Newspaper Page Text
WEATHER Partly cloudy with riling tri perjturri tonight and Sunday. (Ltmrs -rsVtus GOOD AFTERNOON The British fleet is now concen trated in Scottish waters, We hope they realize whit a tight *pot they're k. Largest Daily Circulation of Any Newspaper in North Carolina in Proportion to Population VOL. 57—No. 217 HENDERSONV1LLE, N. C., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1938 SINGLE COPIES, FIVE CENTS •y. .v. Y- Y- -r- -T- *i* 1- i Nazis Mass Army On Czech Line LONDON HEARS OFFICERS NOT BEHIND HITLER Heavily Emphasizes That No Instructions Sent Envoy to Germany KEY CABINET MEN CONFER CONTINUALLY I.O.\|M>.Y Sept. 10. I I T). Kfpurts were published in l.on iluii today thai iiermany had mass »d au army of 200.000 on the Austrian - (. /.i'c!u)>tuvukian front ier. i'he\ weif followed l>y a report thut the government had received iiilui mat ion tliat some hiu'h ot fl eers of the Ut'i'uiail army v\ *• i «• Adolf IlitU-r's polu\ in the < zeclu»lovuk dispute. Tlu* reports were circulated on one of the jjravest days that Lon «ion has seen in 20 years. Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and key cabinet minister held confer ences after conference in l>own- j in? street. They too?; remarkable nains to assert that any reports as to l.rit i>h action in the Czechoslovak ;ninoiit\ crisi> should not be ac cepted, that they hail >ent no in struction- to the British ambas sador to (<et inaiiy. They annealed to newspapers to avoid specula tion. I nose appeals louoweu if|HM i> that Sir Nevile M«*rnlfison. the British ambassador to Germany, had been instructed or would bo instructed to warn Germanv spe cificallv that Great Britain coold liot remain neutral in a war which Germany started by attacking • 'zechoslovakia. At Nuremberg. where Adolf Hitler is attending the Nazi party annual rally, if was reported that Sir Neville Henderson. British ambassador, was awaiting an ur gent dispatch sent to him from London bv special courier. He was expected to seek an immedi ate audience with Hitler when the dispatch arrived. The government received re ports from the French govern ment last night of German troop movements, it was understood. Tht- newspaper Evening Stand ard asserted that army authori ties here had received information that at least 200.000 German sol diers were concentrated in a belt ..0 mi!e< <le».i> along the Au^trinn Ozechoslovakia frontier. read\ to move at a moment's notice. There was information also, the news paper said. that strong motorized units and mechanized artillery were massed in a second zone be hind the advance belt, within inn miles of the frontier, prepared t«> follow any advance. MINISTERIAL R00Y TO CONFER TUESDAY The retrular monthly meeting of the Ministers association will l»e held at the First Methodist church on Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock. All ministers of the countv are welcome at these meetings. PILOT. STUDENT HURT SHREVKPORT. La.. Sept. 10. — (UP)—Municipal airport night manager Robert Emery. 27. ami his flying student Edward F. Khuades. 17. were injured yester day when their cabin plane crash ed just after taking to the air. FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. BUYS FIFTH AVF. BUILDING AS HOME Now 'Messiah' for Thousands Although he has sought no <ii> eiples. thousands of Jews haw flocked to Moses Guibbory, above, in Jerusalem where his prophetic utterances come true it) th<- past decade have con vince*! many he is t!i«- lonj* a waited Messiah. (Juibbury lift ICussia for Palestine 1 i years 30,000 YANKEE TROOPS ALONG MEXIC BORDER Forces Dwarfed by Those Abroad But War Games Played WASHINGTON. St-1it. 10.— I UP)—Thirty thousand Ameri can troops have been assem bled near the Mexican border in routine maneuvers ami gen eral precautionary measures have been taken <>n other t runts. American officials are fully conscious of huge armies mobil ized in Europe which dwarf this country's land forces. Like some of the European troop concentrations in strateg ic areas, military moves along th<* Mexican border have been effected by routine maneuvers and war games. CORN WAREHOUSE BURNS MEMPHIS. Tenn., Sept. 10 — (IP)—An explosion caused by spontaneous combusion in a corn warehouse yesterday caused a tire which destroyed the grain elevator and warehouse of Davis and An drews Mill with damage estimated at between $65,000 and $100,000. Farmers Of Louisiana's Bloody 6th' Called To Bring Shot Guns to Polls NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 10. IUP>-—First pre-election blood flowed in sanguinary sixth dis trict's bitter campaign yesterday, and bv nightfall word passed thru the piney woods and strawberry fields for farmers to bring their shotguns to Tuesday's congres sional balloting. In the southeastern Louisiana district where independent »i*ra rians five years