OCR Interpretation

The times-news. [volume] (Hendersonville, N.C.) 1927-current, October 11, 1938, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063811/1938-10-11/ed-1/seq-4/

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9S or 9125
MRS. C. R. McMANAWAY, Editor
rr-r^r7^7T^^7^r^Tre,t to The
Circle No. 1, Mrs. E. H. Suther
land chairman, and circle No. 2,
Mrs. H. Walter Fuller chairman,
had a special joint meeting yes
terday afternoon *n the drawing
room at Fassifern with Mcsdames i
Joseph R. Sevier and 3. L Wood
ward as joint hostesses N'ir.e mem- ;
ber3, including <>ne new one, Mrs.
A. H. Wood, and two visitors were
present from cirele No. 1, whiJe
representatives from circle No. 2 j
numbered 17 members and three
visitors, one of the^e being a new \
member, J*r3. G. B. Killerr.
Mrs. A. Crawford Smith, presi- |
dent of tne auxiliary, -»as also a|
visitor. Mrs. L T. Wilds, of circle i
No. 2, presented the devotional,
and Mrs. Woodward from No. 1
the program. Miss Marion Max
well, a Fa.-i.-uferr siudent, render- j
ed beautifully "My Task," accom- •
panied by the inst.* :ctor of piano, j
Miss Eieanor Etheridge. Miss 1
Dorothea Stadelnan, instructor
of dramatic?, gave a reading ■
which was much enjoyed. Mrs.
Woodward made tne closing pray-1
er. The ladies then adjourned to I
the junior t*a nouse. where cake
and salted nuts were served with
Circle No. 3 was entertained by '
Miss Julia Crosland and Mrs. C. M.
Brown at the Marlborough, 15
members and two visitors being
in attendance. Miss Iva I.aing
pres'ded. In the absence of Mrs.
I Frank Sanford the Bible study
t was taught by Mrs. C. L. Grey.
, Miss Mary McLauren was in
charge of the program. A letter
of appreciation from an orphan
• for the box of clothes sent him i
•' was read. A 3alad course was
, served.
• • _ t _ j —I
i ne meeting oi -» **—
held at the home of Mrs. A. F.
' C<?7eman with Mrs. W. J. Reese
' presiding. The subject, Home
Missions, was handled by Mrs. A.
Fowler and others. The Bible
study wa3 conducted by Mrs. J. 1
A. Smyth. Eleven members and
one visitor attended and dainty
refreshments were served them
during the social hour.
Mrs. Almonte E. Jones wa3
hostess at the meeting of Circle
No. 5 last evening. Thirteen were
present, including the auxiliary
president, Mrs. Crawford Smith.
In the absence of the president,
Mrs W. J. McCoy, the meeting ;
wan conduct'-d hv her mother,
Mx* IT. A. Yeomans. Mrs. John ,
Peden >tad the prcarrnm on home (
missions, and Miss Emma Sample
gave th • T-ible study Cookies and »
Russian tea were served.
Me^dames Thomas H. Franks
a ad W. F Algary were joint hos- j
testes at th~ meetinsr of circle No. I
f> at the h^me of the former. Mrs.
Laurence McKay was in the chair,
and Mrs. Franks cave the Bible
-iwwnn. Mrs. Melvin Cannon pre
sented the program. Cookie3 and
Russian tea were 3erved to 17
• • •
The Woman's Missionary soci- '
ety cf the that Baptist church!
held the regular meeting yesler-!
day afternoon with Mrs. Mary C. I
Brinson, president, in the chair. |
After the openine hymn Mrs. R. ;
K Suttenfiei'i, program chairman
from the Martha Sullinger circle, !
took char. e and presented the de- i
votior.a!. Mrs. C. R. Whitaker !
closed it with prayer.
