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WEATHER Cloudy and unsettled tonight and Saturday with possible itii«l or rain tin* (Ltntr GOOD AFTERNOON A strike at an eastern tannt-iy hat finally brrn icttled, and all ihi tvoil.eic have guur L». u nit-y hi Jn'if Largest Daily Circulation of Any Newspaper in North Carolina in Proportion to Population VOL. 57—No. 216 HENDERSON VILLE, N. CM FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1938 SINGLE COPIES, FIVF. CENTS Ab A I S Aji OSION * * * * * * * * * * * * City Rescin Is School Bone!' fax Levy NOW CHANGED County A«eiit Asks Curb Market Competition Be Limited ASKKD TO PROMOTE W PA GOLF PROJECT In regular session at the city hall ia^l ni; ht. the board of city < omini>^ioners. on the advice uf I'ity \ttoriiey J. K. Shipman, re scinded previous action in !e\y :Hr a tax rate of 1"> cents per hun dred dollar \aluation to take care • I out tainliii^ indebtedness of the city graded school district. Action was taken after Mr. Shiptnun explained to the com missioners that attorneys for holders of the bonds, who also hold judgments against the school »' • * * » » i - i i 1: VII31I IUIU auu liurvi pirttuui^o before the U. S. District court at Asheville to allege that Hender son county was liable for the in debtedness. Pending final action on the is mi»- involved, the commissioners will not levy taxes for this in debtedness. The resolution ado|>ted last flight was a> follows: '•\Vh«*reas, at a special meeting of the board of commissioners on August the commissioners made a levy of 15 cents per hun dred dollar valuation on property inside the city limits to bo applied to the bonded indebtedness of the Hendei-sonville graded school dis trict. and "Whereas, at a hearing in the L?. S. district court at Ashe ville on August 2i>. on application for a mandamus against the city, school district, and Henderson county, attorneys representing certain bondholders who have judgments against said district took the position that the county of Henderson had assumed said indebtedness and obtained leave of the court to amend the peti tion accordingly, and, "Whereas, this board is now of the opinio!) no tax should l»e lev ied by the city pending the deter mination of the question of liabil ity of the county for said indebt edness. "Now, therefore, on motion of J. H. Kivgan, seconded by B. L. Foster, it is ordered that said ac tion be and the same is hereby re scinded." Several matters of business were considered by the board la>t night. 0. 1>. White, county farm agent, appeared representing the Mutual Curb market and asked that the commissioners take ac tion to protect members of the market from indiscriminate sell ing by out-of-state growers in stalls in the vicinity of the market 011 King street. " 1 ne majority 01 mese peopie are retailing out-of-state produce at lower prices than those prevail ing at the curb market and the result is demoralizing to our own curb market," Mr. White said. "There is no objection to a grower selling his own produce at wholesale," Mr. White said, hut he added that "some restriction should be made in favor of the curb market and local merchants." After a discussion, the commis sioners took no formal action on the request, but assured Mr. Whit** of cooperation in working out regulations to solve the prob lem. C. L. (irey, president of the Hendersonville Golf and Country club, appeared before the com missioners to ask assistance in (Continued on page five) C. C. OATES, JR., TO DO POST-GRADUATE WORK C. C. ()ates, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Oates, left yesterday for Chapel Hill, where he will take two years post-arraduate work in pharmacy on a fellowship granted by the American Pharmaceutical association. THURSDAY Maximum temperature—8'.) de grees. Minimum—62 degrees. Mean—75.5 degrees. Day'.* range—27 degrees. Normal mean temperature for September—66.9 degrees. Rainfall to date—2.97 inches Normal raim'ail—6.04 inches. WPA AND PROPERTY OWNERS MAY PROCEED ON SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION UNDER PLANS New Rifle Fires .") Times Faster Automatic cartridge ejection arul a firing speed five times faster than the rifles now used are features of tin* U. S. Army's new oU-calibor rifle, being shown here by Lieut. Col. Al fred B. Johnson, ordnance de partment officer in the Chicago office »»!* the \\ ar Department, the gun holds eight cartridges, and gas from the explosion ejects the cartridge, eliminat ing tin hand-operated bolt ac tion ol tile o Id rifles. Cooperative Arrangements for Projects Completed by Commission ! hroujih co-operation of tic W PA and Hendersortvi!!*.