ago burned Huey Loner's ballot boxes, a thrown knife caught a supporter <»f James H. Morrison under the ribs. Mor rison, farm union organizer and self-stvled Kingfish of the Berry Belt. is opposing Congressman J. K. Griffith. Shdell physician. The shooting-irons have been oiled since the farmers desrtoyed ballots, swore in 5.000 deputies against possible martial law, and sent their own congressman to Washington. Long had Mrs. Bolivar E. Kemp, a congressman's widow, nominat ed without opposition. She receiv ed 5.000 votes. But the "Bloody Sixth" held its own ballot and frtvp 15.000 votes to Y. San ders, Jr., who later was elected over Riley Wilson when eongress declared the opposing elecitons no contest. Morrison, dnbhed the Robin Hood of Tangipahoa parish, sprang into national prominence la<t >prirn; when he directed grow ers *o dictating minimum retail mark-up prices to leading chair ; stores. He has drawn on the late Kiujrfish's strategy and platform gymnastics. So noisysorue did Morrison's vicious attack on the "political ifant;" become that Governoi Rcihard Leche personally took thf stump and directed the physician'? treatment of the malignant polit ical disturbance. The administra i tion theme, ablv advanced b> I^eche's editorial staff, wjis base< I on "look what we give you vot 1 ers " The administration newspaper published in Morrison's bom* (Continued on page three) Will Recondition Structure Before Occupancy About Nov. 1 Tli*' First Federal Savings am I.oiin Association *»f Henderson viHe today purchased as its per maneiit home tlie I• 11 iIti 1111'~ on Ml | avenue uesl between Main am ehuivli streets ;.nd now occupiei by the II. Walter Fuller real es tate office, Dr. J. (I. Bennett': dental office, and the Quinn elee trical shop. D. II. Lee, secretary, said th< association will recondition tlu 1 building and occupy the stuel floor quarters ahont November 1 l)r. I'er.nett'- dental office on tlu | second floor and the electrica shop in the basement will not lit affected by the change, it was said. The association has for the last two years been occupying the for mer quarters of the defunct Amer ican Hank & Trust <"o., on Fourth avenue west next to the post of fice. I he !• irtli avenue Duiltling was purchasi d from tin* Virginia Trust Co., through l!ro\vnluw Jackson as airent. II was erected by Mr. Jack sun 12 oi more years ago. It is of briek construction and is 2.r»x55 feet in size on a lot 25x100 feet. The building; and site are consid ered ideal for the purpose of the association, which was chartered less than four years ago and now has assets of $i{(JO.OOO. Mr. Lee suid that directors <>f the association in approving the deal expressed confidence in Ihe value of Ilendersonville real es tate. "This association," he said, "con stantly advocates home ownership, and in buying this building we are doing nothing more than scores of individuals in Henderson county have done with our help. This aid to home owners is, of course, made possible by investments in the stock of the association. These in 1 vestments are insured up to U00 and the current dividend rate is 4 per cent." T. L. Durham is president of the association; Bruce Drysdale is vice-president, and J. Foy Justice is attorney. Directors in addition to the officers are: K. F. Latt, W. M. Gregg. .1. X. Rrunson, Hoy C. Bennett, Noah Hollowell, Roy K. Johnson. («. C. Richardson and C. M. Ogle. $18,000 In Cash, Checks Taken From Messenger s COLUMBUS, Ohio, Sept. 10.— (UP)—1Two bandits held up a bank messenger and escaped with $18,000 in cash and checks here today. The robbery occurred near the Onio capitol building. The mes senger, Richard Eckstein, 19, was delivering a money pouch to the bank when two men jumped from an automobile, one grabbed the bag, the other flourished a revol ver and then they fled. Citizens Bank Receivership Is Closed By Court On petition by Hilliard B. At kins. receiver for the Citizens Na tional hank, closed here late in 19.'*0. Federal Judge E. Yates Webh at Shelby Thursday direct ed remaining assets of the bank be sold to K. Y. Hill for $400, thus completing the receivership I of the bank. Certain papers in the receivership operation are to be banked and the remaining ones destroyed by order of the court. FRIDAY I Maximum temperature—R.'J de grees. Minimum—62 degrees. Moan—72.5 degrees. ! Day's range—21 degrees. Normal mean temperature foi September—66.9 degrees. [ Rainfall to date—2.97 inches. Normal rainfall—5.04 inches. BAILEY LAYS DIXIE'S ILLS TO REST OF U S. Bluntly Warns Other Sec tions to "Keep Nose Out of Our Business" NATION HAS HEAVY PRIMARY SCHEDULE IMIillAM. Sept. Ml. (IT) — Sen. Josiah Hailcv today placed tilt* blame for tin* SoilUl's econo tnic ills squarely on I lit* shoulders of outside interference and blunt ly warned other sections of the country "to keep your nose