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OAK GROVE BAPTIST Walter Holtzclaw, pastor. Preaching services every second and fourth Sundays. Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday night. B.Y.P.U. each Sunday night. Superintendent. Bill Williams. Secretary. Ethel Stepp. Everybody welcome. WEST HENDERSONV1LLE BAPTIST Rev. E! A. Kilstrom, pastor. Junius Hoggins. Sunday school superintendent; Henry Cantrell. B.T.U. director. Sunday school at D:4o a. m. each Sunday. Preaching services: Second and fourth Sundays. 11 a. rn.; third Sunday 8 p. m. B.T.U. at 6:45 p. m. each Sun day. Pravcr service at 7:30 p. hi. each Thursday. A friendly welcome extended to all. TUXEDO BAPTIST "The Church With an Open Door." Rev. Geo. D. (jr«>er. pastor. Sunday school, 10 a. m.; H. C. Boone, superintendent. B.T.U. at 6:30 p. m.; Jack Cleveland, director. Prayer meeting every Saturday at 7 p. m.; H. C. Boone, leader. Praver meeting every Wednes day at 7:30 p. m.; H. C. Boone, leader. We invite any and all who can to come to these services. We are always glad to have you. PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS Cherry street. Rev. P. F. Robinson, pastor. Preaching services every . sec ond and fourth Sunday at 11 a. m. and "very Sunday night. Sunday school evepr Sunday, 9:45 a. m., J. R. Williams, super intendent. Prayer meeting every Thursday night at 7:30 p. m. Band music every ' Sunday nijrht. Cottage prayer meeting ev«rv Tuesday night. * Visitors welcome. THE CHURCH OF GOD Willow street, West Htnderson ville. Rev. L. J. Ston^, pastor. Preaching services at 11 a. m. Evenim? service at 7:30 p. m. (Sunday.). . Prayer meeting each Wednes day night at 7:3Q. J Visitors welcome. CATHOLIC IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Seventh avenue w-a; at Church street. Rev. Philip O'Mara, pastor. Sunday mawes at 8 a. m., and 10 a. ra. Ten o'clock mass fol lowed by benediction. Sunday school after 10 o'clock mas**. Bible class, after 10 o'clock mass, in the rectory. Confession, Saturday afternoon from four to five o'clock. Beginning early in October, a special devotion will be held every morning after each week day mass at 7:30 o'clock. GRACE LUTHERAN Corner 7th avenue and Church street. Rev. J. Arthur Linn, pastor. 9:45 a. m.—Sunday school with an opening address by Thomas H. Franks. 11:00 a. m.—Morning worship. Sermon by the pastor. Anthem: "A Crown of Life"—Fisher. 6:30 p. m.—Luther League. "O come, let us worship the Lord for He is our Maker." GREEN RIVER BAPTIST Rev. S. F. Hunriey. oa'tor in a. m.—Sunlav school every 11 a. m.—Preaching every sec ond and fourth Sundays. Visitors welcome. ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL • Main St. at Ki«rh»h Avrnue Rev. Jam«>« P. Rnrke. roctor. i7»h Sunday after Trinity. 7:30 a. m.—Holy communion. 9:30 a. m.—Church school. 11 a. m.—Morning service and sermon. ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST UPWARD Even .song and sermon by the; pastor, licv. Jas. P. Burke, 3:30 p. m. CALVARY BAPTIST Grove street between Sixth and Seventh avenues east. Rev. (ieurtfv T. Pennell. pastor. W. M. Garret), chairman of I deacon board; C. C. Collins, su-J peri lit »'ii dent Of Sunday school ;i .Miss Dorothy Pace, president of j Woman's Missionary society; Miss Jessie Shipnian, director of young people. 9:45 a. m.—Sunday school. 11a. in. — Morning worship.; ; Sermon by the pastor; subject,. J "The Thrilling Discovery." I G:4,-» p. m.—B.T.U. 7:15—Prayer service j 7 :."0 p. m.—Evening worship. ' ! Sermon by the pastor; subject,1 "God's Perfect Man." I ; Mid-week prayer service at 8 j ' P- m. Wednesday. We invite you to worship with US* MT. OLIVET BAPTIST Kev. T. C. Allen, pastor. Sunday school at 10:30 a. m. every Sunday; J. W. Tankersley, i superintendent. Preaching services at 11 a. m. every first and third Sundays. TRACEY GROVE HOLINESS Rev. Ed. Vaughn, pastor. Preaching services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. each first and third ' Sundays. Come, we are always glad to have one and all. The church with a Christ-like invitation to all people. BETHEL WESLEYAN • METHODIST Rev. L. A. Harvey, pastor. Sunday school—10 a. m., Edgar Duncan, superintendent. