who overstays his shore leave in Vancouver barely manages tc reach his ship before it head* foi foreign shores. -0 PLEASANT GROVE ) PLEASANT GROVE, Mar. 18. Rev. Jesse Ownsby filled his rep-; ular appointment Sunday morn ing. Mrs. J. M. Wilson is ill ot' flu. Miss Ina Banning of Boylston spent the week-end with Mr. and Mi*. Jones Banning. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Hathtack of Asheville spent Sunday- \vith the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hamifton. Mr. and Mrs. James McCall and j son Allen and Mrs. Kimple McCall and daughter Doris were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Orr. Mr. and Mrs. Egerton Fletcher and family spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Fletcher. Mrs. Ida Uushton spent Tues day with Mrs. Creed Honks.* Pleasant Grove singing choir enjoyed singing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jot* Laughter Sun day night. -> Rev. Jesse Ownsby was a din ner guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Orr Sunday. HOOPERS CREEK HOOPERS CREEK, Mar. 18.— Mr. Henry Rhodes and family from near Dana visited Mrs. Rhodes' parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lanning Sunday. A large crowd attended' the choir practice at Hoopers Creek church Sunday afternoon. Miss Dessie SuttleS spent Tues day with Mrs. D. 0. Garren. Mrs. Curtis Riddle is at Moun tain sanitarium taking treatment. Mrs. Fred Connor of Mount Zion is Visiting her sister, Mrs. Woodrow Wilkie, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Flody Young blood were dinner guests of, Mrs. Jim Youngblood Sunday. * Mrs. Woodrow Wijkie an<f Mrs. Fred Connor visited their lister, Mrs. Jack Garren, at Htclfdur on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Beddingfield are the proud parents of a daugh ter. Cottage prayer meeting will be held Friday night of this Wjfcek at Mr. Charlie Garren's. POWER FOR FARMERS ALMA, Ga., Mar. 18. (UP) — Electric power today was extend ed to 250 southeast Georgia farms with the dedication of the first unit of the Satilla Rural Electric Membership corporation. ITALY TO BUILD TRADEFLEET Vast Merchant Marine to Make Country Eco nomically Free ROME, Mar. 18. (UP)—Italy soon will embark on a 10-year ship building" program which will make it one of the world's lead in; maritime nations. Decrees have been published calling for the annual construc tion of 200,000 tons of merchant vessels for a total of 2,000.000 bv 1948. The building program, however, is not to be limited only to cargo boats. Italy, which has built up one of the finest fleets of passen ger liners since the war, has an nounced a second program which is to complement the freight one. It calls for the construction of 4-1 | passenger and mail ships for a total of 250,000 tons. It will cost ' approximately $75,000,000. Nine ships will be built for the i Italia Line for a total of 86,000 tons, 13 for the Lloyd Triestina Line for a total tonnage of 82, 000, 17 for the Tirennia Line for 43,000 tons and 5 for the Adriat ic^ Line for .'10,000 tons. In ad dition the Roma •. and Augustus , will be transformed. NEW LINERS PLANNED ! In a few cases some of the liners in use will be replaced by new units. The smart Vittoria, the • pride of Italy's extreme Orient i tleet, will make way for a new 16,500-ton motorship. Increasing competition by the British has dictated this change. The Princi pessa Giovanna, and the Princi pessa Maria, both in the South American service, will be substi tuted by two new 10,000-ton mo torships. j Or, December .1l, the total ton-; nage of mechanically propelled ships in the Italian merchant ma rine totalled 3,174,000 tons, put ting it in sixth place after Great | Britain, the United States, Japan, Norway and Germany respective ly. This is an increase of 1,744, I 000 tons or 122 per cent over 'tonnage in 1914. Ot the 3,174,000 tons, approxi mately 1,700,000 tons consist of freighters devoted exclusively to the transport of material and I | supplies. The rest are passenger' and fast mail ships. j As in other economic domains, I the prime object of Italy's drive for a bigger