Mrs. Walter Slt-pj' sang a beau- I
tiiul ' Sunrise." with Mrs. W. j
for the aitemoon was "Sheaves •
in the \«ar Ea«'.;" talks were i
made by Mesdames I. B. Hughes i
and Suttenfieki. Djrir.g the busi-1
ness session routine matters were j
dispatched and good reports j
heard. Plans were made for the
Union Missionary meeting on Oc
tober 31 at this church.
The Sarau Egerton circle won
the attendance pi.*. It was decid
ed that the circle leaders would
be. responsible for the November
program, and in December the
general officers will have the
mdeting in charge. The closing
The best "divorce insur
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PATTERN* BOOK, 32 pasres of
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Photographs show dresses made
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prayer was made by Mrs. W. P.
* * *
The regular meetine of the;
American legion Auxiliary was1
r.eld at the clubhouse last evening
with the new president, Mrs.
Frank Yarborough, in charge.
\V hen the usuai opening had been
observed, Mrs. A. V. Edwards,
membership committee chairman,
leported 40 members to date.
Plans were outlined for the com
ing year, and committees an
Plans for a day nursery were
presented by Mrs. Mary C. Brin
ron and three dollars monthly was
voted toward the expenses. At the
close of the business session a so
cial hour was enjoyed and by re
quest Mrs. J. W. Farmer gave
some delightful readings. The
hostesses, Mesdames Sam Kalin
and farmer, served cake, mints
and Russian tea to 16 members
and four visitors.
* * *
The Belle Bennett circle held
the November meeting yesterday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. H.
C. Ranson. The president, B$rs. H.
E. Buchanan, presided over a
short business' session following
the repeating in unison of the
Lord's Prayer. Attention was
called to the silver tea at the
church parlors on Friday after
noon between the hours of 3:30
and 5:30 in celebration of the
sixtieth anniversary of the found
ing of the Missionary society.
A chapter in the study book >
was given by Mrs. Frederick W.
Streetman. The devotions by Mrs.
A. W. Groover were followed by
the usual dismissal prayer. Tea
and cakes were served during th^
social hour.
• * *
Mrs. V. C. Burrowes and Jimmy
and Elizabeth Burrowes left yes
terday afternoon for Milwaukee
Wis., where they were called on
account of the passing of her
mother, Mrs. E. A. Burke. Mrs
Burrowes had just returned home
about three weeks ago after a vis
it to her mother.
Mesdames M. M. Redden and
A. L. Sheider left this morning by
motor for Raleigh to attend the
btate fair and incidental affairs.
Tney will be away most of the
J,ohn K- Begg and niece,
Miss Helen Begg, of Spartanburg,
»;• were week-end guests of
Miss Mary Brooks and Mr, J. F
Brooks. .
Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Jackson
spent the past week in Rock Hill,
S. C., returningfi yesterday. Their
daughter, Miss Rebecca Jackson,
of W. C. of U. N. C., Greensboro,
was with them for the week-end.
Miss Nannie Newsome has re
turned to Union Mills school near
Rutherford ton, of which she is a
member of the faculty, after a
visit to her cousin, Mrs. W. H. \
Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Holzworth !
aftd fanfily spent the week-end in ;
Pineville, Ky.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Gossett were
week-end guests in Charleston, S.
C., of the latter's sister, Mrs. K.
B. Halsall. They spent awhilei
with Mrs. James D. Lucas while
there. *•*
Miss Mattie Hollingsworth, of
East Flat Rock, is a patient at
Patton Memorial hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Young have 1
returned to their home which was
rented for the summer.
(Continued from page one) j
High ranking army officials
said the net was au "unqualified
success," and ; Major - General
F rank M. Andrews, commander of
the general headquarters airforce,
declared the maneuvers were of
"inestimable value."
The week-Ion efficiency test
began Monday at 4 a. m., with
further tests between 6 p. m. and
10 p. m. At 4:15 a. m., Captain
Fred J. Oillikin of the Cape Look
out coast guard reported to de
fense headquarters here: "Three
planes sighted. Flying high. Di
rection west."