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Evening worship, 7:45 p. m. N.Y.P.S.. 7 p. ra. Mid-week prayer service on Wednesday at .7:45 p. mi. . ETOWAH BAPTIST "The. Church of the Warm Heart and Glad Hand." Rev. A. E. Edney, pastor. Sunday .school 10 a. m., T. E. Duncan, superintendent. .Preaching services: second Sun day, 8 p. mv, and fourth Sunday at U a. m. E.Y.F.U., 7:80 p. m., every j Sunday; Mrs. Annie Mae Parker, director. Visitors are cordially invited to worship with us. REFUGE BAPTIST (Danp) Rev. A. E. Edney, pastor. • Preaching service ttt II a. m., j each second- and fourth Sunday: and 8 p. m., each first and third Sunday. Sunday school each Sunday at' I 10 a. N. Alien, superinten \ dent. B.T.U. at 7 p. m. every Sun day, Marshall Watterson, director. Prayer meeting each Wednes day at 7:30 p. m. Visitors welcome. EAST FLAT ROCK BAPTIST N. B. Phillips, pastor. H. T. Justice, chairman board of deacons. M. K. Sinclair, Sunday school) superintendent. Sunday School 10 a- m. Preaching services the second —thrid ana fourth Sunday mom tog at 11 a. m. B.Y.P. U.< 6:30 p. m. . Preaching service. 7 30 p. m. Mid-week prayer serv ice, Thursday, 7:30 p. m. W.M.S.. Tuesdav, after first, Sunday. 7:30 p. m. Mrs. M. K. Sinclair, president. I DANA BAPTIST Rpv. J. W. Kesters^n will i preach at Pana Baptist church! Sunday n» 11 a. m . Sep*. 25. Rov. M. L. Lewis is holding a series of meetings at the - Dana Baptist church. The public is cor dially invited to attomJ. Sunday school »»ach Sunday at j 10 a. m.; Henry O. Lively, super I intendent. Prayer service each Wednes-1 day at 7:30 p. m. B T., U.. each Sunday at.7*30 | p. m. Millie Pace, director; Jas. N. Kesterson, associate director. The following *re the several group leaders: B.A.U^ Mrs. Geo. Hill: intermediate union. Mrs. L. V.'.Lyda; junior union. Ottie Belle Lively; story hour, Jean /.yda. Chairman board of deacons, Herbert Pace; cha'-man Lords' Acre. !/. V.; Lyda. - "The Church With a Mind to Work." Come worship with us. METHODIST Gilbert R. Combs, DJ).t Minister Serv'ces Sunday. Oct. 9. Church school at 9:45 a. m.; Mr. A. R. Johnson, freneral super intendent. Morning theme: "Following the Gleam." Kvening theme: "How to Deal with Doubts and Doubtei's." Other announcements for the week include: At the close of the evening ser vice of worship a bri^f church con ference will be held. A very im portant item of business will be considered. The younir people's choir will rehearse at 5 p. m. Sunday. The young people's Epworth League will meet at 6:45 p. m. Sunday. The fourth session of the quar terly conference will be held Mon day at 7:30 p. m.,'in the hut. Let every member be present. The Belle Bennett circle will meet Monday at 3:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. H. C. Hanson in Druid Hills. The mid-week .service Wednes day evening at 7:30 o'clock. The j discussion, "What We Believe I About the Bible" will be con tinued. The fall mission study will be conducted on Wednesday and I Thursday of this week at 3:30 p. j m. . Th-? study will be on "The American City and Its Church.") Mrs. Mabel Baughman will-be the leader. The Missionary- Society will sponsor a silver tea on Friday from 3:30 to 5:30 p. m.t in the woman's parlor. ;>.V FIRST BAPTIST Rev. B. K. Wall/pastor. • Services Sunday; Octo'ber 9: 9:45 a. m.—1-Sunday school; W. B. Sinclair, superintendent.' • 11 a. m. — Morning worship. Sermon by Dr. J.,F. .'Bozard, Fur man university. Special mjisic for the-morning ; service will include the quatt'et, I "He Shall Come 'Down. Like Rain,"—Dudley Buck—Mrs. J. C. Morrow,- Ml'S/G. C.' RichJurdso'n, Roy C. Bennett, A; F..Barber. J <J:15' p. mi.