* proper ty owners. tin* city of Henderson villi* is now ready to pidccftl with tin* construction of paved side ' walks in flu* city. Formal approv a! «>| tin* plan was jjiven l»v tin eitv commissioners in ses.-ion la.-t night. At thi* same time. commission ers insisted that thi* city would not be responsible for any expen* diture of funds in connection with t hi* project, and that property owners must [>ut up their share of the funds before work is started. I'ndi'i terms of the plan, the WI'A will supply labor for the projects and cement. Sand and stone for the construction must be supplied by property owners, and work must be done on at least a , citv block. The cost of sand and stone has been figured at approximately 4f> cents per cubic yard, it Was stat ed. Thus the cost of sidewalks to individual property owners will be very small. In the event any professional labor is needed, such as surveying property lines preliminary to lay ing cement, this cost must be borne by the individual property owner. Several projects have already been worked out with property owners along this line, and the frst construction will be done on Seventh avenue east between Ash and ('lurry streets and on Fifth avenue west for a distance of about 7T> feet from Justice street. The city also plans to grade a sand sidewalk on Sixth avenue west from the end of the present sidewalk to Oakland cemetery. Full information as to details of these projects may be obtained at the city hall. CITY SCHOOLS, LAYING HEAVY STRESS ON SAFETY. EXTEND PATROLS TO ALL SCHOOLS KIWANIS WINS TO EVEN COll IN SOFTBALI To Resume Championshif Series With Chipman La C. Monday Night The Kiwauis club softball tean evened the count in the Hender son county league play-off las night b\ defeating Chipman-La Crosse 11 to 5. Kach team has won one gam* and the three out of live series ti determine the league champion ship will be resumed on Morula; night at x o'clock at tin- fhipmai athletic field. I he Kiwanians took an earl; lead last night, scoring in the firs inning when White singled, wen to third on an error and scored oi an infield out. Chipman scored two runs in th third on four hits, and added thre more runs in the fourth on tw hits and three kiwanis errors. The Kiwanians scored two run in the fourth on a hit and erroi and put the game safely away ii the fifth with ei£ht runs on sevei hits, a base on balls and an erroi Jack VYestall, of Chipman, too batting honors with a single, dou ble and triple in three trips to bat (Continued on page six) SENATE GROUP WILL PROBE GEORGIA'S POLITICAL SCALPINC WASHINGTON, Sept. H. (UP The senate campaign investigat ing committee today announced i is taking up with federal offi cials the dismissal of two federa employes in Georgia who support ed the re-election campaign o Senator Walter George. Presiden Roosevelt has opposed George' 1 renomin&tion. More emphasis is being placed upon safety than at any other I previous time by thr city schools this year, ami safety patrols, now I in operation to a*<ist childrren across streets at the Fourth ave nue budding will he extended to inc'ude other school buildings. Through the co-operation of the j city police department and an in .! tensive program of safety educa tion, it is felt that much good lias been accomplished in preventing serious accidents. Kreetion of school zone signs and patrolling of streets during the hours in which children are i traveling to and from school has j been effected by police officers. The city schools have been car ; rying on a program of education " | in grammar and high schools. This L! program is carried on through in . I struction by teachers, reading ma ; terial, and in other ways. The co-operation of school pa ? j trons is requested in picking up >: children after school hours. Peo . pie who reside in northwest Hen r dersonville are asked to pick up children on Oakland street, those 1 . living in Laurel Park and Lenox • Park to nick ud children on Hth r avenue above the auditorium en l trance. This permits scattering of , traffic and reduction of hazards. Children who ride bicycles to ' , school should place them back of the building. The rear entrance ^ has been closed to other traffic as ? a safeguard for cyclists. : MISS fiAYDON IS ABSOLVED Found Not Culpable in Wreck Killing Span ish Count MIAMI, Fla., Sept. 9. (LP).— | A coroner's jury today exonerat ed Miss Mildred Gaydon, night club cigarette girl, of blame in ' the death of Count of Covadonga, - her companion who was fatally in t jured when Miss Ga.vdon's auto - mobile struck a light pole. I The jury held that the count, - who was the eldest son of the ex f iled king of Spain came to his t death as the result of an unavoid 3 able accident with no criminal 1 negligence involved. SLUSH FUNDS IN KENTUCKY ARE CHARGE!) Senate Committee Hits Both Sides in Recent Election There ICKES JOINS F.D.R. IN LIBERAL PARTY PLAN WASHINGTON, Sept. !