Headquarters swept into action.
Army men manned the huge elec
tric map on which positions of the
planes were noted. Others moved
to attention, ready for reports
from radio, telephone and tele
graph. An order was flashed out
to alert other stations of the
warning net The first report
was followed 'by another and an
other. At 4:25 the planes were
reported over Mayaville with fur
ther reports of speed and direc
tion. Headquarters knew they
were reconaissance planes. Their
course was plotted and orders
went out to the anti-aircraft to
"get ready." When the planes
reached their objective, a field a
few miles from here, giant 60
inch, 000,000 candlepower
searchlights illuminated them
briefly and then were quickly
switched off. ;■* " •
Simultaneously, fceadqUart era
were Yeceitjng reports ot ap
proaching bombers."
By 5 a. m. headquarters knew
the positions of the nine attack
planes and the bombers. Pursuit
planes, kept in readiness in hid
den fields, swarmed into the air.
Thirty-one of the 33 invaders
were reported "intercepted" —
two or more slower-flyinK defense
planes reached tactically superior
positions over the bombers—apd
many were theoretically brought
down. Results were determined
by referee son the ground.
In last night'* tf*t, results were
the same. Messages were plashed
from outlying posts as far as 200
miles awav in less than three
North Carolina has enough
state - maintained highways to
reach around the world two and
one-half times.
Ex-Gov. Heyward
In Writer's Role
Autographs Volume Given
to Library Here
A copy of "Seed From Mada
gascar," written by former Gov
ernor D. C. Heyward, of South
Carolina, and published by the
University of North Carolina
press, has been presented to the
Hendersonville library.
The presentation was made by
the author, who spends his sum
mers here, and i3 autographed by
Considered a valuable contribu
tion of South Carolina history,
the book deals with rice planting
in lower South Carolina from the
time the seeds were brought from
Madagascar until the general
abandonment of rice planting in
the early part of this century.
Governor Heyward, the last of
the large rice plantation opera
tors, deals with his subject in an
interesting and entertaining man
Brother-in-Law of Messers.
Brooks Leaves Daughter
Also in County
J. F. Brooks and G. W. Brooks
were called to Piedmont, S. C.,
today on account of the death of
Plato Gillespie, 66, their brother
in-law, who died there Monday
afternoon. Funeral services were
being held at the home this after
Mr. Gillespie, husband of the
former Miss Druella Brooks, elder
sister of Mr. J. F. Brooks, was
well known in this county as a
plant producer. A daughter, the
former Miss Ella Gillespie, is the
wife of J. L. Brittain, of Mills
News of Mr. Gillespie's death
was unexpected here, and it was.
not known that he wa3 ill.
Yugoslavs Are
Lining Up With;
Rome-Berlin Axis
BELGRADE, Oct. 11. (UP).— !
Recent Prince Paul of Yugoslavia
yesterday dissolved parliament J
and reorganized the cabinet in an
apparent move to strengthen the
government's alignment with
Rome and Berlin.
By forcing a general election
when opposition parties favoring
friendship with the democracies!
are suffering from a body blow,
due to the Czech dismemberment,
the government of Premier Milan
Stoyarinovich hopes to get a
"popular mandate ■ for more ex
tensive cooperation with Germany,
and Italy.
The foreign policy of the gov-1
ernment has been based on this j
type of cooperation with authori
tarian states, but a strong opposi
tion has maintained that Yugo
slavia's welfare depends on coop
eration with the western demo-'
In his decree yesterday, Prince
Paul—who rules during the boy
hood of King Peter—ordered elec
tions for parliament on December
11. In the cabinet shift M. Hod
jera, leader of the'Yugoslav Fas
cist party was named minister'
without portfolio and Croat Dep
uty Mastrovich was appointed
minister of physical education.
(Continued from page one)
Act and had approved a test of
strength with President Roosevelt j
over the reappointment of Donald"
Wakefield Smith to the National!