out of our business.'' Iiaile\ said the Sotllh bad been discriminated attain I duriitv the past and added, "Without fear and equal chance in forming the national policy the southern peo ple proved their capacity to solve their problems." Senator llailev addressed the state You lit* Democrats in conven tion here. 11 STATE PRIMARIES SET NEXT WEEK WASHINGTON. Sept. lit. (IJI') Tin. primary svumiii and President Roosevelt's drive against conser vative Democrats will reach its climax lu'xt vvet'k during which voting- will take place in 1 I states ami nominating conventions in another. Maine's general election and Maryland's primary in which the New Deal is attempting to defeat Senator Millard K. Tydings lead id I on Monday. On Wednesday Georgia will pass on President Roosevelt's pol icies in a primary in which the j administration entered Federal District Attorney Lawrence Camp against conservative \\ a I I e r George. Between those days—on lues- i day—are eight primaries of less significance, in Arizona, Colorado, Louisiana, Michigan, New Hamp shire, Vermont, Washington and ' Utah. , TYDINGS SAYS F. R. REVERSES POLICY BALTIMORE. Sept. 1(1. (Ill') Senator Millard K. Tydings, as sailing President Roosevelt's in tervention in Maryland's Demo cratic primary next Monday, charged last night that the chief executive himself once had criti- , (Continued on page live) Is Spring Back? Apple Trees On Jump-Off Bloom Spring evidently is here again. According to J. H. Wright, the apple trees in the old Toms or 1 chard, on Jump-Off Mountain are i blooming again. To back bis statement. Mr. Wright brought a number of blooms to The Times News office today. He stated that a number of the trees were in bloom, the matured apples and blossoms being on the i same trees. According to Noah Hollowed, recognized in certain quarters as an apple expert, it is very unusual , for apple trees to bloom twice in a single season. Although, he ! says, we used to have a tree that bloomed twice and brought in two crops in a single season. (iirl Exonerated In Count's Death lYftty Millie (laydoii, 2o-year old cabaret cigaret girl, abuve, wiiu was the last com pan i< >n of tin- Count «»l* Covadonga, was absolved of any blame I'lir liis death in an early-morning au tomobile collision with a light pole. After testimony in which .lack Fleming, the Spanish no bleman's secretary, testified that the fount's death-bed wish was "For God's .sake, see that noth ing happens to poor Millie," a coroner's jury returned a ver dict that the accident was "un avoidable." Last Czech Offer For Equal Rights Of All Minorities But Protection Would Be for All, Under Can tonal Autonomies PKAC1JK, Kept. 10. (UP) — The Czech government's "final and ultimate" plan of concessions to tlie Sudeten German minority provides for: 1 —Creation of autonomous dis tricts in which the various minor ity nationalities will be "protect ed against oppression." 2 Equal rights for Czech, Ger man, Hungarian, Polish, and Kuthenian languages. Protection of the minorities not only against oppression from the central government hut also against "possible excesses of the cantonal autonomous administra (Continued on page live) Two Afternoon Commercial Classes Will Open At High School Tuesday Inauguration of two afternoon commercial classes by Henderson ville high school next week was announced today by Principal 1-. K. Singley, who made the follow ing statement in (his connection: i "Beginning Tuesday afternoon we shall operate afternoon classes ! in commercial work. "From ii :30 until 3:30. in :««! •lition to what we are offering in the regular daily classes, we are ; scheduling a class in second year shorthand. This class is designed j primarily to take care of the reg ular school students who want this I work, but if there are any places vacant the outside public may call the hit^h school office and make requests to take this subject. "From 3:30 until 4:30 in the afternoon, Typing One and Short . hand One will be given. From 5:15 until 6:15 a class in Typing | Two and Shorthand Two will he arranged. "We have made a vt*ry careful canvass of possible students and have endeavored to arrange this work for the convenience of those desiring this instruction. We feel very fortunate in having secured two very competent teachers who u ill 11nvt- charge of the work. Mr. H. K. Lyons, one of our regular hiish school teachers and Miss Kathleen Cleveland, who has had wide experience as a teacher will have charge of the afternoon com mercial work. "Anyone desiring to take this work is asked to call the hiurh school Office, telephone 1034. The only charges in connection with this work will be a small fee to take care of the wear and tear of the typewriters and other small incidentals." URGE CZECHS MAKE NO MORE j CONCESSIONS France and Russia Firm in Stand to Support Little Ally SEE OWN DEFENSE AS PUT IN JEOPARDY l'i:.