>. ll'l'i TIk* senate campaign committee last night charged M«r tac tions in the recent Kentucky Democratic primary campaign with soliciting support of state and federal employes on behalf of the candidacies of Senate .Majoriily Leader Allien \\ Uark ley and his unsuccessful oppon ent. CjIov. A. I!. (Ilappy) Chand ler. The committee asserted in con nection with Chandler's campaign that $71,54.'! slush fund was col lected among Kentucky state employes in charge of social se curity and road funds. At the same time it alleged that WT'A officials organized an elaborate campaign in helialf of Barkley. The charges were contained in ( letters to Chairman Arthur J. Altmeyer of the federal social security hoard and WT'A Adniin I istrator Harry L Hopkins. Committee Chairman Morris Sheppard, I)., Tex., made the ac cusations public shortly after he had announced his group had ask I ed the justice and post office de partments to inquire into the poli I tical activity of a Salisbury, Md.. postmistress on behalf of Kep. i lhtvid J. Lewis, endorsed by Pres ident Roosevelt against conserva live Sen. Millard K. Tydings in (ht* Sept. 12 primary. On another political front, meantime, Secretary of the Inter | ior Harold I,. lckes joined Mr. | Roosevelt's tight to liberalize the Democratic party, but warned that a clear-cut split along liberal conservatives lines might meet the same fate as the progressive "Hull Moose" movement led by j Theodore Roosevelt in liM'J. In his letter to Altmeyer, Shep paril said the committee's inves ligation indicated that funds were I so loci ted from state employes "and in many instances virtually assessed in the political interests of candidate A. B. Chandler." Sheppard said the committee's findings were supported by affi davits which indicate: 1. That $7,700 was collected from employes of the old-age as sistance division of the state wel fare department. 2. That 150 employes of the unemployment compensation com mission in Kentucky were virtu ally assessed a total of $3,500 on the basis of approximately two per cent of their annua) salaries "which was turned over to the custodian of the Chandler cam paign fund." That at least three persons on the payroll of the old-age as sistance division spent several months campaigning for ( hand ler. 4. That $4,li4.'5 was collected from the personnel of the state j welfare departmnet. The committee also charged that $50,099.70 was collected from the state highway depart-j inent personnel. In the letter to Hopkins, the committee said it was disappoint ed over his failure to give the result of his investigation of pre vious charges in connection with the campaign. "We are now enclosing the statement of our investigators | summarizing evidence obtained in Kentucky," the letter said. "This summary impresses the (Continued on page live) Fancy No. 2 Nazi (Jreets Plain No.! I j Their garb i" as sharp contrast as their persoualil ies, I'hancellor Hitler and (Jein-ral llerinaiiii (loeriniv, 11is chief lieiilenaiil, are pictured in the radiophoto above as they met at Llie* great annual Nazi party in Nuremberg. Tin* hVichsfuchrer, garbed in the simple I'n-ld miil*<>rm he art'ects, is shown shaking bauds with the (Jelieral, who, dressed in a elf de iriu-d, b^uit-daled dress uili form, carries a field marshal's bafuii. Europe Convinced U. S. Morally Allied To Help England, And I France To Stop Adolph Hitler ROTARYBOARD PLEDGES AID IN COUNTY FAIR Centennial Committee, Bert Boyd Voted Commenda tion for Activities Tin* directors of tin* Henderson ville Kotary flul» at their monthly meeting last night voted a resolu tion of commendatioii to Bert A. Boyd for making possible the rec reational facilities of Boyd Park; to the Centennial committee for the fine work done on Henderson county's 100th anniversary, and assured the Henderson County Fair committee of their support in arranging a fair for next year. Stressing the great good which Boyd Park has been to Henderson ville, both to local people and to visitors, the directors expressed their appreciation of the great service that Rutarian Bert Boyd (Continued on page tin we) <• SEMI-ANNUAL DOLLAR DAYS SET FOR NEXT WEEK-END Hendersonville's semi - annual Dollar Days will be held next Thursday, Friday and Saturday, according to a decision reached yesterday at a meeting of the merchants division of the cham ber of commerce. The event will be community wide, and all leading stores are expected to participate. In antici pation of Dollar Days, which have always been an important stimu