Labor Relations board.
An immediate pardon for Thos.
J. Mooney, serving a life term in
a California prison in connection
with the San Francisco Prepared
ness Day bombing, also was de
In the death of Mrs. J. F.
Brooks on July 31, 1938, the Wo
man's Missionary society of the
First Baptist church of Hender
sonville, North Carolina, lost one
of its most faithful members. Mrs.
Brooks was loyal not only to the.
Woman's Missionary society, but
she was faithful to the entire
church and Sunday school. Her
daily life as she went about the
community doing good, reflected
her beautiful Christian character.
Therefore, the Woman's Mis
sionary society passes the follow
ing resolutions:
First, That we wish to express
our feeling of sorrow and loss in
the death of our beloved sister
and co-worker in Christ.
Second, That we also wish to j
express our appreciation of her
beautiful Christian life which im- 1
pressed itself upon all those with
whom she came in contact.
Third, That we desire to extend
our sympathy to the members of
her family and friends, and com
mend to them Him who is able
to save to the uttermost.
Fourth, That a copy of these
resolutions be sent fb the family,
ei copy to The Biblical Rccordfir,
and a copy to be placed upon the
minutes of the Woman's Mission
8ly SMRSyW. H. CALE,
Itp - "Committee.
All But Three W. N. C.
Blazes Caused by Man,
Survey Shows
During the first six months of
1938 the State Forest Service re
ported 455 forest fires in Western
North Carolina, of which only
three were caused by lightning
and 452 by m£n, aeeordmg to
County Forest Warden F D. Dal
ton, who took up his duties Sep
te?hese man-caused fires did thou
sands of dollars of damage, but it
is encouraging to note that the
number of such fires have de
creased in the past several years,
Mr. Dalton said.
He urged co-operation »n pre
venting fires and cited several
causes, such as throwing lighted
cigarets or matches from cars, or
while hunting, and compliance
with state laws in building camp
fire? The state law requires a
clear space of 10 feet for such a
^ Mr. Dalton cited the state law
which requires a permit before
burning debris or brush. Burning
permits may be secured from Mr.
Dalton, on the Brevard road;
Whitaker, at Horse Shoe; it., *•
Lvda, Big Hungry; Glover King,
Dana or at Sherman's Sporting
Goods store, Hendersonville. .
After securing permits, adjoin
ing land owners should be noti
fied, a careful watch should be
maintained over the fire, and fires
should never be started near the
woods or where fire can reach the
weeds when dry conditions pre
vail. . .„ ,
These regulations will be en
forced, Mr. Dalton said, and those
failing to comply will be prose
CUMr. Dalton has assumed his du
ties as forest warden and relieves
S. S. Whitaker of these duties, but
Mr. Whitaker remains as county
game and fish protector in the
Ontario Forest
Fire Fatal Toll;
10 Others Hurt
11.—(UP)—Flaming forests kill
ed eleven persons and injured at
least 10 others near here today.
The victims were members of
two families, trapped and burned
to death while seeking to escape
their fire encircled homes.
More than one thousand volun
teers foujrht the flames which^ap
proached to within a mile of Fort
Frances, just across the border
from International Falls, Minn.
(Continued from page one)
spent the night there. He was or
his way to Berlin to attend the
annual meeting there tomorrow
of the Lilienthal society, named
in honor of the German pioneer
aeronaut and gliding expert who
was killed in 1866 after having
made 2,000 successful glider
The article on which the letter
of the Soviet airmen was based
appeared in the publication "This
Week." It asserted that informa
tion used by the cabinet during
the Czechoslovak crisis, and which
was instrumental in swinging
younger members to the view of
the cabinet element which favored
peace at almost any price, origi
nated with Lindbergh. It said that
Lindbergh as a guest of Lady As
tor said that the German air force
could defeat the combined British,
French, Russian and Czechoslovak
"Members of the Cliveden set
saw in this statement an oppor
tunity too good to miss and start
ed the ball rolling in Tory cir
cles," said This Week.