and betetr merchant marine is self-sufficiency. Italy would like to create ai huge fleet of tramp steamers and go into the international trans port business. Koine has enviously watched the Scandinavian coun-, tries build up their fleets of freighters ( to assume leading places among maritime nations. . Italy makes no secret, that it I wants to take a cut of this trans port business. All of this has one prime ad- i mitted object — the bringing of ioreign valuta into the country, of « which Italy has u pressing need. If all ot this could be realized, other elements would be brought into play. With a merchant ma rine that could amply take care of all the imports and exports, Italy would no longer, be at the mercy of other nations in case of eco nomic sanctions. I'- STORIES IN i i STAMPS ! Mam Who Doug-rep €v6KYTHIMC E combination of the exact scientist and the abstract phi losopher was Rene Descartes, tht famous French thinker who lived from 1596 to 1650. Here was a man who doubted everything. Descartes is generally known as tne father of modern philoso phy He has often been callcd, too. the 'first modern mathemati cian. Certainly his advanced thinking has had profound eflecl on modern views. Take, for ex ample. his most distinguished es say or book, 'Discourse or Method." Skepticism is its best here, The essay is based on doubt. Everything must be questioned argues Descartes, so that we may discover something that is beyond doubt. At first, he points out. everything seems to succumb to it—traditional beliefs, commonly accepted ideas, the very facts of direct observation may be illu sions and dreams. Eventually, however, something is discovered that is beyond doubt; that is doubt itself' So Descartes went *bout his thinking, opening new fields in mathematics, philosophy, physics, psychology and physiology. Is sued in commemoration of the third centenary of the publication of his famous "Discourse on i Method." a 1937 Descartes stamp ; is shown here. <Coi>>'itrht. l!*3*. N'KA S.rvicr. Inc.) Anti-Anschluss Songsters Their ardent anti-Nazi spirits not visibly dampened by their arrest for demonstrations before the German embassy in Washington, the picketers shown above, sitting in a patrol wagon, continue to sinf and shout anti-German slogans TREASURE 'DIVINERS' ARE SAID DEVISED GULFPORT, Miss., Mar. in.— (UP)—Philip Lamey, who spent the best part of 40 years and about $1,500 in cash looking; for buried treasure, is tn»t discourag ed because ho found only XT) cents and a tarnished spoon. He has invented a "machine," he said, that will "really lind" treasure now. In fact, boasted the versatile but luckless Lamey, he has in vented two machines — one to find gold, another to find silver. Lamey hinted of a "big treasure sunk between here and Florida— hull' a shipload of gold that my grandfather know about," and proudly informed that his gold finding invention had "worked" on an experiment. It w e n t "straight as a dye" to some gold coins buried in the sandt some time ago, he said. Lamey is tender of a bridge across Tchouticabouffa river near Biloxi.'During 40 years there he, spopt most of his spare time searching for buried treasure, the first search being conducted in the depths of an Indian mound, j One of his "inventions," he' said, will swing in an arc and! point to silver 1500 yards away from its burial place. MOTORIST KNOCKS DOWN BEAR; IT FLEES _ STE. ANNE DES MONTS, Que., Mar. 18.-—(UP)—George Gasse, driving with his wife on a lonely stretch of highway near here, rounded a sharp curve and was confronted by a huge black bear. The bear, reared on its hind legs, showed every intention of leaping upon the hood of the car, which was moving slowly. Gasse stepped on the accelera tor. There was a resounding thud and the car came to a stop. The bear rolled over a couple of times,, got to its feet, shook itself as though looking for broken bones, and trotted hastily into the bush. High prices are expected to se riously handicap business prog ress in Ecuador this year. London has* appointed a man solely to protect its water system from air raids. |° UNION HlLL °] O 0 UNION HILL, Mar. 18.