\<;rK, ('-/.•-chnslovukia, S<-|it. J 10. (UP)—France and Russia I have urged the government to make uu more concessions to its 1 ; C>« rnian minority or to Germany, i it was reported today in well in formed quarters. Serpfe Alexundiov.-ky, the Ku?> moii minister, \\a> said authorita I lively to have told Foreign Minis i ter Kamil Krofta that Russia is behind her wilh millions ot° sol diers hul only on condition that there he no further surrender to the Sudeten German party. He was reported to have added that to i'o beyond the latest govern ment minority proposals, would jeopardise the military defense of Czechoslovakia and hamper any military aid by Russia. V let or Leopold de l.aCroiX, the French minister, was reported to have told Premier Milan llod/a that it should not he necessary lor the government to go beyond its new offer. I* representations came co ineiilcntuliy with a sharp warning' l'rom Czech parliamentary leaders tliat any great concessions tu mi- 1 norities might be repudiated by parliament. Premier Hod/.a and Krnst , Knudt and Alfred Kosche,*of the Sudeten German party, resumed negotiations this morning on the government's new minority plan. Previously Foreign Minister Ka ' mil Krofta had reported to the premier on a conversation he had | with 1'r. Vojtech Mastny, Czech oslovak minister to Germany, just hack l'rom the .Nazi congress at i Nuremberg. \ It was with these developments in mind that President Eduard Menes prepared to address the na | tion late today in both the Czech j | and German languages. lU-iies, in the belief that tht Sudeten Germans speak for only j a part of the German minority I I and that the Germans of Czecho- \ I Slovakia as a body definitely do I (Continued on page three) BRITAIN AND FRANCE READY IN EMERGENCY! Plans for Joint Action in Final European Military Showdown Complete By WEBB MILLER II (Copyright, 1938, United Pres») I | LONDON, Sept. 10. (UP)—The I British admiralty last night or-: t dered mine-sweeping- flotilla No. 11 brought to full strength immedi-! I ately and ordered up four mine- 1 sweeping destroyers from the na- I val reserve as "precautionary \ measures" in the European emer- - gency. The reinforcement of Britain's sea strength was officially attrib uted to "the disturbed European situation." Forty-two warships of the home fleet, loaded with unusually heavy supplies of "live" ammunition, are on maneuvers in the North Sea. The fourth destroyer flotilla, consisting of the Basiiisk, Beagle, ' Kempenfelt, Blanche, Boadicea, • Boreas, Brazen, Brilliant, Keith I arid Bulldog, arrived off Portland i Isle in the English Channel for ; i •'anti-submarine exercises not con nected with the present interna-!I tional situation." It was under-! i stood, however, that several ves-; i sels recently brought large quan.-j I tities of oil to Portland. The flo-l tilla was to proceed to Invergor- ] don, Scotland, to rejoin the rest j I of the home fleet after the exer cises. 1 < At the same time Britain and j 2 France perfected plans for merg- « ing their armed strength in a gi- i I gautic fighting machine, ready to j spring into action on a few hours', < notice, as the Czechoslovak crisis j remained near the explosion point. 1 The two nations, linked in the i most formidable defensive alliance i in the world, took added precau- 1 tions almost hourly to cope with (Continued on page three) i MING THUNDERS WARNING TO ffORLD TO KEEP HANDS OFF CENTRAL EUROPEAN ROW Only Some German Quarters Believt Britain and France Can Now With draw in Intervention Policy NUREMBURG, Sept. 10. (UP)—Field Marshal Her mann Wilhelm Goering today thundered a warning tti the world to keep hands off central Europe. He declared, "If fute should win and another world war comes, G<*i many would not lose, but win." He called Czechoslovakia an uiuuItUied state oppressing Sudeten Germans, (By UNITED PRESS) (iiral Britain and France today made ready for war. Warships, artillery, tanks and troops were in motion. On one man lay the decision. By a decisive gesture he could stop the caissons from rolling or pursue a course which must inevitably embroil the whole of the European continent. He is Adolf Hitler and he was silent at Nu remburg. The kry to the answer, which is Britain's ultimate des perate effort to head off disaster, was believed to be in the hands of an obscure and unknown secret courier who is understood to have arrived at Nuremburg with a dis patch constituting Great Britain's final move on what may be the eve of war. It was reported to be an order to Brit ish Ambassador Neville Henderson to warn Hitler in cold plain words that Britain is not bluffing and must join France against Germany if Chechoslovakia is invaded, thus starting war. Field Marshall Hermann Goering, speaking at the Na/.i congress in Nuremburg