lus to business, merchants today be^an assembling special values in seasonable merchandise. Men's, women's and children's clothing, household necessities, furniture, shoes, millinery, dry goods and ether items will be included in the three-day sale. Additional pur-J chases were made this week, with shipments due to arrive early next week in time for the event. For the opening day, many "su-, per bargains" will he offered, and it was agreed that stores offering specials i'or Dollars Days will open at the same time—9 a. ni. For some former Dollar Days prizes j and other similar inducements were offered to shoppers, hut dur ing the event now being planned the cost of these prizes will be passed on to customers in extra savings in their purchases, it waSj said. A special Dollar Days edition of The Times-News will be pub-, lished next Wednesday. ' Late Official IJllerances Point to View U. S. Po sition Changed 15y WI.BB MILLER (Copyright, 1918, United Pr«?*») l.UNDON, Sept W. (UP)—Eu-, rope is convinced that the United St:iles has morally ailied herself with (jicat Britain and Franc? to stop Adolph Hitler. The British, in particular, be lieve there is a vague but discern ible "peace axis" stretching from Washington to London to Paris. They do not believe that the Unit ed States has made any definite commitments, but are convinced the axis is effective for the pur pose of bringing moral pressure on Germany to avoid aggression against Czechoslovakia. Emphasis j on the word "moral" does not dis-• count in their minds the effective-1 ness of the peace axis. These developments have nour ished a revised European view of America's position: 1. President Roosevelt's speechi declaring that the United States would "not stand idly by" in case Canada were attacked. 2. Ambassador William C. Bul litt's speeches at Rheiins and Bor deaux (obviously authorized by Washington), saying that "the United States and France are working together to preserve peace, may we be successful . . . us we have been when we marched together under the flags of war." :i. Ambassador Josph Kennedy's speech in Scotland citing settle ment of the Anglo-American dis pute over Pacific island rights as a guide to European trouble makers. ■4. The series of broadcasts by Secretary of State Cordell Hull] aimed toward resoration of inter national law and consolidation of the so-called democratic nations' against "international anarchy." j These declarations, it is empha sized in London, cannot be taken , as anything but the development' of a carefully planned policy, in j which the speeches of Washing- j ton's ambassadors are an author- j ized part. As if to underline that view, | there has been a series of develop ments in Britain complimentary (Continued on page three) | Britons Fear Nazis Will Demand Own Police Protection, As Firsl Invasion Phase i —— PRAGUE, Sept. 9. (UP)—The Sudeten German party today refused to resume negotiations with the Czech gov ernment for a peaceful solution of the minority crisis until the Maehrisch-Ostrau incident is liquidated Mediators have been seeking a resumption of ne^olmo tions which wrnr broken off as a result of the alleged bral" I inij of Sudeten representatives by Czech police al OitraU. LONDON, Sept. 9. (UP)—The British government to day received information which causes it to believe that the Czechoslovak situation is at the explosion point. In official as well as unofficial quarters it was asserted that the crisis is the gravest since 1914. It is understood that Great Britain and France are 1 ready at the moment's notice to put into effect their joint 1 defense plan which their general staffs have perfected. Both the French and British fleets are ready for action. British fears were pointed by one important factor, which was no more than a possibility, but a dangerous ont. There was belief that incidents in Czechoslovakia < might explain matters. It was suggested that Sudeten ; German and Nazi assertions that the Czech government was not in control of its security forces might be prelim* inary to a demand by Germany that the Nazi police be permitted to control the Sudeten area. It was suggested that such a move might really be tile first phase of armed i intervention. The Nu/.i policemen, u wai iuk" jested, would be organized locally in the Sudeten area and nominal ly, if not actually, would be Sude* tent. But in any event, it wai suggested, the move might really be the first phase of "armed inter vention." That was not confirmed. It was recalled, however, that Field Mar* »hal Heiinami Goering was report* ed recently to have sounded out Cen. Joseph Vuillemin, chief of staff of the French Air Force, on such a possibility during Vuille