Cliveden is Viscount Astor's es
tate near London, and Labor party
and communist circles allege that
the people who meet there, the
"Cliveden set," are pro-Nazi, and
have influenced high members of
the government.
Even more interest was shown
here in a statement first made in
The Week, and repeated in the
letter of the Soviet airmen de
nouncing Lindbergh, that authori
ties in London and Paris had in
formation that the Russian air
fleet was equal if not superior to
the combined German and Japa
nese air force.
Unofficial estimates made in
Moscow place the strength of the
Russian air force as between 4,
000 and 5,000 planes, and the list
is stronger than Germany's nu
Of interest to many friends
throughout the Carolinas and
Florida was the nmrriagje of Mrs.
Katharine Sentell Huggins of Hen
dersonville, and Max L. Henrioud
of Hawthorne, Fla., which took
place at high noon Monday, Oct.
10, at the home of Mrs. R. G.
Coleman of Greenville, S. C., in
the presence of a few friends and
relatives. Mrs. R. G. Coleman is
a sister to the bride.
The bride was Attractively dress
ed in a navy fall traveling suit,
with accessories to match. After
touring points in Florida, Mr. and
Mrs. Henrioud will spend the
winter in St. Augustine, Fla.
The Conversion of Cities Into Battlefields
The battle "front' in today's wars is anywhere within range of an enemy's bombing p!ar-< 'vT'*8
doners, knowing full well that their fat, sprawling city would be an initial objective tr.
started, sped frantic measures for civilian protection. Pictured above are workmen bu*\ . **
face of beautiful Hyde Park with zig-zag trenches. The trenches were not needed, bu*
long remember their foretaste of air war's rain of terror.
Chinese Commander Says
Series of Attacks
Is Effectual
United Press Staff Correspondent
SHANGHAI, Oct. 11. (UP) —
! General Chang Fa-kwei, China s
famed "Ironsides" commander.
, claimed the greatest victory of
the Chinese-Japanese war today,
asserting that he had virtually
wiped out the Japanese 101st di
vision from Tokyo in a series of
smashing counter attacks on the
Xanchang front southeast of Han
Chane Fa-kwei, whose Canton
ese divisions have been holding up
the Japanese drive on Nanchang
i for more than a month, said that
he hfcd counter-attacked suddenly
all along the front south of Tehan
early yesterday and entrapped the
Japanese who were worn out from
I weeks of continuous fighting.
(Foreign military attaches
watching the Japanese drive on
! Hankow have reported repeatedly
j that the Tokyo 101st division,1
composed of second line reserv
1 ists, was performing badly and
I was likely to collapse if attacked
! by superior numbers.)
Chang placed the number of
j Japanese killed at 20,000 but this
' figure was believed greatly exag
I gerated. < . ■ .
j The battle, important as it was,
1 was more than offset, however, by
a series of Japanese, victories
which brought spearheads of the
Imperial armies closer to the vital
Hankow-Canton munitions railway
and made it almost certain that
the Japanese wiH take the vital
Wu-han (Wuchang. Hankow and
Hanyang) area—traditional mili
tary heart of China—by the end
of this month.
The Japanese had consolidated
their occupation of Sinyang, on
, the Peiping-Hankow railway 100
' miles north of Hankow, and were
fanning out through the moun
tains on a southward driv^ to
wards the provisional Chinesccap
Japanese naval planes continued
bombine: Canton and other points'
in South China and had damaeed j
the southern reachse of the Han-'
kow-Canton railway to a point
where no traffic whatever was
moving. i
i Diplomats in Shanghai and Han
kow were interested in reports
from Tokyo that some Japanese (
leaders, impressed by Adolf Hit-;
ler's victories in Europe, now fa
vor expanding the German-Japa
nese-Italian declaration against
the Soviet Russian Communist In
ternational into a formal military
alliance. ' * i
The general opinion was that
this will not be done because o,
the fact it would be certain t<
alienate the L'nited States an(
Britain, whose friendship Japar
assiduously is cultivating-.