branded Czechoslovakia a-* "a little state guilty of oppression." In a fiery speech, which appeared to be largely a morale builder for hoin^ :onsumption, he mocked Great Britain's attempt to keep peace, said that the Rome-Berlin axis is as good as ever and pointed out that Germany, with the aid of Italy and Japan, is stronger than ever. There was no longer much doubt, excepting in some quarters in Germany, that Britain and France meant busi ness and have now gone too far to pull back. British Ambassador Sir INeville< Henderson last night cancelled hit scheduled departure from Nurem burg for Berlin and awaited new instructions from London regard* ng the message to Adolph Hitler. A high Nazi diplomat said that Hitler'i anger over Great Britain's iwerve to greater sympathy with the Czech position might impel liim to proclaim a drastic course of action when he ipcaki bcfoie the matted Nazi ttalw«ru Mon day night. There were fear* in tome quar ters that Der Fuehrer might d» • mand a plebiscite in the Sudeteu German areas of Czechotlovakin, a development which France a!« ready hat taid would be interpret* ed by her at a hostile act. Renewed Fighting By Czech Police And Sudetens Imperiling New Truce PRAGUE, Sept. 10.—(UP) — •Mghting between crowds of Sude en Germans and Czech police iear the German border early to lay jeopardized a truce providing 'or immediate resumption of mi lority reform negotiations be ween the government and Slide en party. The negotiations, which broke lown Wednesday and drove cen tal Europe's crisis closer to an rxplosion, are scheduled to be re 'ived at 11 a. m. (t> a. m. EDT) oday under an agreement an lounced last night by .Premier dilan Hodza and the chief Sude en negotiator, deputy Ernst Cundt. The deadlock was broken when he government assured Kundt hat several police officials at daehrisch - Ostrau, accused of >eating and horse-whipping Sude en deputies and followers, had >een removed from their posts md would be punished. The Maehriseh-Ostrau "brutali ies," which led Sudeten leaders o break off negotiations abrupt y for autonomous minority can ions. were similar in some re spects to the incidents reported early today. Five government gendarme:; were injured in the new clashes. At Bodenback in the Sudeten land 3,000 Sudeten party mem bers were said to have demonstrut t*d outside a communist meeting and to have been pelted with stones, glasses and chairs. Tln» Sudetens attacked police ^uardin^ the building, injuring two offi cers. The crowd was dispersed but several thousand Sudetens assem bled later, singing the forbidden Nazi "Horst Wessel" song and chanting: I "One people, one fuehrer, <im«> Heich." At Friedberc in southern Bohe. mia a group of Sudetens was re ported to have attacked a group of state gendarmes. Three of the officers were injured, one beinjj sent to a hospital. Although the immediate effec of the breaking of the nejjotij. tions deadlock was one of deep relief, a grave view was taken of. the new reports of Sudeten-Czech i (Continued on page three) Roosevelt Denies Implication Of Any U. S. Alignment To 'Stop Hitler' HYDE PARK, N. Y., Sept. 10. ;UP)—President Roosevelt indi ■ated at a press conference late Yesterday that the United States las riot entered into any align* nent with European democracies n a "Stop-Hit:cr" movement. He observed that some news >aper interpretations of policies vere 100 per cent wrong, account ng for a false impression of ae ualities. Concerning domestic affairs, the (resident defended the right of hose jn relief to vote. In a press conference before ntraining for Rochester, Minn., ind the bedside of his ill son, fames, the chief executive re erred to the determination of a :roup of New Jersey women to leny suffrage to those receiving »ublic aid, and observed perhaps he next step would be for a sim lar group to urge the ballot be eserved solely for those with col ege degrees. The first question put to him nvolved reports from Europe to the effect an impression was grow - ing there that the United State* appeared to be normally alipnr.t with the democracies in a Stop Hitler movement. This impression, it was pointed out, took root as the result of recent utterances on the part oi! himself, Ambassador William C. Bullitt in France, Ambassador Joseph P. Kennedy in Great Bri tain and Secretary of State Cor* dell C. Hull. In reply, Mr. Roosevelt indicat ed there was no alignment and to requests for a delineation of his foreign policy respecting democ racies abroad referred to past speeches of himself and Secretary Hull. He took occasion at this junc ture to recall that a press dispatch of what Bullitt had said had been categorically denied not only by the ambassador but also by the embassy in Paris. The dispatch quoted Bullitt re cently as asserting that the Unit ed States stands with France "in war ae in peace,"