min's recent visit to Germany. Vuillemin was said to have re plied that his government would consider any such armed interven tion an act of aggression. Would France fight'.' Goering was said to have asked. Vuillemin was report ed to have replied affirmatively, j Sir Neville Henderson, British ambassador to Germany, saw Joa- I chim von Ribbentrop, German for-' eign minister, at Nuremberg to day. He was believed to have said the British government looks at the Sudeten German minorit/ problem with anxiety and any ias.1 step might be a serious matter in \ulving many nations. That was almost the sole posi tive factor in the diplomatic situs tion of the moment. Adolf Hitler was at Nuremberg with his Nazis, preparing a speech on foreign pol icy for delivery Monday. An authoritative British spokes, man said this afternoon: "The situation is very, verv delicate. Issues of clearly great moment are now at stake. Ther^ should be a great sense of respon sibility by everyone to avoid giv ing currency to rumors and to make it plan what is at stake " There was no amplification of his statement. BRITISH ENVOY WARNS NAZIS AGAINST ANY RASH STEPS NUREMBERG, Sept. 9. < IJ P > Sir Neville Henderson, British am bassador, told Germany today that the British government views the Czech crisis with anxiety and that any rash steps might involve many nations, it was reported in well-1 informed sources. Henderson conferred with (for eign Minister Joachi mVon Kib- I bentrop of Germany shortly after | noon oil instructions of the Lon don government to make clear to the Nazi leaders the viewpoint of Great Britain. There have been suggestions that some Nazi extremists take j the attitude that Britain would i not tight for Czechoslovakia in: event of a war in central Europe, and it was understood Hender son's task was to make clear to Adolf Hitler's chief advisers the firm position of London. At the same time, Henderson ' sought to avoid any irritation that I might add to the danger?, of tho current Czech crisis and result in any drastic declaration on Mon day when Hitler delivers his cli mactic address at the Nuremberg Nazi rally. So far, it was report ed, drafts of Hitler's speech haw contained no strong references l<» the Czechs. While Henderson talked with Von Ribbentrop, Karl Frank, the Sudeten German parliamentary leader, was reported to haw ai rived here from Prague for con ferences with Hitler and the Czech Nazi leader, oKnrad H«-n lein. It was understood Henderson intended to leave for Berlin late tonight, and it was believed he would not see Hitler before the fuehrer speaks Monday. Then was growing belief that the cli mactic phase of the Czechoslovak problem would be reached only af (Continued on pag* three) U.S. FREEDOM OF ACTION IS OFFICIALLY MAINTAINED WASHINGTON, Sept. 9. (UP) American officials appeared today to hold to the position that they have stated an attitude toward po tential world aggressors but equal ly have maintained freedom of ac tion for the United States. The opinion advanced in Eu rope that this country has allied itself morally with democratic Eu ropean nations does not signify here that such independence has been sacrificed. Officials are reticent. The Unit ed States, however, stands behind, or "parallel" to, the French and British in their desire to prevent an European explosion. That statement is based on public ut terances of President Roosevelt and Secretary of State Cordell Hull. American diplomats also have spoken with some frankness abroad but, still, without commit ting the United States either to fi^ht or not to tight. Both Mr. Roosevelt and Hull, in their speeches, have asserted this government's support of any and all nations attempting to main tain peace, law and order in inter national relations. That is the role in which Great Britain and France are deemed to be today in their opposition to further expansion Lv armed force or policies likely to precipitate conflict. Unofficial re-examination of American policy followed reports from Webb Miller, European gen eral manager of the United Press, that Europe believes that this rov ernment is helping France and Great Britain morally in their ef forts to "stop Hitler." That belief is based on various official .state ments here and abroad, especially utterances of Joseph P. Kennedy, American ambassador to Great Britain, and William C. Bullitt, ambassador to France. There is no suggestion of dis cord among Mr. Roosevelt's diplo matic advisers here and in Eu rope. However, Bullitt and Ken nedy are considered more Mr. Roosevelt'a than Hull's men. Bul litt, it appears, would go further and faster than Hull in an effort to check a possible Nazi eastward (Continued on page three)