—Rev. and Mrs. L. II. Gardner of Druid Hills visited Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Jones recently. Mrs. W. P. Gilliam of this place was called to Old Fort Mon day of last week on account of the death of her father, Mr. Run sell Oates. Mr. and Mrs. Quay Morrison and daughter, Pearly, of Travel ers Kest, S. C., spent the week end her ewith Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Jones. Mrs. M. M. Burgess has moved from North Blue Ridge to Mrs. R. P. King's place here. Miss Mary Ann Leslie and Miss Lois Maxwell of Hendersonville visited Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Jones Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Justus and little daughter visited Mr. and Mis. T. (i. McAbec of Dana Sun day. Miss Thelma Brittain of Hen dersonville snent the week-end at her home here. Clyde and Harm Morrison of Travelers Rest, S. C., visited rel atives here Sunday. J. A. Maxwell of Fruitland spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Harvey vis ited Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Marshall Sunday night. Miss Charity McCranc i.s spend ing a while with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hill of Oak Grove. Eley McCrane visited Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Harvey Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. 1). Walker vis ited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Walker, of Dana Sunday. DOG PLUCKS POULTRY KI SSI MM K. Fla. (IP).--Bud dy, a five-year-old fox terrier be longing to H. E. Phay of Kissirn me, is a real help when ii comes to preparing dinner. Buddy's specialty is plucking chickens, ac cording to Phay. CARD OF THANKS We desire to express our ap preciation of the kindness of all friends who ministered to us dur ing the illness and death of our father, D. P. Donnahue; and also wish to thank them for floral tributes. ltn THE FAMILY. KUbtKl TAYLOR M* STUDENT SAID M TO RE IMPRESS^ 1 »tS M"INF.S, la.. y,u (UP)—Robert Tavl • •- V ics was just . • . .• ' a jr.»o<l wllis: whir. h* college, avvoi •• li. ' Y. liraiHlt. p: .. V. J oj;y at 1 '!ake : .• «•: The scu't'n - uiu was one ' • v , . Uoanc vol.' . l•• ui-v. "Taylor " playing in .. let," the ' • , • U-V. was an exo 1 '.<•! 1. - • .>. \ also lece ■ ' drama." The actov' a. .,-r . tuvc, his tiiess an 1 h • ■ impressed i.> , coiilinu to V, :iv. • V i fessor said. In;. ;. •ft', had not dure .1 '.h -ii; ... ( he could have il'ir.c • Here v-- •' •• ; i, he still wa> &> Hiunll. wrot« .11 j«, book: "To say the leas'. yojj sophomore p^ ht iry vu> 1, interesting. 1 1 studied it niun-. V. . -.4, friend.- lirujfh " The prulVss"! . »ri( » ' lor "alway> wa.- ,;:il .J..', - women students." TRADE UNION ORGANIZED BY ENGLISH MINlSTt LONDON. Mar. lv ,U'|. trade union of m .. ^ formed in Great llritair.. The Rev. Robert Do!/.?, t, I of Chestefl'iid. K>Sri,\ has been appointed mini* organizing secietaiy of ihtS alist Christian lcaum . «c.r union was heinj; t«>i:tivi "fi... 1 tual protection nn i c -o^tu witness." Gwpftic Out/im ofm V THOMAS SHEPHERD) fllMMlKUl John Wesley, Preacbiaf Early in 1730, John Wa came to Georgia with G«t Oglethorpe to preach to the dians. He founded the )fc odist church in Anwrici. !t' Whenever our services are quired our entire staff ii u • ted by the desire to be of» assistance. Ohos. Shephtd FUNERAL HOME SOUTH CHURCH STRIP OFF PHONE 25 • RES PhOnE*.'. 5(RV/C[ S/NCl'90i CONVENIENT TERMS CHEERFULLY GRANTED And No Additional Charges Added For This Service Not the Lowest In Price But the Greatest In Value Box Spring and Mattress By Comparison Quality for Quality l Every one will really if* Box Spring and Inner-Sprf M&ttress is a genuine valu< j Both ponci For.... Wfl SPECIAL PURCHASE and c a i r * AND SALE—$1 WEEKLY 38 Lbs. Feliu# Sisal Padding • Nachman Spring Unit Wr ^ . ^#ma,k or AC A Ticking n e realize that this is not thn u we know that it i« nn„ r ' eapesl Pri™ outfit that has been au'wrti.^ W y°u read the «,ni -r °> **re*test vaIue^Dolliiv for Dolhir—AU w 6 SP6C,flC^ons above then come to Urunsons and se, for ' Brunson Furniture Co. Radio Sales