—Baptist iTrainin# unian. * . f; • 7 :'&Q p. nu—Evening worship.' TU3 p.- m.—Organ prelude. ^ Dr: Bozard will preach again at the ni^ht! The iantnerii at this hour'will be Porter's.arrange ment of«'"Gentlv Lord, O Gontly Lead Us." , ' v Further announcements for the week'include: : .Monday,. 3:30—W. M. S. meet ing at the church. Monday, 7:30—Y. W. A. meets with Mrs. Fred Bowman, Flat Rock road. Tuesday, 10:00 a. m.—Women's Bible class will meet in the pas torium. This will be an all-day meeting for the purpose of finish ing the quilt. Wednesday, 7:30—Prayer ser vice. PRESBYTERIAN Rey. I.. T. Wilds, TT.T)., pastor. Services Sundav\ October 9: Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.— Harold Flanagan, superintendent. Classes for all ages. Men's class in the church house. / Morning worship. 11 o'clock— sermon subject, "Waiting for/the Hope." Evening worship, 7:30 o'clock —sermon subject. "The Disciples Called Christians." The musical programs for Sun day's services are as follows: MORNING— Anthem—Praise the Lord — Maker. Anthem—Turn Ye Even to Me —Harker. EVENING— Anthem—Lead Us, 0 Father— Spross. Woman's Auxiliary circles will j meet as follows: Circles 1 and 2 nice^ jointly with. Mrs. Sevier and j CONDENSED STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF STATE TRUST CO. HENDERSONVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS SEPTEMBER 28, 1938 ASSETS Cash and due from Banks $ 519,842.73 U. S. Bonds 135,375.29 State of N. C. Bonds 77,232.35 Municipal Bonds 69,368.63 Other Stocks and Bonds - 105,954.76 Loans and Discounts 481,084.42 Banking House 1_ 15,680.00 Furniture and Fixtures 6,515.13 Accrued Interest on Bonds 4,161.14 Other Real Estate 3,800.00 $1,419,014.45 LIABILITIES . Preferred Stock ' goiooooo SSSTfi?.!g®#» Undivided Profits _—•. 25 000.00 Reserve for Contingencies ' 2419-99 Resorve for Depreciation — 2 034*91 Reserve for Interest and Taxes— 14B0.80 Other Reserves - ^ . *500.00 Preferred Stock Retirement tuna 045,492.42 Deposits --— —" . ' . $1,419,014.45 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Y COUNTY OF HENDERSON CITY OF HENDERSONVILLE Deposit* up to $5,000 insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. - . - r. i Mrs. Woodward at Fassifern. Cir cle 3 meets at the Marlborough , on tilth avenue with Mrs. Brown I and Miss Julia Crosland. Circle 4 ' meets with Mrs. Coleman at Dana. Circle 5 meets with Mrs. Almonte Jones at the Ambassador apart ments on Fifth avenue Monday at 7:30 p. m. Circle 6 meets with 1 Mrs. W. F. Algary and Mrs. ( Thomas Franks at the latter'* • home on Third avenue. Circle 7 [ meets at the church house for sup l per Monday at G:30. Mrs. Geo. M. I Flanagan, Jr., will be hostess. Young people's meetings: Jun iors, 5:15; Pioneers, G:00; Sen , iors, 6:45. School of missions, Wednesday, 7:30, in the church house. Leader this week, Mr. J. Franklin Watt. The pastor and one of the eld ers, Mr. J. F. Goodman, will at tend the fall meeting of the Pres bytery in the Oak Forest church, beginning 11 a. m. on Tuesday. A cordial welcome is extended to visitors. GRACE LUTHERAN Corner Seventh avenue and Church street. Rev. J. Arthur Linn, pastor. 9:45 a. m.—Sunday school. 11 a. m. — Morning worship. Sermon, "A Good Man Lost and a Bad Man Saved." Anthem: "Ever Only All for Thee"—Woodbridge. Installation of Sunday school officers and teachers will take place at the morning worship ser vice. "O tome let us worship the Lord,, for He is our Maker." GOSPEL TABERNACLE (Undenominational) Washington and Allen Streets. Rev. Bert Atchison, pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m.; C..-S. Fullbriffht, .superintendent. Morning service at 11 a. m.