(Continued from pajre one)
two countries, probably the Ger
man reichsmark.
Political leaders said that th<
plan would mean that Czecho
Slovakia, having already accepte<
the idea of becoming a part o
the German orbit of influence ii
Central Europe, must abandon al
economic and financial independ
BERLIN', Oct. 11. (LP).—Ger
ruany's occupation of the Sude
tenland was completed last nigh
"on ■ schedule," the army higl
command announced as green-jne;
troops of the Reichswehr jhel<
more than one-fifth of the Czech
slovak republic as it existed II
days ago.
About 150,000 German troop
that had been amputating Czecl
border areas on the north, soutl
and west held approximately 11,
500 square miles of territory woi
by Germany in Chancellor Adol
Hitler's ■ "bloodies conquest" un
der the four-power Munich peaci
Germans in close contact witl
the International Commission o
Ambassadors in Berlin, which de
lineated the zones to be occupied
predicted that the commisaioi
soon would abandon the idea o
plebiscites which—under the llu
nich accord—were to be held if
Czech areas . of "questionable'
The commission already ha:
given to Germany some cities an<
towns jn the "fifth zone" .of oc
cupation, which the Munich ac
cord envisaged as ' 'remaining
Czech. * .
BAKNW ELL, Oct. 11.—Mrs
Myra Freeman, who has been it
for some time is gi-adualiy recup
erating. *
The church school at Barnwel
is increasing nicely. Services ar<
held there every Sunday morninf
at 11 o'clock by different preach
eri*. The Reverends Kuykendall
Patterson, and Suel Rhodes hav<
had charge on various Sundays
Mr. Chick Holbert delivered an in
teresting sermon on last Sunday
Chqrch school is always at 10 la
ro^n Sundays.
Xulher Ledbetter called at the
homes of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil L«jti
belter and Mrs. L. J. Ledbettei
Surfday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Laughtei
and children, of Point Lookout,
were Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Millard Lyda.
Edgar Barnwell. Jr., left re
centlv to take a doctor's course,
He graduated at Edneyville this
Palestine Has
New Bloodshed
Wallace Personally Tata)
Charge to Work Against
WASHINGTON*. Oct 1!. <[}
Secretary of Agr;cu;tu:> Wu>
today took persona! c r.ra,
the drive for expanded rr.iy.
to save the New b.-ai farr. r
gram from collapse and-:
edented surpluses.
Wallace ha - reor;»ar I
tire admini-tf ;:* .- *u:'f t »:|
the revised' program, irtendei •
expand domestic markets total
products and im rea e |
to "give farmer- a fair -rirti
the national income."
Five years of .W.v t-ffc-.l
to solve the fai r.; problem' irtl
now jeopardized y unraarketifci|
surpluses and the low>«t j-riw
since 1933.
The October i "P fc aid rep<^
showed ag^Tefc..' i .1 pM
tion as. the hiv «• lfc|
with the c-xcepti r> > i
JERUSALEM..Oct. 11, <r?*
Blo<idshed today
out Palestine a- !'• M<'"
up headquarter- •
of the Church of Nat ;.!> ^
lehem. for. h qe-.v dr'.'e.I*
the Holy Land r» • ..
Seventeen A
and many grounded it.
clashes durintr th<- pa>* -
Roper Dacon :i • ' • I
pair of spectacles. v na '•
to vogue in the i-jth ^
RedR^k Col?
•FINE uln
Pick-up a
The Citizens National Bank of Hendersonville is
making a final dividend payment to depositors
who have proved their claim. Please call at the
bank immediately and receive your dividend
check. Call between the hours of 9:00 and
. Citizens National Bank.

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