— subject, "Workmen That Needeth Not To Re Ashamed." Evening service at 7:30 o'clock —subject, "International Peace or Universal War—Which?" 3 IV. in.—Services held at the jail, and the county home. . .. 6:30. 'p. m.—Young People's HiMe.. study. Teachers:' Mrs. Pay, Misses Aljetta. and Eleanor Plank. Tuesday, 3 p. m.-—Ladies' Mis sionary circle meeting. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.—Prayer meeting at the church. Strangers, and visitors are cor dially inviled to attend any and all 'services. There's only one Gabby Hartnett a great catcher and a great leader... CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 114 West Sixth avenue. | Service Sunday, 11 a. m.—sub ject: "Are Sin, Disease and Death Real?" J WESLEYAN METHODIST Seventh avenue and Cherry street. ! Kev. W. C. Black, pastor. | Sunday school, 10 a. in.; Grady Vaughn, superintendent, j Morning worship, 11 o'clock. Evening- worship, 7:45 o'clock. | W.Y.P.S., 7 p. m. ! Mid-week prayer service on ■ Wednesday at 7:45 p. m. I If you have no church we ex tend a hearty welcome to you. FLAT ROCK METHODIST CHARGES i Rev. Robt. Al. Vainer, minister. I Edneyville: Preaching worship, | '10:00; Sunday school, 11:00. You ! are invited to worship with us in both of these services. I Moore's Grove: Sunday school, I 10:00; preaching worship, 11:00. | Please be with us. Sunday after-1 noon. 3:00, we are having a I charge meeting at Moore's Grove. Rev. T. A. Groce, of Asheville. is to preach. Let us have a good at tendance. East Flat Rock: Sunday school, 10:00. Junior and Senior Epworth League, 6:45. Pleaching, 7:30. TOWN NOW RldUILI, EARTHQUAKE PROOF I)OMHAY, Oct. 8. — (UP) — Quctta, which was almost levelled by an earthquake in 1935, when more than 40,000 people were killed, is now virtually "quake proof." Reconstruction work is nearing completion. Quetta's new build ings are composed of a series of boxlike structures, separated by expansion joints as a protection against weather changes. Kvcn in the worst earthquake these joints might crack, but they cannot break. INJURED AT HOSPITAL ANDERSON, Iiul. (I P).—Mrs: John Yauch. 61, is a patient at St. John's hospital here suffering from a fractured hip sustained while entering the hospital to visit Jier sister. She fell from her au tomobile in front of the building. Both she and her sister are re covering. , Women May Hunt Deer And Bear In Pisgah Forest Provisions for Sixth An annual Hunt There Made Public ASHKVILLE, Oct. 8. (UP) — Uncle Sam and the State of North Carolina are inviting 1,000 hunt ers to try their luck at shooting some of the 4,500 deer and 150 black Lear in Pisgah National Forest between Nov. 7. and Dec. 3. The first 1.000 qualified persons who their applications to the U. S. Forest Serv ce in Atlantn, Ga.. will be permitted to take part in the shooting. Only failure to send the $7.50 entrance fee or being1 on the "black list" for pa?t violation of game laws will disqualify an ap plicant. Women will be allowed to par-1 ticipate except in the rugged "wilderness" area which will be I allotted to 400 experienced hunt ers physically able to stand three days of camping out and carrying their own equipment. As in the past four years, each hunter is allowed three days in1 the forest, after which he or she • must quit regardless of success or I failure. ' Bucks, does and black bears' may be shot, but only one animal | is allotted each hunter. If a man has his heart set oh bagging a big buck, he must run instead of shoot if a ferocious bear chases him. i The $7.50 "co-operative agree ment" charge paid to the Forest Service bv 1,600 hunters will to tal $12,000. In past years there! havo been far more than 1,600 j applicants for each hunt. Additional costs to the hunter | include a North Carolina license! —$2.10 if he lives in the state;, $15.25 if he lives elsewhere. There is a $10 extra fee charged any hunter who k'lh a bear and wants to take it with him. Three-dav hunting periods will start each Monday and Thursday duiimr the season. Approximately 60,000 of the Pisgah game pre serve's 100,000 acres will he open for shooting. The r°st is inacces-, sible because of barren ropks. | dense thickets and precipitous slopes. Special officers, rangers and pame protectors will supervise the hunt, guide narticipants to assign ed areas and help them carry out the animals thev kill. * In the "general" area, surround-' inc the inner and more dangerous | "wilderness,.", sportsmen will check i with supervisors each mornin? and ' Brevard College To Hold Parents Day October 16 BREVARD, Oct. S. (Special). Students and faculty of Brevard college have set aside Sunday, Oct. Id, as Parents' day. An an nual affair, Parents' day gives mothers and fathers of Brevard students an opportunity to see the college "home" of their sons and daughters and to observe typical activities on Sunday. Religious services in the morn ing; dinner on the campus, or with their children in some of the nearby beauty spots; department al exhibits; fellowship with the faculty; a specially arranged pro gram of music; and re-union with their children will make the day of interest and worth to each par ent. The 15 students from Hender son county have invited their fam ilies to spend all or a part of the day on the campus. Parents hav ing sons and daughters at Brevard college arc Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wells, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Stepp, Mrs. Madge Dunlap Stepp, Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Shipman, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Kitchin, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Youngblood, Mr. and Mrs. night. They will spend the nights on public camp grounds adjoining the game preserve or in the near by towns of Hendersonville, Ashe ville, Brevard, Pisgah Forest and Waynesville. when Children Lack Appetite Wben a child doesn't take a keen, healthy interest in meals—some thing's wrong. Better look into it right away. If the condition per sists, and the child is listless and fails to gain weight, go and have n talk with your Doctor. He will make a thorough and complete diagnosis and prescribe the needed remedy. When you have the prescription, we will welcome the opportunity t< fill it for you. Prescriptions are out • pcrialLy. You can al ways he assure*' f f-enl» Hrucs and fair prices Jackson Pharmacy Opposite Po*t Office Phone 21 L. G. Newman, Mr. and \u M. Jonee, Mr. and Mrs. c YV" Mrs. A. J. Henderson, (j (• p!H Mr. and Mrs. Lester ? and Mrs. E. J. Dalton \\r' If Mrs. J. I. Waddoll, 'arid Pharalo Thompson. POLICEMAN HAS OWN stfv FORT WORTH. T.x,. (I'tS) The traffic law violators *h.„ k a little more careful wtl.r say to Patrolman Kinl h, !.* hereafter. Holland 4.a„ shorthand, and he t!<Mv „ member the things that pie say about "the law." ^ NEW 1939 MODELS AW/ The famous Red Mounts* Hot Blast Down-D:;>f? Ttk blocks waite liwt sr.-h it flowing through the :«<i . . . PAYS FOR TT5EI.F AS LITTLE AS $1 WEEKU Heater Prices Start at $3i( BRUNSON FURNITURE CO, Radio Sales and Service with the fuel it saver.! PRICES BEGIN AT $24.51 '/vat 'Hon ...the can't-be-copied blend of Chesterfield's mild ripe home-grown and Turkish tobaccos Copyright 1938, Liggett & Mvue, Tol..^ Co. esterfield ...the blend that can't be copied ...the RIGHT COMBINATION of the world's best cigarette tobaccos No other cigarette blends tobaccos the Chesterfield way— the way that gives millions more smoking pleasure. Ej&J The sun never sets on Chest I# erfield's popularity. Wherever Mr you go, you hear smokers say "Chesterfields are milder... I like the way they taste." There's a mighty good reason why you'll like Chesterfields ^ better than any cigarette you ever tried. It's because of what they al ways give you ...a lot more smoking pleasure.